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Basing on structural and functional signs, pit cells and large granule-containing lymphocytes (LGCL) can be considered as the same type of cells. LGCL take origin from bone marrow, circulate in the blood stream and get into tissues as pit cells or as interepitheliocytic lymphocytes. Therefore, on this ground for convenience of studying and understanding these elements of cell immunity a suggestion is made to distinguish the LGCL system, possessing natural killer activity and paracrinic secretion. An increased functional load to the organism results in an intensified getting of LGCL into places of structural reconstructions of tissues (regenerative active zones). The same effector elements--LGCL (pit cells)--in dependence of necessary functional ensuring under various conditions, produce in the surrounding parenchyma both a proliferative effect and its opposite action. The latter can be manifested as a monocellular colliquational necrosis, or as apoptosis. Apoptosis (active cellular death) is of greatest interest. Disturbances of this mechanism can facilitate to an excess proliferation of cells, or to their extreme death; malignant growth and transplant-versus-host reaction can be mentioned as examples, respectively. LGCL play an important role in the immunobiological supervision and are effectors of active ageing mechanisms. Studying of this important link in regulation of quantity of cell population adequate to functional load should help to purposively influence it for stimulating or repressing cell proliferation, depending on certain concrete purposes.  相似文献   

The distribution of natural cytotoxic (NC) cells in the gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) and in peripheric lymphoid organs was analyzed in comparison to that of natural killer (NK) cells. It was found that cells from the intestinal epithelium, mesenteric lymph nodes and spleen possess significant levels of NC and NK activity, whereas in thymus and popliteal lymph nodes both the natural activities are negligible. As previously shown for splenocytes, the NC activity of GALT cells is detectable in the 16-hour assays and not in the 4-hour assays. Interestingly, Peyer patches lymphocytes (PPL) possess extremely high NC activity but no NK activity. The NC activity of PPL is still high in NK-deficient mouse strains such as A/J and SJL/J. To further support the observation that the effector PPL are truly NC cells, it was shown that, as previously reported for spleen NC activity, overnight incubation at 37 degrees C of the lymphocytes only marginally affected the cytotoxicity of PPL, which could in turn be augmented by interleukin-3 (IL-3) containing supernatants. On the contrary, IL-2 could not increase NC or NK activity by PPL whilst augmenting NK activity of splenocytes. Thus, for the first time a cell population is identified which expresses only NC activity and not NK and which can be positively regulated only by IL-3.  相似文献   

《Cellular immunology》1987,106(2):191-202
We investigated the time course of the 17β-estradiol effect on mouse natural killer (NK) activity and the number of splenic large granular lymphocytes (LGL), a cell population recently associated with natural cytotoxicity and enriched in low density fractions of Percoll discontinuous density gradients. After 7 days of in vivo treatment with estrogen, an increased cytotoxicity against YAC-1 lymphoma cells was observed using only as effectors cells recovered from higher density fractions, usually devoid of NK activity. In contrast, after a 30-day treatment, augmented NK activity and an increase in LGL number were observed in the lower density Percoll fractions. Similar results were observed after a 30-day treatment with the antiestrogen tamoxifen. The cytotoxicity of both low density and high density splenocyte fractions was totally abrogated by treatment with antiserum to asialo GM1 plus complement, whereas anti-Thy 1.2 antibody treatment only partially decreased the reactivity. Further estrogen administration up to 60 days decreased both NK activity and LGL number. It is concluded that estradiol can induce opposite effects on NK activity depending on the time of treatment, with stimulation of NK activity during the first 30 days after treatment followed by depressed NK activity 1 month later.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of these studies was to compare local and systemic human lymphokine activated killer (LAK) and natural killer (NK) cytotoxic activity and to determine its modulation by biologic agents. Local immunity may be an important component in limiting local tumor growth. Therefore, as a model for studying immune function in the local compartment, we assessed NK activity of lymphocytes present at the site of human tumors and in peripheral blood (PBL). We extracted tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) and PBL from patients with pulmonary tumors and compared NK activity and response to the biological modifiers gamma interferon (IFN-), indomethacin (INDO), and interleukin 2 (IL-2). We also studied TIL and PBL LAK activity using the NK-resistant M14 target cells and determined the TIL response to IL-2, plus IFN-. Titration of K562 targets in a 51Cr release assay revealed that untreated TIL have low cytotoxicity (4.32%) compared to untreated PBL (34.3%, P=<0.001). This low level of TIL NK activity was not affected by IFN-, INDO, or IL-2 at 1 h. However, at 3 days of culture, IL-2 with or without exogenous IFN- significantly increased TIL NK ctotoxicity (20.5%, P=0.02 without IFN- and 32.52 lytic units (LU), P=<0.02 with IFN-). Untreated TIL and PBL both had low cytotoxicity against M14 targets (1.08 LU and 1.26 LU), respectively. After 3 days culture with IL-2 plus IFN-, both TIL and PBL LAK cytotoxicity were increased (14.34 LU and 40.63 LU). We conclude that local NK and LAK activity is intrinsically low. However, this activity can be modulated by biologic agents, thus giving hope for the development of local antitumor effectors capable of in vivo tumor control.  相似文献   

Plastic-adherent lymphokine-activated natural killer (LANK) cells were generated from nylon wool-nonadherent murine splenocytes cultured in recombinant interleukin-2 (IL-2). Under such conditions, adherent lymphokine-activated killer cells capable of killing natural killer (NK)-resistant targets were not generated. Adherent LANK cells proliferated rapidly and closely resembled NK cells in their morphology, cytotoxic reactivity, and surface marker expression. Mice with severe combined immunodeficiency (scid) were used to generate adherent LANK cells to define the role of T cells in LANK cell development. Scid lymphocytes responded to IL-2 by becoming adherent LANK cells with potent NK-like activity, suggesting that soluble lymphokines other than IL-2 that may have been produced by T cells were not required for the generation of LANK cell activity in mice.  相似文献   

NK activity of mice as well as humans and rats has been clearly associated with large granular lymphocytes (LGL). To better understand the effects of interferon (IFN) and IFN inducers on natural killer (NK) cells, we have compared the LGL in the spleens of normal and boosted mice. Cells were fractionated by centrifugation on discontinuous Percoll density gradients, and each fraction was tested for NK activity against YAC-1 targets and for the presence of LGL. In vivo treatment with C. parvum (0.7 mg/mouse, i.p., day-3), MVE-2 (25 mg/kg, i.p., day-3), poly I:C (4 mg/kg, i.p., day-3), or IFN (10(5) U/mouse, i.p., day-1) resulted in a marked augmentation and a change of distribution of cytotoxic activity. Most of the NK activity of boosted spleen cells was associated with lower density fractions 1 and 2, whereas active normal spleen cells had somewhat higher density (fractions 2 and 3). In parallel to their increased reactivity, the boosted spleens had a marked increase in the percentage of LGL, particularly in fractions 1 and 2. The augmented activity appeared to be mediated by the LGL, because treatment with anti-asialo GM1 or anti-Thy-1.2 plus complement reduced NK as well as the number of LGL. These results indicate that IFN-mediated boosting of NK activity in the spleen is due to an increase in the lower density LGL, as well as to an increase in the function of preexisting NK cells.  相似文献   

The effect of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) on natural killer (NK) cell activity of human lymphocytes was examined. The addition of an emulsion of trieicosapentaenoyl-glycerol (EPA-TG) emulsified with purified phosphatidylcholine from krill to a cytotoxicity assay system resulted in a marked depression of NK activity. The inhibition was proportional to the concentration of EPA-TG emulsion, and was observed as early as the first one hour of incubation at various effector to target cell ratios. Pretreatment of effector cells with EPA-TG emulsion resulted in significant suppression of their NK activity. Inhibition of cytotoxicity was not due to direct toxicity to effector cells or decreased target cell binding. These results indicate that EPA is a potent inhibitor of NK activity in vitro.  相似文献   

The in vitro action of interferon (IFN)-alpha and IFN-gamma from six healthy donors and ten patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) on natural killer (INK) activity of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) was studied in an autologous system. The NK activity of PBL was detected by a cytotoxic test using (3)H-uridine human erythromyeloblast K562 cells. Autologous IFN-alpha and IFN-gamma did not augment NK activity of PBL from healthy donors in vitro, whereas in samples from MS patients the IFNs strongly stimulated NK cell cytotoxic function. This stimulation suggests the existence of an inhibitor of regulatory IFN action, that is produced in healthy donors simultaneously with IFN in response to IFN induction, but which is lacking in commercial IFN preparations. The factor-containing supernatants from healthy donors reduced the stimulatory action of autologous IFNs in patients with MS almost until complete blockade. Because this inhibitor was absent in patients with MS, deficiency of an inhibitor of IFN regulatory action in MS could open the way to treatment of this compartment of the immune system.  相似文献   

A model for monitoring the accumulation of natural killer cell/large granular lymphocytes (NK/LGL) at a site of virus replication was studied by using mice infected i.p. with either lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV), mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), Pichinde virus, or vaccinia virus. An i.p. but not i.v. infection resulted in a localized increase in NK/LGL cell number (a fourfold to greater than 20-fold increase) and augmentation (a 10- to 20-fold increase) of NK cell activity associated with virus-induced peritoneal exudate cell (PEC) populations. An increase in NK/LGL cell number was detected as early as 12 hr postinfection (p.i.) and peaked at 3 days p.i. with MHV. The initial LGL recruited into the peritoneal cavity at 1 to 3 days p.i. were nonadherent to plastic and were demonstrated to have an NK cell phenotype: asialo GM1+, Thy-1.2 +/-, Lyt-2.2-, and J11d-. The peak number of LGL appeared at 7 days after infection with the NK cell-resistant virus, LCMV. This LGL population had been previously demonstrated to contain cytotoxic T lymphocyte/LGL (CTL/LGL) as well as NK/LGL. During an MHV infection the number of LGL decreased between days 3 and 7 p.i., suggesting that the second wave of CTL/LGL was absent. These findings may explain the absence of a good MHV-CTL model. Virus-induced, activated NK/LGL responded to chemotactic signals by migrating in a unidirectional manner across two 5-microns pore size polycarbonate filters during 7 hr in vitro chemotaxis assays. Wash-out fluid obtained from the peritoneal cavity contained chemotactic activity for NK/LGL as well as for other cell types. We conclude that production and/or release of chemotactic factors at sites of virus replication are at least partially responsible for the accumulation of NK/LGL at these sites.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of cis-4-sulfoethylthio-cyclophosphamide (mafosfamide) on natural killer cell activity was examined in vitro in order further to elucidate the possible immunological mechanisms of tumor regressions following low-dose oxazaphosphorine therapy. It was observed that cytotoxicity of human blood lymphoid cells was unchanged or reduced when the lymphocytes were pretreated for 24 h with mafosfamide or when the drug was present during incubation with K562 cells. However, when lymphoid cells were preincubated with human leukocyte interferon plus mafosfamide, natural killer activity was enhanced above the level caused by interferon alone. This enhancement was noted at mafosfamide concentrations of 1 nM-1 M and was only present when the lymphocyte preparation was contaminated with monocytes.  相似文献   

Non-adherent Percoll-separated large granular lymphocytes (LGLs) fractionated by fluorescence-activated cell sorter into CD16+ CD4- natural killer (NK) cells and CD16- CD4+ T cells, were co-cultured with bone marrow (BM) cells previously depleted of adherent T and/or NK cells by immunoadsorption (panning) and plated in a clonogenic assay to assess myeloid colony formation (CFU-gm growth). LGLs, NK cells and LGL T cells [low buoyant density (LBD) T cells] each significantly reduced colony-stimulating factor (CSF)-dependent CFU-gm growth to 70% of control values (p less than 0.05). Non-LGL T cells [high buoyant density (HBD) T cells] did not affect this growth. Incubation of the effector cells with human recombinant interleukin 2 prior to co-culturing did not alter these findings. The supernatants obtained from LGLs, NK cells and LBD T cells co-cultured with BM cells also inhibited CFU-gm growth to 70% of the control, whereas supernatants from effector cells which were not co-cultured with BM had no such effect. These supernatants from the LGL:BM co-cultured cells possessed NK cytotoxic factor (NKCF), but lacked alpha and gamma interferons, tissue necrosis factor-alpha, and prostaglandin E2. These results suggest that BM cells stimulate LGLs to produce NKCF, and that LGLs, CD16+ NK cells, and CD4+ CD16- LBD T cells activated by contact with BM cells inhibit CFU-gm growth.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells are being appreciated not only for their ability to recognize and lyse tumor cells and virus-infected cells but also for their immunoregulatory properties. NK cells provide a first line of defense against invading pathogens with a two pronged attack, lysis of infected cells and secretion of cytokines and chemokines with potent antipathogen effects. This article describes the standard chromium release assay, which measures the ability of NK cells derived from the peripheral blood to lyse appropriate target cells.  相似文献   

The influence of blood plasma of women of the 1st and 3rd pregnancy trimester and of cord blood on natural killer (NK) activity of peripheral blood lymphocytes of non-pregnant women was investigated. The maximum suppressive activity on NK was observed with plasma of pregnant women of the 3rd trimester with low NK-activity. Data suggesting the involvement of estradiol in this suppressive activity was obtained. No suppressive activity of cord blood plasma was found despite the low NK-activity of cord blood.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examined the dynamics of splenic natural killer (NK) cells under two conditions of enhanced NK cell activity: (1) CBA/J mice given polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly-I:C), an NK-cell-enhancing agent, and 62) untreated athymic nude (nu/nu) mice. The 'total NK cell activity' of the spleen (percentage specific lysis corrected for changes in organ cellularity) increased 5-fold and 2.7-fold after poly-I:C treatment for 1 day and 4 days, respectively. An injection of hydroxyurea (HU), a cell-cycle-toxic drug, given together with either poly-I:C or saline to CBA/J mice resulted in both cases in a 25% reduction in total NK cell activity 1 day later. This suggests that the renewal rate of nondividing NK cells is similar in poly-I:C-treated and saline-injected mice, and that the NK-enhancing effect of poly-I:C is not due to a stimulation of proliferation among NK cell precursors. HU administered simultaneously with poly-I:C or saline for 4 days eliminated NK cell activity in both cases, indicating that spleen NK cell activity is mediated almost entirely by newly formed (less than or equal to 4 days) cells. In nude mice, NK cell activity was assayed at various intervals after an HU depletion period of 2 days. NK depletion was initially more rapid in nu/nu mice than in control (nu/+) mice, although equally profound, and the subsequent recovery of NK cell activity after cessation of HU was also more rapid than in control (nu/+) mice.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK)T cells are innate lymphocytes that release important amount of immunoregulatory cytokines (IFN-gamma and/or IL-4) shortly after T cell receptor engagement by (glyco)lipid antigens presented by the CD1d molecules. Through this property, NKT cells play pivotal role in many physiopathologic situations. Here, we review the current knowledge of the functions and mechanisms of activation of NKT cells during infection, with a particular emphasis on helminthic infections. Recent findings suggest that, although dispensable for host resistance, NKT cells play part in the development of the acquired immune response and in the control of the pathology during murine schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were depleted and enriched for natural killer target-binding cells (NK-TBC) by sedimentation of MOLT 4 tumor conjugate suspensions over discontinuous gradients. NK-TBC-depleted PBL consistently demonstrated diminished NK cytolytic levels whereas the NK levels of PBL enriched for NK-TBC were at least six-to eight-fold greater. An equal ratio of NK-TBC-enriched and depleted PBL combined at the time of cytotoxicity assay demonstrated NK levels intermediate between those of TBC-enriched and depleted PBL. However, coculturing NK-TBC-enriched and depleted PBL for 18 hr resulted in levels equivalent to those of NK-TBC-enriched cells and greater than those predicted from either population cultured alone. The increased NK activity in 18-hr cocultures required protein synthesis by TBC-enriched cells but was not abrogated by anti-interferon antibodies. In other experiments both NK-TBC-depleted and -enriched populations demonstrated considerable NK activity after exposure to autologous non-T lymphocytes. Also, autologous monocytes were found to inhibit the generation of NK activity among TBC-depleted PBL exposed to autologous non-T lymphocytes. The results suggest that non-TBC PBL have the potential to develop functional NK activity and that differing autologous mechanisms might be reponsible for NK generation.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to characterize lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity induced with IL-4/B cell stimulatory factor-1 and to compare IL-4-induced LAK activity with IL-2-induced LAK activity. Culture of murine lymphocytes with high concentrations of IL-4 induced nonspecific lytic activity against a wide variety of tumors. Lytic activity induced by IL-4 increased with increasing concentrations of IL-4 over the range of 1.0 to 25 ng/ml. The kinetics of LAK induction by IL-4 and IL-2 were similar; however, IL-4 was less effective than IL-2 in maintaining lytic activity for longer culture periods and provided lower viable cell yields than did IL-2. Similar to IL-2, IL-4 induced blastogenesis and the generation of large granular lymphocytes, all LAK activity observed was exclusively associated with the large granular lymphocyte fraction, and the cytolytic effector cells were heterogeneous in regards to cell surface phenotype. The majority of IL-4-induced lytic activity was associated with mutually exclusive NK-like (i.e., NK-1.1+ Lyt-2-) and T cell-like (i.e., NK-1.1- Lyt-2+) LAK cells. The precursors for each subset were distinct and expressed the asialo-GM1+ Lyt-2- and the asialo-GM1+ Lyt-2+ phenotypes, respectively. Although IL-4-induced LAK effector cells were morphologically and phenotypically similar to IL-2-induced LAK cells, IL-2 generated equivalent numbers of T cell-like and NK-like LAK cells, whereas IL-4 generated 3.5-fold more T cell-like LAK cells than NK-like LAK cells. It might eventually be possible to exploit the preferential activation of T cell-like LAK by IL-4 for therapeutic advantage.  相似文献   

The natural killer activity (NKA) of human mononuclear cells and the activity of the lysosomal enzymes of these cells (arylsulfatase, acid phosphatase and beta-glucuronidase) has been studied in norm and under human lung cancer. The mononuclear cells were isolated from peripheral blood of 10 healthy donors and 20 patients with lung cancer of II-III stages. Under the action of mononuclear cells on the target cells (human erythroleukosis cells K-562 labeled with 3H-uridine) the NKA of mononuclear cells of patients was seen to decrease (cytotoxic index = 54.8 +/- 6.4%), in comparison with that of healthy donors (cytotoxic index = 65.1 +/- 4.5%). Simultaneously a decrease in arylsulfatase activity (0.05 +/- 0.01 nmoles/10(6) cells/min) was found in comparison with the control value (0.11 +/- 0.01 nmoles/10(6) cells/min). In 2-3 weeks after the operation the NKA value (cytotoxic index = 50.2 +/- 5.8%) was restored and arylsulfatase activity (0.09 +/- 0.02 nmoles/10(6) cells/min) was increased. There was no correlation between the NKA value and the activities of acid phosphatase and beta-glucuronidase. The parallelism observed between changes in NKA value and arylsulfatase activity may suggest a possible participation of this enzyme in the killing mechanism at the stage of cerebroside sulfate ester degradation of the target cell membrane to initiate the lytic events.  相似文献   

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