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A review of the ticks (Acari, Ixodida) of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, was completed as a step towards a definitive list (currently indicated as 12) of such species, their hosts and distribution. The ticks: Argas miniatus (poultry), Ixodes loricatus (opossums), Amblyomma aureolatum (dogs), A. calcaratum (anteaters), A. cooperi (capybaras), A. nodosum (anteaters), A. tigrinum (dogs) (Neotropical) and Rhipicephalus sanguineus (dogs) (introduced, cosmopolitan, Afrotropical) were confirmed as present, in addition to the predominant, Boophilus microplus (cattle) (introduced, pan-tropical, Oriental). Of the further 18 species thus far reported in the literature as present in the state, but unavailable for examination: only Ornithodoros brasiliensis (humans and their habitations) (Neotropical), Ixodes affinis (deer) (Nearctic/Neotropical) and I. auritulus (birds) (Nearctic/Neotropical/Afrotropical/ Australasian) are considered likely; 13 species would benefit from corroborative local data but the majority appear unlikely; reports of A. maculatum (Nearctic/Neotropical, but circum-Caribbean) are considered erroneous; the validity of A. fuscum is in doubt. The very recent, first known report of the tropical Anocentor nitens (horses)(Nearctic/Neotropical), but still apparent absence of the tropical A. cajennense (catholic) (Nearctic/Neotropical) and the sub-tropical/temperate Ixodes pararicinus (cattle) (Neotropical) in Rio Grande do Sul are important for considerations on their current biogeographical distribution and its dynamics in South America. The state has relatively long established, introduced ("exotic"), Old World tick species (B. microplus, R. sanguineus) that continue to represent significant pests and disease vectors to their traditional, introduced domestic animal hosts, cattle and urban dogs. There are also indigenous, New World ticks (A. miniatus, O. brasiliensis, A. aureolatum, A. nitens), as both long established and possibly newly locally introduced species in the state, that should be considered as potential and emergent pests and pathogen vectors to humans and their more recently acquired, introduced domestic animal hosts; rural poultry, dogs and horses.  相似文献   

Larvae and nymphs of Ixodes loricatus Neumann, 1899 ticks (confirmed by morphological characters and by comparison of 16S mitochondrial rDNA sequences) were collected from Sigmodontinae Wagner, rodents in central and northern Argentina and Uruguay. A total of 100 larvae and 38 nymphs of I. loricatus were collected on the genera Akodon Meyen (n = 36 individuals), Calomys Waterhouse (n = 2), Oligoryzomys Bang in = 12), Oxymycterus Waterhouse (n = 9), and Scapteromys Waterhouse (n = 13). 72 larvae and 18 nymphs were collected on Akodon. Adults of I. loricatus were found in central Argentina and Uruguay on Didelphimorphia of the genera Didelphis Linnaeus and Lutreolina Thomas. Ixodes loricatus has been considered a species with strict total specificity to Didelphimorphia. Our results show that this statement may not be justified. Sigmodontinae rodents are sympatric and share habitats with the phylogenetically distant Didelphimorphia; infestation with I. loricatus seems to be its consequence. We tentatively consider I. loricatus moderately specific to Didelphimorphia.  相似文献   

During an ecological study, carried out between 1994 and 1996 with Streptoprocne biscutata (Sclater) (Apodiformes: Apodidae) birds, that inhabit caves in the Quatro Barras County, State of Paran , Southern Brazil, a new tick species of the subgenus Multidentatus was observed. The female, male, nymph, and larva of Ixodes (Multidentatus) paranaensis n. sp., are described. Of the 12 known species of the subgenus Multidentatus, only I. (M.) auritulus Neumann, 1904 and I. (M.) murreleti Cooley and Kohls, 1945 occur in the Neartic region and only I. (M.) auritulus occurs in the Neotropical region. As such, I. (M.) paranaensis n. sp. increases the number of species and the distribution area of the subgenus Multidentatus in the Americas.  相似文献   

The immature stages of the Neotropical tick Ixodes (Ixodes) pararicinus Keirans & Clifford, 1985 are described from specimens in a laboratory colony initiated from engorged females collected on cattle and larvae fed on mice and chickens. The larva and nymph of I. pararicinus are described using SEM micrographs as well as drawings for some features of the larva. Additionally, immature stages of I. pararicinus collected on wild mice and birds in Uruguay and Argentina were compared with specimens from the laboratory colony. A taxonomic key to the nymphs of the species of the ricinus complex established in the Western Hemisphere is presented. The distribution of I. pararicinus comprises Argentina, Colombia and Uruguay, but it is also probably established in Bolivia, Brazil, Chile and Peru. Most adult ticks of this species have been found on introduced domestic artiodactyles, although Neotropical deer species must have been the ancestral host. Larvae and nymphs of I. pararicinus have also been found on sigmodontine rodents and passeriform birds. Although I. pararicinus is a member of the ricinus complex, which contains the main vectors of Borrelia burgdorferi (sensu lato), there are few studies concerning its potential for pathogen transmission.  相似文献   

During a 3-yr comprehensive study, 196 ixodid ticks (9 species) were collected from 89 passerine birds (32 species) from 25 localities across Canada to determine the distribution of avian-associated tick species and endogenous Lyme disease spirochetes, Borrelia burgdorferi Johnson, Schmid, Hyde, Steigerwalt, and Brenner. We report the following first records of tick parasitism on avian hosts: the rabbit-associated tick, Ixodes dentatus Marx, from Manitoba and Ontario; the mouse tick, Ixodes muris Bishopp and Smith, from British Columbia; and the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis Say, from New Brunswick. Moreover, we provide the first record of the Neotropical tick, Amblyomma humerale Koch (1 nymph), in Canada and its parasitism of any bird. This tick was compared morphologically with nymphs of other Neotropical Amblyomma spp., and genetically, using a 344-bp fragment of the 12S rDNA sequence of 41 New World Amblyomma species. The first collections of the western blacklegged tick, Ixodes pacificus Cooley and Kohls, from passerine species in Alberta and British Columbia, are also reported. Notably, we further report the first isolation of B. burgdorferi from the bird tick, Ixodes auritulus Neumann, collected from an American robin, Turdus migratorius L., on Vancouver Island. Furthermore, B. burgdorferi-positive I. auritulus larvae were collected from a reservoir-competent fox sparrow, Passerella iliaca (Merrem). Our findings indicate that ground-dwelling passerines, in particular, are parasitized by certain ixodid ticks and play an important role across Canada in the wide dispersal of B. burgdorferi-infected ticks and increased risk of Lyme disease exposure.  相似文献   

From June 2005 to November 2010, 43 small mammals encompassing 6 species of Didelphimorphia, 8 species of Rodentia, and 1 species of Lagomorpha were found parasitized by ticks in the state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Nine tick species, in total 186 specimens, were identified as follows: Amblyomma cajennense (larvae and nymphs) on opossums and rodents; Amblyomma ovale (nymphs) on rodents; Amblyomma parvum (nymphs) on rodents; Amblyomma coelebs (nymphs) on opossums; Amblyomma dubitatum (nymph) on opossums; Ixodes amarali (females, nymphs, and larvae) on opossums and rodents; Ixodes loricatus (male, females, nymph) on opossums; Ixodes schulzei (female) on rodents; and Haemaphysalis leporispalustris (female) on rabbits. Most of the tick-host associations found in the present study have never been recorded in the literature; those include three new host records for I. amarali, four for A. cajennense, one for A. dubitatum, two for A. ovale, and one for A. coelebs. In addition, we provide the first record of A. coelebs in the state of Minas Gerais.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to study infestation parameters and indexes of ectoparasites associated with each sex of the wild rodents Oligoryzomys flavescens (Waterhouse) andAkodon azarae (Fischer) in the Punta Lara wetlands, Argentina. A trend towards higher mean abundance (MA) and ectoparasite specific richness was observed in males of O. flavescens whereas those values were similar for both A. azarae sexes. The prevalence of the following ectoparasites was significantly higher on males (P<0.05): Mysolaelaps microspinosus Fonseca (65.2%) and Hoplopleura travassosi Werneck (73.9%) on O. flavescens, and Ixodes loricatus Neumann (71.4%) on A. azarae. Only H. travassosi mean abundance was significantly higher on males (MA=44.1). Since I. loricatus and Hoplopleura spp. are involved in the transmission of pathogens that cause diseases in animals and humans, and whose reservoirs are rodent hosts, these results are epidemiologically important.  相似文献   

A new genus of microgastrine parasitoid wasps, Mariapanteles Whitfield & Fernández-Triana, gen. n., is described from rain forests of the Neotropics. The new genus is related to the common and speciose genus Pseudapanteles, but can be distinguished from the latter by having a complete transverse carina on the propodeum which forks around the spiracles. A molecular analysis based on data from COI from specimens of the proposed new genus plus possibly related genera confirms its generic distinctness. A key to two known species, Mariapanteles felipei Whitfield, sp. n. (Costa Rica) and Mariapanteles dapkeyae Fernández-Triana, sp. n. (Brazil) is provided. Evidence from collections suggests that there are other undescribed Neotropical congenerics. Specimens of Mariapanteles were likely confused in the past with the genus Beyarslania (referred to as Xenogaster until recently) but present information suggests that Beyarslania is restricted to the Afrotropical region while the Neotropical species clearly belong to a different genus, which we propose as new.  相似文献   

Araucnephia Wygodzinsky & Coscarón is a Neotropical black fly genus in which only one species from Central Chile is known. Another species has now been found in Corrientes province on the eastern side of the Iberá tropical swamps of Argentina, on the western border of the mountainous region of southern Brazil. This new species, A. iberaensis, is herein described and illustrated and information on its bionomics is recorded. It is an interesting species because previous to its discovery no black fly genus or subgenus from Central Chile region has been found in tropical areas, because these two regions are separated by the Monte and Pampas realms. Similarly, no Brazilian genus or subgenus has crossed the Andes mountains to Chile. A comparison with other Neotropical, Nearctic, Ethiopian (Afrotropical) and Australian Prosimuliini (sensu Crosskey & Howard) showed Araucnephia to be a valid taxon most closely related to Araucnephioides (sympatric in Chile). Araucnephia also shows great affinities with Lutzsimulium from Southeast Brazil and Argentina and Paracnephia from South Africa.  相似文献   

Copelatinae is a diverse lineage of diving beetles (Dytiscidae) frequently encountered in wet tropical and subtropical forests, but phylogenetic relationships are very poorly understood. We performed a phylogenetic and biogeographic analysis of this worldwide distributed group based on 50 species including a representative sample of major taxonomic groups and biogeographical regions. DNA sequences were obtained for the mitochondrial genes cytochrome oxidase I, cytochrome b, and 16S rRNA, for a total of 1575 aligned nucleotide positions. We found Copelatinae to be monophyletic, placed in a derived position and not sister to all remaining dytiscids, as had been suggested by earlier authors. The largest genus, Copelatus with some 460 known species was paraphyletic with respect to the smaller genera Lacconectus and Aglymbus. Among the major lineages of Copelatus, the subgenus Papuadytes was consistently recovered as sister to all other species (including Lacconectus and Aglymbus) with the possible exception of two western Palearctic taxa. We propose that the subgenus Papuadytes is removed from Copelatus and assigned generic status. Likewise, the two western Palearctic Copelatus are removed from this genus, and assigned the available genus name Liopterus. Our best phylogenetic hypothesis retrieved Afrotropical and New Guinean plus Australian species of Copelatus as monophyletic. Asian species were paraphyletic with respect to a species from Sulawesi which grouped with the species from New Guinea. Asian species were also paraphyletic with respect to Oriental Lacconectus, which was grouped with a clade of Neotropical species. Neotropical Copelatus form at least two separate lineages. The biogeographical evolution of Papuadytes is consistent with the relative age of the landmasses in the Austral region. Basal species are Australian, and successively derived ones are from New Caledonia and New Guinea. One species apparently dispersed from New Caledonia to China. Assuming a molecular clock and using a standard calibration of 2% divergence/MY the origin of Copelatinae is estimated to be between 85 and 95 MY.  相似文献   

Ixodes persulcatus serves as a tick vector for Borrelia garinii and Borrelia afzelii in Japan; however, unidentified spirochetes have been isolated from other species of ticks. In this study, 13 isolates from ticks (6 from Ixodes tanuki, 6 from Ixodes turdus, and 1 from Ixodes columnae) and 3 isolates from voles (Clethrionomys rufocanus) were characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, rRNA gene restriction fragment length polymorphism, partial sequencing of the outer surface protein C (OspC) gene, whole DNA-DNA hybridization, and 16S rRNA gene sequence comparison. All of the results revealed that these Borrelia strains clearly represent at least two new species. A third is also likely, although additional strains have to be isolated and characterized before a separate species is designated. We designated all isolates of I. tanuki and C. rufocanus as group Hk501 and all isolates of I. turdus as group Ya501. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences distinguished these Borrelia strains from those belonging to hitherto known Borrelia species. Furthermore, the genomic groups, each with its own tick vectors with enzootic cycles, were quite different from each other and also from those of Lyme disease Borrelia species known to occur in Japan. The results of 16S rRNA gene sequence comparison suggest that the strain Am501 from I. columnae is related to group Hk501, although its level of DNA relatedness is less than 70%.  相似文献   

In Lepidoptera, the subfamily Acentropinae and Pyraustinae of Crambidae (Pyraloidea) and the family Arctiidae (Noctuoidea) contain species with true aquatic larvae, which live submerged during larval development. In Pyraustinae and Arctiidae only a few species exhibit an aquatic life-history. From the latter, aquatic larvae are known from the Neotropical genus Paracles. The number of aquatic Paracles species is unknown. The Acentropinae are predominantly aquatic. They are distributed worldwide, and reach the highest diversity in tropical regions of South East Asia/Malesia and in the Neotropical Region. At present, the Acentropinae include a total of 50 genera and 737 described species. All genera, assigned to the subfamily, are listed in a table, and the numbers of included species are indicated. The taxonomy and phylogeney of the genera are inadequately known. The species have a minor economic importance, however, they are very sensitive to degradation of water quality and habitat destruction. Guest editors: E.V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

The genus Ischioscia Verhoeff, 1928 is reviewed. 26 species are considered valid. A key for their identification is given, as well as a map showing the geographic distribution. The known range of the genus covers a large area from the central Amazon region to the mountains of Guatemala. The species of Ischioscia have a typical “philosciid” habitus (“runner” type); they can be distinguished from other Neotropical species with similar habitus by the following apomorphies: (1) male pereiopod 1 carpus enlarged to a plate-like extension, (2) scale field on male pereiopod 1 covering entire frontal side of the carpus, (3) male pereiopod 7 ischium with a ventral scale field, (4) dactylus in both sexes with a long inner claw. The groundpattern of Ischioscia is reconstructed, and an analysis of the phylogenetic relations within the genus is made on the basis of morphological data. The species are very similar to each other, most differences are found in the male structures of sexually dimorphic features. Ischioscia sturmi (Vandel, 1972), I. amazonica Lemos de Castro, 1955 and I. bolivari Vandel, 1968 are redescribed in detail.  相似文献   

A new tick species belonging to the African subgenus Afrixodes Morel, 1966, namely, Ixodes ( Afrixodes ) fynbosensis n. sp., is described. The female of I. fynbosensis is easily differentiated from the other African Ixodes species by a large, tapering triangular ventrolateral spur on palpal segment I. Nymph and larva of I. fynbosensis can be distinguished from those of other members of Afrixodes by a combination of the following characters: pointed hypostome, long auriculae, long and acute ventrolateral projections of basis capituli of nymph, only 2 pairs of central dorsal setae, and a straight posterior margin of scutum of the larva. Cytochrome oxidase I mtDNA sequence comparisons between I. fynbosensis and 10 other Ixodes Latreille, 1795, species support the recognition of this taxon as genetically distinct (>13% corrected sequence divergences separate it from the remainder of the 10 recognized species used in this study), and preliminary phylogenetic analyses reveal that this taxon is most closely related to the southern African Ixodes pilosus Koch, 1844, and Ixodes rubicundus Neumann, 1904. Ixodes fynbosensis is known only from South Africa, where females have been collected from a domestic dog and a rodent, Rhabdomys pumilio (Sparrman), and nymphs and larvae have been collected from R. pumilio and unidentified shrews belonging to the Soricidae. Sequences generated for both nymphs and adult individuals were identical, confirming the correlation between the described life stages.  相似文献   

The larval stage of Tortopus is redescribed based on three species: T. puella from North America, the only species of the genus previously known from larva, and the larvae of T. obscuripennis and T. sarae from South America described here. Generic characters of the larva include: relatively large finger-like gill near base of maxilla, inner margin of mandibular tusks with a subdistal tubercle, straight or weakly convex frontal ridge present between antennae, reduced unilamellated gill on abdominal segment I. Additionally the male imagines of both Neotropical species are described for the first time, and T. obscuripennis is recorded from Bolivia. Diagnoses, SEM photographs, and illustrations are given for the new stages described and for the identification of the three Tortopus species known as larvae.  相似文献   

Oswaldocruzia cartagoensis n. sp. (Strongylida: Molineidae) from the intestines of Bolitoglossa subpalmata (Caudata: Plethodontidae) is described and illustrated. Oswaldocruzia cartagoensis n. sp. represents the 86 th species assigned to the genus and the 39th species from the Neotropical region. It is most similar to the Neotropical species of the genus that possess type I bursa, i.e., Oswaldocruzia bonsi , Oswaldocruzia brasiliensis , Oswaldocruzia lopesi , Oswaldocruzia neghmei , and Oswaldocruzia vitti . Of these, O. bonsi, O. brasiliensis, and O. neghmei lack cervical alae, rib 4 in individuals of O. vitti reaches the edge of the bursal membrane, species of O. lopesi and O. cartagoensis can be separated on the basis of spicule structure, the blade in O. lopesi is bifurcate, and that of O. cartagoensis terminates in 6-8 fine points. In addition to the new species of Oswaldocruzia, Cosmocera parva, Cosmocera podicipinus, and acanthocephalan cystacanths were also found.  相似文献   

Abstract. The larva, nymph, and female of Ixodes (Ixodes) venezuelensis are diagnosed using scanning electron microscopy, and the larva is described for the first time. This ixodid tick is recorded from the northern neotropics as a parasite of five species of didelphid marsupials and eighteen species of rodents (one sciurid, two heteromyids, eleven murids, two dasyproctids, and two echimyids). Collection records of I. venezuelensis are presented for Costa Rica, Colombia, Panama and Venezuela, with the Costa Rican records being new and extending the known range of this tick by at least 300 km. Altitudinally, I. venezuelensis has been collected between elevations of 24 and 2410 m with most collections between 100 and 800m. The possibility that I. venezuelensis may be partheno-genetic is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract  A new species of Frankliniella Karny, probably introduced to Australia from the Caribbean area, is described here as causing feeding damage to the young leaves of Lantana in south-eastern Queensland and northern New South Wales. The new species is unusual within this large, primarily Neotropical genus, in that it feeds only on leaves, not in flowers, and that adult females are either apterous or fully winged. Only 10 of the 160 described species of Frankliniella are known to exhibit wing reduction, and notes are given on these together with notes on the seven species of the genus that are not endemic to the New World. Life history studies, including sex and morph ratios, indicate that egg to adult can require as little as 12 d, but despite breeding well in greenhouses, the species is not known to develop large populations in the field in Australia.  相似文献   

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