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Biochemical studies of myelin in Wallerian degeneration of rat optic nerve   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Abstract— Wallerian degeneration of the optic nerves of the rat was induced by removal of the eyes. After 54, 66, 76 or 90 days of degeneration a myelin fraction of the nerves was obtained by the procedure of Laatsch et al. (1962). The yield of myelin from the degenerated nerves was decreased, but the isolated myelin appeared to be morphologically normal. The proportion of cholesterol in the myelin lipids was slightly increased, whereas that of the ethanolamineglycerophosphatides was decreased and galactolipids were normal. After one‘cycle’of myelin purification, the high-molecular-weight fraction formed a much greater percentage of the total protein in myelin isolated from degenerated optic nerves. After 2–3‘cycles’of purification, the distribution of protein in myelin isolated from degenerated and normal optic nerves was similar, an observation suggesting that the high-molecular-weight fraction in‘1-cycle myelin’from degenerated optic nerves may have been partly attributable to contamination. With the possible exception of ethanolamineglycerophosphatides, our data suggest that there was no preferential breakdown of myelin lipid constituents nor of protein constituents during Wallerian degeneration of rat optic nerve. As assessed by SDS-gel electrophoresis of the water-insoluble particulate fraction, the percentage of myelin protein was markedly decreased after 76 days of degeneration. However, the major myelin protein constituents in this fraction (the two basic proteins and proteolipid protein) appeared to decrease in the same relative proportions.  相似文献   

Summary Adult albino rats were subjected to unilateral surgical removal of the eyeball. After survival times of 7–140 days, the numerical response of the neuroglial cells, and the progressive disintegration of the myelin sheaths in the optic nerves, were studied qualitatively and quantitatively in electron-microscopic montages. The distribution density of microglia and astroglia in degenerating optic nerve increased to peaks after 35 and 56 days respectively, whereas, the oligodendroglia gradually decreased. During the early stage of degeneration, microglial cells appeared and invaded the sheath at the intraperiod line, peeling off the outer lamellae, which were then engulfed by phagocytosis. Within the microglia, myelin sheath fragments were surrounded by a membrane curled to form a myelin ring. In the intermediate stage of degeneration, the paired electrondense lines of the ring, made up of myelin basic protein, decomposed and formed a homogenous or heterogenous osmiophilic layered structure, the myelin body, which, in the final stages, disintegrated and transformed into globoid lipid droplets and needle shaped cholesterol crystals.  相似文献   

The Wallerian degeneration of the optic nerve of adult rat has been studied after destroying the retina. Animals were sacrificed between 4 days and 1 year after the lesion. Different cell types of the optic nerve have been studied ultrastructurally. Our results demonstrate the existence of a population of macrophages, probably of microglial origin, responsible for scavenging degenerated myelin. Astrocytes suffer a process of proliferation and hypertrophy, and are massively stuffed by gliofilaments, leading to a glial scar. These cells apparently do not participate in phagocytic phenomena, while some cytoplasmic inclusions (e.g. lipid droplets) suggest some implication in the local metabolization of some tissue degradation products. Oligodendrocytes do not undergo ultrastructural changes, showing a rather quiescent appearance.  相似文献   

Reaction products of selenite with thiols were tested for an inhibitory effect on amino acid incorporation in a cell-free system derived from rat liver and on protein synthesis in intact P815 and L1210 cells. In the cell-free system maximum inhibition, up to 96%, was reached at about 10 microM selenium. In intact cells inhibitory effect varied depending on which reaction product or cell line was used. Maximum inhibition was obtained after 30 min of incubation with selenium concentrations ranging from 0.25 microM to over 7 microM. Selenite itself also inhibited protein synthesis of L1210 cells, but only after 90 min of incubation and starting at selenium concentrations of 2 microM. Inhibition of protein synthesis in intact cells was followed by cell death. Pre-incubation of the reaction products of a monothiol (2-propanethiol) and of a vicinal dithiol (2,3-dimercapto-1-propanol) in culture medium showed a rapid decrease of the inhibitory capability of the product from the monothiol, but not of the product from the dithiol. The results indicate that selenite and a thiol react to form products which have differential toxic effects to cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Abstract— —A soluble protein (S-100) which is unique to the nervous system was measured in rabbit tibial nerve at 0, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days of degeneration. Amounts of S-100 in the degenerated peripheral segment of the transected nerve fell progressively during degeneration to 2 per cent of that measured in the corresponding portion of nerve taken from control rabbits 28 days postoperatively. Total soluble proteins increased 42 per cent during this time. Levels of S-100 and total soluble proteins remained unchanged in non-degenerated nerve segments from experimental and control rabbits. Correlations of amounts of S-100 measured in the study reported here with cellular changes demonstrated by other investigators to characterize Wallerian degeneration in peripheral nerve suggest that the S-100 protein is localized primarily in axons rather than in Schwann cells or myelin.  相似文献   

The nervus ischiadicus in white noninbred rats has been damaged by various means and then light- and electron-microscopically the sources of origin of macrophages, participating in removal of decay products in the distal part of the nerve have been studied. There is a close correlation between the process of Wallerian degeneration and aseptic inflammation. In the area of decay of the myelinated nervous fibers 4 types of cells have been identified and characterized. Three of them are precursors of macrophages, participating in removal of the myelin decay products: mononuclear cells of hematogenic origin, perineural cells, endoneural fibroblasts. The dynamics of these cells transformation into macrophages and into "foam cells" has been followed. The fourth type--Schwann cells; they do not directly participate in removal of the myelin decay products. They do not die, but, separating from the segments of the disintegrated myelin, dedifferentiate, proliferate and form cords, into which regenerating axons then grow in. To understand the role of various macrophages in the destructive and reparative processes, which develop in the nerves, is very important not only for searching definitive approaches in treatment of posttraumatic demyelinated processes, but for comprehending the mechanisms of certain autoimmune demyelinating diseases.  相似文献   

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