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零陵香挥发油成分研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文报告自报春花科排草属植物零陵香(Lysimachia foenumgraecum Hance)的全草提取出挥发油,收率0.17%,呈黄绿色,具浓厚芳香。用气相色谱-质谱-计算机联用仪(Finnigan4021型)进行了挥发油成分分析,结果在零陵香挥发油中共鉴定出59个成分;其中酸性成分20个,以十六酸(hexadecanoic acid)、十七酸(heptanoic acid)等含量较多;中性和酚性成分39个,以六氢金合欢烯酰丙酮(hexahydrofarnesylacetone)等的含量较多,它在植物中是较罕见的成分,并且是首次在零陵香植物中发现。本文还用气相色谱仪(Perkin-Elmer Sigma 2B 型)和标准品对零陵香挥发油中成分进行了对照鉴定。  相似文献   

Vomiting or its lesser stages—anorexia, nausea—is a prime symptom of the most serious surgically curable diseases of childhood.In the newborn, when vomitus is green, abdomen scaphoid, and erect roentgen view shows air-fluid levels in stomach and duodenum with gas beyond, partial duodenal obstruction is present and midgut volvulus with malrotation is likely enough to justify immediate exploration.In infancy, vomiting is a clear sign of intussusception when associated with intermittent colicky pain, palpable mass and “currant-jelly” feces. These symptoms are not always present, and if there is blood in the feces, barium enema study must follow. In further doubt, exploration may be justified.In childhood, a common early symptom of appendicitis is vomiting accompanied by pain without any complete remission. Constipation is frequent but diarrhea may occur and contribute to an impression of gastroenteritis. Complete and repeated physical examination, with a history of the above symptoms, should lead to correct diagnosis.  相似文献   

乌桕生物学特性的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金代钧   《广西植物》1982,(1):41-44+40
<正> 乌桕Sapium sebiferum Roxb.是广布于亚热带、热带的含油脂量高的油料树种。乌桕油脂在工业上用途广、耗量大,所以近年我国在南方各省都在大力营造人工林,探索桕林的速生丰产途径。 我国栽培桕树利用桕油虽有千余年历史,但对乌桕的生物学特性至今尚未见有系统的研究。我们从1975年起,采用调查和定点观察相结合的方法,对乌桕的生物学特性作了初  相似文献   


The ionic composition and algal flora of twelve geothermal waters in southern South West Africa and north-western South Africa are described, many for the first time. Water temperatures ranged from 24,9 to 66 °C and salinity values indicated moderate mineralization. A trend of increasing sodium and sulphate dominance with increasing water temperature was evident. Green algae were confined to springs with low water temperatures (below 31 °C) while diatoms and blue-green algae were recorded in all the springs, at temperatures up to 66 °C. Flexibacteria (Chlcroflexus) were recorded only in the hotter springs, above 40 °C.  相似文献   

近年来国内农业科举研究机关进行新城病疫苗的制造,一般制造的疫苗为鸡胚富尔马林疫苗或鸡胚化毒力减弱病毒疫苗(粟寿初与马闻天,1950;李善达,1951;杜念兴,1954)。作者在过去报告中(高尚荫,1952)曾指出在其它条件固定的情况下,有机  相似文献   

广西栽培树种菌根调查初报   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
苏琍英  梁秀棠   《广西植物》1985,(2):127-138
<正> 真菌与植物根系结合形成的特殊共生体称为菌根,自本世纪二十年代首次提出以来,菌根的研究得到了广泛深入的发展。研究表明,菌根促进寄主植物生长的主要原因在于加强了对土壤中的养分,特别是对磷的吸收。菌根的效应在贫瘠土壤中尤为明显,在贫瘠土壤中,有菌根的树木生长茂盛,而无菌根的则否。在栽植林木时接种菌根菌能提高苗木成活率和速生丰产,对加速发展林业生产具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

微重力下天花粉蛋白晶体生长初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报导了国内首次在微重力下进行蛋白质晶体生长的试验.与地面对照实验所生长的晶体相比较,在空间生长的多数天花粉蛋白晶体具有较完整的外形,初步展示了微重力条件对蛋白质晶体生长所具有的优越性.  相似文献   

小果香草的化学成分   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
丁智慧  和韵苹 《云南植物研究》1993,15(2):201-204,210

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