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DNA G-hairpins are potential key structures participating in folding of human telomeric guanine quadruplexes (GQ). We examined their properties by standard MD simulations starting from the folded state and long T-REMD starting from the unfolded state, accumulating ∼130 μs of atomistic simulations. Antiparallel G-hairpins should spontaneously form in all stages of the folding to support lateral and diagonal loops, with sub-μs scale rearrangements between them. We found no clear predisposition for direct folding into specific GQ topologies with specific syn/anti patterns. Our key prediction stemming from the T-REMD is that an ideal unfolded ensemble of the full GQ sequence populates all 4096 syn/anti combinations of its four G-stretches. The simulations can propose idealized folding pathways but we explain that such few-state pathways may be misleading. In the context of the available experimental data, the simulations strongly suggest that the GQ folding could be best understood by the kinetic partitioning mechanism with a set of deep competing minima on the folding landscape, with only a small fraction of molecules directly folding to the native fold. The landscape should further include non-specific collapse processes where the molecules move via diffusion and consecutive random rare transitions, which could, e.g. structure the propeller loops.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) is remarkably sensitive to the conformational states of nucleic acids; therefore, CD spectroscopy has been used to study most features of DNA and RNA structures. Quadruplexes are among the significant noncanonical nucleic acids architectures that have received special attentions recently. This article presents examples on the contribution of CD spectroscopy to our knowledge of quadruplex structures and their polymorphism. The examples were selected to demonstrate the potential of this simple method in the quadruplex field. As CD spectroscopy detects only the global feature of a macromolecule, it should preferably be used in combination with other techniques. On the other hand, CD spectroscopy, often as a pioneering approach, can reveal the formation of particular structural arrangements, to search for the conditions stabilizing the structures, to follow the transitions between various structural states, to explore kinetics of their appearance, to determine thermodynamic parameters and also detect formation of higher order structures. This article aims to show that CD spectroscopy is an important complementary technique to NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction in quadruplex studies.  相似文献   

The interaction between small molecules and telomeric quadruplex DNA has received great attention because of its importance in molecular recognition and anticancer drug design. Using UV/vis absorption titration, thermal melting, circular dichroism spectroscopy, and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, we examined the formation of lead ion induced guanine quadruplexes (Pb-G4) from oligonucleotide AG3(T2AG3)3 and their interaction with a zinc derivative of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(N-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrin (Zn-TMPyP). The binding of lead ion to the oligonucleotide was found to have an unusually high affinity and followed a 1:1 stoichiometry, and the resultant Pb-G4 structure was stabilized by Zn-TMPyP binding. Owing to the steric hindrance of the axial ligand of zinc and also the relatively rigid structure of Pb-G4, intercalation of Zn-TMPyP between adjacent guanine quartets is precluded, thus allowing the end-stacking binding mode to be characterized exclusively. In conjunction with a big redshift (more than 8 nm) in the absorption spectrum, we demonstrate that a conservative induced circular dichroism is an important signature for end-stacking of porphyrins on guanine quadruplexes.  相似文献   

DNA guanine quadruplexes are all based on stacks of guanine tetrads, but they can be of many types differing by mutual strand orientation, topology, position and structure of loops, and the number of DNA molecules constituting their structure. Here we have studied a series of nine DNA fragments (G(3)Xn)(3)G(3), where X = A, C or T, and n = 1, 2 or 3, to find how the particular bases and their numbers enable folding of the molecule into quadruplex and what type of quadruplex is formed. We show that any single base between G(3) blocks gives rise to only four-molecular parallel-stranded quadruplexes in water solutions. In contrast to previous models, even two Ts in potential loops lead to tetramolecular parallel quadruplexes and only three consecutive Ts lead to an intramolecular quadruplex, which is antiparallel. Adenines make the DNA less prone to quadruplex formation. (G(3)A(2))(3)G(3) folds into an intramolecular antiparallel quadruplex. The same is true with (G(3)A(3))(3)G(3) but only in KCl. In NaCl or LiCl, (G(3)A(3))(3)G(3) prefers to generate homoduplexes. Cytosine still more interferes with the quadruplex, which only is generated by (G(3)C)(3)G(3), whereas (G(3)C(2))(3)G(3) and (G(3)C(3))(3)G(3) generate hairpins and/or homoduplexes. Ethanol is a more potent DNA guanine quadruplex inducer than are ions in water solutions. It promotes intramolecular folding and parallel orientation of quadruplex strands, which rather corresponds to quadruplex structures observed in crystals.  相似文献   

Formation of DNA quadruplexes requires monovalent cation binding. To characterize the cation binding stoichiometry and linkage between binding and folding, we carried out KCl titrations of Tel22 (d[A(GGGTTA)3]), a model of the human telomere sequence, using a fluorescent indicator to determine [K+]free and circular dichroism to assess the extent of folding. At [K+]free = 5 mM (sufficient for > 95% folding), the apparent binding stoichiometry is 3K+/Tel22; at [K+]free = 20 mM, it increased to 8-10K+/Tel22. Thermodynamic analysis shows that at [K+]free = 5 mM, K+ binding contributes approximately − 4.9 kcal/mol for folding Tel22. The overall folding free energy is − 2.4 kcal/mol, indicating that there are energetically unfavorable contributions to folding. Thus, quadruplex folding is driven almost entirely by the energy of cation binding with little or no contribution from other weak molecular interactions.  相似文献   

R Giraldo  D Rhodes 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(10):2411-2420
The protein RAP1 is essential for the maintenance of the telomeres of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and binds in vitro to multiple sites found within the TG1-3 telomeric repeats. We show here that, in addition to its known binding activity for double-stranded DNA, RAP1 binds sequence-specifically to the GT-strands. This indicates that RAP1 is the protein that binds to the telomeric terminal GT-tails. Furthermore, we have found that RAP1 binds to and promotes the formation of G-tetrads, i.e. DNA quadruplexes, in GT-strand oligonucleotides at nanomolar concentrations. The formation of DNA quadruplexes appears to involve the intermolecular association of GT-strands. The minimal DNA-binding domain of RAP1 (DBD) binds only to double-stranded DNA, so that the novel DNA-binding activity we have found involves regions of the protein located outside of the DBD. The finding that a telomeric protein promotes the formation of G-tetrads argues for the use of DNA quadruplexes in telomere association.  相似文献   

Telomeres are DNA-protein structures at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes, the DNA of which comprise noncoding repeats of guanine-rich sequences. Telomeric DNA plays a fundamental role in protecting the cell from recombination and degradation. Telomeric sequences can form quadruplex structures stabilized by guanine quartets. These structures can be constructed from one, two, or four oligonucleotidic strands. Here, we report the thermodynamic characterization of the stability, analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry, of three DNA quadruplexes of different molecularity, all containing four G-tetrads. The conformational properties of these quadruple helices were studied by circular dichroism. The investigated oligomers form well-defined G-quadruplex structures in the presence of sodium ions. Two have the truncated telomeric sequence from Oxytricha, d(TGGGGT) and d(GGGGTTTTGGGG), which form a tetramolecular and bimolecular quadruplex, respectively. The third sequence, d(GGGGTTGGGGTGTGGGGTTGGGG) was designed to form a unimolecular quadruplex. The thermodynamic parameters of these quadruplexes have been determined. The tetramolecular structure is thermodynamically more stable than the bimolecular one, which, in turn, is more stable than the unimolecular one. The experimental data were discussed in light of the molecular-modeling study.  相似文献   

Nucleic acids that contain multiple sequential guanines assemble into guanine quadruplexes (G-quadruplexes). Drugs that induce or stabilize G-quadruplexes are of interest because of their potential use as therapeutics. Previously, we reported on the interaction of the Cu(2+) derivative of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(1-methyl-4-pyridyl)-21H,23H-porphine (CuTMpyP4), with the parallel-stranded G-quadruplexes formed by d(T(4)G( n )T(4)) (n = 4 or 8) (Keating and Szalai in Biochemistry 43:15891-15900, 2004). Here we present further characterization of this system using a series of guanine-rich oligonucleotides: d(T(4)G( n )T(4)) (n = 5-10). Absorption titrations of CuTMpyP4 with all d(T(4)G( n )G(4)) quadruplexes produce approximately the same bathochromicity (8.3 +/- 2 nm) and hypochromicity (46.2-48.6%) of the porphyrin Soret band. Induced emission spectra of CuTMpyP4 with d(T(4)G( n )T(4))(4) quadruplexes indicate that the porphyrin is protected from solvent. Electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry revealed a maximum porphyrin to quadruplex stoichiometry of 2:1 for the shortest (n = 4) and longest (n = 10) quadruplexes. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy shows that bound CuTMpyP4 occupies magnetically noninteracting sites on the quadruplexes. Consistent with our previous model for d(T(4)G(4)T(4)), we propose that two CuTMpyP4 molecules are externally stacked at each end of the run of guanines in all d(T(4)G( n )T(4)) (n = 4-10) quadruplexes.  相似文献   

Cationic comb-type copolymer (CCC) consisting of a polycationic backbone and abundant graft water-soluble chains exhibited considerable stabilization effect on DNA hybrids, such as double- and triple-stranded DNAs. Here, we describe the effect of CCC on antiparallel G-quadruplex folding of human telomeric DNA, d(GGGTTA)(n) in the presence of sodium ions. CCC did not significantly alter the circular dichroism (CD) spectra of d((GGGTTA)(3)GGG) and d((GGGTTA)(7)GGG) indicating that the CCC did not influence the antiparallel folding of the telomeric repeats. Hence, the ionic interaction of CCC with the DNA sequence did not interfere with specific interaction of the DNA with sodium ions to form G-quartets. Interestingly, CCC did not change the melting temperature of the d((GGGTTA)(3)GGG) suggesting negligible stabilizing effect of CCC on the antiparallel quadruplex structure.  相似文献   

Fluorescently labeled oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing a single tract of four successive guanines have been used to study the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of short intermolecular DNA quadruplexes. When these assemble to form intermolecular quadruplexes the fluorophores are in close proximity and the fluorescence is quenched. On raising the temperature these complexes dissociate and there is a large increase in fluorescence. These complexes are exceptionally stable in potassium-containing buffers, and possess Tm values that are too high to measure. Tm values were determined in sodium-containing buffers for which the rate of reannealing is extremely slow; the melting profiles are effectively irreversible, and the apparent melting temperatures are dependent on the rates of heating. The dissociation kinetics of these complexes was estimated by rapidly increasing the temperature and following the time-dependent changes in fluorescence. From these data we have estimated the half-lives of these quadruplexes at 37 degrees C. Addition of a T to the unlabeled end of the oligonucleotide increases quadruplex stability. In contrast, addition of a T between the fluorophore and the oligonucleotide leads to a decrease in stability.  相似文献   

Telomere shortening is an important risk factor for cancer and accelerated aging. However, it is becoming evident that oxidatively damaged DNA within the telomere sequence may also cause telomere dysfunction. Here we describe a reliable, cost-effective quantitative PCR (qPCR)-based method to measure the amount of oxidized residues within telomeric DNA that are recognized and excised by formamidopyridine DNA glycosylase (FPG). We also report that in an in vitro model of oxidative stress oxidized base lesions measured using this method are more prevalent within telomeric sequences. Furthermore, this method is sufficiently sensitive to detect changes in oxidative stress induced by zinc deficiency and hydrogen peroxide within the physiological range.  相似文献   

Noncanonical DNA structures, termed G-quadruplexes, are present in human genomic DNA and are important elements in many DNA metabolic processes. Multiple sites in the human genome have G-rich DNA stretches able to support formation of several consecutive G-quadruplexes. One of those sites is the telomeric overhang region that has multiple repeats of TTAGGG and is tightly associated with both cancer and aging. We investigated the folding of consecutive G-quadruplexes in both potassium- and sodium-containing solutions using single-molecule FRET spectroscopy, circular dichroism, thermal melting and molecular dynamics simulations. Our observations show coexistence of partially and fully folded DNA, the latter consisting of consecutive G-quadruplexes. Following the folding process over hours in sodium-containing buffers revealed fast G-quadruplex folding but slow establishment of thermodynamic equilibrium. We find that full consecutive G-quadruplex formation is inhibited by the many DNA structures randomly nucleating on the DNA, some of which are off-path conformations that need to unfold to allow full folding. Our study allows describing consecutive G-quadruplex formation in both nonequilibrium and equilibrium conditions by a unified picture, where, due to the many possible DNA conformations, full folding with consecutive G-quadruplexes as beads on a string is not necessarily achieved.  相似文献   

In the recently discovered i-motif, four stretches of cytosine form two parallel-stranded duplexes whose C.C+ base pairs are fully intercalated. The i-motif may be recognized by characteristic Overhauser cross-peaks of the proton NMR spectrum, reflecting short H1'-H1' distances across the minor groove, and short internucleotide amino-proton-H2'/H2" across the major groove. We report the observation of such cross-peaks in the spectra of a fragment of the C-rich telomeric strand of vertebrates, d[CCCTAA]3CCC. The spectra also demonstrate that the cytosines are base-paired and that proton exchange is very slow, as reported previously for the i-motif. From UV absorbance and gel chromatography measurements, we assign these properties to an i-motif which includes all or nearly all the cytosines, and which is formed by intramolecular folding at slightly acid or neutral pH. A fragment of telomeric DNA of Tetrahymena, d[CCCCAA]3CCCC, has the same properties. Hence four consecutive C stretches of a C-rich telomeric strand can fold into an i-motif. Hypothetically, this could occur in vivo.  相似文献   

Biological aspects of DNA/RNA quadruplexes.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
R H Shafer  I Smirnov 《Biopolymers》2000,56(3):209-227
Among the many unusual conformations of DNA and RNA, quadruplex structures, based on the guanine quartet, possess several unique properties. These properties, along with the general features of guanine quadruplexes, are described in the context of possible roles for these structures in biological systems. A variety of experimental observations supporting the notion that quadruplexes are important in vivo is presented, including proteins known to specifically bind to quadruplex structures, guanine-rich DNA, and RNA sequences endowed with the potential for forming quartet-based structures in telomeres and regulatory regions, such as gene promoters, quadruplexes as DNA aptamer folding motifs arising from in vitro selection experiments, and potential chemotherapeutic, quadruplex-forming oligonucleotides. Taken together, all of these observations argue cogently not only for the presence of quadruplexes in biological systems but also for their significance in terms of their roles in various biological processes.  相似文献   

Risitano A  Fox KR 《Biochemistry》2003,42(21):6507-6513
We have determined the stability of intramolecular quadruplexes that are formed by a variety of G-rich sequences, using oligonucleotides containing appropriately placed fluorophores and quenchers. The stability of these quadruplexes is compared with that of the DNA duplexes that are formed on addition of complementary C-rich oligonucleotides. We find that the linkers joining the G-tracts are not essential for folding and can be replaced with nonnucleosidic moieties, though their sequence composition profoundly affects quadruplex stability. Although the human telomere repeat sequence d[G(3)(TTAG(3))(3)] folds into a quadruplex structure, this forms a duplex in the presence of the complementary C-rich strand at physiological conditions. The Tetrahymena sequence d[G(4)(T(2)G(4))(3)], the sequence d[G(3)(T(2)G(3))(3)], and sequences related to regions of the c-myc promoter d(G(4)AG(4)T)(2) and d(G(4)AG(3)T)(2) preferentially adopt the quadruplex form in potassium-containing buffers, even in the presence of a 50-fold excess of their complementary C-rich strands, though the duplex predominates in the presence of sodium. The HIV integrase inhibitor d[G(3)(TG(3))(3)] forms an extremely stable quadruplex which is not affected by addition of a 50-fold excess of the complementary C-rich strand in both potassium- and sodium-containing buffers. Replacing the TTA loops of the human telomeric repeat with AAA causes a large decrease in quadruplex stability, though a sequence with AAA in the first loop and TTT in the second and third loops is slightly more stable.  相似文献   

In addition to the well-known Watson–Crick double helix, DNA can form other structures. One of them is a four-stranded quadruplex, formation of which was also acknowledged in in vivo conditions. It was suggested that the presence of quadruplexes in e.g. telomeric region has a significant biological importance. We have studied structural properties of the human telomeric quadruplex formed by G3(T2AG3)3 and related sequences, in which each guanine base was one-by-one replaced by adenine. In the next step, we have studied sequences, in which two, or even four guanines were replaced by adenine. These sequences were studied in the presence of sodium or potassium ions. Using CD spectroscopy, UV thermal stability measurements, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis we found that none of the substitutions hindered the formation of the antiparallel quadruplex formed by the unsubstituted sequence in sodium solutions. However, the effect of substitution differed depending on the position of the guanine replaced. The middle quartet of the antiparallel basket scaffold was the most sensitive and led to the least stable structures. With other sequences, the effect of substitution depends on the position and also on the syn/anti glycosidic bond orientation of the appropriate guanosine in the original quadruplex structure. In the case of the multiple A for G substitutions, the G3(T2AG3)3 quadruplex was most destabilized by the G:G:A:A tetrad, in which the adenosines substituted syn guanosines. Interestingly, unlike with G3(T2AG3)3, no structural transitions were observed with the A-containing analogs of the sequence when sodium ions were replaced by potassium ions. The basic quadruplex topology remained antiparallel for all modified sequences in both salts. As in vivo misincorporation of A for a G in the telomeric sequence is possible and potassium is a physiological salt, these findings may be biologically important. In our next studies, we have compared the effect of the G to A substitutions in the human telomere sequence with 8-oxoguanine substituted samples or samples containing guanine apurinic sites. Data obtained from our study show a noticeable trend: it is not the type of the lesion but the position of the modification determines the effect on the conformation and stability of the quadruplex.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and circular dichroism (CD) techniques were used to investigate the physico-chemical properties of the quadruplexes formed by the two different truncations of human telomeric sequence d(TAGGGT) and d(AGGGT), where the adenines were substituted by 2'-deoxy-8-(hydroxyl)adenosine (A --> A OH). CD spectra show that the modified sequences are able to form parallel-stranded quadruplex structure. Analysis of the thermodynamic parameters reveals that the introduction of the modified adenine affects in different way the thermal stability of the [d(TAGGGT)]4 and [d(AGGGT)]4 quadruplexes.  相似文献   

For mimicking macromolecular crowding of DNA quadruplexes, various crowding agents have been used, typically PEG, with quadruplexes of micromolar strand concentrations. Thermal and thermodynamic stabilities of these quadruplexes increased with the concentration of the agents, the rise depended on the crowder used. A different phenomenon was observed, and is presented in this article, when the crowder was the quadruplex itself. With DNA strand concentrations ranging from 3 µM to 9 mM, the thermostability did not change up to ~2 mM, above which it increased, indicating that the unfolding quadruplex units were not monomolecular above ~2 mM. The results are explained by self‐association of the G‐quadruplexes above this concentration. The ΔGo37 values, evaluated only below 2 mM, did not become more negative, as with the non‐DNA crowders, instead, slightly increased. Folding topology changed from antiparallel to hybrid above 2 mM, and then to parallel quadruplexes at high, 6–9 mM strand concentrations. In this range, the concentration of the DNA phosphate anions approached the concentration of the K+ counterions used. Volume exclusion is assumed to promote the topological changes of quadruplexes toward the parallel, and the decreased screening of anions could affect their stability. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 428–438, 2014.  相似文献   

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