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The high risk of metabolic disease traits in Polynesians may be partly explained by elevated prevalence of genetic variants involved in energy metabolism. The genetics of Polynesian populations has been shaped by island hoping migration events which have possibly favoured thrifty genes. The aim of this study was to sequence the mitochondrial genome in a group of Maoris in an effort to characterise genome variation in this Polynesian population for use in future disease association studies. We sequenced the complete mitochondrial genomes of 20 non-admixed Maori subjects using Affymetrix technology. DNA diversity analyses showed the Maori group exhibited reduced mitochondrial genome diversity compared to other worldwide populations, which is consistent with historical bottleneck and founder effects. Global phylogenetic analysis positioned these Maori subjects specifically within mitochondrial haplogroup--B4a1a1. Interestingly, we identified several novel variants that collectively form new and unique Maori motifs--B4a1a1c, B4a1a1a3 and B4a1a1a5. Compared to ancestral populations we observed an increased frequency of non-synonymous coding variants of several mitochondrial genes in the Maori group, which may be a result of positive selection and/or genetic drift effects. In conclusion, this study reports the first complete mitochondrial genome sequence data for a Maori population. Overall, these new data reveal novel mitochondrial genome signatures in this Polynesian population and enhance the phylogenetic picture of maternal ancestry in Oceania. The increased frequency of several mitochondrial coding variants makes them good candidates for future studies aimed at assessment of metabolic disease risk in Polynesian populations.  相似文献   

Expanding genome capacity via RNA editing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gott JM 《Comptes rendus biologies》2003,326(10-11):901-908
RNA editing, which results in the creation of RNA molecules that differ from the template from which they were made, is a highly specific process. Alterations include converting one base to another, removal of one nucleotide and substitution of another, deletion of encoded residues, and insertion of non-templated nucleotides. Such changes have marked effects on gene expression, ranging from defined amino acid changes to the de novo creation of entire open reading frames. Editing can be regulated in a developmental or tissue-specific manner, and is likely to play a role in the etiology of human disease.  相似文献   

Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) is an economical plant and widely grown for natural rubber production. However, genomic research of rubber tree has lagged behind other species in the Euphorbiaceae family. We report the complete chloroplast genome sequence of rubber tree as being 161,191 bp in length including a pair of inverted repeats of 26,810 bp separated by a small single copy region of 18,362 bp and a large single copy region of 89,209 bp. The chloroplast genome contains 112 unique genes, 16 of which are duplicated in the inverted repeat. Of the 112 unique genes, 78 are predicted protein-coding genes, 4 are ribosomal RNA genes and 30 are tRNA genes. Relative to other plant chloroplast genomes, we observed a unique rearrangement in the rubber tree chloroplast genome: a 30-kb inversion between the trnE(UUC)-trnS(GCU) and the trnT(GGU)-trnR(UCU). A comparison between the rubber tree chloroplast genes and cDNA sequences revealed 51 RNA editing sites in which most (48 sites) were located in 26 protein coding genes and the other 3 sites were in introns. Phylogenetic analysis based on chloroplast genes demonstrated a close relationship between Hevea and Manihot in Euphorbiaceae and provided a strong support for a monophyletic group of the eurosid I.  相似文献   

Complete nucleotide sequence of mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of the Catla catla (Ostariophysi: Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) was determined in the present study. Its length is 16,594 bp and contains 13 protein coding genes, 22 transfer RNAs, two ribosomal RNAs and one non-coding control region. Most of the genes were encoded on the H-strand, while the ND6 and eight tRNA (Gln, Ala, Asn, Cys, Tyr, Ser (UCN), Glu and Pro) genes were encoded on the L-strand. The reading frames of two pair of genes overlapped: ATPase 8 with 6 and ND4L with ND4 by seven nucleotides each. The main non-coding region was 929 bp, with three conserved sequence blocks (CSB-I, CSB-II, and CSB-III) and an unusual simple sequence repeat, (TA)7. Phylogenetic analyses based on complete mitochondrial genome sequences were in favor of the traditional taxonomy of family Cyprinidae. In conclusion present mitogenome of Catla catla adds more information to our understanding of diversity and evolution of mitogenome in fishes.  相似文献   

G Sun  Y Wang  G Tao  Q Shen  W Cao  X Chang  W Zhang  C Shao  M Yi  S Shao  Y Yang 《Journal of virology》2012,86(16):8892-8893
Human parechoviruses (HPeVs) are a species in the Parechovirus genus of the Picornaviridae family. We report a complete genome sequence of a novel HPeV strain, CH-ZJ1, that was found in an infant with gastroenteritis in Zhenjiang City, China. The complete genome consists of 7,298 nucleotides (nt), excluding the 3' poly(A) tail; the open reading frame is mapped between nucleotide positions 654 and 7211 and encodes a 2,185-amino acid (aa) polyprotein. The phylogenetic tree obtained for the complete genome of this HPeV strain and the other HpeV strains available in GenBank indicated that CH-ZJ1 is intervenient between HpeV type 4 (HpeV4) and HpeV5. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 3D and VP1 genes reveals two incongruent trees. Recombination detection indicated that CH-ZJ1 might be a recombinant which was produced by more than one genomic recombination event that occurred among HPeV1, HPeV4, and HPeV3 strains.  相似文献   

A computational analysis of RNA editing sites was performedon protein-coding sequences of plant mitochondrial genomes fromArabidopsis thaliana, Beta vulgaris, Brassica napus, and Oryzasativa. The distribution of nucleotides around edited and uneditedcytidines was compared in 41 nucleotide segments and included1481 edited cytidines and 21,390 unedited cytidines in the 4genomes. The distribution of nucleotides was examined in 1,2, and 3 nucleotide windows by comparison of nucleotide frequencyratios and relative entropy. The relative entropy analyses indicatethat information is encoded in the nucleotide sequences in the5 prime flank (–18 to –14, –13 to –10,–6 to –4, –2/–1) and the immediate 3prime flanking nucleotide (+1), and these regions may be importantin editing site recognition. The relative entropy was largewhen 2 or 3 nucleotide windows were analyzed, suggesting thatseveral contiguous nucleotides may be involved in editing siterecognition. RNA editing sites were frequently preceded by 2pyrimidines or AU and followed by a guanidine (HYCG) in themonocot and dicot mitochondrial genomes, and rarely precededby 2 purines. Analysis of chloroplast editing sites from a dicot,Nicotiana tabacum, and a monocot, Zea mays, revealed a similardistribution of nucleotides around editing sites (HYCA). Thesimilarity of this motif around editing sites in monocots anddicots in both mitochondria and chloroplasts suggests that amechanistic basis for this motif exists that is common in thesedifferent organelle and phylogenetic systems. The preferredsequence distribution around RNA editing sites may have an importantimpact on the acquisition of editing sites in evolution becausethe immediate sequence context of a cytidine residue may rendera cytidine editable or uneditable, and consequently determinewhether a T to C mutation at a specific position may be correctedby RNA editing. The distribution of editing sites in many protein-codingsequences is shown to be non-random with editing sites clusteredin groups separated by regions with no editing sites. The sporadicdistribution of editing sites could result from a mechanismof editing site loss by gene conversion utilizing edited sequenceinformation, possibly through an edited cDNA intermediate.  相似文献   

Gray MW 《IUBMB life》2003,55(4-5):227-233
'RNA editing' describes the programmed alteration of the nucleotide sequence of an RNA species, relative to the sequence of the encoding DNA. The phenomenon encompasses two generic patterns of nucleotide change, 'insertion/deletion' and 'substitution', defined on the basis of whether the sequence of the edited RNA is colinear with the DNA sequence that encodes it. RNA editing is mediated by a variety of pathways that are mechanistically and evolutionarily unrelated. Messenger, ribosomal, transfer and viral RNAs all undergo editing in different systems, but well-documented cases of this phenomenon have so far been described only in eukaryotes, and most often in mitochondria. Editing of mRNA changes the identity of encoded amino acids and may create translation initiation and termination codons. The existence of RNA editing violates one of the long-accepted tenets of genetic information flow, namely, that the amino acid sequence of a protein can be directly predicted from the corresponding gene sequence. Particular RNA editing systems display a narrow phylogenetic distribution, which argues that such systems are derived within specific eukaryotic lineages, rather than representing traits that ultimately trace to a common ancestor of eukaryotes, or even further back in evolution. The derived nature of RNA editing raises intriguing questions about how and why RNA editing systems arise, and how they become fixed as additional, essential steps in genetic information transfer.  相似文献   

The editing of mRNA coding sequences by the modification, removal or addition of nucleotides has recently been recognized as another form of RNA processing. Studies of the extensive editing of mitochondrial mRNAs in trypanosomatids have revealed the involvement of small guide RNAs (gRNAs) which are encoded by the minicircles of kinetoplast DNA.  相似文献   

Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the Tyrolean Iceman   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Tyrolean Iceman was a witness to the Neolithic-Copper Age transition in Central Europe 5350-5100 years ago, and his mummified corpse was recovered from an Alpine glacier on the Austro-Italian border in 1991 [1]. Using a mixed sequencing procedure based on PCR amplification and 454 sequencing of pooled amplification products, we have retrieved the first complete mitochondrial-genome sequence of a prehistoric European. We have then compared it with 115 related extant lineages from mitochondrial haplogroup K. We found that the Iceman belonged to a branch of mitochondrial haplogroup K1 that has not yet been identified in modern European populations. This is the oldest complete Homo sapiens mtDNA genome generated to date. The results point to the potential significance of complete-ancient-mtDNA studies in addressing questions concerning the genetic history of human populations that the phylogeography of modern lineages is unable to tackle.  相似文献   

RNA editing and the mitochondrial cryptogenes of kinetoplastid protozoa   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
L Simpson  J Shaw 《Cell》1989,57(3):355-366

Hein  Anke  Brenner  Sarah  Polsakiewicz  Monika  Knoop  Volker 《Plant molecular biology》2020,102(1-2):185-198
Plant Molecular Biology - Upon loss of either its chloroplast or mitochondrial target, a uniquely dual-targeted factor for C-to-U RNA editing in angiosperms reveals low evidence for improved...  相似文献   

Candida subhashii belongs to the CUG-Ser clade, a group of phylogenetically closely related yeast species that includes some human opportunistic pathogens, such as Candida albicans. Despite being present in the environment, C. subhashii was initially described as the causative agent of a case of peritonitis. Considering the relevance of whole-genome sequencing and analysis for our understanding of genome evolution and pathogenicity, we sequenced, assembled and annotated the genome of C. subhashii type strain. Our results show that C. subhashii presents a highly heterozygous genome and other signatures that point to a hybrid ancestry. The presence of functional pathways for assimilation of hydroxyaromatic compounds goes in line with the affiliation of this yeast with soil microbial communities involved in lignin decomposition. Furthermore, we observed that different clones of this strain may present circular or linear mitochondrial DNA. Re-sequencing and comparison of strains with differential mitochondrial genome topology revealed five candidate genes potentially associated with this conformational change: MSK1, SSZ1, ALG5, MRPL9 and OYE32.  相似文献   

We present here the complete 16,338 nucleotide DNA sequence of the bovine mitochondrial genome. This sequence is homologous to that of the human mitochondrial genome (Anderson et al., 1981) and the genes are organized in virtually identical fashion. The bovine mitochondrial protein genes are 63 to 79% homologous to their human counterparts, and most of the nucleotide differences occur in the third positions of codons. The minimum rate of base substitution that accounts for the nucleotide differences in the codon third positions is very high: at least 6 × 10?9 changes per position per year. The bovine and human mitochondrial transfer RNA genes exhibit more interspecies variation than do their cytoplasmic counterparts, with the “TΨC” loop being the most variable part of the molecule. The bovine 12 S and 16 S ribosomal RNA genes, when compared with those from human mitochondrial DNA, show conserved features that are consistent with proposed secondary structure models for the ribosomal RNAs. Unlike the pattern of moderate-to-high homology between the bovine and human mitochondrial DNAs found over most of the genome, the DNA sequence in the bovine D-loop region is only slightly homologous to the corresponding region in the human mitochondrial genome. This region is also quite variable in length, and accounts for the bulk of the size difference between the human and bovine mitochondrial DNAs.  相似文献   

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