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RNA synthesis has been studied during spermiogenesis of Paracentrotus lividus by high resolution autoradiography using [3H]uridine as a labeled precursor. Under the experimental conditions used [3H]uridine incorporation is detectable only at the early spermatid stage. Labeling is distributed mainly over the nucleus and it appears completely absent from the mitochondria. After RNase digestion radioactivity falls to a background level, demonstrating that RNA synthesis actually occurs in early spermatids of P. lividus. It follows that in P. lividus during spermiogenesis cell differentiation is not entirely dependent on stored premeiotic RNAs.  相似文献   

Gastrullation of sea urchin embryos is arrested in sulfate-free sea water. This developmental arrest has been considered to be due to lack of sulfation of glycosaminoglycans in the extracellular matrix of the embryos. In the present study, we characterized a dermatan sulfate type component formed in gastrula-stage embryos of the sea urchin Clypeaster japonicus and examined the effects of sulfate deprivation on the formation. Glycosamino-glycans were prepared from gastrula-stage embryos incubated with [3H]acetate in normal and sulfate-free sea water. Enzymatic analyses indicated that embryos formed a glycosaminoglycan of the dermatan sulfate type which contained an N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate-containing disaccharide as a major unit, plus a minor unidentified component. Under sulfate-free conditions, embryos formed an under-sulfated chondroitin/dermatan sulfate copolymer which mainly consisted of non-sulfate, glucuronic acid-containing (chondroitin) disaccharide units. These results suggest that sulfate deprivation diminishes not only the degree of sulfation but also the formation of L-iduronic acid-containing (dermatan) disaccharide units in dermatan sulfate in sea urchin embryos.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization experiments with a labeled DNA probe indicate that the ability to respond to heat shock with the production of the mRNA for the 70 kd heat shock protein is segregated into the ectodermal cells already at the gastrula stage or earlier during the embryonic development of Paracentrotus lividus.  相似文献   

S. Ito  K. Dan  D. Goodenough 《Chromosoma》1981,83(4):441-453
The ultrastructural features of chromosome vesicle formation in early sea urchin embryos and chromosome vesicle uptake of tritiated thymidine is described. Envelopes which resemble typical nuclear envelopes form around the condensed anaphase chromosomes. In late anaphase or early telophase, the chromosomes swell and decondense and it is at this time when tritiated thymidine is incorporated. This study shows that DNA synthesis in the rapidly dividing cells of early sea urchin embryos occurs in chromosome vesicles which form during anaphase.  相似文献   

Intracellular and isolated amastigotes of Leishmania amazonensis can be destroyed by L-amino acid methyl esters known to disrupt mammalian lysosomes. To evaluate the mechanism(s) involved in the leishmanicidal activity, we examined the uptake and hydrolysis of tritiated esters by isolated amastigotes. After incubation with the labeled compounds, parasites were recovered, were washed on filters, and their radioactivity was determined. Alternatively, amastigotes were separated from the medium by centrifugation through oil, and the radioactivity associated with free or esterified amino acids was measured after thin-layer chromatography. The results showed that the methyl esters of Trp, Leu, and Met, which are leishmanicidal, accumulated in and were rapidly hydrolysed by the amastigotes. [3H]Leu derived from [3H]Leu-OMe remained associated with the amastigotes even after a 1-hr chase in label-free medium, but the ester species was rapidly lost upon washing of the parasites. In contrast, the esters of Ile and Ala, which are not leishmanicidal, were only slowly hydrolysed, and most of the radioactivity was lost upon washing. We have previously shown that certain amino acid esters and weak bases protect Leishmania from damage by leucine methyl ester (Leu-OMe). In the present experiments, these compounds reduced, in concentration-dependent fashion, the hydrolysis of [3H]Leu-OMe and the accumulation of [3H]Leu in the amastigotes. Overall, the results indicate that, as in lysosomal disruption, leishmanicidal activity is associated with ester hydrolysis and amino acid accumulation in the parasites. The nature and location of the parasite esterolytic enzymes requires additional investigation.  相似文献   

Insulin imprinting given to the unicellular Tetrahymena considerably increases the uptake and intracellular storage of amino acids even many generations after the actual contact with the hormone. On the other hand, both the first and the second contacts with insulin increase the rate of the excretion of the stored amino acids. On the basis of the results obtained it seems to be possible that both protein synthesis and exocytosis of the Tetrahymena change as an effect of imprinting, either in general or specifically due to the formation of new hormone receptors.  相似文献   

Paracentrotus lividus embryos were continuously labeled with P32 from hatching blastula to pluteus. The archenteron cells were then separated from the rest of the embryo and the radioactivity accumulated into the ribosomal RNA of the two cell groups measured. The results clearly indicate that the bulk of ribosomal RNA is mainly if not entirely, synthesized in this time interval by the archenteron cells.  相似文献   

A fusion gene construct in which the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene is controlled by CyIIIa actin gene cis-regulatory sequences was injected into unfertilized eggs of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. The distribution of CAT DNA sequences was measured directly by in situ hybridization in squashed 24-hr blastula preparations derived from these eggs. Earlier studies had shown that stable mosaic incorporation of the exogenous DNA occurs during cleavage, after which the exogenous sequences replicate at approximately the pace of the host cell genomes. The fractions of embryonic cells observed in this study to include CAT DNA sequences imply that their stable incorporation into a replicating nuclear form occurs most often in a single cell at the 3rd or 4th cleavage stages, though it may occur as early as 2nd cleavage, or as late as 7th cleavage. Corroborative measurements were carried out by the same method on squashed preparations of embryos at earlier stages, and by in situ hybridizations of CAT mRNA, both in dissociated embryos and in cytological sections of 72-hr pluteus-stage embryos. Hybridizations to CAT mRNA and to CAT DNA were carried out on alternate sections of several embryos. The results confirm unequivocally that although CAT mRNA appears only in the aboral ectoderm in embryos derived from eggs injected with the CyIIIa.CAT fusion gene, the exogenous sequences are indeed present, though silent, in the various other cell types of the late embryo.  相似文献   

Primary cell culture has been obtained from intima and media of unaffected zones of human aorta and from atherosclerotic lesions (fatty infiltration, fatty streaks, atherosclerotic plaques). Cellular polymorphism was found in these cultures. Four morphological types of aortic cells are described: elongated, asymmetric, polygonal, and stellate cells. These cell types also differed in their proliferative activity. On the 7th day of culturing, polygonal cells do not incorporate 3H-thymidine; the thymidine index of other three cell types was similar. The thymidine index of medial cells was higher than that of intimal ones.  相似文献   

Autoradiographic and electron microscope methods were used to correlate changes in nucleoproteins with nuclear fine structure during spermatogenesis in the mouse. Testes were fixed at daily intervals after intratesticular injectionwith labeled amino acid. [3H]Arginine, lysine, valine, and proline were rapidly incorporated into primary spermatocyte nuclei, retained through subsequent spermatocyte divisions and through spermatid differentiation to step 12 of spermiogenesis, but were lost with spermatid differentiation beyond step 12. Arginine and lysine (not valine or proline) also were rapidly incorporated into certain elongated spermatid nuclei but differed strikingly in their distribution and fate. Nuclei of late step-12 through step-15 spermatids were initially labeled with arginine. This label was retained through subsequent spermatid differentiation and sperm maturation in the epididymis. By contrast, lysine was initially incorporated only into late step-12 and step-13 spermatid nuclei, and was retained only to early step 14 of spermiogenesis. Spermatid incorporation of lysine coincided with the initiation of chromatin condensation in late step-12 nuclei, and loss of lysine coincided with the completion of condensation in step-14 nuclei.  相似文献   

Calcium uptake and release by dividing sea urchin eggs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Double-stranded ribonucleic acid in sea urchin embryos   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Relationships between the Na+ dependent amino acid uptake displayed by fertilized sea urchin eggs and the electrochemical gradient of Na+ was investigated. The time course of Na+ content and valine or alanine uptake was simultaneously monitored in Na+ loaded eggs [by fertilization in K+-free artificial sea water (OK-ASW), or by using monensin, antimycin, cyanide, or ciguatoxin]. Our results demonstrate that the uphill amino acid uptake follows the "Na+ gradient hypothesis." Subsequent fertilization of eggs Na+ depleted by ammonia for 40 min stimulates to a great extent the development of amino acid uptake as compared with controls eggs. By using simultaneous change of external and intracellular Na+ concentration, we studied the specific role of this ion. An increase in internal Na+ inhibits the uptake through trans inhibitory action while an increase in external Na+ stimulates the efficiency of the uptake system. In eggs fertilized since 30 min, hyperpolarization obtained in K+-free ASW stimulates amino acid uptake while depolarization (transfer from K+ free ASW to ASW) inhibits it. This potential-dependent effect developed after fertilization with a time course similar to that the establishment of K+ conductance described by R. A. Steinhardt, L. Lundin, and D. Mazia (1971, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 68, 2426-2430). In conclusion, our results point out that slight modulations in the activity of the Na+ pump can widely affect the amino acid uptake, suggesting that activation of Na+/K+ ATPase has a key role in the stimulation of amino acid transport.  相似文献   

The expression of testis-specific and adult somatic histone genes in sea urchin testis was investigated by in situ hybridization. The testis-specific histone genes (Sp H2B-1 of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and Sp H2B-2 of Lytechinus pictus) were expressed exclusively in a subset of male germ line cells. These cells are morphologically identical to replicating cells pulse-labelled with 3H-thymidine. Genes coding for histones expressed in adult somatic and late embryo cells (H2A-beta for S. purpuratus and H3-1 for L. pictus) were expressed in the same germ line cells, as well as in the supportive cells (nutritive phagocytes) of the gonad. All histone mRNAs detected in the male germ lineage declined precipitously by the early spermatid stage, before cytoplasmic reduction. The data suggest that both testis-specific and adult somatic histone genes are expressed in proliferating male germ line cells. Testis-specific gene expression is restricted to spermatogonia and premeiotic spermatids, but somatic histone expression is not. The decline of histone mRNA in nondividing spermatids is not merely a consequence of cytoplasmic shedding, but probably reflects mRNA turnover.  相似文献   

Control and γ-irradiated sea urchin (Arbacia punctulata) eggs were incubated with H3-leucine. No incorporation of the amino acid into the proteins of most unirradiated eggs was detectable by autoradiography. All irradiated eggs incorporated the amino acid and the amount of autoradiographic labelling varied greatly from cell to cell.  相似文献   

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