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Photoreactivating enzyme (PRE) from yeast causes a light-dependent reduction of UV-induced unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) when injected into the cytoplasm of repair-proficieint human fibroblasts (Zwetsloot et al., 1985). This result indicates that the exogenous PRE monomerizers UV-induced dimers in these cells competing with the endogenous excision repair. In this paper we present the results of the injection of yeast PRE on (residual) UDS in fibroblasts from different excision-deficient XP-strains representing complementation groups A, C, D, E, F, H and I (all displaying more than 10% of the UDS of wild-type cells) and in fibroblasts from two excision-proficient XP-variant strains.In fibroblasts belonging to complementation groups C, F and I and in fibroblasts from the XP-variant strains UDS was significantly reduced, indicating that pyrimidine dimers in these cells are accessible to and can be monomerized by the injected yeast PRE. The UDS reduction in the XP-variant strains is comparable with the effect in wild-type cells. In cells from complementation groups C, F and I the reduction is less than in wild-type and XP-variant cells. Fibroblasts belonging to groups A, D, E and H did not show any reduction in UDS level after PRE injection and illumination with photoreactivating light. These result give evidence that the genetic repair defect in some XP-strains is probably due to an altered accessibility of the UV-damaged sites.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a highly efficient acute transforming agent in human cells, provided that the intact virus is used. To investigate the ability of viral DNA alone to transform cells, we introduced the EBV genome into human lymphocytes. After microinjection of EBV DNA into neonatal B lymphocytes, we established a cell line that in early passages contained multiple viral fragments. This cell line retained sequences from the short, unique (Us) region of the EBV genome and sequences from EcoRI-E. The viral sequences were not expressed; however, the cells expressed a 2.3-kilobase polyadenylated message homologous to the c-fgr oncogene, a cellular locus believed to be activated by EBV infection [M. S. C. Cheah, T. J. Ley, S. R. Tronick, and K. C. Robbins, Nature (London) 319:238-240.]. The cell line was monoclonal with rearrangement at the immunoglobulin locus and had a reciprocal translocation t(1;7)(p34;q34) and a deletion of sequences within the locus for the beta chain of the T-cell receptor. The close proximity of the translocation to the chromosomal loci for c-fgr on chromosome 1 and the T-cell receptor beta chain on chromosome 7 suggests that structural alteration of these genes was critical to this transformation event.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide binding proteins function in the coupling of a diverse span of cell surface receptors to a variety of intracellular signaling pathways, some of which stimulate cellular proliferation. With the recent discovery that mutated forms of G proteins are present in specific tumors, there has been an increased interest in the determination of the role of specific subtypes of G proteins in the regulation of cellular growth. We have attempted to determine which subtypes of G proteins are directly involved in serum-stimulated DNA synthesis through microinjection of inhibitory antibodies into living cells. Inhibitory rabbit polyclonal antibodies directed against specific Gi alpha subunits were introduced into living Balb/c 3T3 fibroblasts by microinjection, and the effect upon serum-stimulated DNA synthesis was examined. Results of these experiments indicate that Gi2 plays a direct role in serum-stimulated DNA synthesis in living cells and suggest that G proteins may function in a variety of mitogenic signaling pathways initiated by serum growth factors.  相似文献   

Injection of whole adenovirus DNA into Xenopus oocytes results in the synthesis of large amounts of the early region 2A DNA-binding protein (E2A-DBP) and smaller amounts of polypeptide IX. The lack of synthesis of any functional messenger RNAs transcribed from the major late promotor at 16.3 map units is remarkable. Cleavage of the adenovirus DNA outside the E2A gene proper by restriction enzymes decreases synthesis of the DBP to about 10% of the amount produced after injection of intact DNA. On the other hand, presence of the terminal (Bellett) protein on the injected template enhances DBP synthesis considerably. Experiments with injected DNA restriction fragments, as well as reconstructed genes cloned into pBR322, indicate that efficient synthesis of DBP in oocytes requires the presence of either or both of the two main promoters from which the E2A gene is transcribed plus an intact 3' end of the gene. In the absence of any known promotor, 100-fold lower amounts of otherwise normal DBP are produced. Unlike in a regular infection, synthesis of DBP in oocytes does not require the product of the E1A gene. The same series of experiments also demonstrates that the DBP, a phosphoprotein, is the substrate of a cellular rather than a virus-encoded protein kinase. Two minor E2A proteins, although colinear with the major DBP, are synthesized independently. Synthesis of a 44,000 Mr protein, probably corresponding to the carboxy-terminal 360 amino acid residues of the DBP, is not decreased after injection of "promotorless" E2A genes. Unlike the 44,000 Mr protein, production of a 67,000 Mr protein (carboxy-terminal 483 amino acid residues) by one DNA-construct is probably directed by a T-A-T-A-A-A-T-A sequence in the vector DNA.  相似文献   

Transformation by microinjection of macronucleoplasm in Paramecium caudatum was investigated. Macronucleoplasm with three genetic markers (behavior, trichocyst, and mating type) was injected into the macronucleus. To facilitate microinjection, in most cases, paramecia were immobilized in a gelatin (7.5%) solution. The injected cells began to express a dominant gene (cnrA+ or cnrB+) of the donor 9-24 hr after injection. Expression did not require cell division suggesting injected macronucleoplasm was capable of expressing a phenotype. The amount of injected macronucleoplasm appears to correlate with the frequency of successful expression but not to correlate with the time required for expression. After a number of fissions, the injected cells produced clones which had cells expressing the phenotype of the donor. This suggests that injected macronucleoplasm was replicated and expressed in the recipient cell lines. The transformed clones were classified into two groups. In one group, transformation was stable. All cell lines derived from the injected cells expressed a phenotype similar to the heterozygote of donor and recipient cells. In the other group, transformation was unstable. During the first five to seven fissions after injection, at each division, cells produced one daughter cell which later reverted to the recipient phenotype. After this unstable period, cells no longer produced the recipient phenotype but produced the donor phenotype exclusively. Donor and recipient phenotypes were, thus, segregated in different cell lines. Observation of genetic markers and analysis by computer simulation shed light on the mode of transmission of injected macronucleoplasm. In stable transformation, injected macronucleoplasm appears to be distributed equally to daughter cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An efficient system has been established that allows well controlledDNA microinjection into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) mesophyllprotoplasts with partially regenerated cell walls and subsequentanalysis of transient as well as stable expression of injectedreporter genes in particular targeted cells or derived clones.The system represents an effective tool to study parametersimportant for the successful transformation of plant cells bymicroinjection and other techniques. Protoplasts were immobilizedin a very thin layer of medium solidified with agarose or alginate.DNA microinjection was routinely monitored by coinjecting FITC-dextranand aimed at the cytoplasm of target cells. The injection procedurewas optimized for efficient delivery of injection solution intothis compartment. Cells were found to be at the optimal stagefor microinjection about 24 h after immobilization in solidmedium. Embedded cells could be kept at this stage for up to4 d by incubating them at 4 C in the dark. Within 1 h successfuldelivery of injection, solution was routinely possible into20–40 cells. Following cytoplasmic coinjection of FITC-dextran and pSHI913,a plasmid containing the neo (neomycin phosphotransferase II)gene, stably transformed, paromomycin-resistant clones couldbe recovered through selection. Transgenic tobacco lines havebeen established from such clones. Injection solutions containingpSHI913 at a concentration of either 50 µg ml–1or 1 mg ml–1 have been tested. With 1 mg ml–1 plasmidDNA the percentage of resistant clones per successfully injectedcell was determined to be about 3.5 times higher. Incubationof embedded protoplasts at 4C before microinjection was foundto reduce the percentage of resistant clones obtained per injectedcell Protoplasts were immobilized above a grid pattern and the locationof injected cells was recorded by Polaroid photography. Thefate of particular targeted cells could be observed. Isolationand individual culture of clones derived from injected cellswas possible. Following cytoplasmic coinjection of FITC-dextranand 1 mg ml–1 plasmid DNA on average about 20% of thetargeted cells developed into microcalli and roughly 50% ofthese calli were stably transformed. Transient expression ofthe firefly luciferase gene (Luc) was nondestructively analysed24 h after injection of pAMLuc. Approximately 50% of the injectedcells that were alive at this time point expressed the Luc genetransiently. Apparently, stable integration of the injectedgenes occurred in essentially all transiently expressing cellsthat developed into clones. Key words: DNA microinjection, firefly luciferase, FITCdextran, Nicotiana tabacum, protoplast transformation  相似文献   

Treatment of Xenopus laevis follicles with 50–100 units/ml of human chorionic gonadotropin causes rapid stimulation of [14C]glucose uptake. Studies with these follicles showed that the stimulation of uptake occurred with a wide range of concentrations of [14C]glucose or its nonmetabolizable analog [14C]3-O-methylglucose. Approx. 70% of the glucose taken up in both hormone-treated and control cells becomes incorporated into glycogen within 1 h. The uptake of sugar by these follicles was also stimulated by bovine-luteinizing hormone—but not by folliclestimulating hormone, progesterone or insulin. Human chorionic gonadotropin stimulated sugar uptake by follicles containing medium-sized oocytes (stages 3,4 and 5 according to Dumont) which cannot be induced to undergo meiotic maturation by this hormone. After 4–6 h treatment of fully grown X. laevis follicles with either progesterone or human chorionic gonadotropin, glucose uptake suffers a drastic decrease to below basal levels. This inhibition of uptake is coincident with the breakdown of the germinal vesicle of the oocyte and is clearly related to meiotic maturation, since it is not observed with medium-sized follicles which cannot mature.  相似文献   

We have examined the capacity of Xenopus laevis eggs to support replication of microinjected SV40 DNA. As previously reported, microinjected DNA undergoes semi-conservative replication. Unlabeled SV40 DNA was microinjected with [3H]dTTP and, after a 3 h incubation period, the DNA was recovered and adsorbed to BND-cellulose. Elution with an NaCl gradient removes molecules that are entirely double-stranded but not those with single-stranded regions. The latter DNA population is eluted with caffeine. The radioactive DNA that eluted with NaCl was comprised mostly of supercoiled and open circular SV40 DNAs. The radioactive DNA eluted with caffeine was comprised mainly of endogenous DNA but also contained replicative forms of SV40 DNA. Analysis of SV40 DNA replication intermediates by electron microscopy revealed mainly Cairn's forms of varying degrees of maturation. Digestion with BamH1, which cleaves SV40 DNA almost opposite the normal viral replication origin, indicated that SV40 DNA microinjected into frog eggs does not initiate DNA synthesis at its normal initiation site nor at any other obvious preferred site. Rather, it appears that when this template is injected into activated Xenopus eggs, replication may initiate at random.  相似文献   

Microinjection of a dominant interfering mutant of Ras (N17 Ras) caused a significant reduction in thyrotropin (thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH])-stimulated DNA synthesis in rat thyroid cells. A similar reduction was observed following injection of the heat-stable protein kinase inhibitor of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Coinjection of both inhibitors almost completely abolished TSH-induced DNA synthesis. In contrast to TSH, overexpression of cellular Ras protein did not stimulate the expression of a cyclic AMP response element-regulated reporter gene. Similarly, injection of N17 Ras had no effect on TSH-stimulated reporter gene expression. Moreover, overexpression of cellular Ras protein stimulated similar levels of DNA synthesis in the presence or absence of the heat-stable protein kinase inhibitor. Together, these results suggest that in Wistar rat thyroid cells, a full mitogenic response to TSH requires both Ras and cyclic APK-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) were analyzed by separating large DNA fragments by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Human U-343MG glioma and K562 erythroleukemia cells were irradiated with 60Co gamma rays or nitrogen ions with high linear energy transfer (125 keV/microm). By comparing the fraction of DNA released into the gel below different size thresholds, corresponding to megabase-pair-sized DNA fragments, the relative effectiveness of the nitrogen ions was found to be dependent on both dose and the threshold size used in the evaluation. This dose dependence was most evident for the smallest threshold (6 Mbp) and was due to a linear dose response for release of the fragments for the ions compared to the curvilinear response for the gamma rays. The two curves intersected, and the relative yield of fragments (nitrogen ions/gamma rays) decreased from more than 3 below 1.5 Gy to 0.8 at 30 Gy. For the larger sizes (6-10.5 Mbp), the relative yield was constant at around 0.7. Thus the ion-induced fragments were shifted to smaller sizes compared to the 60Co gamma rays, and the data for nitrogen ions could not be fitted to random fragment distributions at doses < or =20 Gy. From these results, we conclude that a substantial fraction of the DSBs induced by heavy ions were nonrandomly distributed, correlated with DSBs within a region of < or =2 Mbp. After a dose of 20 Gy, the rejoining curves for ion-induced DSBs were different for each fragment size, resulting in different levels of unrejoined breaks after 6 h.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that the ability to induce benign neoplasms We have dominant mode of inheritance in Drosophila melanogaster is the specific feature of oncoviral DNAs. It is supposed that development of this type of neoplasms in Drosophila is connected with the changes in expression of protooncogenes in mutant genome: firstly, the genetic factors directing the development of neoplasms and Drosophila protooncogenes which shared the homology with v-src are localised in the same regions; secondly, there are structural rearrangements in c-src/fps (29A) protooncogene in mutant stocks which display the ability for neoplastic growth.  相似文献   

A key question in eukaryotic differentiation is whether there are common regulators or biochemical events that are required for diverse types of differentiation or whether there is a core mechanism for differentiation. The unicellular model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae undergoes filamentous differentiation in response to environmental cues. Because conserved cell cycle regulators, the mitotic cyclin-dependent kinase Clb2/Cdc28, and its inhibitor Swe1 were found to be involved in both nitrogen starvation- and short chain alcohol-induced filamentous differentiation, they were identified as components of the core mechanism for filamentous differentiation. We report here that slowed DNA synthesis also induces yeast filamentous differentiation through conserved checkpoint proteins Mec1 and Rad53. Swe1 and Clb2 are also involved in this form of differentiation, and the core status of Swe1/Clb2/Cdc28 in the mechanism of filamentous differentiation has therefore been confirmed. Because the cAMP and filamentous growth mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways that mediate nitrogen starvation-induced filamentous differentiation are not required for slowed DNA synthesis-induced filamentous growth, they can therefore be excluded from the core mechanism. More significantly, slowed DNA synthesis also induces differentiation in mammalian cancer cells, and such stimulus conservation may indicate that the core mechanism for yeast filamentous differentiation is conserved in mammalian differentiation.  相似文献   

Mouse offspring after microinjection of heated spermatozoa.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The thermostability of the mammalian sperm genome was previously reported, but no live offspring after conception with heated spermatozoa had yet been obtained. In the present study, mouse spermatozoa were heated at 56 degrees C for 30 min and microinjected into mouse oocytes. Fertilization did not occur unless activation was induced by incubation in a calcium-free medium containing strontium. Under these conditions fertilization and cleavage rates were comparable to those obtained after microinjection of control spermatozoa, but the developmental rate to the blastocyst stage was lower. When transferred to foster mothers, embryos derived from heated sperm developed into phenotypically normal offspring, which grew and reproduced normally. In the mouse, heated spermatozoa can therefore support full embryonic development after microinjection into oocytes.  相似文献   

Early alterations in the synthesis of proteins which bind to single-stranded DNA have been examined following the onset of transformation in NRK cells transformed by a heat-sensitive mutant (ts339) of Rous sarcoma virus. Transformation was initiated by shifting quiescent cultures from nonpermissive to permissive temperatures. Cultures were prelabelled with [3H]leucine for several generations at the non-permissive temperature, and with [35S]methionine at times after shift to the permissive temperature. Cytosol extracts were passed through sequential columns of double-stranded and single-stranded DNA bound to cellulose. Within the first hour of transformation there was an increase in the synthetic rate of proteins binding tightly to single-stranded DNA, but not to double-stranded DNA. More loosely bound protein fractions showed no such early synthetic increase. Electrophoresis of the fraction eluted from single stranded DNA-cellulose with 2 M NaCl demonstrated the presence of a major protein of 93 000 daltons, which comprised more than 0.1% of the cytosol protein. The synthesis of the 93 000 dalton protein increased continuously over the first 4 h interval after the onset of transformation. The synthetic rate of a 35 000 dalton protein, a major DNA-binding polypeptide found in mammalian cells, began to increase after a 1-h lag, following the onset of transformation. The protein fraction containing the 93 000 dalton protein had considerable unwinding activity, depressing the melting temperature of poly(dA-dT) by 39 degrees C. The protein fraction containing the bulk of the 35 000 dalton protein did not have unwinding activity. Transformation-induced DNA synthesis was measured in cells made permeable to deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates at times after shift to the permissive temperature. It was determined that synthesis of DNA began within the first 1--2 h after the onset of transformation. We conclude that the early transformation-associated synthesis of SS93 and perhaps other proteins binding to single-stranded DNA may be related to early transformation-associated changes preparatory to DNA replication and subsequent growth.  相似文献   

The association of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) with nasopharyngeal carcinoma is supported by the presence of EBV genomes in the epithelial elements of the tumor and by elevated antibody titers to EBV-specific antigens in the patients; the levels of these titers are related to the clinical course of the disease. However, since most laboratory data suggest that EBV is a B-lymphotropic virus, it is unclear how the virus becomes associated with the epithelial elements of the nasopharynx. The purpose of the present work was to find a human model system to study this association. A human epithelial line (U) was found that could be directly infected by EBV, and viral functions, the induction of EBV nuclear antigen and cellular DNA synthesis, were demonstrated. The U line was established in 1957 by the late H. J. Van Kooten (Kok-Doorschodt at the University of Utrecht), and although it is no longer diploid, it exhibits density inhibition. When U cells were infected with EBV, EBV nuclear antigen was expressed in 6 to 16% of the cells, 1 and 2 days after infection with B95-8 virus, but not with the P3HR-1 strain. No evidence for virus replication was obtained; immunofluorescence staining for early antigens and virus capsid antigens gave negative results. Quantitative adsorption experiments for EBV indicated that the adsorption capacity of U cells is significant (60% of Raji cells). The present results also demonstrated that infection with the virus overcomes block(s) in cellular DNA synthesis caused by 5-fluorodeoxyuridine. The induction of DNA synthesis was determined by increased incorporation of [3H]thymidine into the cells. The highest level of isotope incorporation was observed at about 15 h after infection and thereafter decreased. Analysis of the induced DNA indicated that it was of cellular origin.  相似文献   

An interesting property of the Escherichia coli DNA polymerase II is the stimulation in DNA synthesis mediated by the DNA polymerase III accessory proteins beta,gamma complex. In this paper we have studied the basis for the stimulation in pol II activity and have concluded that these accessory proteins stimulate pol II activity by increasing the processivity of the enzyme between 150- and 600-fold. As is the case with pol III, processive synthesis by pol II requires both beta,gamma complex and SSB protein. Whereas the intrinsic velocity of synthesis by pol II is 20-30 nucleotides per s with or without the accessory proteins, the processivity of pol II is increased from approximately five nucleotides to greater than 1600 nucleotides incorporated per template binding event. The effect of the accessory proteins on the rate of replication is far greater on pol III than on pol II; pol III holoenzyme is able to complete replication of circular single-stranded M13 DNA in less than 20 s, whereas pol II in the presence of the gamma complex and beta requires approximately 5 min. We have investigated the effect of beta,gamma complex proteins on bypass of a site-specific abasic lesion by E. coli DNA polymerases I, II, and III. All three polymerases are extremely inefficient at bypass of the abasic lesion. We find limited bypass by pol I with no change upon addition of accessory proteins. pol II also shows limited bypass of the abasic site, dependent on the presence of beta,gamma complex and SSB. pol III shows no significant bypass of the abasic site with or without beta,gamma complex.  相似文献   

Работа объясняет необычные результаты образования фага и колицина после воздействия УФ-лучами на культуру E. coli, как было описано в предшествовавшем сообщении (?marda, 1960). Для двух штаммов, продуцирующих один и тот же фаг и колицин (но в различном соотношении), было доказано, что УФ-лучи индуцируют одновременно образование фага и колицина. Наличие свободного фага в среде можно доказать уже через 2 часа после индукции, тогда как присутствие колицина—только через 4–6 час., т. е. в период, когда содержание фага в результате его адсорбции может уже опять понизиться вплоть до контрольных величин. Таким образом, колицин не выделяется в среду при лизисе клеток, продуцирующих фаг; его продукцию в этом случае можно себе представить скорее как секрецию.  相似文献   

An efficient method, called the culture plate method, was devised for microinjection of foreign materials into nuclei of tomato callus cells. The culture plate method, used in this study, is advantageous because cells suitable for microinjection can be selected microscopically and the injected cells subsequently cultured in the same plate. With this microinjection system, some foreign materials were injected into nuclei of callus cells without causing detrimental effects. Kanamycin-resistant callus clones were obtained 1 month after injection from single cells whose nuclei were microinjected with a NPT II DNA fragment of the pE2KX plasmid.  相似文献   

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