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Transactivation domain (TAD)-truncated p73, DeltaNp73, associates with p53, resulting in suppression of p53's functions. Using p53 null cell lines, we examined whether or not DeltaNp73 can regulate gene expression in a p53-independent manner. When DeltaNp73alpha was co-transfected with a luciferase reporter plasmid with various enhancer elements, NFkappaB-responsive luciferase gene expression was selectively up-regulated by DeltaNp73alpha, but not by other p73-isoforms with TAD and DeltaNp73beta. Deletion of the TAD endowed p73alpha with the ability to enhance the responsive gene's expression, but deletion of the N-terminal proline-rich domain (PRD) rendered the TAD-deleted p73alpha inactive. Considering the inability of DeltaNp73beta, which is the C-terminus-truncated form of DeltaNp73alpha, to function, these results indicate that both the PRD and C-terminus are necessary for DeltaNp73alpha to can activate NFkappaB-responsive luciferase expression. Over-expression of p53 suppressed the TAD-truncated p73alpha-mediated luciferase expression, suggesting that p53 interferes with the TAD-truncated p73alpha-mediated activation of NFkappaB. Inhibitors for NFkappaB activation reduced the TAD-truncated p73alpha-dependent NFkappaB-responsive gene expression, indicating that TAD-truncated p73alpha activates NFkappaB as does TNFalpha. In addition to the results obtained in the reporter gene assay, TAD-truncated p73alpha stimulated the translocation of NFkappaB to the nucleus and the expression of an endogenous NFkappaB-responsive gene, Bcl-XL. Taken together, these results demonstrate that TAD-truncated p73alpha can activate NFkappaB.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylases (HDACs) play important roles in fundamental cellular processes, and HDAC inhibitors are emerging as promising cancer therapeutics. p73, a member of the p53 family, plays a critical role in tumor suppression and neural development. Interestingly, p73 produces two classes of proteins with opposing functions: the full-length TAp73 and the N-terminally truncated ΔNp73. In the current study, we sought to characterize the potential regulation of p73 by HDACs and found that histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) is a key regulator of TAp73 protein stability. Specifically, we showed that HDAC1 inhibition by HDAC inhibitors or by siRNA shortened the half-life of TAp73 protein and subsequently decreased TAp73 expression under normal and DNA damage-induced conditions. Mechanistically, we found that HDAC1 knockdown resulted in hyperacetylation and inactivation of heat shock protein 90, which disrupted the interaction between heat shock protein 90 and TAp73 and thus promoted the proteasomal degradation of TAp73. Functionally, we found that down-regulation of TAp73 was required for the enhanced cell migration mediated by HDAC1 knockdown. Together, we uncover a novel regulation of TAp73 protein stability by HDAC1-heat shock protein 90 chaperone complex, and our data suggest that TAp73 is a critical downstream mediator of HDAC1-regulated cell migration.  相似文献   

We previously reported that DAN, a founding member of the DAN family of secreted proteins, acts as an inhibitor of cell cycle progression and is closely involved in retinoic acid-induced neuroblastoma differentiation. In this study, we found that DAN as well as p73, the recently identified p53 family member, was up-regulated during osteoblast differentiation. Additionally, the expression of DAN was increased in response to cisplatin-induced cell death of neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Consistent with the previous reports, p73 was accumulated after the treatment with cisplatin. Intriguingly, we found a putative p53/p73-binding site in the 5'-upstream region of the human DAN gene. A luciferase reporter assay and an in vitro DNA-binding experiment revealed that this canonical p53/p73-binding site was a functional responsive element and was specific for p73. Our results suggest that there exists a functional association between DAN and p73 during osteoblast differentiation as well as cisplatin-induced cell death.  相似文献   

Resistance to anti-neoplastic agents is the major cause of therapy failure, leading to disease recurrence and metastasis. E2F1 is a strong inducer of apoptosis in response to DNA damage through its capacity to activate p53/p73 death pathways. Recent evidence, however, showed that E2F1, which is aberrantly expressed in advanced malignant melanomas together with antagonistic p73 family members, drives cancer progression. Investigating mechanisms responsible for dysregulated E2F1 losing its apoptotic function, we searched for genomic signatures in primary and late clinical tumor stages to allow the prediction of downstream effectors associated with apoptosis resistance and survival of aggressive melanoma cells. We identified miR-205 as specific target of p73 and found that upon genotoxic stress, its expression is sufficiently abrogated by endogenous DNp73. Significantly, metastatic cells can be rescued from drug resistance by selective knockdown of DNp73 or overexpression of miR-205 in p73-depleted cells, leading to increased apoptosis and the reduction of tumor growth in vivo. Our data delineate an autoregulatory circuit, involving high levels of E2F1 and DNp73 to downregulate miR-205, which, in turn, controls E2F1 accumulation. Finally, drug resistance associated to this genetic signature is mediated by removing the inhibitory effect of miR-205 on the expression of Bcl-2 and the ATP-binding cassette transporters A2 (ABCA2) and A5 (ABCA5) related to multi-drug resistance and malignant progression. These results define the E2F1-p73/DNp73-miR-205 axis as a crucial mechanism for chemoresistance and, thus, as a target for metastasis prevention.  相似文献   

目的观察HSF1基因剔除对小鼠生长、繁殖的影响。方法用HSF1基因剔除纯合子、杂合子和野生型小鼠建立交配对,HSF1基因正常繁殖组(简称HSF1正常组)30对、HSF1基因缺陷繁殖组(简称HSF1缺陷组)72对。观察母鼠产仔数、生产胎数、每胎产仔数、成年鼠体重。结果HSF1缺陷组母鼠平均产仔数(13.00±11.50)较少,与HSF1正常组(26.46±16.02)比较差异有显著性(P〈0.01)。HSF1缺陷组母鼠每胎产仔数(4.65±2.33)亦较少,与HSF1正常组(7.56±3.08)比较差异有显著性(P〈0.01)。HSF1缺陷组母鼠平均生产胎数(2.79±2.64)与HSF1正常组(3.50±2.19)比较差异无显著性(P〉0.05)。HSF1缺陷组成年小鼠平均体重(20.53±4.62)较轻,与HSF1正常组(23.06±3.39)比较差异有显著性(P〈0.01)。结论HSF1基因剔除小鼠被广泛应用于研究HSF1功能,但HSF1基因剔除对生殖、生长和健康状态的影响不容忽视。  相似文献   

Resistance to anti-neoplastic agents is the major cause of therapy failure, leading to disease recurrence and metastasis. E2F1 is a strong inducer of apoptosis in response to DNA damage through its capacity to activate p53/p73 death pathways. Recent evidence, however, showed that E2F1, which is aberrantly expressed in advanced malignant melanomas together with antagonistic p73 family members, drives cancer progression. Investigating mechanisms responsible for dysregulated E2F1 losing its apoptotic function, we searched for genomic signatures in primary and late clinical tumor stages to allow the prediction of downstream effectors associated with apoptosis resistance and survival of aggressive melanoma cells. We identified miR-205 as specific target of p73 and found that upon genotoxic stress, its expression is sufficiently abrogated by endogenous DNp73. Significantly, metastatic cells can be rescued from drug resistance by selective knockdown of DNp73 or overexpression of miR-205 in p73-depleted cells, leading to increased apoptosis and the reduction of tumor growth in vivo. Our data delineate an autoregulatory circuit, involving high levels of E2F1 and DNp73 to downregulate miR-205, which, in turn, controls E2F1 accumulation. Finally, drug resistance associated to this genetic signature is mediated by removing the inhibitory effect of miR-205 on the expression of Bcl-2 and the ATP-binding cassette transporters A2 (ABCA2) and A5 (ABCA5) related to multi-drug resistance and malignant progression. These results define the E2F1-p73/DNp73-miR-205 axis as a crucial mechanism for chemoresistance and, thus, as a target for metastasis prevention.  相似文献   

肿瘤抑制因子p53被称为"分子警察",它在维持细胞正常生长及抑制恶性增殖过程中起重要作用。p53的表达水平受多种因素影响,其中转录水平的调控是基因发挥功能的一个重要步骤。因此,针对调控p53蛋白的转录因子这一环节阐明p53发挥功能的分子机理,有望为肿瘤治疗、预防和新药研发提供新的靶标。本文着重对调控p53蛋白的转录因子进行综述。  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms by which haemocytes of clams are transformed in the course of haemic neoplasia remain by far unknown. The aim of this study was to quantify the expression of p53/p73 and mortalin genes, in relation with the ploidy status of clam haemocytes and to correlate the p53 expression with mortalin expression. For this purpose, soft-shell clams, Mya arenaria, were collected from an endemic zone for neoplasia. The ploidy of haemocytes was assessed for each individual clam by flow cytometry using a propidium iodide protocol, while p53/p73 and mortalin gene expressions were quantified by real-time RT-PCR. Results show that haemocytes of some clams with a moderate percentage (15-50%) of tetraploid cells have a significantly high level of p53 and p73 in comparison with clams belonging to categories with low (<15%) or high levels (>50%) of tetraploid cells, where low levels of expression of these genes were observed. Furthermore, mortalin gene expression is strongly correlated (r2 = 0.68, p < 0.01) with p53 gene expression level. This reinforces the hypothesis of a cytoplasmic p53 sequestration mechanism in clam haemic neoplasia. Further studies are needed to confirm these preliminary results and further unravel the molecular pathways involved in this process. Our results are believed to provide phenotypic foundation for such studies to be undertaken.  相似文献   

p73, a p53-related gene, is essential for a development of animals, while p53 is important for tumor formation. And little is known about the target genes specifically regulated by p73. Identifying the specific targets of p73 is important to understand the physiological roles of p73. To identify the genes specifically regulated by p73, we conducted serial analysis of gene expression to quantitatively evaluate messenger RNA populations. We found that the gene for phosphatidic acid phosphatase 2a (PAP2a), an enzyme that hydrolyzes lipids to generate diacylglycerol, was specifically upregulated by ectopic production of p73beta. The promoter region of this gene contains an element that is functionally responsive to p73beta. And the quantity of PAP2a protein was upregulated by ectopic production of p73beta. These results suggest that the expression of PAP2a is directly regulated by p73.  相似文献   

TAp73是P53家族的一员,能够调节肿瘤的生成、侵袭和转移。但是,TAp73调节肿瘤血管生成的作用备受争议。本研究将外源TAp73转染至P53基因表达状态不同的两株肺腺癌细胞系H1299(P53-null)和A549(wt P53)中,观察TAp73对肿瘤血管生成的作用并探讨与P53基因的关系。首先,使用RT-PCR和Western印迹验证转染效率。细胞划痕实验表明,TAp73在A549细胞中促进细胞迁移,而在H1299细胞中抑制细胞迁移。体外HUVEC血管形成结果表明,TAp73在A549细胞中促进细胞血管形成,而在H1299细胞中抑制细胞血管形成。同时,血管生成抑制蛋白1(VASH1)的表达水平,也分别升高或降低。 本文研究结果表明,TAp73对肺腺癌细胞血管生成的作用依赖于P53基因的状态:在野生型P53基因存在时,TAp73促进血管生成,而在缺失P53基因的情况下,TAp73抑制血管生成。本研究对于TAp73作为肿瘤的潜在治疗靶点具有重要意义。  相似文献   

p73 responds to DNA damage and exerts its pro-apoptotic function. However, p73 might contribute to the development of drug-resistance in certain tumor cells. In this study, we found that p73 and MDM2 correlate with cisplatin-resistant phenotype of human epidermoid carcinoma-derived cells. p73 and MDM2 were kept at low levels in the cisplatin-sensitive KB-3-1 cells, whereas p53 was induced to be phosphorylated at Ser-15 in response to cisplatin. In contrast, p73 and MDM2 were expressed at higher levels, and cisplatin-mediated p53 phosphorylation was undetectable in the cisplatin-resistant KCP-4 cells. Enforced expression of p73 in KB-3-1 cells caused an accumulation of unphosphorylated form of p53 and MDM2, and conferred the cisplatin resistance. Collectively, our results suggest that a loss of the cisplatin sensitivity is at least in part due to a lack of cisplatin-induced p53 phosphorylation, and p73 might cooperate with MDM2 to be involved in this process.  相似文献   

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