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Poland D 《Biophysical chemistry》2004,112(2-3):233-244
We continue our study, Poland [Biophysical Chemistry 110 (2004) 59-2], of the distribution of C or G (C-G for short) in the DNA of select organisms, in particular, the tendency for C-G to cluster on all scales with respect to the number of bases considered. We previously found that if we counted the number of C-G bases in consecutive, nonoverlapping boxes containing a total of m bases, then the width of the distribution function describing how many C-G bases are in a box increases with respect to m dramatically relative to the width expected for a random distribution. The relative width of the C-G composition distribution function was found to vary accurately as a power law with respect to m, the size of the box, over a very wide range of m values. We express the power law in terms of a characteristic exponent gamma, that is, the relative widths of the distributions vary as m(gamma). The enhanced relative width of the distribution functions is a direct consequence of the tendency for boxes of similar composition to follow one another. This tendency represents persistence in composition from box to box and hence we refer to gamma as the persistence exponent. The occurrence of a power law means that the tendency for C-G to cluster is present on all scales of sequence length (box size) up to the total length of the chromosome which for bacteria is the entire genome. The persistence exponent gamma that characterizes the power law is thus an important parameter describing the distribution of C-G on all scales from individual base pairs up to the total length of the DNA sample considered. In the present paper, we determine the characteristic exponent gamma and the associated fractal dimension of DNA samples for a selection of species representing all of the major types of organism, that is, we explore the phylogeny of the exponent gamma. Here we treat six prokaryotes and six eukaryotes which, together with the species we have previously treated, brings the total number of species we have examined to 15. We find the power law form for the C-G distribution for all of the species treated and hence this behavior seems to be ubiquitous. The values of the characteristic exponent gamma that we find tend to cluster around the value gamma=0.20 with no obvious pattern with respect to phylogeny. The extreme values that we obtain are gamma=0.057 (yeast) and gamma=0.386 (human). We conclude by showing that the persistence of C-G clustering on the scale of the length of a chromosome is dramatically illustrated by interpreting the C-G distribution as a random walk.  相似文献   

Using our previous result that the C--G distribution in genomes is very broad, varying as a power law of the size of the block of genome considered, we examine the C--G distribution in genes themselves. We show that the widths of the C--G distributions for the genes of several simple organisms also vary as power laws. This suggests that the power law behavior gives a universal scaling whereby the distributions for the C--G content of the genes from all species are mapped onto a single function.  相似文献   

Klaus A  Yu S  Plenz D 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e19779
The size distribution of neuronal avalanches in cortical networks has been reported to follow a power law distribution with exponent close to -1.5, which is a reflection of long-range spatial correlations in spontaneous neuronal activity. However, identifying power law scaling in empirical data can be difficult and sometimes controversial. In the present study, we tested the power law hypothesis for neuronal avalanches by using more stringent statistical analyses. In particular, we performed the following steps: (i) analysis of finite-size scaling to identify scale-free dynamics in neuronal avalanches, (ii) model parameter estimation to determine the specific exponent of the power law, and (iii) comparison of the power law to alternative model distributions. Consistent with critical state dynamics, avalanche size distributions exhibited robust scaling behavior in which the maximum avalanche size was limited only by the spatial extent of sampling ("finite size" effect). This scale-free dynamics suggests the power law as a model for the distribution of avalanche sizes. Using both the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic and a maximum likelihood approach, we found the slope to be close to -1.5, which is in line with previous reports. Finally, the power law model for neuronal avalanches was compared to the exponential and to various heavy-tail distributions based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance and by using a log-likelihood ratio test. Both the power law distribution without and with exponential cut-off provided significantly better fits to the cluster size distributions in neuronal avalanches than the exponential, the lognormal and the gamma distribution. In summary, our findings strongly support the power law scaling in neuronal avalanches, providing further evidence for critical state dynamics in superficial layers of cortex.  相似文献   

Sueur C  Briard L  Petit O 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26788
Animals adapt their movement patterns to their environment in order to maximize their efficiency when searching for food. The Lévy walk and the Brownian walk are two types of random movement found in different species. Studies have shown that these random movements can switch from a Brownian to a Lévy walk according to the size distribution of food patches. However no study to date has analysed how characteristics such as sex, age, dominance or body mass affect the movement patterns of an individual. In this study we used the maximum likelihood method to examine the nature of the distribution of step lengths and waiting times and assessed how these distributions are influenced by the age and the sex of group members in a semi free-ranging group of ten Tonkean macaques. Individuals highly differed in their activity budget and in their movement patterns. We found an effect of age and sex of individuals on the power distribution of their step lengths and of their waiting times. The males and old individuals displayed a higher proportion of longer trajectories than females and young ones. As regards waiting times, females and old individuals displayed higher rates of long stationary periods than males and young individuals. These movement patterns resembling random walks can probably be explained by the animals moving from one location to other known locations. The power distribution of step lengths might be due to a power distribution of food patches in the enclosure while the power distribution of waiting times might be due to the power distribution of the patch sizes.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution and clustering of repetitive elements are extensively studied during the last years, as well as their colocalization with other genomic components. Here we investigate the large-scale features of Alu and LINE1 spatial arrangement in the human genome by studying the size distribution of interrepeat distances. In most cases, we have found power-law size distributions extending in several orders of magnitude. We have also studied the correlations of the extent of the power law (linear region in double-logarithmic scale) and of the corresponding exponent (slope) with other genomic properties. A model has been formulated to explain the formation of the observed power laws. According to the model, 2 kinds of events occur repetitively in evolutionary time: random insertion of several types of intruding sequences and occasional loss of repeats belonging to the initial population due to "elimination" events. This simple mechanism is shown to reproduce the observed power-law size distributions and is compatible with our present knowledge on the dynamics of repeat proliferation in the genome.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the free energy distribution in the helical form of DNA using the genome of the virus Rickettsia prowazekii Madrid E as an example. The genome of this organism has been determined by Andersson et al. (Nature 396 (1998) 133) and is available on the World Wide Web (www.tigr.org). Using the helix statistical weights based on nearest-neighbor base pairs of SantaLucia (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95 (1998) 1460), we calculate the free energy in consecutive blocks of m base pairs in the DNA sequence and then construct the free energy distribution for these values. Using the maximum-entropy method we can fit the distribution curves with a function based on the moments of the distribution. For blocks containing 10-20 base pairs the distribution is slightly skewed and we require four moments to accurately fit the function. For blocks containing 100 base pairs or more, the distribution is well approximated by a Gaussian function based on the first two moments of the distribution. We find that the free energy distribution for m=20 can be reproduced using random sequences that have the local (singlet, doublet or triplet) statistics of Rickettsia. However, for much larger blocks, for example m=500, the width of the free energy distribution based on the actual Rickettsia genome is broader by almost a factor of 3 than the distributions based on random local statistics. We find that the distribution functions for the C or G content in blocks of m base pairs have almost the same behavior as a function of block size as do the free energy distributions. In order to duplicate the width of the distribution functions based on the actual Rickettsia sequence, we need to introduce tables (matrices) that correlate the states of consecutive blocks hundreds of base pairs long. This indicates that correlations on the order of the number of base pairs contained in the average gene are required to give the actual widths for either the C or G content or the helix free energy distributions. Above a certain m value, the distributions for larger m can be accurately expressed in terms of the distribution functions for smaller m. Thus, for example, the distribution for m=5000 can be expressed in terms of the generating function for m=1000.  相似文献   

Deng X  Geng H  Matache MT 《Bio Systems》2007,88(1-2):16-34
An asynchronous Boolean network with N nodes whose states at each time point are determined by certain parent nodes is considered. We make use of the models developed by Matache and Heidel [Matache, M.T., Heidel, J., 2005. Asynchronous random Boolean network model based on elementary cellular automata rule 126. Phys. Rev. E 71, 026232] for a constant number of parents, and Matache [Matache, M.T., 2006. Asynchronous random Boolean network model with variable number of parents based on elementary cellular automata rule 126. IJMPB 20 (8), 897-923] for a varying number of parents. In both these papers the authors consider an asynchronous updating of all nodes, with asynchrony generated by various random distributions. We supplement those results by using various stochastic processes as generators for the number of nodes to be updated at each time point. In this paper we use the following stochastic processes: Poisson process, random walk, birth and death process, Brownian motion, and fractional Brownian motion. We study the dynamics of the model through sensitivity of the orbits to initial values, bifurcation diagrams, and fixed-point analysis. The dynamics of the system show that the number of nodes to be updated at each time point is of great importance, especially for the random walk, the birth and death, and the Brownian motion processes. Small or moderate values for the number of updated nodes generate order, while large values may generate chaos depending on the underlying parameters. The Poisson process generates order. With fractional Brownian motion, as the values of the Hurst parameter increase, the system exhibits order for a wider range of combinations of the underlying parameters.  相似文献   

Sexuality in the marine araphid diatom Tabularia involves an unusual type of gamete, not only among diatoms but possibly in all of nature. The non-flagellated male gamete is free and vigorously motile, propelled by pseudopodia. However, the cues (if any) in their search for compatible female gametes and the general search patterns to locate them are unknown. We tracked and compared male gamete movements in the presence and absence of receptive female gametes. Path linearity of male movement was not affected by presence of female gametes. Male gametes did not move towards female gametes regardless of their proximity to each other, suggesting that the detection range for a compatible mate is very small compared to known algal examples (mostly spermatozoids) and that mate recognition requires (near) contact with a female gamete. We therefore investigated how male gametes move to bring insight into their search strategy and found that it was consistent with the predictions of a random-walk model with changes in direction coming from an even distribution. We further investigated the type of random walk by determining the best-fit distribution on the tail of the move length distribution and found it to be consistent with a truncated power law distribution with an exponent of 2.34. Although consistent with a Lévy walk search pattern, the range of move lengths in the tail was too narrow for Lévy properties to emerge and so would be best described as Brownian motion. This is somewhat surprising because female gametes were often outnumbered by male gametes, thus contrary to the assumption that a Brownian search mode may be most optimal with an abundant target resource. This is also the first mathematically analysed search pattern of a non-flagellated protistan gamete, supporting the notion that principles of Brownian motion have wide application in biology.  相似文献   

Site fidelity, the recurrent visit of an animal to a previously occupied area is a wide-spread behavior in the animal kingdom. The relevance of site fidelity to territoriality, successful breeding, social associations, optimal foraging and other ecological processes, demands accurate quantification. Here we generalize previous theory that connects site fidelity patterns to random walk parameters within the framework of the space-time fractional diffusion equation. In particular, we describe the site fidelity function in terms of animal movement characteristics via the Lévy exponent, which controls the step-length distribution of the random steps at each turning point, and the waiting time exponent that controls for how long an animal awaits before actually moving. The analytical results obtained will provide a rigorous benchmark for empirically driven studies of animal site fidelity.  相似文献   

Simulated neural impulse trains were generated by a digital realization of the integrate-and-fire model. The variability in these impulse trains had as its origin a random noise of specified distribution. Three different distributions were used: the normal (Gaussian) distribution (no skew, normokurtic), a first-order gamma distribution (positive skew, leptokurtic), and a uniform distribution (no skew, platykurtic). Despite these differences in the distribution of the variability, the distributions of the intervals between impulses were nearly indistinguishable. These inter-impulse distributions were better fit with a hyperbolic gamma distribution than a hyperbolic normal distribution, although one might expect a better approximation for normally distributed inverse intervals. Consideration of why the inter-impulse distribution is independent of the distribution of the causative noise suggests two putative interval distributions that do not depend on the assumed noise distribution: the log normal distribution, which is predicated on the assumption that long intervals occur with the joint probability of small input values, and the random walk equation, which is the diffusion equation applied to a random walk model of the impulse generating process. Either of these equations provides a more satisfactory fit to the simulated impulse trains than the hyperbolic normal or hyperbolic gamma distributions. These equations also provide better fits to impulse trains derived from the maintained discharges of ganglion cells in the retinae of cats or goldfish. It is noted that both equations are free from the constraint that the coefficient of variation (CV) have a maximum of unity. The concluding discussion argues against the random walk equation because it embodies a constraint that is not valid, and because it implies specific parameters that may be spurious.  相似文献   

Autocorrelation and spectrum analyses of amino acid residues along protein chains in a large data base has been performed. Results reveal the presence of general long range correlations. Similar analyses of simulated (random) peptides do not exhibit any such long range correlations. Based on the results of nur analysis, an attempt has been made to model the distribution of residues in protein sequences on a fractional Brownian motion and individual sequences as multi-fractals. For this purpose, the characteristics of an fractional Brownian motion namely, the scaling parameterH. the spectral exponent β and the fractal dimensionD, have been described  相似文献   

Many authors have claimed to observe animal movement paths that appear to be Lévy walks, i.e. a random walk where the distribution of move lengths follows an inverse power law. A Lévy walk is known to be the optimal search strategy of a particular class of random walks in certain environments; hence, it is important to distinguish correctly between Lévy walks and other types of random walks in observed animal movement paths. Evidence of a power law distribution in the step length distribution of observed animal movement paths is often used to classify a particular movement path as a Lévy walk. However, there is some doubt about the accuracy of early studies that apparently found Lévy walk behaviour. A recently accepted method to determine whether a movement path truly exhibits Lévy walk behaviour is based on an analysis of move lengths with a maximum likelihood estimate using Akaike weights. Here, we show that simulated (non-Lévy) random walks representing different types of animal movement behaviour (a composite correlated random walk; pooled data from a set of random walks with different levels of correlation and three-dimensional correlated random walks projected into one dimension) can all show apparent power law behaviour typical of Lévy walks when using the maximum likelihood estimation method. The probability of the movement path being identified as having a power law step distribution is related to both the sampling rate used by the observer and the way that ‘turns’ or ‘reorientations’ in the movement path are designated. However, identification is also dependent on the nature and properties of the simulated path, and there is currently no standard method of observation and analysis that is robust for all cases. Our results indicate that even apparently robust maximum likelihood methods can lead to a mismatch between pattern and process, as paths arising from non-Lévy walks exhibit Lévy-like patterns.  相似文献   

Protein lateral mobility in cell membranes is generally measured using fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR). Since the development of this technique, the data have been interpreted by assuming free Brownian diffusion of cell surface receptors in two dimensions, an interpretation that requires that a subset of the diffusing species remains immobile. The origin of this so-called immobile fraction remains a mystery. In FPR, the motions of thousands of particles are inherently averaged, inevitably masking the details of individual motions. Recently, tracking of individual cell surface receptors has identified several distinct types of motion (Gross and Webb, 1988; Ghosh and Webb, 1988, 1990, 1994; Kusumi et al. 1993; Qian et al. 1991; Slattery, 1995), thereby calling into question the classical interpretation of FPR data as free Brownian motion of a limited mobile fraction. We have measured the motion of fluorescently labeled immunoglobulin E complexed to high affinity receptors (Fc epsilon RI) on rat basophilic leukemia cells using both single particle tracking and FPR. As in previous studies, our tracking results show that individual receptors may diffuse freely, or may exhibit restricted, time-dependent (anomalous) diffusion. Accordingly, we have analyzed FPR data by a new model to take this varied motion into account, and we show that the immobile fraction may be due to particles moving with the anomalous subdiffusion associated with restricted lateral mobility. Anomalous subdiffusion denotes random molecular motion in which the mean square displacements grow as a power law in time with a fractional positive exponent less than one. These findings call for a new model of cell membrane structure.  相似文献   

The frequency distribution of gene family sizes in complete genomes   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
We compare the frequency distribution of gene family sizes in the complete genomes of six bacteria (Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae, Helicobacter pylori, Mycoplasma genitalium, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Synechocystis sp. PCC6803), two Archaea (Methanococcus jannaschii and Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum), one eukaryote (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), the vaccinia virus, and the bacteriophage T4. The sizes of the gene families versus their frequencies show power- law distributions that tend to become flatter (have a larger exponent) as the number of genes in the genome increases. Power-law distributions generally occur as the limit distribution of a multiplicative stochastic process with a boundary constraint. We discuss various models that can account for a multiplicative process determining the sizes of gene families in the genome. In particular, we argue that, in order to explain the observed distributions, gene families have to behave in a coherent fashion within the genome; i.e., the probabilities of duplications of genes within a gene family are not independent of each other. Likewise, the probabilities of deletions of genes within a gene family are not independent of each other.   相似文献   

Recently, a random breakage model has been proposed to explain the negative correlation between mean chromosome length and chromosome number that is found in many groups of species and is consistent with Menzerath-Altmann law, a statistical law that defines the dependency between the mean size of the whole and the number of parts in quantitative linguistics. Here, the central assumption of the model, namely that genome size is independent from chromosome number is reviewed. This assumption is shown to be unrealistic from the perspective of chromosome structure and the statistical analysis of real genomes. A general class of random models, including that random breakage model, is analyzed. For any model within this class, a power law with an exponent of -1 is predicted for the expectation of the mean chromosome size as a function of chromosome length, a functional dependency that is not supported by real genomes. The random breakage and variants keeping genome size and chromosome number independent raise no serious objection to the relevance of correlations consistent with Menzerath-Altmann law across taxonomic groups and the possibility of a connection between human language and genomes through that law.  相似文献   

The Stokes-Einstein-Debye equation is currently used to obtain information on protein size or on local viscosity from the measurement of the rotational correlation time. However, the implicit assumptions of a continuous and homogeneous solvent do not hold either in vivo, because of the high density of macromolecules, or in vitro, where viscosity is adjusted by adding viscous cosolvents of various size. To quantify the consequence of nonhomogeneity, we have measured the rotational Brownian motion of three globular proteins with molecular mass from 66 to 4000 kD in presence of 1.5 to 2000 kD dextrans as viscous cosolvents. Our results indicate that the linear viscosity dependence of the Stokes-Einstein relation must be replaced by a power law to describe the rotational Brownian motion of proteins in a macromolecular environment. The exponent of the power law expresses the fact that the protein experiences only a fraction of the hydrodynamic interactions of macromolecular cosolvents. An explicit expression of the exponent in terms of protein size and cosolvent's mass is obtained, permitting definition of a microscopic viscosity. Experimental data suggest that a similar effective microviscosity should be introduced in Kramers' equation describing protein reaction rates.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli is a motile bacterium that moves up a chemoattractant gradient by performing a biased random walk composed of alternating runs and tumbles. Previous models of run and tumble chemotaxis neglect one or more features of the motion, namely (a) a cell cannot directly detect a chemoattractant gradient but rather makes temporal comparisons of chemoattractant concentration, (b) rather than being entirely random, tumbles exhibit persistence of direction, meaning that the new direction after a tumble is more likely to be in the forward hemisphere, and (c) rotational Brownian motion makes it impossible for an E. coli cell to swim in a straight line during a run. This paper presents an analytic calculation of the chemotactic drift velocity taking account of (a), (b) and (c), for weak chemotaxis. The analytic results are verified by Monte Carlo simulation. The results reveal a synergy between temporal comparisons and persistence that enhances the drift velocity, while rotational Brownian motion reduces the drift velocity. This work was supported by an Oliver Gatty Studentship from the University of Cambridge.  相似文献   

Saxton MJ 《Biophysical journal》2001,81(4):2226-2240
Anomalous subdiffusion is hindered diffusion in which the mean-square displacement of a diffusing particle is proportional to some power of time less than one. Anomalous subdiffusion has been observed for a variety of lipids and proteins in the plasma membranes of a variety of cells. Fluorescence photobleaching recovery experiments with anomalous subdiffusion are simulated to see how to analyze the data. It is useful to fit the recovery curve with both the usual recovery equation and the anomalous one, and to judge the goodness of fit on log-log plots. The simulations show that the simplest approximate treatment of anomalous subdiffusion usually gives good results. Three models of anomalous subdiffusion are considered: obstruction, fractional Brownian motion, and the continuous-time random walk. The models differ significantly in their behavior at short times and in their noise level. For obstructed diffusion the approach to the percolation threshold is marked by a large increase in noise, a broadening of the distribution of diffusion coefficients and anomalous subdiffusion exponents, and the expected abrupt decrease in the mobile fraction. The extreme fluctuations in the recovery curves at and near the percolation threshold result from extreme fluctuations in the geometry of the percolation cluster.  相似文献   

Urban areas and their voracious appetites are increasingly dominating the flows of energy and materials around the globe. Understanding the size distribution and dynamics of urban areas is vital if we are to manage their growth and mitigate their negative impacts on global ecosystems. For over 50 years, city size distributions have been assumed to universally follow a power function, and many theories have been put forth to explain what has become known as Zipf's law (the instance where the exponent of the power function equals unity). Most previous studies, however, only include the largest cities that comprise the tail of the distribution. Here we show that national, regional and continental city size distributions, whether based on census data or inferred from cluster areas of remotely-sensed nighttime lights, are in fact lognormally distributed through the majority of cities and only approach power functions for the largest cities in the distribution tails. To explore generating processes, we use a simple model incorporating only two basic human dynamics, migration and reproduction, that nonetheless generates distributions very similar to those found empirically. Our results suggest that macroscopic patterns of human settlements may be far more constrained by fundamental ecological principles than more fine-scale socioeconomic factors.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes have been described to perform different motility patterns such as Brownian random walks, persistent random walks, and Lévy walks. Depending on the conditions, such as confinement or the distribution of target cells, either Brownian or Lévy walks lead to more efficient interaction with the targets. The diversity of these motility patterns may be explained by an adaptive response to the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM). Indeed, depending on the ECM composition, lymphocytes either display a floating motility without attaching to the ECM, or sliding and stepping motility with respectively continuous or discontinuous attachment to the ECM, or pivoting behaviour with sustained attachment to the ECM. Moreover, on the long term, lymphocytes either perform a persistent random walk or a Brownian-like movement depending on the ECM composition. How the ECM affects cell motility is still incompletely understood. Here, we integrate essential mechanistic details of the lymphocyte-matrix adhesions and lymphocyte intrinsic cytoskeletal induced cell propulsion into a Cellular Potts model (CPM). We show that the combination of de novo cell-matrix adhesion formation, adhesion growth and shrinkage, adhesion rupture, and feedback of adhesions onto cell propulsion recapitulates multiple lymphocyte behaviours, for different lymphocyte subsets and various substrates. With an increasing attachment area and increased adhesion strength, the cells’ speed and persistence decreases. Additionally, the model predicts random walks with short-term persistent but long-term subdiffusive properties resulting in a pivoting type of motility. For small adhesion areas, the spatial distribution of adhesions emerges as a key factor influencing cell motility. Small adhesions at the front allow for more persistent motility than larger clusters at the back, despite a similar total adhesion area. In conclusion, we present an integrated framework to simulate the effects of ECM proteins on cell-matrix adhesion dynamics. The model reveals a sufficient set of principles explaining the plasticity of lymphocyte motility.  相似文献   

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