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皮盲蝽属CoridromiusSignoret世界已有记载共6种。本文为该属在我国和亚洲的首次分布记录。本文记述该属两新种:中国皮盲蝽Coridromiuschinensissp.nov.;正模♂,广西阳朔,1964-09-11,王良臣采。副模:15♂♂,17♀♀,广西阳朔;1♂,台湾台北;24♂♂,28♀♀,福建龙岩;4♀♀,福建南靖;1♂,福建福州。赭皮盲蝽Coridromiustestaceoussp.nov.,正模♀,海南尖峰岭,1985-04-01,郑乐怡采,灯诱。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

记述采自安徽黄山的泡粉蚧属一新种,即黄山泡粉蚧Puto huangshanensis sp.nov.,模式标本保存在北京林业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

本文报道贵州省新记录的鞭蝽科(Dipsocoridae)栉鞭蝽属(Ceratocombus Signoret)1新种。模式标本存放于南开大学生物系。贵州栉鞭蝽Ceratocombus guizhouensis Ren et Yang,新种(图1-7) 雄虫及雌虫均为大翅型个体,体淡棕黄色,触角、喙、各足及腹部(除尾节外)为淡黄色。  相似文献   

寄生于壳斗科(Fagaceae)植物的蚧虫种类繁多,经初步整理,已达10科64属152种之多,几乎是我国已知蚧虫种类的1/5~1/4,其中栎链蚧属(AsterodiaspisSignoret,1876)是专性寄生类群之一。本属主要分布于东洋区,部分种类零星分布于全北区。本属迄今已知24种,其中我国已记载11种。我们在进行栎类蚧虫区系研究中,又发现该属1新种,现记述于下。异形栎链蚧Asterodiaspis deformis,新种(图Ⅰ,Ⅱ)  相似文献   

 以大豆(Glycine max)种子为材料,浓度的阿斯匹林和复方新诺明水溶液,在(20±1)℃条件下分种24h和12h, 测定大豆种子萌发过程中的各项生理生化指标以及萌发后的各形态指标实验结果表明:阿斯匹林和复方新诺明水溶液浸种都能有效地提高大豆种子的发芽率和活力指数,还能促进大豆根系的生长。其中以62.5mg·L-1的阿斯匹林和0.5mg·L-1的复方新诺明处理后的效果最为显著。阿斯匹林浸种能使大豆萌芽的相对电导率显著降低,使活性氧清除酶的活性有所提高。复方新诺明浸种则使大豆萌芽的蛋白质含量以及氨基酸总量都有显著的提高。  相似文献   

采用正交实验研究了外加Ca~(2+)和La~(3+)对酿酒酵母生长的影响。结果表明:外加Ca~(2+)和La~(3+)对酿酒酵母的生长均有显著的影响,都呈现出低浓度时正效应和高浓度时负效应,当Ca~(2+)浓度为1mmol/L及La~(3+)浓度为15μmol/L时酿酒酵母生长最好。  相似文献   

兰州鲇与鲇消化系统的形态学及组织学比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究黄河濒危鱼类兰州鲇(Silurus lanzhouensis)消化系统的形态学和组织学结构特点,以鲇(Silurus asotus)为对照,对兰州鲇消化系统形态学和组织学进行了深入研究。结果表明:(1)兰州鲇与鲇的消化道和消化腺形态相似,具有肉食性鱼类的特征。兰州鲇消化道较短,有发达的“U”型胃,胃内皱褶明显,无幽门盲囊,肠道短且粗,可分为前肠、中肠和后肠三部分,前肠粗大,后肠较细。两种鲇属鱼类都有独立致密的肝脏和胰脏。(2)兰州鲇的比肠长显著大于鲇(P < 0.05),比胃重、比肝胰脏重显著低于鲇(P < 0.05),但二者的比肠重无显著性差异(P>0.05)。(3)兰州鲇胃的皱襞幅度小于鲇,且环肌层比兰州鲇薄。兰州鲇与鲇前肠的肠黏膜均形成了大量皱襞,肠黏膜、褶皱粗大,但鲇的褶皱分支较细密。兰州鲇与鲇的后肠与前肠相比,肠腔变小,褶皱数量明显减少,高度降低。黏膜层分布有杯状细胞和柱状细胞。兰州鲇与鲇的肝脏肝小叶间缺少结缔组织,分界不明显,而兰州鲇肝细胞的密度大于鲇。综上所述,兰州鲇与鲇的消化系统相似,均符合肉食性鱼类消化系统特征,结合消化生理等研究结果,表明兰州鲇的消化能力弱于鲇,这可能是在自然情况下兰州鲇的分布区域及适应性不及鲇的原因之一。  相似文献   

Stomata are present on the outer and inner fruit walls and seed coats of Eschscholzia californica, E. covillei, E. glyptosperma, E. lemmonii and E. minutiflora. The stomata on the inner fruit wall and seed coat remain constantly open, even under plasmolyzing conditions, whereas those of the outer fruit wall are able to open and close. This allows for gas exchange in these chlorophyllous structures. Fibrous bundle caps in the costal regions of the fruit act as windows allowing light transmission to the photosynthetic seeds within. Preliminary results show that the total photosynthesis by the fruits and seeds of Eschscholzia californica together appears to at least balance respiratory losses, and under favorable conditions might significantly contribute to seed and fruit development.  相似文献   

The speed of development and the developmental mortality of Tribolium castaneum were studied over a series of temperatures between 15 and 40°C. at 10, 30, 70 and 90% R.H. using wheatfeed as food.
Eggs did not hatch at any humidity at 17·5°C. or less, nor at 10% R.H. at 40°C. At all other conditions about 80% of eggs hatched. Humidity does not affect the duration of the egg period. The effect of temperature on the egg period is shown graphically, the shortest period occurring at 37·5°C.
Larvae fail to develop into normal adults at 20°C. and also fail at 90 and 30% R.H. at 40°C. At 20°C. and 70% R.H. pupae may be formed but they do not become normal adults. The rate of larval development is affected by both temperature and humidity. Development is quickest at the highest humidity used at any temperature and at 35°C. for each humidity. Larval mortality is less than 20% except at 40°C. and at combinations of low humidity and low temperature. The results correspond with published results using similar foodstuffs.
Groundnuts were used as a food in a series of experiments at 30°C. and another series at 70% R.H. Larvae on this food were much more susceptible to the effects of humidity and were unable to develop at 20 or 40°C. at 70% R.H. In all conditions development was slower and mortality higher than on wheatfeed.
The pupal period is not affected by humidity and is shortest at 37·5°C.
The conditions in which Park found that cultures of T. castaneum became extinct, 24°C. and 30% R.H., lie inside the zone in which development is possible. The possible causes for this discrepancy are discussed.  相似文献   

Protonephridia in marine streptoneuran gastropods are describedfor the first time. The organization of these paired organsof the intracapsular veliger larva of Nassarius reticulatusis described. The ciliary flame is formed by a single terminalcell. The duct is formed by one tubular cell and the aperturalcell, which forms the lips of the excretory pore. In addition,the surface of the apertural cell is covered to a great extentby the post-velar bud cell (usually termed ‘larval kidney’).Protonephridia like these are considered to be widely distributedamong streptoneuran gastropods. The homology of these organswith those of opis-thobranchs and pulmonates is suggested. Thepost-velar buds (= ‘larval kidneys’) are suggestedas a synapomorphous character of Caenogastropoda. The functionof the postvelar buds is discussed taking into considerationthe existence of a protonephridium and a possible functionalconnection between these two structures. (Received 14 June 1990; accepted 1 September 1990)  相似文献   

在胚胎发育过程中,用不同比放射性的~(90)锶试液处理受精卵,各处理组都有畸形和死亡现象。畸形的高峰一般出现在囊胚期和晶体形成期,畸形的类型一般为脊椎弯曲、体短、胸腔和卵黄囊扩大,头和眼畸形。随后即出现死亡高峰。例如:游动期的死亡率分别是:21%(对照);36%(5×10~(-11)居里/升);40%(5×1-~(-10)居里/升);45%(5×10~(-9)居里/升)。鲫仔鱼对~(90)锶吸收积累的结果表明:鲫仔鱼体中比放射性大小与试液的比放射性大小成正比,并随试验吋间的延长,生物量的增加而增加,鲫仔鱼的积累系数则不依试液的比放射性大小和生物量的多少为转移。  相似文献   

王献溥   《广西植物》1987,(1):53-60
<正> 南宁是我国南方的重镇,广西壮族自治区的首府,有我国南大门之称。目前,已经列为开放城市,可供参观旅游和召开国际会议之用。因此,对于南宁及其邻近地区风景资源如何开发和建设、城市建设的目标和发展方向是怎样的,就引起了有关方面的重视。过去,南宁被认为是风景资源贫乏的区域,虽然对外开放的时间已不短,但旅游事业发展不快,国际性  相似文献   

Using light and electron microscopy in combination with histochemicaland immunocytochemical techniques, the impact of orally anddermally applied metaldehyde on mucus cells in the digestivetract, the skin, and the salivary gland of the slug Derocerasreticulatum (Müller) was investigated. The studies showedthat metaldehyde induces severe alterations and damages in mycocyteseven under low temperature and humid conditions when sufficientlyhigh doses were applied. After metaldehyde application, notonly the quantity of mucus produced by slugs but also its qualityis modified. Structural, enzymehistochemical and immunocytochemicalinvestigations revealed metaldehyde-induced effects in mucocytesto be related to influences of the molluscicide on serotoninand on energy metabolism. (Received 29 September 1997; accepted 8 December 1997)  相似文献   

The rhizomatous perennial Pityopsis graminifolia was studied in a Florida sandhill community in an annually burned site, a periodically burned site, and a site that has been protected from fire since 1965. These different fire regimes significantly affected the demography and life histories of both plants and plant parts in this clonal species. Fires resulted in reductions in ramet biomass and height, and an increase in the (root + rhizome)/shoot biomass ratio. Burning also decreased the total number of flower heads and new rhizomes produced per ramet. However, the survivorship of initiated rhizomes was greater in burned sites and resulted in a larger number of established daughter ramets per clone. As a result, in burned sites there was a shift in clone structure toward larger numbers of smaller ramets, but there were no significant reductions in seed or rhizome production on a per genet basis. The results showed that the responses to fire in P. graminifolia are different when measured at the genet vs. ramet level and that the effects of fire on clones can be explained by demographic responses of plant parts. Population regeneration in the study sites was dependent on successful clonal ramet production because no seedling recruitment was observed. This suggests that disturbances other than fire are important for new genet recruitment in these clonal populations.  相似文献   

CHAPS对M_(412)的动力学和共振拉曼光谱的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了表面活性剂CHAPS对紫膜中菌紫质在光循环过程中M_(412)的衰减速率及质子泵功能的影响.光循环中间体M_(412)快、慢衰减组分的衰减速率及质子衰减速率均受到CHAPS的影响,综合激光拉曼光谱对M_(412)和其它光循环中间体相对含量的测定,表明CHAPS对紫膜的影响是通过影响其膜脂完整的液晶结构,而使紫膜光循环动力学过程及质子泵功能发生变化的.  相似文献   

用化学修饰研究了菌紫质(BR)的结构和功能的变化。用氮氧自由基分别对赖氨酸和丝氨酸进行修饰,研究结果表明在圆二色谱上(CD谱),与天然紫膜样品比较,两种自由基分别修饰赖氨酸(Lys)和丝氨酸(Ser)残基24小时后的CD谱中均只有负峰,分别在596nm和602nm,535nm的正峰已消失,72小时后535nm的正峰部分地恢复,但120小时后均未见进一步恢复。与未修饰的紫膜相比,两种自由基修饰的紫膜在Raman光谱上观察到中间体M412的相对量要明显增加。本文对这二种化学修饰引起的BR结构和功能变化进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   

During daytime low tides, sediment-inhabiting populations of Euglena proxima Dangeard migrate to the surface of intertidal sand flats to form large monospecific green patches near the Duke University Marine Laboratory in Beaufort, North Carolina. The effect of incident irradiance on the upward migration of E. proxima was studied by shading the sediment surface in the field with neutral density filters to 2, 20, 55, and 100% incident irradiance. The results of these in situ experiments revealed that E. proxima 's upward migration, as measured by population density or chl a concentration, was stimulated by decreasing incident irradiance: population densities and chl a concentrations on the sediment surface at 2% incident irradiance were greater statistically than at 100% full sunlight. In situ measurements of photosynthesis were performed by incubating 3-mL aliquots of a cell suspension in scintillation vials containing 14C inorganic carbon beneath neutral density filters. These experiments revealed that E. proxima exhibited photoinhibition at 100% full sunlight, but this depression in photosynthetic performance at high light was absent when the cells were incubated in vials containing acid-cleaned sediment. This amelioration of photoinhibition in vials containing sediment is most likely due to the downward migration of the population away from photoinhibitory light levels. These results cannot be interpreted as strictly photic effects because the temperature of the vials varied with the light treatment. The results of this study suggest that the vertical migration behavior of E. proxima and its photosynthetic physiology are intimately linked. Vertical migration provides a mechanism to deal with short-term changes in irradiance and avoid photoinhibitory light levels.  相似文献   

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