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The production of the neuroinhibitory and neuroprotective metabolite kynurenic acid (KYNA) was investigated in rat brain by examining its biosynthetic enzyme, kynurenine aminotransferase (KAT). By using physiological (low micromolar) concentrations of the substrate L-kynurenine (KYN) and by determining the irreversible conversion of [3H]KYN to [3H]KYNA as a measure of KAT activity, a novel, simple, and sensitive assay was developed which permitted the detailed characterization of the enzyme. Only a single protein, which under routine assay conditions showed approximately equal activity with 2-oxoglutarate and pyruvate as the aminoacceptor, was found in rat brain. The enzyme was distributed heterogeneously between the nine brain regions studied, with the KAT-rich olfactory bulb displaying approximately five times higher activity than the cerebellum, the area with lowest KAT activity. In subcellular fractionation studies, the majority of KAT was recovered in mitochondria. In contrast to many known aminotransferases, partially purified KAT was shown to be highly substrate-specific. Thus, of the amino acids tested, only alpha-aminoadipate and tryptophan displayed moderate competition with KYN. Notably, 3-hydroxykynurenine, reportedly a very good substrate of KAT, competed rather poorly with KYN as well. Aminooxyacetic acid, a nonspecific transaminase inhibitor, blocked KAT activity with an apparent Ki of 5 microM. Kinetic analyses with partially purified rat brain KAT revealed a Km of 17 microM for KYN with 1 mM 2-oxoglutarate, but a much higher Km (910 microM) with 1 mM pyruvate. Km values for 2-oxoglutarate and pyruvate were 150 and 160 microM, respectively. The cellular localization of KAT was examined in striatal homogenates obtained from rats 7 days after an intrastriatal injection of quinolinate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: The incorporation of tritium label into quinolinic acid (QUIN), kynurenic acid (KYNA), and other kynurenine (KYN) pathway metabolites was studied in normal and QUIN-lesioned rat striata after a focal injection of [5-3H]KYN in vivo. The time course of metabolite accumulation was examined 15 min to 4 h after injection of [5-3H]KYN, and the concentration dependence of KYN metabolism was studied in rats killed 2 h after injection of 1.5–1,500 µ M [5-3H]KYN. Labeled QUIN, KYNA, 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-HK), 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid, and xanthurenic acid (XA) were recovered from the striatum in every experiment. Following injection of 15 µ M [5-3H]KYN, a lesion-induced increase in KYN metabolism was noted. Thus, the proportional recoveries of [3H]KYNA (5.0 vs. 1.8%), [3H]3-HK (20.9 vs. 4.5%), [3H]XA (1.5 vs. 0.4%), and [3H]QUIN (3.6 vs. 0.6%) were markedly elevated in the lesioned striatum. Increases in KYN metabolism in lesioned tissue were evident at all time points and KYN concentrations used. Lesion-induced increases of the activities of kynurenine-3-hydroxylase (3.6-fold), kynureninase (7.6-fold), kynurenine aminotransferase (1.8-fold), and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid oxygenase (4.2-fold) likely contributed to the enhanced flux through the pathway in the lesioned striatum. These data provide evidence for the existence of a functional KYN pathway in the normal rat brain and for a substantial increase in flux after neuronal ablation. This method should be of value for in vivo studies of cerebral KYN pathway function and dysfunction.  相似文献   

Abstract: In this study, we describe the cloning and characterization of a soluble form of kynurenine aminotransferase (KAT, EC present in rat brain. Soluble KAT was purified from rat kidney and the amino acid sequences of four tryptic peptides determined. These peptides were found to belong to the amino acid sequence reported for rat kidney soluble cysteine conjugate β-lyase, indicating that rat kidney KAT and β-lyase represent the same molecular entity. Oligonucleotide probes derived from the β-lyase cDNA were then used as primers for PCR of reverse-transcribed rat brain poly(A)+ RNA. After subcloning of the resulting PCR fragment and sequencing of the isolated rat brain clone, its oligonucleotide sequence was found to be identical to that reported for the β-lyase cDNA. Further evidence that the isolated rat brain clone encoded for KAT was obtained by transfecting HEK-293 cells with a construct containing the coding sequence for the enzyme. The transfected cells exhibited KAT activity and, in the presence of 2 m M pyruvate and 2-oxoglutarate, the K m values for l -kynurenine were 1.2 m M and 86.3 µ M , respectively. Northern blot analysis of rat kidney, liver, and brain RNA revealed a single species of KAT/β-lyase mRNA of ∼2.1 kb.  相似文献   

NMDA receptors (NMDARs) are glutamate-gated ion channels involved in excitatory synaptic transmission and in others physiological processes such as synaptic plasticity and development. The overload of Ca2+ ions through NMDARs, caused by an excessive activation of receptors, leads to excitotoxic neuronal cell death. For this reason, the reduction of Ca2+ flux through NMDARs has been a central focus in finding therapeutic strategies to prevent neuronal cell damage.Extracellular H+ are allosteric modulators of NMDARs. Starting from previous studies showing that extracellular mild acidosis reduces NMDA-evoked whole cell currents, we analyzed the effects of this condition on the NMDARs Ca2+ permeability, measured as “fractional calcium current” (Pf, i.e. the percentage of the total current carried by Ca2+ ions), of human NMDARs NR1/NR2A and NR1/NR2B transiently transfected in HeLa cells. Extracellular mild acidosis significantly reduces Pf of both human NR1/NR2A and NR1/NR2B NMDARs, also decreasing single channel conductance in outside out patches for NR1/NR2A receptor. Reduction of Ca2+ flux through NMDARs was also confirmed in cortical neurons in culture. A comparative analysis of both NMDA evoked Ca2+ transients and whole cell currents showed that extracellular H+ differentially modulate the permeation of Na+ and Ca2+ through NMDARs.Our data highlight the synergy of two distinct neuroprotective mechanisms during acidosis: Ca2+ entry through NMDARs is lowered due to the modulation of both open probability and Ca2+ permeability. Furthermore, this study provides the proof of concept that it is possible to reduce Ca2+ overload in neurons modulating the NMDAR Ca2+ permeability.  相似文献   

Solubilization of Kainic Acid Binding Sites from Rat Brain   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
Kainic acid binding sites were solubilized from rat brain using a combination of Triton X-100 and digitonin. The highest percentage of solubilized binding sites (45%) was obtained by treating brain membranes with 1% Triton-X-100 and 0.2% digitonin in 0.5 M potassium phosphate containing 20% glycerol. The solubilized binding sites were stable and amenable to analysis by gel filtration and lectin affinity chromatography. Computer assisted analyses demonstrated that the solubilized sites displayed high- and low-affinity binding constants similar to the membrane-bound sites. Competition experiments further supported the pharmacological similarities of the solubilized and membrane-bound sites. Gel filtration chromatography of the solubilized binding site indicated that the detergent-bound complex had a Stokes radius of 82.7 A. The [3H]kainic acid binding site appears to be glycosylated based on its capability to bind to lectins. The lectin, wheatgerm agglutinin, proved to be a potentially useful tool for characterization because the solubilized binding sites were bound and eluted in relatively high yield.  相似文献   

Abstract: To study the regulation of the synthesis of quinolinic and kynurenic acids in vivo, we evaluated (a) the metabolism of administered kynurenine by measuring the content of its main metabolites 3-hydroxykynurenine, anthranilic acid, and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid in blood and brain of mice; (b) the effects of ( m -nitrobenzoyl)alanine, a selective inhibitor of kynurenine hydroxylase and of ( o -methoxybenzoyl)alanine, a selective inhibitor of kynureninase, on this metabolism; and (c) the effects of ( o -methoxybenzoyl)alanine on liver kynureninase and 3-hydroxykynureninase activity. The conclusions drawn from these experiments are (a) the disposition of administered kynurenine preferentially occurs through hydroxylation in brain and through hydrolysis in peripheral tissues; (b) ( m -nitrobenzoyl)alanine, the inhibitor of kynurenine hydroxylase, causes the expected changes in brain kynurenine metabolism, such as a decrease of 3-hydroxykynurenine, and an increase of kynurenic acid; and (c) ( o -methoxybenzoyl)alanine, the kynureninase inhibitor, increases brain concentration of the cytotoxic compound 3-hydroxykynurenine, and unexpectedly does not reduce brain concentration of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid, the direct precursor of quinolinic acid. Taken together, the experiments suggest that the systemic administration of a kynurenine hydroxylase inhibitor is a rational approach to increase the brain content of kynurenate and to decrease that of cytotoxic kynurenine metabolites, such as 3-hydroxykynurenine and quinolinic acid.  相似文献   

Abstract: Aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA), an endonuclease inhibitor, has been shown to protect several cell types from an apoptotic form of cell death. We tested ATA for protective effects against glutamate excitotoxicity in 2-week-old cultured hippocampal neurons. Cell viability was determined 24 h after glutamate exposure either by trypan blue exclusion or by measurement of lactate dehydrogenase release. When ATA was added during exposure to glutamate, there was a dramatic increase in the number of viable neurons compared with cultures that did not receive ATA. If ATA was added after glutamate exposure, the rate of survival approached 100%. Several cellular processes may be the targets for ATA action. If the mechanisms of ATA protection are similar for excitotoxicity and apoptosis, then these distinct forms of cell death may share a common intracellular pathway.  相似文献   

In the present study we demonstrate for the first time that both kynurenine aminotransferase (KAT) isoforms I and II are present in the permanent immature rat oligodendrocytes cell line (OLN-93). Moreover, we provide evidence that OLN-93 cells are able to synthesize kynurenic acid (KYNA) from exogenously added l-kynurenine and we characterize its regulation by extrinsic factors. KYNA production in OLN-93 cells was depressed in the presence of aminotransferase inhibitor, aminooxyacetic acid and was not affected by depolarizing agents such as 50 mM K+ and 4-aminopyridine. Glutamate agonists, l-glutamate and d,l-homocysteine significantly decreased KYNA production. Selective agonist of ionotropic glutamate receptors Amino-2,3-dihydro-5-methyl-3-oxo-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) lowered KYNA production in OLN-93 cell line, whereas N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) had no influence on KYNA production. Furthermore, KYNA synthesis in OLN-93 cells was decreased in a concentration-dependent manner by amino acids transported by l-system, l-leucine, l-cysteine and l-tryptophan. The role of KYNA synthesis in oligodendrocytes needs further investigation.  相似文献   

Kynurenine 3-monooxygenase (KMO), a pivotal enzyme in the kynurenine pathway (KP) of tryptophan degradation, has been suggested to play a major role in physiological and pathological events involving bioactive KP metabolites. To explore this role in greater detail, we generated mice with a targeted genetic disruption of Kmo and present here the first biochemical and neurochemical characterization of these mutant animals. Kmo−/− mice lacked KMO activity but showed no obvious abnormalities in the activity of four additional KP enzymes tested. As expected, Kmo−/− mice showed substantial reductions in the levels of its enzymatic product, 3-hydroxykynurenine, in liver, brain, and plasma. Compared with wild-type animals, the levels of the downstream metabolite quinolinic acid were also greatly decreased in liver and plasma of the mutant mice but surprisingly were only slightly reduced (by ∼20%) in the brain. The levels of three other KP metabolites: kynurenine, kynurenic acid, and anthranilic acid, were substantially, but differentially, elevated in the liver, brain, and plasma of Kmo−/− mice, whereas the liver and brain content of the major end product of the enzymatic cascade, NAD+, did not differ between Kmo−/− and wild-type animals. When assessed by in vivo microdialysis, extracellular kynurenic acid levels were found to be significantly elevated in the brains of Kmo−/− mice. Taken together, these results provide further evidence that KMO plays a key regulatory role in the KP and indicate that Kmo−/− mice will be useful for studying tissue-specific functions of individual KP metabolites in health and disease.  相似文献   

Summary Male Sprague-Dawley rats received TAU supplementation (1.5% in drinking water) or TAU deficient diets for 4 weeks to test for a possible neuroprotective role of TAU in KA-induced (10 mg/kg s.c.) seizures. TAU supplementation significantly increased serum and hippocampal TAU levels, but not TAU content in temporal cortex or striatum. TAU deficient diets did not attenuate serum or tissue TAU levels. Dietary TAU supplementation failed to decrease the number or latency of partial or clonic-tonic seizures or wet dog shakes, whereas a TAU deficient diet decreased the number of clonictonic and partial seizures. This study does not support previous observations of an anticonvulsant effect of TAU against KA-induced seizures. KAtreatment decreased 2-adrenergic receptor binding sites and TAU content in the temporal cortex across all dietary treatment groups, supporting previous evidence of severe KA-induced damage and neuronal loss in this brain region.  相似文献   

alpha-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) binding sites were solubilized from rat brain membranes using 1% Triton X-100 in 0.5 M potassium phosphate buffer containing 20% glycerol. The solubilized binding sites were stable, permitting biochemical and pharmacological characterization as well as partial purification. Pharmacological and binding analyses indicated that the solubilized binding sites were similar to the membrane-bound sites. Both the solubilized and the membrane-bound preparations contained high- and low-affinity AMPA binding sites in the presence of potassium thiocyanate. A similar rank order for inhibition of [3H]AMPA binding by several excitatory amino acid analogs was obtained for the soluble and membrane-bound preparations. [3H]AMPA binding to both soluble and membrane-bound preparations was increased in the presence of potassium thiocyanate. The solubilized AMPA binding sites migrated as a single peak with gel filtration chromatography, with an Mr of 425,000. Beginning with the solubilized preparation, AMPA binding sites were purified 54-fold with ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. The characterization and purification of these soluble binding sites is potentially useful for the molecular characterization of this putative excitatory amino acid receptor subtype.  相似文献   

Inhibition of kynurenine 3-hydroxylase suppresses quinolinic acid synthesis and, therefore, shunts all kynurenine metabolism toward kynurenic acid (KYNA) formation. This may be a pertinent antiexcitotoxic strategy because quinolinic acid is an agonist of NMDA receptors, whereas kynurenic acid antagonises all ionotropic glutamate receptors with preferential affinity for the NMDA receptor glycine site. We have examined whether the kynurenine 3-hydroxylase inhibitor Ro 61-8048 increases extracellular (KYNA) sufficiently to control excessive NMDA receptor function. Microdialysis probes incorporating an electrode were implanted into the striatum of anaesthetised rats, repeated NMDA stimuli were applied through the probe, and the resulting depolarisation was recorded. Changes in extracellular KYNA were assessed by HPLC analysis of consecutive dialysate samples. Ro 61-8048 (42 or 100 mg/kg) markedly increased the dialysate levels of KYNA. The maximum increase (from 3.0 +/- 1.0 to 31.0 +/- 6.0 nM; means +/- SEM, n = 6) was observed 4 h after administration of 100 mg/kg Ro 61-8048, but the magnitude of the NMDA-induced depolarisations was not reduced. A separate study suggested that extracellular KYNA would need to be increased further by two orders of magnitude to become effective in this preparation. These results challenge the notion that kynurenine 3-hydroxylase inhibition may be neuroprotective, primarily through accumulation of KYNA and subsequent attenuation of NMDA receptor function.  相似文献   

Excitatory amino acid transporter 2 (EAAT2) is the major glutamate transporter and functions to remove glutamate from synapses. A thiopyridazine derivative has been found to increase EAAT2 protein levels in astrocytes. A structure-activity relationship study revealed that several components of the molecule were required for activity, such as the thioether and pyridazine. Modification of the benzylthioether resulted in several derivatives (7-13, 7-15 and 7-17) that enhanced EAAT2 levels by >6-fold at concentrations < 5 μM after 24h. In addition, one of the derivatives (7-22) enhanced EAAT2 levels 3.5-3.9-fold after 24h with an EC(50) of 0.5 μM.  相似文献   

Using affinity chromatography and enzyme-labelled immunological assays combined with affinity adsorption, we have obtained evidence for the binding of a brain glycoprotein to hyaluronic acid, and on this basis named it hyaluronectin. This binding was inhibited by hyaluronic acid and by the products of its hydrolysis by hyaluronidase from bovine testis, but was not inhibited by other glycosaminoglycans or by monosaccharides. Preparative affinity chromatography of brain acid-soluble proteins produced hyaluronectin in a good degree of purity. Contamination by albumin was less than 1% and the yield was as high as 80%.  相似文献   

A high-molecular-weight glutamate-binding inhibitor (HGBI) from porcine brain extract was purified to homogeneity. The results of this purification process show that glutamate receptor activity can be regulated by a high-molecular-weight protein, which inhibits [3H]L-glutamate binding to excitatory amino acid (EAA) receptors. The purified HGBI appears to be a protein with a molecular weight of approximately 70 kD. The purified HGBI is negatively charged, suggesting that it may contain acidic amino acids, and most likely,L-glutamate- andL-aspartate-enriched regions, responsible for its surface charge as well as for its binding to glutamate receptors. Inhibition of [3H]L-glutamate binding by the purified HGBI is reversible, and appears to change the binding kinetics. This endogenous ligand for glutamate receptors has unique characteristics separating it from all the other ligands found so far in the EAA receptor system. This HGBI represents a new class of modulator for the EAA receptor, thus further investigation of the function and structure of the HGBI should provide new understanding of the mechanisms of EAA-mediated neurotransmission.  相似文献   

alpha-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA) is a selective ligand for an excitatory amino acid receptor subtype in mammalian brain. We have solubilized an AMPA binding protein from bovine brain membranes with 1% Triton X-100 in 0.5 M phosphate buffer and 20% glycerol at 37 degrees C and purified the stable binding sites using a series of chromatographic steps. Scatchard analysis of the purified preparation showed a curvilinear plot with dissociation constants of 10.6 and 323 nM and Bmax values of 670 and 1,073 pmol/mg of protein for the high- and low-affinity sites, respectively. Inhibition constants for several excitatory amino acid analogues were similar to those obtained for other membrane and solubilized preparations. Gel filtration of the soluble AMPA binding protein showed a single peak of [3H]AMPA binding activity at Mr approximately 500,000. With sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the purified AMPA binding protein showed a single major band at Mr = 110,000. Previously, we have shown that a monoclonal antibody (KAR-B1) against a frog brain kainate binding protein selectively recognizes an unknown protein in mammalian brain migrating at Mr approximately 100,000. We now show that this antibody recognizes the major component of the purified AMPA binding protein, supporting a structural similarity between the frog brain kainate binding protein and the mammalian AMPA binding protein.  相似文献   

The sulfur-containing amino acids, L- and D-cysteate, L-cysteine, L- and D-cysteine sulfinate, L- and D-cysteine-S-sulfate, L-cystine, L- and D-homocysteate, L- and D-homocysteine sulfinate, L-homocysteine, L-serine-O-sulfate, and taurine were tested in two excitatory amino acid receptor functional assays and in receptor binding assays designed to label specifically the AA1/N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), AA2/quisqualate, and AA3/kainate receptor recognition sites, as well as a CaCl2-dependent L-2-amino-4-phosphonobutanoate site, and a putative glutamate uptake site. Agonist efficacies were determined by chick retinal excitotoxicity and stimulated sodium efflux from rat brain slices. D-Homocysteine sulfinate, L-homocysteate, and L-serine-O-sulfate had affinities most selective for the NMDA binding site, whereas the binding affinities of D-cysteate, D-cysteine sulfinate, D-homocysteate, and L-homocysteine sulfinate were less selective. However, the correlation of agonist activity sensitive to blockade by D-2-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoate or D-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoate in the functional assays with affinity in the NMDA binding assay (r = 0.87, p less than 0.005 and r = 0.98, p less than 0.005 for excitotoxicity and sodium efflux, respectively) allows characterization of these sulfur-containing amino acids as acting at NMDA subclass receptors. L-Homocysteate, which has been found in the brain, and L-serine-O-sulfate are selective agonists and could serve as endogenous neurotransmitters at the NMDA receptor.  相似文献   

Abstract: 2-Amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid, an antagonist of excitation caused by dicarboxylic amino acids with a selective action on N -methyl-d-aspartate receptors, has been administered in an anticonvulsant dose (1 mmol/kg i.p.) to fed or fasted rats and mice. The drug impaired motor activity in fasted mice. Glucose and amino acids were determined in dissected regions of brain fixed by microwave irradiation. Glucose content was low in the brains of fasted rats and mice but was restored to normal (fed) concentration 45 min after the administration of 2-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid in fasted mice. In fed animals, 2-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid did not change brain aspartate concentration. In fasted animals, aspartate concentration was raised in most brain regions. In fasted rats and mice, 2-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid significantly increased glutamine in rat cortex and mouse striatum, decreased glutamate content in rat striatum, and decreased aspartate concentration in all regions except mouse cortex and striatum. GABA levels were significantly decreased in rat striatum and hippocampus. These changes are consistent with an increased synaptic release of glutamate and aspartate following blockage of their post-synaptic action at selected sites.  相似文献   

Abstract: Elevated extracellular potassium concentration ([K+]e) has been shown to induce reversal of glial Na+-dependent glutamate uptake in whole-cell patch clamp preparations. It is uncertain, however, whether elevated [K+]e similarly induces a net glutamate efflux from intact cells with a physiological intracellular milieu. To answer this question, astrocyte cultures prepared from rat and mouse cortices were incubated in medium with elevated [K+]e (by equimolar substitution of K+ for Na+), and glutamate accumulation was measured by HPLC. With [K+]e elevations to 60 m M , medium glutamate concentrations did not increase during incubation periods of 5–120 min. By contrast, 45 min of combined inhibition of glycolytic and oxidative ATP production increased medium glutamate concentrations 50–100-fold. Similar results were obtained in both rat and mouse cultures. Studies were also performed using astrocytes loaded with the nonmetabolized glutamate tracer d -aspartate, and parallel results were obtained; no increase in medium d -aspartate content resulted from [K+]e elevation up to 90 m M , whereas a large increase occurred during inhibition of energy metabolism. These results suggest that a net efflux of glutamate from intact astrocytes is not induced by any [K+]e attainable in brain.  相似文献   

In rat mesencephalic cell cultures, L-glutamate at concentrations ranging from 100 microM to 1 mM stimulated release of [3H]dopamine that was attenuated by the non-N-methyl-D-aspartate (non-NMDA) receptor antagonist 6,7-dinitroquinoxalinedione, but not by the selective NMDA receptor antagonists (+)-5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5,10-imine hydrogen maleate (MK-801; 10 microM) and 3-(2-carboxypiperazine-4-yl)propyl-1-phosphonate (300 microM). Even at 1 mM glutamate, this release was Ca2+ dependent. These observations suggest that the release was mediated by a non-NMDA receptor. Only release stimulated by a lower concentration (10 microM) of glutamate was inhibited by MK-801 (10 microM), indicating that glutamate at this concentration activates the NMDA receptor. By contrast, L-aspartate at concentrations of 10 microM to 1 mM evoked [3H]dopamine release that was completely inhibited by MK-801 (10 microM) and was also Ca2+ dependent (tested at 1 and 10 mM aspartate). Thus, effects of aspartate involved activation of the NMDA receptor. Sulfur-containing amino acids (L-homocysteate, L-homocysteine sulfinate, L-cysteate, L-cysteine sulfinate) also evoked [3H]dopamine release. Release evoked by submillimolar concentrations of these amino acids was attenuated by MK-801 (10 microM), indicating involvement of the NMDA receptor.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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