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Schistosoma mansoni releases large amounts of proline into the hepatoenteric circulation. Because proline release has been linked to bile duct hyperplasia in fascioliasis, the current investigation tested the possibility that such hyperplasia might occur in schistosomiasis. The lumenal perimeter and wall thickness in bile ducts was compared between infected and uninfected mice. In those harboring 5 week old S. mansoni infections there was a 180% increase in the lumenal perimeter of the duct (P<0.001) and a 580% increase in the thickness of the duct wall (P<0.001). These results tend to support data linking proline to bile duct and liver fibroblast proliferation.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni: tracer studies in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mice with patent Schistosoma mansoni infections were injected via the tail vein with peroxidase and Thorotrast, and the ingestion of these tracers by the worms was followed over time. Both tracers are found initially in the crypts of the dorsal tegument of the male; however, the disappearance of the peroxidatic activity from the crypts, presumably by digestion of the peroxidase, occurs prior to the disappearance of the Thorotrast. Only Thorotrast appears in the cecal lumen, and the amount is greater in the female than in the male. Little tracer is ever found between the pair in the gynecophoric canal, and no tracer was ever found in the cytoplasm of the worms. These results suggest that while the tegumental and cecal surfaces are cytoarchitecturally identical in both sexes, they may in fact exhibit functional specializations.  相似文献   

We compared the humoral immune response of mice protected against Schistosoma mansoni by vaccination with radiation-attenuated cercariae to that of patently infected mice, and we identified antigens that elicit a greater, or unique, immune response in the vaccinated mice. These comparisons were based upon radioimmunoprecipitations and immunodepletion of [35S]methionine-labeled schistosomular and adult worm polypeptides, followed by one- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel analyses. The humoral responses of patently infected mice and of mice vaccinated once were remarkably similar and were directed against schistosome glycoproteins ranging in molecular size from greater than 300 to less than 10 kDa. Exposing mice to a second vaccination resulted in a marked change in the immune response, to one predominantly directed toward high molecular size glycoproteins. Sequential immunodepletion techniques identified five schistosomular and seven adult worm antigens that showed a greater or unique immunogenicity in vaccinated mice as compared with patently infected mice. These adult worm antigens were purified by preparative sequential immunoaffinity chromatography and used to prepare a polyclonal antiserum, anti-irradiated vaccine. This antiserum bound to the surface of live newly transformed and lung-stage schistosomula, as assessed by immunofluorescence assays, and was reactive with a number of 125I-labeled schistosomular surface polypeptides, including a doublet of 150 kDa that was also recognized by sera of vaccinated mice but not by sera of patently infected mice.  相似文献   

Several laboratory-maintained strains of Schistosoma mansoni were tested for their relative immunogenicity or susceptibility to anti-schistosome immunity in irradiated cercaria-immunized mice. A total of 11 strains and substrains were used; 7 were of Puerto Rican origin, 3 from Brazil, and 1 from Egypt. Mice were immunized by percutaneous exposure to 50-krad-irradiated cercariae. Immunity was assessed following challenge with cercariae of the homologous or a heterologous strain. The results showed that the choice of either the challenge or immunizing strains was not critical in the development of significant levels of protection. Extensive degrees of cross-protection developed in all intrastrain combinations tested.  相似文献   

Infections with five geographical strains and substrains of Schistosoma mansoni were compared in mice. Two substrains (Lc-1 and Lt-1) were derived from the parent (L-1) St. Lucian strain on the basis of differing infectivity for various snail strains. The Puerto Rican strains (PR-1 and PR-2) were obtained with an interval of 25 years. Consistent differences among the lines were found in egg distribution and numbers of eggs in tissues and feces. One Puerto Rican strain (PR-2) and one St. Lucian substrain (Lc-1) had longer prepatent periods than the other strains. Mice infected with the PR-1 strain consistently had the highest egg accumulation in the tissues per worm pair. Relatively few eggs were passed in the feces of the Lt-1 strain. By Week 9 of infection, eggs were noted in the spleens of mice carrying each of the strains and substrains.  相似文献   

In mice, infection with 20-30 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni resulted in a considerable reduction in the formation of 14CO2 from [14C]tryptophan. Infected animals excreted significantly lower amounts of kynurenine, kynurenic acid, and methyl pyridone carboxamide than did uninfected controls. There was no difference in the ability of hepatocytes isolated from infected or control animals to metabolise [14C]tryptophan. Hepatocytes from infected animals synthesized less NAD(P), but more niacin and N1-methyl nicotinamide from tryptophan. They showed no greater accumulation of kynurenine metabolites than did cells from control animals. The hepatocyte content of pyridoxal phosphate and the erythrocyte aspartate aminotransferase activation coefficient were the same in both groups of mice, suggesting that infection with S. mansoni does not deplete vitamin B6. The impairment of tryptophan metabolism in vivo was apparently not due to impaired hepatic metabolism. Rather, it seems likely that the parasites or their eggs take up tryptophan avidly from the host's circulation. Studies of parasite and egg metabolism of tryptophan may suggest novel approaches to the chemotherapy of bilharzia.  相似文献   

A detailed temporal examination was made of alterations induced by artemether in the tegument of adult Schistosoma mansoni worms using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Mice infected with S. mansoni cercariae 42 days previously were treated intragastrically with artemether at a single dose of 400 mg/kg. Groups of 3 mice were killed at 24 hr, 72 hr, and 7 days after treatment; the worms were collected by perfusion and examined by SEM. Twenty-four hours after artemether treatment, focal damage to the tubercles on the tegumental surface of male worms was seen. In both male and female worms, there was focal swelling and fusion of tegumental ridges, and sometimes peeling. After 72 hr, the damage to the tegument had increased, especially in female worms, with extensive swelling, fusion, and peeling of the tegumental ridges. In the most severely damaged worms, host leukocytes were seen to be adhered to the damaged tegument. Damage to the oral sucker was also occasionally seen in both male and female worms. Seven days after treatment, the appearance of the tegument had returned to normal in some male and female worms, whereas others still showed apparent damage. The results demonstrate that artemether damages the tegument of adult S. mansoni, and the intensity of damage is more severe in female worms than in males.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis leads to structural and functional changes which may result from unbalanced release of some inflammatory mediators. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of intestinal parasitic infection on nitric oxide release and to evaluate the neural plasticity that leads to motility disturbance. Experiments were performed in Swiss mice 8- and 12-weeks following infection with Schistosoma mansoni compared to untreated controls. Jejunal motility was assessed using a Trendelenburg preparation to study aboral directed peristaltic pressure waves. Histological examination was used to determine the pathological characteristics of inflammation.Parasitic infection produces diffuse inflammatory infiltrate in both 8- and 12-weeks infected animals. Inflammation had significant effect on peristaltic pressure waves amplitude and intervals at 8-weeks compared to control; whereas, in 12-weeks post infection there was a significant decrease in peristaltic pressure waves amplitude and interval compared to 8- weeks and control.Nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (L-NAME 100 μM) induced a significant increase in amplitude and decrease in intervals in control, 8- and 12- weeks infected animals. In conclusion, parasitic infection leads to disturbance in the release of the inflammatory mediators. This study indicated the role of nitric oxide in developing granulomatous inflammation and participating in motility disturbance.  相似文献   

The effects of a protein-restricted diet (8% protein, 81% carbohydrate and 11% lipids) on Schistosoma mansoni infectivity, fecal egg excretion and intestinal egg distribution in Swiss (SW) mice were studied. Pregnant mice received a deficient diet from the middle of gestation until delivery. Seven-days-old mice were exposed to 50 cercariae (BH strain, Brazil). Offspring mice had a free access to the deficient diet since lactation until adulthood. The controls were fed with a commercial mice diet. A parasitological examination was performed between six and eight weeks post-infection while both groups were necropsied one week later. Mice on the experimental diet showed a significant loss in body weight. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in pre-patent period, kinetics of egg excretion and worm recovery from mice on either diet. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were found concerning to the percentage of deposited eggs in the distal segment of the small intestine from hosts on the experimental diet. Our data suggest that experimental malnutrition induced for a long term has no detrimental effect on the acute schistosomiais infection in SW mice.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis mansoni is a parasitic disease in which granulomas form around schistosome eggs in the liver and intestines. The purpose of this study was to determine the alterations in the intrinsic innervation of the distal ileum and proximal colon resulting from schistosomiasis. Using murine schistosomiasis mansoni, we examined light microscopic preparations stained with osmium-zinc iodide or the dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: nitro BT oxidoreductase (NADH) method. We also examined specific populations of peptidergic nerves (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and substance P) using an avidin-biotin complex (ABC) immunohistochemical technique. We found that granulomas focally destroyed the enteric nerves. Occasionally nerves were found within granulomas, particularly at the periphery of the lesions. Nerve cell bodies close to granulomas had altered staining, which included increased staining for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. The distribution of nerve injury varied between the 2 enteric segments studied. In the distal ileum, the principal injury was to the myenteric plexus; whereas, the submucous and mucosal plexuses were predominantly damaged in the proximal colon. The physiologic significance of this injury to the enteric nerves requires elucidation.  相似文献   

Mice exposed to 35 cercariae of the human helminth Schistosoma mansoni develop chronic (greater than 16wk) infections characterized by immunoregulation of their cell-mediated granulomatous responses to schistosome eggs. Evidence was sought regarding the possible development of anti-idiotypic responses against the responses to soluble egg antigens (SEA). Sera were collected from CBA/J mice with chronic S. mansoni infections. Multiclonal idiotypic, anti-SEA antibody (id) was prepared from these pooled sera by affinity chromatography on an SEA immunoadsorbent column. Analysis of the id preparations by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis demonstrated that this material contained only immunoglobulin heavy and light chains. A modified reverse plaque-forming cell (PFC) assay was developed to quantify anti-idiotypic (anti-id) PFC in spleen cell preparations from infected and age-matched control CBA/J mice. Expression of anti-id PFC began 2 to 3 wk after onset of egg production and continued throughout the course of infection. Positive selection of anti-id-reactive spleen cells by panning cell preparations from chronic mice on id-coated plates resulted in an enrichment of anti-id PFC in the id-adherent population. Conversely, the number of PFC reactive with SEA (id-producing PFC) was lowered by panning on id-coated plates. These data demonstrate the occurrence of anti-id responses during schistosomiasis mansoni. It is possible that such an immunoregulatory mechanism could play an important role in how an animal modulates the granulomatous response that leads to the formation of pathologic lesions and in the maintenance of this chronic infection.  相似文献   

The parameters involved in the induction of resistance against Schistosoma mansoni by injection of irradiated, artificially transformed schistosomula were studied in mice. Single intramuscular injections of 500 schistosomula exposed to radiation doses in the range 2.3 to 160 krad. resulted in significant protection (in the range 20 to 50% as assessed by reduced worm burdens) against a challenge infection administered at intervals from 3 to 24 weeks post-vaccination. However, schistosomula irradiated with 20 krad. consistently resulted in better protection than those exposed to either higher or lower radiation doses despite the persistence of stunted adults from the infections irradiated with 2.3 krad. Vaccination with 40 krad. schistosomula resulted in significant protection in terms of reduced worm and tissue egg burdens and increased survival following lethal challenge. Varying the number of irradiated schistosomula, the frequency and route of their administration, the site of challenge and the strain of host all failed to enhance the level of resistance. However, percutaneously applied, irradiated cercariae were found to be more effective in stimulating resistance (60%) than intramuscularly injected, irradiated schistosomula (40%).  相似文献   

In our earlier experiments, NIH/Nmri (CV) mice developed protective immunity to a Schistosoma mansoni cercarial challenge when previously exposed percutaneously to highly 60Co-irradiated homologous cercariae. Experiments reported here were conducted to assess the immunogenicity of unfrozen and frozen and thawed schistosomules derived from 60Co-irradiated cercariae (irradiated schistosomules). Immunization of NIH/Nmri (CV) mice by 60Co-irradiated unfrozen schistosomules reduced worm burdens from a subsequent percutaneous challenge with normal cercariae by 41 to 72%. Immunogenicity was not narrowly dependent on irradiation dose rates between 1 and 8 kR/min, or on the total dose of irradiation given the schistosomules between 25 and 50 kR. Comparable protective immunity developed after injection of irradiated schistosomules which had been frozen to ?196 C in liquid nitrogen and thawed. Cryopreservation appears to offer a solution to the problem of storage of attenuated, immunogenic S. mansoni schistosomules.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni: male-biased sex ratios in snails and mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Adult sex ratios of Schistosoma mansoni, in mice, were shown to be biased toward males (3:1) despite the finding that sex ratios of miracidia were 50:50. The adult male bias was caused by greater male infectivity of miracidia for snails and cercariae for mice. A significantly higher percentage of male miracidia developed to cercarial production in unimiracidial infections (57 male, 34 female), and a significantly higher percentage of male cercariae developed to adulthood in mice (143 male, 79 female worms resulted from 900 male and 900 female cercariae). No significant differences were found between male and female parasites for longevity of miracidia (both sexes, 10 hr) and cercariae (males 21.3 +/- 5.75 hr, females 25.0 +/- 7.02 hr), prepatent periods in snail hosts (male 34 +/- 2.92 days, females 33 +/- 2.36 days), longevity of snail infections (males 96.6 +/- 25.15 days, females 115.2 +/- 82.43 days), and the numbers of cercariae produced per snail lifetime (males 30,751.44 +/- 18,064.33, females 34,083.00 +/- 33,732.82). Present results provide a better understanding of the life cycle of S. mansoni, are of theoretical significance for theories of biased sex ratios (which at present cannot account for the male-biased ratio of S. mansoni), and also suggest that schistosomiasis transmission models assuming a 50:50 sex ratio at all stages of the life cycle should be reassessed.  相似文献   

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