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A list of 29 species of Thysanoptera belonging to three families from Central Yakutia is given.  相似文献   

We developed a methodology to predict brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) distribution using summer temperature metrics as predictor variables. Our analysis used long-term fish and hourly water temperature data from the Dog River, Vermont (USA). Commonly used metrics (e.g., mean, maximum, maximum 7-day maximum) tend to smooth the data so information on temperature variation is lost. Therefore, we developed a new set of metrics (called event metrics) to capture temperature variation by describing the frequency, area, duration, and magnitude of events that exceeded a user-defined temperature threshold. We used 16, 18, 20, and 22°C. We built linear discriminant models and tested and compared the event metrics against the commonly used metrics. Correct classification of the observations was 66% with event metrics and 87% with commonly used metrics. However, combined event and commonly used metrics correctly classified 92%. Of the four individual temperature thresholds, it was difficult to assess which threshold had the “best” accuracy. The 16°C threshold had slightly fewer misclassifications; however, the 20°C threshold had the fewest extreme misclassifications. Our method leveraged the volumes of existing long-term data and provided a simple, systematic, and adaptable framework for monitoring changes in fish distribution, specifically in the case of irregular, extreme temperature events.  相似文献   

Sixty-one species of grassflies (Diptera, Chloropidae) have been found in the meadows in the middle Lena valley, Central Yakutia. Differences between the grassfly taxocenoses of different parts of the valley depend on specific features of a particular plant community. The dominant and subdominant chloropid species are distinguished. The differences of the riparian fauna from the complexes inhabiting the alases in Yakutia are shown. Six species of grassflies are recorded for Yakutia for the first time, all of them belonging to the subfamily Oscinellinae: Polyodaspis ruficornis Macquart, Tricimba cincta Meigen, Aphanotrigonum trilineatum Meigen, Trachysiphonella scutellata v. Roser, Rhopalopterum anthracinum Meigen, and Rh. fasciolum Meigen  相似文献   

Summary The food composition in the guts ofDaphnia hyalina was compared with the phytoplankton composition in the lake water on several dates during the year. The guts contained almost exclusively algae; detritus was not an important food item. ExceptOscillatoria agardhii, all large algal forms were generally avoided. On a whole,Scenedesmus was the most preferred taxon, but as numbers or biomass ingestedO. agardhii was more important. The filamentous blue-green algae>60 m (range: 60–1500 m) were strongly avoided byDaphnia. The observed size selective feeding is probably the result of limitations in their filtering apparatus rather than active selection.  相似文献   

Taxonomical and geochemical investigations on freshwater ostracods from 15 waters in Central and Northeast (NE) Yakutia have been undertaken in order to estimate their potential usefulness in palaeoenvironmental reconstructions based on regional fossil records. Higher variability in environmental factors such as pH, electrical conductivity, and ionic content was observed in thermokarst-affected lakes in Central Yakutia than in NE Yakutia lakes. Species diversity of freshwater ostracods reached up to eight taxa per lake, mostly dominated by Candona weltneri Hartwig 1899, in Central Yakutia, whereas in NE Yakutian waters the diversity was lower and Candona muelleri jakutica Pietrzeniuk 1977 or Fabaeformiscandona inaequivalvis (Sars 1898) had highest frequencies. Coupled analyses of stable isotopes (δ18O, δ13C) and element ratios (Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca) were performed on both host waters and ostracod calcite, aiming to estimate the modern relationships. Correlations between host waters and ostracod calcite of single species were found for δ18O, δ13C and Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios. The relationships between δ18O, Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios and electrical conductivity (salinity) as an expression of solute concentrations in the waters mainly controlled by evaporation are more complicated but evident, and may be useful in future interpretation of geochemical data from fossil Siberian ostracods. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Igor Hudec 《Hydrobiologia》1990,190(1):33-42
Moina weismanni Ishikawa is reported from Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Yugoslavia. The species was formerly synonymized with Moina micrura Kurz, based on parthenogenotic females. In both species, parthenogenetic females have a characteristic postabdomen, antennules (characters formerly regarded as typical for a variety of M. micrura), and ephippium. Wales are quite different. Examined populations of both species are similar in length-to-width ratio. M. weismanni is typical for small, eutrophic but permanent, and for large temporary water bodies. M. micrura is restricted to the plankton.  相似文献   

Little Mere (Cheshire) is a small (2.7 ha) and shallow (average depth 0.7 m) fertile lake in Cheshire, UK. Nymphaeids cover almost 40 % of its entire surface during the growing season (April to October) and practically all the rest is covered by a mixed community of submerged plants. The lake was intensively sampled for plant-associated Cladocera and zooplankters from April 1998-April 2000. Samples were collected at five sites across the lake, three of them located within lily beds, the other two over submerged plant beds of mixed composition. Specific sampling techniques were developed for floating lily leaves, petioles, submerged plants and water. Significant horizontal differences were identified for most cladoceran species, both open-water and plant-associated, for chydorid periphyton scrapers and for filter-feeders. Daphnia hyalina (L.) and Ceriodaphnia sp were significantly more abundant in lily beds than in more open water in both growing seasons, suggesting lily beds are an effective refuge against fish predation. Size-structure and egg-ratio data support this contention. Egg-ratio models were examined for Daphnia hyalina and Simocephalus vetulus (O.F. Müller), a plant-associated cladoceran. The fertility of S. vetulus in lily beds was generally high throughout growing seasons. The construction of egg-ratio models for this species was hampered by their generally very patchy distributions.  相似文献   

Argunov  A. V. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(8):1394-1400
Biology Bulletin - Abstract—The marking behavior and mediated communication of male moose in central Yakutia are studied. During rut, moose damage tree and shrub vegetation with their antlers...  相似文献   

Entomological Review - The oribatid mite population was studied in the zonal permafrost pale yellow taiga soil of Central Yakutia, East Siberia. In general, the population of oribatid mites in the...  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of the Chydoridae (Crustacea: Cladocera)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although much is known about the evolutionary history of the pelagic 'cladocerans', there is little information on benthic families such as the Chydoridae. In this study, we examine the phylogenetic history of 37 chydorid species using sequence variation in two mitochondrial genes, COI and 16S rDNA, and one nuclear gene, 18S rDNA. The four recognized subfamilies of chydorids (Eurycercinae, Saycinae, Aloninae and Chydorinae) were well supported, being separated by large sequence divergences of 14.3–16.4%. By contrast, the existing taxonomic system appears to be less clear at a generic level, since many genera (e.g. Alona , Chydorus , Pleuroxus ) consist of an amalgam of distantly related species. However, among those genera which are monophyletic, levels of divergence are very high, suggesting that they originated somewhere in the mid-Palaeozoic. The factors involved in promoting diversification in this group are discussed.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79, 629–643.  相似文献   

Arvola  L.  Salonen  K. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,445(1-3):141-150
The impact of Daphnia longispina (Cladocera) on the plankton food web was studied in a polyhumic lake where this species comprised almost all zooplankton biomass. Plastic enclosures (volume 7 m3) were inserted into the lake retaining the initial water stratification except that in one enclosure zooplankton was removed. After the removal of Daphniaa rotifer, Keratella cochlearis, ciliates and heterotrophic nanoflagellates increased markedly and the density and biomass of bacteria decreased. Edible algal species, Cryptomonas rostratiformisand three small chrysophytes,Ochromonas, Pedinella and Spinifermonas, took advantage of the removal of Daphnia, while more grazing-resistant species declined. In spite of the changes in the species composition of phytoplankton, the removal of Daphnia did not affect the biomass, primary production or respiration of plankton. The results implied that the density of heterotrophic flagellates and ciliates was controlled by Daphnia, but in its absence the former took its role as the bacterial grazers.  相似文献   

Daphnia lumholtzi is a planktonic crustacean native to subtropical regions in Africa, Asia and Australia. Since its invasion to the southern USA in ~1990 it has spread across North America as far north as the Laurentian Great Lakes. We assessed invasion history using microsatellite makers and to explore the influence of mean annual temperature on the genetic structure along a latitudinal gradient in North America. Genotypic data were obtained from 9 microsatellite markers for 178 individuals from 13 populations (eight populations introduced to North America and five populations in the native range). Pairwise Fst values as well as Bayesian clustering showed a strong subdivision between native and introduced populations. Bayesian clustering identified multiple genetic clusters in recently invaded locations, suggestive of multiple invasions from various sources, including Asia and Africa. Using variation partitioning, we determined the amount of variation for genetic clusters of populations in the invaded range due to mean annual air temperature and the year of first detection. The results point to a primary introduction into the southern range of North America, with a subsequent northward expansion, and multiple introductions possibly from both the native range and by secondary spread from previously-invaded locations. Separate analysis of genetic clusters within the invaded range suggests additional effects of temperature conditions on geographic genetic structure, possibly as a consequence of D. lumholtzi’s tropical origin.  相似文献   

The origin and evolutionary history of the European bison Bison bonasus (wisent) have become clearer after several morphological, genomic, and paleogenomic studies in the last few years, but these paleogenomic studies have raised new questions about the evolution of the species. Here, we present additional information about the population diversity of the species based on the analysis of new subfossil Holocene remains from the Balkan Peninsula. Seven ancient samples excavated from caves in Western Stara Planina in Bulgaria were investigated by mitochondrial D‐loop (HVR1) sequence analysis. The samples were dated to 3,800 years BP by radiocarbon analysis. Additionally, a phylogenetic analysis was performed to investigate the genetic relationship among the investigated samples and all mitochondrial DNA sequences from the genus Bison available in GenBank. The results clustered with the sequences from the extinct Holocene South‐Eastern (Balkan) wisent to the fossil Alpine population from France, Austria, and Switzerland, but not with those from the recent Central European (North Sea) one and the now extinct Caucasian population.In conclusion, these data indicate that the Balkan wisent that existed in historical time represented a relict and probably an isolated population of the Late Pleistocene‐Holocene South‐Western mountainous population of the wisent.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary investigation combining archaeological and palaeoecological approaches (pollen, micro-charcoal, major elements geochemistry, and radiocarbon data) has been carried out since 2000 in the southern Cantal (French Massif Central) in order to achieve a better understanding of the environmental/anthropogenic interactions in a mountain ecosystem ranging from 1000 to 1600 m a.s.l. from the Mid-Holocene to the end of Modern Times. This medium mountain area must be considered as a complex landscape shaped during a long-term land-use history. Pollen and archaeological evidences suggest a human frequentation as early as the beginning of the 6th millennium BC. For the following periods, different stages related to the human settlement and anthropogenic activities of land clearance and agro-pastoralism have been documented: the final Neolithic/Early Bronze Age and the Roman period (mainly the 3rd and 4th centuries AD). Middle Ages (between the 10th and the 12th centuries AD) and Modern Times (since the 14th–16th centuries AD) appear to be two key phases revealing complex spatial patterns of land-use.  相似文献   

Argunov  A. V. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(9):1650-1657
Biology Bulletin - The marking behavior of male Siberian Roe deer in central Yakutia, Siberia is considered in the context of a biological signal field. The optical elements of the Roe deer signal...  相似文献   

The psyllid fauna of the relict steppes of Central Yakutia is studied for the first time. Among the six species examined, two are new for Yakutia.  相似文献   

Spatial heterogeneity of benthic communities has clear implications for estimating lake production, biodiversity as well as identifying representative sites for palaeolimnological studies. This study investigates chironomid variability and the controlling factors (i.e., environmental and spatial variables) in surface sediments from Taihu Lake (2,338 km2), a hypertrophic lake in the Yangtze delta in eastern China. The spatial distribution of chironomids shows distinct heterogeneity. Microchironomus tabarui-type and Tanypus dominate the midge communities around the estuaries, while Cricotopus sylvestris-type and Polypedilum nubifer-type are the predominant taxa in the East Bays and the East Taihu Lake. Redundancy analysis was used for exploring the relationships between chironomid variability and environmental and spatial stressors. Four variables were identified as significant factors that influence chironomid community structures. The high nutrient concentrations around the estuarial areas favor the development of nutrient-tolerant taxa. Water depth-related oxygen depletion in the open lake during algae blooms prohibits the survival of many organisms, except for a few hypoxic-resistant species. High transparency in the East Bays and the East Taihu Lake indirectly creates a favorite microhabitat for macrophyte-associated chironomid species through aquatic plants. Space per se is a significant forcing factor for organism community and distribution at scales of >1,000 km2. It might be important to consider spatial variables more explicitly in future studies of chironomids in large lakes where multiple stressors make the interactions within the ecosystem more complicated. This study aims to illustrate the ecological characteristics of specific chironomid taxa related to a “microecosystem” which is contributed by the multiple environmental gradients within a large lake, and to provide empirical support for interpretation of palaeochironomid data.  相似文献   

A new species of the pyralid moth, Pediasia sinevi Shodotova et Bolshakov, sp. n., is described from Central Yakutia (locus typicus—Bestyakh). This species is very similar to P. jucundella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1847) in color and pattern of the wings and also similar to P. truncatella (Zetterstedt, 1839) in the structure of the male genitalia. The holotype and paratype are deposited at the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg).  相似文献   

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