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Freeze-fracture autoradiography: feasibility   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
We have shown that the combination of freeze-fracture with electron microscope autoradiography can be developed into a technique for correlating the molecular structure of the biological membrane with its chemical and functional characteristics. Within the limits of electron microscope autoradiographic resolution, FARG has the potential to detect the relative distribution of molecules in each half of the membrane and within the plane of the membrane. The use of radioisotopic labels in combination with freezing techniques requires minimal perturbation of the system being studied and may be suitable for the examination of substances which would be extracted or would diffuse during the normal fixation and embedding procedures used in standard electron microscope autoradiography.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture autoradiography. Progress towards a routine technique   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Freeze-fracture autoradiography was introduced in 1976 as a new technique for the autoradiography of diffusible compounds at the electron microscope level. With the original approach coating of the frozen replicated specimens was performed in a cryostat at atmospheric pressure. Ice contamination of the specimen surface acting as an outstanding source of artifacts was thereby not excluded. With the use of a specially designed coating device and volatile spreading substances it was made possible to coat the frozen replicated specimens in the maintained vacuum of the freeze-fracture plant. In this complicated technique we have recently extended the freeze-fracture autoradiography to labeled frozen-dried "half" membranes of red blood cells.  相似文献   

We describe a modified nuclear emulsion coating technique for both electron and light microscopic autoradiography. We propose that by reversing the application of formvar film so that it adheres to and covers thin sections placed on grids, we have developed a technically accessible methodology that produces optimal conditions for the tracing of specific nuclear activity. A smooth, continuous base is formed over the sections on which a monolayer of evenly packed silver halide crystals can be applied by dip-coating. The same principle is applied to pre-stained 1-micron plastic sections of glass slides. We suggest that the application of formvar film over thin sections does not impede or interfere with the exposure of the emulsion by the labeled tissue. On the contrary, it virtually eliminates contamination and background radiation, enhancing the specificity and quality of resolution at even low magnifications. This technical modification, which facilitates the application of the emulsion, could render electron microscopic autoradiography a routine laboratory procedure, allowing for easily reproducible results and quantitative evaluation. At the light microscopic level, this technique prevents chemical fogging caused by certain stains, and thus allows routine pre-staining before coating with emulsion.  相似文献   

A simple apparatus for emulsion coating is described. The apparatus is inexpensive and easily assembled in a standard glass shop. Emulsion coating for scanning electron microscope autoradiography with this apparatus consistently yields uniform layers. When used in conjunction with newly described fixation methods, this new approach produces reliable autoradiographs of undamaged specimens.  相似文献   

Axenic late log phase cultures of Tetrahymena pyriformis DN-B3 are deciliated by treatment with dibucaine. Deciliation occurs first at the anterior end of the cell and then progresses posteriorly. Concomitantly, all mature mucocysts are induced to discharge by the drug. The exact point of scission of each cilium is found to be a very localized region, between two specialized membrane arrays: the ciliary necklace and the ciliary patches, situated at the base of the cilium. Isolated cilia retain the patches, while the necklaces remain with the deciliated bodies. The cell membrane seals over the stubs. The new ciliary membrane then grows out above the necklace without the patches, which do not generally appear for several hours. Membrane renewal is therefore asynchronous, with bulk growth preceding the formation of specialized intramembrane particle arrays. During regrowth, the cilia also first return at the anterior end of the cell. This suggests that underlying gradients, perhaps related to Ca2+, are significant in the deciliation process.  相似文献   

A new radiocytochemical technique is reported for ultrastructural localization of diffusible substances, using negatively stained ultra-cryostat sections. A sheet of film interposed between the cryostat section and the emulsion layer has rendered negative-staining autoradiography (NSA) practical. The rationale of NSA is that the film completely shields the section from all moisture-producing autoradiographic processes, so that phosphotungstic acid (PTA) can stain the section either before or after autoradiography (ARG), without the possibility of ultrastructural damage by alkaline solutions, interference between PTA and photoprocessing compounds, and superimposed images of a gelatin layer stained with PTA. As a model to demonstrate the newly developed procedure of NSA, rat brains were labeled with [125I]-triiodothyronine, fixed with tannic fixative, immersed in a cryoprotectant, frozen in liquefied propane, and cryostat sectioned. The resulting higher yield of radioactivity (85%) on the section was confirmed by a radiation counter. The retention rate was approximately 20% greater than that of conventional sections. Developed silver grains were found on synaptic vesicles and mitochondria in the polymorphic layer of the dentate gyrus. In this report we will also discuss the problems associated with cryostat sectioning of fresh tissues, the concept of ARG resolution, the distribution pattern of developed silver grains, and the possible applications of NSA.  相似文献   

The freeze-fracture technique consists of physically breaking apart (fracturing) a frozen biological sample; structural detail exposed by the fracture plane is then visualized by vacuum-deposition of platinum-carbon to make a replica for examination in the transmission electron microscope. The four key steps in making a freeze-fracture replica are (i) rapid freezing, (ii) fracturing, (iii) replication and (iv) replica cleaning. In routine protocols, a pretreatment step is carried out before freezing, typically comprising fixation in glutaraldehyde followed by cryoprotection with glycerol. An optional etching step, involving vacuum sublimation of ice, may be carried out after fracturing. Freeze fracture is unique among electron microscopic techniques in providing planar views of the internal organization of membranes. Deep etching of ultrarapidly frozen samples permits visualization of the surface structure of cells and their components. Images provided by freeze fracture and related techniques have profoundly shaped our understanding of the functional morphology of the cell.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture immunogold labeling   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
 Several approaches have been developed to combine immunogold cytochemistry and freeze-fracture techniques. These methods are highly heterogeneous regarding both the sequence of the procedural steps and the aspect of the resulting images. They imply immunolabeling either before or after freeze-fracture or even immunolabeling of platinum/carbon replicas of the freeze-fractured membranes, and have been used alternatively or in parallel to address different questions related to cell membrane structure, composition and dynamics or to intracellular membrane traffic. This review will briefly describe these methods and report most of their immunogold cytochemical applications, with the aim of facilitating selection of the most appropriate approach. Accepted: 2 May 1996  相似文献   

Summary We have demonstrated a method for autoradiography of cell and tissue preparations which is both rapid and safe. The method utilizes only the primary scintillator, PPO, placed under the final emulsion to facilitate activation of the silver grains in the emulsion. Exposure of the autoradiographs is complete under the conditions described within 4 h at ambient temperature. The method is sensitive to exposure time and to the concentration of added radioisotope. The exclusion of volatile, toxic chemicals from the preparations allows the experiments to be performed without any health hazard to the investigator.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described that enables the simultaneous application of autoradiography and histochemistry in tissue sections prepared using a hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) embedding medium. A novel fixation regime, using a 19 v/v mixture of acetone and 10% neutral buffered formalin, improves section quality, histological staining and reduces tissue and cell shrinkage. The combined localization of [6-3H] thymidine incorporation and acid phosphatase in mouse thymus, duodenum, human stomach biopsy, earthworm and Walker tumour is described and counts of macrophages, phagocytosed cells, pyknotic cells, mitotic figures and thymidine-incorporating cells from young and old mouse thymus are presented.  相似文献   

The freeze-fracture technique was used to analyse the organization of the plasma membrane, as well as membranes of cytoplasmic organelles, of the pathogenic protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis. Rosettes formed by 4 to 14 intramembranous particles were seen on the fracture faces of the membrane lining the anterior flagella as well as in fracture faces of the plasma membrane enclosing the anterior region of the protozoan and in cytoplasmic organelles. Special organization of the membrane particles were also seen in the region of association of the recurrent flagellum to the cell body.  相似文献   

Little is known of how adrenal hormones pass from the interstitial to the vascular space. We have begun to examine the adrenal endothelium as a barrier to hormone passage, by the freeze-fracturing technique. The endothelium of both cortex and medulla is fenestrated. Fractures from both regions show endothelial cells to be extremely thin in regions where fenestrations are abundant. En face fractures show fenestrae disposed in tracts; the fenestrae reaching a distribution of 35/μ2. In both cortex and medulla there are areas of continuous endothelium which contain caveolae. Structures believed to represent fenestra diaphragms contain randomly disposed particles and occasional pits. We have not identified in replicas the central ring and pore described in thin-sectioned material (Elfvin, 1965). The main differences between freeze-fractured aspects of cortical and medullary endothelium are the greater abundance of caveolae in the medulla and the size of the fenestrae (fenestra rims in the medulla are 525–780 Å in diameter; in the cortex 570–1660 Å). These differences may reflect the different embryological origins of the medulla and cortex. While caveolae may participate in hormone transport, there is no evidence for this. In the medulla the caveolae are more numerous and may have a function not necessarily related to transport. Possibly, caveolae play a role in processing hormones and related substances. For example, ATP and specific proteins are released as well as epinephrine during exocytosis from chromaffin cells. Epinephrine enters the vascular space but ATP does not. ATPase enzymes are a common feature of caveolae of other endothelia and may occur as well in adrenal endothelium.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture study of Blastocystis hominis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ultrastructure of Blastocystis hominis was investigated by the freeze-fracture method. Freeze-fracture replicas of the membranes of B. hominis and its organelles were studied with special regard to the density and distribution of the intramembranous particles (IMP's). On all membrane replicas, the concentration of IMP's on the protoplasmic face (P face) invariably was greater than on the exoplasmic face (E face). On the P face, IMP's were heterogeneously distributed in dense aggregates, alternating with particle-free, smooth surface areas. Occasionally, small depressions and protrusions were observed in these areas. On the membrane of the central vacuole, invaginations into the vacuole were frequently observed within the smooth surface regions. Since most of the granules in the central vacuoles had no IMP's, it seems likely that the intervacuolar granules were formed from these invaginations of the vacuole membrane. The width of the intermembrane space between the inner and outer membranes of the nuclear envelope was uneven, with regions of relative narrowness interspersed with regions of expansion. Nuclear pores were localized within the narrow portions of this space. A nucleus, apparently in the process of dividing, was observed enclosed within an intact outer membrane. Division of the outer membrane would then result in the formation of two discrete nuclei.  相似文献   

Nuclear pockets (NP) are found in numerous human tumours and in certain non-neoplastic cells. This study concerns the structure of NP in cells from two malignant rhabdoid tumours, one embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, two centroblastic/centrocytic lymphomas, one centrocytic lymphoma and one Ki-1 lymphoma, as well as in normal neutrophils. Structures were noted in freeze-fracture replicas that were interpreted as corresponding to the NP seen in ultrathin sections and were classified into four types. A lack of nuclear pores was common to all types. In addition, intramembranous particles were either absent or very scanty on both the E- and the P-faces of areas of the nuclear membrane involved in pocket formation. It can be concluded from the lack of nuclear pores that no interchange between the nucleus and cytoplasm takes place in these areas. The reason for the lack of intramembranous particles is not known. It is suggested that the nuclear lamina (intermediate filaments of the nuclear skeleton) is not in contact with the nuclear membrane here.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture observations on mammalian oocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Freeze-fracture studies on mammalian oocytes have been hampered by the relatively small numbers of cells available at a given time as well as by difficulties encountered in effectively freezing these large, watery cells. We have nevertheless pursued this area because of the benefits of visualizing membrane faces involved in various fusion reactions by the freeze-fracture method. Our observations indicate no overall change in intramembranous particle (IMP) distribution before and after sperm penetration, although the question of possible alterations of these structures at the precise locus of sperm attachment remains open. Preliminary statistical analysis indicates that there is a much higher IMP density on the P face than on the E face of the plasma membrane and that the microvillar membranes bear more IMPs than those of the intermicrovillus regions. Probes of lipid subclasses were used to determine the distribution of cholesterol and anionic lipid in the egg plasma membrane. Filipin and tomatin showed extensive complex formation in microvillus as well as nonmicrovillus regions, whereas anionic lipids (using polymyxin B) have been difficult to detect on the oocyte surface. These results are discussed relative to current views of membrane fusion mechanisms.  相似文献   

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