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The Ca(2+)-dependent activation of calcineurin phosphatase activity is regulated by an autoinhibitory element (residues 457-482) located 43 residues COOH-terminal of the calmodulin-binding domain (residues 390-414). Removal of residues 457-482 does not result in full Ca(2+)/calmodulin-independent activity. Full activity in the absence of Ca(2+) requires the removal of residues 420-457. In the present study the presence of additional autoinhibitory elements within residues 420-457 was tested using two calcineurin A subunit COOH-terminal region constructs containing residues 420-511 (AI(420-511)) or 328-511 (AI(328-511)). Using recombinant, Ca(2+)/calmodulin-independent calcineurin, AI(420-511) and AI(328-511) were three- to fourfold more potent inhibitors of calcineurin phosphatase activity than the synthetic calcineurin autoinhibitory peptide(457-482). Calmodulin reversed the inhibition of calcineurin phosphatase activity by AI(328-511) but not AI(420-511). Kinetic studies indicated that AI(420-511) exhibited mixed-type inhibition and that the enzyme/substrate/inhibitor complex is partially active. These results indicate that (i) additional autoinhibitory elements are present within residues 420-457, (ii) calmodulin-binding to the autoinhibitory domain neutralizes the inhibitory function of the 420-457 autoinhibitory segment, (iii) the full-length autoinhibitory domain is a mixed-type inhibitor of calcineurin phosphatase activity, and (iv) the enzyme/substrate/inhibitor complex is partially catalytically active.  相似文献   

We have tested the hypothesis that activation of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase is due to autophosphorylation of tyrosines 1146, 1150 and 1151 within a putative autoinhibitory domain. A synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 1134–1162, with tyrosines substituted by alanine or phenylalanine, of the insulin receptor subunit was tested for its inhibitory potency and specificity towards the tyrosine kinase activity. This synthetic peptide gave inhibition of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of the exogenous substrate poly(Glu, Tyr) with an approximate IC50 of 100 M. Inhibition appeared to be independent of the concentrations of insulin or the substrate poly(Glu, Tyr) but was decreased by increasing concentrations of ATP. This same peptide also inhibited the EGF receptor tyrosine kinase but not a serine/threonine protein kinase. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that this autophosphorylation domain contains an autoinhibitory sequence. (Mol Cell Biochem120: 103–110, 1993)Abbreviations IR Insulin Receptor - SDS/PAGE Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis - CaM Calmodulin - HEPES 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-Piperazineethane-Sulfonic Acid - DMEM Dulbecco's Modified Eagle' Medium - PMSF Phenylmethyl-Sulfonyl Fluoride - HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography - PKC Protein Kinase C - PKI Inhibitory Peptide for cAMP-Kinase - CaMK II Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II - CaN A A Subunit of Calcineurin  相似文献   

The p21-activated protein kinases (Paks) are serine/threonine protein kinases activated by binding to Rho family small GTPases, Rac and Cdc42. Recently, Pak family members have been subdivided into two groups, I and II. Group II Paks, including Pak4, Pak5, and Pak6, does not contain the highly conserved autoinhibitory domain that is found in the group I Paks members, i.e. Pak1, Pak2, and Pak3. In the present study, we have purified the glutathione S-transferase fusion form of Pak5 and shown for the first time that Pak5 autophosphorylation can be activated by GTP bound form of Cdc42. Mutation of histidine residues 19 and 22 to leucine on the p21-binding domain of Pak5 completely abolished the binding of Cdc42 and the Cdc42-mediated autophosphorylation. On the other hand, mutation of tyrosine 40 to cysteine of Cdc42 did not knockout the binding of Pak5. Analysis of C-terminal deletion mutants has identified an autoinhibitory fragment of Pak5 that is absent from other group II Pak family members. Taken together, these results suggest that Pak5, like Pak1, contains an autoinhibitory domain and its activity is regulated by Cdc42.  相似文献   

Proteolytic (trypsin) treatment removes a small terminal segment from the 100-kDa plant plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase. This results in activation of H+ pumping across the plasma membrane, suggesting that an inhibitory domain is located in one of the terminal regions of the enzyme (Palmgren, M.G., Larsson, C., and Sommarin, M. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 13423-13426). In order to identify the origin of the fragment released by trypsin, polyclonal antibodies were raised against the first 55 amino acids (N-terminal region), the last 99 amino acids (C-terminal region), and a portion of 150 amino acids in the central part of the enzyme as deduced from one of the H(+)-ATPase genes (PMA2) of Arabidopsis thaliana. The native, 100-kDa H(+)-ATPase was recognized by all three antisera in Western blots. By contrast, the approximately 90-kDa polypeptide appearing after trypsin treatment was only recognized by the antisera against the N-terminal and central region, but not by the antiserum against the C-terminal region, suggesting that the inhibitory domain is located in this part of the enzyme. To more closely determine the position of the inhibitory domain, three peptides representing conserved parts of the C-terminal region were synthesized (residues 861-888, 912-943, and 936-949 of the Arabidopsis (PMA2) sequence). Only one of the peptides (residues 861-888) affected H+ pumping by the trypsin-activated (approximately 90-kDa) enzyme. This peptide of 28 amino acids inhibited H+ pumping with an IC50 of about 15 microM, suggesting that the auto-inhibitory domain is located within the corresponding part of the C-terminal region.  相似文献   

WNK family protein kinases are large enzymes that contain the catalytic lysine in a unique position compared with all other protein kinases. These enzymes have been linked to a genetically defined form of hypertension. In this study we introduced mutations to test hypotheses about the position of the catalytic lysine, and we examined mechanisms involved in the regulation of WNK1 activity. Through the analysis of enzyme fragments and sequence alignments, we have identified an autoinhibitory domain of WNK1. This isolated domain, conserved in all four WNKs, suppressed the activity of the WNK1 kinase domain. Mutation of two key residues in this autoinhibitory domain attenuated its ability to inhibit WNK kinase activity. Consistent with these results, the same mutations in a WNK1 fragment that contain the autoinhibitory domain increased its kinase activity. We also found that WNK1 expressed in bacteria is autophosphorylated; autophosphorylation on serine 382 in the activation loop is required for its activity.  相似文献   

p-Hydroxyphenylacetate (HPA) 3-hydroxylase from Acinetobacter baumannii consists of a reductase component (C(1)) and an oxygenase component (C(2)). C(1) catalyzes the reduction of FMN by NADH to provide FMNH(-) as a substrate for C(2). The rate of reduction of flavin is enhanced ~20-fold by binding HPA. The N-terminal domain of C(1) is homologous to other flavin reductases, whereas the C-terminal domain (residues 192-315) is similar to MarR, a repressor protein involved in bacterial antibiotic resistance. In this study, three forms of truncated C(1) variants and single site mutation variants of residues Arg-21, Phe-216, Arg-217, Ile-246, and Arg-247 were constructed to investigate the role of the C-terminal domain in regulating C(1). In the absence of HPA, the C(1) variant in which residues 179-315 were removed (t178C(1)) was reduced by NADH and released FMNH(-) at the same rates as wild-type enzyme carries out these functions in the presence of HPA. In contrast, variants with residues 231-315 removed behaved similarly to the wild-type enzyme. Thus, residues 179-230 are involved in repressing the production of FMNH(-) in the absence of HPA. These results are consistent with the C-terminal domain in the wild-type enzyme being an autoinhibitory domain that upon binding the effector HPA undergoes conformational changes to allow faster flavin reduction and release. Most of the single site variants investigated had catalytic properties similar to those of the wild-type enzyme except for the F216A variant, which had a rate of reduction that was not stimulated by HPA. F216A could be involved with HPA binding or in the required conformational change for stimulation of flavin reduction by HPA.  相似文献   

In glutamate-mediated excitatory neuronal cell death, immunosuppressants (FK506, Cys-A) are powerful agents that protect neurons from apoptosis. Immunosuppressants inhibit two types of enzyme, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase (calcineurin: CaN), and peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans-isomerase (PPIase) activity such as the FKBP family. In this study, we used a protein transduction approach to determine the functional role of CaN and to produce a potential therapeutic agent for glutamate-mediated neuronal cell death. We created a novel cell-permeable CaN autoinhibitory peptide using the 11 arginine protein transduction domain. This peptide was highly efficient at transducing into primary culture neurons, potently inhibited CaN phosphatase activities, and inhibited glutamate-mediated neuronal cell death. These results showed that CaN plays an important role in excitatory neuronal cell death and cell-permeable CaN autoinhibitory peptide could be a new drug to protect neurons from excitatory neuronal death.  相似文献   

Autoinhibitory domain (AID) of calcineurin (CN) was discovered two decades ago. Fewer investigations are reported to find out shortest possible peptide from the AID for CN inhibition. Hence, this study has focused on screening of nearly 150 peptide fragments derived from the AID using in silico method. Therefore, we have employed docking studies, aiming to analyze the best pose of AID-derived peptides on CN active site. We also analyzed binding free energy (ΔG) of docked complex using molecular mechanics/generalized Born surface area (MM/GBSA). MM/GBSA predicts two short peptides P1 and P2 found to be lowest binding free energy. Two peptides exhibit better binding affinity with CN, suggests that the possible candidates for potential CN inhibition. Further, the stability of the docked complex was analyzed using molecular dynamic (MD) simulation. MD study shows that CNA:P2 is the most stable complex than CN A:P1 and CN A:AID. Besides, we have synthesized and purified P1 and P2 peptides over high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) found to be 90.31% and 98.93% of purity, respectively. In addition, AID peptides were characterized over mass spectral analysis. Peptides were subjected to CN inhibitory assay using malachite green method. Where, P1 and P2 exhibit CN inhibition better than AID. In particular, shortest peptide P2 shows highest inhibitory activity than AID. Enzyme assay reveals CN inhibitory activity of P2 peptide is consistent within silico results. In silico and in vitro, results corroborated each other to confirm short peptide P2 can be used as a potential CN inhibitor.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA corresponding to the Dictyostelium myosin light chain kinase gene has been isolated and characterized. Sequence analysis of the cDNA confirms conserved protein kinase subdomains and reveals that the Dictyostelium sequence is highly homologous to those of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases, including myosin light chain kinases from higher eukaryotes. Despite the high homologies to calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases, there is no recognizable calmodulin-binding domain within the Dictyostelium sequence. However, the Dictyostelium myosin light chain kinase possesses a putative auto-inhibitory domain near its carboxyl terminus. To further characterize this domain, the full-length enzyme as well as a truncated form lacking this domain were expressed in bacterial cells and purified. The full-length enzyme expressed in bacteria exhibits essentially the same biochemical characteristics as the enzyme isolated from Dictyostelium. The truncated form however exhibits a Vmax that is approximately ten times greater than that of the native enzyme. In addition, unlike the native kinase and the full-length kinase expressed in bacteria, the truncated enzyme does not undergo autophosphorylation. These results suggest that the Dictyostelium enzyme, like myosin light chain kinases from higher eukaryotes, is regulated by an autoinhibitory domain but that the specific molecular signals necessary for activation of the Dictyostelium enzyme are entirely distinct.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis contains 15 class III adenylyl cyclase genes. The gene Rv1264 is predicted to be composed of two distinct protein modules. The C terminus seems to code for a catalytic domain belonging to a subfamily of adenylyl cyclase isozymes mostly found in Gram-positive bacteria. The expressed protein was shown to function as a homodimeric adenylyl cyclase (1 micromol of cAMP x mg(-1) x min(-1)). In analogy to the structure of the mammalian adenylyl cyclase catalyst, six amino acids were targeted by point mutations and found to be essential for catalysis. The N-terminal region represents a novel protein domain, the occurrence of which is restricted to several adenylyl cyclases present in Gram-positive bacteria. The purified full-length enzyme was 300-fold less active than the catalytic domain alone. Thus, the N-terminal domain appeared to be autoinhibitory. The N-terminal domain contains three prominent polar amino acid residues (Asp(107), Arg(132), and Arg(191)) that are invariant in all seven sequences of this domain currently available. Mutation of Asp(107) to Ala relaxed the inhibition and resulted in a 6-fold increase in activity of the Rv1264 holoenzyme, thus supporting the role of this domain as a potential novel regulator of adenylyl cyclase activity.  相似文献   

We have investigated a role for the amino-terminal FERM-like domain of the focal adhesion kinase (FAK) as a negative regulator of its own activity and phosphorylation state. Deletion of the first 375 amino acids from the amino terminus of FAK increases its catalytic activity in vitro, its phosphorylation when expressed in mammalian cells, and the phosphorylation of a FAK substrate, paxillin. Deletion mutants are phosphorylated in suspension, suggesting that they are no longer regulated by adhesion. The amino terminus of FAK can interact with the kinase domain of FAK in vitro and in vivo, suggesting that it might act as an autoinhibitor of FAK activity. The amino terminus of FAK can act in trans to inhibit FAK phosphorylation when expressed in mammalian cells or to directly inhibit FAK activity in vitro. Expression of the amino terminus of FAK inhibits cell cycle progression in CHO cells, consistent with its inhibition of FAK phosphorylation and function in trans. A glutathione S-transferase fusion protein containing the cytoplasmic tail of the beta1 integrin stimulates FAK activity in vitro, suggesting that FAK could be regulated by molecular interactions with the amino terminus. Based on these and previous data, we propose a working model for activation of FAK in cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Hwang I  Harper JF  Liang F  Sze H 《Plant physiology》2000,122(1):157-168
To investigate how calmodulin regulates a unique subfamily of Ca(2+) pumps found in plants, we examined the kinetic properties of isoform ACA2 identified in Arabidopsis. A recombinant ACA2 was expressed in a yeast K616 mutant deficient in two endogenous Ca(2+) pumps. Orthovanadate-sensitive (45)Ca(2+) transport into vesicles isolated from transformants demonstrated that ACA2 is a Ca(2+) pump. Ca(2+) pumping by the full-length protein (ACA2-1) was 4- to 10-fold lower than that of the N-terminal truncated ACA2-2 (Delta2-80), indicating that the N-terminal domain normally acts to inhibit the pump. An inhibitory sequence (IC(50) = 4 microM) was localized to a region within valine-20 to leucine-44, because a peptide corresponding to this sequence lowered the V(max) and increased the K(m) for Ca(2+) of the constitutively active ACA2-2 to values comparable to the full-length pump. The peptide also blocked the activity (IC(50) = 7 microM) of a Ca(2+) pump (AtECA1) belonging to a second family of Ca(2+) pumps. This inhibitory sequence appears to overlap with a calmodulin-binding site in ACA2, previously mapped between aspartate-19 and arginine-36 (J.F. Harper, B. Hong, I. Hwang, H.Q. Guo, R. Stoddard, J.F. Huang, M.G. Palmgren, H. Sze ?1998 J Biol Chem 273: 1099-1106). These results support a model in which the pump is kept "unactivated" by an intramolecular interaction between an autoinhibitory sequence located between residues 20 and 44 and a site in the Ca(2+) pump core that is highly conserved between different Ca(2+) pump families. Results further support a model in which activation occurs as a result of Ca(2+)-induced binding of calmodulin to a site overlapping or immediately adjacent to the autoinhibitory sequence.  相似文献   

Regulation of PTEN activity by its carboxyl-terminal autoinhibitory domain   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The regulation of PTEN intrinsic biochemical properties has not been fully elucidated. In this report, we investigated the role of the PTEN carboxyl-terminal tail domain in regulating its membrane targeting and catalytic functions. Characterization of a panel of PTEN phosphorylation site mutants revealed that mutating Ser-385 to alanine (S385A) promoted membrane localization in vivo and phosphatase activity in vitro. Furthermore, S385A mutation was associated with a substantial reduction in the phosphorylation of the Ser-380/Thr-382/Thr-383 cluster. Therefore, Ser-385 could prime additional dephosphorylation events to regulate PTEN catalytic activity. Moreover, substituting Ser-380/Thr-382/Thr-383 to phosphomimic residues reversed the phosphatase activity of the S385A mutation. Next, we further defined the underlying mechanisms responsible for the COOH-terminal tail region in modulating PTEN biological activity. We have identified an interaction between the 71-amino acid carboxyl-terminal tail region and the CBRIII motif of the C2 domain, which has been implicated in membrane binding. In addition, a synthetic phosphomimic peptide encompassing the phosphorylation site cluster between amino acids 368 and 390 within the tail region mediated the suppression of PTEN catalytic activity in vitro. This same peptide when expressed in cultured cells also impeded PTEN membrane localization and enhanced phospho-Akt levels. Thus, our data suggest that the COOH-terminal tail can act as an autoinhibitory domain to control both PTEN membrane recruitment and phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

UvrB, a central DNA damage recognition protein in bacterial nucleotide excision repair, has weak affinity for DNA, and its ATPase activity is activated by UvrA and damaged DNA. Regulation of DNA binding and ATP hydrolysis by UvrB is poorly understood. Using atomic force microscopy and biochemical assays, we found that truncation of domain 4 of Bacillus caldotenax UvrB (UvrBDelta4) leads to multiple changes in protein function. Protein dimerization decreases with an approximately 8-fold increase of the equilibrium dissociation constant and an increase in DNA binding. Loss of domain 4 causes the DNA binding mode of UvrB to change from dimer to monomer, and affinity increases with the apparent dissociation constants on nondamaged and damaged single-stranded DNA decreasing 22- and 14-fold, respectively. ATPase activity by UvrBDelta4 increases 14- and 9-fold with and without single-stranded DNA, respectively, and UvrBDelta4 supports UvrA-independent damage-specific incision by Cho on a bubble DNA substrate. We propose that other than its previously discovered role in regulating protein-protein interactions, domain 4 is an autoinhibitory domain regulating the DNA binding and ATPase activities of UvrB.  相似文献   

The Mos protein is a serine/threonine protein kinase which acts to regulate progression through meiosis in vertebrate oocytes. Although Mos function is dependent on its ability to act as a protein kinase, little is known about the factors which regulate Mos kinase activity. To understand the mechanism by which Mos kinase activity is regulated, we have used molecular modeling to construct a three-dimensional model of Mos based on the crystallographic coordinates of cyclic AMP-dependent kinase (PKA). This model identified a loop in Mos which is positioned near the active site and appears capable of blocking substrate access to the active site. Mutagenesis was used to construct altered forms of the Mos protein with deletions of parts or all of the loop. In vitro kinase assays showed that Mos proteins with the loop removed had up to a fourfold increase in kinase activity compared with the wild-type protein, indicating that the loop acts in an autoinhibitory manner for Mos kinase activity. Point mutations were also made on individual residues of the loop which were determined from the molecular model to be capable of reaching the active site. Determination of the kinase activities of these mutants showed that individual mutations in the loop region are capable of either increasing or decreasing kinase activity with regard to the wild-type protein. These data suggest that the loop identified in Mos acts as an autoinhibitor of kinase activity.  相似文献   

The Ca2+ signaling protein calmodulin (CaM) stimulates Ca2+ pumping in the plasma-membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) by binding to an autoinhibitory domain, which then dissociates from the catalytic domain of PMCA to allow full activation of the enzyme. We measured single-molecule fluorescence trajectories with polarization modulation to track the conformation of the autoinhibitory domain of PMCA pump bound to fluorescently labeled CaM. Interchange of the autoinhibitory domain between associated and dissociated conformations was detected at a physiological Ca2+ concentration of 0.15 microM, where the enzyme is only partially active, but not at 25 microM, where the enzyme is fully activated. In previous work we showed that the conformation of the autoinhibitory domain in PMCA-CaM complexes could be monitored by the extent of modulation of single-molecule fluorescence generated with rotating excitation polarization. In the present work, we determined the timescale of association and dissociation of the autoinhibitory domain with the catalytic regions of the PMCA. Association of the autoinhibitory domain was rare at a high Ca2+ concentration (25 microM). At a lower Ca2+ concentration (0.15 microM), conformations of the autoinhibitory domain interchanged with a dissociation rate of 0.042 +/- 0.011 sec(-1) and an association rate of 0.023 +/- 0.006 sec-1. The results indicate that the response time of PMCA upon a reduction in Ca2+ is limited to tens of seconds by autoinhibitory dynamics. This property may reduce the sensitivity of PMCA to transient reductions in intracellular Ca2+. We suggest that the dynamics of the autoinhibitory domain may play a novel role in regulating PMCA activity.  相似文献   

Carruthers NJ  Stemmer PM 《Biochemistry》2008,47(10):3085-3095
Calcineurin is a Ca (2+)/calmodulin-activated Ser/Thr phosphatase important in cellular actions resulting in memory formation, cardiac hypertrophy, and T-cell activation. This enzyme is subject to oxidative inactivation by superoxide at low micromolar concentrations and by H 2O 2 at low millimolar concentrations. On the basis of the hypothesis that oxidation of Met residues in calmodulin-binding domains inhibits binding to calmodulin, purified calcineurin was used to study the susceptibility of Met residues to oxidation by H 2O 2. The rate for oxidation of Met 406 in the calmodulin-binding domain was determined to be 4.4 x 10 (-3) M (-1) s (-1), indicating a high susceptibility to oxidation. Functional repercussions of Met 406 oxidation were evaluated using native enzyme and a calcineurin mutant in which Met 406 was exchanged for Leu. Measurement of fluorescent calmodulin binding demonstrated that oxidation of Met 406 results in a 3.3-fold decrease in the affinity of calmodulin for calcineurin. Calcineurin activation exhibited a loss in cooperativity with respect to calmodulin following Met 406 oxidation as shown by a reduction in the Hill slope from 1.88 to 0.86. Maximum phosphatase activity was unaffected by Met oxidation. Changes in the calcineurin-calmodulin interaction were accompanied by a 40% loss in the ability of calmodulin to stimulate binding of immunophilin/immunosuppressant to calcineurin. All effects on calmodulin binding to the native enzyme by the treatment with H 2O 2 could be reversed by treating the enzyme with methionine sulfoxide reductase. These results indicate that the calmodulin-binding domain of calcineurin is susceptible to oxidation at Met 406 and that oxidation disrupts calmodulin binding and enzyme activation. Oxidation-dependent decreases in the affinity of calmodulin for calcineurin can potentially modulate calmodulin-dependent signaling and calmodulin distribution.  相似文献   

The catalytically active domain in the A subunit of calcineurin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xiang B  Liu P  Jiang G  Zou K  Yi F  Yang S  Wei Q 《Biological chemistry》2003,384(10-11):1429-1434
Calcineurin (CaN) is a heterodimer composed of a catalytic subunit A (CaNA) and a regulatory subunit B (CaNB). We report here an active truncated mutation of the rat CaNAdelta that contains only the catalytic domain (residues 1-347, also known as a/CaNA). The p-nitrophenyl phosphatase activity and protein phosphatase activity of a/CaNA were higher than that of CaNA. Both p-nitrophenyl phosphatase activity and protein phosphatase activity of a/CaNA were unaffected by CaM and the B-subunit; the B-subunit and CaM have relatively little effect on p-nitrophenyl phosphatase activity and a crucial effect on protein phosphatase activity of CaNA. Mn2+ and Ni2+ ions effeciently activated CaNA. The Km of a/CaNA was about 16 mM, and the k(cat) of a/CaNA was 10.03 s(-1) using pNPP as substrate. With RII peptide as a substrate, the Km of a/CaNA was about 21 microM and the k(cat) of a/CaNA was 0.51 s(-1). The optimum reaction temperature was about 45 degrees C, and the optimum reaction pH was about 7.2. Our results indicate that a/CaNA is the catalytic core of CaNA, and CaN and the B-subunit binding domain itself might play roles in the negative regulation of the phosphatase activity of CaN. The results provide the basis for future studies on the catalytic domain of CaN.  相似文献   

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