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BST-2/CD317/HM1.24/tetherin is a host factor that inhibits the release of HIV-1 and other enveloped viruses. Structurally, tetherin consists of an N-terminal transmembrane (TM) region, a central coiled coil motif, and a putative C-terminal glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor motif. A current working model proposes that BST-2 inhibits virus release by physically tethering viral particles to the cell surface via its TM motif and GPI anchor. Here we analyzed the functional importance of the C-terminal GPI anchor motif in BST-2. We replaced the GPI anchor motif in BST-2 with the TM regions of several surface markers and found that the TM motifs of CD40 and transferrin receptor, but not that of CD45, could functionally substitute for a GPI anchor in BST-2. Conversely, replacing the TM region of CD4 by the putative GPI anchor signal of human BST-2 resulted in proper membrane targeting and surface expression of the chimeric protein, indicating that the BST-2 GPI anchor signal can function as a bona fide TM region. In fact, attempts to demonstrate GPI anchor modification of human BST-2 by biochemical methods failed. Our results demonstrate that the putative C-terminal GPI anchor motif in human BST-2 fulfills the requirements of a bona fide TM motif, leading us to propose that human BST-2 may in fact contain a second TM segment rather than a GPI anchor.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes mellitus impairs osteogenesis in bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs). Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) has been extensively applied for bone defect restoration and has been shown to activate the Wnt signaling pathway. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of BMP2 on the cell proliferation and osteogenesis of type 2 diabetic BMSCs in rats and explore whether BMP2 induced osteogenesis via the stimulation of Wnt signaling pathway. The cell experiments were divided into DM (diabetic BMSCs), BMP25 (induced with 25 ng/ml BMP2), BMP100 (induced with 100 ng/ml BMP2) and BMP25  + XAV groups. All cells with or without the different concentrations of BMP2 were cultured under the same experimental conditions. The in vitro results indicated that BMP2 enhanced cell proliferation by 130%–157% and osteogenic differentiation by approximately two-fold in type 2 diabetic BMSCs. The expression levels of β-catenin, cyclin D1, Runx2 and c-myc related to the Wnt signaling pathway were also upregulated from 180% to 212% in BMP2-induced type 2 diabetic rat BMSCs, while the level of GSK3β decreased to 43%. In BMP2-induced type 2 diabetic BMSCs with calcium phosphate cement (CPC) scaffolds for osteoblast study in vivo, the appearance of newly formed bone dramatically increased to 175% compared with type 2 diabetic BMSCs. These data demonstrated that BMP2 enhanced bone regeneration in diabetic BMSCs by stimulating the Wnt signaling pathway with the accumulation of β-catenin and the depressed expression of GSK3β. Diabetic BMSCs associated with BMP2 might be a potential tissue-engineered construct for bone defects in type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Utilizing long-term in vitro culture techniques, we characterized the cellular composition and functional attributes of the human in vitro bone marrow stromal microenvironment. Morphologic, specific cytochemical and immunologic methods demonstrated that the marrow stromal adherent layer (AL) reached confluency at two to three weeks, and was comprised of 60%-70% fibroblastic cells, 10%-20% endothelial cells, 10%-20% monocyte/macrophages and 5%-10% fat-laden adherent cells. These proportions of cell types persisted for at least three months concomitant with proliferation of CFU-gm and BFU-e. In contrast, umbilical cord blood cells did not form a stromal AL despite persistence of hemopoietic progenitor cell proliferation. These findings provide a basis for improved understanding of cellular interactions regulating hemopoiesis.  相似文献   

The number of fibroblast colonies in bone marrow cultures depends on FCFC concentration in explanted cells and FCFC cloning efficiency. For mouse bone marrow the efficiency of fibroblast colony formation increases in the presence of the feeder (irradiated bone marrow of spleen cells). Colony-stimulating feeder activity does not depend on the presence of phagocytic and stromal cells in the feeder cell population. Trypsinization of the bone marrow leads to the release of additional FCFC and the increase of their concentration in bone marrow cell suspensions.  相似文献   

Understanding the molecular pathway(s) controlling the expression of stromal cellular antioxidants and phase 2 enzymes is of importance for developing strategies to protect against bone marrow toxicity induced by oxidants and electrophiles. Accordingly, this study was undertaken to determine the role of the nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) in regulation of both constitutive and chemoprotectant-inducible expression of antioxidants and phase 2 enzymes in mouse bone marrow stromal cells. The constitutive expression of a series of antioxidants and phase 2 enzymes was significantly lower in stromal cells derived from Nrf2 knockout (Nrf2(-/-)) mice than those from wild-type littermates (Nrf2(+/+)). Incubation of Nrf2(+/+) stromal cells with 3H-1,2-dithiole-3-thione (D3T) led to a significant induction of various antioxidants and phase 2 enzymes. The inducibility of the above cellular defenses by D3T was abolished in Nrf2(-/-) cells. As compared to wild-type cells, Nrf2(-/-) cells were much more susceptible to cytotoxicity induced by reactive oxygen or nitrogen species, 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, 1,4-hydroquinone, or 1,4-benzoquinone. Upregulation of the antioxidants and phase 2 enzymes by D3T in Nrf2(+/+) stromal cells resulted in increased resistance to the above oxidant- and electrophile-induced cytotoxicity, whereas D3T treatment of Nrf2(-/-) cells only provided a marginal cytoprotection. Taken together, this study demonstrates that Nrf2 is crucial in controlling the expression of bone marrow stromal antioxidants and phase 2 enzymes as well as the susceptibility of these cells to oxidative and electrophilic stress.  相似文献   

Bone marrow stroma contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) which are progenitor cells, at least for tissues arising from mesechyma. The study of MSC biology yields controversial data. Therefore further experiments are needed to characterize these cells. The aim of our research was to compare primary cultures and subcultures of stromal precursor cells isolated from rat bone marrow. Long-term cultures of these cells isolated from 5 animals have been obtained. Morphological, immunophenotypic, and functional (capacity to osteogenic differentiation) characteristics of the cells have been investigated. We show that the cell morphology in the cultures is highly heterogenic. Morphological cell types are described. Heterogeneity of stromal cells declines on late passages. Cell cultures isolated from different animals have the same immunophenotypic markers (CD90, CD44, CD54, CD106, CD45, CD11b) but different morphological characteristics and a different capacity to osteogenic differentiation during long-term cultivation. The data show that more specific markers and functional tests should be applied to identify MSC.  相似文献   

Enhancing bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling increases bone formation in a variety of settings that target bone repair. However, the role of BMP in the maintenance of adult bone mass is not well understood. Targeted disruption of BMP3 in mice results in increased trabecular bone formation, whereas transgenic overexpression of BMP3 in skeletal cells leads to spontaneous fracture, consistent with BMP3 having a negative role in bone mass regulation. Here we investigate the importance of BMP3 as a mediator of BMP signaling in the adult skeleton. We find that osteoblasts (OBL) and osteocytes are the source of BMP3 in adult bone. Using in vitro cultures of primary bone marrow stromal cells, we show that overexpression of BMP3 suppresses OBL differentiation, whereas loss of BMP3 increases colony-forming unit fibroblasts and colony-forming unit OBL. The ability of BMP3 to affect OBL differentiation is due to its interaction with activin receptor type 2b (Acvr2b) because knockdown of endogenous Acvr2b in bone marrow stromal cells reduces the suppressive effect of BMP3 on OBL differentiation. These findings best fit a model in which BMP3, produced by mature bone cells, acts to reduce BMP signaling through Acvr2b in skeletal progenitor cells, limiting their differentiation to mature OBL. Our data further support the idea that endogenous BMPs have a physiological role in regulating adult bone mass.  相似文献   

The colonies of human bone marrow fibroblasts in monolayer culture have been studied. It has been shown that there are two types of colonies in the cultures: monolayer and multilayer ones, both having alkaline phosphatase-positive cells. In monolayer colonies one can observe calcium deposition indicative of osteogenic differentiation of human bone marrow stromal cells.  相似文献   

The in vitro induced differentiation of mouse bone marrow stromal cells into nerve cells by retinoic acid and leukemia inhibitory factor has been shown, using morphological, histochemical and immunocytochemical analyses. The developed techniques allow to obtain up to 30% of neural cells in vitro. A suggestion about pluripotency of bone marrow stromal cells and possibility of their application to the cell therapy is discussed.  相似文献   

Adipogenesis in a myeloid supporting bone marrow stromal cell line.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The bone marrow stroma contains pre-adipocyte cells which are part of the hemopoietic microenvironment. Cloned stromal cell lines differ both in their ability to support myeloid and lymphoid development and in their ability to undergo adipocyte differentiation in vitro. These processes have been examined in the +/+2.4 murine stromal cell line and compared to other stromal and pre-adipocyte cell lines. In long-term cultures, the +/+2.4 stromal cells support myeloid cell growth, consistent with their expression of macrophage-colony stimulating factor mRNA. However, despite the presence of mRNA for the lymphoid supportive cytokines interleukins 6 and 7, +/+2.4 cells failed to support stromal cell dependent B lineage lymphoid cells in vitro, suggesting that these stromal cells exhibit only a myelopoietic support function. The +/+2.4 cells differentiate into adipocytes spontaneously when cultured in 10% fetal bovine serum. The process of adipogenesis can be accelerated by a number of agonists based on morphologic and gene marker criteria. Following induction with hydrocortisone, methylisobutylxanthine, indomethacin, and insulin in combination, a time dependent increase in the steady state mRNA and enzyme activity levels of the following adipocyte specific genes was observed: adipocyte P2, adipsin, CAAT/enhancer binding protein, and lipoprotein lipase. In contrast, adipogenesis was accompanied by a slight decrease in the signal intensity of the macrophage-colony stimulating factor mRNA level, similar to that which has been reported in other bone marrow stromal cell lines. These data demonstrate that although the lympho-hematopoietic support function of pre-adipocyte bone marrow stromal cell lines is heterogeneous, they share a common mechanism of adipogenesis.  相似文献   

Adenovirus-mediated BMP2 expression in human bone marrow stromal cells   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Recombinant adenoviral vectors have been shown to be potential new tools for a variety of musculoskeletal defects. Much emphasis in the field of orthopedic research has been placed on developing systems for the production of bone. This study aims to determine the necessary conditions for sustained production of high levels of active bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) using a recombinant adenovirus type 5 (Ad5BMP2) capable of eliciting BMP2 synthesis upon infection and to evaluate the consequences for osteoprogenitor cells. The results indicate that high levels (144 ng/ml) of BMP2 can be produced in non-osteoprogenitor cells (A549 cell line) by this method and the resultant protein appears to be three times more biologically active than the recombinant protein. Surprisingly, similar levels of BMP2 expression could not be achieved after transduction with Ad5BMP2 of either human bone marrow stromal cells or the mouse bone marrow stromal cell line W20-17. However, human bone marrow stromal cells cultured with 1 microM dexamethasone for four days, or further stimulated to become osteoblast-like cells with 50 microg/ml ascorbic acid, produced high levels of BMP2 upon Ad5BMP2 infection as compared to the undifferentiated cells. The increased production of BMP2 in adenovirus transduced cells following exposure to 1 microM dexamethasone was reduced if the cells were not given 50 microg/ml ascorbic acid. When bone marrow stromal cells were allowed to become confluent in culture prior to differentiation, BMP2 production in response to Ad5BMP2 infection was lost entirely. Furthermore, the increase in BMP2 synthesis seen during differentiation was greatly decreased when Ad5BMP2 was administered prior to dexamethasone treatment. In short, the efficiency of adenovirus mediated expression of BMP2 in bone marrow stromal cells appears to be dependent on the differentiation state of these cells.  相似文献   

Seshi B 《Proteomics》2006,6(19):5169-5182

We investigated if bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) transplanted into the vitreous body of a glaucoma model eye could be integrated in the host retina and also whether they could rescue the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) from death induced by the elevated intraocular pressure. Glaucoma was induced in the right eye of adult Wistar rats by ligating the episcleral veins. The GFP-expressing BMSCs (GFP-BMSCs) were injected into the vitreous body of both the control and the glaucomatous eyes. After transplantation, GFP-BMSCs were mostly present along with the inner limiting membrane and only a few cells were integrated into the ganglion cell layer. At 2 or 4 weeks after transplantation, GFP-BMSCs were observed to express various trophic factors. The BMSCs injected glaucoma model eyes showed less reduction in the number of RGCs compared to the glaucomatous eyes with PBS injection. This study suggests that BMSC transplantation may be worthy as a neuroprotective tool to treat glaucoma.  相似文献   

NK cells play an important role in the immune system but the cellular and molecular requirements for their early development are poorly understood. Lymphotoxin-alpha (LTalpha)(-/-) and LTbetaR(-/-) mice show a severe systemic reduction of NK cells, which provides an excellent model to study NK cell development. In this study, we show that the bone marrow (BM) or fetal liver cells from LTalpha(-/-) or LTbetaR(-/-) mice efficiently develop into mature NK cells in the presence of stromal cells from wild-type mice but not from LTalpha(-/-) or LTbetaR(-/-) mice. Direct activation of LTbetaR-expressing BM stromal cells is shown to promote to early NK cell development in vitro. Furthermore, the blockade of the interaction between LT and LTbetaR in adult wild-type mice by administration of LTbetaR-Ig impairs the development of NK cells in vivo. Together, these results indicate that the signal via LTbetaR on BM stromal cells by membrane LT is an important pathway for early NK cell development.  相似文献   

Two bone marrow stromal cell lines isolated from the adherent layer of a Dexter-type long term bone marrow culture differ markedly in their hemopoietic support capacity. S17 supports myelopoiesis and the differentiation of early B cell precursors into B lymphocytes while S10 supports myeloid cell differentiation and not B lymphopoiesis. The identification of a stromal cell line with B cell support capacity prompted an investigation of whether the effects of S17 were mediated via soluble factors. Results presented herein indicate that medium conditioned by S17 but not S10 contains an activity that can induce the expression of the 220,000 m.w. 14.8 antigen and cytoplasmic mu H chain of Ig in B lymphocyte progenitors that have not yet expressed these markers. Bone marrow cells were depleted of 14.8+, cytoplasmic mu+ pre-B cells on antibody-coated petri dishes. After 24-h liquid culture newly generated pre-B cells were enumerated as cells that expressed cytoplasmic mu H chain of Ig but not Ig L chains by immunofluorescence. Expression of Ly5(220) was monitored by 14.8 antibody binding. This pre-B cell differentiation activity was abrogated by digestion with pronase, aminopeptidase, or carboxypeptidase. Isoelectric focusing data revealed the activity to have isoelectric point of 5.9 to 6.2. S17-conditioned medium was fractionated using HPLC and each fraction tested for pre-B cell-generating activity. Fractions collected from a Superose 12 gel filtration column were found to have two peaks of activity associated with molecules of apparent m.w. of approximately 60,000 and 10,000. Virtually identical peaks of activity were observed when medium conditioned by heterogeneous stromal cell cultures was fractionated. Separation of S10-conditioned medium revealed no cryptic activity. S17-conditioned medium was further characterized by anion exchange chromatography and the majority of the pre-B cell generating activity shown to be associated with the void volume that eluted from a MonoQ column. These fractions were rechromatographed on Superose and the activity again found to be associated with two fractions corresponding to apparent m.w. of 60,000 and 10,000. The S17 pre-B cell differentiation activity appears to result from the presence of a novel molecule because other well characterized mediators had no activity in this short-term liquid culture system. No pre-B cell-generating activity was observed when IL-1 or conditioned medium containing IL-2, IL-3, or IL-4 (B cell stimulatory factor 1) were added to cultures.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

AIM To establish a hypoxic environment for promoting osteogenesis in rat marrow stromal cells(MSCs) using osteogenic matrix cell sheets(OMCSs).METHODS Rat MSCs were cultured in osteogenic media under one of four varying oxygen conditions: Normoxia(21% O_2) for 14 d(NN), normoxia for 7 d followed by hypoxia(5% O_2) for 7 d(NH), hypoxia for 7 d followed by normoxia for 7 d(HN), or hypoxia for 14 d(HH). Osteogenesis was evaluated by observing changes in cell morphology and calcium deposition, and by measuring osteocalcin secretion(ELISA) and calcium content. In vivo syngeneic transplantation using OMCSs and β-tricalcium phosphate discs, preconditioned under NN or HN conditions, was also evaluated by histology, calcium content measurements,and real-time quantitative PCR.RESULTS In the NN and HN groups, differentiated, cuboidal-shaped cells were readily observed, along with calcium deposits. In the HN group, the levels of secreted osteocalcin increased rapidly from day 10 as compared with the other groups, and plateaued at day 12(P 0.05). At day 14, the HN group showed the highest amount of calcium deposition. In vivo, the HN group showed histologically prominent new bone formation, increased calcium deposition, and higher collagen type Ⅰ?messenger RNA expression as compared with the NN group.CONCLUSION The results of this study indicate that modifying oxygen tension is an effective method to enhance the osteogenic ability of MSCs used for OMCSs.  相似文献   

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