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We have succeeded in the acquisition of DNA aptamers that recognize chitin using in vitro selection. The obtained DNA aptamers have the stem-loop or bulge loop structures with guanine rich loop clusters and the clockwise B-form stems.  相似文献   

We have applied SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment), a combinatorial method that employs biopolymers for drug discovery, to identify single stranded DNA sequences able to bind L-Tyrosinamide, a simple mimic of Tyrosine, an amino acid essential to the catalytic activity of several enzymes of pharmaceutical interest. After 15 SELEX cycles using L-Tyrosinamide immobilized on an affinity chromatography column, the percentage of aptamers specifically eluted from the affinity column with free L-Tyrosinamide was 55% of the total. Aptamers were subcloned and sequenced, allowing the identification of a highly conserved consensus sequence, and showed a K(d) value for L-Tyrosinamide of 45 microM. The identified aptamer sequence will constitute the basis for further in vitro evolution protocols and structure-based drug design.  相似文献   

Many cases of influenza are reported worldwide every year. The influenza virus often acquires new antigenicity, which is known as antigenic shift; this results in the emergence of new virus strains, for which preexisting immunity is not found in the population resulting in influenza pandemics. In the event a new strain emerges, diagnostic tools must be developed rapidly to detect the novel influenza strain. The generation of high affinity antibodies is costly and takes time; therefore, an alternative detection system, aptamer detection, provides a viable alternative to antibodies as a diagnostic tool. In this study, we developed DNA aptamers that bind to HA1 proteins of multiple influenza A virus subtypes by the SELEX procedure. To evaluate the binding properties of these aptamers using colorimetric methods, we developed a novel aptamer-based sandwich detection method employing our newly identified aptamers. This novel sandwich enzyme-linked aptamer assay successfully detected the H5N1, H1N1, and H3N2 subtypes of influenza A virus with almost equal sensitivities. These findings suggest that our aptamers are attractive candidates for use as simple and sensitive diagnostic tools that need sandwich system for detecting the influenza A virus with broad subtype specificities.  相似文献   

Single-chain pro-urokinase is an inactive proenzyme form of human urokinase (urinary plasminogen activator) with a Mr of 50,000 which is converted to the active two-chain form by catalytic amounts of plasmin. It is used for thrombolytic therapy of acute myocardial infarction and acute ischemic stroke. We have isolated single-stranded DNA molecules with significantly increased binding affinity for human pro-urokinase by SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment) procedure from a pool of 10(15) molecules containing 24 randomized positions which are flanked by defined regions. ssDNA from this library was hybridized with helper "fixture", thus allowing the central random chain to fold into complex three-dimentional shapes. Sequencing data from pro-urokinase aptamers obtained after 12 selection cycles displayed a highly conserved 12-14 base region.  相似文献   

Single stranded DNA aptamers that bind with high affinity and specificity to the oxytetracycline (OTC) were identified by selection from an oligonucleotide library of 10(15) molecules. The binding affinities of four aptamers were in nanomolar range. The aptamers were highly selective in that, lack of -OH group at 5-position in tetracycline and -H group in place of -OH at 6-position in doxycycline determined the specificity of these aptamers to bind OTC. Three aptamers designated as No. 4, 5, and 20 shared strong affinities with K(d)=9.61, 12.08, and 56.84 nM, respectively, as well as selectivity to bind OTC (72-76%). Aptamer No. 4 had strong affinity among all with high selectivity, whereas No. 2 had relatively weak affinity (K(d)=121.1 nM) and moderate selectivity (52%). Our results indicated that the aptamers No. 4, 5, and 20 with variable 40-base oligonucleotides can be good candidates for selectively binding to OTC with high molecular discrimination over its analogs such as tetracycline and doxycycline.  相似文献   

The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (NS5B) of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) plays a key role in the life cycle of the virus. In order to find inhibitors of the HCV polymerase, we screened a library of 81 nucleotide (nt)-long synthetic DNA containing 35 random nucleotides by the Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential enrichment (SELEX) approach. Thirty ligands selected for their binding affinity to the NS5B were classified into four groups on the basis of their sequence homologies. Among the selected molecules, two were able to inhibit in vitro the polymerase activity of the HCV NS5B. These aptamers appeared to be specific for HCV polymerase, as no inhibition of poliovirus 3D polymerase activity was observed. The binding and inhibitory potential of one aptamer (27v) was associated with the 35 nt-long variable region. This oligonucleotide displayed an apparent dissociation constant (K(d)) in the nanomolar range. Our results showed that it was able to compete with RNA templates corresponding to the 3'-ends of the (+) and the (-) HCV RNA for binding to the polymerase. The fact that a DNA aptamer could interfere with the binding of natural templates of the enzyme could help in performing structure-function analysis of the NS5B and might constitute a basis for further structure-based drug design of this crucial enzyme of HCV replication.  相似文献   

DNA aptamers which bind to cholic acid have been identified by in vitro selection from a pool of approximately 9x10(14) DNA molecules. After 13 rounds of selection, 19 clones with 95-100 nucleotide length were sequenced. Deletion-mutant experiments and computational sequence analysis suggested that all clones contained cholic acid binding sequences which could fold into three-way junction structures. By comparing the sequences involved in the predicted three-way junction structure of these 19 clones, it was determined that the nucleotide sequences and lengths of three stem and loop regions have no similarity. The most conserved structure seems to have three base pairs flanking the junction of the three stems and they may form a hydrophobic cavity in which they interact with cholic acid.  相似文献   

We screened two independent RNA libraries consisting of molecules of 50 nucleotides of random sequence, one of which had additional viral psi-sequences to isolate RNA aptamers that bound to the mature form of the nucleocapsid (NC) protein of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 (HIV-1). Surface Plasmon Resonance measurements and gel shift assays showed that the RNA aptamers bound with high affinity and specificity. We employed RNase footprinting to characterize the RNA structures and to map their protein binding sites. Most of the selected RNA aptamers contained a plausible pseudoknot in addition to the characteristic stem-loop structure. Moreover, the pseudoknots were part of the NC binding sites. We propose that higher order structures such as pseudoknots may constitute binding motifs for nucleic acid binding proteins, especially for NC protein, which is a nucleic acid chaperone.  相似文献   

Pepocin, isolated from Cucurbita pepo, is a ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP). RIPs site-specifically recognize and depurinate an adenosine at position 4324 in rat 28 S rRNA, rendering the ribosome incapable of interacting with essential elongation factors. Aptamers that target pepocin were isolated from a degenerate RNA pool by in vitro selection. A conserved hairpin motif, quite different from the sequence of the toxin-substrate domain in rat 28 S rRNA, was identified in the aptamer sequences. The aptamers selectively bind to pepocin with dissociation constants between 20 and 30 nM and inhibit the N-glycosidase activity of pepocin on rat liver 28 S rRNA. Competitive binding experiments using aptamer variants suggest that the conserved hairpin region in the anti-pepocin aptamer binds near the catalytic site on pepocin and prevents the interaction of pepocin and 28 S rRNA. Anti-RIP aptamers have potential use in diagnostic systems for the detection of pepocin or could be used as therapy to prevent the action of pepocin in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

A method of selection of DNA aptamers to breast tumor tissue based on the use of postoperative material has been developed. Breast cancer tissues were used as the positive target; the negative targets included benign tumor tissue, adjacent healthy tissues, breast tissues from mastopathy patients, and also tissues of other types of malignant tumors. During selection a pool of DNA aptamers demonstrating selective binding to breast cancer cells and tissues and insignificant binding to breast benign tissues has been obtained. These DNA aptamers can be used for identification of protein markers, breast cancer diagnostics, and targeted delivery of anticancer drugs.  相似文献   

构建随机ssDNA文库,通过SELEX技术,以正常、炎性宫颈脱落细胞为反筛细胞,以上皮内低级别病变(CIN1)、上皮内高级别病变(CIN2、CIN3)和鳞状细胞癌脱落细胞为正筛细胞,经过12轮筛选特异性适配子高度富集得到宫颈癌前病变适配子库,经特异性、亲和力分析和细胞免疫荧光确立高特异性适配子CIN-Ap4可作为诊断宫颈癌前病变生物标志物,为宫颈癌前病变分子诊断奠定理论基础,提供新思路。利用Prime Premier 5.0设计构建了随机ssDNA文库并根据文库两端固定序列设计引物,对对称PCR和间接不对称PCR中的退火温度、循环数以及上、下游引物浓度比等条件进行优化,分析确定50μL反应体系中对称PCR的最佳反应条件为:最佳退火温度为49.5℃,最佳循环数为15个循环;间接不对称PCR的最佳反应条件为:50μL反应体系中上、下游引物浓度的最佳比例为80∶1,最佳循环数为35个循环。实验结果表明成功构建了寡核苷酸文库,在最适PCR条件下可获得理想的dsDNA和ssDNA,并具有良好的重复性,为顺利筛选适配子提供保证。  相似文献   

DNA aptamers were selected against recombinant human (rhu) cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) 23-231 by systematic evolution of ligands via a systematic evolution of ligands by exponential (SELEX) enrichment procedure using lateral flow chromatography. The SELEX procedure was performed with an aptamer library consisting of a randomized 40-nucleotide core flanked by 28-mer primer-binding sites that, theoretically, represented approximately 10(24) distinct nucleic acid species. Sixty nanograms of rhuPrP(C)23-231 immobilized in the center of a lateral flow device was used as the target molecule for SELEX. At the end of 6 iterations of SELEX, 13 distinct candidate aptamers were identified, of which, 3 aptamers represented 32%, 8%, and 5% of the sequences respectively. Eight aptamers, including the three most frequently occurring candidates, were selected for further evaluation. Selected aptamers bound to rhuPrP(C)23-231 at 10(-6) M to 10(-8) M concentrations. Two of the eight aptamers bound at higher concentrations to rhuPrP(C)90-231. Theoretical thermodynamic modeling of selected aptamer sequences identified several common motifs among the selected aptamers that could play a role in PrP binding. Binding affinity to rhuPrP(C)23-231 was both aptamer sequence and structure dependent. Further, selected aptamers bound to mammalian PrPs derived from brain of healthy sheep, calf, piglet, and deer, and to PrP(C) expressed in mouse neuroblastoma cells. None of the aptamers bound to proteinase K-digested scrapie-infected mouse neuroblastoma cells or untreated PrP-null cells, which further confirmed the PrP(C) specificity of the aptamers. In summary, we enriched and selected DNA aptamers that bind specifically to rhuPrP(C) and mammalian PrP(C) with varying affinities and can be applied to biological samples for PrP(C) enrichment and as diagnostic tools in double ligand assay systems.  相似文献   

Tok JB  Cho J  Rando RR 《Nucleic acids research》2000,28(15):2902-2910
RNA–RNA recognition is a critical process in controlling many key biological events, such as translation and ribozyme functions. The recognition process governing RNA–RNA interactions can involve complementary Watson–Crick (WC) base pair binding, or can involve binding through tertiary structural interaction. Hence, it is of interest to determine which of the RNA–RNA binding events might emerge through an in vitro selection process. The A-site of the 16S rRNA decoding region was chosen as the target, both because it possesses several different RNA structural motifs, and because it is the rRNA site where codon/anticodon recognition occurs requiring recognition of both mRNA and tRNA. It is shown here that a single family of RNA molecules can be readily selected from two different sizes of RNA library. The tightest binding aptamer to the A-site 16S rRNA construct, 109.2-3, has its consensus sequences confined to a stem–loop region, which contains three nucleotides complementary to three of the four nucleotides in the stem–loop region of the A-site 16S rRNA. Point mutations on each of the three nucleotides on the stem–loop of the aptamer abolish its binding capacity. These studies suggest that the RNA aptamer 109.2-3 interacts with the simple 27 nt A-site decoding region of 16S rRNA through their respective stem–loops. The most probable mode of interaction is through complementary WC base pairing, commonly referred to as a loop–loop ‘kissing’ motif. High affinity binding to the other structural motifs in the decoding region were not observed.  相似文献   

Danofloxacin is a synthetic fluoroquinolone with broad spectrum antibacterial activity that is used for the treatment of respiratory diseases in animal husbandry. However, danofloxacin has many adverse reactions and is toxic to humans. Especially, it detrimentally affects muscle, central nerve system, peripheral nerve system, liver, and skin in those who ingest foods in which danofloxacin has accumulated. Prescreening and determination of the level of danofloxacin in foods or food products is necessary for human health. Aptamers are composing of oligonucleotides that specifically interact with target molecules. They are emerging as detection/diagnostic ligands. Here, we used the SELEX in vitro selection technology to identify specific and high-affinity RNA aptamers with 2′-fluoro-2′-deoxyribonucleotide modified pyrimidine nucleotides against danofloxacin. Selected RNA aptamers bound specifically to danofloxacin, but not to tetracycline. Truncation of RNA aptamer up to 36 mer did not comprise specificity and affinity. The truncated RNA aptamer specifically bound to target chemical, allowing the discrimination of danofloxacin from other fluoroquinolones. The isolated specific aptamer could be a potential agent used for the rapid and cost-effective detection and sensing of danofloxacin, replacing instrumental methods including the more expensive and time-consuming methods of high performance liquid chromatography and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in molecules that bind to telomeric DNA sequences and G-quadruplexes with specificity. Such molecules would be useful to test hypotheses for telomere length regulation, and may have therapeutic potential. The versatility and modular nature of the zinc finger motif makes it an ideal candidate for engineering G-quadruplex-binding proteins. Phage display technology has previously been widely used to screen libraries of zinc fingers for binding to novel duplex DNA sequences. In this study, a three-finger library has been screened for clones that bind to an oligonucleotide containing the human telomeric repeat sequence folded in the G-quadruplex conformation. The selected clones show a strong amino acid consensus, suggesting analogous modes of binding. Binding was found to be both sequence dependent and structure specific. This is the first example of an engineered protein that binds to G-quadruplex DNA, and represents a new type of binding interaction for a zinc finger protein.  相似文献   

Proteins that bind to double-stranded regions of telomeric DNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In budding yeast, the DNA-binding protein Rap1p orchestrates a negative feedback on regulation of telomere length and the organization of a heterochromatin-like telomeric compartment. Recent studies have led to the identification of functionally related telomeric proteins from fission yeast and mammals. These advances underline the key role played by the proteins that bind to the duplex part of telomeric DNA and reveal an important structural diversity among telomeric proteins.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) can detect the adhesion or affinity force between a sample surface and cantilever, dynamically. This feature is useful as a method for the selection of aptamers that bind to their targets with very high affinity. Therefore, we propose the Systematic Evolution of Ligands by an EXponential enrichment (SELEX) method using AFM to obtain aptamers that have a strong affinity for target molecules. In this study, thrombin was chosen as the target molecule, and an ‘AFM-SELEX’ cycle was performed. As a result, selected cycles were completed with only three rounds, and many of the obtained aptamers had a higher affinity to thrombin than the conventional thrombin aptamer. Moreover, one type of obtained aptamer had a high affinity to thrombin as well as the anti-thrombin antibody. AFM-SELEX is, therefore, considered to be an available method for the selection of DNA aptamers that have a high affinity for their target molecules.  相似文献   

In this paper, single-stranded (ss)DNA aptamers with capability to distinguish differentiated PC12 cells from normal PC12 cells were selected by subtractive systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) method. Before each round of selection, randomized ssDNAs were incubated with regular PC12 cells to eliminate those that recognize the common cellular components of both differentiated and undifferentiated PC12 cells. After six rounds of cell-based selection, both of individual aptamers and aptamers of the sixth round pool were found binding to differentiated PC12 cells, but not to the parental PC12 cells. The aptamers of the starting pool showed no such binding. Sequence analysis illustrated that the amount of G content in central random region of these aptamers was much higher than that of the starting pool, which would be expected to be average. The aptamers obtained from this method were also able to identify differentiated PC12 cells from a mixture of both normal and differentiated cells. The results indicate that subtractive SELEX is a useful tool in finding ligands to specific biological markers that distinguish a subtype of cells from cells of homologous origin, such as carcinoma cells among normal epithelial tissues. Both these aptamers and their markers may play important roles in basic research and clinical diagnosis.  相似文献   

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