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狭义蛇葡萄属(Ampelopsis s. str.)是葡萄科的落叶木质藤本植物,主要分布在北半球温带地区,特别是东亚为其重要的分布和演化中心。该研究选取了狭义蛇葡萄属15个种的37个样本,对其5个叶绿体基因片段(trnL-F、rps16、psbA-trnH、atpB-rbcL和trnK-petN)和2个核基因标记(ITS和GAI1)进行了分子测序;利用测序获得的分子数据探讨属内的系统发生关系,叶的性状演化以及生物地理起源演化。结果表明:(1)狭义蛇葡萄属是一个单系类群,属内东亚地区的物种聚成一支。(2)叶绿体基因数据分析结果表明,狭义蛇葡萄属东亚支系分为两支系,这两支系的分布范围大致与东亚植物区系的中国-日本森林和中国-喜马拉雅森林亚区范围相一致。(3)形态演化分析表明,掌状复叶为祖征,叶形态性状存在多次的独立起源和演化,其变化与系统进化没有明显的关系。(4)生物地理分析结果表明,狭义蛇葡萄属起源于北美,渐新世晚期至中新世早期迁移扩散至欧洲,中新世中期随着全球气温回暖迁移至东亚,并进一步在东亚地区快速分化形成多样化中心,这可能与中新世时期的气候温暖、受第四纪冰川影响较少以及东亚地区复杂...  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA restriction site variation was studied in 31 New World species ofIpomoea, representing a majority of the New World sections and series within the genus. Using 14 endonucleases, a total of 124 phylogenetically informative restriction sites was detected. Dollo parsimony, Wagner parsimony, and bootstrap methods were employed to construct phylogenetic trees and evaluate confidence intervals of monophyletic groups. With a few exceptions, groups circumscribed on the basis of morphological variation are in agreement with groupings based on restriction site variation. Relationships between subgeneric groupings, however, disagree substantially with those proposed in the past. Although conflicting hypotheses for some intersectional relationships are not presently resolvable, cpDNA restriction site analyses propose the following refinements of existing classification schemes.Ipomoea ser.Setosae is divided into distantly related groups, as is sect.Pharbitis. SeriesTyrianthinae, a proposed segregate of sect.Pharbitis, is associated with sect.Calonyction and the Tricolor complex (subg.Quamoclit).Ipomoea sect.Batatas is segregated from other herbaceous groups of the heterogeneous subg.Quamoclit sensu lato and aligned as a derivative ofI. setosa, subg.Eriospermum. To test for homology of key characters weighted in traditional schemes, morphological features were studied with respect to their distribution on lineages defined by restriction site data. Characters such as setose sepals, foliose-pubescent sepals, and erect growth habit, among others, are interpreted as having multiple origins, while 3-locular ovaries, 4-locular ovaries, and long-haired seeds have evolved only once.  相似文献   

This study investigates the molecular phylogeny of seven lionfishes of the genera Dendrochirus and Pterois. MP, ML, and NJ phylogenetic analysis based on 964 bp of partial mitochondrial DNA sequences (cytochrome b and 16S rDNA) revealed two main clades: (1) “Pterois” clade (Pterois miles and Pterois volitans), and (2) “Pteropterus–Dendrochirus” clade (remainder of the sampled species). The position of Dendrochirus brachypterus either basal to the main clades or in the “Pteropterus–Dendrochirus” clade cannot be resolved. However, the molecular phylogeny did not support the current separation of the genera Pterois and Dendrochirus. The siblings P. miles and P. volitans are clearly separated and our results support the proposed allopatric or parapatric distribution in the Indian and Pacific Ocean. However, the present analysis cannot reveal if P. miles and P. volitans are separate species or two populations of a single species, because the observed separation in different clades can be either explained by speciation or lineage sorting. Molecular clock estimates for the siblings P. miles and P. volitans suggest a divergence time of 2.4–8.3 mya, which coincide with geological events that created vicariance between populations of the Indian and Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

高健  于涛  李俊清 《生态学报》2020,40(17):5992-6000
东亚地区经历过复杂的地质事件及气候变化,针对东亚地区进行专科专属的植物区系及地理演化研究具有重要的意义。基于3个叶绿体片段(psbA-trnH、rpl16和trnL-trnF),对主要分布于东亚地区的鸡爪槭组(section Palmata Pax)18个分类群的分化时间、祖先地理分布、物种扩散路径等进行了分析。叶绿体片段总长度为2,232bp,其中变异位点341个(15.2%),有效信息位点231个(10.3%);18个鸡爪槭组内物种(包含亚种)被高度支持为单系群(99/95/1.0),且组内物种间的支持度相对较高;鸡爪槭组内出现物种分化的时间多集中于中新世时期,组内物种的多样性速率保持相对稳定;根据BioGeoBears分析得出,东亚大陆局部地区是该组物种的祖先分布区,且现今分布于岛屿的物种分布在不同分支。通过讨论与分析得出:我国西南地区可能是鸡爪槭组植物的起源地;东海陆桥隐没与抬升,直接影响着鸡爪槭组物种的迁移与扩散;分布于亚热带亚洲大陆的鸡爪槭组物种,存在多次往同纬度高海拔地区扩散的现象。该研究有助于对东亚地区植物生物地理历史的进一步了解。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the nine species ofCrossostylis (Rhizophoraceae) were elucidated using cladistic analysis of restriction site variations of chloroplast DNA. As a result, this genus was found to comprise two pronounced monophyletic groups as follows:C. biflora, C. grandiflora, C. multiflora andC. sebertii; andC. cominsii, C. pachyantha, C. parksii, C. richii andC. seemannii. Moreover, the monophyly ofC. biflora, C. grandiflora andC. sebertii in the former group and the monophyly ofC. pachyantha, C. parksii, C. richii andC. seemannii in the latter group were also suggested. The molecular tree corresponded well with that inferred from morphological data and no discrepancy was recognized. Many of the floral morphological characters reflected lineage, but all seed coat characters were homoplasious. Evolutionary trends in some morphological characters were optimized on the cpDNA tree obtained. Species from New Caledonia and Polynesia were monophyletic, as were those from the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the Fiji Islands. All species endemic to the Fiji Islands made a cluster, and this suggests that speciation occurred from a single ancestral species on the Islands.  相似文献   

悬钩子属植物种类繁多,类群复杂,而且多为多倍体和杂种。该文就近年来国内外有关DNA序列在悬钩子属植物分子系统学研究中的应用现状和进展进行了综述,并对中国悬钩子属植物系统发育研究进行了展望。研究认为:叶绿体DNA序列多应用非编码区,且多与ITS序列联合分析;核基因组中ITS序列应用最为广泛,主要用于研究悬钩子属空心莓组与木莓组的进化关系、栽培品种间亲缘关系及部分杂种和多倍体的起源等;在该属植物中发现了ITS个体内多态性,但未进行ITS假基因检测,其系统学应用价值需重新评价;低拷贝核基因只有GBSSI和LEAFY有相关应用。同时认为,悬钩子属植物系统学研究中应用的DNA序列及研究类群均较少,缺乏对整个悬钩子属全面而系统的研究。指出应进一步选择具有代表性的样本、筛选合适的DNA片段,并结合形态学、孢粉学和细胞学等手段对中国悬钩子属植物系统关系进行深入研究。  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of chloroplast DNA restriction fragment length variation was undertaken to reconstruct the maternal phylogeny of 18 taxa from both sections of the papilionoid tropical forage legume genusStylosanthes. Data were analysed by means of the computer program PAUP, using an heuristic search with Wagner parsimony. The resulting cladogram dividedStylosanthes into four separate clades, which comprised: (i) theS. guianensis complex and related species (i.e.S. gracilis, S. grandifolia andS. montevidensis); (ii)S. hispida, tetraploidS. hamata s. l.,S. sympodialis, S. humilis, S. leiocarpa, S. angustifolia and certain accesions ofS. scabra; (iii)S. calcicola, S. viscosa, diploidS. hamata s. str., andS. fruticosa, plus accessions ofS. scabra, S. capitata and one accession ofS. grandifolia; and (iv)S. macrocephala and other accessions ofS. capitata not included within clade 3. Results are generally congruent with previously established interspecific relationships and, moreover, enabled identification of putative maternal progenitors for four tetraploid taxa:S. humilis was identified as a likely maternal parent of bothS. sympodialis andS. hamata s. l.,S. viscosa as a maternal parent ofS. scabra, andS. macrocephala as a maternal parent ofS. capitata.  相似文献   

基于多基因序列和形态性状的牡丹组种间关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牡丹被认为是中国的国花,具有很高的医学、观赏和经济价值.野生牡丹被认为是栽培牡丹的野生祖先,因此弄清牡丹组的种间亲缘关系具有重要的理论和实践意义.由于受到信息量的限制,根据单基凼数据或形态数据往往无法对牡丹组的种间关系得到明确的结果.本研究用12份样品代表野生牡丹组(Paeonia section Moutan DC.,Paeoniaceae)8个种,利用包括核基因(Adh1A、Adh2和GPAT)和叶绿体基因(trnS-trnG和rps16-trnQ)的DNA序列以及形态性状的多套数据来探讨野牛牡丹的种间关系.合并分析得到具高支持率的牡丹组物种间的系统发育关系.结果表明,芍药属牡丹组8个野生种分为两个亚组,即肉质花盘亚组subseet.Delavayanae和革质花盘亚组subsect.Vaginatae.肉质花盘亚组包括滇牡丹P delavayi和大花黄牡丹P.ludlowii;革质花盘亚组包括其余6个种.革质花盘亚组中,四川牡丹P.decomposita ssp.decomposita和紫斑牡丹P. rockii ssp. rockii关系密切;卵叶牡丹P.qiui和矮牡丹P. jishanenMs关系密切;银屏牡丹P. suffruticosa ssp.yinpingmudan与风丹P. ostii关系 密切,并且后两个分支为姊妹群.  相似文献   

Tree peony, being crowned the title “King of Flowers” in China, is of great medicinal, ornamental, and economic values. In the present study, the phylogeny of the wild tree peony species (section Moutan, Paeonia, Paeoniaceae), represented by twelve accessions collected from all eight species in the section, was investigated based on the DNA sequence in five DNA fragments from both nuclear (Adh1A, Adh2 and GPAT) and chloroplast (trnS-trnG and rps16-trnQ) genomes, as well as morphological characters. Both maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian inference of phylogeny (BI) trees were reconstructed based on the combined data of the DNA sequences and morphological data, respectively. The MP and BI trees have the similar topology, and the sect. Moutan clearly branched into two clades. One clade consists of two species, P. delavayi and P. ludlowii, corresponding to the subsect. Delavayanae, and another clade is composed of other six species. Within the second clade, the six species can be divided into three subclades consisting of P. rockii and P. decomposita, P. jishanensis and P. qiui, P. suffruticosa and P. ostii, respectively. Among the three subclades, P. jishanensis/P. qiui is most closely related to P. suffruticosa/P. ostii. These results provide up to date the clearest picture of the phylogeny of wild tree peony species in the sect. Moutan.  相似文献   

栎属青冈亚属植物的系统发育地位长期存在着争议,部分种的种间关系不明确。为揭示宁冈青冈(Quercus ningangensis)、曼青冈(Q.oxyodon)、毛曼青冈(Q.gambleana)、竹叶青冈(Q.neglecta)的叶绿体基因组特征及系统发育关系,该研究选择以上4种栎属青冈亚属植物的成熟叶片进行二代测序,对其叶绿体基因组结构和特征进行分析,并结合相关类群进行系统发育研究。结果表明:(1)宁冈青冈、曼青冈、毛曼青冈、竹叶青冈的叶绿体基因组序列长度分别为160 906、160 883、160 832、160 784 bp,均编码133个基因,包括88个蛋白质编码基因、37个tRNA基因、8个rRNA基因。(2)4种栎属青冈亚属植物偏好以A/T结尾的密码子,质体基因组变异区域主要存在于非编码序列。(3)通过IR边界分析得出,4种栎属青冈亚属植物存在ycf1假基因且在IRb/SSC区域发生扩张。(4)系统发育分析显示,在壳斗科中,水青冈属(Fagus)和轮叶三棱栎属(Trigonobalanus)较早分化出来,栎亚属(subg.Quercus)未形成一个单系群,叶绿体基因组建树结...  相似文献   

滇白珠是我国重要的民族药用植物,广泛分布于长江以南地区,是一个分类困难的复合群。为了探讨其种下分类关系,该文对滇白珠复合群(包括毛滇白珠、秃果白珠和滇白珠3个变种)进行网罗式采样,基本覆盖了该复合群在中国的分布范围,同时包括菲律宾和马来西亚的各1个居群,共计81个居群241个个体,通过联合两个变异位点适中的叶绿体片段rpl33-psa J和trn L-rpl32,构建基于最大似然法(Maximum Likelihood)和贝叶斯法(Bayesian Inference)的系统发育树,以及Neighbor-Net法构建系统发育网络。结果表明:滇白珠复合群内具有明显的遗传差异,这种差异性相比形态,与地域分布相关性更大。系统发育分析显示,滇白珠复合群分为3个支系。其中:一支包括中国台湾和菲律宾南达沃的居群,为变种秃果白珠,符合前人分类结果;一支包括分布于横断山脉区域的居群,由变种毛滇白珠和滇白珠组成;剩余一支包括分布于华东南区域的居群,同样由变种毛滇白珠和滇白珠组成。分子证据支持基于形态分类的秃果白珠作为变种,而不支持毛滇白珠作为变种的处理。这样的遗传分化式样可能是由地理隔离导致,这一结果为...  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of four intergenic spacer regions of chloroplast DNA, atpB-rbcL, trnS-trnG, rps11-rpl36, and rps3-rpl16, were analyzed in the genus Glycine. Phylogenetic analysis based on the sequence data using Neonotonia wightii as the outgroup generated trees supporting the classification of two subgenera, Soja and Glycine, and three plastome groups in the subgenus Glycine. The results were consistent with the presence of diversified chloroplast genomes within tetraploid plants of G. tabacina and G. tomentella, as well as with a close relationship between G. tomentella and G. dolichocarpa that had been suggested based on morphological analyses. Little sequence variation was found in the subgenus Soja, suggesting that G. soja rapidly expanded its distribution in East Asia. The analysis also showed that the differentiation into three plastome groups in the subgenus Glycine occurred in the early stages of its evolution, after the two subgenera diverged.  相似文献   

Estimates of the phylogenetic relationships among cultivated and wildAllium species would benefit from identification of molecular characters. Restriction enzyme analysis of the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) of the bulb onion (Allium cepa), Japanese bunching onion (A. fistulosum), wildAllium species in sect.Cepa andPhyllodolon, and the outgroupsA. ampeloprasum andA. tuberosum detected 39 polymorphisms.Allium cepa andA. vavilovii were identical for all characters. Cladistic analysis generated three most-parsimoniousWagner trees of 44 steps differing only in a zero-length branch.Allium fistulosum andA. altaicum (sect.Phyllodolon) comprised a monophyletic lineage separated from theA. cepa andA. vavilovii of sect.Cepa. The unresolved node was composed ofA. galanthum, A. roylei, and the lineage containingA. cepa, A. vavilovii, A. fistulosum, andA. altaicum. The clade containingA. altaicum, A. cepa, A. fistulosum, A. galanthum, A. roylei, andA. vavilovii remained resolved for strict consensus ofWagner trees of 48 steps or less.Allium pskemense andA. oschaninii were increasingly distant.Allium oschaninii has been proposed as the progenitor of the bulb onion, but was more closely related to the common progenitor of all species in sect.Cepa andPhyllodolon. Phylogenies estimated from cpDNA characters usingDollo parsimony resulted in a single most-parsimonious tree of 46 steps and agreed with phylogenies based onWagner parsimony. Polymorphic restriction enzyme sites in the 45s ribosomal DNA were not used to estimate phylogenies because of uncertain homologies, but are useful for identifying interspecific hybrids. The maternal phylogenies estimated in this study help to distinguish wildAllium species closely related to the bulb onion. Although not in agreement with classifications based on morphology, the phylogenies closely reflected crossability among species in sect.Cepa andPhyllodolon.  相似文献   

We studied for 6 years the reproductive cycle of the bromeliad Pitcairnia flammea in the Atlantic Rainforest of Ilha Grande, an island located in the south of Rio de Janeiro state, southeastern Brazil. We marked 150 adult individuals of the species, for which we monthly observed the occurrence of reproductive characteristics. The phenological attributes were related to environmental factors such as photoperiod, rainfall and temperature. Additionally, we estimated a mortality rate that was related to the rainfall in the area. P. flammea possesses a seasonal reproduction pattern, with a relatively fixed and well-defined time span during the winter dry period; flowering precedes fruiting by approx. 1 month. Due to the occurrence of P. flammea preferably on boulders of river channels and banks mortality of the plants is highest when floods from strong rainfall remove the plants mechanically from their growing places.  相似文献   

Studies were made on the chromosome complements and chloroplast genomes ofMedicago lupulina andM. secundiflora, which comprise sectionLupularia ofMedicago. Both types of analyses indicated more substantial differences between these species than suggested by external morphology.Medicago lupulina has a relatively asymmetrical karyotype in terms of centromeric position and relative length. The karyotype ofM. secundiflora is comparatively more asymmetrical in centromeric position and reduced in absolute size but exhibits greater symmetry in relative length. The restriction endonuclease fragmentation patterns of the chloropiast DNA of these two species (with Bam HI, Eco RI, Bgl II, and Xho I) show little similarity, with only 17% of the fragments matching in size. The lack of interspecific congruence among data of morphology, karyology and cpDNA inLupularia is contrary to consistency exhibited among these data inMedicago subsect.Intertextae.  相似文献   

以臭柏为研究材料,利用高通量测序技术对臭柏的叶绿体基因组进行测序,分析了臭柏叶绿体基因组结构特征及系统进化关系。结果表明:(1)臭柏叶绿体基因组由大单拷贝区、小单拷贝区和2个反向重复区构成,但反向重复区只有261bp;基因组全长157 739bp,包含119个基因,即82个蛋白编码基因、4个rRNA基因和33个tRNA基因,其中trnI-CAU和trnQ-UUG基因有2个拷贝,其他基因均为单拷贝,且多拷贝基因中仅trnQ-UUG位于反向重复区。(2)生物信息学分析表明,臭柏叶绿体基因组共有42 579个密码子,其中编码亮氨酸Leu的数量最多,相对同义密码子使用度最高的为AGA/UUA;在臭柏叶绿体基因组中共预测到47个SSR位点,单核苷酸、二核苷酸和三核苷酸数目分别为38、1和3个;臭柏与其他刺柏属植物相比较,其基因组大小、基因组成及GC含量相近。(3)采用RAxML软件最大似然法对杨柳科、松科、蔷薇科和柏科等共31种植物构建的系统进化树表明,臭柏与刺柏属内Juniperus bermudiana亲缘关系相对较近,整个刺柏属植物分支为单系类群。该研究丰富了臭柏的遗传信息,为臭柏种质资源评价和保育、分子育种、SSR分子标记的开发、遗传多样性和群体谱系地理研究等奠定了理论基础,同时也为构建柏科植物的系统进化提供了支持。  相似文献   

红边龙血树(Dracaena marginata)是一种在全球广泛种植的龙血树属园艺植物,具有较高的观赏价值和药用价值。本研究首次利用高通量测序技术对红边龙血树叶片进行全基因组测序,组装得到完整的叶绿体基因组序列,并进行注释、序列特征比较和系统发育分析。结果表明,红边龙血树叶绿体基因组包含一个典型的四分体结构,长度为154926 bp,是目前已报道的龙血树属中叶绿体基因组最小的物种;共拥有132个基因,包含86个编码蛋白基因、38个转运RNA基因和8个核糖体RNA基因;密码子偏好性分析发现存在偏好使用A/U碱基结尾的现象,整体上密码子偏好性较低;共鉴定出46个简单重复序列位点和54个长重复序列,分别在大单拷贝区与反向重复区有最大检出率;种间边界分析发现边界区域基因存在相对位置差异,扩张收缩情况总体较为相似;与近缘种进行系统发育分析,红边龙血树与细枝龙血树聚为一类,关系最近,符合形态学分类特征。对红边龙血树叶绿体基因组的解析为龙血树属植物的物种鉴定、遗传多样性和叶绿体转基因工程等提供了重要数据基础。  相似文献   

头花杜鹃(Rhododendron capitatum)和陇蜀杜鹃(R. przewalskii)是极具观赏价值的野生花卉和药用植物。为探讨头花杜鹃和陇蜀杜鹃叶绿体基因组的遗传结构及进化特征,该研究利用 Illumina HiSeq 4000 平台对头花杜鹃和陇蜀杜鹃的叶绿体全基因组进行测序,经组装和注释后,结合 7 个已发表的杜鹃属植物叶绿体全基因组进行比较基因组学分析和系统发育分析。结果表明:(1)头花杜鹃和陇蜀杜鹃叶绿体全基因组呈典型的环状四分体结构,均由一个大单拷贝区(105 990、109 191 bp)、一个小单拷贝区(2 617、2 606 bp)和一对反向重复区(45 825、47 516 bp)构成,全长分别为200 257、206 829 bp。(2)头花杜鹃和陇蜀杜鹃叶绿体基因组中共鉴定出 263 个SSR位点,大部分 SSR 偏好使用 A/T 碱基,密码子偏好使用 A/U 结尾。(3)杜鹃属植物叶绿体全基因组中普遍存在基因丢失以及基因组重排等结构变异现象。该研究丰富了杜鹃属植物的基因组资源,为头花杜鹃、陇蜀杜鹃的资源开发、遗传进化、育种及系统发育相关研究提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

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