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An attempt was made to synthesize a series of non-cytotoxic low molecular weight meta-substituted aromatic ethers (2-4, 5-7) and some of their bioisosteres (14-16) and to evaluate their activity on the activation of human complement (classical pathway) and their intrinsic hemolytic activity. The in vitro assay results of the inhibition of complement-mediated hemolysis by these analogues indicate that the aldehydic meta substituted aromatic ethers show inhibitory potency, while carboxylic acid meta substituted aromatic ethers show hemolytic activity. Some of the bioisosteres exhibit both inhibitory as well as hemolytic property.  相似文献   

Data on alpha-chymotrypsin interactions with hydrophobic low-molecular compounds have been generalized. Existence of two sites of noncovalent interaction with hydrophobic nuclei of a ligand molecule is shown. When the substance to be bound contains only one hydrophobic nucleus, the interaction is mediated by a "hydrophobic pocket" of the enzyme--a binding site of amino acid residues which are, in the P1-position relative to the cleaved bond. Under these conditions substances with an asymmetric hydrophobic nucleus (of the tryptophan type) are better ligands for binding. In case of compounds containing several hydrophobic groups scattered in the space, interaction with the enzyme proceeds in two binding sites. New data are presented on the ligand specificity for binding sites of chymotrypsin in lower vertebrates. Relative position of hydrophobic groups of the ligand is shown as that of great importance for interaction with the enzyme. It is concluded that the binding sites of trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like proteinases of the lower vertebrates differ but less from each other as compared to binding sites of trypsin and chymotrypsin in mammals.  相似文献   

This review focuses on recent applications of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (MALDI-FTICR-MS) in qualitative and quantitative analysis of low molecular weight compounds. The scope of the work includes amino acids, small peptides, mono and oligosaccharides, lipids, metabolic compounds, small molecule phytochemicals from medicinal herbs and even the volatile organic compounds from tobacco. We discuss both direct analysis and analysis following derivatization. In addition we review sample preparation strategies to reduce interferences in the low m/z range and to improve sensitivities by derivatization with charge tags. We also present coupling of head space techniques with MALDI-FTICR-MS. Furthermore, omics analyses based on MALDI-FTICR-MS were also discussed, including proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics, as well as the relative MS imaging for bio-active low molecular weight compounds. Finally, we discussed the investigations on dissociation/rearrangement processes of low molecular weight compounds by MALDI-FTICR-MS.  相似文献   

The chemokine receptor CXCR4/stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1: CXCL12) signaling axis represents a crucial drug target due to its relevance to several diseases such as HIV-1 infection, cancer, leukemia, and rheumatoid arthritis. With the aim of enhancing the binding affinity and anti-HIV activity of a potent CXCR4 ligand as a lead, 23 low molecular weight compounds containing dipicolylamine (Dpa) and cyclam cationic moieties with varying spacers and spatial positioning were designed, synthesized and biologically evaluated. All of the synthesized compounds screened at 1.0 μM in the NanoBRET assay system exhibited >70% inhibition of the binding of a competitive probe TAMRA-Ac-TZ14011 (10 nM) to CXCR4 in the presence of zinc (II) ion. Furthermore, selected compounds 3, 8, 9, 19 and 21 with spatial distances between the next carbon to Dpa and the next carbon to cyclam within the range of 6.5–7.5 Å showed potent binding affinity selective for CXCR4 with IC50 values of 1.6, 7.9, 5.7, 3.5 and 4.5 nM, respectively, with corresponding high anti-HIV activity with EC50s of 28, 13, 21, 28 and 61 nM, respectively, in the presence of zinc (II) ion. Some compounds with remarkably more potent CXCR4-binding affinity than that of an initial lead were obtained. These compounds interact with different but overlapping amino acid residues of CXCR4. The present studies have developed new low molecular weight CXCR4 ligands with high CXCR4-binding and anti-HIV activities, which open avenue into the development of more potent CXCR4 ligands.  相似文献   

Low molecular weight amyloses with modified terminal groups were synthesized by cyclomaltohexaose (alpha-cyclodextrin) transfer using (1----4)-alpha-D-glucan: 4-alpha-D-(1----4)- alpha-D-glucopyranosyltransferase (cyclising) (EC from Bacillus macerans. 4-Nitrophenyl alpha-malto-oligosaccharides d.p. 2-7 served as acceptors, and cyclomaltohexaose served as the donor. The reaction was optimized to obtain a majority of species of definite chain lengths in a range of d.p. 10-20, depending upon the chain length of the acceptor. The course of the coupling reactions, as well as the action of the enzyme in disproportionation, cyclisation, and hydrolysis of the products, were observed by h.p.l.c. analysis of the oligomer distributions. Using a 15-fold molar excess of cyclomaltohexaose and 0.5 units enzyme per mumol of acceptor at pH 5.2, the chromatograms revealed that the products of the coupling reaction were predominant during the first reaction period. By incubating the acceptors with the enzyme, but without the donor, the mechanism of disproportionation was elucidated as a transfer of malto-oligosaccharyl residues dependent upon the substrate chain length. The minimum chain length required for a direct cyclisation reaction was d.p. 7. The results were confirmed by separation and investigation of the products of hydrolysis and cyclisation, which were nonmodified alpha-malto-oligosaccharides and cyclomalto-oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

Organisms rely heavily on protein phosphorylation to transduce intracellular signals. The phosphorylation of a protein often induces conformational changes, which are responsible for triggering downstream cellular events. Protein kinases are themselves frequently regulated by phosphorylation. Recently, we and others proposed the molecular mechanism by which phosphorylation at a hydrophobic motif (HM) regulates the conformation and activity of many members of the AGC group of protein kinases. Here we have developed specific, low molecular weight compounds, which target the HM/PIF-pocket and have the ability to allosterically activate phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 (PDK1) by modulating the phosphorylation-dependent conformational transition. The mechanism of action of these compounds was characterized by mutagenesis of PDK1, synthesis of compound analogs, interaction-displacement studies and isothermal titration calorimetry experiments. Our results raise the possibility of developing drugs that target the AGC kinases via a novel mode of action and may inspire future rational development of compounds with the ability to modulate phosphorylation-dependent conformational transitions in other proteins.  相似文献   

The hdm2 protein, upon binding to p53, inhibits its tumor suppressor activity. The inhibition of the p53-hdm2 interaction represents therefore a new therapeutic strategy to activate wild type p53 in tumors. Potent low molecular weight compounds inhibiting this protein-protein interaction, which are active in vivo, have just been identified. This offers new perspectives and hopes in this research area.  相似文献   

Fluorescence and stopped flow methods were used to compare clinically used heparins with regard to their ability to bind to antithrombin and to accelerate the inactivation of factor Xa. Titration of antithrombin with both low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) (enoxaparin, fragmin and ardeparin) and unfractionated heparin (UFH) produced an equivalent fluorescence increase and indicates similar affinity of all heparin preparations to antithrombin. However, relative to UFH enoxaparin, the LMWH with the smallest average molecular mass, contained only 12% material with high affinity for antithrombin. The rate of factor Xa inhibition by antithrombin increased with the concentration of the examined heparins to the same limiting value, but the concentration required for maximal acceleration depended on the preparation. According to these data the high affinity fraction of the heparin preparations increased the intrinsic fluorescence and inhibitory activity equally without additional effects by variations in chain length and chemical composition. In contrast, in the presence of Ca UFH accelerated the inhibition of factor Xa by antithrombin 10-fold more efficiently than comparable concentrations of the high affinity fractions of enoxaparin and fragmin. The bell-shaped dependence of this accelerating effect suggests simultaneous binding of both proteins to heparin. In conclusion, under physiologic conditions the anti-factor Xa activity of heparin results from a composite effect of chain length and the content of material with high affinity to antithrombin. Thus, the reduced antithrombotic activity of LMWH relative to UFH results from a smaller content of high affinity material and the absence of a stimulating effect of calcium.  相似文献   

Chitooligosaccharides are nontoxic and water-soluble compounds obtained by enzymatic degradation of chitosan, which is derived from chitin by a deacetylation process. Chitooligosaccharides possess broad range of activities such as antitumour, antifungal, antibacterial activities. Sulfated chitooligosaccharides (SCOSs) with different molecular weights were synthesized by a random sulfation reaction. In the present study, anti-HIV-1 properties of SCOSs and the impact of molecular weight on their inhibitory activity were investigated. SCOS III (MW 3-5 kDa) was found to be the most effective compound to inhibit HIV-1 replication. At nontoxic concentrations, SCOS III exhibited remarkable inhibitory activities on HIV-1-induced syncytia formation (EC50 2.19 μg/ml), lytic effect (EC50 1.43 μg/ml), and p24 antigen production (EC50 4.33 μg/ml and 7.76 μg/ml for HIV-1RF and HIV-1Ba-L, respectively). In contrast, unsulfated chitooligosaccharides showed no activity against HIV-1. Furthermore, it was found that SCOS III blocked viral entry and virus-cell fusion probably via disrupting the binding of HIV-1 gp120 to CD4 cell surface receptor. These results suggest that sulfated chitooligosaccharides represent novel candidates for the development of anti-HIV-1 agent.  相似文献   

Lignin, a major component of biomass, composed of homogeneous phenolic monomers and functions as a synthetic precursor in the production of specialty chemicals or polymers. In this study, bacterial strains that metabolize lignin-derived low molecular weight compounds (LLCs) were cultured which are capable of LLC bioconversion. We used an LLC mixture primarily composed of vanillin (VL), syringaldehyde (SA), vanillic acid (VA) and p-hydroxybenzoic acid which were prepared from a commercial alkaline lignin product. Enrichment culture was repeated twice in a medium containing the soil sample, the LLCs and inorganic salts. Three bacterial strains belonging to the genera Pseudomonas, Ochrobactrum, and Klebsiella were isolated. We found that only VL, SA, and VA were metabolized by the Pseudomonas strain, which was then found to grow in a medium with VL or VA as the sole source of carbon and energy. The VL isomers, namely, ovanillin and isovanillin were converted to the corresponding carboxylic acids but were not utilized as carbon sources by Pseudomonas. VL and VA are intermediates in the pathway of bacterial degradation of eugenol via ferulic acid. Several bacterial strains that metabolize VL, eugenol, and ferulic acid have been reported but such strains are rarely isolated from enrichment culture medium containing LLCs, due to insufficient induction by the precursors in the LLC medium. In this study, we demonstrated that the microorganisms involved in the bioconversion of LLCs can be isolated from simple enrichment culture.  相似文献   

A 19,000-dalton peptide (pI = 5.7) that is synthesized in increased amounts in vincristine-resistant Chinese hamster cells (DC-3FVCRd-5) has been identified by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Reduced amounts of the protein were present in a revertant line of DC-3FVCRd-5, and only trace amounts were detected in control DC-3F cells. A similar protein (Mr = 19,000; pI = 5.7) was also found in a vincristine-resistant mouse line. Two vincristine-resistant human neuroblastoma cell lines likewise contained elevated levels of a low molecular weight acidic protein. Increased biosynthesis of the 19,000-dalton polypeptide in DC-3FVCRd-5 cells coincides with the presence of a homogeneously staining region, HSR, on a metaphase chromosome.  相似文献   

Incubation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes with zinc transferrin (with or without phytohemagglutinin) induces the synthesis of protein that elutes from a Sephadex G-75 column at aV e/V o value corresponding to a molecular weight of 6600. Synthesis depends on the concentration of zinc transferrin in the medium and is sensitive to actinomycin D. Detectable synthesis occurs 5h after initiation of lymphocyte culture and plateaus at 24–30h. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the zinc-induced protein showed two closely moving bands, both of which show immunologic identity to rat liver metallothionein. Partial characterization of this protein yielded the following results: absorbance maximum at 220 nm; zinc content of 5.8 mol/6600 daltons; sulfhydryl content of 20.2 mol/6600 daltons. Additionally, synthesis of zinc-induced protein is altered in both chronic lymphocytic leukemic and acute lymphoblastic leukemic lymphocytes.  相似文献   

1. Two molecular weight classes of non-specific acid phosphatases (AcPases) ( are present in the frog (Rana esculenta) liver: a higher molecular weight (HMW) of Mr 140,560 and a lower molecular weight (LMW) of Mr 38,180 enzyme. 2. The LMW AcPase was described earlier and the HMW AcPase of optimum pH 4.8 is shown to be a L(+)-tartrate sensitive, thermolabile, dimeric glycoenzyme slightly activated by DTT. 3. The HMW and the LMW AcPases exhibit activity for phosphotyrosine which showed similar sensitivity to various effectors as the p-nitrophenyl phosphatase activity; however, both enzymes differed substantially in this respect suggesting that they might be involved in different metabolic steps.  相似文献   

Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) plays a ubiquitous role in cell migration and invasiveness. Amiloride, a competitive inhibitor of uPA, can inhibit endothelial cell (EC) outgrowth during angiogenesis. To address the question of whether amiloride blocked angiogenesis by inhibiting uPA, we undertook a study of uPA expression in sprouting EC in vitro and the effects of amiloride on both enzymatic and morphogenetic activity. As expected, amiloride inhibited soluble uPA (suPA) with an IC(50) of 45-85 microm, however, receptor-bound uPA (rbuPA) from the sprouting EC was insensitive to amiloride. Removal of uPA from its receptors confers sensitivity to inhibition by amiloride suggesting that a reversible conformational change may mediate the insensitivity of rbuPA to amiloride and its analogs. In summary, we found no evidence to support the hypothesis that amiloride blocks capillary outgrowth by inhibition of uPA, but were able to successfully demonstrate a functional difference between two physiological forms of this important matrix-degrading enzyme.  相似文献   

Abstract. An attempt has been made to purify factors present in aqueous extracts of pig epidermis which inhibit epidermal cell proliferation. A lipophilic factor of low molecular weight (less than 10,000), has been shown to inhibit DNA synthesis as measured by the uptake of tritiated thymidine in mouse ear epidermis. Purification by alcohol precipitation, ethyl acetate extraction and silicic acid column chromatography produced a fifteen-fold increase in the specific activity of the inhibitory action. It seems likely that aggregation or absorption of this low molecular weight factor may explain the high molecular weight of epidermal cell proliferation inhibitors previously studied, as well as the difficulty in their characterization.  相似文献   

The ability of the ligninolytic actinomycete Streptomyces viridosporus T7A to degrade selected lignin model compounds, both in the presence and in the absence of lignocellulose, was examined. Compounds studied included benzyl alcohols and aldehydes, plus dimers possessing intermonomeric linkages, which are characteristic of the lignin macromolecule. Oxidation of veratryl alcohol to the corresponding acid was significant only under ligninolytic growth conditions, i.e., in medium containing lignocellulose, while other benzyl alcohols and aldehydes were readily oxidized in its absence. S. viridosporus T7A reduces carbonylic groups of 1,2-diarylethane, but not of 1,2-diarylpropane structures, under both ligninolytic and non-ligninolytic culture conditions. Cleavage of 1,2-diarylpropane (β-1), arylglycerol-β-arylether(β-0-4) and biphenyl structures by this strain could not be detected under either metabolic conditions.  相似文献   

In some human cancer cases, the activity of p53 is inhibited by over-expressed Mdm2. The Mdm2 acts as an ubiquitin ligase, resulting in p53 ubiquitination and subsequent p53 proteasomal degradation. The disruption of the Mdm2-p53 interaction using small-molecule inhibitors is recognized as a promising strategy for anti-cancer drug design. Mushrooms are an important source of powerful compounds with anti-tumour properties. In this study, the first virtual screening of low molecular weight compounds present in mushroom is presented as potential Mdm2 inhibitors. A re-docking and cross-docking method was used to validate the virtual screening protocol. The steroids: ganoderic acids X (Ki?=?16nM), Y (Ki?=?22nM) and F (Ki?=?69nM); 5,6-epoxy-24(R)-methylcholesta-7,22-dien-3β-ol (Ki?=?74nM) and polyporenic acid C (Ki?=?59nM) stand out as the top ranked potential inhibitors of Mdm2. The docking pose of the most promising compounds were carefully analysed and the information provided shows several interesting starting points for further development of Mdm2 inhibitors.  相似文献   

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