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Cysticercoids of the tapeworm Hymenolepis nana were grown axenically in vitro, from oncospheres hatched in vitro to fully developed organisms infective to mice. A gas phase of 95 N2--5 CO2 was essential for normal development.  相似文献   

Oral infection with mouse-derived cysticercoids (cysts) of Hymenolepis nana on day 0 did not make the 5 ± 1 week old mouse host immune to egg challenge by day 7 of the prepatent period, although the number of cyst-derived tapeworms was 1000 times greater than that of egg-derived tapeworms sufficient to make the host immune by day 7. Neither cysts recovered from immunologically competent 5 ± 1 week old donor mice, which should have become immune within 2 days of egg inoculation, nor those from incompetent 5–7 day-old baby mice given eggs when 0–2 days old made the host immune. The time course of differentiation of cysts in baby mice was not different from that in 5 ± 1 week-old mice. Mice infected twice with cysts on days 0 and 4 did not become immune either. Rapid protective immunity against egg challenge was acquired by inoculation exclusively with eggs but not with cysts. Apparently cysts differ from oncospheres in their immunogenicity. The importance of cysts for analysing the mouse—H. nana system from the immunological point of view is discussed.  相似文献   

and 1986. Complete resistance to challenges with Hymenolepis nana cysticercoids derived from mouse, rat and beetle in mice. International Journal for Parasitology 16: 623–628. When BALB/c and dd strains of mice were given eggs of Hymenolepis nana, they all became completely resistant not only to challenge with mouse-derived cysticercoids but also to challenges with rat-derived and beetle-derived cysticercoids. Serum IgG antibodies at 47–60 days post egg inoculation reacted strongly with these three different host-derived cysticercoids when examined by IFA test, but IgA and IgM isotypes reacted very weakly. Antibodies of infected mouse sera (IgG, IgM and IgA were examined) reacted not only with the protoscolex (scolex of the excysted juvenile) but also with the outer cyst wall. By contrast, uninfected mouse sera and immune sera prepared seven days post cysticercoid inoculation did not react at all. Antigens of both cyst wall and protoscolex appeared to be of parasite origin and not of host origin, and appeared similar in parasites from the different host species.  相似文献   

Stage-specific immunogens of Hymenolepis nana in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Treatment with praziquantel at the beginning of the lumen phase of Hymenolepis nana in mice showed conclusively that: (i) the mouse given eggs of H. nana produces two separate immune responses against reinfection, one directed exclusively against the tissue phase of egg challenge (early response), the other against the lumen phase of cysticercoid challenge (late response); (ii) a tissue phase of egg inoculation is not necessary for initiating the late response but is necessary to provoke the early response; and (iii) H. nana expresses several stage-specific immunogens through its development in the mouse host.  相似文献   

The innate resistance of the unnatural rat host to the mouse tapeworm Hymenolepis nana is cortisone sensitive but thymus independent. When congenitally athymic nude rats were orally given eggs, cysticercoids, or adult worms of H. nana, no lumenal adults were established except when they were treated with cortisone acetate during the expected lumenal development. The effect of cortisone to promote adult maturation in the rats was compared in nude and normal rats given eggs of H. nana. The fecundity of the worms (assessed by the fresh worm biomass and the number of infective eggs produced) was much higher in cortisone-treated nude rats than in cortisone-treated normal rats. When the nude rats reconstituted with thymocytes were given eggs and treated with cortisone, the fecundity of H. nana dropped to the same level as in cortisone-treated normal rats. It is strongly suggested that the unnatural rat host has thymus-independent cortisone sensitive resistance to an initial infection (which is the main component of the innate resistance and blocks the lumenal establishment of this parasite) and thymus-dependent resistance (which suppresses the established worms' fecundity and may be ascribed to acquired resistance to the ongoing infection).  相似文献   

Bøgh H., Christensen J.P.B. and Andreassen J. 1986. Complement-mediated lysis in vitro of newly excysted tapeworms: Hymenolepis diminuta, Hymenolepis microstoma, Hymenolepis nana and Hymenolepis citelii. International Journal for Parasitology16: 157–161. Newly excysted worms of Hymenolepis diminuta were lysed in 50% normal serum from all 13 animal species tested, including man. Since H. diminuta was neither lysed in complement inactivated serum—by heat or adding EDTA, LPS or CVF—nor in C5-deficient mouse serum, it is concluded that the lysis was associated with the complement cascade. It is shown that H. diminuta can activate the complement system via both the classical and alternative pathway. Furthermore, it is indicated that the lysis is independent of serum antibodies. Hymenolepis nana and H. citelli were also lysed in all normal sera tested, eight and six respectively, while newly excysted worms of H. microstoma were lysed in normal sera from 10 mammals and birds, but not in sera from its hosts, the mouse, rat and golden hamster. This indicates that the complement system of these three species differs from that of the other species tested in such a way that H. microstoma is able to avoid lysis in these sera.  相似文献   

The presence of small cells carrying memory and lymphoblast migration in C57 Bl/6N inbred mice with the intestinal parasite Hymenolepis nana were investigated. Hymenolepis nana egg-infection stimulated an enhanced accumulation of mesenteric lymphoblasts at days 3, 6 and 9 after infection; lymphoblasts accumulated selectively in the mesenteric nodes (MLN) of mice suggesting a cell-trapping effect. The migration was studied using lymphoblasts from non-infected donors. Spleen cells and MLNC collected from donor mice 30 days after a primary infection and enriched for T cells were able to transfer an adoptive immunity, by contrast unseparated cells were uneffective. This result provides preliminary evidence for the existence of T memory cells in the spleen and in the mesenteric nodes.  相似文献   

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