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Vertebrates have evolved an adaptive immune system in addition to the ancestral innate immune system. It is often assumed that a trade-off between costs and benefits of defence governs the evolution of immunological defence, but the costs and benefits specific to the adaptive immune system are poorly known. We used genetically engineered mice lacking lymphocytes (i.e. mice without adaptive, but with innate, immunity) as a model of the ancestral state in the evolution of the vertebrate immune system. To investigate if the magnitude of adaptive defence is constrained by the energetic costs of producing lymphocytes etc., we compared the basal metabolic rate of normal and lymphocyte-deficient mice. We found that lymphocyte-deficient mice had a higher basal metabolic rate than normal mice with both innate and adaptive immune defence. This suggests that the evolution of the adaptive immune system has not been constrained by energetic costs. Rather, it should have been favoured by the energy savings associated with a combination of innate and adaptive immune defence.  相似文献   

All of the theory and most of the data on the ecology and evolution of chemical defences derive from terrestrial plants, which have considerable capacity for internal movement of resources. In contrast, most macroalgae – seaweeds – have no or very limited capacity for resource translocation, meaning that trade-offs between growth and defence, for example, should be localised rather than systemic. This may change the predictions of chemical defence theories for seaweeds. We developed a model that mimicked the simple growth pattern of the red seaweed Asparagopsis armata which is composed of repeating clusters of somatic cells and cells which contain deterrent secondary chemicals (gland cells). To do this we created a distinct growth curve for the somatic cells and another for the gland cells using empirical data. The somatic growth function was linked to the growth function for defence via differential equations modelling, which effectively generated a trade-off between growth and defence as these neighbouring cells develop. By treating growth and defence as separate functions we were also able to model a trade-off in growth of 2–3% under most circumstances. However, we found contrasting evidence for this trade-off in the empirical relationships between growth and defence, depending on the light level under which the alga was cultured. After developing a model that incorporated both branching and cell division rates, we formally demonstrated that positive correlations between growth and defence are predicted in many circumstances and also that allocation costs, if they exist, will be constrained by the intrinsic growth patterns of the seaweed. Growth patterns could therefore explain contrasting evidence for cost of constitutive chemical defence in many studies, highlighting the need to consider the fundamental biology and ontogeny of organisms when assessing the allocation theories for defence.  相似文献   

A trade-off between immunity and growth has repeatedly been suggested, mainly based on laboratory and poultry science, but also from experiments where parasitism intensity was manipulated in field bird populations. However, as resource allocation to different activities (or organs) during growth is difficult to manipulate, this trade-off has only been experimentally tested by studying the effects of non-pathogenic antigens. By providing some nestling magpies (Pica pica) with methionine, a sulphur amino acid that specifically enhances T-cell immune response in chickens, we investigated this trade-off by directly affecting allocation of limited resources during growth. Results were in accordance with the hypothetical trade-off because nestlings fed with methionine showed a lower growth rate during the four days of methionine administration, but a larger response when fledglings were challenged with phytohaemagglutinin (a measure of the intensity of T-lymphocyte-mediated immune responsiveness) than control nestlings. Surprisingly, we found that control and experimental nestlings fledged with similar body mass, size and condition, but experimental nestlings suffered less from blood parasites (Haemoproteus) and had fewer lymphocytes (a widely used measure of health status) than control nestlings, suggesting a negative effect of blood parasites or other pathogens on nestling growth.  相似文献   

Costs of immunity are widely believed to play an important role in life history evolution, but most studies of ecological immunology have considered only single aspects of immune function. It is unclear whether we should expect correlated responses in other aspects of immune function not measured, because individual branches of immune defence may differ in their running costs and thus may compete unequally for limiting resources, resulting in negatively correlated evolution. In theory such selection pressure may be most intense where species are hosts to more virulent parasites, thus facing a higher potential cost of parasitism. These issues are relatively unstudied, but could influence the efficacy of attempting to estimate the scale and cost of host investment in immune defence. Here, in a comparative study of birds we found that species that scavenge at carcasses, that were hypothesised to be hosts to virulent parasites, had larger spleens for their body size and higher blood total leukocyte concentrations (general measures of immune function) than non-scavengers. These results support the hypothesis that scavengers are subject to strong parasite-mediated selection on immune defences. However, measures of specific branches of immune function revealed that scavengers had a relatively lower proportion of lymphocytes than phagocytic types of leukocytes, suggesting robust front line immune defences that could potentially reduce the need for mounting relatively energetically costly lymphocyte-dependent immune responses. Following experimental inoculation, scavengers produced significantly larger humoral immune responses, but not cell-mediated immune responses, than non-scavengers. However, the sizes of cell-mediated and humoral immune responses were not correlated across species. These results suggest that single measures of immune defence may not characterise the overall immune strategy, or reveal the likely costs involved.  相似文献   

The allocation into T-cell-mediated immunocompetence was experimentally increased in 68 out of 139 nestlings by supplementary feeding methionine to half of the nestlings in 15 blue tit nests. Methionine-supplemented nestlings had an increased T-cell-mediated immunocompetence, but a reduced growth compared with control siblings. Nestlings that had low initial weights and nestlings that were supplemented with methionine had an increased mortality risk. The investment that nestling blue tits make in immunocompetence appears to be tightly controlled by survival costs paid through a trade-off between immunocompetence and growth.  相似文献   

Immune system activation may benefit hosts by generating resistance to parasites. However, natural resources are usually limited, causing a trade-off between the investment in immunity and that in other life-history or sexually selected traits. Despite its importance for the evolution of host defense, state-dependent fitness costs of immunity received little attention under natural conditions. In a field experiment we manipulated the nutritional condition of male field crickets Gryllus campestris and subsequently investigated the effect of an induced immune response through inoculation of bacterial lipopolysaccharides. Immune system activation caused a condition-dependent reduction in body condition, which was proportional to the condition-gain during the preceding food-supplementation period. Independent of nutritional condition, the immune insult induced an enduring reduction in daily calling rate, whereas control-injected males fully regained their baseline level of sexual signaling following a temporary decline. Since daily calling rate affects female mate choice under natural conditions, this suggests a decline in male mating success as a cost of induced immunity. Food supplementation enhanced male life span, whereas the immune insult reduced longevity, independent of nutritional status. Thus, immune system activation ultimately curtails male fitness due to a combined decline in sexual display and life span. Our field study thus indicates a key role for fitness costs of induced immunity in the evolution of host defense. In particular, costs expressed in sexually selected traits might warrant the honest advertisement of male health status, thus representing an important mechanism in parasite-mediated sexual selection.  相似文献   

Parasite pressure and nutrition are two of the most important factors affecting the trade-off between nestling growth and immune development. During development, energy and nutrients are often limited, and nestlings should only dedicate differentially more valuable resources to their immune system when the associated benefits are high (i.e. in situations of an increased risk of parasitism). In this study, we manipulated nutritional condition of Eurasian Magpie Pica pica nestlings by providing a food supplement. Additionally, the study area was subdivided into two categories of habitat (irrigated and arid) based on the presence of irrigation canals. Nestling diet composition was more varied in the irrigated compared with in the arid habitat. In addition, nestlings of the irrigated habitat showed a significantly higher infestation of both ectoparasites and blood parasites and a significantly higher cell-mediated immunity, but lower tarsus length compared with nestlings of the arid habitat. Food supplementation to nestlings did not affect tarsus length, but increased nestling cell-mediated immunity in the arid habitat only. Based on the recent demonstrated trade-off between growth and immunocompetence in nestlings, we suggest that differences between habitats in nestling diet and parasite prevalence may have caused different priority rules in the allocation of resources between both fitness traits.  相似文献   

The allocation of plant internal resources to growth processes (primary metabolism) and to defensive compounds (secondary metabolism) is determined by plant internal competition for common substrates and energy. In order to contribute to the discussion about environmental impacts on this trade-off between demands for growth and defence, we extended a complex plant growth model to simulate the formation of defensive compounds on the whole plant level, depending on the dynamics of the environmental conditions light, nutrients and water. In this paper, we present and apply the model to simulate the effects of different N fertilizer applications on growth and resistance of young apple trees (cv Golden Delicious). The results show that model predictions are able to describe the observed relation between growth rate and phenylpropanoid concentrations in young leaves of apple trees, and can assist in the interpretation of experimental findings. Finally, we estimate costs and benefits of investment into defence in a scenario, in which an attack by the leaf pathogen Venturia inaequalis is simulated.  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that the production of chemical defences is costly in terrestrial vascular plants. However, these studies do not necessarily reflect the costs of defence production in macroalgae, due to structural and functional differences between vascular plants and macroalgae. Using a specific culturing technique, we experimentally manipulated the defence production in the red alga Bonnemaisonia hamifera to examine if the defence is costly in terms of growth. Furthermore, we tested if the defence provides fitness benefits by reducing harmful bacterial colonisation of the alga. Costly defences should provide benefits to the producer in order to be maintained in natural populations, but such benefits through protection against harmful bacterial colonisation have rarely been documented in macroalgae. We found that algae with experimentally impaired defence production, but with an externally controlled epibacterial load, grew significantly better than algae with normal defence production. We also found that undefended algae exposed to a natural epibacterial load experienced a substantial reduction in growth and a 6-fold increase in cell bleaching, compared to controls. Thus, this study provides experimental evidence that chemical defence production in macroalgae is costly, but that the cost is outweighed by fitness benefits provided through protection against harmful bacterial colonisation.  相似文献   

Ecological immunology distinguishes between the long-term evolutionary costs of possessing defences against parasites and the short-term costs of using them. Evolutionary biologists have typically focused on the former in the search for constraints on the evolution of resistance. Here, we show in the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae, that short-term costs may be of equal evolutionary importance. Survivors of more resistant aphid clones suffered a higher reduction of fecundity upon parasitoid attack than survivors of more susceptible clones. This genetically based trade-off between benefits and costs of defence may limit the evolution of increased resistance and explain the maintenance of genetic variation for resistance under environmental variation in parasitism risk.  相似文献   

Carotenoid reserves in copepods seem costly in terms of predation risk because they make individuals conspicuous. However, carotenoids also seem to play an important role in immune defence as free radical scavengers. To test whether predation risk influences carotenoid levels and whether changes in carotenoid levels are related to changes in immune defence, I examined individual changes in large carotenoid and other lipid droplets upon exposure to predation risk and subsequent exposure to parasites in the copepod Macrocyclops albidus. Copepods reduced carotenoid reserves upon exposure to predators, through which they potentially avoided the costs of being conspicuous under predation risk. Thus, the size of carotenoid reserves is a plastic trait. Such a decrease in carotenoid reserves may also have a negative impact on the copepods' immune system as individuals that decreased their reserves suffered higher parasite prevalence upon exposure to the cestode Schistocephalus solidus. These results suggest that carotenoid reserves may be individually optimized to trade-off each individual's unique costs (predation risk) and benefits (immune defence) of having these reserves.  相似文献   

The cost of an immune response: vaccination reduces parental effort   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A fundamental assumption of theories of the ecology and evolution of inducible defences is that protective responses to attacks by parasites or predators should not only have benefits, but also costs. The vertebrate immune system is by far the best studied example of an inducible defence, yet little is known about the costs of an immune response, especially in natural populations. To test if an immune response per se is costly, we induced an antibody response in female blue tits, Parus caeruleus , by immunising them with human diphtheria–tetanus vaccine, and compared their nestling-feeding rate with that of saline-injected controls. We found that vaccinated females reduced their nestling feeding rate, thus demonstrating a cost of the immune response in the currency of parental effort.  相似文献   

Reproduction, including lactation, is the most costly activity in terms of energy expenditure in female mammals. Consequently, the energy requirements of the reproducing female may not be met at this time, especially if other energy demanding activities are occurring concomitantly. Such activities could be the activation and maintenance of an immune system in response to parasitic infestation. These protective processes are energetically demanding and require trade-off decisions among competing energy demands. In the case of a reproducing mammal, the trade-offs occur mainly between defence against parasites and reproductive costs of the host. In this paper, I discuss the effects of macroparasites on the energy allocation of reproducing small mammals.  相似文献   

Trade-offs between defence and other fitness components are expected in principle, and can have major qualitative impacts on ecological dynamics. Here we show that such a trade-off exists even in the simple unicellular alga Chlorella vulgaris. We grew algal populations for multiple generations in either the presence ('grazed algae') or absence ('non-grazed algae') of the grazing rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus, and then evaluated their defence and competitive abilities. Grazed algae were better defended, yielding rotifer growth rate 32% below that of animals fed non-grazed algae, but they also had diminished competitive ability, with a growth rate under nutrient-limiting conditions 28% below that of non-grazed algae. Grazed algae also had a smaller cell size and were more concentrated in carbon and nitrogen. Thus, C. vulgaris genotypes vary phenotypically in their position along a trade-off curve between defence against grazing and competitive ability. This genetic variation underlies rapid algal evolution that significantly alters the ecological predator-prey cycles between rotifers and algae.  相似文献   

Hosts are expected to incur several physiological costs in defending against parasites. These include constitutive energetic (or other resource) costs of a defence system, facultative resource costs of deploying defences when parasites strike, and immunopathological costs of collateral damage. Here, we investigate the evolution of host recovery rates, varying the source and magnitude of immune costs. In line with previous work, we find that hosts paying facultative resource costs evolve faster recovery rates than hosts paying constitutive costs. However, recovery rate is more sensitive to changes in facultative costs, potentially explaining why constitutive costs are hard to detect empirically. Moreover, we find that immunopathology costs which increase with recovery rate can erode the benefits of defence, promoting chronicity of infection. Immunopathology can also lead to hosts evolving low recovery rate in response to virulent parasites. Furthermore, when immunopathology reduces fecundity as recovery rate increases (e.g. as for T-cell responses to urogenital chlamydiosis), then recovery and reproductive rates do not covary as predicted in eco-immunology. These results suggest that immunopathological and resource costs have qualitatively different effects on host evolution and that embracing the complexity of immune costs may be essential for explaining variability in immune defence in nature.  相似文献   

Reproduction,including lactation,is the most costly activity in terms of energy expenditure in female mammals.Consequently,the energy requirements of the reproducing female may not be met at this time,especially if other energy demanding activities are occurring concomitantly.Such activities could be the activation and maintenance of an immune system in response to parasitic infestation.These protective processes are energetically demanding and require trade-off decisions among competing energy demands.In the case of a reproducing mammal,the trade-offs occur mainly between defence against parasites and reproductive costs of the host.In this paper,I discuss the effects of macroparasites on the energy allocation of reproducing small mammals.  相似文献   

The evolution of parasite resistance has often been assumed to be governed by antagonistic selection pressures. Defense against pathogens, by mounting an immune response, confers evident benefits but may also incur costs, so that the optimal level of defense is expected to depend on the balance between benefits and costs. Although the benefits of immune surveillance are well known, estimates of costs are still equivocal. Here we studied the behavioral and physiological modifications associated with exposure to a nonreplicating antigen (lipopolysaccharide [LPS] of Escherichia coli) in a passerine species, the house sparrow (Passer domesticus). We further investigated whether the behavioral and physiological changes provoked by LPS induced measurable repercussions on life-history traits, such as the breeding effort and reproductive success. Finally, we tested whether the trade-off between immune activation and breeding effort was modulated by the workload required to feed the brood. Exposure to LPS reduced activity and increased body mass loss of captive individuals; similarly, LPS injection induced a dramatic drop in feeding rate and reproductive success of breeding females. However, this reduction depended on brood size, suggesting that the strength of the trade-off between immune activation and reproduction was affected by the workload required to feed the brood. Overall, this study stresses the magnitude of costs associated with mounting immune responses and the ecological and evolutionary consequences for natural populations.  相似文献   

The evolution of parasite resistance can be influenced by the abundance of parasites in the environment. However, it is yet unresolved whether vertebrates change their investment in immune function in response to variation in parasite abundance. Here, we compare parasite abundance in four populations of small ground finches (Geospiza fuliginosa) in the Galapagos archipelago. We predicted that populations exposed to high parasite loads should invest more in immune defence, or alternatively use a different immunological defence strategy. We found that parasite prevalence and/or infection intensity increased with island size. As predicted, birds on large islands had increased concentrations of natural antibodies and mounted a strong specific antibody response faster than birds on smaller islands. By contrast, the magnitude of cell-mediated immune responses decreased with increasing parasite pressure, i.e. on larger islands. The data support the hypothesis that investments into the immune defence are influenced by parasite-mediated selection. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that different immunological defence strategies are optimal in parasite-rich and parasite-poor environments.  相似文献   

Host condition as a constraint for parasite reproduction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Environmental stress has been suggested to increase host susceptibility to infections and reduce host ability to resist parasite growth and reproduction, thus benefiting parasites. This prediction stems from expected costs of immune defence; hosts in poor condition should have less resources to be allocated to immune function. However, the alternative hypothesis for response to environmental stress is that hosts in poor condition provide less resources for parasites and/or suffer higher mortality, leading to reduced parasite growth, reproduction and survival. We contrasted these alternative hypotheses in a trematode–snail ( Diplostomum spathaceum – Lymnaea stagnalis ) system by asking: (1) how host condition affects parasite reproduction (amount and quality of produced transmission stages) and (2) how host condition affects the survival of infected host individuals. We experimentally manipulated host condition by starving the snails, and found that parasites produced fewer and poorer quality transmission stages in stressed hosts. Furthermore, starvation increased snail mortality. These findings indicate that in well-established trematode infections, reduced ability of immune allocation has no effect on host exploitation by parasites. Instead, deteriorating resources for the snail host can directly limit the amount of resources available for the parasite. This, together with increased host mortality, may have negative effects on parasite populations in the wild.  相似文献   

Avian eggs contain substantial amounts of maternal androgens, and several studies have indicated that these are beneficial for the chick. Nevertheless, there is a large and systematic variation in maternal hormone concentrations both within and between clutches. If maternal androgens also involve costs, this might explain why not all mothers put high levels of androgens in their clutches. However, the simultaneous occurrence of both benefits and costs has not yet been convincingly demonstrated. We show experimentally that yolk androgens suppress immune function and simultaneously stimulate growth in black-headed gull chicks. Thus, mothers face a trade-off between these costs and benefits and may tune hormone deposition to prevailing conditions that influence chick survival.  相似文献   

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