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DNA barcoding is a powerful approach for characterizing species of organisms, especially those with almost identical morphological features, thereby helping to to establish phylogenetic relationships and reveal evolutionary histories. In this study, we chose a 648-bp segment of the mitochondrial gene, cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI), as a standard barcode region to establish phylogenetic relationships among brine shrimp (Artemia) species from major habitats around the world and further focused on the biodiversity of Artemia species in China, especially in the Tibetan Plateau. Samples from five major salt lakes of the Tibetan Plateau located at altitudes over 4,000 m showed clear differences from other Artemia populations in China. We also observed two consistent amino acid changes, 153A/V and 183L/F, in the COI gene between the high and low altitude species in China. Moreover, indels in the COI sequence were identified in cyst and adult samples unique to the Co Qen population from the Tibetan Plateau, demonstrating the need for additional investigations of the mitochondrial genome among Tibetan Artemia populations.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of the genus Aphis Linnaeus, 1 758 was built primarily from specimens collected in the Midwest of the United States. A data matrix was constructedwith 68 species and 41 morphological characters with respective character states of alate and apterous viviparous females. Dendrogram topologies of analyses performed usingUPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean), Maximum Parsimony and Bayesian analysis of Cytochrome Oxidase I, Elongation Factor 1-α and primary endosymbiont Buchnera aphidicola 16S sequences were not congruent. Bayesian analysis strongly supported most terminal nodes of the phylogenetic trees. The phylogeny wasstrongly supported by EFI-α, and analysis of COl and EFI-α molecular data combined with morphological characters. It was not supported by single analysis of COI or Buch-hera aphidicola 16S. Results from the Bayesian phylogeny show 4 main species groups: asclepiadis,fabae, gossypii, and middletonii. Results place Aphis and species of the generaProtaphis Bōrner, 1952, Toxoptera Koch, 1856 and Xerobion Nevsky, 1928 in a monophyletic clade. Morphological characters support this monophyly as well. The phylogenyshows that the monophyletic clade of the North American middletonii species group belong to the genus Protaphis: P. debilicornis (Gillette & Palmer, 1929), comb. nov., P. echinaceae(Lagos and Voegtlin, 2009), comb. nov., and P. middletonii (Thomas, 1879). The genus Toxoptera should be considered a subgenus of Aphis (stat. nov.). The analysis also indicatesthat the current genus Iowana Frison, 1954 should be considered a subgenus of Aphis (stat. nov.).  相似文献   

We describe a new species from the family Salamandridae from northeastern Hunan Province of China based on morphological and molecular genetic evidences.The new species,Tylototriton liuyangensis,is a member of the T.asperrimus group,and shares a number of similarities with T.wenxianensis and T.broadoridgus.The dorsal surface of the new Tylototriton species is completely black,with nodule-like warts distributed evenly along the lateral margin of dorsal body,and there is no transverse striae between the warts.There are several diagnostic characters of the new species that differ from those of T.wenxianensis and T.broadoridgus as follows:(1)the interorbital space(IOS)is comparatively wide;(2)there is a bony ridge present on the dorsal head surface,running along the upper eyelids;(3)the space between axilla and groin(AGS)is comparatively large,with the mean male AGS approximately equal to 50%of the snout-vent length(SVL)and the mean female AGS being 53%of SVL;and(4)there is a small genital armature on the anterior angle of labial folds present inside the anal fissure of adult males during the breeding season.The result from the molecular phylogenetic analysis of the genus Tylototriton(including the type specimen of the new species)based on the complete DNA sequence of the mitochondrial ND2 gene(1035 bp)indicated that the new species was similar to T.wenxianensis,T.dabienicus,and T.broadoridgus,but formed an independent clade.This result was consistent with the morphological analysis above,supporting that the Liuyang Population represented a distinct species.  相似文献   

The matrilineal genealogy of the genus Paramesotriton is hypothesized based on DNA sequences from mitochondrial NADH subunit two (ND2) and its flanking tRNAs (tRN^Arp and a partial tRNA^Ala). The genealogy identifies a highly divergent, unnamed lineage from Qixiling Nature Reserve, Jiangxi, China and places it as the sister taxon of P. chinensis. The newly discovered population differs from other congeners by several features of external morphology including having large clusters of dark brown conical warts on the dorsum of the head, lateral surface of the body and dorsolateral ridges. Its intermittent dorsal vertebral ridge is the same color as other parts of the dorsum and tail narrows gradually from the base to the tip. Further, the new population differs from all congeners by an uncorrected P-distance of more than 9.38% in ND2. Consequently, we describe the new species of Asian warty newt (Salamandridae) as Paramesotriton qixilingensis sp. nov.  相似文献   

One of the most invasive species worldwide, Solenopsis invicta Buren, has been described in China since 2003. Recent studies have suggested that China populations are the result of introductions from the USA; however, detailed molecular studies need to be performed in order to understand the expansion and potential multiple introductions from other countries into China. As there were populations of red imported fire ant, S. invicta in different areas and with different methods of introduction, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase Ⅰ gene was used as a marker from 12 populations in four cities in Fujian Province, China, to determine the relationship of invasion among these populations. The three most common haplotypes previously describe in invasive populations of S. invicta: H5, H22 and H36, were found in Fujian. However, frequencies in each city were different. For instance, three populations from Longyan city which invaded with waste plastics, shared haplotype H5. Populations from Xiamen city and Jinjiang city which dispersed with nursery stock, sward and scrap leather, shared haplotype H22. The population from Nanyan village of Xinluo district, Longyan city, bore haplotype H36. Mitochondrial data reveals that the invasion history of S. invicta in Fujian Province is complex, including multiple invasions probably from other provinces within China. Security measures to prevent S. invicta spreading within China are as important as from overseas.  相似文献   

The Central Asian racerunner, Eremias velox, is a widely distributed lizard of the Eurasian lacertid genus Eremias. Nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial genes, cyt b and 12S rDNA from 13 geographically distant localities in Iran and Central Asia, were analysed. Phylogenetic analyses of the sequence data unambiguously recovered five major clades within the E. velox complex with a high level of genetic divergence, indicating long periods of isolation. The basal position of the Iranian clades in the phylogenetic trees suggests that the E. velox clade originated on the Iranian plateau in the Middle Miocene. According to our calibrations, the northern Iranian clade diverged first some 10–11 Ma and that the Central Asian lineages split from the northeastern Iranian lineage approximately 6 Ma, most likely as a result of uplifting of the Kopet‐Dagh Mountains in the northern margin of the Iranian plateau. Topology of the phylogenetic trees, combined with the degree of the genetic distances among the independent lineages recovered in this study, provide a solid foundation for a fundamental revision of the taxonomic status of the major clades within this species complex.  相似文献   

对采自新疆境内的塔城地区、伊犁地区、准噶尔盆地、乌鲁木齐市和吐鲁番盆地的快步麻蜥5个地理种群共287号标本进行观测,分析其鳞片变异式样,并在此基础上探讨亚种分化。根据变异率将鳞片分为三类:1)没有变异,如腹部横列鳞数;2)变异率在30%以下,包括上下唇鳞、颔片数等;3)变异率均超过30%,包括股孔数、股孔间鳞数、腹面横列鳞行数和颔片到领围鳞数等。对8个形态学量度指标及7个鳞片数量指标的差异系数进行统计分析,结果显示种群间的各指标均未达到亚种分化的差异显著性标准,暗示研究区域内的快步麻蜥在形态上没有亚种分化。结果表明快步麻蜥东方亚种的有效性有待进一步研究确定。  相似文献   

采用常规骨髓细胞制片法,对采自甘肃省民勤县的荒漠麻蜥Eremias przewalskii染色体核型进行分析。荒漠麻蜥染色体核型为2n=38=36I+2m,具18对大型端部着丝粒型和1对微小染色体,属丽斑麻蜥型,与蜥蜴科和麻蜥属的染色体核型一致。系统整理已报道的麻蜥属核型资料,在此基础上探讨麻蜥属的染色体核型特征与演化。  相似文献   

Phenotypic traits are usually correlated with the environment where organism occurs. In this study, the distribution of Eremias velox in the eastern periphery of its range was specified, and its morphological variation was analyzed. Linear dimensions, pholidosis, coloration and pattern features were compared among 135 specimens from nine populations inhabiting the Balkhash, Ili and Alakol basins, Junggar and Turpan depressions in the territory of Southeast Kazakhstan and Xinjiang, Northwest China. The populations from the Junggar Depression(Kuytun, Shihezi and Urumqi) were characterized by higher mean values of linear characters, the number of scales across the middle of the body and gular, and were similar in the dominant coloration patterns. Small size, dark coloration and almost complete dominance of the striped-type coloration pattern among the specimens from the Alakol Lake islands seem to have an adaptive significance associated with the isolation of the population and type of their habitats. The subspecies Eremias velox roborowskii(endemic to the Turpan Depression) is elevated to species level, as supported by morphological divergence congruent with molecular and geographical data, including its peculiar type of coloration pattern, significantly lower amount of femoral pores and a higher percentage of specimens with one enlarged preanal scale(72.7%). These results together confirm a high degree of variability in morphology for E. veloх in the eastern periphery of its range, reflecting a complex orography and the existence of multiple geographical barriers in this territory.  相似文献   

Miniopterus schreibersii is a polytypic bat species, with one of the widest distribution ranges among the mammals. We studied the genetic differentiation and taxonomy of this species in the transition zone between south-eastern Europe and Anatolia (in Asia), where two subspecies have been described. The results indicated a sharp genetic break between the samples from western Anatolia and south-eastern Europe and those of eastern Anatolia. In addition, the samples from western Anatolia and south-eastern Europe were seen to be reciprocally monophyletic, although the differentiation was less drastic. These patterns of genetic differentiation suggest the presence of two distinct groups within the M. schreibersii complex in the region, concordant with previous subspecific recognition. The cause of this genetic break is most likely differentiation in separate glacial refugia followed by secondary contact. However, more samples are needed to assess whether these represent different species, as well as to understand more clearly the causes of this differentiation.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 577–582.  相似文献   

In a joint analysis of nuclear (allozyme) and mitochondrial markers (sequence and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the 12S and 16S genes), five genetically distinct groups of the Austropotamobius pallipes Lereboullet species complex were detected in the Alpine region. The geographical distribution of these evolutionary lineages coincided largely with several taxa (A.p. pallipes, A. berndhauseri, A.(p.) italicus) formerly defined on the basis of morphological characters. A low level of genetic variability was found within these lineages. For some populations, the combination of the two markers gave additional information about the likelihood of their natural or artificial origin. A hybrid zone was detected between A.p. pallipes and A. berndhauseri in the Lake Geneva area. The mosaic distribution of the five evolutionary lineages indicated that conservation efforts should be aimed at the level of local populations.  相似文献   

The phylogeographical patterns and demographic history of mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b, N = 327; D‐loop, N = 252) and nuclear DNA (IRBP gene, N = 235) haplotypes were studied for the Meriones meridianus complex in northern China, a desert‐dwelling gerbil species complex. The phylogenetic analyses, which were performed on the separate and combined (mitochondrial + nuclear) datasets, revealed two divergent clades (Clade A and Clade B) corresponding to distinct geographical regions. Clade A contained the haplotypes found mostly in individuals from the Tianshan Mountains area. Clade B contained haplotypes from populations located in other deserts in northern China. The divergence times indicated that the history of the M. meridianus complex was influenced by the uplift of the Tianshan Mountains and climate‐induced habitat fluctuations. In the Pleistocene, the expansion of forests and grasslands during interglacial period led to the isolation of the M. meridianus complex, which preferred to inhabit deserts. Hence, long geological isolation and the M. meridianus complex adaptation to local ecological conditions led to its genetic divergence. Clade A had long‐lasting demographic stability, most likely because the populations of this clade remained in a stable desert environment for a long time. However, the extension of other deserts and disappearance of palaeolakes during the last glacial period resulted in demographic expansion of Clade B. Furthermore, our genetic data indicated that two subspecies may exist within the M. meridianus complex. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 362–383.  相似文献   

Disentangling the factors underlying the diversification of geographically variable species with a wide geographical range is essential to understanding the initial stages and drivers of the speciation process. The Amazilia Hummingbird, Amazilis amazilia, is found along the Pacific coast from northern Ecuador down to the Nazca Valley of Peru, and is currently classified as six phenotypically differentiated subspecies. We aimed to resolve the evolutionary relationships of the six subspecies, to assess the geographical pattern and extent of evolutionary divergence, and to test for introgression using both a mtDNA marker and a genome‐by‐sequencing dataset from 86 individuals from across the species range. The consensus phylogenetic tree separated the six subspecies into three distinct clades, corresponding with the Ecuador lowlands (Aamazilia dumerilii), the Ecuador highlands (Aamazilia alticola and A. amazilia azuay), and the Peruvian coast (Aamazilia leucophoea, Aamazilia amazilia, and A. amazilia caeruleigularis). However, an unresolved mtDNA network suggests that the diversification of the subspecies was recent and rapid. We found evidence of gene flow among the subspecies Aamazilia dumerilii, Aamazilia alticola, and Aamazilia leucophoea, with strong genetic isolation of the subspecies Aamazilia azuay in the isolated Yunguilla Valley of Ecuador. Finally, environmental data from each subspecies’ capture locations were concordant with the three distinct clades. Overall, our results suggest that both expansions into new habitats and geographic isolation shaped the present‐day phylogeny and range of the Aamazilia subspecies, and that Aamazilia azuay may be genetically divergent enough to be considered a separate species.  相似文献   

中国兔属动物的分类现状和分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
相雨  杨奇森  夏霖 《四川动物》2004,23(4):391-397
兔属 (Lepus)动物是一类广泛分布、彼此差异较小的哺乳动物 ,属于兔形目 (Lagomorpha)、兔科(Leporidae)。本文根据目前的分类现状 ,列出中国兔属种、亚种名录和分布区 ;对中国兔属动物的研究历史进行了综述 ;并针对蒙古兔、华南兔、云南兔、中亚兔和东北黑兔分类地位存在的争议进行了讨论  相似文献   

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