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Estrogen and progesterone receptor proteins in breast cancer.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article reviews the contribution of steroid hormone receptor studies to the resolution of a basic clinical problem: how to determine which cancers are hormone dependent without an actual treatment trial. Previously published studies on hormone receptor assays and analyses are reviewed, the current status of knowledge in the area is summarized in terms of its relevance to breast cancer cells, and future scenarios are proffered. Assay methods and available clinical results for cytoplasmic estrogen receptor identification in human breast cancer comprise the first section. Information on assaying nuclear estrogen receptor, and its relative clinical importance, is presented in Part 2. Assays to determine the presence of progesterone receptor in human breast cancer; the estogen regulation of such progesterone receptors; and clinical findings comprise Part 3. Studies of the mechanisms of estrogen action in the MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line are the subject of Part 4. Recent experiments in animals on the efficacy of antiestrogen treatments, such treatments in human in vitro cell cultures, and the few clinical trials available are presented in Part 5. It is emphasized that the simple presence or absence of estrogen receptors in tumors does not absolutely indicate whether growth of a particular tumor is sensitive to estrogens. Experimental appraoches, designed to further delineate this problem, are outlined, based on observations such as the finding that the probability of tumor regression correlates better with quantitative rather than with qualitative assessment of estrogen receptors; that the specific end product of hormone action is unknown and without this information an ideal biochemical marker to a tumor's sensitivity of hormones is unavailable; and that the complex sequence of biochemical events in the actions of estrogen needs more complete elucidation.  相似文献   

Affinity-isolated progesterone receptor (PR) from human breast cancer cells incubated with [32P]orthophosphate was shown to exist as a phosphoprotein. Exposure of the cells to 10 nM phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) for 10 min increased by 30-40% the amount of label incorporated into the 116-kDa receptor protein. A two-fold increase in the total number of steroid binding sites was also observed in cells receiving PMA treatment. This apparent unmasking of PR binding sites by phosphorylation probably involved conformational changes to existing receptor complexes and affected the eventual state of receptor dissociation or transformation. An increase primarily in the 8 S sedimenting molecular species was observed but PMA treatment also led to the appearance of a smaller, 2-3 S form of receptor (10% of total) that was not present in control samples. When cytosols were partially transformed in vitro by ATP and salt, all molecular species of receptor (8, 4, and 2-3 S) from the PMA-treated samples consistently migrated faster in sucrose gradients. The larger amount of 2-3 S receptor in PMA-treated samples disappeared when ATP, but not salt, was the transforming agent. These results suggest a major role for phosphorylating reactions in the receptor-mediated action of steroids by regulating hormone-binding and influencing receptor transformation. Tumor promoters such as the phorbol esters may act by artificially increasing the level of processing of steroid receptor.  相似文献   

T47D cells, cultured in medium containing serum stripped of endogenous steroids, proliferate in response to treatment with the progesterone receptor (PR) agonist, R5020 or the PR agonist/antagonist, RU486, whereas the full PR antagonist, ZK98299 has no proliferative effects. Under estrogenized conditions, all of the PR ligands tested inhibit cell growth [23]. In order to determine whether the levels or phosphorylation state of PR are reflected in the growth patterns of T47D cells, we monitored the effects of these PR ligands on the immunoblotted PR band intensities, the relative intensities, of PR-A and PR-B, and their phosphorylation states that are reflected in their altered mobility during SDS-PAGE. Under conditions where the PR ligands inhibit cell proliferation, each ligand had distinctively different qualitative and quantitative effects on PR. Short term treatment of the cells with R5020 or RU486 induced a characteristic phosphorylation-dependent upshift of both PR-A and PR-B. The phosphorylated PR was stable for up to 4 days after treatment of the cells with RU486, but was down regulated between 6-24 h after treatment with R5020. No replenishment of PR in cells treated with R5020 was detected. ZK98299, at concentrations tested, had no qualitative or quantitative effects on PR. Culturing cells for 8 days in medium containing steroid-depleted serum caused a significant reduction in the PR band intensity without causing a change in the ratio of PR-A and PR-B or their phosphorylation states. This decrease in the PR band intensity was reversed by maintaining the cells in 1 nM estrogen, but was potentiated by RU486 or ZK98299. These observations support the view that decreased PR levels may play a role in the stimulatory effects of R5020 and RU486 when cells are cultured under non-estrogenized conditions.  相似文献   

Developments in digital imaging and fluorescent microscopy provide a new method and opportunities for quantification of protein expression in human tissue. Archived collections of paraffin-embedded tumors can be used to study the relationship between quantitative differences in protein expression in tumors and patient outcome. In this report we describe the use of a DeltaVision Restoration deconvolution microscope, combined with fluorescent immunohistochemistry, to obtain reproducible and quantitative estimates of protein expression in a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue. As proof of principle, we used antibodies to the estrogen and progesterone receptors in a hormone receptor-positive breast cancer specimen. We provide guidelines for control of day-to-day variability in camera and microscope performance to ensure that image acquisition leads to reproducible quantitative estimates of protein expression. We show that background autofluorescence related to formalin fixation can be controlled and that for proteins that are expressed in nearly every cell, multiplexing two primary antibodies on the same slide does not significantly affect the results obtained. We demonstrate that for proteins whose expression varies markedly from cell to cell, data reproducibility, as assessed by imaging successive tissue sections, is more difficult to determine.  相似文献   

In MCF-7 cell culture, some sera endow estradiol-17 beta with strong growth promoting properties ("active" sera) while other fail to display this property ("inactive" sera). Passage from "inactive" to "active" sera are shown here to induce the appearance of a progestin binding capacity in the receptor negative line Evsa-T. Competition with various unlabeled steroids established the specificity of this binding reaction. The induction of progesterone receptor required neither estrogens, nor ER and failed to confer major growth sensitivity to hormonal steroids: only medroxyprogesterone acetate was slightly inhibitory at high concentration. These observations disclose the influence of seric factors independent of estrogens and of ER-related mechanisms on PgR induction.  相似文献   

Transfection experiments, a powerful tool to study the function of steroid hormone receptors and their coregulators, are often performed in COS-7 cells, because of high transfection efficiencies and expression levels. Here we report on the presence in COS-7 cells of an endogenous steroid hormone receptor, which is highly responsive to progesterone and the synthetic steroids R1881 and ORG2058, but not to 5 alpha-DHT. A 10-fold excess of the progesterone antagonist RU486 abolishes the stimulation by progesterone, while cotransfection with the coactivator TIF2 increases its activity 6- to 7-fold. A comparison of the ligand specificity with transfected androgen or progesterone receptors indicates that the endogenous receptor is a progesterone receptor. Its presence is confirmed by steroid-binding experiments, RT-PCR and Northern blot analysis. Consequently, progesterone receptor function may be studied conveniently in COS-7 cells without cotransfection of receptor, but the endogenous receptor may interfere in studies of ligand specificity and coactivation of cotransfected receptors.  相似文献   

The steroid hormone progesterone is an essential regulator of the cellular processes that are required for the development and maintenance of reproductive function. The diverse effects of progesterone are mediated by the progesterone receptor (PR). The functions of the PR are regulated not only by ligands but also by modulators of various cell signaling pathways. However, it is not clear which energy state regulates PR activity. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a serine/threonine protein kinase, is a key modulator of energy homeostasis. Once activated by an increasing cellular AMP:ATP ratio, AMPK switches off ATP-consuming processes and switches on ATP-producing processes. We found that both 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide 1-β-d-ribofuranoside (AICAR) and metformin, traditional pharmacological activators of AMPK, inhibited the PR pathway, as evidenced by progesterone response element (PRE)-driven luciferase activity and PR target gene expression. Compound C, an inhibitor of AMPK, partly but significantly reversed the anti-PR effects of AICAR and metformin. The downregulation of endogenous AMPK by small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) stimulated PR activity. AMPK activation by AICAR decreased the progesterone-induced phosphorylation of PR at serine 294 and inhibited the recruitment of PR to an endogenous PRE. Taken together, our data suggest that AMPK, an energy sensor, is involved in the regulation of PR signaling.  相似文献   

Since the effects of progesterone are mediated mainly via estrogen-dependent progesterone receptor (PR), the expression of the effects of progesterone may be masked or overridden by the influence of estrogen under conditions in which priming with estrogens is required. We have established a PR-positive but estrogen receptor-alpha (ER-alpha) negative breast cancer cell model by transfecting PR cDNA into ER-alpha- and PR-negative MDA-MB-231 cells in order that the functions of progesterone can be studied independently of estrogens. We have demonstrated using this model that progesterone markedly inhibited cell growth. We have also discovered that progesterone induced remarkable changes in cell morphology and specific adhesion structures. Progesterone-treated cells became considerably more flattened and well spread than vehicle-treated control cells. This was associated with a striking increase of stress fibers, both in number and diameter, and increased focal contacts as shown by the staining of focal adhesion proteins paxillin and talin. There were also distinct increases in tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion protein paxillin and focal adhesion kinase in association with increased focal adhesion. The staining of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins was concentrated at focal adhesions in progesterone-treated cells. More interestingly, monoclonal antibody (Ab) to beta1 integrin was able to inhibit progesterone-induced cell spreading and formation of actin cytoskeleton. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing a direct effect of progesterone in inducing spreading and adhesion of breast cancer cells, and beta1-integrin appeared to play an essential role in the effect. It is known that the initial step of tumor metastasis is the breakaway of tumor cells from primary tumor mass when they lose the ability to attach. Hence, progesterone-induced cell spreading and adhesion may have significant implications in tumor metastasis.  相似文献   

K B Horwitz  W L McGuire 《Steroids》1975,25(4):497-505
We have identified a specific progesterone receptor in 11 of 33 human breast cancer cytosols. Since progesterone itself binds to glucocorticoid receptor, to corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG), and to nonspecific components as well as to its own receptor, we have used a synthetic progestin, R5020 (17,21-dimethyl-19-nor-4,9-pregnadiene-3,20-dione), whose binding specificity is restricted to progesterone receptor. Bound R5020 sediments at 8 S in sucrose gradients; binding is competed by excess unlabeled R5020 or progesterone. The receptor is distinct from glucocorticoid receptor and CBG as determined by competition studies using dexamethasone and hydrocortisone. The dissociation constant for R5020 obtained by Scatchard analysis of dextran-coated charcoal assays is approximately 2 times 10- minus 9 M.  相似文献   

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