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M. Kohlhardt 《The Journal of membrane biology》1991,122(1):11-21
Summary In patches from neonatal rat heart myocytes, elementary Na+ currents were recorded at near threshold potentials in order to compare cardiac Na+ channels kinetics in the cell-attached mode with those in the inside-out mode.The transition from cell-attached to cell-free recording conditions caused a small prolongation of the conductive state of about 20%. This appeared within 8 min after, patch excision regardless of the anionic composition (in mmol/liter) at the cytoplasmic membrane surface: 20 Cl– plus 120 aspartate, 140 Cl–, or 140 F–. Prolonged exposure (up to 50 min) to cell-free conditions evoked no additional changes and, specifically, left the monoexponential open-time distribution unchanged. Increased burst activity only developed in the cytoplasmic presence of F–, indicating that it is this artificial anion which influences reopening, but not the isolation of the Na+ channels from their natural environmentper se. The mean number of openings per sequence (increase by a factor of 1.23±0.04) and decay, of reconstructed macroscopicI
Na (increase by a factor of 1.32±0.06) responded rather weakly to F–. Cooling from 19 to 9°C accentuated this F– effect significantly and led, at –65 mV, to pronounced burst activity. Moreover, the combined influence of F– and cooling induced a second. long-lasting and sometimes dominating open state. It is concluded that isolated cardiac Na+ channels largely, preserve their intrinsic kinetic properties when facing a cytoplasmic environment with a quasi-physiological anionic composition. 相似文献
Activation of KATP channels by Na/K pump in isolated cardiac myocytes and giant membrane patches.

A Y Kabakov 《Biophysical journal》1998,75(6):2858-2867
Strophanthidin inhibits KATP channels in 2,4-dinitrophenol-poisoned heart cells (). The current study shows that the Na/K pump interacts with KATP current (IK-ATP) via submembrane ATP depletion in isolated giant membrane patches and in nonpoisoned guinea pig cardiac cells in whole-cell configuration. IK-ATP was inhibited by ATP, glibenclamide, or intracellular Cs+. Na/K pump inactivation by substitution of cytoplasmic Na+ for Li+ or N-methylglucamine decreased both IK-ATP by 1/3 (1 mM ATP, zero calcium), and IC50 of ATP for IK-ATP (0.3 +/- 0.1 mM) by 2/5. The Na+/Li+ replacement had no effect on IK-ATP at low pump activity ([ATP] </= 0.1 mM or 100 microM ouabain) or when IK-ATP was completely inhibited by 10 mM ATP. In whole-cell configuration, ouabain inhibited up to 60% of inwardly rectifying IK-ATP at 1 mM ATP in the pipette but not at 10 mM ATP and 10 mM phosphocreatine when IK-ATP was always blocked. However, mathematical simulation of giant-patch experiments revealed that only 20% of ATP depletion may be attributed to the ATP concentration gradient in the bulk solution, and the remaining 80% probably occurs in the submembrane space. 相似文献
Intramolecular and intermolecular enzymatic modulation of ion channels in excised membrane patches. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2

A calcium-activated potassium channel in posterior pituitary nerve terminals was modulated by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. Nearly every patch of membrane containing this channel also contained both membrane bound protein phosphatase and membrane-bound protein kinase. By examining the statistical and kinetic nature of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in excised patches, it was possible to evaluate two contrasting models for these enzymatic reactions. One of these models treated catalysis as an intermolecular process in which the enzyme and substrate are separate molecular species that diffuse and encounter one another during collisions. The second model treated catalysis as an intramolecular process in which the enzyme and substrate reside within a stable macromolecular complex. The study began with a Poisson analysis of the distribution of channel number in patches, and of the number of protein phosphatase-free and protein kinase-free patches. Subsequent kinetic analysis of dephosphorylation yielded an estimate of the mean number of protein phosphatase molecules per patch that was similar to the value obtained from Poisson analysis. Because these two estimates were independent predictions based on the intermolecular model, their agreement supported this model. Analysis of channel number in protein phosphatase-free patches and of the rarity of patches showing partial but incomplete rundown provided additional support for the intermolecular model over the intramolecular model. Furthermore, dephosphorylation exhibited monotonic kinetics with a rate well below the diffusion limit. Thus, several different lines of analysis support the intermolecular model for dephosphorylation, in which the protein phosphatase must encounter its substrate to effect catalysis. In contrast to the monotonic kinetics of dephosphorylation, the phosphorylation reaction exhibited sigmoidal kinetics, with a rate that depended on membrane potential. Voltage dependence is an unlikely property for a kinetic step involving encounters resulting from diffusion. Furthermore, the velocity of the phosphorylation reaction exceeded the diffusion limit, and this observation is inconsistent with the intermolecular model. Thus, both intermolecular and intramolecular enzymatic mechanisms operate in the modulation of the calcium-activated potassium channel of the posterior pituitary. These studies provide a functional characterization of the interactions between enzyme and substrate in intact patches of cell membrane. 相似文献
Gating of maxi K+ channels studied by Ca2+ concentration jumps in excised inside-out multi-channel patches (myocytes from guinea pig urinary bladder)

Currents through maxi K+ channels were recorded in inside-out macro-patches. Using a liquid filament switch (Franke, C., H. Hatt, and J. Dudel. 1987. Neurosci, Lett. 77:199-204) the Ca2+ concentration at the tip of the patch electrode ([Ca2+]i) was changed in less than 1 ms. Elevation of [Ca2+]i from less than 10 nM to 3, 6, 20, 50, 320, or 1,000 microM activated several maxi K+ channels in the patch, whereas return to less than 10 nM deactivated them. The time course of Ca(2+)-dependent activation and deactivation was evaluated from the mean of 10-50 sweeps. The mean currents started a approximately 10-ms delay that was attributed to diffusion of Ca2+ from the tip to the K+ channel protein. The activation and deactivation time courses were fitted with the third power of exponential terms. The rate of activation increased with higher [Ca2+]i and with more positive potentials. The rate of deactivation was independent of preceding [Ca2+]i and was reduced at more positive potentials. The rate of deactivation was measured at five temperatures between 16 and 37 degrees C; fitting the results with the Arrhenius equation yielded an energy barrier of 16 kcal/mol for the Ca2+ dissociation at 0 mV. After 200 ms, the time-dependent processes were in a steady state, i.e., there was no sign of inactivation. In the steady state (200 ms), the dependence of channel openness, N.P(o), on [Ca2+]i yielded a Hill coefficient of approximately 3. The apparent dissociation constant, KD, decreased from 13 microM at -50 mV to 0.5 microM at +70 mV. The dependence of N.P(o) on voltage followed a Boltzmann distribution with a maximal P(o) of 0.8 and a slope factor of approximately 39 mV. The results were summarized by a model describing Ca2+- and voltage-dependent activation and deactivation, as well as steady-state open probability by the binding of Ca2+ to three equal and independent sites within the electrical field of the membrane at an electrical distance of 0.31 from the cytoplasmic side. 相似文献
Modal gating behavior of cardiac sodium channels in cell-free membrane patches. 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4

B Nilius 《Biophysical journal》1988,53(6):857-862
Single voltage-activated Na+ channel currents were obtained from membrane patches of isolated ventricular cells of guinea pig hearts. The currents were compared when measured from cell-attached patches and from the same patch but at least 20 minutes after manual excision. The averaged currents showed a distinctly delayed decay in the excised patches due to the appearance of long lasting openings or bursts of openings. In contrast to control patches, the open time distribution in excised patches requires at least two exponentials. A short mean open time was voltage independent for cell-attached patches (0.38 ms +/- 0.07 ms between -60 and -20 mV, 6 cell-attached patches; and 0.41 +/- 0.1 ms, 7 excised patches). The long mean open time found in excised patches was clearly voltage dependent and increased from 0.48 +/- 0.14 ms (-80 mV) to 2.87 +/- 0.35 ms (-20 mV, regression coefficient +0.88, 7 patches). Sweeps with long openings appeared in clusters. The clustering of records with long openings, short openings, or without openings (nulls) was quantified by a runs analysis which showed a highly significant nonrandom ordering. The results show that in excised patches inactivation is temporally hibernating. 相似文献
β—淀粉样蛋白31—35片段对海马神经元分离膜片Ca^2+激活大电导钾通道的抑制 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了确定β-淀粉样蛋白(AβP)在影响神经元电生理特性并导致神经毒作用时的最短活性序列,实验采用片钳技术,在急性分离的大鼠海马CA1区锥体细胞的“内面向外”式膜片上,观察了AβP的31-35和25-35片段对C^2 a激活大电导钾(BK)通道活动的影响,结果显示,浴液中给预5umol/L的AβP31-35后,BK通道的平均开放概率(P0)和开放频率在1-3min内分别减少了85.8%(P<0.01)和72.1%(P<0.01),平均开放时间减少了41.1%(P<0.01),平均电流幅度则无明显改变(P>0.05),给予同样摩尔浓度的AβP25-35后,BK通道平均P0减少了85.5%(P<0.01),平均开放时间减少51.4%,(P<0.05),结果提示:两种AβP片段对海马神经元BK通道具有抑制作用,。这可能与AβP的神经性作用有关,AβP-31-35片段可能是AβP分子中影响细胞电生理特性的最小活性序列。 相似文献
Batrachotoxin (BTX) not only keeps the voltage-gated Na(+) channel open persistently but also reduces its single-channel conductance. Although a BTX receptor has been delimited within the inner cavity of Na(+) channels, how Na(+) ions flow through the BTX-bound permeation pathway remains unclear. In this report we tested a hypothesis that Na(+) ions traverse a narrow gap between bound BTX and residue N927 at D2S6 of cardiac hNa(v)1.5 Na(+) channels. We found that BTX at 5 microM indeed elicited a strong block of hNa(v)1.5-N927K currents (approximately 70%) after 1000 repetitive pulses (+50 mV/20 ms at 2 Hz) without any effects on Na(+) channel gating. Once occurred, this unique use-dependent block of hNa(v)1.5-N927K Na(+) channels recovered little at holding potential (-140 mV), demonstrating that BTX block is irreversible under our experimental conditions. Such an irreversible effect likewise developed in fast inactivation-deficient hNa(v)1.5-N927K Na(+) channels albeit with a faster on-rate; approximately 90% of peak Na(+) currents were abolished by BTX after 200 repetitive pulses (+50 mV/20 ms). This use-dependent block of fast inactivation-deficient hNa(v)1.5-N927K Na(+) channels by BTX was duration dependent. The longer the pulse duration the larger the block developed. Among N927K/W/R/H/D/S/Q/G/E substitutions in fast inactivation-deficient hNa(v)1.5 Na(+) channels, only N927K/R Na(+) currents were highly sensitive to BTX block. We conclude that (a) BTX binds within the inner cavity and partly occludes the permeation pathway and (b) residue hNa(v)1.5-N927 is critical for ion permeation between bound BTX and D2S6, probably because the side-chain of N927 helps coordinate permeating Na(+) ions. 相似文献
Inward rectifier K+ channels of the Kir1.1 (ROMK) and Kir4.1 subtype are predominantly expressed in epithelial cells where they are responsible for K+ transport across the plasma membrane. Uniquely among the members of the Kir family, these channels are gated by intracellular pH in the physiological range. pH-gating involves structural rearrangements in cytoplasmic domains and the P-loop of the Kir protein. The energy for the gating transition is delivered by protonation of a lysine residue that is located prior to the first transmembrane segment and serves as a 'pH sensor'. The anomalous titration required for lysine operating in the neutral pH range results from its close interaction with two positively charged arginines from the distant N- and C-termini termed the R/K/R triad. Disturbance of this triad as results from a number of point mutations found in patients with hyperprostaglandin E syndrome (HPS) increases the pKa of the pH sensor and results in channels being permanently inactivated under physiological conditions. This article will focus on the mechanism of pH-gating, its implications for the tertiary structure of Kir proteins and on its significance for the pathogenesis of HPS. 相似文献
We have used ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) to quantify ion fluxes across giant membrane patches by measuring and simulating ion gradients on both membrane sides. Experimental conditions are selected with low concentrations of the ions detected on the membrane side being monitored. For detection from the cytoplasmic (bath) side, the patch pipette is oscillated laterally in front of an ISE. For detection on the extracellular (pipette) side, ISEs are fabricated from flexible quartz capillary tubing (tip diameters, 2-3 microns), and an ISE is positioned carefully within the patch pipette with the tip at a controlled distance from the mouth of the patch pipette. Transport activity is then manipulated by solution changes on the cytoplasmic side. Ion fluxes can be quantified by simulating the ion gradients with appropriate diffusion models. For extracellular (intrapatch pipette) recordings, ion diffusion coefficients can be determined from the time courses of concentration changes. The sensitivity and utility of the methods are demonstrated with cardiac membrane patches by measuring (a) potassium fluxes via ion channels, valinomycin, and Na/K pumps; (b) calcium fluxes mediated by Na/Ca exchangers; (c) sodium fluxes mediated by gramicidin and Na/K pumps; and (d) proton fluxes mediated by an unknown electrogenic mechanism. The potassium flux-to-current ratio for the Na/K pump is approximately twice that determined for potassium channels and valinomycin, as expected for a 3Na/2K pump stoichiometery (i.e., 2K/charge moved). For valinomycin-mediated potassium currents and gramicidin-mediated sodium currents, the ion fluxes calculated from diffusion models are typically 10-15% smaller than expected from the membrane currents. As presently implemented, the ISE methods allow reliable detection of calcium and proton fluxes equivalent to monovalent cation currents <1 pA in magnitude, and they allow detection of sodium and potassium fluxes equivalent to <5 pA currents. The capability to monitor ion fluxes, independent of membrane currents, should facilitate studies of both electrogenic and electroneutral ion-coupled transporters in giant patches. 相似文献
Gating of mammalian cardiac gap junction channels by transjunctional voltage. 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3

Numerous two-cell voltage-clamp studies have concluded that the electrical conductance of mammalian cardiac gap junctions is not modulated by the transjunctional voltage (Vj) profile, although gap junction channels between low conductance pairs of neonatal rat ventricular myocytes are reported to exhibit Vj-dependent behavior. In this study, the dependence of macroscopic gap junctional conductance (gj) on transjunctional voltage was quantitatively examined in paired 3-d neonatal hamster ventricular myocytes using the double whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Immunolocalization with a site-specific antiserum directed against amino acids 252-271 of rat connexin43, a 43-kD gap junction protein as predicted from its cDNA sequence, specifically stained zones of contact between cultured myocytes. Instantaneous current-voltage (Ij-Vj) relationships of neonatal hamster myocyte pairs were linear over the entire voltage range examined (0 less than or equal to Vj less than or equal to +/- 100 mV). However, the steady-state Ij-Vj relationship was nonlinear for Vj greater than +/- 50 mV. Both inactivation and recovery processes followed single exponential time courses (tau inactivation = 100-1,000 ms, tau recovery approximately equal to 300 ms). However, Ij recovered rapidly upon polarity reversal. The normalized steady-state junctional conductance-voltage relationship (Gss-Vj) was a bell-shaped curve that could be adequately described by a two-state Boltzmann equation with a minimum Gj of 0.32-0.34, a half-inactivation voltage of -69 and +61 mV and an effective valence of 2.4-2.8. Recordings of gap junction channel currents (ij) yielded linear ij-Vj relationships with slope conductances of approximately 20-30 and 45-50 pS. A kinetic model, based on the Boltzmann relationship and the polarity reversal data, suggests that the opening (alpha) and closing (beta) rate constants have nearly identical voltage sensitivities with a Vo of +/- 62 mV. The data presented in this study are not consistent with the contingent gating scheme (for two identical gates in series) proposed for other more Vj-dependent gap junctions and alternatively suggest that each gate responds to the applied Vj independently of the state (open or closed) of the other gate. 相似文献
Divalent cation selectivity for external block of voltage-dependent Na+ channels prolonged by batrachotoxin. Zn2+ induces discrete substates in cardiac Na+ channels 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3

The mechanism of block of voltage-dependent Na+ channels by extracellular divalent cations was investigated in a quantitative comparison of two distinct Na+ channel subtypes incorporated into planar bilayers in the presence of batrachotoxin. External Ca2+ and other divalent cations induced a fast voltage-dependent block observed as a reduction in unitary current for tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na+ channels of rat skeletal muscle and tetrodotoxin-insensitive Na+ channels of canine heart ventricular muscle. Using a simple model of voltage-dependent binding to a single site, these two distinct Na+ channel subtypes exhibited virtually the same affinity and voltage dependence for fast block by Ca2+ and a number of other divalent cations. This group of divalent cations exhibited an affinity sequence of Co congruent to Ni greater than Mn greater than Ca greater than Mg greater than Sr greater than Ba, following an inverse correlation between binding affinity and ionic radius. The voltage dependence of fast Ca2+ block was essentially independent of CaCl2 concentration; however, at constant voltage the Ca2+ concentration dependence of fast block deviated from a Langmuir isotherm in the manner expected for an effect of negative surface charge. Titration curves for fast Ca2+ block were fit to a simplified model based on a single Ca2+ binding site and the Gouy-Chapman theory of surface charge. This model gave similar estimates of negative surface charge density in the vicinity of the Ca2+ blocking site for muscle and heart Na+ channels. In contrast to other divalent cations listed above, Cd2+ and Zn2+ are more potent blockers of heart Na+ channels than muscle Na+ channels. Cd2+ induced a fast, voltage-dependent block in both Na+ channel subtypes with a 46-fold higher affinity at 0 mV for heart (KB = 0.37 mM) vs. muscle (KB = 17 mM). Zn2+ induced a fast, voltage-dependent block of muscle Na+ channels with low affinity (KB = 7.5 mM at 0 mV). In contrast, micromolar Zn2+ induced brief closures of heart Na+ channels that were resolved as discrete substate events at the single-channel level with an apparent blocking affinity of KB = 0.067 mM at 0 mV, or 110-fold higher affinity for Zn2+ compared with the muscle channel. High-affinity block of the heart channel by Cd2+ and Zn2+ exhibited approximately the same voltage dependence (e-fold per 60 mV) as low affinity block of the muscle subtype (e-fold per 54 mV), suggesting that the block occurs at structurally analogous sites in the two Na+ channels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS) 相似文献
Bestrophins are a newly discovered family of Cl(-) channels, some members of which are activated by intracellular Ca(2+). So far, all studies were carried out with whole-cell recordings from plasmid-transfected cultured cells, so it is unclear whether Ca(2+) activates bestrophin through a metabolic mechanism or in a more direct way. We report here experiments that addressed this question with excised, inside-out membrane patches. We chose human bestrophin-4 (hBest4) for heterologous expression because it gave particularly large Cl(-) currents when expressed, thus allowing detection even in excised membrane patches. hBest4 gave a negligible Cl(-) current in a Ca(2+)-free solution on the cytoplasmic (bath) side, but produced a Cl(-) current that was activated by Ca(2+) in a dose-dependent manner, with a K(1/2) of 230 nM. Thus, Ca(2+) appears to activate the bestrophin Cl(-) channel without going through a freely diffusible messenger or through protein phosphorylation. Because the activation and deactivation kinetics were very slow, however, we cannot exclude the involvement of a membrane-associated messenger. 相似文献
Macroscopic Na currents were recorded from N18 neuroblastoma cells by the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique. Inactivation of the Na currents was removed by intracellular application of proteolytic enzymes, trypsin, alpha-chymotrypsin, papain, or ficin, or bath application of N-bromoacetamide. Unlike what has been reported in squid giant axons and frog skeletal muscle fibers, these treatments often increased Na currents at all test pulse potentials. In addition, removal of inactivation gating shifted the midpoint of the peak Na conductance-voltage curve in the negative direction by 26 mV on average and greatly prolonged the rising phase of Na currents for small depolarizations. Polypeptide toxins from Leiurus quinquestriatus scorpion and Goniopora coral, which slow inactivation in adult nerve and muscle cells, also increase the peak Na conductance and shift the peak conductance curve in the negative direction by 7-10 mV in neuroblastoma cells. Control experiments argue against ascribing the shifts to series resistance artifacts or to spontaneous changes of the voltage dependence of Na channel kinetics. The negative shift of the peak conductance curve, the increase of peak Na currents, and the prolongation of the rise at small depolarization after removal of inactivation are consistent with gating kinetic models for neuroblastoma cell Na channels, where inactivation follows nearly irreversible activation with a relatively high, voltage-independent rate constant and Na channels open only once in a depolarization. As the same kind of experiment does not give apparent shifting of activation and prolongation of the rising phase of Na currents in adult axon and muscle membranes, the Na channels of these other membranes probably open more than once in a depolarization. 相似文献
Xiao YF Ke Q Wang SY Yang Y Wang GK Morgan JP Leaf A 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2001,281(1):45-52
Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) prevent ischemia-induced fatal cardiac arrhythmias in animals and probably in humans. This action results from inhibition of ion currents for Na+, Ca2+, and possibly other ions. To extend understanding of this protection we are seeking a possible binding site for the PUFAs on the alpha-subunit of the human cardiac Na+ channel, hH1alpha, transiently expressed in HEK293t cells. Three mutated single amino acid substitutions with lysine were made in the alpha-subunit at Domain 4-Segment 6 (D4-S6) for F1760, Y1767 and at D1-S6 for N406. These are in the putative sites of binding of local anesthetics and batrachotoxin, respectively. The mutants F1760K, Y1767K, and N406K, separately and to different extents, affected the current density, the steady-state inactivation potential, accelerated inactivation, delayed recovery from inactivation, and affected voltage-dependent block, but did not affect activation of the hH1alpha. It is essential to learn that single point mutations in D1-S6 and D4-S6 alone significantly modify the kinetics of human cardiac hH1alpha Na+ currents. The effects of PUFAs on these mutant channels will be the subject of subsequent reports. 相似文献
Gating kinetics of batrachotoxin-modified Na+ channels in the squid giant axon. Voltage and temperature effects.

The gating kinetics of batrachotoxin-modified Na+ channels were studied in outside-out patches of axolemma from the squid giant axon by means of the cut-open axon technique. Single channel kinetics were characterized at different membrane voltages and temperatures. The probability of channel opening (Po) as a function of voltage was well described by a Boltzmann distribution with an equivalent number of gating particles of 3.58. The voltage at which the channel was open 50% of the time was a function of [Na+] and temperature. A decrease in the internal [Na+] induced a shift to the right of the Po vs. V curve, suggesting the presence of an integral negative fixed charge near the activation gate. An increase in temperature decreased Po, indicating a stabilization of the closed configuration of the channel and also a decrease in entropy upon channel opening. Probability density analysis of dwell times in the closed and open states of the channel at 0 degrees C revealed the presence of three closed and three open states. The slowest open kinetic component constituted only a small fraction of the total number of transitions and became negligible at voltages greater than -65 mV. Adjacent interval analysis showed that there is no correlation in the duration of successive open and closed events. Consistent with this analysis, maximum likelihood estimation of the rate constants for nine different single-channel models produced a preferred model (model 1) having a linear sequence of closed states and two open states emerging from the last closed state. The effect of temperature on the rate constants of model 1 was studied. An increase in temperature increased all rate constants; the shift in Po would be the result of an increase in the closing rates predominant over the change in the opening rates. The temperature study also provided the basis for building an energy diagram for the transitions between channel states. 相似文献
Patch clamp recordings from neonatal cardiac Na+ channels treated with N-bromoacetamide (NBA, 5–50 x 10-mol/l) showed modified Na+ channel activity. By chemical removal of inactivation, repetitive openings with an increased life time and burst-like activity occurred. NBA-modified Na+ channels differ in life time and may attain either a slightly (mean open time 3.1±0.2 ms) or a strongly (mean open time 15.2±1.4 ms) prolonged open state. This strongly suggests a heterogeneous population of NBA-modified Na+ channels in newborn rat cardiocytes. 相似文献
The NaK channel is a cation selective channel with similar permeability for K+ and Na+. The available crystallographic structure of wild-type (WT) NaK is usually associated with a conductive state of the channel. Here, potential of mean force for complete conduction events of Na+ and K+ ions through NaK show that: i), large energy barriers prevent the passage of ions through the WT NaK structure, ii), the barriers are correlated to the presence of a hydrogen bond between Asp-66 and Asn-68, and iii), the structure of NaK mutated to mimic cyclic nucleotide-gated channels conducts Na+ and K+. These results support the hypothesis that the filter of cation selective channels can adopt at least two different structures: a conductive one, represented by the x-ray structures of the NaK-CNG chimeras, and a closed one, represented by the x-ray structures of the WT NaK. 相似文献
Summary In inside-out patches from cultured neonatal rat heart cells, single Na+ channel currents were analyzed under the influence of the cardiotonic compound DPI 201-106 (DPI), a putative novel channel modifier. In absence of DPI, normal cardiac single Na+ channels studied at –30 mV have one open state which is rapidly left with a rate constant of 826.5 sec–1 at 20°C during sustained depolarization., Reconstructed macroscopic currents relax completely with 7 to 10 msec. The current decay fits a single exponential. A considerable percentage of openings may occur during relaxation of the macroscopic current. In patches treated with 3×10–6
m DPI in the pipette solution, stepping to –30 mV results in drastically prolonged and usually repetitive openings. This channel activity mostly persists over the whole depolarization (usually 160 msec in duration) but is abruptly terminated on clamping back the patch to the holding potential. Besides these modified events, apparently normal openings occur. The open time distribution of DPI-treated Na+ channels is the sum of two exponentials characterized by time constants of 0.85 msec (which is close to the time constant found in the control patches, 1.21 msec) and 12 msec. Moreover, DPI-modified Na+ channels exhibit a sustained high, time-independent open probability. Similar to normal Na+ channels, the mean number of open DPI-modified Na+ channels is voltage-dependent and increases on shifting the holding potential in the hyperpolarizing direction. These kinetic changes suggest an elimination of Na+ channel inactivation as it may follow from an interaction of DPI with Na+ channels. 相似文献
Inactivation of single cardiac Na+ channels in three different gating modes. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1

In small cell-attached patches containing one and only one Na+ channel, inactivation was studied in three different gating modes, namely, the fast-inactivating F mode and the more slowly inactivating S mode and P mode with similar inactivation kinetics. In each of these modes, ensemble-averaged currents could be fitted with a Hodgkin-Huxley-type model with a single exponential for inactivation (tauh). tauh declined from 1.0 ms at -60 mV to 0.1 ms at 0 mV in the F mode, from 4.6 ms at -40 mV to 1.1 ms at 0 mV in the S mode, and from 4.5 ms at -40 mV to 0.8 ms at +20 mV in the P mode, respectively. The probability of non-empty traces (net), the mean number of openings per non-empty trace (op/tr), and the mean open probability per trace (popen) were evaluated at 4-ms test pulses. net inclined from 30% at -60 mV to 63% at 0 mV in the F mode, from 4% at -90 mV to 90% at 0 mV in the S mode, and from 2% at -60 mV to 79% at +20 mV in the P mode. op/tr declined from 1.4 at -60 mV to 1.1 at 0 mV in the F mode, from 4.0 at -60 mV to 1.2 at 0 mV in the S mode, and from 2.9 at -40 mV to 1.6 at +20 mV in the P mode. popen was bell-shaped with a maximum of 5% at -30 mV in the F mode, 48% at -50 mV in the S mode, and 16% at 0 mV in the P mode. It is concluded that 1) a switch between F and S modes may reflect a functional change of inactivation, 2) a switch between S and P modes may reflect a functional change of activation, 3) tauh is mainly determined by the latency until the first channel opening in the F mode and by the number of reopenings in the S and P modes, 4) at least in the S and P modes, inactivation is independent of pore opening, and 5) in the S mode, mainly open channels inactivate, and in the P mode, mainly closed channels inactivate. 相似文献