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The breakdown and decomposition of two species of deciduous leaf litter, Fagus sylvatica L. and Salix viminalis L. and two species of aquatic macrophyte Isoetes lacustris L. and Potamogeton perfoliatus L. were examined in an oligotrophic lake. In all cases plant litter in coarse mesh litter bags lost significantly more material than the fine mesh after 1 years submergence in the lake. This however was considered to be the result of physical environmental factors and microbial activity rather than animal processing. The litter was ranked in order of fastest to slowest rates of decay as follows — Isoetes, Potamogeton, Salix and Fagus. Decomposition processes proceeded at a relatively slow rate as a result of low temperatures and low phosphate and mineral ion concentration. The results suggested that there was an accumulation of organic material in the lake.  相似文献   

1. Channel complexity affects the physical structure, biotic communities and functioning of stream ecosystems. Large wood (LW) is a key element in the creation and maintenance of physically complex stream channels in forested areas. 2. In an attempt to enhance stream habitat quality and ecosystem functioning and to reduce inputs of organic matter to a downstream reservoir, LW was experimentally introduced into four mountain streams in the Basque Country (northern Spain), ranging in channel width from 3 to 13 m. Following a before–after/control–impact (BACI) design, streams were monitored during 1 year prior to wood addition and during 2 years after addition in one control and one experimental reach per stream. 3. Areal cover of benthic organic matter in the entire channel was measured from regular transects and the mass of stored organic matter from random Surber samples. Breakdown of organic matter was assessed in litter bag experiments performed with black alder leaves. When 50% of the initial mass in the bags remained, invertebrates associated with leaf bags were collected. 4. Wood placement produced a 2‐ to 70‐fold increase in the storage of organic matter, especially in thick deposits upstream from wood jams, with values in excess of 2 kg AFDM per m2 in the small streams. The accumulation of organic matter produced by wood introduction decreased with increasing stream size. 5. Despite the large increase in the availability of organic matter, litter breakdown rates were unaffected by the experimental reaches, suggesting large increases in the total amount of organic matter consumed at the reach scale. 6. Numbers of invertebrates and shredders per gram of leaf litter did not respond to wood addition. Average body mass of invertebrates associated with leaf litter showed a non‐significant decreasing trend, which might reflect increased recruitment. 7. Although the effects of wood addition can depend on wood stability and stream size, adding LW to restore channel complexity can improve environmental conditions for invertebrate communities and affect stream ecosystem functioning, enhancing the efficiency to use organic matter inputs on a reach scale.  相似文献   

1. We used a litter bag technique to assess the effect of catchment land-use (forest, wetland, agriculture, urban) on the processing of red maple ( Acer rubrum L.) litter in 17 streams in Maine, U.S.A. Litter processing by fungi was predicted to increase with nutrient concentrations along a gradient of land use, from relatively unmodified to highly modified. Litter processing by litter-shredding macroinvertebrates was predicted to decline along this gradient because of a decline in their taxonomic richness and biomass.
2. Land use was associated with the anticipated gradient in nutrient and macroinvertebrate attributes, and a significant relationship was found between land use and nitrate concentration. There was, however, no significant relationship between land use and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration. Similarly, shredder taxonomic richness was significantly related to land use type, whereas shredder biomass showed no significant relationship to land use.
3. Attributes of the shredder assemblage structure and nutrient concentrations were both strong determinants of litter processing. Increasing biomass and taxonomic richness of shredders was significantly related to increasing rates of litter mass loss. Increasing concentrations of nitrate and SRP were significantly related to increasing rates of litter softening below threshold concentrations (approximately 0.20 mg NO3-N L–1 and 5 μg SRP L–1).
4. The potentially additive effects of nitrate and SRP concentrations or shredder richness and biomass on litter processing rates were confounded by the lack of significant correlation between these pairs of variables. Consequently, rates of litter processing (as rates of softening or mass loss) did not vary systematically among different land use regimes.  相似文献   

1. The organic matter dynamics of streams dominated by herbs and grass on their banks are poorly understood, despite the fact that such streams are common worldwide. Further, herbs and grasses can provide large quantities of detritus to stream food webs, and particularly small streams can be heavily shaded by overhanging vegetation, perhaps limiting in‐stream primary production. 2. We quantified the standing crop of edge vegetation and associated macroinvertebrate communities along three headwater streams with herbaceous and grass riparian vegetation on agricultural land in the Piedmont of Maryland, U.S.A., measured the decomposition of four common species of herbs and grasses using experimental leaf packs, and removed edge vegetation experimentally to determine the effect of shading on benthic algal production. 3. Large standing crops of plant material (average range: 68–276 g ash‐free dry mass per m−2), composed largely of monocotyledons, were found at all three study streams. These values are similar to those for coarse particulate organic matter in deciduous forested streams in the eastern U.S.A. In addition, diverse assemblages of shredding macroinvertebrates were observed at all three study sites. 4. Decomposition of the herbs was faster than that of the grasses, and both decomposed faster than most deciduous tree leaf litter. The decomposition rates of the herbs and grasses were significantly related to leaf quality as measured by leaf nitrogen content. Macroinvertebrate shredders colonized all experimental leaf packs, and the colonization of the herbs was faster than that of the grasses. 5. The accrual of chlorophyll‐a after the removal of shading vegetation was faster than that measured prior to removal as well as that in an unmanipulated control reach. 6. Given that the standing crop of organic matter in streams with herbs and grass along their banks was similar to that in forested streams, that the organic matter was rich in nitrogen and used by detritivores, and riparian shading limited algal growth, we suggest that herbaceous and grass plant material may be an important allochthonous food resource in such systems.  相似文献   

Input, storage, export potential, and system-level processing of coarse organic matter were investigated in the intermittent streams that drain the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM). BBWM is a paired catchment study investigating ecosystem effects of atmospheric N and S deposition. We predicted that the increased N loading to the treatment catchment would elevate input of organic matter, result in higher levels of coarse organic matter biomass, and increase litter processing rates in the treatment stream relative to the reference stream. We found that the streams draining BBWM did not have statistically different coarse organic matter input, biomass, or processing rates and we found only modest differences in export potential. System-level processing rates for maple (Acer spp.) litter were similar to rates previously quantified using litterbag methods. However, system-level processing rates for American beech (Fagus grandifolia) litter were an order of magnitude faster than rates measured with litterbags. This difference was likely due to movements of these leaves from riffle/runs and pools into debris dams, rather than differences in measurements of leaf tissue processing rates between methods. Organic matter dynamics of the intermittent streams at BBWM were similar to other forested, headwater streams. Our results indicate that the long-term N manipulation experiment at BBWM has not altered input, storage or processing of coarse organic matter in the treatment stream. Physical characteristics of these stream ecosystems appear to regulate organic matter dynamics rather than differences in nutrient chemistry.  相似文献   

1. We measured responses in macroinvertebrate secondary production after large wood additions to three forested headwater streams in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. These streams had fine‐grained sediments and low retention capacity due to low amounts of in‐channel wood from a legacy of past logging. We predicted that wood addition would increase macroinvertebrate secondary production by increasing exposed coarse substrate and retention of organic matter. 2. Large wood (25 logs) was added haphazardly to a 100‐m reach in each stream, and a 100‐m upstream reach served as control; each reach was sampled monthly, 1 year before and 2 years after wood addition (i.e. BACI design). Macroinvertebrate secondary production was measured 1 year after wood addition in two habitat types: inorganic sediments of the main channel and debris accumulations of leaf litter and small wood. 3. Overall macroinvertebrate production did not change significantly because each stream responded differently to wood addition. Production increased by 22% in the main‐channel of one stream, and showed insignificant changes in the other two streams compared to values before wood addition. Changes in main‐channel macroinvertebrate production were related to small changes in substrate composition, which probably affected habitat and periphyton abundance. Macroinvertebrate production was much greater in debris accumulations than in the main‐channel, indicating the potential for increased retention of leaf litter to increase overall macroinvertebrate production, especially in autumn. 4. Surrounding land use, substrate composition, temperature and method of log placement are variables that interact to influence the response of stream biota to wood additions. In most studies, wood additions occur in altered catchments, are rarely monitored, and secondary production is not a common metric. Our results suggest that the time required for measurable changes in geomorphology, organic matter retention, or invertebrate production is likely to take years to achieve, so monitoring should span more than 5 years, and ecosystem metrics, such as macroinvertebrate secondary production, should be incorporated into restoration monitoring programs.  相似文献   

1. Scant information is available on leaf breakdown in streams of arid and semiarid regions, including the Mediterranean, where environmental heterogeneity can be high and the relationship between stream characteristics and leaf breakdown is poorly known. We tested the hypotheses that differences in leaf breakdown metrics would be substantially higher between mountain and lowland Mediterranean streams than among streams within each subregion and that variability among streams would be substantially higher in the lowlands, because permanent reaches in the semiarid lowland streams are rare and isolated. 2. We compared leaf breakdown and associated dynamics of nutrients, fungi and invertebrates in low‐order Mediterranean streams draining sub‐humid forests in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and nearby semiarid lowlands of south‐eastern Spain. Streams differed between the two subregions mainly in water ion content, temperature and riparian tree cover. We detected higher environmental heterogeneity among streams within the lowlands compared to the Sierra Nevada mountain range. In the lowlands, breakdown coefficients (k) of alder leaves spanned almost the entire range reported for this species from temperate streams, overlapping with less variable breakdown coefficients in the Sierra Nevada. 3. The high variability of k values among the lowland sites appeared to be caused primarily by variability in the composition and abundance of a few leaf‐consuming invertebrate taxa, particularly the snail Melanopsis praemorsa. Fungal and nutrient dynamics were less variable among sites within each subregion. 4. These results indicate that the critical condition for stream functional assessment of well‐constrained breakdown rates, or related metrics, could be met at reference sites within homogenous bio‐geo‐climatic regions such as the Sierra Nevada. By contrast, in heterogeneous areas such as the semiarid lowland streams, natural variability of breakdown rates can greatly exceed the magnitude of effects expected in response to anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of leaf decay, leaf-associated macroinvertebrate community structure, leaf-associated microbial activity and physicochemical stream characteristics were investigated on a mid-Michigan headwater stream in summer. An undisturbed wooded site was compared with two agriculturally perturbed sites. Discharge, total suspended particulates, and nutrients were all higher and more variable throughout the season within the agricultural reaches. Leaf decay rates were higher at the agricultural sites and results suggest discharge abrasion was the major leaf processing mechanism at these sites while microbial decay and macroinvertebrate shredding appear to be the primary mediators of leaf weight loss at the wooded site. Total macroinvertebrate densities on leaf packs at the agricultural sites were 1.9 times the densities at the wooded site. It is suggested that experimentally introduced leaf packs acted as a lure for net-spinning invertebrates limited by stable substratum at the agricultural sites. Species shifts were observed from wooded reaches where Pychnopsyche spp., Gammarus, Ephemeroptera, Bezzia, and Nigronia serricornis were important, to downstream agricultural reaches which were dominated by Cheumatopsyche, Chironomidae, Elmidae, Hydracarina, Hemerodromia, and Caecidotea.  相似文献   

In connection with the liming of an acid lake in southern Norway, a series of litter bags was placed in a pH-gradient in the limed lake and a nearby unlimed lake. During the experiments, which lasted two years, no significant differences in decomposition rates between the various localities at the same depth were noticed. The chironomid collector Tanytarsus pallidicornis was the dominant invertebrate species in the benthic samples. This demonstrates the importance of fine particulate organic matter as a food source in the lake. Collector dominance was lower in the leaf packs, which consisted mostly of coarse particulate organic matter. A poor fauna of detritus grazers probably contributed to the unchanged rates of decomposition of the leaves after liming.  相似文献   

The loss of riparian forests can disrupt the structure and function of lotic ecosystems through increased habitat homogenization and decreased resource diversity. We conducted a field experiment and manipulated structural complexity and basal resource diversity to determine their effect on multiple aspects of community and food‐web structure of degraded tropical streams. In‐stream manipulations included the addition of woody debris (WD) and the addition of wood and leaf packs (WLP). The addition of structural complexity to degraded streams promoted detritus retention and had a positive effect on stream taxonomic richness, abundance and biomass. At the conclusion of the experiment, abundance and richness in the WD‐treated reaches increased by over 110% and 80%, respectively, while abundance and richness in the WLP‐treated reaches increased by over 280% and 170% respectively. Wood debris and leaves were consumed only by few taxa. Detritivorous taxa were the most abundant trophic guild at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. Food webs in treated reaches were relatively more complex in terms of links and species at the conclusion of the experiment, with highest maximum food chain length in the WD treatments and highest number of trophic species, links, link density, predators and prey at the WLP treatment. Despite differences observed in diet‐based food webs, there was little variation in isotopic niche space, likely due to the high degree of omnivory and trophic redundancy, which was attributed to the importance of fine detritus that supported a broad range of consumers. Even in these degraded streams, aquatic taxa responded to the addition of increased complexity suggesting that these efforts may be an effective first step to restoring the structure and function of these food webs.  相似文献   

Benthic invertebrates, litter decomposition, andlitterbag invertebrates were examined in streamsdraining pine monoculture and undisturbed hardwoodcatchments at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in thesouthern Appalachian Mountains, USA. Bimonthlybenthic samples were collected from a stream draininga pine catchment at Coweeta during 1992, and comparedto previously collected (1989–1990) benthic data froma stream draining an adjacent hardwood catchment. Litter decomposition and litterbag invertebrates wereexamined by placing litterbags filled with pine ormaple litter in streams draining pine catchments andhardwood catchments during 1992–1993 and 1993–1994. Total benthic invertebrate abundance and biomass inthe pine stream was ca. 57% and 74% that of thehardwood stream, respectively. Shredder biomass wasalso lower in the pine stream but, as a result ofhigher Leuctra spp. abundance, shredderabundance was higher in the pine stream than thehardwood stream. Decomposition rates of both pine andred maple litter were significantly faster in pinestreams than adjacent hardwood streams (p<0.05). Total shredder abundance, biomass, and production weresimilar in maple bags from pine and hardwood streams. However, trichopteran shredder abundance and biomass,and production of some trichopteran taxa such asLepidostoma spp., were significantly higher in maplelitterbags from pine streams than hardwood streams(p<0.05). In contrast, plecopteran shredders(mainly Tallaperla sp.) were more important inmaple litterbags from hardwood streams. Shredderswere well represented in pine litterbags from pinestreams, but low shredder values were obtained frompine litterbags in hardwood streams. Resultssuggest conversion of hardwood forest to pinemonoculture influences taxonomic composition of streaminvertebrates and litter decomposition dynamics. Although the impact of this landscape-leveldisturbance on invertebrate shredder communitiesappeared somewhat subtle, significant differences indecomposition dynamics indicate vital ecosystem-levelprocesses are altered in streams draining pinecatchments.  相似文献   

Riparian forests play an important role in stream ecosystems, as they support biodiversity, reduce water erosion, and provide litter that fuels aquatic biota. However, they are affected by great array of anthropogenic threats (e.g., fire, logging, and organic pollution), which alter species composition and their physical structure. Although forest recovery after disturbance such as logging can take decades, the legacy of forest clear-cut logging on key processes in tropical riparian ecosystems is mostly unknown. Here, we investigated how litter inputs (leaves, twigs, and reproductive parts) and storage, key processes for carbon and nutrient recycling and for forest and stream biota, are influenced by riparian vegetation undergoing succession (after 28 years from logging) through the comparison of reference and logged forest sites in the Cerrado biome. Litterfall was overall similar between forest types, but litterfall of twigs was twofold higher at logged than reference sites. Similarly, litter inputs from the bank to the stream (i.e., lateral inputs) and streambed storage were 50–60% higher at logged than reference sites. The higher litterfall observed in logged forests could be related to higher proportion of tree species that are characteristic of primary and secondary successional stages, including fast-growing and liana species, which often are more productive and common in anthropogenic areas. Our results showed that the legacy impact of clear-cut logging, even if residual woody vegetation is maintained in riparian buffers, can shift the type, quantity, and seasonality of litter subsidies to tropical streams. This knowledge should be considered within the context of management and conservation of communities and ecosystem processes in the forest-stream interfaces.  相似文献   

  1. Although extreme hydrological events are a natural component of river ecosystem disturbance regimes, their frequency is predicted to increase with climate change. Anthropogenic activities have the potential to exacerbate the impact of such disturbances but there are few studies on the combined effects of both anthropogenic and extreme hydrological disturbances on stream ecosystems.
  2. We investigated the recovery of stream ecosystems over a 5-year period following the impact of an anthropogenic (forest clear-cut harvesting) and an extreme rainfall disturbance (estimated one-in-100 year average return interval) that generated debris flows in three headwater streams in New Zealand.
  3. Initially, most of the riparian vegetation was eliminated and showed little recovery 1 year later. Subsequent riparian recovery was led by wind-borne, light-demanding, pioneering exotic weed species, lengthening and altering the long-term successional and recovery trajectories to a pre-disturbance composition of indigenous shrubs.
  4. Stream shade, water temperature, and habitat had largely recovered after 5 years. However, the contribution of large wood to channel morphology and in-stream habitat was compromised due to diminished wood supplies in the stream channel and a hiatus in up-slope wood inputs until the riparian vegetation re-establishes and the next crop of trees matures.
  5. After an initial decline, most indigenous fish taxa thrived in the post-disturbance conditions, with significant increases in densities and biomass. The more sensitive fish taxa were scarce or absent, particularly those taxa that prefer pools with overhead and in-stream cover provided by riparian vegetation and wood. Recovery of these taxa was outside the time frame of this study. Riffle dwelling fish communities were more resilient than pool dwelling fish communities.
  6. Invertebrate densities showed a similar response to fish. Post-event invertebrate community composition differed from that typically found in post-harvest headwater streams, comprising comparatively lower proportions of Chironomidae, Oligochaetes, and Mollusca taxa, and higher proportions of Trichoptera taxa. Progression toward pre-event community composition was evident 5 years after the event.
  7. The compounding effect of forest removal from harvesting, along with riparian vegetation and wood removal by debris flows, lengthened the recovery of riparian vegetation and wood supplies with cascading effects on in-stream habitat and biological communities.

The impact of a drought on freshwater snail and trematode communities was investigated in a lake. Before the drought, 15 gastropod species (Valvatidae, Planorbidae, Lymnaeidae, Ancylidae, Physidae) and 10 trematode species (cercariaeum, xiphidiocercariae, echinostome, furcocercariae, notocotyle, lophocercous) were recorded. The rate of parasitism was 5.13% and there were 11 host species. The 2 major consequences of desiccation were the disappearance of snails, except Valvata piscinalis and Lymnaea peregra, and the absence of trematodes infecting the surviving snails. As soon as favourable conditions were restored, the littoral area was recolonized, first by hygrophilic and amphibious species, second by aquatic species. Nine months after the drought, the gastropod community was restored. Recolonization by the trematodes was delayed compared with that of gastropods. During the study, the overall prevalence was equal to 0.36% and only 4 trematode species and 5 host species were recorded. Because of the great variability of freshwater ecosystems, long-term studies are necessary to understand the dynamics of snail and trematode populations and determine the regulatory effect of parasitism in the field.  相似文献   

From December 1996 to August 1997, beech litter breakdown and stream benthic macroinvertebrate communities were investigated to assess the effects of acidic precipitation on community structure and function in two second-order headwater streams of the Vosges Mountains (NE France). Because of microscale changes in bedrock mineral composition, one of the streams was acidified (mean pH=4.53, mean total Al=421 g.l-1) and the other circum-neutral (mean pH=7.23, mean total Al=36 g.l-1). Results showed that both litter breakdown rate and macroinvertebrate community structure were drastically affected under acidic conditions. The rate of leaf litter breakdown decreased by nine times in the acidic stream. Benthic sampling showed that scrapers were totally eradicated and both gathering and filtering collectors were drastically reduced. Such drastic effects appear to be the consequences of the toxicity of acid water including both proton and aluminum toxicity. A decrease in shredder abundance and a shift from the efficient acid-sensitive Amphipoda Gammarus fossarum to acid-tolerant Nemouroidea (mainly Leuctra sp.) was observed in the acidic stream. Our results indicate that freshwater acidification significantly alters the action of shredders processing leaf litter in the acidic stream. Consequently, interactions between structural and functional responses to acidification probably have profound consequences on the efficiency of acidified stream ecosystems, which in return may alter downstream functioning.  相似文献   

Pristine peatlands are carbon (C)‐accumulating wetland ecosystems sustained by a high water table (WT) and consequent anoxia that slows down decomposition. Persistent WT drawdown as a response to climate and/or land‐use change affects decomposition either directly through environmental factors such as increased oxygenation, or indirectly through changes in plant community composition. This study attempts to disentangle the direct and indirect effects of WT drawdown by measuring the relative importance of environmental parameters (WT depth, temperature, soil chemistry) and litter type and/or litter chemical quality on the 2‐year decomposition rates of above‐ and belowground litter (altogether 39 litter types). Consequences for organic matter accumulation were estimated based on the annual litter production. The study sites were chosen to form a three‐stage chronosequence from pristine (undrained) to short‐term (years) and long‐term (decades) WT drawdown conditions at three nutrient regimes. The direct effects of WT drawdown were overruled by the indirect effects through changes in litter type composition and production. Short‐term responses to WT drawdown were small. In long‐term, dramatically increased litter inputs resulted in large accumulation of organic matter in spite of increased decomposition rates. Furthermore, the quality of the accumulated matter greatly changed from that accumulated in pristine conditions. Our results show that the shift in vegetation composition as a response to climate and/or land‐use change is the main factor affecting peatland ecosystem C cycle, and thus dynamic vegetation is a necessity in any model applied for estimating responses of C fluxes to changing environment. We provide possible grouping of litter types into plant functional types that the models could utilize. Furthermore, our results clearly show a drop in soil summer temperature as a response to WT drawdown when an initially open peatland converts into a forest ecosystem, which has not yet been considered in the existing models.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to measure the impact of benthic invertebrate diversity on processes occurring at the water-sediment interface. We analyzed the effects of interactions between three shallow water species (Cerastoderma edule, Corophium volutator, and Nereis diversicolor). The impacts of different species richness treatments were measured on sediment reworking, bacterial characteristics, and biogeochemical processes (bromide fluxes, O2 uptake, nutrient fluxes, and porewater chemistry) in sediment cores. The results showed that the three species exhibited different bioturbation activities in the experimental system: C. edule acted as a biodiffusor, mixing particles in the top 2 cm of the sediments; C. volutator produced and irrigated U-shaped tubes in the top 2 cm of the sediments; and N. diversicolor produced and irrigated burrow galleries in the whole sediment cores. C. edule had minor effects on biogeochemical processes, whereas the other species, through their irrigation of the burrows, increased the solute exchange between the water column and the sediment two-fold. These impacts on sediment structure and solute transport increased the O2 consumption and the release of nutrients from sediments. As N. diversicolor burrowed deeper in the sediment than C. volutator, it irrigated a greater volume of sediments, with great impact on the sediment cores.Most treatments with a mixture of species indicated that observed values were often lower than predicted values from the addition of the individual effects of each species, demonstrating a negative interaction among species. This type of negative interaction measured between species on ecosystem processes certainly resulted from an overlap of bioturbation activities among the three species which lived and foraged in the same habitat (water-sediment interface). All treatments with N. diversicolor (in isolation and in mixture) produced similar effect on sediment reworking, water fluxes, nutrient releases, porewater chemistry, and bacterial characteristics. Whichever species associated with N. diversicolor, the bioturbation activities of the worm hid the effect of the other species. The results suggest that, in the presence of several species that use and modify the same sediment space, impact of invertebrates on ecosystem processes was essentially due to the most efficient bioturbator of the community (N. diversicolor). In consequence, the functional traits (mode of bioturbation, depth of burrowing, feeding behaviour) of an individual species in a community could be more important than species richness for some ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

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