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The hypothesis that ubiquitous, sticky transparent exopolymerparticles (TEP) formed from phytoplankton exudates will adhereto and coat the feeding structures of marine zooplankton grazers,and thus depress feeding on phytoplankton, was tested usingthe euphausiid, Euphausia pacifica, as a model organism. Duringtwo feeding experiments, E.pacifica were offered cells of thediatom Thalassiosira weissflogii, TEP, or both TEP and T.weissflogiicells. Ingestion rates on cells were lower in the presence ofTEP. However, contrary to the hypothesis, grazing on cells wasnot inhibited by TEP. Rather, TEP-clusters, aggregates whichformed from TEP and nano-sized particles normally too smallfor the filtering apparatus of E.pacifica to retain, servedas an alternative food source for E.pacifica, reducing theiringestion of cells. These clusters were very similar in formto the TEP actually available to marine grazers in nature. TEP-clusterswere similar to cells in size and food quality, and were grazedat similar rates. When feeding on TEP-clusters, euphausiidsshort circuit the food web by feeding on nano- and picoplanktondirectly, bypassing the microbial loop. Thus, the presence ofTEP appears to enhance, rather than depress, macrozooplanktongrazing.  相似文献   

We investigated the feeding rhythm and diel vertical migrationof Euphausia pacifica in coastal waters of north-eastern Japanin September 2000. The euphausiids arrived at the surface earlyin the night and sank just after satiation. Gut pigment contentsand stomach fullness were higher in the food-rich surface layerat night than in the food-poor deep layer during the day. Feedingactivity of E. pacifica during daytime was low even if foodorganisms were abundant in the ambient water in the top 50 m.Therefore, the feeding rhythm of E. pacifica is explained bydecreased feeding activity during the day rather than by reducedfood availability.  相似文献   

Quinoxaline and benzimidazole derivatives obtained from L-rhamnose and L-fucose under deoxygenated, weakly acidic, heated conditions were studied using GLC, HPLC, and NMR.

Four quinoxalines and one benzimidazole were obtained from L-rhamnose (RHA-I, II, III, III′, and IV) and L-fucose (FUA-I, II, III, IV, and V) in an acidic solution (MeOH-AcOH-H2I = 8 : 1 : 2) at 80°C. The total yield of the products as sugar was about 80% from either rhamnose or fucose.

The structure of RHA-I was (2′S)-2-methyl-3-(2′-hydroxypropyl)quinoxaline; RHA-II, (2′R,3′S)-2-(2′,3′-dihydroxybutyl)quinoxaline; RHA-III, (1′S,2′S,3′S)-2-(1′2′3′-trihydroxybutyl)quinoxaline[2-(L-arabino-1′,2′,3′-trihydroxybutyl)quinoxaline]; RHA-III′, 2-(L-ribo-1′,2′,3′-trihydroxybutyl)quinoxaline; and RHA-IV, 2-(L-manno-1′,2′,3′,4′-tetrahydroxypentyl)-benzimidazole, and the structure of FUA-I was the same as RHA-I; FUA-II, (2′S, 3′S)-2-(2′, 3′-dihydroxybutyl)quinoxaline; FUA-III, (1′R, 2′R, 3′S)-2-(1′,2′,3′-trihydroxybutyl)quinoxaline [2-(L-xylo-1′,2′,3′-trihydroxybutyl)quinoxaline; FUA-IV, 2-(L-lyxo-1′,2′,3′-trihydroxybutyl)-quinoxaline; and FUA-V, 2-(L-galacto-1′,2′,3′,4′-tetrahydroxypentyl)benzimidazole. These results suggest no significant difference for the pathways of quinoxaline and benzimidazole formation between L-rhamnose and L-fucose. Possible pathways are proposed for each sugar.  相似文献   

Growth (assessed from intermolt period and molt increment) andmetabolism (oxygen consumption) of the post-larva of Euphausiapacifica from the southern Japan Sea were determined at sevengraded temperatures ranging from 1 to 25°C. The intermoltperiod shortened progressively as temperature increased from1 to 20°C, but an effect of temperature on molt-to-moltgrowth increment was not seen. Oxygen consumption rates wereaccelerated by the increase in temperature up to 20°C. Beyond20°C, E.pacifica exhibited reduced oxygen consumption anddied within 1 day without molting. After removing the effectof body size, the relationships between growth rate and temperature,and between oxygen consumption rate and temperature, were established.The carbon budget was calculated as a function of temperature.Because of differential effects of temperature on growth andmetabolism, the net growth efficiency [K2 growthx100/(growth+metabolism)]changed with temperature. The optimum temperature at which E.pacificaattained the maximum K2 was 11.4°C, which was derived fromcalculation of cumulative carbon invested in growth and metabolismin this animal. In an alternative method, the optimum temperaturewas obtained mathematically by solving a set of differentialequations. The biological and ecological significance of theoptimum temperature which leads to the maximum K2 is discussed.  相似文献   

Euphausia pacifica were collected in the Yellow Sea in summer(August, 1997) and winter (February, 1998), and their distributionwas investigated in terms of the developmental stages in relationto environmental factors (temperature, salinity and chlorophylla). In summer, the water column was highly stratified with athermocline between 10–30 m depth, whereas the water columnwas well mixed in winter. Seasonal variation in temperaturewas large, ranging between 6.3 and 28.8°C in summer and3.9 and 12.2°C in winter. Chlorophyll a concentration changedlittle seasonally but a high concentration was observed in coastalareas. Salinity in the two seasons varied little spatio-temporally.In the studied area and sampling period, E.pacifica was themost dominant euphausiid species (99.7 and 99.8% in summer andwinter, respectively), and comprised adults and juveniles (74.6%in summer and 41.9% in winter), furcilia (17.5 and 44.9%) andcalyptopis (7.9 and 13.1%). The spatial distribution of theE.pacifica population varied seasonally depending on developmentalstage and appeared to be related primarily to the seawater temperatureand secondly to the chlorophyll a concentration, but not tosalinity. In summer, adults were abundant in areas below 10°C,and furcilia and calyptopis above 9°C. In winter, adultswere confined to areas between 7 and 10°C, and furciliaand calyptopis, to areas between 6 and 8°C. Furcilia andcalyptopis were concentrated in the vicinity, or at the centerof chlorophyll a-rich water masses, whereas adults seemed toavoid those water masses.  相似文献   

Grazing and metabolism of Euphausia pacifica in the Yellow Sea were studied from September 2006 to August 2007. Euphausia pacifica is a selective-feeding omnivore and grazing rates among different months were monitored using a Coulter Counter and batch culture feeding experiments. Euphausia pacifica mainly grazed microzooplankton in August and September, which resulted in an increase in chlorophyll a concentration. Oxygen consumption rate of E. pacifica was 38.7–42.5 μmol O2 g-1 DW h-1 in March, which was four times higher than the oxygen consumption rates in September and December. The vigorous metabolism of E. pacifica in March consumed 3.1% of body carbon daily, which is likely related to its high reproduction and grazing rate. Respiration and metabolism of E. pacifica in September and December were similar and were lower. O:N ratio of E. pacifica was the highest (17.3–23.8) in March when spawning activity occurred and when food was abundant. The energetic source of E. pacifica during September and December was mostly protein from eating a carnivorous diet, including such items as microzooplankton. Euphausia pacifica was found in cold water at the bottom of the Yellow Sea in summer and autumn and maintained a low consumption status. O:N ratios of E. pacifica in March, September, and December were negatively correlated with SSTs and no significant correlation was found between O:N ratios and chlorophyll a concentration. Seawater temperature is clearly the most important parameter influencing the metabolism of E. pacifica.  相似文献   

There is a clear distinction in the feeding habits of fishes between the northeastern and southeastern Arabian Sea (west coast of India) — the north is carnivorous, and the south is planktivorous —, but such a distinction is not available for the western Bay of Bengal (BoB; comprising the east coast of India and the coasts of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh). We address this question by using publicly available landing data of finfishes for the four Indian states (Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, and West Bengal) located along the western boundary of the BoB. Our analysis shows that the southwestern BoB is rich in fisheries and is more planktivorous compared to the northwestern BoB, which is more carnivorous. North–south variability exists even within the group of fishes such as anchovies and carangids. The meagre landing information for Sri Lanka and Bangladesh suggests that they show planktivorous and carnivorous characteristics of the southwestern and northwestern BoB, respectively. We show that monthly data and clarity on where the fish were caught are necessary to link the climatic conditions to the fishery along the western BoB. The landings on the Arabian-Sea and Gulf-of-Mannar part of the Tamil Nadu coast must be separated from the landings on its BoB coast. This separation can not be done with existing landing data and should be the first step in analysing fisheries data from the western BoB. The challenges in delineating the distribution of finfishes using available data illustrated here deliver guidance for future data collection and analysis at higher spatial and temporal scales for sustainable fisheries resource management in the region.  相似文献   

Velocity measurements were performed for the flow field generated by tethered krill Euphausia pacifica. The particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique was used to measure the velocity field in vertical planes aligned with the krill body axis. The krill generates a narrow jet-like flow behind and below the pleopods (roughly 25° below horizontal). The volume of fluid moving at greater than 10% of the maximum velocity near the pleopods is roughly 18 times larger than the volume of the krill. Thus, the hydrodynamic disturbance occupies a significantly larger region than the animal body. Other krill, sensing the flow disturbance, may take advantage of the flow induced by a neighbor to locate a mate or to draft for efficient propulsion.  相似文献   

Velocity measurements were performed for the flow field generated by tethered krill Euphausia pacifica. The particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique was used to measure the velocity field in vertical planes aligned with the krill body axis. The krill generates a narrow jet-like flow behind and below the pleopods (roughly 25° below horizontal). The volume of fluid moving at greater than 10% of the maximum velocity near the pleopods is roughly 18 times larger than the volume of the krill. Thus, the hydrodynamic disturbance occupies a significantly larger region than the animal body. Other krill, sensing the flow disturbance, may take advantage of the flow induced by a neighbor to locate a mate or to draft for efficient propulsion.  相似文献   

Avoidance of nets by Euphausia pacifica was investigated inDabob Bay, WA. Differential catches were found to be a resultof the vibrational signal of the tow cable ahead of the net.Daylight was not a proximal factor but rather exerted an indirecteffect by changing the depth distribution of the euphausiids.Net avoidance varied as a function of animal size and couldbias size distribution estimates as well as abundance estimates.Plummet nets with minimum turbulence and vibration in, and aheadof, the mouth are recommended for sampling euphausiids untilbetter technology becomes available. Some size and species distributionsof euphausiids in Dabob Bay are reported.  相似文献   

Summary To evaluate the effects of decaying animals on small-scale horizontal distribution of meiobenthos in muddy habitats, a laboratory experiment was performed at the Askö Laboratory in the northwestern Baltic Sea. A microcosm (35×55×28 cm) containing a ca. 7-cm thick layer of sieved (0.5 mm) sublittoral mud was established in June 1990. Three months later specimens of the bivalve Macoma balthica were collected and killed in boiling water. The sediment inside the microcosm was implanted with empty shell, empty shell and dead animal or left alone. At the end of the experiment (17 days) visual examination of the microcosm revealed black spots at the sediment surface where dead animals had been implanted. The densities of nematodes, the most abundant group (98%), were not significantly different between areas. However total non-nematode fauna was found in much lower numbers (P<0.01) in the black spot areas. A multivariate analysis (detrended correspondence ordination) of nematode species abundance data separated samples from the black spot areas from the others. Of the 25 nematode species recorded in the microcosm, there was a significant difference between areas for four species. The decaying animals clearly attracted Monhystera disjuncta which was almost 6 times as abundant in the black spot areas compared to control and shell areas. Both the overall dominant species, Leptolaimus elegans and Calomicrolaimus honestus were found in lower numbers in the areas of dead Macoma than in control and shell areas. Sabatieria pulchra was found in lower numbers in the control areas compared to shell and dead animal areas. The overall structure of the nematode assemblage indicated a shift to lower dominance in the dead animal areas and it is speculated that decomposing animal tissue may be of primary importance regarding spatial distribution of meiobenthos.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess if there was trophic niche overlap of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (H. nobilis) in four large freshwater ecosystems from southern China using stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (δ13C and δ15N). Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) on the δ13C and δ15N values measured from muscle tissue indicates trophic niche overlap in one unproductive and one highly productive large system and trophic niche segregation in two systems with moderate watershed size and productivity. For these two coexisting planktivorous fish, which were hitherto believed to occupy different trophic niches, this study demonstrated that the degree of their trophic niche overlap varied according to ecosystem properties.  相似文献   

Fernandez‐Leborans, G. 2011. Epibionts on the krill (Euphausia pacifica) from the E coast of Japan. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 : 1–10. Specimens of Euphausia pacifica collected from shallow waters of the E coast of Japan showed ciliate epibionts belonging to two suctorian species: Ephelota plana and Gymnodinioides sp. The epibionts were present in a total of 27 anatomical units of E. pacifica, in numbers fluctuating between 8 and 80 individuals per basibiont. Gymnodinioides showed the highest mean number of epibionts. The presence–absence of epibionts indicated some specificity of the species by different locations on the basibiont body, which is corroborated by the analysis of the colonization throughout the longitudinal axis of the basibiont. Ephelota plana was recorded by the first time on E. pacifica, while Gymnodinioides sp. extended its geographical area with respect to previous studies. Morphological, taxonomical features of the species and the statistical analysis of their spatial distribution on E. pacifica are included.  相似文献   

The distribution of euphausiids and other macrozooplankton wasinvestigated in and around the Kuroshio front formed in theKa.shima-nada Sea. Japan. during the summer of 1993. Zooplanktonwere dominated by copepods, chaetognaths and euphausiids. andtheir biomass was significantly higher at the frontal stations.Eighteen species belonging to six genera of euphausiids werecollected. The species composition and community structure ofeuphausiids changed drastically with the ‘areas’corresponding to the hydrological conditions. In the area underthe influence of the Kuroshio. most euphausiids were warm-waterspecies. In contrast. euphausiids found in the frontal areawere those usually predominating in subarctic or cold Oyashiowaters. In the area of the warm water tongue. where warm Kuroshiowater lay above cold Oyashio water, the species compositionof euphausiids represented a mixture of both warm- and cold-waterspecies. Surface aggregations of Euphausia pacifica were observedin the frontal area during the night. The biomass and densityof the aggregations ranged between 90 and 136 mg C m–3and 164 and 238 md. m–3 respectively. These aggregationswere mostly made up of immature individuals of < 12 mm. Passivetransportation by convergent flow at the front seems to explainthe observed surface aggregations of E.pacifica.  相似文献   

Miura  T. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,200(1):567-579
Stocking silver carp, a phytoplankton feeder, and bighead carp, an omnivorous plankton feeder, into an eutrophic lake at high densities caused a dramatic change in the lake ecosystem.Microcystis, which had been dominant in summer and a main food of the fishes decreased markedly, and green algae smaller than 10 μm then became dominant. Consequently, chlorophyll-a per unit area decreased slightly, while the rate of production was higher than that in the previous years. As the total density of the fishes increased (from 0.09 to 0.11 fish m−2), the growth of silver carp was retarded, while that of bighead carp increased.Microcystis, was unable to become dominant due to increased grazing pressure by the fishes, and small green algae became dominant. The lake conditions thus became more favourable for zooplankters which selectively consumed small green algae, and accordingly, the production of zooplankton rose. Bighead carp consumed more animal food, which they assimilate at a higher rate than plant food, and grew better in spite of the fact that the fish density increased. The feeding rate of silver carp was greatly reduced because the green algae were too small to ingest, and the fish therefore grew poorly. Results of a computer simulation of a model consisting of five compartments, representing the blue-green algae, green algae, zooplankton, silver and bighead carp, support the food-web change observed in the lake.  相似文献   

Synopsis We examined the feeding behaviors and selectives of two common planktivorous fishes, pumpkinseeds Lepomis gibbosa and fathead minnows Pimephales promelas in the laboratory. Ingestion rates for both pumpkinseeds and fathead minnows feeding on zooplankton increased as a function of fish length. Pumpkinseeds fed on zooplankton strictly as particulate feeders, with preferences increasing as a function of zooplankton body size regardless of taxonomic identity. Preferences were highest for large Daphnia, intermediate for intermediate-sized copepods, and lowest for small Ceriodaphnia. Fathead minnows displayed the ability to use both particulate-feeding and filter-feeding behaviors. Differential preferences tended to reflect both zooplankton size and taxon, being highest for large, slow-swimming Daphnia, intermediate for small Ceriodaphnia, and lowest for faster-swimming copepods. These differences in prey capture behaviors and preferences of the two fishes are reflected in the zooplankton taxonomic composition of small ponds containing each fish type. The crustacean zooplankton assemblages in ponds containing both pumpkinseeds and fathead minnows were dominated by copepods. Cladocerans were rare. In ponds containing pumpkinseeds, but no fathead minnows, cladocerans were abundant, generally accounting for up to 80% of total crustacean zooplankton biomass. These results suggest that the type of planktivore, and not simply the presence or abundance of planktivores in a system, can determine zooplankton community structure.  相似文献   

The Lake Victoria ecosystem once hosted a diverse fish community dominated by a large species flock of haplochromine cichlids. Today this fish assemblage is highly altered by anthropogenic activities, with at least half of the indigenous species either extinct or very rare. The fauna and flora of the tropic’s largest lake are still in flux, and little is known about even the most basic ecological questions, such as the source of carbon and nitrogen for its spectacular productivity. The actual food-web structure is difficult to determine with results based on traditional gut analysis. At the moment both scientists and conservationists are at odds as to whether there is any evidence of functional replacement or functional overlap amongst the resilient pelagic fishes of Lake Victoria. This study used a static stable isotope model to investigate the source of carbon and the extent of the trophic overlap amongst three pelagic fishes, Rastrineobola argentea, ssichromis laparogramma and Y. fusiformis in the Kenyan waters of Lake Victoria. The δ 13C of plants ranged from ?8.8 to ?24.6 $\permil$, while fishes ranged from ?18.6 to ?24.5 $\permil$, suggesting assimilation of mostly C3 sources for the fish species. On the basis of the isotope model, it is evident that Yssichromis laparogramma, Yssichromis fusiformis , and Rastrineobola argentea obtained from 90 to 97.5$%$, with an average of 94.2$%$, of their food from the same trophic level. The very high degree of overlap in the effective trophic level of these three zooplanktivores has important ecological and conservation implications.  相似文献   

Zooplankton in the ocean respond to visual and hydro-mechanical cues such as small-scale shear in turbulent flow. In addition, they form strong aggregations where currents intersect sloping bottoms. Strong and predictable tidal currents over a sill in Knight Inlet, Canada, make it an ideal location to investigate biological behaviour in turbulent cross-isobath flow. We examine acoustic data (38, 120 and 200 kHz) collected there during the daylight hours, when the dominant zooplankters, Euphausia pacifica have descended into low light levels at ~90 m. As expected, these data reveal strong aggregations at the sill. However, they occur consistently 10-20 m below the preferred light depth of the animals. We have constructed a simple model of the flow to investigate this phenomenon. Tracks of individual animals are traced in the flow and a variety of zooplankton behaviours tested. Our results indicate that the euphausiids must actively swim downward when they encounter the bottom boundary layer (bbl) to reproduce the observed downward shift in aggregation patterns. We suggest that this behaviour is cued by the small-scale shear in the bbl. Furthermore, this behaviour is likely to enhance aggregations found in strong flows at sills and on continental shelves.  相似文献   

Diel pattern of pelagic distribution and feeding in planktivorous fish   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Erik Bohl 《Oecologia》1979,44(3):368-375
Summary The spatial distribution of juvenile roach (Rutilus rutilus), rudd (Scardinius erythrophtalamus), bream (Abramis brama) and bleak (Alburnus alburnus) was registered by echosounding during two years in small Bavarian lakes. The gut contents of the fish were analysed in order to reconstruct their rhythmicity of food intake. Fish were found in the pelagic zone only during the night, feeding before midnight with maximal rate. The vertical position of the fish was dependent on the water transparency following a light intensity in the order of 10-3 Lux. The diel migration between littoral and pelagic zones was a mainly horizontal one with a vertical component. Both the speed of increase of fish density in the open water and of the vertical movement was correlated to the speed of change of light intensity. Shoals broke up into single fish during the offshore migration. The span of presence in the pelagic zone was identical with the duration of the dark period. During winter no diel migration nor periodical feeding took place.  相似文献   

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