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ABSTRACT.   Megapodes are unique in using only heat from the environment, rather than body heat, to incubate their eggs as well as the precocious independence of their chicks on hatching. Of 22 recognized species of megapodes, 9 are listed as threatened due to factors including habitat loss and fragmentation, and predation on eggs and chicks. Orange-footed Scrubfowl ( Megapodius reinwardt ) are conspicuous components of the Oriental/Austral avifauna that inhabit the monsoon forests of the Lesser Sunda chain of islands in Indonesia. We examined the abundance, patterns of distribution, physical characteristics, seasonal activity, and predation risk of incubation mounds of Orange-footed Scrubfowl on Komodo Island in eastern Indonesia. We surveyed 13 valleys on Komodo Island from April 2002 to January 2005 and located 113 tended and 107 untended incubation mounds. Densities of scrubfowl mounds in our study were similar to that reported by investigators during the 1970s, suggesting little change in the scrubfowl population since then. Most scrubfowl mounds were on sandy or loamy soils in open monsoon forest with little overhead shade, and placement of mounds in such areas may ensure adequate temperatures for egg incubation. Although some mounds were tended during all months, mound use peaked during the late wet season in March. During the dry season (April–November), only a few mounds were tended. Komodo dragons ( Varanus komodoensis ) and wild pigs ( Sus scrofa ) were the primary predators of scrubfowl eggs, with no indication of egg predation by humans. The valley with the largest number of untended mounds in our study also had the largest number of active Komodo dragon nests. This suggests an effect of Komodo dragons on scrubfowl numbers, but additional study is needed.  相似文献   

We report the first evidence for a nesting colony of Mesozoic birds on Gondwana: a fossil accumulation in Late Cretaceous rocks mapped and collected from within the campus of the National University of Comahue, Neuquén City, Patagonia (Argentina). Here, Cretaceous ornithothoracine birds, almost certainly Enanthiornithes, nested in an arid, shallow basinal environment among sand dunes close to an ephemeral water-course. We mapped and collected 65 complete, near-complete, and broken eggs across an area of more than 55 m2. These eggs were laid either singly, or occasionally in pairs, onto a sandy substrate. All eggs were found apparently in, or close to, their original nest site; they all occur within the same bedding plane and may represent the product of a single nesting season or a short series of nesting attempts. Although there is no evidence for nesting structures, all but one of the Comahue eggs were half-buried upright in the sand with their pointed end downwards, a position that would have exposed the pole containing the air cell and precluded egg turning. This egg position is not seen in living birds, with the exception of the basal galliform megapodes who place their eggs within mounds of vegetation or burrows. This accumulation reveals a novel nesting behaviour in Mesozoic Aves that was perhaps shared with the non-avian and phylogenetically more basal troodontid theropods.  相似文献   

对鸟类巢期的研究不仅可以丰富鸟类繁殖生物学资料,也可为理解和研究鸟类的生态适应与进化提供重要线索和依据。2013—2014年3月份至7月份,在若尔盖湿地保护区及周边对55对繁殖黑颈鹤的营巢时长进行了研究,调查结果显示:黑颈鹤的营巢时长在0.5—40 d之间,平均巢期为(6.7±9.3)d;在其营造的4种巢型中,巢期长短依次为:泥堆巢草堆巢草墩巢岛地巢,且差异性极显著(P0.001),巢期与巢型显著相关(r=0.728);在其营巢的3种巢址生境中,巢期长短依次为:湖泊生境沼泽生境河流生境,且差异性极显著(P0.001),巢期与巢址生境显著相关(r=0.315);从不同营巢月份看,巢期长短依次为:4月份巢5月份巢6月份巢,且差异性极显著(P0.01),巢期与筑巢月份显著相关(r=0.664);巢期与巢体积大小具有显著相关性(r=0.856),即营巢时间越长巢体积越大。黑颈鹤的营巢时间长短主要受营巢生境、月份和做巢类型的影响。  相似文献   

The mound building ant Formica exsecta Nyl. is widely distributed in grassland ecosystems of the Central European Alps. We studied the impact of these ants on seed bank and vegetation patterns in a 11 ha subalpine grassland, where we counted over 700 active ant mounds. The mounds showed a distinct spatial distribution with most of them being located in tall‐grass, which was rarely visited by ungulates (red deer; Cervus elaphus L.). Heavily grazed short‐grass, in contrast, seemed to be completely avoided by ants as only few mounds were found in this vegetation type. The species composition of the ant mound and grassland seed banks was quite similar, i.e. from 15 common plant species 12 were found in both seed bank types. We found the same proportions of myrmecochorous seeds in ant mound and grassland soil samples. In contrast, the number of seeds was 15 times higher in mound compared with the grassland soil samples. Also, the vegetation growing on ant mounds significantly differed from the vegetation outside the mounds: graminoids dominated on ant mounds, herbaceous and myrmecochorous species in the grassland vegetation. We found significant continuous changes in vegetation composition on gradients from the ant mound centre to 1 m away from the mound edge. Overall, F. exsecta was found to have a considerable impact on seed bank and vegetation patterns in the grassland ecosystem studied. These insects not only altered grassland characteristics in the close surrounding of their mounds, but also seem to affect the entire ecosystem including, for example, the spatial use of the grassland by red deer.  相似文献   

Termite mounds contribute to the spatial heterogeneity of ecological processes in many savannas, but the underlying patterns and determinants of mound distributions remain poorly understood. Using the Carnegie Airborne Observatory (CAO), we mapped the distribution of termite mounds across a rainfall gradient within a river catchment (~ 27 000 ha) of the Kruger National Park, South Africa. We assessed how different factors were associated with the distribution and height of termite mounds at three spatial scales: the entire catchment, among three broad vegetation types, and on individual hillslope crests. Abiotic factors such as the underlying geology and mean annual precipitation shaped mound densities at broad scales, while local hillslope morphology strongly influenced mound distribution at finer scales, emphasising the importance of spatial scale when assessing mound densities. Fire return period had no apparent association with mound densities or height. Mound density averaged 0.46 mounds ha?1, and exhibited a clustered pattern throughout the landscape, occurring at relatively high densities (up to 2 mounds ha?1) on crests, which are nutrient‐poor elements of the landscape. Mounds exhibited significant over‐dispersion (even spacing) at scales below 60 m so that evenly spaced aggregations of termite mounds are embedded within a landscape of varying mound densities. The tallest mounds were found in dry savanna (500 mm yr?1) and were positively correlated with mound density, suggesting that dry granitic savannas are ideal habitat for mound‐building termites. Mound activity status also varied significantly across the rainfall gradient, with a higher proportion of active (live) mounds in the drier sites. The differential spacing of mounds across landscapes provides essential nutrient hotspots in crest locations, potentially sustaining species that would otherwise not persist. The contribution to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning that mounds provide is not uniform throughout landscapes, but varies considerably with spatial scale and context.  相似文献   

Dr. Karl Krainer 《Facies》1995,33(1):195-214
Summary A heretofore undocumented example of skeletal mounds formed by the dasycladacean algaAnthracoporella spectabilis is described from mixed carbonate-clastic cycles (Auernig cyclothems) of the Late Carboniferous (Gzhelian) Auernig Group of the central Carnic Alps in southern Austria. The massive mound facies forms biostromal reef mounds that are up to several m thick and extend laterally over more than 100 m. The mound facies is developed in the middle of bedded limestones, which are up to 16 m thick. These limestones formed during relative sea-level highstands when clastic influx was near zero. The mound facies is characterized by well developed baffler and binder guilds and does not show any horizontal or vertical zonation. Within the massive mound faciesAnthracoporella is frequently found in growth position forming bafflestones and wackestones composed of abundantAnthracoporella skeletons which toppled in situ or drifted slightly.Anthracoporella grew in such profusion that it dominated the available sea bottom living space, forming ‘algal meadows’ which acted as efficient sediment producers and bafflers. BecauseAnthracoporella could not provide a substantial reef framework, and could not withstand high water turbulence, the biostromal skeletal mounds accumulated in shallow, quiet water below the active wave base in water depths less than 30 m. The massive mound facies is under- and overlain by, and laterally grades into bedded, fossiliferous limestones of the intermound facies, composed mainly of different types of wackestones and packstones. Individual beds containAnthracoporella andArchaeolithophyllum missouriense in growth position, forming “micromounds’. Two stages of mound formation are recognized: (1) the stabilization stage when bioclastic wackestones accumulated, and (2) the skeletal mound stage when the sea-bottom was colonized byAnthracoporella and other members of the baffler and binder guilds, formingAnthracoporella bafflestones and wackestones of the mound facies. A slight drop in sea-level led to the termination of the mound growth and accumulation of organic debris, particularly calcareous algae, fusulinids, crinoids and bryozoans, forming well bedded limestones, which overlie the mound facies  相似文献   

Summary Several Waulsortian-type mud mounds nearly 500 m thick and about 5 km long occur in the Middle Paleozoic carbonate section of the Aktur nappe in the mountains on the right bank of Isfara river. These buildups form a well developed barrier system that stretches along the South Ferganian carbonate platform margin and divides the carbonate complex into a fore-reef and a back-reef part. The time of the mounds' most active growth was from the Late Silurian (Ludlow) to the Middle Devonian (Eifel). Three main facies types can be recognized in the mud mounds: 1. micritic core facies, 2. sparitic flank facies and 3. loferitic capping facies. The central massive or crudely bedded part of the mounds consists of white or light grey clotted micrite. Macrofossils are rare. The sparitic flank facies in contrast consists of coarse and densely packed crinoidal wackestone-floatstones with some brachiopod shell debris. Solitary rugose corals, tabulate corals, stromato-poroids and fragments of mollusks are also abundant. The tops of the mounds are usually covered with loferitic pelmicrites or oolitic grainstone caps. Stromatactis-like structures are very rare and poorly developed in the South Ferganian mud mounds. However, almostin all such mounds horizons of calcitic breccias can be found. In order to explain all the features found in the Fergana mounds an ‘atoll-like’ model has been proposed which starts the evolution of the mud mounds with a small nucleus bioherm. The main stage of the evolution corresponds to an atoll-like structure developing on the surface of shallow water platforms. White clotted micrite of the mound core facies is interpreted as a accumulation of fine-grained sediment in an inner lagoon flanked by crinoidal bar deposits. The mound flank facies represents the atoll rim deposits from where the carbonate mud is derived. The capping loferitic facies is considered as tidal flat deposit that developed on top of the buildups during the last stage of its evolution. The knoll shape of the mounds is explained by the retreat of the atoll flanking crinoidal bars back into the inner lagoon during the rise in sea level. Stromatactis-like structures of small cavities filled with sparry calcite owe their existence to burrowing organisms. Calcitic breccias are interpreted as paleokarst collapse breccias. They indicate that the tops of the mud mound became subaerially exposed. Other evidence for a subaerial exposure can be seen in the occurrence of Variscian ‘black and white’ limestone gravel on the tops of some mud mounds. According toWard et al. (1970) these sediments were produced above the sea level at the edge of hypersaline lakes situated on islands.  相似文献   

Male Australian brush-turkeys, Alectura lalhami, in southeastQueensland, Australia, exhibited five different patterns ofincubation mound ownership. These related to the process ofmound acquisiton (whether by construction or usurpation) andthe number of mounds (one or two) maintained by males per breedingseason. Mound ownership appeared to be a prerequisite for matingsuccess. A common alternative mating tactic exhibited by numerousmoundless males involved interloping on the mounds of othermales; none of these were successful in obtaining copulations.The males most successful in receiving visits from laying femaleswere those maintaining two mounds: these males received a meanof 34 eggs, compared with 18 eggs received by males buildingone mound. Males that rebuilt after initial expulsion receivedeight eggs per season. Males appeared able to maximize theirmating success by reducing the number of alternative incubationsites by expelling other males, and to minimize the extremeenergetic costs of mound construction by usurping establishedmounds.  相似文献   

本文研究了矮蒿草草甸上高原酚鼠土丘的出现率及其对植被的覆盖状况,土丘高度的下降及其直径的变化,土丘植物地上生物量和土丘营养元素含量。高原鼢鼠土丘出现率为242个/只/年,合土壤干重为1023.82公斤/只/年,对植被的覆盖面积高达22.53平方米/只/年。土丘在地表滞留时间约1年,处于不同演替阶段植被区域内出现的土丘,其植物地上生物量间的差异显著。5月前,在原生植被区出现的土丘,经4个月后,土丘边缘形成环状富草区,士丘边缘至中心区形成环状贫草区,而土丘中心仍处于无草状况。在次生植被区上的土丘则无此现象。新土丘除速效钾的含量与对照区无显著差异外,速效氮、磷的含量显著地高于对照区。旧土丘土壤中的速效氮、磷、钾含量均低于新土丘,但氮、磷的含量仍高于对照区。  相似文献   

The Mound-building mouse Mus spicilegus possesses a unique behaviour amongst mice. It constructs large earthen mounds and associated nesting chambers which serve to store food for immature individuals during the winter nesting period. We have used genetic analysis of four autosomal and four X-linked microsatellite loci to determine relationships between individuals inhabiting 40 mounds in Bulgaria. We show that, in almost all cases, individuals in a mound are the product of multiple parentage. We estimate the minimum number of males and female parents contributing offspring to each mound and demonstrate that at least two male and two female parents contribute offspring to a minimum of seven mounds. Analyses of relatedness coefficients and allele sharing values demonstrate that parents of different sibships within mounds are more related than if they had been chosen at random from the population and suggest that it is the female parents that contribute this excess relatedness. These results suggest that the mechanism by which individuals congregate to build mounds is kin-based and that the evolution of mound building and communal nesting in M. spicilegus is due in part to kin selection. This study represents a novel approach to the study of mammalian behavioural ecology. We have used a genetic dataset to construct an outline of social structure in the absence of behavioural data. These inferences can now be used to direct further work on this species.  相似文献   

Termite mounds are a widespread feature in most African savannas. These structures exhibit high nutrient contents and often host a special vegetation composition. In this study, we analysed mound distribution patterns of a fungus-growing termite species, Macrotermes michaelseni, an important ecosystem engineer in the savannas of Namibia. Inhabited mounds taller than 0.7 m were regularly distributed. We view this pattern as a result of intraspecific competition. The heights of mounds taller than 0.7 m were correlated positively with their distance, such that mounds closer together, i.e. up to inter-mound distances of approximately 50 m, tended to be smaller than average. This indicates that intraspecific competition for foraging areas controls mound distribution pattern and colony size. Differences between mound heights increased on the spatial scale up to inter-mound distances of 80 m. We assume that the foundation of new colonies is only possible in unoccupied patches. In such patches, young colonies are able to occur close together as they have a relatively low foraging demand and therefore a low spatial demand. In contrast, their critical distance to taller colonies with higher foraging demands is rather large, which leads to the observed increasing difference of mound heights with increasing distances between them.  相似文献   

Summary Lower Devonian mud mounds and stromatactis fabrics are exceptionally well exposed in quarry walls and industrially sawed blocks in the Montagne Noire in southern France. Interlayered red biomicrites and white to grey sparitic calcites form mounds up to 70 m high. The red biomicrites contain predominantly bryozoans, sponges and echinoderms. The sparitic layers show typical features of stromatactis fabrics, as outlined byBathurst (1982). We recognize two types of stromatactis fabrics: (1) Stromatactis type A: exentsive cavity systems filled by multiple cement generations, which are interpreted to be related to microbial mats, and (2) Stromatactis type B: smaller patches of blocky spar which are mainly diagenetic in origin, but show characteristic features of stromatactis. Type A is far more important in terms of rock volume. The cyclic interlayering of red biomicrites and sparitic layers is supposed to result from frequent changes in the composition of the mound biota. The bryozoan/sponge community was displaced by short term propagations of microbial mats during times of extremely low sedimentation. Sedimentation and thus the biotic community was probably determined by high frequency (6th order) sea level changes. Despite these changes, mound growth continued, because once established the ecological advantage over the surroundings was maintained by both communities alternating with each other. The microbial mats and the cavities they left after their decay were important for the stabilization of the mounds, the latter allowing for enormous quantities of dissolved carbonate to be transported and precipitated. We anticipate a close interrelation between mound formation and stromatactis formation, and we believe that it is not incidential that both, mud mounds and stromatactis, are mainly restricted to the same interval, namely the Paleozoic.  相似文献   

Male Australian brush-turkeys, Alectura lathami, provide allparental care by building and tending large incubation mounds.Females visit and lay eggs in the mounds of several males sequentially,but they provide no parental care after laying. Because malesand females meet only briefly at mounds to copulate and lay,males have no obvious means of ensuring paternity. I used DNAfingerprinting techniques to determine paternity for 65 brush-turkeychicks. Eighteen chicks (27.7%) did not match the mound-tendingmale. Some of these paternity exclusions were evidently causedby females switching rapidly from one mound to another, butthe majority (23.1% of eggs) appeared to result from femalescopulating with males other than the one in whose mound theywere currently laying. However, the frequency of these copulations(43%) was much lower than the estimated frequency with whichthey fertilized eggs, perhaps because their timing during theovulatory cycle differed relative to most other copulations.The percentage of eggs excluded in paternity analyses rangedfrom 20.0% to 43.8% for individual males but did not appearto affect male parental care. Several factors favor male parentalcare regardless of paternity. Males can accommodate eggs fromseveral females in one mound, which increases the opportunitiesfor additional matings without increasing the cost of parentalcare. In addition, paternity appears to be unpredictable andhard to assess, and a facultative reduction in care would bedifficult without abandoning a mound entirely.  相似文献   

Takeshi Takegaki 《Hydrobiologia》2003,510(1-3):147-152
Female Valenciennea longipinnis construct a conspicuous rubble mound on a burrow after spawning while the paired male tends eggs in the burrow until hatching occurs. The mound has a function of promoting water-exchange in the burrow through hydrodynamic effects, contributing to prevention of the male egg-desertion by reducing his parental costs. Although higher mounds are more effective in water exchange, they cost females much work after spawning. In this study, I investigated effects of six ecological and environmental factors on the mound height, i.e., female parental investment. Multiple regression analysis indicated that only female body size could explain the female parental investment: larger females tended to construct higher mounds. The size-assortative mound building suggests that the females strive to construct mounds as high as they can irrespective of the other ecological and environmental factors. Because current strength and oozing of underground water fluctuated even in a day, females may be obliged to construct high mounds on the basis of the worst condition.  相似文献   

The Porcupine Seabight Challenger Mound is the first carbonate mound to be drilled (∼270 m) and analyzed in detail microbiologically and biogeochemically. Two mound sites and a non-mound Reference site were analyzed with a range of molecular techniques [catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH), quantitative PCR (16S rRNA and functional genes, dsrA and mcrA ), and 16S rRNA gene PCR-DGGE] to assess prokaryotic diversity, and this was compared with the distribution of total and culturable cell counts, radiotracer activity measurements and geochemistry. There was a significant and active prokaryotic community both within and beneath the carbonate mound. Although total cell numbers at certain depths were lower than the global average for other subseafloor sediments and prokaryotic activities were relatively low (iron and sulfate reduction, acetate oxidation, methanogenesis) they were significantly enhanced compared with the Reference site. In addition, there was some stimulation of prokaryotic activity in the deepest sediments (Miocene, > 10 Ma) including potential for anaerobic oxidation of methane activity below the mound base. Both Bacteria and Archaea were present, with neither dominant, and these were related to sequences commonly found in other subseafloor sediments. With an estimate of some 1600 mounds in the Porcupine Basin alone, carbonate mounds may represent a significant prokaryotic subseafloor habitat.  相似文献   

1. Termites are important ecosystem engineers that improve primary productivity in trees and animal diversity outside their mounds. However, their ecological relationship with the species nesting inside their mounds is poorly understood. 2. The presence of termite cohabitant colonies inside 145 Cornitermes cumulans mounds of known size and location was recorded. Using network‐theoretical methods in conjunction with a suite of statistical analyses, the relative influence of biotic and abiotic drivers of termite within‐mound diversity on the composition and species richness of the termite community was investigated, specifically builder presence and physical aspects of the mound. 3. We found that richness inside the mound increases with mound size, and the species similarity between mounds decreases with distance. The physical attributes (abiotic drivers) of termite mounds (size and relative distance to other mounds) are the strongest predictors of termite species richness and composition. The biotic driver (presence of a builder colony) has an important, though smaller, negative effect on within‐mound termite species richness. 4. The findings suggest that the termites' physical manipulation of their environment is an important driver of within‐mound community diversity. More generally, the approach taken here, using a combination of statistical and network‐theoretical methods, can be used to determine the relative importance of abiotic and biotic drivers of diversity in a wide range of communities of interacting species.  相似文献   

Territorial lapwings in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, largely prevented carrion crows, (Corvus corone), their main egg predators, from approaching close to nest-sites and from entering the area within an aggregation of 11 nests. Predation rates of artifical nests were significantly lower when placed within 10 m of active lapwing nests than when>200 m from nest-sites, indicating that the presence of lapwings afforded protection from crow predation. Further artificial nest experiments showed that the amount of protection declined linearly with increasing distance from the nest-site, and some degree of protection occurred to at least 30–50 m from it. The size of this protected zone was apparently related to the number of lapwing nests present, and the survival time of eggs in artificial nests reflected the lapwings' nesting density. The defended zones around each lapwing nest overlapped appreciably in dense or large nesting aggregations, leading to the observed protection by generally excluding crows, from the nesting area.  相似文献   

The wild 'Alala (Corvus hawaiiensis) population has been declining for many years, and only a few pairs of birds are currently reproductively active on the island of Hawaii. A recovery program was initiated in 1993 which included removing eggs from wild nesting birds for artificial rearing and reintroduction. This paper describes the artificial incubation and hand-rearing techniques. Eleven eggs were removed from three nesting pairs; eight were fertile, and seven hatched and were hand-reared (fertility, 72.7%; hatchability, 87.5%; survivability, 100%). Eggs were incubated in a forced-air incubator at 99.5°F (dry bulb), 80.0–86.0°F (wet bulb), and hatched under still-air conditions at 99.0°F (dry bulb) and 88.0–90°F (wet bulb). Hatched chicks were hand-fed a diet of fruit, insects, and mouse pups. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Most bird eggs have evolved a suite of remarkably consistentadaptations for appropriate exchanges of respiratory gases andwater vapor during incubation in nests above ground. Howeverunderground incubation is associated with selective forces differentfrom those operating at the surface. New information from mound-buildingbirds living reptiles and extinct dinosaurs shows comergentadaptations to nest atmospheres that are high in CO2 low inO2 and nearly saturated with water vapor. High humidity eliminatesthe danger of excessive dehydration so gas conductance of theeggshell may be higher than normal, as a compensation for theunusual nest gases. In contrast with embryos of birds that nextabove ground and initiate breathing inside the shell, thoseof megapode birds lack an aircell and can breathe only afterthe shell is broken. Extreme precocity of megapode chicks isrelated to long incubation time and large energy stores in theegg. Because the material around a buried nest restricts diffusionthe size of the nest must be limited to prevent intolerablegas tensions adjacent to the eggs. This effect may have forcedcertain large reptiles to separate their layings into severalclutches and some megapodes to actively ventilate their mounds.  相似文献   

DARRYL JONES 《Ibis》1988,130(2):251-260
Environmental characteristics associated with siting of the incubation mounds of the megapode, the Australian Brush-turkey Alectura lathami were investigated in three rainforest locations in southeast Queensland. Seventeen environmental variables were measured for 52 mounds and 137 non-mound sites. Most mounds were constructed on top of old mounds which had not been used during the previous year. A Discriminant Function Analysis obtained a clear separation between mound and non-mound sites, based primarily on three variables: (1) the number of saplings growing within the mound or centre of the site: this was considered to be a result of the germination of seeds raked in earlier years; (2) the proportion of Lantana camara thicket occupying the site. Approximately half of the mounds constructed during a season were abandoned by their constructor due to expulsion by a neighbouring male. Brush-turkeys could more easily establish mounds next to thickets since the efficiency of defence by other males was reduced in these areas; and (3) the openness of the canopy. Areas with greater canopy cover provided two important mound resources: a good supply of leaf litter, and protection of the mound from dessication.  相似文献   

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