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Peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)), a reactive nitrogen species, is capable of nitrating tyrosine residue of proteins. Here we show in vitro evidence that plant phenolic compounds can also be nitrated by an ONOO(-)-independent mechanism. In the presence of NaNO(2), H(2)O(2), and horseradish peroxidase (HRP), monophenolic p-coumaric acid (p-CA, 4-hydroxycinnamic acid) was nitrated to form 4-hydroxy-3-nitrocinnamic acid. The reaction was completely inhibited by KCN, an inhibitor for HRP. The antioxidant ascorbate suppressed p-CA nitration and its suppression time depended strongly on ascorbate concentration. We conclude that nitrogen dioxide radical (NO(2)(radical)), but not ONOO(-), produced by a guaiacol peroxidase is the intermediate for phytophenolic nitration.  相似文献   

Oxidatively- or enzymatically-modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is intimately involved in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis. The in vivo modified LDL is electro-negative (LDL) and consists of peroxidized lipid and unfolded apoB-100 protein. This study was aimed at establishing specific protein modifications and conformational changes in LDL assessed by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) and circular dichroism analyses, respectively. The functional significance of these chemical modifications and structural changes were validated with binding and uptake experiments to- and by bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC).The plasma LDL fraction showed increased nitrotyrosine and lipid peroxide content as well as a greater cysteine oxidation as compared with native- and total-LDL. LC/MS/MS analyses of LDL revealed specific modifications in the apoB-100 moiety, largely involving nitration of tyrosines in the α-helical structures and β2 sheet as well as cysteine oxidation to cysteic acid in β1 sheet. Circular dichroism analyses showed that the α-helical content of LDL was substantially lower (∼25%) than that of native LDL (∼90%); conversely, LDL showed greater content of β-sheet and random coil structure, in agreement with unfolding of the protein. These results were mimicked by treatment of LDL subfractions with peroxynitrite (ONOO) or SIN-1: similar amino acid modifications as well as conformational changes (loss of α-helical structure and gain in β-sheet structure) were observed. Both LDL and ONOO-treated LDL showed a statistically significant increase in binding and uptake to- and by BAEC compared to native LDL. We further found that most binding and uptake in control-LDL was through LDL-R with minimal oxLDL-R-dependent uptake. ONOO-treated LDL was significantly bound and endocytosed by LOX-1, CD36, and SR-A with minimal contribution from LDL-R.It is suggested that lipid peroxidation and protein nitration may account for the mechanisms leading to apoB-100 protein unfolding and consequential increase in modified LDL binding and uptake to and by endothelial cells that is dependent on oxLDL scavenger receptors.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the proteasomal pathway for degrading abnormal proteins leads to protein aggregation, increased oxidative damage and increased protein nitration. We now show that interference with polyubiquitination has similar consequences. Expression of a dominant-negative mutant form of ubiquitin (K48R) in NT-2 and SK-N-MC cells caused decreased cell growth rates and increased oxidative damage (protein carbonyls and lipid peroxidation), nitric oxide production and elevated protein nitration. It also rendered cells highly sensitive to 4-hydroxy-2,3-trans-nonenal, a neurotoxic end-product of lipid peroxidation, hydrogen peroxide and deprivation of growth factors. Overexpression of wild-type ubiquitin did not produce these effects. Our data show that interference with the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway at a different point and by a different mechanism can produce many of the common features of human neurodegenerative diseases, such as increased lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation and protein nitration. We suggest that defects in this pathway at multiple points could produce the common features of neurodegenerative diseases, and that more such defects remain to be discovered.  相似文献   

The dysfunction and further damage of endothelium play an important role in the development and progression of diabetic vascular complications. Protein tyrosine nitration is involved in endothelial cell injury induced by high glucose. Little is known about protein nitration in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (ECV304) induced by high glucose. In the present article, exposure of ECV304 to 30 mM high glucose (HG30) and 40 mM high glucose (HG40) or hemin–nitrite–H2O2 system for 72 h, the cell injury in ECV304 induced by high glucose and exogenous nitrating agent was studied. After 72 h treatment, it was found that high glucose stimulated ECV304 injury in a dose-dependent manner, including reducing cell viability, increasing malondialdehyde (MDA) content, decreasing glutathione (GSH) content, increasing intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), increasing the production of nitric oxygen (NO) (increased nitrite content in cell and nitrate content in medium) and generating protein tyrosine nitration. It was also found that protein tyrosine nitration could induce cell injury further. By comparison the protein tyrosine nitration induced by high glucose condition and extrinsic factors (hemin–nitrite–H2O2 system), it may be speculated that protein is nitrated selectively to generate nitrotyrosine in diabetic vascular complications.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine nitration is a post-translational modification associated with numerous pathological conditions. The biological consequences of this modification strongly depend on the site selectivity. Unfortunately, to date there is still no reliable model for predicting the selectivity of protein tyrosine nitration. Previously, we found that amyloid beta (Aβ) changed the selectivity of enolase tyrosine nitration upon binding to heme. It seemed that there was a link between the hydrophilicity of Aβ and the site-specific tyrosine nitration. We further investigated the role of the hydrophilicity of the molecules that bind to heme in the selectivity of protein tyrosine nitration. We found that Aβ(1-16), Aβ(1-20), and Aβ(1-40), upon binding to heme and interacting with glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) in a site-specific manner, differently modulated the site selectivity of heme-catalyzed GAPDH tyrosine nitration. The modulation is associated with the hydrophilicity of the Aβ peptides, which changed the surrounding environment of the heme. At the same time, the Aβ-heme complexes were found to be more effective at inactivating GAPDH than heme alone, and the selective tyrosine nitration that was catalyzed by Aβ-heme played an important role. These findings suggest an alternative mechanism for the selectivity of protein tyrosine nitration, which may lead to a better understanding of the factors that influence protein tyrosine nitration selectivity and the important roles of Aβ and heme in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, where Aβ accumulation and Aβ-dependent protein nitration play central roles.  相似文献   

We develop a novel class of tests to detect mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)-mutation involvement in complex diseases by the study of affected pedigree members. For a pedigree, affected individuals are first considered and are then connected through their relatives. We construct a reduced pedigree from an original pedigree. Each configuration of a reduced pedigree is given a score, with high scores given to configurations that are consistent with mtDNA-mutation involvement and low scores given to configurations that are not consistent with mtDNA-mutation involvement. For many pedigrees, the weighted sum of scores of the pedigrees is calculated. The tests are formed by comparing the observed score with the expected score under the null hypothesis that only nuclear autosomal mutations are involved. We study the optimality of score functions and weights under the heterogeneity model without phenocopies. We also develop a method to estimate the contribution that mtDNA mutations make if they are involved under a heterogeneity model. Finally, we apply our methods to three data sets: Leber hereditary optic neuropathy, a disease that has been proved to be caused by mtDNA mutations; non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM); and hypertension (HTN). We find evidence of mtDNA-mutation involvement in all three diseases. The estimated fraction of patients with NIDDM due to mtDNA-mutation involvement is 22% (95% confidence interval [CI] 6%-38%). The fraction of patients with HTN potentially due to mtDNA-mutation involvement is estimated at 55% (95% CI 45%-65%).  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to explore the occurrence of nitrated proteins in mitochondria given that these organelles are endowed with a mitochondrial nitric oxide (NO.-) synthase and considering the important role that mitochondria have in energy metabolism. Our hypothesis is that nitration of proteins constitutes a posttranslational modification by which NO.- exhibits long-term effects above and beyond those bioregulatory ones mediated through the interaction with cytochrome c oxidase. Our studies are aimed at understanding the mechanisms underlying the nitration of proteins in mitochondria and the biological significance of such a process in the cellular milieu. On promoting a sustained NO.- production by mitochondria, we investigated various aspects of protein nitration. Among them, the localization of nitrated proteins in mitochondrial subfractions, the identification of nitrated proteins through proteomic approaches, the characterization of affected pathways, and depiction of a target sequence. The biological relevance was analyzed by considering the turnover of native and nitrated proteins. In this regard, mitochondrial dysfunction, ensuing nitrative stress, may be envisioned as the result of accumulation of nitrated proteins, resulting from an overproduction of endogenous NO.- (this study), a failure in the proteolytic system to catabolize modified proteins, or a combination of both. Finally, this study allows one to gain understanding on the mechanism and nitrating species underlying mitochondrial protein nitration.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial respiratory chain deficiencies represent one of the major causes of metabolic disorders that are related to genetic defects in mitochondrial or nuclear DNA. The mitochondrial protein synthesis allows the synthesis of the 13 respiratory chain subunits encoded by mtDNA. Altogether, about 100 different proteins are involved in the translation of the 13 proteins encoded by the mitochondrial genome emphasizing the considerable investment required to maintain mitochondrial genetic system. Mitochondrial protein synthesis deficiency can be caused by mutations in any component of the translation apparatus including tRNA, rRNA and proteins. Mutations in mitochondrial rRNA and tRNAs have been first identified in various forms of mitochondrial disorders. Moreover abnormal translation due to mutation in nuclear genes encoding tRNA-modifying enzymes, ribosomal proteins, aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, elongation and termination factors and translational activators have been successively described. These deficiencies are characterized by a huge clinical and genetic heterogeneity hampering to establish genotype-phenotype correlations and an easy diagnosis. One can hypothesize that a new technique for gene identification, such as exome sequencing will rapidly allow to expand the list of genes involved in abnormal mitochondrial protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Insulin has been reported to translocate protein kinase C (PKC) in rat adipocytes, and activation of PKC by phorbol esters is known to increase hexose uptake in these cells (1.2). To test the hypothesis that PKC may participate in insulin-stimulated hexose uptake, adipocytes were partially depleted of protein kinase C by overnight phorbol ester treatment, thereby impairing insulin effects on hexose uptake. Purified PKC was then introduced into these PKC-depleted adipocytes by electropermeabilization, and this fully restored insulin-stimulated hexose uptake. These findings provide direct evidence that PKC is required for insulin-stimulated hexose uptake.  相似文献   

The alteration and further damage of vascular smooth muscle function have been implicated in the development of vascular complications and diabetes. Little is known about protein tyrosine nitration in vascular smooth muscle cell injury induced by high glucose. In this article, vascular smooth muscle cell was exposed to 30 and 40 mM high glucose for 72 h, and then the cell injury in vascular smooth muscle cell induced by high glucose was studied. It was found that high glucose stimulated vascular smooth muscle cell injury in a dose-dependent manner, including decreasing intracellular and extracellular glutathione contents, increasing malondialdehyde and intracellular reactive oxygen species content, increasing the production of nitric oxide (increased nitrite content in cell and medium), as well as increasing protein tyrosine nitration. By comparing protein tyrosine nitration induced by high glucose conditions and extrinsic factors (hemin–nitrite–glucose oxidase system and 3-morpholinosydnonimine), it may be speculated that protein is nitrated selectively, and specific protein tyrosine nitration is involved in diabetic vascular complications.  相似文献   

The mechanical behavior of blood vessels is known to be viscoelastic rather than elastic. The functional role of viscoelasticity, however, has remained largely unclear. The hypothesis of this study is that viscoelasticity reduces the stresses and strains in the vessel wall, which may have a significant impact on the fatigue life of the blood vessel wall. To verify the hypothesis, the pulsatile stress in rabbit thoracic artery at physiological loading condition was investigated with a quasi-linear viscoelastic model, where the normalized stress relaxation function is assumed to be isotropic, while the stress-strain relationship is anisotropic and nonlinear. The artery was subjected to the same boundary condition, and the mechanical equilibrium equation was solved for both the viscoelastic and an elastic (which has a constant relaxation function) model. Numerical results show that, compared with purely elastic response, the viscoelastic property of arteries reduces the magnitudes and temporal variations of circumferential stress and strain. The radial wall movement is also reduced due to viscoelasticity. These findings imply that viscoelasticity may be beneficial for the fatigue life of blood vessels, which undergo millions of cyclic mechanical loadings each year of life.  相似文献   

Increased expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS-2) in inflammatory diseases like uveitis suggests that it contributes to the observed pathological state. The aim of this study was to evaluate corneal expression of NOS-2 and corneal protein nitration in a rat model of uveitis. A single injection of intravitreal lipopolysaccharide was used to induce uveitis. Corneal proteins were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and visualized by Coomassie blue staining. Expression of NOS-2 and nitrotyrosine (NO(2)Tyr) formation were determined via immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis. Total nitrate/nitrite levels in the vitreous were measured by spectral analysis via the Griess reagent. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed increased corneal NOS-2 and NO(2)Tyr immunoreactivity in rats with uveitis compared with controls. NOS-2 and NO(2)Tyr immunoreactivity was observed in and around basal cells in the corneal epithelium. Western blot analysis of corneal lysates showed multiple nitrated protein bands in uveitic rats. Spectrophotometric measurement of total nitrate/nitrite levels in the vitreous affirmed significantly increased levels of nitric oxide generation in uveitis (126 +/-2.63 microM/mg protein) compared with controls (65 +/-6.57 microM/mg protein). The presented data suggests that extensive formation of protein nitration and reactive nitrogen species in the cornea contributes to tissue destruction in uveitis. Hence, selective inhibition of NOS-2 may prevent long-term complications and lead to an improvement in the management of uveitis.  相似文献   

Immunological cross-reactivity between cell wall proteins obtained from two yeast genera (Candida tropicalis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is reported. Specific retention of two cell wall proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by an immunoabsorbent column coupled with antibodies against phosphate binding protein 2 (PiBP2) from Candida tropicalis allowed to generate antibodies against the proteins from S. cerevisiae. These antibodies were effective in inhibiting phosphate uptake by S. cerevisiae cells. The proteins from S. cerevisiae displayed a phosphate binding activity which was inhibited in the presence of the forementioned antibodies. These results and the observation that the amount of these proteins in the shock fluid was dependent of the growth conditions (i.e., in the presence or in the absence of phosphate) support the idea that these proteins are involved in the high affinity phosphate transport system.Abbreviations Pi inorganic phosphate - PiBP2 phosphate binding protein 2 obtained from Candida tropicalis - Tris Tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminoethane - MES [2-(N-Morpholino)] ethanesulfonic acid - EDTA ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid, disoldium salt - PMSF phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

We present in vitro evidence for a novel intercompartmental pathway in which folate-mediated reactions in mitochondria generate one-carbon units for utilization in cytoplasmic processes. Rat liver mitochondria are shown to contain the enzymatic activities for catabolism of serine or sarcosine to produce formate. Intact mitochondria rapidly convert the 3-carbon of serine or the N-methyl group of sarcosine to formate, which exits the mitochondria. Labeled formate is incorporated into purine by a cytoplasmic purine synthesizing system only after activation to 10-formyl-THF via the ATP-dependent 10-formyl-THF synthetase reaction. In a coupled system where one-carbon donors are catabolized by mitochondria before addition to the cytoplasmic purine synthesizing system, incorporation into purine shows a marked dependence on ATP. These observations demonstrate that mitochondria can metabolize one-carbon donors via THF-dependent reactions to the level of formate which then exits mitochondria for utilization in the cytoplasm. The proposed pathway is discussed in relation to genetic evidence for its operation in vivo as well as compartmentation of folate coenzymes and their one-carbon units.  相似文献   

The transport of exogenously supplied fluorescent analogues of aminophospholipids from the outer to inner leaflet in red blood cells (RBC) is dependent upon the oxidative status of membrane sulfhydryls. Oxidation of a sulfhydryl on a 32-kDa membrane protein by pyridyldithioethylamine (PDA) has been previously shown [Connor & Schroit (1988) Biochemistry 27, 848-851] to inhibit the transport of NBD-labeled phosphatidylserine (NBD-PS). In the present study, other sulfhydryl oxidants were examined to determine whether additional sites are involved in the transport process. Our results show that diamide inhibits the transport of NBD-PS via a mechanism that is independent of the 32-kDa site. This is shown by the inability of diamide to block labeling of the 32-kDa sulfhydryl with 125I-labeled PDA and to protect against PDA-mediated inhibition of NBD-PS transport. diamide-mediated inhibition, but not PDA-mediated inhibition, could be reversed by reduction with cysteamine or endogenous glutathione. Similarly, treatment of RBC with 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid), which depletes endogenous glutathione and induces oxidation of endofacial proteins [Reglinski et al. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 12360-12366], inhibited NBD-PS transport in a manner analogous to diamide. Once established, the asymmetric distribution of NBD-PS could not be altered by oxidation of either site. These data indicate that a second site critical to the transport of aminophospholipids resides on the endofacial surface and suggest that the transport of aminophospholipids across the bilayer membrane of RBC depends on a coordinated and complementary process between a cytoskeletal component and the 32-kDa membrane polypeptide; both must be operative for transport to proceed.  相似文献   

A direct evidence for the involvement of poly(A) in protein synthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A radioactive polyadenylated globin mRNA was translated in either rabbit reticulocyte lysate or wheat germ extract under various conditions. When globin mRNA was translated, globin synthesis was directly proportional to the rate of loss in A units from the poly(A) tail. On the other hand, when globin poly(A) mRNA was incubated under non-translated conditions, no loss of A units was detected. The presence of ribonuclease inhibitor in the reaction mixture did not alter either the rate of globin synthesis or the loss in A units from the poly(A) tail. The present data suggests a correlation between protein synthesis and loss in A units from the poly(A) tail.  相似文献   


Protein tyrosine nitration is an oxidative postranslational modification that can affect protein structure and function. It is mediated in vivo by the production of nitric oxide-derived reactive nitrogen species (RNS), including peroxynitrite (ONOO?) and nitrogen dioxide (?NO2). Redox-active transition metals such as iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and manganese (Mn) can actively participate in the processes of tyrosine nitration in biological systems, as they catalyze the production of both reactive oxygen species and RNS, enhance nitration yields and provide site-specificity to this process. Early after the discovery that protein tyrosine nitration can occur under biologically relevant conditions, it was shown that some low molecular weight transition-metal centers and metalloproteins could promote peroxynitrite-dependent nitration. Later studies showed that nitration could be achieved by peroxynitrite-independent routes as well, depending on the transition metal-catalyzed oxidation of nitrite (NO2?) to ?NO2 in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. Processes like these can be achieved either by hemeperoxidase-dependent reactions or by ferrous and cuprous ions through Fenton-type chemistry. Besides the in vitro evidence, there are now several in vivo studies that support the close relationship between transition metal levels and protein tyrosine nitration. So, the contribution of transition metals to the levels of tyrosine nitrated proteins observed under basal conditions and, specially, in disease states related with high levels of these metal ions, seems to be quite clear. Altogether, current evidence unambiguously supports a central role of transition metals in determining the extent and selectivity of protein tyrosine nitration mediated both by peroxynitrite-dependent and independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Mito-mice: animal models for mitochondrial DNA-based diseases   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have successfully produced "Mito-mice" harbouring a pathogenic mtDNA mutation. We generated the mice by introducing mitochondria with a 4696 base-pair mtDNA deletion (Delta mtDNA4696) into mouse embryos. This deletion encompasses nucleotides 7759-12 454 and includes six tRNA genes and seven structural genes. In Mito-mice, the Delta mtDNA4696 is transmitted maternally, and induces mitochondrial dysfunction in various tissues. Most of the Mito-mice with high proportions of the Delta mtDNA4696 died at about age 6 months due to renal failure. Mito-mice are the first animal model for mtDNA-based diseases and will be valuable for studying pathogenesis and for identifying effective drug and gene therapies.  相似文献   

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