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Length Mutations in Human Mitochondrial DNA   总被引:42,自引:8,他引:42  
R. L. Cann  A. C. Wilson 《Genetics》1983,104(4):699-711
By high-resolution, restriction mapping of mitochondrial DNAs purified from 112 human individuals, we have identified 14 length variants caused by small additions and deletions (from about 6 to 14 base pairs in length). Three of the 14 length differences are due to mutations at two locations within the D loop, whereas the remaining 11 occur at seven sites that are probably within other noncoding sequences and at junctions between coding sequences. In five of the nine regions of length polymorphism, there is a sequence of five cytosines in a row, this sequence being comparatively rare in coding DNA. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that, in most of the polymorphic regions, a given length mutation has arisen several times independently in different human lineages. The average rate at which length mutations have been arising and surviving in the human species is estimated to be many times higher for noncoding mtDNA than for noncoding nuclear DNA. The mystery of why vertebrate mtDNA is more prone than nuclear DNA to evolve by point mutation is now compounded by the discovery of a similar bias toward rapid evolution by length mutation.  相似文献   

The cause of the high variability of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) remains largely unknown. Three mechanisms of mutagenesis that might account for the generation of nucleotide substitutions in mtDNA have been analyzed: deamination of DNA nitrous bases caused by deamination agents, tautomeric proton migration in nitrous bases, and the hydrolysis of the glycoside bond between the nitrous base and carbohydrate residue in nucleotides against the background of the free-radical damage of DNA polymerase γ. Quantum chemical calculations demonstrated that the hydrolysis of the N-glycoside bond is the most probable mechanism; it is especially prominent in the H strand, which remains free during mtDNA replication for a relatively long time. It has also been found that hydrolytic deamination of adenine in single-stranded regions of the H strand is a possible cause of the high frequency of T → C transitions in the mutation spectra of the L-chain of the major mtDNA noncoding region.  相似文献   

Accumulation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations has been implicated in a wide range of human pathologies, including neurodegenerative diseases, sarcopenia, and the aging process itself. In cells, mtDNA molecules are constantly turned over (i.e. replicated and degraded) and are also exchanged among mitochondria during the fusion and fission of these organelles. While the expansion of a mutant mtDNA population is believed to occur by random segregation of these molecules during turnover, the role of mitochondrial fusion-fission in this context is currently not well understood. In this study, an in silico modeling approach is taken to investigate the effects of mitochondrial fusion and fission dynamics on mutant mtDNA accumulation. Here we report model simulations suggesting that when mitochondrial fusion-fission rate is low, the slow mtDNA mixing can lead to an uneven distribution of mutant mtDNA among mitochondria in between two mitochondrial autophagic events leading to more stochasticity in the outcomes from a single random autophagic event. Consequently, slower mitochondrial fusion-fission results in higher variability in the mtDNA mutation burden among cells in a tissue over time, and mtDNA mutations have a higher propensity to clonally expand due to the increased stochasticity. When these mutations affect cellular energetics, nuclear retrograde signalling can upregulate mtDNA replication, which is expected to slow clonal expansion of these mutant mtDNA. However, our simulations suggest that the protective ability of retrograde signalling depends on the efficiency of fusion-fission process. Our results thus shed light on the interplay between mitochondrial fusion-fission and mtDNA turnover and may explain the mechanism underlying the experimentally observed increase in the accumulation of mtDNA mutations when either mitochondrial fusion or fission is inhibited.  相似文献   

Recent analyses have shown that nonsynonymous variation in human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) contains nonneutral variants, suggesting the presence of mildly deleterious mutations. Many of the disease-causing mutations in mtDNA occur in the genes encoding the tRNAs. Nucleotide sequence variation in these genes has not been studied in human populations, nor have the structural consequences of nucleotide substitutions in tRNA molecules been examined. We therefore determined the nucleotide sequences of the 22 tRNA genes in the mtDNA of 477 Finns and, also, obtained 435 European sequences from the MitoKor database. No differences in population polymorphism indices were found between the two data sets. We assessed selective constraints against various tRNA domains by comparing allele frequencies between these domains and the synonymous and nonsynonymous sites, respectively. All tRNA domains except the variable loop were more conserved than synonymous sites, and T stem and D stem were more conserved than the respective loops. We also analyzed the energetic consequences of the 96 polymorphisms recovered in the two data sets or in the Mitomap database. The minimum free energy (ΔG) was calculated using the free energy rules as implemented in mfold version 3.1. The ΔG’s were normally distributed among the 22 wild-type tRNA genes, whereas the 96 polymorphic tRNAs departed significantly from a normal distribution. The largest differences in ΔG between the wild-type and the polymorphic tRNAs in the Finnish population tended to be in the polymorphisms that were present at low frequencies. Allele frequency distributions and minimum free energy calculations both suggested that some polymorphisms in tRNA genes are nonneutral.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Rüdiger Cerff  相似文献   

云南保山猪线粒体DNA D-loop区序列初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵寿元 《遗传》2003,8(6):526-528
采用低小牛血清、低叶酸、pH 值较高的培养基,对50例白血病患儿进行rJL色休脆性浑位分析。发 现染色体畸变率及脆性部位表达率明显高于正常对照组, 且表达之脆性部位与痛断裂点及;zEt基因座位 密切相关。本文就脆性部位与白血病类型关系进行了讨沱。  相似文献   

亐开兴  连林生  聂龙  史宪伟  张亚平 《遗传》2003,25(5):526-528
摘要:为了解云南保山猪(Baoshan pig)的遗传多样性及其遗传背景,我们测定了19个个体线粒体DNA D-loop高变区I 15 363~15 801片段序列438 bp。检测到10种单倍型,包括8个多态位点,其中5次T/C转换、1次G/A转换、1次G/C颠换和1次A/T颠换,其A、T、G、C碱基的平均含量分别为35.4%、26.9%、13.2%和24.5%,A+T含量(62.3%)明显高于G+C含量(37.7%)。对于保山猪的保种及其持续利用有着重要的理论指导意义。 Abstract:To investigate the genetic diversity and genetic data of Baoshan pig in Yunnan province,the mitochondrial DNA D-loop hypervariable segment I sequences 15 363~15 801 (438 bp) in 19 individuals of Baoshan pig were sequenced.Ten mitochondrial haplotypes were identified in the samples,with 8 sites showing polymorphism,which were 5 T/C and 1 G/A transitions,1 G/C and 1 A/T transversions.The contents of A,T,G and C were 35.4%,269%,13.2% and 24.5%,respectively.The content of A+T (62.3%) was significantly higher than that of G+C (37.3%).It will be of importance to conservation and sustainable utilization in Baoshan pig.  相似文献   

Dna2 is a highly conserved helicase/nuclease that in yeast participates in Okazaki fragment processing, DNA repair, and telomere maintenance. Here, we investigated the biological function of human Dna2 (hDna2). Immunofluorescence and biochemical fractionation studies demonstrated that hDna2 was present in both the nucleus and the mitochondria. Analysis of mitochondrial hDna2 revealed that it colocalized with a subfraction of DNA-containing mitochondrial nucleoids in unperturbed cells. Upon the expression of disease-associated mutant forms of the mitochondrial Twinkle helicase which induce DNA replication pausing/stalling, hDna2 accumulated within nucleoids. RNA interference-mediated depletion of hDna2 led to a modest decrease in mitochondrial DNA replication intermediates and inefficient repair of damaged mitochondrial DNA. Importantly, hDna2 depletion also resulted in the appearance of aneuploid cells and the formation of internuclear chromatin bridges, indicating that nuclear hDna2 plays a role in genomic DNA stability. Together, our data indicate that hDna2 is similar to its yeast counterpart and is a new addition to the growing list of proteins that participate in both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA maintenance.DNA damage arises from errors in the replication process, as well as a myriad of intrinsic and extrinsic DNA-damaging agents that continually assault cells. Failure to efficiently repair DNA lesions leads to accumulation of mutations that contribute to numerous pathologies, including carcinogenesis. In addition to genomic DNA, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is subject to damage that requires repair to maintain integrity. For these reasons, it is not surprising that DNA replication and repair proteins display significant plasticity that allows participation in several divergent replication and repair processes. In addition, numerous mechanisms, including alternative splicing, posttranslational modifications, or utilization of alternative translation initiation start sites, allow DNA replication and repair proteins such as Pif1, DNA ligase III, and APE1 to localize to the nucleus and the mitochondrion and participate in DNA replication and/or repair (9, 17, 25), thus ensuring genomic DNA and mtDNA integrity.Dna2 is an evolutionarily conserved helicase/nuclease enzyme. Originally discovered in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Dna2 orthologs are found throughout the animal kingdom, including humans (5, 22, 28). Early studies demonstrated that Dna2 functions in concert with Flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1) to remove long DNA flaps that form upon lagging-strand DNA replication (6). However, in contrast to FEN1, Dna2 is an essential gene in yeast, suggesting that other proteins, including FEN1, cannot compensate for its loss in DNA replication or that it possesses functions beyond its role in Okazaki fragment processing. In agreement with this, genetic and biochemical studies have implicated Dna2 in DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair, telomere regulation, and mitochondrial function (8, 10, 15, 26, 38, 44, 45).Analysis of Dna2 in yeast revealed that it undergoes dynamic cell cycle localization. Dna2 localizes to telomeres during G1, relocalizes throughout the genome in S phase, and moves back to the telomere during late S/G2, where it participates in telomere replication and telomerase-dependent telomere elongation (10). Dna2 also leaves the telomere following treatment with bleomycin and localizes to sites of DNA DSBs (10). In addition, dna2 mutants are sensitive to DNA damage induced by gamma radiation and methanesulfonic acid methyl ester (7, 15). These phenotypes may be explained by recent work demonstrating that Dna2 plays an important role in 5′-end resection following DSBs. Indeed, upon induction of DSBs and initiation of 5′-end resection by the Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 complex, Dna2 and Sgs1 cooperate to further degrade the 5′ end, creating long 3′ strands essential for homologous recombination (26, 45). Finally, while dna2Δ mutations are lethal in budding yeast, the dna2Δ pif1-m2 (nuclear PIF1) double mutations rescue dna2Δ lethality but produce a petite phenotype, suggesting that Dna2 is also involved in mtDNA maintenance (8).Recently, the human ortholog of Dna2 was cloned and characterized (23, 29). Biochemical analysis revealed that, similar to its yeast counterpart, the human Dna2 (hDna2) protein possesses nuclease, ATPase, and limited helicase activities (23, 29), suggesting that it carries out analogous functions in yeast and mammalian cells. However, hDna2''s putative role in genomic DNA repair and replication was called into question by a recent study suggesting that hDna2 is absent from the nucleus and found exclusively within the mitochondria, where it participates in mtDNA repair (44). Further in vitro biochemical studies suggested that hDna2 also participates in mtDNA replication (44). Here, we confirm that hDna2 localizes to the mitochondria and demonstrate that hDna2 participates in mtDNA replication and repair. However, our studies go further by uncovering a nuclear form of hDna2 that plays an important role in genomic stability. Indeed, we demonstrate that depletion of hDna2 leads to the appearance of aneuploid cells and the formation of internuclear chromatin bridges, indicating that hDna2, like its yeast counterpart, is essential to maintain nuclear DNA stability.  相似文献   

Genetic miscoding lesions can cause inaccuracies during the interpretation of ancient DNA sequence data. In this study, genetic miscoding lesions were identified and assessed by cloning and direct sequencing of degraded, amplified mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) extracted from human remains. Forty-two individuals, comprising nine collections from five geographic locations, were analyzed for the presence of DNA damage that can affect the generation of a correct mtDNA profile. In agreement with previous studies, high levels (56.5% of all damage sites) of proposed hydrolytic damage products were observed. Among these, type 2 transitions (cytosine → thymine or guanine → adenine), which are highly indicative of hydrolytic deamination, were observed in 50% of all misincorporations that occurred. In addition to hydrolytic damage products, oxidative damage products were also observed in this study and were responsible for approximately 43.5% of all misincorporations. This level of misincorporation is in contrast to previous studies characterizing miscoding lesions from the analysis of bone and teeth, where few to no oxidative damage products were observed. Of all the oxidative damage products found in this study, type 2 transversions (cytosine → adenine/guanine → thymine or cytosine → guanine/guanine → cytosine), which are commonly formed through the generation of 8-hydroxyguanine, accounted for 30.3% of all genetic miscoding lesions observed. This study identifies the previously unreported presence of oxidative DNA damage and proposes that damage to degraded DNA templates is highly specific in type, correlating with the geographic location and the taphonomic conditions of the depositional environment from which the remains are recovered. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

S. V. Edwards  A. C. Wilson 《Genetics》1990,126(3):695-711
A combination of restriction analysis and direct sequencing via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to build trees relating mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from 50 individuals belonging to five species of Australian babblers (Pomatostomus). The trees served as a quantitative framework for analyzing the direction and tempo of evolution of an intraspecific length polymorphism from a third mitochondrial ancestor. The length polymorphism lies between the cytochrome b and 12S rRNA (srRNA) genes. Screening of mtDNAs within and between the five species with restriction enzymes showed that Pomatosomus temporalis was polymorphic for two smaller size classes (M and S) that are completely segregated geographically, whereas mtDNAs from the other four species were exclusively of a third, larger size (L). Inter- and intraspecific phylogenetic trees relating mtDNAs based on restriction maps, cytochrome b sequences obtained via PCR, and the two data sets combined were compared to one another statistically and were broadly similar except for the phylogenetic position of Pomatosomus halli. Both sets of phylogenies imply that only two deletion events can account for the observed intraspecific distribution of the three length types. High levels of base-substitutional divergence were detected within and between northern and southern lineages of P. temporalis, which implies a low level of gene flow between northern and southern regions as well as a low rate of length mutation. These conclusions were confirmed by applying coalescent theory to the statistical framework provided by the phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   

人癌细胞线粒体DNA控制区序列特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨癌细胞mtDNA控制区序列的变化特征, 采用PCR产物限制性片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)分析与直接测序相结合的方法,对比分析6株人癌细胞系、 6例癌患者及4例健康成人白细胞mtDNA控制区序列。发现第16519位T→C、16 534位A→G、46位T→G和49位A→C突变, 在癌细胞系和癌患者白细胞mtDNA中分别占50%(3/6)和33.3%(2/6), 健康成人白细胞mtDNA中未见此类型突变;第16 278位C→T突变,在癌细胞系mtDNA中占50%(3/6),显著高于正常人群mtDNA中此位点的多态性变异。表明癌细胞和癌患者白细胞mtDNA重链复制起点及其 相邻D环区的特征性突变可能与细胞癌变/或癌的易感性有关。 Abstract: To explore the sequence feature of mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) control region in human carcinoma cells, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism(PCR-RFLP) and direct sequence techniques were used to analyze the sequence of mtDNA control region of 6 human carcinoma cell lines versus white blood cells which from 6 tumor patients and 4 normal adults. The T to C mutation at np 16 519, A to G mutation at np 16 534, T to G mutation at np 46, and A to C mutation at np 49 was found in 50% (3/6 cases) of carcinoma cell lines and in 33.3%(2/6 cases) of tumor patients, but it was not found in normal adults. The C to T mutation at np 16 278 was found in 50%(3/6 cases) of carcinoma cell lines, it was significantly higher than that of the polymorphism of normal population. These findings suggest that the typical mutation in the starting area of heavy-strand replication and the first half of D-loop region might probably be associated with carcinogenesis or susceptibility of carcinoma.  相似文献   

人癌细胞线粒体DNA控制区序列特征分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
为了探讨癌细胞mtDNA控制区序列的变化特征, 采用PCR产物限制性片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)分析与直接测序相结合的方法,对比分析6株人癌细胞系、 6例癌患者及4例健康成人白细胞mtDNA控制区序列。发现第16519位T→C、16 534位A→G、46位T→G和49位A→C突变, 在癌细胞系和癌患者白细胞mtDNA中分别占50%(3/6)和33.3%(2/6), 健康成人白细胞mtDNA中未见此类型突变;第16 278位C→T突变,在癌细胞系mtDNA中占50%(3/6),显著高于正常人群mtDNA中此位点的多态性变异。表明癌细胞和癌患者白细胞mtDNA重链复制起点及其 相邻D环区的特征性突变可能与细胞癌变/或癌的易感性有关。 Abstract: To explore the sequence feature of mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) control region in human carcinoma cells, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism(PCR-RFLP) and direct sequence techniques were used to analyze the sequence of mtDNA control region of 6 human carcinoma cell lines versus white blood cells which from 6 tumor patients and 4 normal adults. The T to C mutation at np 16 519, A to G mutation at np 16 534, T to G mutation at np 46, and A to C mutation at np 49 was found in 50% (3/6 cases) of carcinoma cell lines and in 33.3%(2/6 cases) of tumor patients, but it was not found in normal adults. The C to T mutation at np 16 278 was found in 50%(3/6 cases) of carcinoma cell lines, it was significantly higher than that of the polymorphism of normal population. These findings suggest that the typical mutation in the starting area of heavy-strand replication and the first half of D-loop region might probably be associated with carcinogenesis or susceptibility of carcinoma.  相似文献   

Sequence Evolution of Drosophila Mitochondrial DNA   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
We have compared nucleotide sequences of corresponding segments of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecules of Drosophila yakuba and Drosophila melanogaster, which contain the genes for six proteins and seven tRNAs. The overall frequency of substitution between the nucleotide sequences of these protein genes is 7.2%. As was found for mtDNAs from closely related mammals, most substitutions (86%) in Drosophila mitochondrial protein genes do not result in an amino acid replacement. However, the frequencies of transitions and transversions are approximately equal in Drosophila mtDNAs, which is in contrast to the vast excess of transitions over transversions in mammalian mtDNAs. In Drosophila mtDNAs the frequency of C----T substitutions per codon in the third position is 2.5 times greater among codons of two-codon families than among codons of four-codon families; this is contrary to the hypothesis that third position silent substitutions are neutral in regard to selection. In the third position of codons of four-codon families transversions are 4.6 times more frequent than transitions and A----T substitutions account for 86% of all transversions. Ninety-four percent of all codons in the Drosophila mtDNA segments analyzed end in A or T. However, as this alone cannot account for the observed high frequency of A----T substitutions there must be either a disproportionately high rate of A----T mutation in Drosophila mtDNA or selection bias for the products of A----T mutation. --Consideration of the frequencies of interchange of AGA and AGT codons in the corresponding D. yakuba and D. melanogaster mitochondrial protein genes provides strong support for the view that AGA specifies serine in the Drosophila mitochondrial genetic code.  相似文献   

本文报道了运用FORTRAN-77语言,在SIRIUS-1微机上计算遗传信息的冗余结构D_1、D_2、D_3的程序。计算出人线粒体DNA(16569个核苷酸残基)的H_1=1.930554,H_2=3.849254,H_3=5.760944,D_1=0.069446,D_2=0.011853,D_3=0.007011。 D_1、D_2的结果表明,人线粒体DNA的信息结构远比脊椎动物DNA的低级,这支持线粒体的共生起源学说。并对D_3的结果进行了分析,对其意义作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Chimpanzee and Human Mitochondrial DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

To date, a large data set on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation in human populations has been accumulated. The use of direct sequencing of the main noncoding region of mtDNA along with the RFLP analysis provide performance of complex analysis of mtDNA polymorphism in human populations. This approach proved to be effective for obtaining molecular genetic portraits of the world populations, as well as for the elucidation of the human evolutionary history and past migrations.  相似文献   

Extensive length polymorphism and heteroplasmy (multiple forms within an individual) of the D-loop region are observed in mitochondrial DNA of the white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus). The nucleotide sequence of this region, for both a short and a long form, shows that the differences are due to variable numbers of a perfect 82-bp direct repeat. We propose a model for the replicative origin of length differences, involving a competitive equilibrium between the heavy strand and the D-loop strand. This model suggests that frequent misalignment in the repeat region prior to elongation, facilitated by a stable secondary structure in the displaced strand, can explain both the polymorphism and heteroplasmy in this species.  相似文献   

Accumulation of mutations in mitochondrial DNA leads to the development of severe, currently untreatable diseases. The contribution of these mutations to aging and progress of neurodegenerative diseases is actively studied. Elucidation of DNA repair mechanisms in mitochondria is necessary for both developing approaches to the therapy of diseases caused by mitochondrial mutations and understanding specific features of mitochondrial genome functioning. Mitochondrial DNA repair systems have become a subject of extensive studies only in the last decade due to development of molecular biology methods. DNA repair systems of mammalian mitochondria appear to be more diverse and effective than it had been thought earlier. Even now, one may speak about the existence of mitochondrial mechanisms for the repair of single–and double–stranded DNA lesions. Homologous recombination also takes place in mammalian mitochondria, although its functional significance and molecular mechanisms remain obscure. In this review, I describe DNA repair systems in mammalian mitochondria, such as base excision repair (BER) and microhomology–mediated end joining (MMEJ) and discuss a possibility of existence of mitochondrial DNA repair mechanisms otherwise typical for the nuclear DNA, e.g., nucleotide excision repair (NER), mismatch repair (MMR), homologous recombination, and classical non–homologous end joining (NHEJ). I also present data on the mechanisms for coordination of the nuclear and mitochondrial DNA repair systems that have been actively studied recently.  相似文献   

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