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This study investigated the effects of sub-lethal high temperatures on the development and reproduction of the brown plant hopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). When first instar nymphs were exposed at their ULT50 (41.8°C) mean development time to adult was increased in both males and females, from 15.2±0.3 and 18.2±0.3 days respectively in the control to 18.7±0.2 and 19±0.2 days in the treated insects. These differences in development arising from heat stress experienced in the first instar nymph did not persist into the adult stage (adult longevity of 23.5±1.1 and 24.4±1.1 days for treated males and females compared with 25.7±1.0 and 20.6±1.1 days in the control groups), although untreated males lived longer than untreated females. Total mean longevity was increased from 38.8±0.1 to 43.4±1.0 days in treated females, but male longevity was not affected (40.9±0.9 and 42.2±1.1 days respectively). When male and female first instar nymphs were exposed at their ULT50 of 41.8°C and allowed to mate on reaching adult, mean fecundity was reduced from 403.8±13.7 to 128.0±16.6 eggs per female in the treated insects. Following exposure of adult insects at their equivalent ULT50 (42.5°C), the three mating combinations of treated male x treated female, treated male x untreated female, and untreated male x treated female produced 169.3±14.7, 249.6±21.3 and 233.4±17.2 eggs per female respectively, all significantly lower than the control. Exposure of nymphs and adults at their respective ULT50 temperatures also significantly extended the time required for their progeny to complete egg development for all mating combinations compared with control. Overall, sub-lethal heat stress inhibited nymphal development, lowered fecundity and extended egg development time.  相似文献   

A morphometric analysis of biotypes 1, 2 and 3 from the International Rice Research Institute, Philippines, reared respectively on rice cultivars TN1, Mudgo and ASD7, showed significant differences, but some overlap between them. When the three biotypes were each reared for a single generation on TN1, morphometric differences were very greatly reduced and the distributions widely overlapped.Biotypes 2 and 3 were significantly less fecund than biotype 1 when reared on their normal host varieties. When all were reared on TN1, biotype 3 showed a somewhat lower fecundity than did 1 and 2, but the difference was less than previously reported.It is concluded that the evidence for the association of morphometric differences with virulence characteristics inN. lugens is not proved. Equally there is no evidence that morphometric data may be used to identify field populations with distinct patterns of virulence.
La signification des différences morphométriques et de fécondité entre des biotypes deNilaparvata lugens
Résumé Ce que l'on a appelé des biotypes deN. lugens sont des populations caractérisées par différents types de virulence à l'égard de différents cultivars résistants de riz, mis en évidence par des essais variétaux systématiques. Différents chercheurs ont tenté de trouver des caractères morphologiques pour identifier ces biotypes.Nous avons fait une analyse morphométrique des biotypes 1, 2 et 3 de l'International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Philippines. Quand ils sont élevés sur leur propre varieté — biotype 1 sur TN1, 2 sur Mudgo, 3 sur ASD7 — des différences significatives sont observées, bien qu'il y ait un chevauchement considérable. Quand les 3 populations biotypes sont élevées sur la variété sensible TN1, les différences morphométriques sont réduites et le chevauchement fortement augmenté. Nous pourrions alors conclure qu'une part importante de la différenciation morphométrique est due à des facteurs écologiques et non à des différences génétiques entre les populations. Des chercheurs avaient indiqué des différences de fécondité entre les biotypes de l'IRRI, le biotype 3 étant significativement moins fécond; les résultats publiés son contradictoires. Nos observations suggèrent une certaine diminution de la fécondité pour le biotype 3 élevé sur TN1, mais plus limitée que les autres auteurs ne l'avaient envisagée.Nous en concluons qu'il n'y a pas de véritable preuve pour étayer l'hypothèse que les biotypes deN. lugens sont caractérisés par des paramètres morphométriques génétiquement déterminés. Il est alors fallacieux de suggérer que de tels caractères pourraient être utilisés pour identifier des populations avec différents types de virulence. Nous repoussons aussi l'hypothèse que les biotypes représentent une étape dans le processus de spéciation.

Oviposition behavior of Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Homoptera: Delphacidae) on rice, Oryzae sativa L., was monitored using a videocamera and an AC (alternating-current) electronic measuring system. Oviposition by N. lugens always took place during stylet penetration into the plant. After penetration of the ovipositor, there were three specific ovipositional sequences observed; sawing insertion of the ovipositor, release of an egg in the plant, and partial or complete withdrawal of the ovipositor from the plant. Distinctive waveforms were recorded in correlating with these events. From a sequence of waveform patterns, it was possible to determine the number of eggs and egg masses laid inside the plant tissue and the duration of oviposition behavior. Waveform analysis revealed that N. lugens laid an egg mass consisting of on average 5.7 eggs. This occurred 4.3 min after a period of about 6.4 min of stylet penetration, and this sequence was repeated several times in 24 h. Electrical and/or tethering effects on oviposition appear to be negligible within 24 h of recording.  相似文献   

The brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) is the most serious pest of rice across the world, especially in tropical climates. N. lugens nymphs and adults were exposed to high temperatures to determine their critical thermal maximum (CTmax), heat coma temperature (HCT) and upper lethal temperature (ULT). Thermal tolerance values differed between developmental stages: nymphs were consistently less heat tolerant than adults. The mean (± SE) CTmax of nymphs and adult females and males were 34.9±0.3, 37.0±0.2 and 37.4±0.2°C respectively, and for the HCT were 37.7±0.3, 43.5±0.4 and 42.0±0.4°C. The ULT50 values (± SE) for nymphs and adults were 41.8±0.1 and 42.5±0.1°C respectively. The results indicate that nymphs of N. lugens are currently living at temperatures close to their upper thermal limits. Climate warming in tropical regions and occasional extreme high temperature events are likely to become important limiting factors affecting the survival and distribution of N. lugens.  相似文献   

Nine compounds isolated from finger millet as antifeedants for brown planthopper have been identified as known compounds, l-malic acid, isocitric acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid, 4-hydroxy- benzaldehyde, and vitexin, and new constituents, 2-O-[4-hydroxy-(Z and E)-cinnamoyl]glyceric acid and 8-C-β-d-[6″-O-(3-hydroxy-3-methyl)glutaroyl]glucopyranosylapigenin.  相似文献   

Yeast-like symbiotes (YLS) are endosymbionts that are intimately associated with the growth, development, reproduction of their host, the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). However, it is unclear how many species of YLS are found within N. lugens, and how they are related to each other. Traditional methods or simple amplification based on 18S rDNA sequence does not reliably identify new species quickly and efficiently. Therefore, a novel nested PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) strategy was developed in this article to analyze the YLS of brown planthopper using a nested PCR protocol that involved the 18S rDNA gene and the 5.8S–ITS gene using fungal universal primers. The nested PCR protocol was developed as follows: firstly, the 18S rDNA gene, and 5.8S–ITS gene were amplified using fungal universal primers. Subsequently, these products were used as a template in a second PCR with primers ITS1GC–ITS2, ITS1FGC–ITS2, and NFGC-NR, which was suitable for DGGE. Using this highly specific molecular approach, we found several previously detected fungi: Noda, Pichia guilliermondii, Candida sp., and some previously undetected fungi, such as Saccharomycetales sp., Debaryomyces hansenii, and some uncultured fungi. In conclusion, the nested PCR system developed in this study, coupled with DGGE fingerprinting, offers a new tool for uncovering fungal endosymbiont diversity within planthoppers.  相似文献   

To assess genetic diversity in populations of the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens St?l) (Homoptera: Delphacidae), we have developed and applied microsatellite, or simple sequence repeat (SSR), markers from expressed sequence tags (ESTs). We found that the brown planthopper clusters of ESTs were rich in SSRs with unique frequencies and distributions of SSR motifs. Three hundred and fifty-one EST-SSR markers were developed and yielded clear bands from samples of four brown planthopper populations. High cross-species transferability of these markers was detected in the closely related planthopper N. muiri. The newly developed EST-SSR markers provided sufficient resolution to distinguish within and among biotypes. Analyses based on SSR data revealed host resistance-based genetic differentiation among different brown planthopper populations; the genetic diversity of populations feeding on susceptible rice varieties was lower than that of populations feeding on resistant rice varieties. This is the first large-scale development of brown planthopper SSR markers, which will be useful for future molecular genetics and genomics studies of this serious agricultural pest.  相似文献   

Potassium (K) is a key component of plant nutrition, significantly influencing crop growth. Levels of this nutrient in plants can also influence a number of pest infestations. The brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), is an important pest of rice in Asia. In this study, we examined K contents in rice grown in hydroponic solution, and its relationship to the fecundity and expression of the vitellogenin (Nlvg) gene of N. lugens which was reared on the rice. Our findings indicated that K contents in rice increased with the increasing K concentration within the hydroponic solution, but reduced at the highest K concentration (160 mg/L). The number of eggs laid by N. lugens which was reared on the rice varied significantly with K concentration, and increased by 0.12 and 0.22 fold under 20 mg/L and 160 mg/L K level compared to that of the control (40 mg/L), decreasing by 0.57 fold under 0 mg/L K. Nlvg mRNA expression increased 1.17 and 1.94 fold in individuals which were reared on rice grown in 20 mg/L and 160 mg/L K level, compared to that of the control before mating; and by 3.36 and 2.97 after mating, respectively. However, Nlvg mRNA expression fold decreased by 0.99 under 0 mg/L K level before mating and 0.91 after mating. The variation of eggs may be attributed to the change of Nlvg mRNA expression, because there was a positive correlation between the eggs and Nlvg mRNA expression. These results demonstrated low (20 mg/L) and highest K levels (160 mg/L) in hydroponic solution showed the lower K level in plants than the control, which facilitated the fecundity of N. lugens. The study of the effects of K levels on the fecundity should have significance for insect control.  相似文献   

Nilaparvata lugens (St?l) (Hemiptera:Delphacidae) is a serious migratory pest of rice in Asia. Pest resurgence often occurs because of insecticide overuse. Using both susceptible (TN1) and moderately resistant (Xieyou 963) cultivars, we studied the effect of foliar insecticides on the percentage of brachypterous adults, female reproductive rate, and crude fat and soluble sugar contents in third- and fifth-instar nymphs and adults. The percentage of brachypterous adults and reproductive rate of adult females developed from nymphs that fed on insecticide-treated plants varied significantly with rice cultivar, type of insecticide, and its concentration. Feeding on susceptible plants increased the percentage of brachypterous adults and reproductive rate of adult females. Also, deltamethrin increased brachypterous production relative to imidacloprid and triazophos. The highest reproductive rate was on plants treated with triazophos. All insecticide treatments in both cultivars resulted in increase of soluble sugar contents in third- and fifth-instar nymphs and adults developed from nymphs feeding on insecticide-treated rice plants. This effect was stronger on the susceptible cultivar. Changes of crude fat content after N. lugens feeding on insecticide-treated plants were related to its feeding duration. Crude fat content in adult developed from nymphs feeding on treated plants was significantly higher that on control plants. These studies showed that plant and insecticide influences on physiological ecology of this planthopper will influence its population dynamics under commercial production of rice in Asia.  相似文献   

The brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) is an important pest in rice. It has been widely recognized that the juvenile hormone (JH) is regulated by its hydrolase, which includes juvenile hormone esterase (JHE), juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase (JHEH) and juvenile hormone diol kinase (JHDK). In this paper, we cloned the gene of Jhdk and the gene expression at different stages of N. lugens was analysed, and the relationship with Jhe and Jheh was studied after silencing the jhdk gene of N. lugens (Nljhdk) through double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) feeding. We also explored the expression of the three JH hydrolase after indoxacarb treatments. RT-PCR was used to amplify the full length Jhdk cDNA, and the Nljhdk gene was expressed throughout all the development periods tested and showed the lowest level at the 4th instar and the highest in the 5th instar. The expression level of Nljhdk in male adults was higher than that of female adults. Through feeding, dsRNA against Nljhdk successfully knocked down the target gene, which had no significant effect on the expression of the jhe gene of N. lugens (Nljhe), while the expression of Nljheh was upregulated. Indoxacarb could inhibit N. lugens reproduction, and the expression level of Nljhe and Nljhdk increased with the increasing of indoxacarb concentration, but the expression of the jheh gene of N. lugens (Nljheh) was reduced. These studies provide a line of experimental evidence in N. lugens to support that Nljhdk encodes the functional protein involved in JH degradation and further showed the relationship of the three hydrolases and the mechanism of indoxacarb inhibition of the fecundity of N. lugens.  相似文献   

Nymphs ofNilaparvata lugens were experimentally reared from the 2nd instar in a cage covering part of the leaf sheath of an individual rice plant grown in a Wagner pot. Plants were covered with the cage from the water surface of the pot to 10 cm above the surface (lower cage-group) or from 10 cm to 20 cm above the surface (upper cage-group). Temperatures measured at three different parts of the cage remained fairly constant in both groups at around 25°C (23.7–25.2°C in mean value). In the lower cage-group, relative humidities measured at the three heights in the cage in (76.3–90.5% in mean value) markedly increased with the approach to the water surface. The nymphs of this group, particularly during the molting period, aggregated close to the surface. Eighty-two percent of the released nymphs emerged in this group. Relative humidities measured at three heights of the upper cage-group were 69.5–72.7% in mean value, and all the nymphs in this group died within 3 days after their release although half of them stayed on the rice plants within 6 h after their release. The role of relative humidity as a limiting factor on the range of the microhabitat and the population density ofN. lugens in rice fields was discussed on the basis of the results.  相似文献   

Osedax worms subsist entirely on vertebrate skeletons on the seafloor, using root-like tissues to bore into and degrade the bones. Paleontologists have only recently begun to appreciate the possible destructive effect that these worms may have had on the marine vertebrate fossil record and little is known of their evolutionary history. Using microcomputed tomography, we document Osedax-like borings in a fossil whale bone from the Pliocene of Italy and present new data on the borings of extant Osedax worms. The fossil borings are distinguished from those of other known borers and identified as traces of Osedax activity based on diagnostic features. Our results suggest that it is necessary to isolate individual borings for the confident identification of Osedax traces. This is only the second paleogeographic occurrence of Osedax in the fossil record and indicates that by the Pliocene these worms had colonised a large portion of the world's oceans. This is the first evidence for Osedax in the Mediterranean, past or present, and suggests that more species await discovery in this region.  相似文献   

The whipworm of humans, Trichuris trichiura, is responsible for a neglected tropical disease (NTD) of major importance in tropical and subtropical countries of the world. Whipworms also infect animal hosts, including pigs, dogs and non-human primates, cause clinical disease (trichuriasis) similar to that of humans. Although Trichuris species are usually considered to be host specific, it is not clear whether non-human primates are infected with T. trichiura or other species. In the present study, we sequenced the complete mitochondrial (mt) genome as well as the first and second internal transcribed spacers (ITS-1 and ITS-2) of Trichuris from the François’ leaf-monkey (langur), and compared them with homologous sequences from human- and pig-derived Trichuris. In addition, sequence comparison of a conserved mt ribosomal gene among multiple individual whipworms revealed substantial nucleotide differences among these three host species but limited sequence variation within each of them. The molecular data indicate that the monkey-derived whipworm is a separate species from that of humans. Future work should focus on detailed population genetic and morphological studies (by electron microscopy) of whipworms from various non-humans primates and humans.  相似文献   

The role played by the Y-family DNA polymerases YqjH and YqjW in protecting sporulating cells of Bacillus subtilis from DNA damage was determined. The absence of either yqjH and/or yqjW not only reduced sporulation efficiency but also sensitized the sporulating cells to hydrogen peroxide, tert-butylhydroperoxide (t-BHP), mitomycin-C (M-C), and UV-C radiation. Moreover, these DNA-damaging agents increased the mutation frequency of wild-type sporulating cells to 4-azaleucine, but the production of mutants was YqjH- and YqjW-dependent. In conclusion, the results presented here indicate that YqjH/YqjW-dependent-translesion synthesis (TLS) operates in sporulating B. subtilis cells and contributes in processing spontaneous and artificially induced genetic damage, which is apparently required for an efficient sporulation process.  相似文献   

In the full sequences of the mtDNA cytochrome b gene, 26 haplotypes (Tamias sibiricus barberi) from six localities of central and southern Korea were distinct from 21 haplotypes (Tamias sibiricus orientalis) from five localities of northeast China and Vladivostok, Russia. The average Tamura–Nei nucleotide distance between the subspecies (11.40%) and maximum infrasubspecific distances (3.74% and 4.72%) support the subspecies classification of T. s. barberi based on morphometric comparison. The 26 haplotypes of T. s. barberi were also distinct from 2 haplotypes of T. s. orientalis and Tamias sibiricus jacutensis from far-east Russia (average distance, 11.86%). Thus T. s. barberi constitutes a “phylogroup” (average nucleotide distance > 10%); analyses with nuclear genes of northeast Asian specimens, including North Korean ones, are necessary to clarify its taxonomic status. Furthermore, 49 haplotypes of T. sibiricus from eastern Asia differed from 19 haplotypes of another 18 Tamias spp. from America (weighted-average distance, 18.58%). T. sibiricus is, therefore, distinct enough to be recognized as a subgenus, Eutamias.  相似文献   

Stylet sheath formation is a common feature among phytophagous hemipterans. These sheaths are considered essential to promote a successful feeding event. Stylet sheath compositions are largely unknown and their mode of solidification remains to be elucidated. This report demonstrates the formation and solidification of in āere (in air) produced stylet sheaths by six hemipteran families: Diaphorina citri (Psyllidae, Asian citrus psyllid), Aphis nerii (Aphididae, oleander/milkweed aphid), Toxoptera citricida (Aphididae, brown citrus aphid), Aphis gossypii (Aphididae, cotton melon aphid), Bemisia tabaci biotype B (Aleyrodidae, whitefly), Homalodisca vitripennis (Cicadellidae, glassy-winged sharpshooter), Ferrisia virgata (Pseudococcidae, striped mealybug), and Protopulvinaria pyriformis (Coccidae, pyriform scale). Examination of in āere produced stylet sheaths by confocal and scanning electron microscopy shows a common morphology of an initial flange laid down on the surface of the membrane followed by continuous hollow core structures with sequentially stacked hardened bulbous droplets. Single and multi-branched sheaths were common, whereas mealybug and scale insects typically produced multi-branched sheaths. Micrographs of the in āere formed flanges indicate flange sealing upon stylet bundle extraction in D. citri and the aphids, while the B. tabaci whitefly and H. vitripennis glassy-winged sharpshooter flanges remain unsealed. Structural similarity of in āere sheaths are apparent in stylet sheaths formed in planta, in artificial diets, or in water. The use of ‘Solvy’, a dissolvable membrane, for intact stylet sheath isolation is reported. These observations illustrate for the first time this mode of stylet sheath synthesis adding to the understanding of stylet sheath formation in phytophagous hemipterans and providing tools for future use in structural and compositional analysis.  相似文献   

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