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《生物物理学报》与读者见面了,它的创刊是我国生物物理学发展中的一件大事.生物物理学是一门正在兴起的具有强大生命力的边缘学科.它是用物理学概念、理论和方法研究生物对象的物理性质,生命过程的物理规律及环境物理因素对生物系统的作用.它既是生命现象中的物理学,又是物理学向生命世界的延伸.当前大力加速生物物理学的发展,不仅是自然科学发展的必然趋势,而且是我国四化建设的迫切要求,因而在理论上和实践上都有着重大的意义.  相似文献   

正生物物理学是用物理学的概念和方法研究生物的结构与功能、研究生命活动的物理和物理化学过程的学科.开展生物物理学研究,使人们对生命现象和过程的认识也更加深入,为发展生物学开辟了广阔前景.20世纪50年代,生物物理学尚是一门新兴的边缘学科,在新中国还是空白.新中国经济建设和国防建设全面展开,对科学  相似文献   

现代生物学是研究生物界、它的发生和发展、其中所表现的现象和规律的综合科学。在这综合科学中也有相近的学科。比较年青的科学——生物物理学——即属於这些学科之中。生物物理学研究在动植物有机体中所进行的物理现象的规律,以及外界环境的物理因素对生物体影响的机转。生物物理学是在应用物理方法和对生命活动过程的研究的理解的基础上发展起来的,与生物化学一样,是在应用化学知识和生物学过程研究方法的基础上而产生。这门科学是在巴甫洛夫生理学中发展起来的,并分化成知识的独立部门,而是巴甫洛夫生理学的分支之一。生物物理学分化成独立的科学首先是医学上的成就和需要、苏联的工业和技术的发展所引起的。更加完善的机器的发明是与超高的速度、压力、温度、频率、应力的利用有关。对於控制这些技术,人们用以  相似文献   

生物学是研究生命现象和生命活动规律的科学,它与人类的生存发展,与工农业生产,与有关应用科学、其他自然科学和社会科学的发展,都有密切的关系。生物学在我国社会主义的物质文明和精神文明建设中起着重要的作用。生物学将是ZI世纪领先的科学之一。一、教学目的生物课程是普通高中开设的一门学科类基础课程。通过生物课的教学,要求达到以下教学目的:1.要使学生获得关于生命活动基本规律的基础知识,以及知道这些知识在生产、生活和社会实践等方面的应用。2.要使学生受到辩证唯物主义观点教育和爱国主义思想教育,帮助学生逐步建立…  相似文献   

分析现阶段医学院校化学相关课程体系的现状,结合医学专业特点,以培养学生综合能力为宗旨,对临床医学专业化学基础课程进行优化整合,以基础化学、化学生物学和生命化学为三大主干课程构建化学课程体系,并以我校2013级学生为研究对象,分析了课程整合实施的效果。  相似文献   

中华人民共和国教育部制订  2 0 0 0年 3月生物学是研究生命现象和生命活动规律的科学 ,它与人类的生存和发展 ,与社会生产和个人生活 ,与其他自然科学和社会科学的发展 ,都有密切的关系。生物学在我国社会主义现代化建设中起着重要的作用。生物学将是 2 1世纪领先的科学之一。一、课程目的普通高中生物课程是一门学科类基础课程。学生通过高中生物课程的学习 ,将在以下几个方面得到发展。1.获得关于生命活动基本规律的基础知识 ,了解并关注这些知识在生产、生活和社会发展方面的应用。2 .树立辩证唯物主义观点 ,养成科学态度和科学精神 ,…  相似文献   

马汇泉 《生物学杂志》2003,20(4):52-52,54
《微生物学》是研究微生物在一定外界环境条件影响下的形态结构、生理生化、遗传变异以及微生物的进化、分类、生态等生命活动规律及其应用技术的一门科学。在理工科类大学生物专业中 ,属专业基础课 ,无论是本科学生 ,还是专科学生 ,都是一门非常重要的课程。我校自开办生物专业以来 ,即把这门课作为生物专业的重要必修课而重点建设。经过几年的教学实践 ,笔者深切感到微生物学课程教学与其它课程具有不同的特点 ,为了有效提高学生的学习效果 ,特提出几点教学体会 ,供学生学习时参考借鉴。1 充分认识微生物学课程的重要性、树立专业思想人…  相似文献   

罗慎  罗培高 《遗传》2014,36(9):952-957
遗传学是生物学科的核心课程,在生物学的教学与研究中具有十分重要的作用,而遗传学的知识原理与物理学的知识原理具有一定的相似性。由于遗传学教学内容较为抽象,加之学生在中学阶段所学的遗传学基础知识相对薄弱,导致部分学生缺乏学习兴趣。如何采用“渗透式”的教学方法将学生深厚的物理学知识原理引入遗传学课堂是一个值得探讨的问题。近年来,笔者应用物理学的知识原理,将部分物理知识与遗传知识进行类比教学和渗透式教学,提升学生对遗传学知识的认识层次和理解水平,进而提高学生的学习能力和创新思维能力。  相似文献   

提高学生的综合和创新能力,激励学生的求知欲和探索精神是当今教育改革的首要课题。我校开设了综合研究型实验课——医学机能实验学,本课程整合了生理学和病理生理学两门课程,将这两门课程的实验教学部分从原课程中分离出来,科学有机的整合成一门新型的独立综合研究型课程。通过此课程的教学,发挥学生的积极性和能动性,使学生初步具有应用知识和实践能力,培养学生的科研和创新能力。  相似文献   

教育是一种培养人的社会实践活动 ,学校作为培养人、教育人的场所 ,其主要目的就是提高教育教学质量 ,使学生在德、智、体各方面都得到发展 ,成为对社会有用的人。为了摆脱应试教育的桎梏 ,增强学生的动手能力 ,提高学生在各方面的基本素质 ,满足大部分学生今后生活和就业的需要 ,我校从建校伊始就致力于进行与此相关的“校本课程”的探索 :利用学校现有的师资力量 ,将学生组织起来 ,在课余时间开设丰富多采的、具有本校特色的活动课程 ,从培养学生动手实践的能力上下工夫。“生物实验园”就是我校的校本课程中众多项目之一。作为“生物实验…  相似文献   

The National University of Ireland in Galway established a Master in Science (MSc.) program in medical physics in 2002. The course was designed to be 90 ECTS1 credits and of one calendar year duration. From the outset the MSc. was designed to be part of an overall medical physics training program. MSc. programs are now widely used as part of the training and education of medical physicists. There is however paucity of data on the effectiveness of such courses and the purpose of the study reported here is to provide information on one particular MSc. course in medical physics. This is relevant to medical physicists who are involved in the development and running of medical physics training programs. The study used as methodology the Kirkpatrick levels of professional training. It was conducted through an online survey, both from students who graduated from the course and from students who were in the process of completing the course.The survey proved to be an effective way to determine attributes of modules such as learning outcomes, knowledge imparted, quality of teaching materials and others. The survey proved to be remarkably able to demonstrate interventions in the individual course modules. Although the course was shown to be effective in the imparting of the knowledge required to become a qualified medical physicist several areas for improvement were identified. These are mainly in the areas of increased practical experience and in course delivery.  相似文献   

贺竹梅  别林赛  李蔚 《遗传》2018,40(1):75-85
遗传学是生命科学、医学、农学等相关领域的核心课程。作为21世纪生命科学中发展最为迅速的学科之一,教学内容复杂、更新快,遗传学知识对人一生的影响也日益增强,特别是与医学相关的遗传学知识更是受到大众关注。为使学生更容易理解深奥的遗传学知识,使教学内容更贴近生活,在教学过程中引入医学病例,将相应的医学病例同遗传学理论知识结合并作出适当的延伸,将有利于提高学生的遗传学知识综合分析能力,同时提高学生的学习积极性和实用技能。本文根据现代遗传学教学体系,引入相应的医学病例,强调培养学生综合遗传分析能力,为综合性大学、师范院校的普通遗传学教学提供参考。  相似文献   

S Amador 《Biophysical journal》1994,66(6):2217-2221
By judiciously selecting topics and reading materials, one can teach a full semester course on medical physics appropriate for college students not majoring in the natural sciences. This interdisciplinary field offers an opportunity to teach a great deal of basic physics at the freshman level in the context of explaining modern medical technologies such as ultrasound imaging, laser surgery, and positron emission tomography. This article describes one such course which combines lectures, outside visitors, varied readings, and laboratories to convey a select subset of physical principles and quantitative problem-solving skills. These resources are also valuable for enriching the standard freshman physics sequence for premedical students.  相似文献   

专业课程是课程思政建设的基本载体,课程思政建设是课程教学改革的根本任务.医学微生物学是医学生的一门专业基础课程,教学内容涉及与人民生活息息相关的病原微生物,实用性强.紧密结合医学微生物学课程内容和人民健康需求,开展课程思政教育资源体系建设,强化学生知识学习和思想教育,达到"立德树人"的培养目标.文章介绍了围绕医学微生物...  相似文献   

Evolutionary medicine is a perspective on medical sciences derived through application of theory of evolution to aid in therapeutics. This study sought to determine the level of knowledge and acceptance of evolutionary theory in medical students along with their attitude toward teaching evolutionary medicine as a part of their undergraduate course. Factors that are likely to cause difficulty in teaching evolutionary medicine were also identified. A cross-sectional study was carried out at Army Medical College, National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan in which 299 medical students were selected by nonprobability convenient sampling technique to participate in the study. Participants’ views were obtained by a structured questionnaire comprised of three sections: appreciation of evolutionary medicine, acceptance of evolutionary theory, knowledge of evolutionary theory. Medical students had a low acceptance [mean measure of acceptance of theory of evolution (MATE) = 58.32] and a low knowledge (mean score of 5.20 out of a total ten marks). Students believed that religious beliefs, lack of resources, and an existent extensive medical curriculum would cause difficulty in imparting such an education despite its potential to improve medical research and clinical practice. Only 37.2% agreed that the subject should be taught in medical schools as an individual subject.  相似文献   

Singapore has embraced the life sciences as an important discipline to be emphasized in schools and universities. This is part of the nation's strategic move towards a knowledge-based economy, with the life sciences poised as a new engine for economic growth. In the life sciences, the area of developmental biology is of prime interest, since it is not just intriguing for students to know how a single cell can give rise to a complex, coordinated, functional life that is multicellular and multifaceted, but more importantly, there is much in developmental biology that can have biomedical implications. At different levels in the Singapore educational system, students are exposed to various aspects of developmental biology. The author has given many guest lectures to secondary (ages 12-16) and high school (ages 17-18) students to enthuse them about topics such as embryo cloning and stem cell biology. At the university level, some selected topics in developmental biology are part of a broader course which caters for students not majoring in the life sciences, so that they will learn to comprehend how development takes place and the significance of the knowledge and impacts of the technologies derived in the field. For students majoring in the life sciences, the subject is taught progressively in years two and three, so that students will gain specialist knowledge in developmental biology. As they learn, students are exposed to concepts, principles and mechanisms that underlie development. Different model organisms are studied to demonstrate the rapid advances in this field and to show the interconnectivity of developmental themes among living things. The course inevitably touches on life and death matters, and the social and ethical implications of recent technologies which enable scientists to manipulate life are discussed accordingly, either in class, in a discussion forum, or through essay writing.  相似文献   

即将在2009年投入使用的上海同步光源(Shanghai synchrotron research facility,SSRF)属第三代设施。它的成功建设和即将投入使用给国内不同领域包括来自于物理学、材料科学和生命科学的研究人员带来前所未有的机遇。病毒学是生命科学的一个重要分支,其研究在SARS冠状病毒和禽流感爆发后越来越受到重视。本文给出了同步光源在病毒学研究中应用的一些想法。目的在于抛砖引玉,促进讨论和交流,为更好地利用光源做出努力。  相似文献   

医学免疫与病原实验学综合了医学微生物学、医学免疫学和医学寄生虫学的实验,独立为一门新课程。课程内容按照基本实验、综合实验和设计性实验三级设置。设计性实验没有给定题目,要求学生自己拟题。学生必须综合三门课程的理论知识和基本实验技术,设计并完成设计性实验。本课程的教学能达到培养学生基本操作技能、创新思维能力和全面素质的目的。进一步完善后,值得向各医学专业推广。  相似文献   

In all European countries, the eighteenth century was characterised by efforts to improve the vernaculars. The Transylvanian case study shows how both codified medical language and ordinary language were constructed and enriched by a large number of medical books and brochures. The publication of medical literature in Central European vernacular languages in order to popularise new medical knowledge was a comprehensive programme, designed on the one hand by intellectual, political and religious elites who urged the improvement of the fatherland and the promotion of the common good by perfecting the arts and sciences. On the other hand, the imperial administration's initiatives affected local forms of medical knowledge and the construction of vernacular languages. In the eighteenth century, the construction of vernacular languages in the Habsburg Monarchy took on a significant political character. However, in the process of building of the scientific and medical vocabulary, the main preoccupation was precision, clarity and accessibility of the neologisms being invented to encompass the medical phenomena being described. In spite of political conflicts among the 'nations' living in Transylvania, physicians borrowed words from German, Hungarian and Romanian. Thus they elevated several words used in everyday language to the upper social stratum of language use, leading to the invention of new terms to describe particular medical practices or phenomena.  相似文献   

G. Grant Clarke  David G. Fish 《CMAJ》1967,96(14):1019-1026
The premedical academic records of the 1965-66 entering class of Canadian medical students were analysed. Ninety-six per cent of the class had taken their preparation in a Canadian institution, while 80% had taken it in the same university as the medical school in which they enrolled. Forty per cent entered without a degree, the remainder having at least a bachelor''s degree in arts or science.Thirty-six per cent of all courses taken by these students in their premedical education were in the physical sciences, 22% in the biological sciences and 41% in the social sciences and humanities. One-third of the students had taken no course in the behavioural sciences and another third had taken only one course.Analysis of the level of performance of the entering class showed that 10% had obtained an A average, 49% a B average, 41% a C average and 3% a D average. The grades of these students were higher generally in the natural sciences than in the social sciences or humanities.It was concluded that it could be questioned whether medical students received a premedical preparation which met the philosophy of a “broad, liberal education”.  相似文献   

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