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郑林丰  张贵祥 《生物磁学》2013,(36):7135-7138
住院医师培训是国、内外公认的医师成长必由之路。2010年上海市实施新形势下的住院医师规范化培训,医学影像科作为独立的学科进行住院医师规范化培训,如何在新的体制下构建医学影像科住院医师规范化培训模式面临新的挑战。本文针对医学影像科的特点,从我院医学影像科住院基地的概况、生源构成及培训的初步经验进行了探讨。  相似文献   

目的 探讨住院医师规范化临床基本技能培训模式的优化措施,并评价其应用效果。方法 对上海长海医院2012年参加上海市规范化培训的医师140人进行调查问卷、并统计其临床基本技能考核成绩及出站率。2013年对教学内容、基础条件建设、师资管理、教学方式、考核体系和激励制度等6个方面进行优化。2014年再次对参加上海市规范化培训的医师150人进行调查问卷,同时统计其临床基本技能考核成绩及出站率。将2012年及2014年调查问卷结果、考核成绩及出站率进行比较。结果 2012年收集有效问卷116份, 2014年收集有效问卷134份。两组学员在性别、年龄、学历及培训学科等方面无统计学差异(P>0.05)。将2014年的调查问卷结果与2012年比较,发现规培学员对基地及轮转科室理论讲课的不满意率由33.6%降低到了13.4%,对基地及轮转科室临床思维和技能培训的不满意率由34.5%降低到了15.7%,对基地及轮转科室出科考核的不满意率由28.4%降低到了18.7%(P<0.05)。2014年培训学员基本技能考核成绩及出站率较2012年明显提高。结论 住院医师规范化临床基本技能培训模式的优化明显提高了住院医师的临床基本技能,全面提升了住院医师的临床实践能力,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

住院医师规范化培训是培养具有独立执业能力和高超临床技能的专业医学人才的重要环节。通过对3年来口腔颌面外科住院医师规范化培训教学工作经验的总结,根据现代医学素质教育理念,结合口腔颌面外科的学科特点,探讨更加适合口腔住院医师规范化受训人员的教学方法,以促进受训住院医师临床实践综合能力的提高。我们在规范化培训中按纲施训,从转变临床思维模式、强调学习自主性、加强临床基本技能训练、注重人文思想的渗透等多方面入手,针对临床实践中的薄弱环节进行培训,为培养高素质医学人才奠定了基础,取得了教与培的满意效果。  相似文献   

目的探讨改进和完善现阶段中医学专业学位硕士研究生培养与住院医师规范化培训"双轨合一"培养模式下存在问题的措施。方法分析中医专业学位硕士研究生培养与住院医师规范化培训"双轨合一"存在的问题,并探讨其对策。结果 "双轨合一"培养模式下存在一定的问题,如研究生待遇偏低、管理模式混乱、导师地位的边缘化及临床带教医师教学水平参差不齐等。结论针对"双轨合一"存在的问题进一步完善和改进,才能真正提高中医临床医师临床诊疗水平。  相似文献   

住院医师规范化培训是培养医药卫生人才的重要举措,也是医学继续教育的重要组成部分。我院临床病理科专业基地结合本学科特点,逐步建立了临床病理医师规范化培训体系。学员入科前首先进行岗前培训,了解各项工作制度及流程,并明确整个规范化培训过程中的工作目标及工作计划。科室采用"导师负责制",并实施"轮转式"的专业导师带教模式,引导住院医师全面发展。在专业培养及带教模式方面采用渐进式、系统性的分层培养模式,考核突破创新,对考核提前达标的学员,可提前进入下一培养阶段,反之则延长培训时间直至达标为止。推行科研导师制,通过结对帮扶的形式,帮助并指导住院医师将临床科研能力与提高病理诊断水平相结合。制定科研奖励政策,进一步提高科研积极性。在带教管理上,以内在激励为主要的人文理念,在带教过程中融入人文关怀,提高学员的医德医风与人文精神。  相似文献   

目的:通过对比研究PBL(Problem-Based Learning)教学方法及LBL教学方法的特点,探索和总结PBL教学方法的特点,在老年医学科第一阶段住院医师规范化培训中的应用体会和效果评价。方法:将入老年医学科进行临床轮转的第一阶段住院医师30名,随机分为观察组(N=15)和对照组(N=15)。观察组采用PBL模式进行教学培训,对照组采用传统教学法(LBL),通过临床技能及理论知识考评、问卷形式评价及自我评价等方式来评估教学效果。结果:PBL教学组无论是笔试成绩还是问诊成绩均优于LBL组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);PBL教学组的课堂满意度明显优于LBL组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);两组培训医师对学习过程中的自我评价显示,PBL组培训医师对4个自我测评项目的结果显示均明显高于LBL组,具有显著性统计学差异(P0.01或0.05)。结论:PBL教学法有助于提高老年医学科住院医师的临床水平,有利于住院医师规范化培训的体系建设。  相似文献   


????? 目的 了解上海市住院医师规范化培训制度实施1年来住院医师对培训的认知与态度状况,为发现培训中的问题、提出改进意见提供信息支持。方法 对上海市2010年招录的住院医师进行抽样问卷调查。结果 住院医师对规范化培训的认知情况较好,仅有0.89%的人认为自己对医院的培训工作完全不了解;对于培训的态度也比较积极,占总数56.37%的人认为参加培训使自己在未来工作中有一定优势;对培训的总体满意度也较高,但其中薪酬满意度仅2.88。结论 上海市住院医师规范化培训一年来取得了一定成效,2010年招录的住院医师培训对培训政策的认识不断加深,态度与看法正面积极,在培训内容、基地设施、带教水平、师资为人和带教积极性方面的满意程度也较高。建议从更加细致化和规范化的角度来完善政策。


住院医师是医院人才梯队建设的基础。完善临床住院医师规范化培训工作,是提高青年医师综合素质的重要途径,对培养高层次的医学人才起着承上启下的作用。针对住院医师规范化培训与在职研究生教育中的衔接不畅、评估考核机制不善、政策落实不力以及软硬件设施急需提高等问题,提出了实现二者的有效衔接,通过完善评估机制、配套设施和服务体系,以期探索出完善医师培养方法并提高青年医师综合素质的新途径。  相似文献   

临床住院医师规范化培训是我国加快年轻医师成长成才的极为重要又不可缺少的阶段,是我国提高医疗卫生服务质量的重要保障。哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院自1993年实施住院医师规范化培训工作,建立了以住院医师为中心,以培训职业胜任力为核心的全方位内容、多渠道方法、全过程评价的管理模式:推进管理创新,完善体系建设;学习先进理念,创新带教模式;完善质量评估,实施全程质控;加强基地建设,改善住培条件;促进协同交流,提升示范作用。  相似文献   

住院医师规范化培训是医学生向医生转变的必修科目,也是住院医师向高层次医师迈进的必由之路,对于提高住院医师临 床技能及完善医疗水平极为重要。目前,我国住院医师规范化培训存在很多弊端,相关管理体系缺乏统一、完善的评价标准。因 此,建立一个完善的住院医师规范化培训管理体系是我们应该重视的问题。本文结合医院临床教学实习所积累的经验,并学习借 鉴发达国家及地区对住院医师规范化培训管理制度的优点与长处,探索建立住院医师规范化培训管理体系的新方法,旨在促进 住院医师规范化培训工作的持续发展。  相似文献   

As a follow-up to Wolf''s study of attitudes of obstetrical housestaff toward therapeutic abortion,5 the attitudes of 48 obstetrical residents in the San Francisco Bay area were evaluated by questionnaire and structured interview. Specific issues studied were: (1) Willingness to perform therapeutic abortion, (2) impact of therapeutic abortion on Resident Training Program, (3) attitudes toward different operational procedures, and (4) preferred physician-patient relationship with therapeutic abortion patients. Findings suggest that although there is recognition and acceptance by most residents of the social need for therapeutic abortion, considerable ambivalence persists.  相似文献   

当前医学生临床实践活动在时间上不能保证,质量上又明显下滑的情况下,增加住院医师/专科医师通科培训是十分必要的。不仅能弥补临床实践的不足,而且也能为医学生向住院医师平稳顺利过度作铺垫。住院医师/专科医师培养是医学生向临床医师角色转换的一个重要的过度阶段,因此,培训时间、学习内容安排的科学、合理与否将直接影响培养效果。住院医师/专科医师通科培训应为培养具有较高临床综合能力的医学人才奠定基础。  相似文献   



Disaster is a serious public health issue. Health professionals and community residents are main players in disaster responses but their knowledge levels of disaster medicine are not readily available. This study aimed to evaluate knowledge levels and training needs of disaster medicine among potential disaster responders and presented a necessity to popularize disaster medicine education.


A self-reporting questionnaire survey on knowledge level and training needs of disaster medicine was conducted in Shanghai, China, in 2012. A total of randomly selected 547 health professionals, 456 medical students, and 1,526 local residents provided intact information. The total response rate was 93.7%.


Overall, 1.3% of these participants have received systematic disaster medicine training. News media (87.1%) was the most common channel to acquire disaster medicine knowledge. Although health professionals were more knowledgeable than community residents, their knowledge structure of disaster medicine was not intact. Medical teachers were more knowledgeable than medical practitioners and health administrators (p = 0.002). Clinicians performed better than public health physicians (p<0.001), whereas public health students performed better than clinical medical students (p<0.001). In community residents, education background significantly affected the knowledge level on disaster medicine (p<0.001). Training needs of disaster medicine were generally high among the surveyed. ‘Lecture’ and ‘practical training’ were preferred teaching methods. The selected key and interested contents on disaster medicine training were similar between health professionals and medical students, while the priorities chosen by local residents were quite different from health professionals and medical students (p<0.001).


Traditional clinical-oriented medical education might lead to a huge gap between the knowledge level on disaster medicine and the current needs of disaster preparedness. Continuing medical education and public education plans on disaster medicine via media should be practice-oriented, and selectively applied to different populations and take the knowledge levels and training needs into consideration.  相似文献   

M Chamberland  R Boulé 《CMAJ》1990,143(8):725-730
We reviewed the available data on residents'' teaching role in the clinical setting to develop programs to improve their teaching skills. Articles published from 1966 to 1989 were identified through a computerized search of MEDLINE, and the bibliographies of identified papers were reviewed. Articles directly related to the topic were included and analysed. Taking into account their quality, we extracted data relevant to specific issues. Approximately 15% to 25% of an average work week was spent by residents in different teaching activities. Students acknowledged the importance of their contribution to clinical teaching. Residents benefitted from teaching by increasing their medical knowledge and promoting the development of important attitudes. Insufficient preparation for this task and the numerous practical problems faced by residents may explain their modest performance as teachers. Nevertheless, programs directed to residents might improve the quality of their teaching. We suggest some guidelines for the development of programs to improve their teaching skills and for future research.  相似文献   

David Waugh 《Zoo biology》1988,7(3):269-280
Different types of training in zoo biology, captive breeding, and conservation are discussed and the availability of a variety of programs documented. Emphasis is given to the need for more training in general, and especially for less-developed countries where zoos have much potential yet to be realized. The aims, structure, content, and impact of the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust's International Training Program are examined.  相似文献   



Residents in nursing homes (NHs) always represent potential reservoirs for Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). To our knowledge, there is no epidemiological information up till now that describes the prevalence and molecular characteristics of S. aureus in nursing home residents in Shanghai, China.


Four hundred and ninety-one unique residents from 7 NHs were enrolled in this study. Specimens were collected among these residents including 491 nasal swabs, 487 axillary swabs and 119 skin swabs. S. aureus isolated and identified from the swabs was characterized according to antimicrobial susceptibility profiling, toxin gene prevalence, and multilocus sequence typing (MLST), spa and SCCmec typing.


Among the 491 residents screened, S. aureus was isolated in 109 residents from 90 nasal swabs (90/491, 18.3%), 29 axillary swabs (29/487, 6.0%), and 22 skin swabs (22/119, 18.5%). Sixty-eight MRSA isolates were detected in 52 residents from 41 nasal carriers, 15 axillary carriers and 12 skin carriers. The overall prevalence rate of S. aureus and MRSA colonization was 22.2% and 10.6% respectively. Ten residents presented S. aureus in all three sample types and 12 residents presented S. aureus in two of the three sample types collected. Molecular analysis revealed CC1 (29.1%) to be the dominant clone in this study, followed by CC398 (19.9%), CC188 (13.5%) and CC5 (12.8%). The most common spa type was t127 (22.0%), followed by t14383 (12.8%) and t002 (10.6%).


A high prevalence of S. aureus and MRSA colonization was revealed in nursing home residents in Shanghai. CC1 was the most common clonal complex and t127 was the most common spa type among NH residents. The data provides an important baseline for future surveillance of S. aureus in NHs in Shanghai and other highly urbanized regions in China. Implementation of infection control strategies must be given high priority in NHs to fight such high prevalence of both MRSA and methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA).  相似文献   

医学影像诊断报告是正确行使医疗行为和保证医疗质量的依据,书写高质量的医学影像学诊断报告是医学生及住院医师必须掌握的一项基本功和基本技能。本文将结合我院长期的医学生及住院医师临床教学经验和实际,以神经系统影像报告为例,从医学影像诊断报告的重要性、医学生及住院医师医学影像诊断报告技能教学的现状、规范化医学影像报告书写技能的培养、评估、反馈和评价进行探讨,以期在医学生和住院医师的培养中提高其临床技能,供广大同道在医学教育与实践中借鉴和改进。  相似文献   

There are approximately 82 radiation oncology residency programs in the United States, which provide training opportunities for about 400 residents. All accredited radiation oncology residency programs must have at least one basic scientist on the faculty, and it is these individuals who often assume, wholly or in part, the responsibility of teaching radiation and cancer biology to radiation oncology residents in preparation for the American College of Radiology (ACR) In-Training Examination in Radiation Oncology and the American Board of Radiology (ABR) written examinations. In response to a perceived lack of uniformity in radiation and cancer biology curricula currently being taught to residents and a perceived lack of guidance for instructors in formulating course content for this population, a special session was presented at the Forty-eighth Annual Radiation Research Society meeting on April 23, 2001. The session, entitled "Toward a Consensus on Radiobiology Teaching to Radiation Oncology Residents", was focused on issues related to teaching radiobiology to radiation oncology residents and targeted for individuals who actively teach radiation and cancer biology as well as coordinators of residency training programs. The speakers addressed current challenges and future problems facing instructors and programs. Among these were lack of feedback on resident performance on ABR and ACR written examinations and on course content, uncertainty about what topics residents must know to pass the ABR examination, and, in the near future, a reduction (due to retirement) of instructors qualified to teach radiobiology. This article provides a synopsis of the information that was presented during that session, offers a glimpse into how the ABR and ACR examinations are prepared and details of the content of past and future examinations, and summarizes the activities of the Joint Working Group on Radiobiology Teaching which was formed to educate instructors, to establish a consensus for course curricula, and to improve the overall quality of resident teaching.  相似文献   

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