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Epithelial polarization involves the segregation of apical and basolateral membrane domains, which are stabilized and maintained by tight junctions and membrane traffic. We report that unlike most apical and basolateral proteins in MDCK cells, which separate only after junctions have formed, the apical marker gp135 signifies an early level of polarized membrane organization established already in single cells. We identified gp135 as the dog orthologue of podocalyxin. With a series of domain mutants we show that the COOH-terminal PSD-95/Dlg/ZO-1 (PDZ)-binding motif is targeting podocalyxin to the free surface of single cells as well as to a subdomain of the terminally polarized apical membrane. This special localization of podocalyxin is shared by the cytoplasmic PDZ-protein Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor (NHERF)-2. Depleting podocalyxin by RNA interference caused defects in epithelial polarization. Together, our data suggest that podocalyxin and NHERF-2 function in epithelial polarization by contributing to an early apical scaffold based on PDZ domain-mediated interactions.  相似文献   

Most cells in tissues are polarized and usually have two distinct plasma membrane domains-an apical membrane and a basolateral membrane, which are the result of polarized trafficking of proteins and lipids. However, the mechanism underlying the cell polarization is not fully understood. In this study, we investigated the involvement of synaptotagmin-like protein 2-a (Slp2-a), an effector molecule for the small GTPase Rab27, in polarized trafficking by using Madin-Darby canine kidney II cells as a model of polarized cells. The results show that the level of Slp2-a expression in MDCK II cells increases greatly as the cells become polarized and that its expression is specifically localized at the apical membrane. The results also reveal that Slp2-a is required for targeting of the signaling molecule podocalyxin to the apical membrane in a Rab27A-dependent manner. In addition, ezrin, a downstream target of podocalyxin, and ERK1/2 are activated in Slp2-a-knockdown cells, and their activation results in a dramatic reduction in the amount of the tight junction protein claudin-2. Because both Slp2-a and claudin-2 are highly expressed in mouse renal proximal tubules, Slp2-a is likely to regulate claudin-2 expression through trafficking of podocalyxin to the apical surface in mouse renal tubule epithelial cells.  相似文献   

ARNO is a guanine-nucleotide exchange protein for the ARF family of GTPases. Here we show that in polarized epithelial cells, ARNO is localized exclusively to the apical plasma membrane, where it regulates endocytosis. Expression of ARNO stimulates apical endocytosis of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor, and coexpression of ARF6 with ARNO leads to a synergistic stimulation of apical endocytosis. Expression of a dominant negative ARF6 mutant, ARF6-T27N, antagonizes this stimulatory effect. Deletion of the N-terminal coiled-coil (CC) domain of ARNO causes the mutant ARNO to localize to both the apical and basolateral plasma membranes. Expression of the CC domain alone abolishes ARNO-induced apical endocytosis as well as co-localization of IgA-receptor complexes with ARNO and clathrin. These results suggest that the CC domain contributes to the specificity of apical localization of ARNO through association with components of the apical plasma membrane. We conclude that ARNO acts together with ARF6 to regulate apical endocytosis.  相似文献   

Abnormal p53 cellular localization has been considered to be one of the mechanisms that could inactivate p53 function. To understand the regulation of p53 cellular trafficking, we have previously identified two p53 domains involved in its localization. A basic domain, Lys(305)-Arg(306), is required for p53 nuclear import, and a carboxyl-terminal domain, namely the cytoplasmic sequestration domain (CSD) from residues 326-355, could block the nuclear import of Lys(305) or Arg(306) mutated p53. To characterize further the function of these two domains, we demonstrate in this report that the previously described major nuclear localization signal works together with Lys(305)-Arg(306) to form a bipartite and functional nuclear localization sequence (NLS) for p53 nuclear import. The CSD could block the binding of p53 to the NLS receptor, importin alpha, and reduce the efficiency of p53 nuclear import in MCF-7, H1299, and Saos-2 cells. The blocking effect of the CSD is not due to the enhancement of nuclear export or oligomerization of the p53. These results indicate that the CSD can regulate p53 nuclear import by controlling access of the NLS to importin alpha binding.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) root hairs develop as long tubular extensions from the rootward pole of trichoblasts and exert polarized tip growth. The establishment and maintenance of root hair polarity is a complex process involving the local apical production of reactive oxygen species generated by A. thaliana nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase respiratory burst oxidase homolog protein C/ROOT HAIR-DEFECTIVE 2 (AtRBOHC/RHD2). Loss-of-function root hair defective 2 (rhd2) mutants have short root hairs that are unable to elongate by tip growth, and this phenotype is fully complemented by GREEN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN (GFP)-RHD2 expressed under the RHD2 promoter. However, the spatiotemporal mechanism of AtRBOHC/RHD2 subcellular redistribution and delivery to the plasma membrane (PM) during root hair initiation and tip growth are still unclear. Here, we used advanced microscopy for detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of vesicular compartments containing GFP-RHD2 and characterization of their movements in developing bulges and growing root hairs. These compartments, identified by an independent molecular marker mCherry-VTI12 as the trans-Golgi network (TGN), deliver GFP-RHD2 to the apical PM domain, the extent of which corresponds with the stage of root hair formation. Movements of TGN/early endosomes, but not late endosomes, were affected in the bulging domains of the rhd2-1 mutant. Finally, we revealed that structural sterols might be involved in the accumulation, docking, and incorporation of TGN compartments containing GFP-RHD2 to the apical PM of root hairs. These results help in clarifying the mechanism of polarized AtRBOHC/RHD2 targeting, maintenance, and recycling at the apical PM domain, coordinated with different developmental stages of root hair initiation and growth.

Structural sterols might participate in delivering GFP-RHD2 to the apical plasma membrane of developing root hairs.  相似文献   

Podocalyxin (PC) was initially identified as a major sialoprotein on the apical surface of glomerular podocytes to perform the filtration barrier function. Later, it was reported to be expressed in endothelial cells, megakaryotes/platelets, and hemangioblasts, the common progenitor cells of the hematopoietic and endothelial cells. Recently, increasing numbers of reports have indicated that PC is not merely a molecule restricted at renal glomerulus, angiogenic or hematopoietic system. To further elucidate the expression pattern and address the possible physiological role of PC in adult mammals, we conducted an extensive study by immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence staining on various tissues of healthy adult beagle dogs. By combinatory usage of two different anti-podocalyxin antibodies recognizing distinct epitopes in PC, we have demonstrated that (1) PC is expressed in renal tubules, mesothelium, myocardium, striated muscles in tongue, esophagus and extraocular region, myoepithelial cells in esophagus and salivary glands, neurons, and ependyma, etc.; (2) there are at least three forms of PC proteins, depending upon the accessibility of two different PC antibodies, expressed in different organs/systems; and (3) a particular form of PC is distributed in a vesicle-like compartment in certain organs/systems, such as the central nervous system. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Background information. Rho GTPases are important regulators of cytoskeleton dynamics and cell adhesion. RhoU/Wrch‐1 is a Rho GTPase which shares sequence similarities with Rac1 and Cdc42 (cell division cycle 42), but has also extended N‐ and C‐terminal domains. The N‐terminal extension promotes binding to SH3 (Src homology 3)‐domain‐containing adaptors, whereas the C‐terminal extension mediates membrane targeting through palmitoylation of its non‐conventional CAAX box. RhoU/Wrch‐1 possesses transforming activity, which is negatively regulated by its N‐terminal extension and depends on palmitoylation. Results. In the present study, we have shown that RhoU is localized to podosomes in osteoclasts and c‐Src‐expressing cells, and to focal adhesions of HeLa cells and fibroblasts. The N‐terminal extension and the palmitoylation site were dispensable, whereas the C‐terminal extension and effector binding loop were critical for RhoU targeting to focal adhesions. Moreover, the number of focal adhesions was reduced and their distribution changed upon expression of activated RhoU. Conversely, RhoU silencing increased the number of focal adhesions. As RhoU was only transiently associated with adhesion structures, this suggests that RhoU may modify adhesion turnover and cell migration rate. Indeed, we found that migration distances were increased in cells expressing activated RhoU and decreased when RhoU was knocked‐down. Conclusions. Our data indicate that RhoU localizes to adhesion structures, regulates their number and distribution and increases cell motility. It also suggests that the RhoU effector binding and C‐terminal domains are critical for these functions.  相似文献   

Rab11 is a GTPase that regulates endosomal trafficking to apical plasma membrane domains in polarized epithelial cells. We report the identification of a novel Rab11 effector, Rip11. Rip11 is enriched in polarized epithelial cells where, like Rab11, it is localized to subapical recycling endosomes (ARE) and the apical plasma membrane. Using various transport assays, we demonstrate that Rip11 is important for protein trafficking from ARE to the apical plasma membrane. Rip11 is recruited to ARE by binding to Rab11 as well as through a Mg(2+)-dependent interaction of its C2 domain with neutral phospholipids. The association of Rip11 with membranes is regulated by a phosphorylation and dephosphorylation cycle. We propose a model whereby the Rab11/Rip 11 complex regulates vesicle targeting from the ARE.  相似文献   

ERBB2 is a receptor tyrosine kinase present on the basolateral membrane of polarized epithelia and has important functions in organ development and tumorigenesis. Using mutagenic analyses and Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, we have investigated the signals that regulate basolateral targeting of ERBB2. We show that basolateral delivery of ERBB2 is dependent on a novel bipartite juxtamembrane sorting signal residing between Gln-692 and Thr-701. The signal shows only limited sequence homology to known basolateral targeting signals and is both necessary and sufficient for correct sorting of ERBB2. In addition we demonstrate that this motif can function as a dominant basolateral targeting signal by its ability to redirect the apically localized P75 neurotrophin receptor to the basolateral membrane domain of polarized epithelial cells. Interestingly, LLC-PK1 cells, which are deficient for the micro 1B subunit of the AP1B adaptor complex, missort a large proportion of ERBB2 to the apical membrane domain. This missorting can be partially corrected by the introduction of micro 1B, suggesting a possible role for AP1B in ERBB2 endosomal trafficking. Furthermore, we find that the C-terminal ERBIN binding domain of ERBB2 is not necessary for its basolateral targeting in MDCK cells.  相似文献   

TS (thymidylate synthase) is a key enzyme in the de novo biosynthesis of dTMP, and is indispensable for DNA replication. Previous studies have shown that intracellular degradation of the human enzyme [hTS (human thymidylate synthase)] is mediated by the 26S proteasome, and occurs in a ubiquitin-independent manner. Degradation of hTS is governed by a degron that is located at the polypeptide''s N-terminus that is capable of promoting the destabilization of heterologous proteins to which it is attached. The hTS degron is bipartite, consisting of two subdomains: an IDR (intrinsically disordered region) that is highly divergent among mammalian species, followed by a conserved amphipathic α-helix (designated hA). In the present report, we have characterized the structure and function of the hTS degron in more detail. We have conducted a bioinformatic analysis of interspecies sequence variation exhibited by the IDR, and find that its hypervariability is not due to diversifying (or positive) selection; rather, it has been subjected to purifying (or negative) selection, although the intensity of such selection is relaxed or weakened compared with that exerted on the rest of the molecule. In addition, we have verified that both subdomains of the hTS degron are required for full activity. Furthermore, their co-operation does not necessitate that they are juxtaposed, but is maintained when they are physically separated. Finally, we have identified a ‘cryptic’ degron at the C-terminus of hTS, which is activated by the N-terminal degron and appears to function only under certain circumstances; its role in TS metabolism is not known.  相似文献   

E-cadherin controls a wide array of cellular behaviors including cell-cell adhesion, differentiation and tissue development. Here we show that presenilin-1 (PS1), a protein involved in Alzheimer's disease, controls a gamma-secretase-like cleavage of E-cadherin. This cleavage is stimulated by apoptosis or calcium influx and occurs between human E-cadherin residues Leu731 and Arg732 at the membrane-cytoplasm interface. The PS1/gamma-secretase system cleaves both the full-length E-cadherin and a transmembrane C-terminal fragment, derived from a metalloproteinase cleavage after the E-cadherin ectodomain residue Pro700. The PS1/gamma-secretase cleavage dissociates E-cadherins, beta-catenin and alpha-catenin from the cytoskeleton, thus promoting disassembly of the E-cadherin-catenin adhesion complex. Furthermore, this cleavage releases the cytoplasmic E-cadherin to the cytosol and increases the levels of soluble beta- and alpha-catenins. Thus, the PS1/gamma-secretase system stimulates disassembly of the E-cadherin- catenin complex and increases the cytosolic pool of beta-catenin, a key regulator of the Wnt signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Although interstitial cells of hydra can migrate either apically or basally along the body column, there is a distinct bias toward apical cell accumulation. This apical bias could be produced by a local vectorial property of the tissue or it may be controlled by a more global property, such as a signal from the apical head region. The migration behavior of BrdU-labeled interstitial cells was examined in several types of grafts to distinguish between these two general types of migration control. Grafting BrdU-labeled midgastric region tissue into a host in either the normal or the reverse orientation had no effect on the apical bias, indicating that a local vectorial cue was probably not guiding cells apically. In grafts with heads or with feet at both ends of the body column, there was no directional bias in migration if the labeled tissue was equidistant from both ends. In the two-headed grafts, if the labeled tissue was closer to one end, there was a bias in the direction of the closer head. The results suggest that a graded signal emanating from the head creates the apical bias and may attract cells via chemotaxis. The apical bias is enhanced in decapitated animals regenerating a head, indicating that the attracting signal is present and is possibly stronger in regenerating heads. The signal for cell migration may be involved in a patterning process underlying head regeneration.  相似文献   

GroEL undergoes numerous conformational alterations in the course of facilitating the folding of various proteins, and the specific movements of the GroEL apical domain are of particular importance in the molecular mechanism. In order to monitor in detail the numerous movements of the GroEL apical domain, we have constructed a mutant chaperonin (GroEL R231W) with wild type-like function and a fluorescent probe introduced into the apical domain. By monitoring the tryptophan fluorescence changes of GroEL R231W upon ATP addition in the presence and absence of the co-chaperonin GroES, we detected a total of four distinct kinetic phases that corresponded to conformational changes of the apical domain and GroES binding. By introducing this mutation into a single ring variant of GroEL (GroEL SR-1), we determined the extent of inter-ring cooperation that was involved in apical domain movements. Surprisingly, we found that the apical domain movements of GroEL were affected only slightly by the change in quaternary structure. Our experiments provide a number of novel insights regarding the dynamic movements of this protein.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) is mainly vectorially targeted to the apical surface in MDCK cells. BFA was found to abolish the apical targeting of DPPIV. This BFA effect could be achieved under conditions where the ER to Golgi transport and the total surface expression of DPPIV were essentially unaffected. BFA executed its effect during the transport from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to the surface. The inhibition of apical targeting resulted in enhanced mis-targeting to the basolateral surface. The mistargeted DPPIV was transcytosed back to the apical domain only after BFA withdrawal. In contrast, the basolateral targeting of uvomorulin was unaffected by BFA. These results established that the apical targeting of DPPIV was selectively abolished by BFA.  相似文献   

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