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Ohne ZusammenfassungDirektor: Prof. Dr. F. Vogel)Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Vergleich zu lichtmikroskopischen Untersuchungen an der Mamma virilis wird anhand von 2 operativ entfernten Brustdrüsen eines 57 und 63 Jahre alten Mannes die elektronenmikroskopisch erfaßbare Zytomorphologie beschrieben. Die Befunde werden den physiologischen Wachstumsimpulsen dieses Organs gegenübergestellt und Fragen der Zelldifferenzierung, der Desquamation und apokrinen Sekretion beantwortet. Elektronenmikroskopisch werden am Drüsenepithel Basalzellen, größere Zellen der oberflächlichen Zellreihen und Myoepithelzellen unterschieden. Diese Zellen entsprechen den Gangepithelien der weiblichen Brustdrüse und besitzen intracytoplasmatische Filamente. Diese stellen ein häufiges Differenzierungsprodukt des Zytoplasmas dar. Mechanismen einer Sekretion waren nicht nachweisbar. In die Drüsenlichtung werden pseudopodienartig vorgewölbte Zytoplasmateile abgeschnürt (Extrasionsvorgang). — Superfiziale Zellen werden desquamiert, wobei die Zytolyse in den marginalen Zytoplasmaschichten erfolgt. Kern und Teile des Zytoplasmas gelangen in die Drüsenlichtung. — Die Befunde zeigen die von Lebensalter und Proliferationsreiz abhängigen Vorgänge eines permanenten Zellersatzes in der männlichen Brustdrüse an.
Ultrastructure of the mammary gland of the human male
Summary The ultrastructure of two mammary glands obtained operatively from a 57-year old and a 63-year old man was compared to the structure observed in the light microscope, and related to stimuli controlling growth of the gland, cellular differentiation and desquamation, and apocrine secretion. The glandular epithelium, which is analogous to that of the female mammary gland, is differentiated into basic cells, large superficial cells, and myoepithelial cells. The cells have intracytoplasmic filaments, that may be a sign of differentiation. Mechanisms for secretion were not observed, although pseudopodia-like parts of the cytoplasm are extruded into the glandular lumen. Superficial cells are desquamated, followed by cytolysis of their margins. These findings illustrate the replacement of cells due to age and altered stimuli.
Frl. St. Walter, lt. Assistentin des elektronenmikroskopischen Labors, danken wir für Präparationen und Photoarbeiten.  相似文献   

In premeiotic stages of the male, the entire Y chromosome and the heterochromatio 3/4 of the X chromosome remain heavily condensed. Pairing of the sex chromosomes does not occur during zygotene. The sex vesicle stage lasts from middle pachytene to the beginning of diplotene. At the more advanced diplotene stages, X and Y lie again separate; chiasma formation has not been observed. Thus, it seems improbable that any pairing occurs at all between X and Y during meiosis. The findings support the hypothesis that heterochromatin does not participate in meiotic exchange, independent of possible homologies between the chromosome segments.  相似文献   

Summary A count-chamber like methodes enables us to estimate the number of cysts corresponding to each developmental stage of the spermatogenesis.The multiplication of the germ cells depends upon the physiological conditions of the host: it is stopped in isolated larval abdomina, and is low in larvae of a crowded culture where pupation is delayed. In implants of 48 h old testis in. virgin adult females the multiplication rate is lower than in males and in mated females; it is as high as in situ in castrated females or in pupal hosts.The time required for the oldest cysts with spermatocytes to enter the meiotic divisions is with one exception for all these experiments the same as in situ; only in pupal hosts it will be accelerated. The subsequent spermatid differentiation in sperm also takes the same time as in situ. Thereby the premeiotic growth and postmeiotic differentiation is as efficient in all tested milieus as in situ, even when the hosts have not attained or already bypassed the metamorphosis. This autonomy is also valid for germ cells under insufficient multiplying conditions, provided that the spermatocytes have reached a certain stage in the premeiotic growth.When the first cysts reach the postmeiotic stages the further multiplication of cysts is stopped. This regulative mechanism is attributed to a specific inhibition operated by the spermatids.The autonomy of the spermatocyte differentiation and the unified behaviour of all the cells within a cyst are discussed.

Herrn Prof. Dr. E.Hadorn bin ich zu Dank verpflichtet für die kritische Diskussion dieser Arbeit, Herrn Prof. Dr. H.Burla für die Unterstützung in statistischen Prägen, Herrn Dr. R.Nöthiger und Herrn W.Gehring für die Hilfe bei der Abfassung des deutschen Textes.  相似文献   

The variations of the field, vein and edge scales of normal wings are compared with the variations of PS1-scales in nests in the same positions. Types and subtypes of these scales and their fluctuations are described. Length and width of field-scales are measured. The degree of polyploidy of blastocytes from scales is fixed. The susceptibility to change of the PS1-scales dependent on their position is not lost. The X-ray induced PS1 mutation is connected with the ultrastructure of the scale.

Durchgeführt im Rahmen des Forschungsvertrages 041-65-10 BIO-D mit Euratom (Hilfskräfte) und mit Leihgeräten der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.Wir danken Frl. Gisela Stöhr und Frl. Theresia Mayer für ihre umsichtige und gewissenhafte technische Hilfe.  相似文献   

Mutagenic activity of alkylating agents has previously been studied in our group by the dominant lethal method (Röhrborn et al.). These investigations have now been supplemented by cytogenetic studies on the influence of trenimon and cytoxan in the same dosages as used by Röhrborn applied in single i.p. injektions. The stages of spermatogenesis treated were estimated using the time table established by Oakberg. The cytogenetic procedures used have been described in the preceeding paper (Schleiermacher, 1966). Relative frequency of meiosis was calculated from the number of meiotic prophases counted in relation to number of interphase nuclei.Relative frequency of meiotic prophases varied considerably following treatment. After maturation depletion of the tubules marked diminution but never complete disappearence of meiotic prophases occured. This observation corresponds in a certain manner to the sterile period known after X-irradiation. In breeding experiments, however, no definite decrease of fertility has been noted (Röhrborn). As soon as the spermatids disappear as result of lacking regeneration, the relative frequency of meiotic prophases must increase. Other factors also could account for this phenomenon. Change in frequency of meiosis indicates that regeneration of germ cells is slowed down after treatment with trenimon and cytoxan, which is at variance with the results reported of irradiation experiments. The sensible stages, in which retardation of regeneration occurs, are detectable by histological analysis only. This will be attempted in subsequent experiments. Differences in results of experiments with trenimon and cytoxan could be due to dosage effects.In all phases of spermatogenesis treatment results in increased frequency of univalents. The highest incidence of univalents has been found after treatment of preleptotene with trenimon. This could presumably be caused by invisible structural changes in chromosomes, most likely inversions. The expected occurrence of aneuploid second metaphases could not be demonstrated. Our results indicate that univalents do not play a role in causation of dominant lethals.Chromosome aberrations in diakinesis, mainly chromosome breaks and translocations, occured after treatment of all phases. In second metaphases breaks, dicentric chromosomes and translocation chromosomes have been seen very rarely. Less chromosome aberrations have been found in either M I or M II than have been expected from the results of irradiation experiments (Ashwood-Smith et al.). Chromosome aberrations even occured in stages of spermatogenesis in which no dominant lethals have been detected by Röhrborn. Whether in our experiments the chromosome aberrations may have been masked by loss of damaged cells cannot yet be decided.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungVortrag, gehalten auf dem Fortbildungskursus für Pflanzenzüchter am 21. Juni 1934 in Müncheberg i. M.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der mit Hilfe der Gefrierätztechnik dargestellte Feinbau der Zellwand und Cytoplasmamembran von Clostridium nigrificans wurde mit den Ergebnissen der chemischen Fixation verglichen. Die Zellwand von chemisch fixierten Zellen zeigt einen Aufbau aus drei stark und zwei schwach elektronenstreuenden Schichten, wobei die innerste, der Cytoplasmamembran angrenzende Schicht nicht immer darstellbar ist. Die Cytoplasmamembran hat eine asymmetrische Elementarmembran-Struktur. Mit Hilfe der Gefrierätztechnik konnte die Zellwand in drei Schichten aufgespalten werden: Einer äußeren aus globulären, rechtwinkelig geordneten, etwa 9 nm messenden Partikeln aufgebauten Schicht und zwei darunter liegenden, 15 und 5 nm dicken Schichten. Die Cytoplasmamembran wird in jungen Kulturen vollkommen, in alten teilweise mit 5–15 nm großen Teilchen bedeckt. An Stellen wo die Teilchen abgespalten wurden oder entsprechend locker angeordnet waren, konnte die Oberfläche der Cytoplasmamembran sichtbar gemacht werden. Sie ist sowohl auf der der Zellwand als auch auf der dem Cytoplasma zugekehrten Seite mit systemlos verteilten, scheinbar verschieden tief eingebetteten Teilchen bedeckt.
The fine structure of the cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane of Clostridium nigrificans demonstrated by means of freeze-etching and chemical fixation techniques
Summary A comparison was made between the results obtained using the freeze-etching technique in demonstrating the fine structure of the cell wall and the cytoplasmic membrane of Clostridium nigrificans with those using the chemical fixation technique. In chemically fixed cells, the cell wall appears to consist of three dense layers separated by two layers of low electron scattering power, whereby it is not always possible to observe that layer immediately bordering on the cytoplasmic membrane. The cytoplasmic membrane has an asymmetrical unit membrane structure. It was possible, to separate the cell wall in three distinct layers using the freeze-etching technique. The outermost is composed of globular, rectangularly arranged particles, approximataly 9 nm in size, the two inner layers are 15 and 5 nm wide respectively. The cytoplasmic membrane is covered with particles 5 to 15 nm in size, in younger cultures completely, in older cultures partially. On those places where the particles have been split off or where they are loosly arranged, it was possible to observe the surface of the cytoplasmic membrane. It appears to be covered with unsystematically scattered particles imbedded at different depths, not only on that side turned to the cell wall but also on that facing the cytoplasm.

Zusammenfassung Morphologische Studien an infraorbitalen und extraorbitalen Tränendrüsen ausgewachsener Batten beiderlei Geschlechts ergaben einen deutlichen Geschlechtsdimorphismus der acinösen Bestandteile.Die weibliche Drüse ist gekenntzeichnet durch: 1. kleine Acini mit engem Lumen; 2. gut sichtbare Zellgrenzen mit zahlreichen Interzellularkanälchen; 3. meistens größere cytoplasmatische Vakuolen, deren Inhalt — vielleicht pigmenthaltig — fettähnlich ist. — Die männliche ist gekennzeichnet durch: 1. große Acini mit etwas weiterem Lumen; 2. undeutlich sichtbare Zellgrenzen mit weniger häufigen intercellulären Kanälchen; 3. starke Kern-Polymorphie mit häufigen cytoplasmatischen Kerneinschlüssen, deren Größe und Inhalt sehr verschieden sind; 4. besondere Struktur der Golgi-Pelder und 5. basale Vakuolen.Andere weniger auffallende Unterschiede betreffen das endoplasmatische Retikulum, die Sekretionsgranula und die Cytosomen. Die acinösen Zellen beider Geschlechter zeigen cytoplasmatische Vakuolen verschiedener Größe, die oft in der Nähe des Kernes liegen oder ihn berühren.Das Ausführungsgangsystem der Tränendrüsen beider Geschlechter besteht aus intraglandulärem Schaltstück und extraglandulärem Streifenstück. Beide weisen außer den gewöhnlichen cytoplasmatischen Bestandteilen Sekretgranula auf. In den weiblichen Tränendrüsen sind immer Poren im Kapillarendothel nachzuweisen, selten dagegen in den männlichen.
Summary Morphological studies of the infra- and extra-orbital lacrimal gland of adult rats of both sexes reveal a distinct sex dimorphism of the glandular acini.The femal gland is characterized by: 1. small acini with narrow lumen; 2. easily visible cell borders with many intercellular channels; 3. frequently, large cytoplasmic vacuoles, possibly filled with pigment containing fatty substances. — The male gland is characterized by: 1. large acini with somewhat wider lumen; 2. less distinct cell borders with sparse intercellular channels; 3. striking nuclear polymorphism with inclusions of cytoplasmic material in the nuclei; 4. specialized structure of the Golgi-fields and 5. basale vacuoles. Other, less important differences are found in the endoplasmic reticulum, the secretory granules and the cytosomes.The acinar cells of both sexes contain cytoplasmic vacuoles of different size which frequently are in contact with the outer nuclear membrane.The ducts of the lacrimal glands of both sexes consist of an intraglandular (intercalated) and an extraglandular (striated) part. The cells of both parts contain secretory granules besides the common cytoplasmic components. The capillary endothelia of the female glands always show pores which are sparse in the male gland.

Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung wurden auf der Tagung für Elektronenmikroskopie in Aachen am 30. 9. 1965 vorgetragen.

Herrn Prof. H. Ruska danke ich für das ständige Interesse an dieser Arbeit und für die Förderung bei der Abfassung des Textes, ferner Herrn Priv.-Doz. Dr. E. Reale für Rat und Unterstützung.  相似文献   

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