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We identified a 1,845-base-pair sequence that contains essential information for the autonomous replication and regulation of the 93-kilobase-pair IncI alpha group ColIb-P9 plasmid. Biochemical and genetic analyses revealed that this sequence specifies at least two structural genes, designated repZ and inc. The repZ gene encodes a protein with a molecular weight of 39,000, which probably functions as an initiator for the ColIb-P9 replicon. The inc gene that phenotypically governs the incompatibility encodes an RNA with a size of about 70 bases. This small RNA acts in trans to repress the expression of repZ, thereby functioning to maintain a constant copy number of the ColIb-P9 replicon in host cells.  相似文献   

Translational control by antisense RNA in control of plasmid replication   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
K Nordstr?m  E G Wagner  C Persson  P Blomberg  M Ohman 《Gene》1988,72(1-2):237-240
Control of replication of plasmids involves two processes: measurement of the copy number of the plasmid and adjustment of the replication frequency accordingly. For both these processes IncFII plasmids use an antisense RNA (CopA RNA) that forms a duplex with the upstream region (CopT) of the mRNA of the rate-limiting RepA protein. The kinetics of duplex formation was measured in vitro for the wild type and for a cop mutant plasmid; the mutant showed a reduction in the second-order rate constant for the formation of the RNA duplex and a similar increase in copy number. Hence, the kinetics of duplex formation and the concentration of CopA RNA determines the copy number of the plasmid.  相似文献   

The autonomous replication region of plasmid ColIb-P9 contains repZ encoding the RepZ replication protein, and inc and repY as the negative and positive regulators of repZ translation, respectively. inc encodes the antisense Inc RNA, and repY is a short open reading frame upstream of repZ. Translation of repY enables repZ translation by inducing formation of a pseudoknot containing stem-loop I, which base pairs with the sequence preceding the repZ start codon. Inc RNA inhibits both repY translation and formation of the pseudoknot by binding to the loop I. To investigate control of repY expression by Inc RNA, we isolated a number of mutations that express repY in the presence of Inc RNA. One class of mutations delete a part of another stem-loop (II), which derepresses repY expression by initiating translation at codon 10 (GUG), located within this structure. Point mutations in stem-loop II can also derepress repY translation, and the introduction of compensatory base-changes restores control of repY translation. These results not only indicate that suppressing a cryptic start codon by secondary structure is important for maintaining the translational control of repZ but also demonstrate that the position of start site for repY translation is critical for its control by Inc RNA. Thus, Inc RNA controls repY translation by binding in the vicinity of the start codon, in contrast to the control of repZ expression at the level of loop-loop interaction.  相似文献   

The sog gene of the conjugative plasmid ColIb-P9 specifies two sequence-related polypeptides with the N-terminal third of the larger product having DNA primase activity. To resolve the function of the C-terminal portion of the polypeptides, we constructed a ColIb mutant containing a Tn5 insertion in the 3' region of sog. The mutation truncated sog gene products without inactivating DNA primase and rendered the plasmid defective in conjugation. Tests for the presence of conjugative pili, for complementation by a sog+ recombinant, and for mobilization of small origin of transfer (oriT) recombinant plasmids indicated that the mutant ColIb allows conjugative aggregation of cells but it is defective in DNA transfer at some stage subsequent to its initiation at oriT. Physical evidence is given that normal sog polypeptides are among a group of proteins transferred selectively from the donor to the recipient cell by a conjugation-specific process. No transfer of the mutant sog proteins was detected. It is proposed that the C-terminal region of sog polypeptides facilitates transfer of single-stranded ColIb DNA between conjugating cells following initiation of transfer at the oriT site, and that in this role the proteins are transmitted to the recipient cell.  相似文献   

Identification and characterization of a metal ion binding site in an RNA pseudoknot was accomplished using cobalt (III) hexammine, Co(NH3)63+, as a probe for magnesium (II) hexahydrate, Mg(H2O)62+, in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structural studies. The pseudoknot causes efficient -1 ribosomal frameshifting in mouse mammary tumor virus. Divalent metal ions, such as Mg2+, are critical for RNA structure and function; Mg2+preferentially stabilizes the pseudoknot relative to its constituent hairpins. The use of Co(NH3)63+as a substitute for Mg2+was investigated by ultraviolet absorbance melting curves, NMR titrations of the imino protons, and analysis of NMR spectra in the presence of Mg2+or Co (NH3)63+. The structure of the pseudoknot-Co(NH3)63+complex reveals an ion-binding pocket formed by a short, two-nucleotide loop and the major groove of a stem. Co(NH3)63+stabilizes the sharp loop-to-stem turn and reduces the electrostatic repulsion of the phosphates in three proximal strands. Hydrogen bonds are identified between the Co(NH3)63+protons and non-bridging phosphate oxygen atoms, 2' hydroxyl groups, and nitrogen and oxygen acceptors on the bases. The binding site is significantly different from that previously characterized in the major groove surface of tandem G.U base-pairs, but is similar to those observed in crystal structures of a fragment of the 5 S rRNA and the P5c helix of the Tetrahymena thermophila group I intron. Changes in chemical shifts occurred at the same pseudoknot protons on addition of Mg2+as on addition of Co(NH3)63+, indicating that both ions bind at the same site. Ion binding dissociation constants of approximately 0.6 mM and 5 mM (in 200 mM Na+and a temperature of 15 degrees C) were obtained for Co(NH3)63+and Mg2+, respectively, from the change in chemical shift as a function of metal ion concentration. An extensive array of non-sequence-specific hydrogen bond acceptors coupled with conserved structural elements within the binding pocket suggest a general mode of divalent metal ion stabilization of this type of frameshifter pseudoknot. These results provide new thermodynamic and structural insights into the role divalent metal ions play in stabilizing RNA tertiary structural motifs such as pseudoknots.  相似文献   

E Wahle  A Kornberg 《The EMBO journal》1988,7(6):1889-1895
A protein in extracts of Escherichia coli that specifically binds the stabilizing par sequence of pSC101 was identified as DNA gyrase. The purified enzyme protects par against digestion by DNase I and exonuclease III. Competition assays demonstrate that gyrase has a 40-fold higher affinity for the 100-bp par sequence than for nonspecific DNA and that par is the major gyrase-binding site in pSC101 derivatives used in this and other studies. Within par, AT-rich sequences occur with a pronounced 10-bp periodicity that is shifted by 5 bp from a similar periodicity of GC-rich sequences. As judged by DNase I digestion, the GC sequences are exposed on the outside of the DNA wrapped around gyrase. The data suggest that the site-specificity of DNA gyrase may be partly determined by the bendability of the DNA. A 4-bp deletion that interferes with Par function in vivo also reduces the affinity for gyrase in vitro. However, a deletion of par causes little reduction in superhelical density in vivo. We conclude that DNA gyrase, while involved in the Par function, may not affect plasmid stability through its supercoiling activity or by an influence on DNA replication.  相似文献   

Selective transfer of the two products of the ColIb primase gene, sog, from donor to recipient cell during conjugation was demonstrated by two independent methods. The transfer of these tra proteins was unidirectional and dependent on DNA transfer. The Sog polypeptides were localized to the cytoplasm of the donor cell, but they appeared to interact with other tra gene products located in the inner membrane. After cell mating, the transferred polypeptides were found to be in the cytoplasm of the recipient cell, and it is estimated that as many as 500 Sog polypeptides were transferred per round of conjugation. It is proposed that these proteins are transferred as a result of an interaction with the single-stranded DNA and that the transferred strand may be coated with Sog polypeptides.  相似文献   

We have structurally and functionally analyzed the cis-elements essential for ColIb-P9 plasmid DNA replication. The putative oriV region encompassed a region of 172 base pairs (bp) located 152 bp downstream of the repZ gene. A typical dnaA box found in this region proved nonessential for the DNA replication of ColIb-P9. The ssi signal of ColIb-P9 is a homologue of the G-sites of R1 and R100 plasmids. Deletion of the G-site led to 1.5-fold reduction of the copy number, suggesting that although this G-site is not essential, it is important for efficient ColIb-P9 DNA replication. In addition, the ColIb-P9 replicon is highly and extensively homologous with the P307 (RepFIC) replicon, and highly homologous with the R100 (RepFIIA) replicon around the G-site region. These facts imply a common ancestry from which the plasmids have evolved.  相似文献   

In studies of DNA replication in Escherichia coli, an important question concerns the role of the initiator protein DnaA. This protein is known to bind to a specific 9-bp sequence in the origin of replication, but it is not understood how it can recognize another, relatively distant, 13-bp sequence that has no homology to the binding site but is where the DnaA protein serves its catalytic function in the initiation of DNA replication. This effect of DnaA might be achieved by bending of DNA in this region. I have searched for putative binding sites for integration host factor (IHF), a protein known to bend DNA. Here I report the finding of an IHF binding site in the E. coli origin and present direct evidence that IHF binds and causes DNA bending in this region. On the basis of these results I propose a model wherein formation of a higher-order nucleoprotein structure would facilitate the action of DnaA protein in the initiation events.  相似文献   

Conjugal transfer of the normally repressed antibiotic resistance plasmid R100 was derepressed by fragments of R100 that carried the traJ promoter and the traJ leader but lacked the finP promoter.  相似文献   

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