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Dehairs  F.  Rao  R. G.  Chandra Mohan  P.  Raman  A.V.  Marguillier  S.  Hellings  L. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,431(2-3):225-241
Stable carbon isotopic composition and C/N ratio were used to trace the input of carbon associated with mangrove litter into the estuary of the Godavari–Gautami delta system and Kakinada bay (Andhra Pradesh, India). Suspended organic matter in the mangrove channels was more depleted in 13C (average 13C = –24.5) than in Kakinada bay which showed 13C values for suspended matter (average 13C = –22.7) closer to those expected for marine phytoplankton. Suspended organic matter from mangrove channels was enriched in nitrogen (average C/N atom ratio 12.7) and 13C (average 13C = –24.5) relative to mangrove leaf litter, which had a C/N ratio of 75 and a 13C value of –28. Lowest C/N ratios for suspended matter were observed during southwest monsoon when rainfall was highest. Although in general, mangrove litter fall was also lower during this period, no clear correlation was observed between litter fall and C/N ratio of suspended matter. In general, the composition of suspended matter pointed towards phytoplankton as a major component. Isotopic composition of zooplankton suggested selective feeding on 13C-enriched, marine phytoplankton in open Kakinada bay and on 13C-depleted organic matter, such as estuarine phytoplankton and mangrove litter, in the mangrove channels. From the 13C signature, it appeared that mangrove carbon was present to some extent in zooplankton and macrofauna from the mangrove mudflats and channels, but the signal rapidly decreased in Kakinada bay. Nitrogen isotopic composition of zooplankton and macrofauna indicated a progressive enrichment of 15N away from the mangrove forest towards the northern part of Kakinada bay, in approach of Kakinada city. This is thought to reflect input of anthropogenic nitrogen enriched in 15N and subsequent uptake of this enriched nitrogen into the aquatic food chain.  相似文献   

Ephemeral streams and wetlands are characterized by complex cycles of submersion and emersion, which influence the greenhouse gas flux rates. In this study we quantify the spatiotemporal variability in CO2 and CH4 concentrations and fluxes of an intermittent first-order stream over three consecutive wet and dry cycles spanning 56 days, to assess how hydrologic phase transitions influence greenhouse gas evasion. Water column excess CO2 ranged from ?11 to 1600 μM, and excess CH4 from 1 to 15 μM. After accounting for temporal changes in the ratio of wet versus dry streambed hydraulic radius, total CO2–C fluxes ranged from 12 to 156 mmol m?2 day?1, with an integrated daily mean of 61 ± 25 mmol m?2 day?1. Soil–air evasion rates were approximately equal to those of water–air evasion. Rainfall increased background water–air CO2–C fluxes by up to 780% due to an increase in gas transfer velocity in the otherwise still waters. CH4–C fluxes increased 19-fold over the duration of the initial, longer wet-cycle from 0.1 to 1.9 mmol m?2 day?1. Temporal shifts in water depth and site-specific ephemerality were key drivers of carbon dynamics in the upper Jamison Creek watercourse. Based on these findings, we hypothesise that the cyclic periodicity of fluxes of biogenic gases from frequently intermittent streams (wet and dry cycles ranging from days to weeks) and seasonally ephemeral watercourses (dry for months at a time) are likely to differ, and therefore these differences should be considered when integrating transient systems into regional carbon budgets and models of global change.  相似文献   

We measured CO2 concentration and determined evasion rate and piston velocity across the water–air interface in flow-through chambers at eight stations along two 20 km long streams in agricultural landscapes in Zealand, Denmark. Both streams were 9–18-fold supersaturated in CO2 with daily means of 240 and 340 μM in January–March and 130 and 180 μM in June–August. Annual CO2 medians were 212 μM in six other streams and 460 μM in four groundwater wells, while seven lakes were weakly supersaturated (29 μM). Air concentrations immediately above stream surfaces were close to mean atmospheric conditions except during calm summer nights. Piston velocity from 0.4 to 21.6 cm h?1 was closely related to current velocity permitting calculation of evasion rates for entire streams. CO2 evasion rates were highest in midstream reaches (170–1,200 mmol m?2 day?1) where CO2-rich soil water entered fast stream flow, while rates were tenfold lower (25–100 mmol m?2 day?1) in slow-flowing lower reaches. CO2 evasion mainly derived from the input of CO2 in soil water. The variability of CO2 evasion along the two lowland streams covered much of the range in sub-Arctic and temperate streams reported previously. In budgets for the two stream catchments, loss of carbon from soils via the hydrological cycle was substantial (3.2–5.7 mmol m?2 day?1) and dominated by CO2 consumed to form HCO3 ? by mineral dissolution (69–76%) and export of organic carbon (15–23%) relative to dissolved CO2 export (7–9%).  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 (ambient + 35 Pa) increased shoot dry mass production in Avena fatua by 68% at maturity. This increase in shoot biomass was paralleled by an 81% increase in average net CO2 uptake (A) per unit of leaf area and a 65% increase in average A at the ecosystem level per unit of ground area. Elevated CO2 also increased ecosystem A per unit of biomass. However, the products of total leaf area and light-saturated leaf A divided by the ground surface area over time appeared to lie on a single response curve for both CO2 treatments. The approximate slope of the response suggests that the integrated light saturated capacity for leaf photosynthesis is 10-fold greater than the ecosystem rate. Ecosystem respiration (night) per unit of ground area, which includes soil and plant respiration, ranged from-20 (at day 19) to-18 (at day 40) mol m-2 s-1 for both elevated and ambient CO2 Avena. Ecosystem below-ground respiration at the time of seedling emergence was -10 mol m-2 s-1, while that occuring after shoot removal at the termination of the experiment ranged from -5 to-6 mol m-2 s-1. Hence, no significant differences between elevated and ambient CO2 treatments were found in any respiration measure on a ground area basis, though ecosystem respiration on a shoot biomass basis was clearly reduced by elevated CO2. Significant differences existed between leaf and ecosystem water flux. In general, leaf transpiration (E) decreased over the course of the experiment, possibly in response to leaf aging, while ecosystem rates of evapotranspiration (ET) remained constant, probably because falling leaf rates were offset by an increasing total leaf biomass. Transpiration was lower in plants grown at elevated CO2, though variation was high because of variability in leaf age and ambient light conditions and differences were not significant. In contrast, ecosystem evapotranspiration (ET) was significantly decreased by elevated CO2 on 5 out of 8 measurement dates. Photosynthetic water use efficiencies (A/E at the leaf level, A/ET at the ecosystem level) were increased by elevated CO2. Increases were due to both increased A at leaf and ecosystem level and decreased leaf E and ecosystem ET.  相似文献   


A net, leaf net CO2 assimilation
ca, CO2 concentration of air surrounding a leaf
ci, leaf intercellular CO2 concentration
Δ, 13C isotope discrimination
δ13C, relative stable carbon isotope content
?, ratio of Anet at ca = 560μmol mol–1 to Anet at ca = 360 μmol mol–1
FACE, free-air CO2 enrichment
gw, stomatal conductance to water vapour
Πi, initial leaf osmotic potential
Rt, relative water content at incipient turgor loss
Ψl, xylem water potential of leaves
Ψm, soil matric potential

Elevated CO2 is expected to reduce forest water use as a result of CO2-induced stomatal closure, which has implications for ecosystem-scale phenomena controlled by water availability. Leaf-level CO2 and H2O exchange responses and plant and soil water relations were examined in a maturing loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stand in a free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment in North Carolina, USA to test if these parameters were affected by elevated CO2. Current-year foliage in the canopy was continuously exposed to elevated CO2 (ambient CO2+200μmol mol–1) in free-air during needle growth and development for up to 400 d. Photosynthesis in upper canopy foliage was stimulated by 50–60% by elevated CO2 compared with ambient controls. This enhancement was similar in current-year, ambient-grown foliage temporarily measured at elevated CO2 compared with long-term elevated CO2 grown foliage. Significant photosynthetic enhancement by CO2 was maintained over a range of conditions except during peak drought. There was no evidence of water savings in elevated CO2 plots in FACE compared to ambient plots under drought and non-drought conditions. This was supported by evidence from three independent measures. First, stomatal conductance was not significantly different in elevated CO2 versus ambient trees of P. taeda. Calculations of time-integrated ci/ca ratios from analysis of foliar δ13C showed that these ratios were maintained in foliage under elevated CO2. Second, soil moisture was not significantly different between ambient and elevated CO2 plots during drought. Third, pre-dawn and mid-day leaf water potentials were also unaffected by the seasonal CO2 exposure, as were tissue osmotic potentials and turgor loss points. Together the results strongly support the hypothesis that maturing P. taeda trees have low stomatal responsiveness to elevated CO2. Elevated CO2 effects on water relations in loblolly pine-dominated forest ecosystems may be absent or small apart from those mediated by leaf area. Large photosynthetic enhancements in the upper canopy of P. taeda by elevated CO2 indicate that this maturing forest may have a large carbon sequestration capacity with limiting water supply.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen are important elements in biogeochemical studies of tidal wetlands. Three wetland zones in Luoyuan Bay in the Fujian province were chosen for this study; the Spartina alterniflora flat zone with Spartina alterniflora growing, the silt zone with no Spartina alterniflora growing and the Spartina alterniflora-silt flat zone – a transition zone between the two. The spatial and seasonal variations of total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), stable isotopes of organic material (δ13C, δ15N), C/N ratio, average particle size and sediment composition in surface and vertical sediments of different ecological zones were analyzed. Carbon and nitrogen accumulation and particle size effects in the different ecological zones were discussed and the indicators of δ13C and C/N ratios were also compared. TOC, TN, δ13C contents, C/N ratios, and average particle size varied within the ranges of 0.611–1.133%, 0.053–0.090%, ?22.60 to ?18.92‰, 12.3–15.7, and 6.4–8.7 μm, respectively. Sediments were mainly silt-sized. Besides δ15N values, the other parameters, such as TOC, TN, δ13C contents, C/N ratios, and average particle size showed an obvious zonal distribution in surface sediments. The distribution of TOC and TN contents reflected the distribution of Spartina alterniflora within the bay. The profile and seasonal variations of these parameters in different ecological zones indicated that variations in the Spartina alterniflora flat and transition zones were complex because of the effect of Spartina alterniflora. Vertical and seasonal variations were sampled in the silt flat area. The profile and seasonal variations of TOC, TN and δ13C were similar in the transition zone and the Spartina alterniflora flat zone. Seasonal concentrations of TOC, TN and δ13C decreased from autumn > spring > winter > summer. The seasonal variation of carbon and nitrogen in the sediments may be influenced by temperature, particle size, plankton and benthos. The particle size effect was significant in the surface sediments and profile sediments of the transition zone. However, other factors had a greater effect on the distributions of TOC and TN in the Spartina alterniflora flat and silt flat zones. C/N ratios in sediments of the Spartina alterniflora flat, transition zone and silt flat were close to or > 12, indicating that the organic material source was dominated by terrestrial inputs. However, δ13C values decreased from the Spartina alterniflora flat zone > transition zone > silt flat zone indicating that the organic material source was predominantly from marine inputs. Thus the indications from C/N ratios and δ13C were different. There was no clear relationship between C/N ratios and δ13C values and a better relationship between δ13C values and TOC concentrations suggested that δ13C values provided a better indication of the organic source. Limited amounts of organic material came from Spartina alterniflora. This study has provided basic data for researching biogeochemical processes of biogenic elements in tidal wetlands and vegetation restoration, and has also provided a reference for assessing and protecting the environment and ecological systems in wetlands.  相似文献   

Dissolved O(2) is an important aquatic ecosystem health indicator. Metabolic and gas exchange (G) rates, which control O(2) concentration, are affected by nutrient loading and other environmental factors. Traditionally, aquatic metabolism has been reported as primary production:community respiration (P:R) ratios using diel measurements and interpretations of dissolved O(2) and/or CO(2) concentrations, and recently using stable isotopes (delta(18)O, Delta(17)O) and steady state assumptions. Aquatic ecosystems, such as rivers and ponds, are not at steady state and exhibit diel changes, so steady state approaches are often inappropriate. A dynamic O(2) stable isotope model (photosynthesis-respiration-gas exchange; PoRGy) is presented here, requiring a minimum of parameters to quantify daily averaged P, R, and G rates under transient field conditions. Unlike steady state approaches, PoRGy can address scenarios with 100% O(2) saturation but with delta(18)O-O(2) values that are not at air equilibrium. PoRGy successfully accounts for isotopic G when applied to an oxygen isotope equilibration laboratory experiment. PoRGy model results closely matched the diel O(2) and delta(18)O-O(2) data from three field sites with different P:R:G ratios and various P, R and G rates. PoRGy provides a new research tool to assess ecosystem health and to pose environmental impact-driven questions. Using daily averaged rates was successful and thus they can be used to compare ecosystems across seasons and landscapes.  相似文献   

Experiment on jute crop was conducted during pre-kharif to kharif seasons (April to August) at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), West Bengal, India in a view to record the pest incidence on olitorius jute and to determine the weather parameters impacting on pest population in jute under West Bengal conditions. Seventeen different species of pests belonging to insects, mites and nematodes were found feeding on jute. Among them, jute semilooper (Anomis sabulifera Guen.), Bihar hairy caterpillar (Spilarctia obliqua Wlk.), grey weevil (Myllocerus discolor Bohemus), yellow mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus Banks), stem weevil (Apion corchori Marshall), and root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita are causing economic damage to the crop and other pests were considered as minor pests. Correlation studies with weather parameters showed that incidence of semilooper was negatively correlated (r = ?0.795 to ?0.725) with the maximum temperature but had positive significant association with minimum temperature (r = 0.528–0.715), morning relative humidity (RH) (r = 0.579–0.857) and afternoon RH (r = 0.876). Bihar hairy caterpillar incidence also exhibited positive significant relationship with morning RH (r = 0.577) and afternoon RH (r = 0.545). Morning and afternoon RH and rainfall also had significant positive correlation with the incidence of M. discolor with r = 0.535, 0.570, and 0.700, respectively. None of the meteorological parameters had any significant influence on the incidence of A. corchori. Yellow mite incidence showed positive association with morning RH (r = 0.563–0.679) and afternoon RH (r = 0.526–0.618). Rainfall was found favourable for proliferation and incidence of M. discolor only but had a negative effect on the incidence of stem weevil and yellow mite. Thus climatic factors particularly temperature, relative humidity and rainfall played a pivotal role on occurrence and existence of different pests on jute crop.  相似文献   

Water and energy are closely connected and both are very important for human development. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are central to water–energy interactions as they consume energy to remove pollutants and thus reduce the human gray water footprint on the natural water environment. In this work, we quantified energy consumption in 9 different WWTPs in south China, with different treatment processes, objects, and capacities. The energy intensity in most of these WWTPs is in the range of 0.4–0.5 kWh/m3 in 2014. Footprint methodologies were used in this paper to provide insight into the environmental changes that result from WWTPs. A new indicator “gray water footprint reduction” is proposed based on the notion of gray water footprint to better assess the role of WWTPs in reducing human impacts on water resources. We find that higher capacity and appropriate technology of the WWTPs will result in higher gray water footprint reduction. On average, 6.78 m3 gray water footprint is reduced when 1 m3 domestic sewage is treated in WWTPs in China. 13.38 L freshwater are required to produce the 0.4 kWh electrical input needed for treating 1 m3 domestic wastewater, and 0.23 kg CO2 is emitted during this process. The wastewater characteristics, treatment technologies as well as management systems have a major impact on the efficiency of energy utilization in reducing gray water footprint via these WWTPs. The additional climate impact associated with wastewater treatment should be considered in China due to the enormous annual wastewater discharge. Policy suggestions are provided based on results in this work and the features of China's energy and water distribution.  相似文献   

We studied the spatial and temporal variation in O2 and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) forms concentrations in ten subtropical watersheds located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, with different degrees of impact by urbanization and land-use changes. Additionally, we used stable carbon isotopic composition of DIC to explain observed patterns. We found that land-cover changes and watershed geology are the main drivers of DIC distribution. Land-cover/use changes influence the riverine DIC in two ways: by replacing the original Cerrado 3 (C3)-type forest vegetation by C4-type vegetation composed of grasses (pasture), and by sugarcane. Most domestic sewage is dumped untreated into rivers in the state of São Paulo. Consequently, in the most densely populated watersheds, sewage is an important source of labile carbon and consequently of DIC to rivers. In terms of geology, although silicate weathering that produces kaolinite is the main type of weathering in the watersheds, the weathering of carbonate cements present in the geological formations of the western portion of the state of São Paulo are also an important source of DIC to rivers.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of water-level fluctuation (WLF) on sediment–water nutrient exchange in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Water levels in the Laurentian Great Lakes have been below the long-term mean for the past 15 years, causing the exposure of sediments that previously have been either continuously inundated or periodically exposed. The magnitude, duration, and frequency of WLF, as well as land-use history, each can influence the amount and type of sediment–water nutrient exchange. We collected sediment cores from relatively pristine coastal wetlands located on Beaver and Garden Islands in northern Lake Michigan. Sediment cores were taken from different water depths to simulate WLF magnitude; desiccation time was experimentally manipulated to simulate WLF duration. At these relatively pristine wetlands, desiccation time and water depth significantly influenced flux. However, nutrient exchange did not behave in a consistent fashion; phosphorus, nitrate, ammonium, and sulfate flux varied based on sediment exposure history and desiccation time. Sediment–water nutrient exchange rates also were compared to prior measurements taken from more impacted coastal wetlands in southern Lake Michigan and Saginaw Bay in Lake Huron. This comparison revealed a stronger influence of anthropogenic stress than desiccation time, with impacted wetland sediments releasing more soluble reactive phosphorus, sulfate, and ammonium, and retaining more nitrate, than pristine wetlands. Our results indicate that WLFs have the potential to influence sediment–water nutrient exchange, which may influence system productivity, but environmental context can override this influence.  相似文献   

At most sites the magnitude of soil-atmosphere exchange of nitrous dioxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) was estimated based on a few chambers located in a limited area. Topography has been demonstrated to influence the production and consumption of these gases in temperate ecosystems, but this aspect has often been ignored in tropical areas. In this study, we investigated spatial variability of the net fluxes of these gases along a 100 m long slope of a evergreen broadleaved forest in southern China over a whole year. We expected that the lower part of slope would release more N2O and CO2, but take up less atmospheric CH4 than the upper part due to different availability of water and nutrients. Our results showed that the soil moisture (Water Filled Pore Space, WFPS) decreased along the slope from bottom to top as we expected, but among the three gases only N2O emissions followed this pattern. Annual means of WFPS ranged from 27.7% to 52.7% within the slope, and annual emissions of N2O ranged from 2.0 to 4.4 kg N ha?1 year?1, respectively. These two variables were highly and positively correlated across the slope. Neither potential rates of net N mineralization and nitrification, nor N2O emissions in the laboratory incubated soils varied with slope positions. Soil CO2 release and CH4 uptake appeared to be independent on slope position in this study. Our results suggested that soil water content and associated N2O emissions are likely to be influenced by topography even in a short slope, which may need to be taken into account in field measurements and modelling.  相似文献   

Cateslytin (bCGA 344RSMRLSFRARGYGFR358), a five positively charged 15 amino-acid residues arginine-rich antimicrobial peptide, was synthesized using a very efficient procedure leading to high yields and to a 99% purity as determined by HPLC and mass spectrometry. Circular dichroism, polarized attenuated total reflectance fourier transformed infrared, polarization modulation infrared reflection Absorption spectroscopies and proton two-dimensional NMR revealed the flexibility of such a peptide. Whereas being mostly disordered as a dry powder or in water solution, the peptide acquires a α-helical character in the “membrane mimicking” solvent trifuoroethanol. In zwitterionic micelles of dodecylphophatidylcholine the helical character is retained but to a lesser extent, the peptide returning mainly to its disordered state. A β-sheet contribution of almost 100% is detected at the air–water interface. Such conformational plasticity is discussed regarding the antimicrobial action of Cateslytin. Presented at the joint biannual meeting of the SFB-GEIMM-GRIP, Anglet France, 14–19 October, 2006.  相似文献   

Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of the acetone–CO2 complex (MP2/6-31G(d) level) were performed to investigate the effect of dynamics at finite temperature on the weak electron donor–acceptor intermolecular interactions. In addition, we carried out a study of the free energy of formation of the complex by means of umbrella sampling technique at the MP2 level with a perturbative CCSD(T) correction. The potential of mean force was obtained along a reaction coordinate describing the acetone–CO2 interaction. The results obtained here support some hypothesis that we already explored in past works using static electronic calculations. In particular, when interacting with a molecule having a carbonyl function, carbon dioxide displays both Lewis acid and Lewis base behaviour. This property can be exploited to design molecular systems that are easily solubilised in supercritical CO2.  相似文献   

Dynamics simulations of excited-state multiple proton transfer (ESMPT) reactions in 7-azaindole (7AI) with ammonia, mixed water–ammonia, and water molecules were investigated by quantum dynamics simulations in the first-excited state using RI-ADC(2)/SVP-SV(P) in the gas phase. 7AI(WW), 7AI(WA), 7AI(AW) and 7AI(AA) clusters (W, water and A, ammonia) show very high probability of the excited-state triple proton transfer (ESTPT) occurrence in ranges from 20% for 7AI(WA) to 60% for 7AI(AW), respectively. Furthermore, 7AI(AW) clusters with ammonia placed near N–H of 7AI has the highest probability among other isomers. In 7AI with three molecules of bridged-planar of water, ammonia and mixed water–ammonia clusters, the excited-state quadruple proton transfer reactions occur ineffectively and rearrangement of hydrogen-bonded network on solvents also takes place prior to either ESTPT or excited-state double proton transfer. The role played by mixed-solvent is revealed with replacing H2O with NH3 in which the ESMPT is found to be more efficient corresponding to lower barrier in the excited state. The preferential number of solvent surrounding 7AI that facilitates the proton transfer process is two for methanol and water but this preferential number for ammonia is one.

Highlights: (i) replacing H2O with NH3 assists ESPT corresponding to lower barrier in the excited state; (ii) the ESMPT time of 7AI with mixed water–ammonia is in the sub-picosecond timescale; (iii) the PT tends to be concerted process with at least one ammonia, but synchronous without ammonia.  相似文献   

A five-year (1994–1999) continuous survey of aeromycoflora had been carried out in an agricultural farm at a suburban area of Greater Calcutta. The sampling was carried out with Burkard volumetric spore trap placed 0.5?meter above the ground level at the centre in a small plot in a rice field. A total of 26 fungal spore types were identified microscopically. The most abundant types were Basidiospores (21.85–5.59%) followed by Cladosporium, Periconia, Nigrospora, Aspergilli group, Ascospores. The seasonal periodicity of the major dominant types had maxima in autumn, during the month of October. This coincided with the harvesting period of the rice crop during rainy season. In Petri plate exposure of nutrient media, different species of aspergilli group, Alternaria, Cladosporium, Curvularia, Nigrospora, and other taxa were identified. The diurnal periodicities recorded for different types were classified into night-time, post dawn, middle day and double maxima (showing two peaks in a day) patterns. In general, no significant correlation between the total air spora and the meteorological parameters could be established. It is evident that the local cropping practices may have some regulating role on spore concentration in the air of the study area.  相似文献   

Forsgren  Gunilla  Jansson  Mats 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):585-596
The turnover of iron, phosphorus and organic carbon was followed in the Öre Estuary, northern Sweden, during the spring flood periods of 1989 and 1990. River-supplied material rapidly sediments out of the water column and is primary deposited within the estuary. The removal of iron and phosphorus is complete, with the calculated sedimentation exceeding the total amounts of particulate and dissolved iron and phosphorus supplied by the river. Aggregation of dissolved or colloidal iron-phosphate complexes due to increasing salinity and pH in combination with adsorption on rapidly sedimentating inorganic particles is suggested to explain this estuarine filter effect. Organic carbon is only affected by aggregation and sedimentation to a minor extent.  相似文献   

As regional and continental carbon balances of terrestrial ecosystems become available, it becomes clear that the soils are the largest source of uncertainty. Repeated inventories of soil organic carbon (SOC) organized in soil monitoring networks (SMN) are being implemented in a number of countries. This paper reviews the concepts and design of SMNs in ten countries, and discusses the contribution of such networks to reducing the uncertainty of soil carbon balances. Some SMNs are designed to estimate country-specific land use or management effects on SOC stocks, while others collect soil carbon and ancillary data to provide a nationally consistent assessment of soil carbon condition across the major land-use/soil type combinations. The former use a single sampling campaign of paired sites, while for the latter both systematic (usually grid based) and stratified repeated sampling campaigns (5?C10 years interval) are used with densities of one site per 10?C1,040 km². For paired sites, multiple samples at each site are taken in order to allow statistical analysis, while for the single sites, composite samples are taken. In both cases, fixed depth increments together with samples for bulk density and stone content are recommended. Samples should be archived to allow for re-measurement purposes using updated techniques. Information on land management, and where possible, land use history should be systematically recorded for each site. A case study of the agricultural frontier in Brazil is presented in which land use effect factors are calculated in order to quantify the CO2 fluxes from national land use/management conversion matrices. Process-based SOC models can be run for the individual points of the SMN, provided detailed land management records are available. These studies are still rare, as most SMNs have been implemented recently or are in progress. Examples from the USA and Belgium show that uncertainties in SOC change range from 1.6?C6.5 Mg C ha?1 for the prediction of SOC stock changes on individual sites to 11.72 Mg C ha?1 or 34% of the median SOC change for soil/land use/climate units. For national SOC monitoring, stratified sampling sites appears to be the most straightforward attribution of SOC values to units with similar soil/land use/climate conditions (i.e. a spatially implicit upscaling approach).  相似文献   

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