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京津冀城市群土地利用变化对地表径流的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市化的显著特征之一是地表景观格局被人为改变,大量硬化地表覆盖、取代了原本自然或半自然的土地覆盖类型,极大地干扰了区域水文循环过程。其中,最直接的体现是对地表径流过程的影响。城市群作为当前我国城市化的重要模式,其聚集连片的扩张模式,对区域地表径流过程的干扰尤为严重。以京津冀特大城市群为研究区域,应用长期水文影响评价模型(L-THIA),以1980、1990、2000、2010、2015年5期土地利用数据、土壤数据以及1950—2015年逐日降雨数据为输入,模拟计算了不同土地利用/覆被格局对多年平均地表径流量的影响。结果表明,(1)经过率定的L-THIA模型能够较为准确地模拟京津冀城市群地区的地表径流分布特征,模型模拟误差在±10%内;(2)1980—2015年,京津冀城市群地区不透水地表面积急剧增加,其净增长值为12690.14 km~2。北京与天津等超大城市不透水地表面积增加最明显;(3)随着土地利用格局的变化,京津冀地区地表径流量呈逐年增长趋势。1980—2015年,京津冀城市群地区地表径流量的绝对增长值为17.84亿m~3,增幅11.83%。其中,1990—2000年及2010—2015年期间地表径流年均增长率较大,分别为0.36%与0.46%。对地表径流贡献较大的土地利用类型为耕地和不透水地表,其5期土地利用情景下的平均产流占比分别为35.38%、22.71%;(4)城市尺度上,不同城市的标准化年均径流深(NAARD)存在较大差异。天津、石家庄的产流能力较强,承德、衡水等城市的产流能力较弱,北京市的标准化年均径流深处于中等水平。另一方面,不同城市标准化年均径流深增长规律也存在较大差异。1980—2015年,天津市的NAARD增长最多,承德市增长最少,北京市的NAARD增长处于中等水平。本文对于京津冀城市群水文过程的时空演变研究以及国土空间优化指导具有参考意义。  相似文献   

Quantitative prediction of environmental impacts of land-use and climate change scenarios in a watershed can serve as a basis for developing sound watershed management schemes. Water quantity and quality are key environmental indicators which are sensitive to various external perturbations. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impacts of land-use and climate changes on water quantity and quality at watershed scale and to understand relationships between hydrologic components and water quality at that scale under different climate and land-use scenarios. We developed an approach for modeling and examining impacts of land-use and climate change scenarios on the water and nutrient cycles. We used an empirical land-use change model (Conversion of Land Use and its Effects, CLUE) and a watershed hydrology and nutrient model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool, SWAT) for the Teshio River watershed in northern Hokkaido, Japan. Predicted future land-use change (from paddy field to farmland) under baseline climate conditions reduced loads of sediment, total nitrogen (N) and total phosphorous (P) from the watershed to the river. This was attributable to higher nutrient uptake by crops and less nutrient mineralization by microbes, reduced nutrient leaching from soil, and lower water yields on farmland. The climate changes (precipitation and temperature) were projected to have greater impact in increasing surface runoff, lateral flow, groundwater discharge and water yield than would land-use change. Surface runoff especially decreased in April and May and increased in March and September with rising temperature. Under the climate change scenarios, the sediment and nutrient loads increased during the snowmelt and rainy seasons, while N and P uptakes by crops increased during the period when fertilizer is normally applied (May through August). The sediment and nutrient loads also increased with increasing winter rainfall because of warming in that season. Organic nutrient mineralization and nutrient leaching increased as well under climate change scenarios. Therefore, we predicted annual water yield, sediment and nutrient loads to increase under climate change scenarios. The sediment and nutrient loads were mainly supplied from agricultural land under land use in each climate change scenario, suggesting that riparian zones and adequate fertilizer management would be a potential mitigation strategy for reducing these negative impacts of land-use and climate changes on water quality. The proposed approach provides a useful source of information for assessing the consequences of hydrology processes and water quality in future land-use and climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

选用SWAT分布式水文模型,定量分析了乌鲁木齐河流域土地利用与气候变化对径流的影响,采用情景分析方法设置3类情景,对变化环境下的流域径流进行了预测。以R~2、NSE和PBIAS等3个参数评价了模拟的拟合度,不确定性。结果表明:1)在模型校准期和验证期R~2分别为0.89和0.75,NSE分别为0.84和0.74,PBIAS在18%—23%范围内,说明SWAT模型在乌鲁木齐河上游径流模拟中具有较好的适用性;2)综合型情景模拟分析得出,研究区气候变化对径流的影响强度大于土地利用变化的影响强度。土地利用和气候共同引起流域年均径流量减少1.41 m~3/s,土地利用变化引起年均径流量减少0.04 m~3/s,气候变化引起年均径流量减少1.37 m~3/s;3)极端土地利用情景模拟分析得出,草地情景的年均径流增加0.1 m~3/s,林地情景的年均径流量减少0.58 m~3/s;4)气候变化情景模拟分析得出,流域径流量与降水变化呈正相关关系,与气温变化呈负相关关系。降水量增加10%和20%时,年均径流量增加3.05 m~3/s和4.02 m~3/s。当降水量减少10%和20%时,年均径流量减少0.93 m~3/s和2.25 m~3/s。气温升高1℃和2℃时,年均径流量减少2.71 m~3/s和3.02 m~3/s。在气候变化环境下,需要重视降水和气温的预测,应通过优化土地结构来减缓气候变化的水文效应。  相似文献   

基于动力水文过程测定技术和景观生态学测度方法,对位于黄土丘陵沟壑区第三副区的甘肃天水罗玉沟流域1986—2004年土地利用/覆被变化对流域径流输沙的影响进行了研究.结果表明:研究期间,罗玉沟流域土地利用/覆被变化对年径流输沙有显著影响,1995—2004年的输沙量比1986—1994年减少约63.0%,且随着年降水量的增多,其减沙效应明显;土地利用/覆被变化对流域径流输沙的影响具有季节性特征,相对于1986—1994年而言,研究区1995—2004年的减沙效应主要集中在5—10月,且月降水越多,后期的月均输沙量较前期减少得越多.降雨和洪峰流量频率分析表明,若具有相同频率分布的雨强,则任一重现期下罗玉沟流域1995—2004年的洪水平均含沙量小于1986—1994年.  相似文献   

Humans have exerted large‐scale changes on the terrestrial biosphere, primarily through agriculture; however, the impacts of such changes on the hydrologic cycle are poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that the conversion of natural rangeland ecosystems to agricultural ecosystems impacts the subsurface portion of the hydrologic cycle by changing groundwater recharge and flushing salts to underlying aquifers. The hypothesis was examined through point and areal studies investigating the effects of land use/land cover (LU/LC) changes on groundwater recharge and solute transport in the Amargosa Desert (AD) in Nevada and in the High Plains (HP) in Texas, US. Studies use the fact that matric (pore‐water‐pressure) potential and environmental‐tracer profiles in thick unsaturated zones archive past changes in recharging fluxes. Results show that recharge is related to LU/LC as follows: discharge through evapotranspiration (i.e., no recharge; upward fluxes <0.1 mm yr?1) in natural rangeland ecosystems (low matric potentials; high chloride and nitrate concentrations); moderate‐to‐high recharge in irrigated agricultural ecosystems (high matric potentials; low‐to‐moderate chloride and nitrate concentrations) (AD recharge: ~130–640 mm yr?1); and moderate recharge in nonirrigated (dryland) agricultural ecosystems (high matric potentials; low chloride and nitrate concentrations, and increasing groundwater levels) (HP recharge: ~9–32 mm yr?1). Replacement of rangeland with agriculture changed flow directions from upward (discharge) to downward (recharge). Recent replacement of rangeland with irrigated ecosystems was documented through downward displacement of chloride and nitrate fronts. Thick unsaturated zones contain a reservoir of salts that are readily mobilized under increased recharge related to LU/LC changes, potentially degrading groundwater quality. Sustainable land use requires quantitative knowledge of the linkages between ecosystem change, recharge, and groundwater quality.  相似文献   

The identification and quantification of natural carbon (C) sinks is critical to global climate change mitigation efforts. Tropical coastal wetlands are considered important in this context, yet knowledge of their dynamics and quantitative data are still scarce. In order to quantify the C accumulation rate and understand how it is influenced by land use and climate change, a palaeoecological study was conducted in the mangrove‐fringed Segara Anakan Lagoon (SAL) in Java, Indonesia. A sediment core was age‐dated and analyzed for its pollen and spore, elemental and biogeochemical compositions. The results indicate that environmental dynamics in the SAL and its C accumulation over the past 400 years were controlled mainly by climate oscillations and anthropogenic activities. The interaction of these two factors changed the lagoon's sediment supply and salinity, which consequently altered the organic matter composition and deposition in the lagoon. Four phases with varying climates were identified. While autochthonous mangrove C was a significant contributor to carbon accumulation in SAL sediments throughout all four phases, varying admixtures of terrestrial C from the hinterland also contributed, with natural mixed forest C predominating in the early phases and agriculture soil C predominating in the later phases. In this context, climate‐related precipitation changes are an overarching control, as surface water transport through rivers serves as the “delivery agent” for the outcomes of the anthropogenic impact in the catchment area into the lagoon. Amongst mangrove‐dominated ecosystems globally, the SAL is one of the most effective C sinks due to high mangrove carbon input in combination with a high allochthonous carbon input from anthropogenically enhanced sediment from the hinterland and increased preservation. Given the substantial C sequestration capacity of the SAL and other mangrove‐fringed coastal lagoons, conservation and restoration of these ecosystems is vitally important for climate change mitigation.  相似文献   

The impact of climate change on birds   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
Humphrey Q. P. Crick 《Ibis》2004,146(S1):48-56
Weather is of major importance for the population dynamics of birds, but the implications of climate change have only recently begun to be addressed. There is already compelling evidence that birds have been affected by recent climate changes. This review suggests that although there is a substantial body of evidence for changes in the phenology of birds, particularly of the timing of migration and of nesting, the consequences of these responses for a species' population dynamics is still an area requiring in-depth research. The potential for phenological miscuing (responding inappropriately to climate change, including a lack of response) and for phenological disjunction (in which a bird species becomes out of synchrony with its environment) are beginning to be demonstrated, and are also important areas for further research. The study of climatically induced distributional change is currently at a predictive modelling stage, and will need to develop methods for testing these predictions. Overall, there is a range of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that could potentially inhibit adaptation to climate change and these are a high priority for research.  相似文献   



Current estimations of the climate impact from indirect land use change (ILUC) caused by biofuels are heavily influenced by assumptions regarding the biofuel production period. The purpose of this paper is to propose a new method (baseline time accounting) that takes global land use dynamics into account that is consistent with the global warming potential, that is applicable to any phenomenon causing land use change, and that is independent of production period assumptions.


We consider ILUC in two forms. The first is called “accelerated expansion” and concerns ILUC in regions with an expanding agricultural area. The second is called “delayed reversion” and concerns ILUC in regions with a decreasing agricultural area. We use recent trends in international land use and projections of future land use change to assess how ILUC from biofuels will alter the development in global agricultural land use dynamics compared to the existing trend (i.e., the baseline development). We then use the definition of the global warming potential to determine the CO2 equivalence of the change in land use dynamics.

Results and discussion

We apply baseline time accounting to two existing ILUC studies in the literature. With current trends in global agricultural land use, the method significantly reduces the estimated climate impact in the previous ILUC studies (by more than half). Sensitivity analyses show that results are somewhat sensitive to assumptions regarding carbon sequestration and assumptions regarding postreversion ecosystems.


The global dynamic development in land use has important implications for the time accounting step when estimating the climate impact of ILUC caused by biofuel production or other issues affecting land use. Ignoring this may lead to erroneous conclusions about the actual climate impact of ILUC. Several land use projections indicate that the global agricultural area will keep expanding up to and beyond 2050. We therefore recommend to apply the baseline time accounting concept as an integrated part of future ILUC studies and to update the results on a regular basis.  相似文献   

Variation in plant functional traits has been related to variation in environmental conditions. In particular, the relationship between leaf traits and climate has received much attention. This paper presents a functional‐trait‐centred approach to identify potential impacts of climate and land use change on plant species assemblages. Using species atlas data, we modelled the relative frequencies of species with different leaf anatomies (LARF) as a function of observed climate and land use data on a regular spatial grid across Germany. Subsequently, we projected the geographical distribution of LARF with simulated climate and land use data for the late 21st century under two future scenarios. We used a conditional autoregressive regression model to account for spatially structured variation in LARF that remained unexplained by the environmental factors considered. We found a clear relationship between the climatic gradient of water availability and shifts in LARF: increasing water deficit was associated with a decreasing proportion of species with hygromorphic leaves in the composition and increasing proportions of species with scleromorphic and mesomorphic leaves. The variation in LARF due to land use was only small. Under future environmental scenarios the proportion of species with hygromorphic leaves was projected to decrease in all parts of Germany, whereas the proportions of species with sclero‐ and mesomorphic leaves were projected to increase on average. In particular, Germany's south‐western and north‐eastern areas were projected to experience functional change in LARF. Our study highlights the relationship between functional traits and plant species vulnerability to climate change. Our results suggest that the functional‐trait‐centred approach can provide a powerful additional modelling tool to estimate potential impacts of climate change on plant species assemblages.  相似文献   

以深圳为研究案例,综合利用遥感数据、土地利用详查数据、政府部门资料和实地调查资料等多种数据源,引入GIS格网分析、空间分析和栅格数据分析等方法科学地绘制了基于微观空间单元的深圳景观城市化水平分布图,从定量角度揭示了建设用地增长、土地转移分布及速度和土地利用整体变化速度在景观城市化水平梯度上的分布规律,并归纳出了景观城市化水平梯度上土地利用变化速度的一般数学模型,拓展和丰富了城市化对土地利用变化的影响研究内容.  相似文献   

Wetlands are crucial ecosystems with multiple values and functions to a range of different stakeholders. The future of wetlands depends both on the legacy of the past and how they are currently used. Using 48 vegetation survey plots (0.08 ha) combined with Landsat 5 and 7 TM imagery, we assessed the influence of long‐term (1990–2011) land use and land cover change on the biodiversity of the Kibasira Swamp. Information on perceptions of adjacent communities on historical changes and drivers for the changes were also collected. Results showed an increase in the area covered by open water by 1% and forest by 4% between 1990 and 1998 whilst Cyperus papyrus L and cultivated land area decreased by 8% and 3%, respectively on the same period. Between 1998 and 2011, there was a decrease in areas covered by water by 35% and forest by 9% whereas C. papyrus L increased by 40% and cultivated land increased by 8%. These changes have affected the biodiversity of the swamp and adjacent to it as numbers of mammals have declined. However, the Swamp still provides extensive habitat for plants and bird species despite the ongoing human pressure. Interventions may be necessary to maintain biodiversity in Kibasira Swamp to ensure sustainable ecosystem services.  相似文献   

石羊河流域河川径流对气候与土地利用变化的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周俊菊  雷莉  石培基  王兰英  魏伟  刘海猛 《生态学报》2015,35(11):3788-3796
应用流域气象和水文过程长期观测数据及四期TM影像数据,在建立基于气候及土地利用两种因素变化的径流过程模拟模型的基础上,分析河川径流对气候与土地利用变化的响应特征,并对其未来可能的变化趋势做出预测。结果表明,(1)1956—2009年,到达石羊河流域下游标志站蔡旗断面的河川径流量,由20世纪50年代的年平均5.392×108m3减少到目前的年平均1.096×108m3;1968年之前蔡旗断面径流量的波动主要是气候变化的结果,而1968之后,蔡旗断面径流量的变化是气候与土地利用变化共同作用的结果;(2)近30年来,气候变化对下游河川径流变化的贡献率平均为4.1%,而土地利用变化,尤其是耕地面积变化的贡献率平均为88.8%;中游灌溉定额平均分别减少5%、10%、15%和20%的情景下,下游河川径流量模拟值分别为1.591×108m3、2.427×108m3、3.262×108m3和4.098×108m3左右。  相似文献   

Ecosystems are being modified by a multiplicity of interacting natural and anthropogenic factors. The most important of these factors include changes in land use, changes in climate, and alterations of disturbance regimes. Many studies have considered these factors separately; however, these factors do not act in isolation, but rather interact to affect ecosystem structure and function. In the present study, we analyzed the interacting effects of abandonment of agricultural practices, increases in temperature, and anthropogenic suppression of the avalanche regime on landscape forest structure (percent canopy cover) in the Davos region of the Swiss Alps over the past 45 years. Compared to 1954, the Davos region is now characterized by greater forest cover and lower landscape heterogeneity. The greatest increases in forest structural stage occurred in areas in which land use changed from agricultural to non‐agricultural, that were the closest to formerly active avalanche tracks, and in which the percentage change in number of growing degree days (GDD) was high. Change in land use was the most important variable contributing to changes in landscape forest structure, followed by changes in the disturbance regime, then changes in GDD. There also exist clear interactions among these variables, which indicate, for example, that the effects of the suppression of disturbances and changes in climate are contingent on the more immediate effects of changes in land use. Understanding the relative importance of, and interactions among, changes in land use, climate, and disturbances can contribute to an improved understanding of ecosystem dynamics and to better management decisions.  相似文献   



Climate and land use change are among the most important threatening processes driving biodiversity loss, especially in the tropics. Although the potential impacts of each threat have been widely studied in isolation, few studies have assessed the impacts of climate and land cover change in combination. Here, we evaluate the exposure of a large mammalian clade, bats, to multiple scenarios of environmental change and dispersal to understand potential consequences for biodiversity conservation.




We used ensemble species distribution models to forecast changes in environmental suitability for 130 bat species that occur in Mexico by 2050s under four dispersal assumptions and four combined climate and land use change scenarios. We identified regions with the strongest projected impacts for each scenario and assessed the overlap across scenarios.


The combined effects of climate and land use change will cause an average reduction in environmental suitability for 51% of the species across their range, regardless of scenario. Overall, species show a mean decrease in environmental suitability in at least 46% of their current range in all scenarios of change and dispersal. Climate scenarios had a higher impact on species environmental suitability than land use scenarios. There was a spatial overlap of 43% across the four environmental change scenarios for the regions projected to have the strongest impacts.

Main conclusions

Combined effects of future environmental change may result in substantial declines in environmental suitability for Mexican bats even under optimistic scenarios. This study highlights the vulnerability of megadiverse regions and an indicator taxon to human disturbance. The consideration of combined threats can make an important difference in how we react to changes to conserve our biodiversity as they pose different challenges.

Bumblebees in Europe have been in steady decline since the 1900s. This decline is expected to continue with climate change as the main driver. However, at the local scale, land use and land cover (LULC) change strongly affects the occurrence of bumblebees. At present, LULC change is rarely included in models of future distributions of species. This study's objective is to compare the roles of dynamic LULC change and climate change on the projected distribution patterns of 48 European bumblebee species for three change scenarios until 2100 at the scales of Europe, and Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg (BENELUX). We compared three types of models: (1) only climate covariates, (2) climate and static LULC covariates and (3) climate and dynamic LULC covariates. The climate and LULC change scenarios used in the models include, extreme growth applied strategy (GRAS), business as might be usual and sustainable European development goals. We analysed model performance, range gain/loss and the shift in range limits for all bumblebees. Overall, model performance improved with the introduction of LULC covariates. Dynamic models projected less range loss and gain than climate‐only projections, and greater range loss and gain than static models. Overall, there is considerable variation in species responses and effects were most pronounced at the BENELUX scale. The majority of species were predicted to lose considerable range, particularly under the extreme growth scenario (GRAS; overall mean: 64% ± 34). Model simulations project a number of local extinctions and considerable range loss at the BENELUX scale (overall mean: 56% ± 39). Therefore, we recommend species‐specific modelling to understand how LULC and climate interact in future modelling. The efficacy of dynamic LULC change should improve with higher thematic and spatial resolution. Nevertheless, current broad scale representations of change in major land use classes impact modelled future distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Aims For sustainable watershed development planning, this study explores how ecological carrying capacity varies with changes in land use type and population.
Methods Based on interpretation and analysis of five Landsat TM remote sensing images for 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, and 2009, respectively, we examined the spatio-temporal patterns of land use change in the upper, middle, and lower reaches of Dongjiang watershed, using the total rate of change and single and integrated degree of land use dynamics as indicators. We calculated the total and per capita eco-capacity for the watershed in different years based on the population data, equivalence factors, and yield factors, in addition to the data of land use and land cover change, and further analyzed the factors determining the direction of changes in the eco-capacity.
Important findings The results showed that: (1) there were apparent changes in the area for various land use types between 1989 and 2009. Despite the urban development, the coverage of forest vegetation increased, indicating lack of trade-off between urbanization and vegetation coverage. However, there were different patterns of change in land use among the upper, middle, and lower reaches. The land use type mainly varied from garden fields to forests in the upper and middle reaches of the watershed, while in the lower reach a change from arable land to build-up area dominated. (2) With the population growth along the Dongjiang watershed over the past two decades, although the per capita eco-capacity indicated a downward trend, its rate of decline lagged behind thepopulation growth rate, and the total eco-capacity still showed a trend of increase, implying an optimization of land use types during the 20-year period. With respect to the temporal patterns, in the decade (1994–2004) after the end of the “10-year greening of Guangdong Province”, per capita eco-capacity tended to be relatively stable under the pressure of population growth, while it declined quickly in the periods of 1989–1994 and 2004–2009. The former period was probably associated with the development of reform and opening up policy, and the latter seemed to have less possibility on spatial optimization of land use types. The total eco-capacity showed different trends among the three regions; the upper and middle reaches exhibited an unstable trend (i.e., from decreasing to increasing), while the lower reach indicated a pattern of increasing–decreasing–stable trend. In conclusion, the increasing population demand for urbanization did not lead to deterioration of the forest resources in the watershed. To some extent, we could thus achieve the coordinated development in both aspects. In spite of increasing demand on ecological resources with population growth, we could establish a better strategy in land use to improve ecological services, and to reduce the downward trend in the per capita eco-capacity.  相似文献   

Macroclimatic niche properties derived from species distribution ranges are fundamental for projections of climate change impacts on biodiversity. However, it has been recognized that changes in regional or local distribution patterns also depend on interactions with land use. The reliability and transferability of large scale geographic predictions to small scale plant performance need to be tested experimentally. Thus, we asked how grassland plant species pairs with different macroclimatic niche properties respond to increased spring temperature and decrease summer precipitation in three different land‐use types. An experiment was carried out in the framework of the German Biodiversity Exploratories simulating climate change in 45 experimental plots in three geographical regions (Schorfheide‐Chorin, Hainich‐Dün, Schwäbische Alb) and three grassland management types (meadow, pasture, mown pasture). We planted six plant species as phytometers, each two of them representing congeneric species with contrasting macroclimatic niches and recorded plant survival and growth over 1 year. To quantify the species macroclimatic niches with respect to drought tolerance, the species’ distribution ranges were mapped and combined with global climate data. The simulated climate change had a general negative effect on plant survival and plant growth, irrespective of the macroclimatic niche characteristics of the species. Against expectation, species with ranges extending into drier regions did not generally perform better under drier conditions. Growth performance and survival was best in mown pastures, representing a quite intensive type of land use in all study regions. Species with higher macroclimatic drought tolerance were generally characterized by lower growth rates and higher survival rates in land‐use types with regular mowing regimes, probably because of reduced competition in the growing season. In conclusion, plant species with similar climatic niche characteristics cannot be expected to respond consistently over different regions owing to complex interactions of climate change with land use practices.  相似文献   

采用野外采样、室内分析、GIS及统计分析相结合的方法,研究了挠力河流域河水可溶性有机碳(DOC)浓度的季节性动态,以及年均尺度上全流域、100 m河岸带土地利用变化对河水DOC输出的影响.结果表明: 基流状态下,河水DOC浓度在春季、夏季显著高于秋季;有湿地存在的子流域DOC浓度的季节性动态与无湿地存在的子流域存在显著差异,且有湿地存在的子流域中DOC浓度的季节性变异与整个流域的趋势一致;年均尺度上,DOC浓度与全流域湿地以及100 m河岸带范围内的水田面积百分比呈显著正相关,而与全流域尺度的林地百分比呈显著负相关(P<0.05).表明湿地的存在是影响挠力河流域河水DOC季节性变异的重要因素;全流域的湿地以及100 m河岸带范围内的水田对其具有显著的促进作用,而林地对其有显著的减缓效应,流域过去几十年的土地利用变化改变了河水DOC的平衡状况.  相似文献   

选用国内外广泛应用的SWAT分布式水文模型,定量分析流溪河流域土地利用与气候变化对径流的影响,采用情景模拟分析方法设置3类情景进行定量分析.对上中下游的温泉、太平场和南岗3个水文站依次校正与验证得出:除温泉站在验证期的3个系数刚达标之外,其他的相对误差<15%、相关系数>0.8、Nash Sutcliffe效率系数>0.75,说明SWAT模型在流溪河流域的径流量模拟中具有较高的适用性.综合型情景模拟分析得出:以1991-2000年为基准期,2001-2010年土地利用与气候变化综合引起年均径流量增加11.23 m3·s-1,土地利用变化引起年均径流量减少0.62 m3·s-1,气候变化引起年均径流量增加11.85 m3·s-1,气候变化的影响强度强于土地利用变化的影响强度.极端土地利用情景模拟分析得出:与2000年土地利用现状模拟径流量相比,耕地情景和草地情景的径流量分别增加2.7%和0.5%,林地情景的径流量减少0.7%,证明林地有一定的截流能力.气候变化情景模拟分析得出:流域径流量变化与降水变化呈正相关关系(降水每升高10%,径流平均增加11.6%),与气温变化呈负相关关系(气温每升高1 ℃,径流平均降低0.8%),降水变化的影响强度强于气温变化的影响强度.在气候变化环境下,需要重视对强降雨的预测和灾害预防,可通过优化土地利用结构与空间布局来减缓气候变化带来的水文负效应,如洪涝灾害.  相似文献   

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