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The robust growth of coastal communities in the southeastern United States is putting unique pressures on estuarine resources. Urbanization of estuarine systems may alter ecosystem function and thus affect the spatial scale and magnitude of nutrient concentrations and primary production temporally and spatially. We examined the spatial and temporal patterns of nutrient and chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations in two shallow well-mixed estuaries, (1) a developed estuary, Murrells Inlet (MI), South Carolina, and (2) a relatively pristine estuary, North Inlet (NI), South Carolina. The summer chlorophyll a maximum in MI was characteristically higher than in NI, which may be indicative of eutrophication. Correlations between salinity and inorganic nutrients (N and P) suggest that nutrient import from upland sources may be more pronounced in MI during stochastic precipitation events. Although inorganic nutrient concentrations between the estuaries were similar overall, during a wet period, inorganic N concentration in MI was increased to a greater extent than in NI, while only minimal increases in inorganic P were observed in both estuaries. Chlorophyll a concentrations decreased from the dry to wet period. Geographic Information System (GIS) plots of intensive spatial sampling in MI indicated spatial gradients of nutrient concentrations within this estuary that appeared to be consistent over time. These observations were investigated in more detail using regression analyses to examine the influences of coastal dilution and nutrient sources on relationships between water quality constituents. Results indicate the importance of stochastic rain events in affecting the linkages of estuarine processes to upland runoff in the urbanized estuary, MI.  相似文献   

We quantified the effects of invasive Phragmites australis on estuarine faunal communities using meta-analysis to compare invaded to uninvaded marshes and then evaluated whether ecological restoration could reverse those effects. Relative to uninvaded marshes, the quantity and condition of fauna in invaded marshes was significantly poorer. We detected negative impacts to fauna residing in the mid-Atlantic but not in New England and to fauna utilizing the marsh surface but not to those inhabiting tidal creeks. By taxonomic group, we found that the invasion negatively affected nekton but not invertebrates. Both adult and sub-adult nekton were adversely affected, although the magnitude of the effect on the sub-adults was four times greater than that for adults. Our results indicate that negative effects on fauna within the mid-Atlantic region largely drove the overall results. When restored marshes were compared to uninvaded marshes there were no significant differences across all metrics assessed, suggesting that the negative impacts of the invasion were reversed. A separate qualitative review of trophic data indicated that benthic microalgae and dominant vascular plants are important primary producers at the base of the food web in uninvaded, invaded, and restored salt marshes but the overall quantity and importance of microalgae to diet decreased in highly invaded systems due to decreased light, potentially reducing energy availability. Our analyses revealed that while estuarine communities are adversely affected by P. australis, impacts vary by region, habitat, taxonomic group, and life history stage and that restoration can reverse long-term effects over relatively short time scales.  相似文献   

Although nutrient enrichment of estuarine and coastal waters is considered a key factor for the development of green tides, the extent, distribution, and species composition of blooms vary among systems of similar nutrient loading, which compromises our ability to predict these events based on information about nutrient status alone. Additional factors may play a role in the control and development of macroalgal blooms. The identification of relevant scales of variation is a necessary prerequisite before explanatory models can be proposed and tested. In this study spatial and temporal patterns of biomass distribution were assessed for two Ulva morphologies in two Irish estuaries heavily affected by green tides (wet biomass >1 kg m−2 during the peak bloom). Moreover, using genetic markers, the species composition of these green tides was assessed. Results revealed that these blooms were multi-specific, with Ulva prolifera, U. compressa and U.rigida the most frequent species. The species U. prolifera and U. compressa usually showed a tubular morphology, while U. rigida was mainly laminar. A seasonal succession common to both estuaries was also identified, with the bloom dominated by tubular species during spring and early summer, and co-dominated by tubular and laminar morphologies during late summer and autumn. Moreover, tubular and laminar morphologies exhibited different distribution patterns, with tubular morphologies varying at bigger spatial scales and higher biomass than the laminar. As tubular and laminar morphologies exhibited different distribution patterns, varying tubular morphologies along bigger spatial scales with higher biomass levels than the laminar. Considering that tubular morphologies were usually anchored to the sediment, while laminar Ulva were usually observed free-floating, these differences could explain a differential influence by water motion. An important annual and decadal variability in biomass levels of Ulva was observed, in the case of the Tolka estuary a noticeable increase over the last two decades. These findings should be considered for the development of management and monitoring strategies since the different habitat of laminar and tubular morphologies (anchored vs. free-floating) may play an important role in the balance of nutrients and biomass in the estuary, or determine the response to pollutant exposure. Furthermore, the presence of different species with different ecological requirements could favour the duration and extension of the bloom though temporal and spatial successions.  相似文献   

Among the impacts of coastal settlements to estuaries, nutrient pollution is often singled out as a leading cause of modification to the ecological communities of soft sediments. Through sampling of 48 sites, distributed among 16 estuaries of New South Wales, Australia, we tested the hypotheses that (1) anthropogenic nutrient loads would be a better predictor of macrofaunal communities than estuarine geomorphology or local sediment characteristics; and (2) local environmental context, as determined largely by sediment characteristics, would modify the relationship between nutrient loading and community composition. Contrary to the hypothesis, multivariate multiple regression analyses revealed that sediment grain size was the best predictor of macrofaunal assemblage composition. When samples were stratified according to median grain size, relationships between faunal communities and nitrogen loading and latitude emerged, but only among estuaries with sandier sediments. In these estuaries, capitellid and nereid polychaetes and chironomid larvae were the taxa that showed the strongest correlations with nutrient loading. Overall, this study failed to provide evidence of a differential relationship between diffuse nutrient enrichment and benthic macrofauna across a gradient of 7° of latitude and 4°C temperature. Nevertheless, as human population growth continues to place increasing pressure on southeast Australian estuaries, manipulative field studies examining when and where nutrient loading will lead to significant changes in estuarine community structure are needed.  相似文献   

The broad spectrum of anthropogenic pressures on many of the world’s coastal bays and estuaries rarely act in isolation, yet few studies have directly addressed the interactive effects of multiple pressures. Port Phillip Bay in southeastern Australia is a semi-enclosed bay in which nutrient management is a major concern. In recent years it has been heavily invaded by marine pests. We manipulated the density of one such invader, the European fanworm Sabella spallanzanii, and showed that it causes changes in the composition of macrofauna in the surrounding sediments, provides habitat for epibiota (both fauna and flora) on Sabella tubes, and reduces the biomass of microphytobenthos on the surrounding sediments. Of greatest concern, however, was the indirect impact on nutrient cycling. We suggest that the impacts on nutrient cycling are largely due to the feeding of Sabella and the epifauna on its tubes, capturing organic N before it reaches the sediment, excreting it back up into the water column as NH4, thereby bypassing sedimentary processes such as denitrification. Most notably, the efficiency of denitrification, the key ecosystem process that permanently removes N from the system, fell by 37–53 % in the presence of Sabella. Importantly though, this study also demonstrated significant spatial variability in fauna, geochemistry and the magnitude of Sabella effects. Given that the effect of Sabella is also likely to vary in time and with changes in density, all of these sources of variability need to be considered when incorporating the effects of Sabella in nutrient management strategies.  相似文献   

Questions: What effect does sheep grazing have on the nutrient budgets of heathlands? Can grazing compensate for atmospheric nutrient loads in heathland ecosystems? What are the conclusions for heathland management? Location: Lüneburg Heath, NW Germany. Methods: During a one-year grazing experiment (stocking rate 1.1 sheep/ha) nutrient balances for N, Ca, K, Mg and P were calculated by quantifying input rates (atmospheric deposition, sheep excrement) and output rates (biomass removal, leaching). Results: Atmospheric nutrient deposition amounted to 22.8 kg.ha−1.a−1 for N and < 0.2 kg.ha−1.a−1 for P. Sheep excrement increased the inputs for N and P by ca. 3.5 and 0.2 kg.ha−1.a−1, respectively. Grazing reduced N- and P-stores in the above-ground biomass by 25.6 and 1.9 kg.ha−1.a−1, respectively. N-and P-losses via leaching amounted to 2.2 and < 0.2 kg.ha−1.a−1. Output:input ratios for P were high, indicating that grazing severely affected P-budgets of heaths. Conclusions: Our results suggest that sheep grazing has the potential to compensate for atmospheric nutrient loads (particularly for current N deposition rates). However, in the long term the combination of elevated N-deposition and P-loss due to grazing may cause a shift from N-(co-) limited to more P-(co-) limited plant growth. To counteract an aggravation of P-deficiency in the long term, grazing may be combined with management measures that affect P-budgets to a lesser extent (e.g. prescribed burning).  相似文献   

Quantitative prediction of environmental impacts of land-use and climate change scenarios in a watershed can serve as a basis for developing sound watershed management schemes. Water quantity and quality are key environmental indicators which are sensitive to various external perturbations. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impacts of land-use and climate changes on water quantity and quality at watershed scale and to understand relationships between hydrologic components and water quality at that scale under different climate and land-use scenarios. We developed an approach for modeling and examining impacts of land-use and climate change scenarios on the water and nutrient cycles. We used an empirical land-use change model (Conversion of Land Use and its Effects, CLUE) and a watershed hydrology and nutrient model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool, SWAT) for the Teshio River watershed in northern Hokkaido, Japan. Predicted future land-use change (from paddy field to farmland) under baseline climate conditions reduced loads of sediment, total nitrogen (N) and total phosphorous (P) from the watershed to the river. This was attributable to higher nutrient uptake by crops and less nutrient mineralization by microbes, reduced nutrient leaching from soil, and lower water yields on farmland. The climate changes (precipitation and temperature) were projected to have greater impact in increasing surface runoff, lateral flow, groundwater discharge and water yield than would land-use change. Surface runoff especially decreased in April and May and increased in March and September with rising temperature. Under the climate change scenarios, the sediment and nutrient loads increased during the snowmelt and rainy seasons, while N and P uptakes by crops increased during the period when fertilizer is normally applied (May through August). The sediment and nutrient loads also increased with increasing winter rainfall because of warming in that season. Organic nutrient mineralization and nutrient leaching increased as well under climate change scenarios. Therefore, we predicted annual water yield, sediment and nutrient loads to increase under climate change scenarios. The sediment and nutrient loads were mainly supplied from agricultural land under land use in each climate change scenario, suggesting that riparian zones and adequate fertilizer management would be a potential mitigation strategy for reducing these negative impacts of land-use and climate changes on water quality. The proposed approach provides a useful source of information for assessing the consequences of hydrology processes and water quality in future land-use and climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

Natural or anthropogenic induced variations in estuaries and the dynamics of marine fish populations potentially promote differences in connectivity between estuaries and marine areas, i.e. in their importance as nursery grounds. Within this context, an integrated assessment of the differential nursery function of the main estuaries along the Portuguese coast for commercial fish species common sole Solea solea, Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis, flounder Platichthys flesus and sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax was performed through several indicators based on available data. Contribution of individual estuaries to marine subpopulations was measured with potential metrics (juvenile density, habitat quantity, juvenile number and habitat quality within estuaries) and effective metrics (estuarine source of young adults in marine environment measured via otolith elemental fingerprints). The relationship between the two types of metrics was also assessed. Estuaries identified as important nursery and/or effective juvenile habitat (EJH) differed with species and no single estuary was best for all, highlighting species-specific regulation of nursery function. Multiple species assessment of nursery and EJH function differed among estuaries. Management and conservation of estuaries should focus on sites with higher contributions to adult subpopulations of multiple species. The importance of defining precise scientific and management objectives was emphasized by the different rankings of estuaries obtained with nursery or EJH criteria. Potential and effective contribution of estuaries were not significantly correlated, but in a quantitative analysis juvenile densities and number of juveniles seem related with effective contribution in some species. An agreement between potential and effective contributions of estuaries is concurrent with the acknowledged minor role of juvenile stage processes in regulation of recruitment to adult subpopulations.  相似文献   

Current scientific consensus is that inshore regions of the central and southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia, are at risk of impacts from increased nutrient (as well as sediment and pesticide) loads delivered to Reef waters. Increases in the discharge of water quality contaminants to the Reef are largely a consequence of the expansion of agricultural practices in northern Queensland catchments following European settlement in the 1850s. In particular, the presence of elevated chlorophyll a and nutrient concentrations in many parts of the inshore Great Barrier Reef together with intense and extensive phytoplankton blooms following the discharge of nutrient-rich river flood waters suggest that the central and southern inshore area of the Great Barrier Reef is likely to be significantly impacted by elevated nutrient loads. The biological consequences of this are not fully quantified, but are likely to include changes in reef condition including hard and soft coral biodiversity, macroalgal abundance, hard coral cover and coral recruitment, as well as change in seagrass distribution and tissue nutrient status. Contemporary government policy is centered around promotion and funding of better catchment management practices to minimize the loss of catchment nutrients (both applied and natural) and the maintenance of a Reef wide water quality and ecosystem monitoring program. The monitoring program is designed to assess trends in uptake of management practice improvements and their associated impacts on water quality and ecosystem status over the next 10 years. A draft set of quantitative criteria to assess the eutrophication status of Great Barrier Reef waters is outlined for further discussion and refinement.  相似文献   

城市化背景下白洋淀入湖营养盐负荷模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张笑欣  易雨君  刘泓汐  杨志峰 《生态学报》2021,41(19):7521-7529
过量的营养盐输入导致白洋淀富营养化程度较高。雄安新区建设伴随着快速城镇化进程,将可能进一步增加入湖营养盐负荷。为摸清新区建设背景下白洋淀入湖营养盐负荷的变化趋势及削减量,基于入湖营养盐负荷模型计算了历史不同时期(1995-2015年)白洋淀入湖营养盐盐负荷,预测了土地利用、农业管理和污水处理系统变化下入湖营养盐负荷的变化趋势。结果表明,白洋淀历史时期入湖总氮和总磷年平均负荷分别为2018 t和313 t,主要来源分别是耕地和畜禽粪便排放。就土地利用变化而言,以2010年为基准,2050年白洋淀入湖总氮和总磷负荷在建设用地快速增长(RAP)情景下增长率最高,分别增长了56%和60%,主要原因在于城镇人口增加,从而增加了畜禽需求量和生活污水排放。就农业管理而言,削减化肥使用有利于降低入湖总氮负荷,控制畜禽粪便排放更有利于入湖总磷负荷的降低。2050年,生活污水将成为白洋淀入湖营养盐的重要来源,因此,在制定未来社会经济发展路径时,应重点提高农村地区生活污水收集率和处理效率。PCLake模型对不同入湖负荷下湖泊营养状态演变的模拟发现,削减入湖总磷负荷是白洋淀水质恢复的关键。白洋淀水质达到III类和IV类标准时,入湖总磷负荷阈值分别为2.1和2.6 mg P m-2 d-1。在建设用地快速增长情景下,若使白洋淀水质达到III类标准,入湖总磷负荷应减少131 t。  相似文献   

Coastal systems are increasingly threatened by multiple local anthropogenic and global climatic stressors. With the difficulties in remediating global stressors, management requires alternative approaches that focus on local scales. We used manipulative experiments to test whether reducing local stressors (sediment load and nutrient concentrations) can improve the resilience of foundation species (canopy algae along temperate rocky coastlines) to future projected global climate stressors (high wave exposure, increasing sea surface temperature), which are less amenable to management actions. We focused on Fucoids (Cystoseira barbata) along the north-western Adriatic coast in the Mediterranean Sea because of their ecological relevance, sensitivity to a variety of human impacts, and declared conservation priority. At current levels of sediment and nutrients, C. barbata showed negative responses to the simulated future scenarios of high wave exposure and increased sea surface temperature. However, reducing the sediment load increased the survival of C. barbata recruits by 90.24% at high wave exposure while reducing nutrient concentrations resulted in a 20.14% increase in the survival and enhanced the growth of recruited juveniles at high temperature. We conclude that improving water quality by reducing nutrient concentrations, and particularly the sediment load, would significantly increase the resilience of C. barbata populations to projected increases in climate stressors. Developing and applying appropriate targets for specific local anthropogenic stressors could be an effective management action to halt the severe and ongoing loss of key marine habitats.  相似文献   

Changes in climate, in combination with intensive exploitation of marine resources, have caused large‐scale reorganizations in many of the world's marine ecosystems during the past decades. The Baltic Sea in Northern Europe is one of the systems most affected. In addition to being exposed to persistent eutrophication, intensive fishing, and one of the world's fastest rates of warming in the last two decades of the 20th century, accelerated climate change including atmospheric warming and changes in precipitation is projected for this region during the 21st century. Here, we used a new multimodel approach to project how the interaction of climate, nutrient loads, and cod fishing may affect the future of the open Central Baltic Sea food web. Regionally downscaled global climate scenarios were, in combination with three nutrient load scenarios, used to drive an ensemble of three regional biogeochemical models (BGMs). An Ecopath with Ecosim food web model was then forced with the BGM results from different nutrient‐climate scenarios in combination with two different cod fishing scenarios. The results showed that regional management is likely to play a major role in determining the future of the Baltic Sea ecosystem. By the end of the 21st century, for example, the combination of intensive cod fishing and high nutrient loads projected a strongly eutrophicated and sprat‐dominated ecosystem, whereas low cod fishing in combination with low nutrient loads resulted in a cod‐dominated ecosystem with eutrophication levels close to present. Also, nonlinearities were observed in the sensitivity of different trophic groups to nutrient loads or fishing depending on the combination of the two. Finally, many climate variables and species biomasses were projected to levels unseen in the past. Hence, the risk for ecological surprises needs to be addressed, particularly when the results are discussed in the ecosystem‐based management context.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton constitutes a diverse array of short-lived organisms which derive their nutrients from the water column of lakes. These features make this community the most direct and earliest indicator of the impacts of changing nutrient conditions on lake ecosystems. It also makes them particularly suitable for measuring the success of restoration measures following reductions in nutrient loads. This paper integrates a large volume of work on a number of measures, or metrics, developed for using phytoplankton to assess the ecological status of European lakes, as required for the Water Framework Directive. It assesses the indicator strength of these metrics, specifically in relation to representing the impacts of eutrophication. It also examines how these measures vary naturally at different locations within a lake, as well as between lakes, and how much variability is associated with different replicate samples, different months within a year and between years. On the basis of this analysis, three of the strongest metrics (chlorophyll-a, phytoplankton trophic index (PTI), and cyanobacterial biovolume) are recommended for use as robust measures for assessing the ecological quality of lakes in relation to nutrient-enrichment pressures and a minimum recommended sampling frequency is provided for these three metrics.  相似文献   

This study follows up on a previous assessment of eutrophication status in the Baltic Sea, which covered the period 2001–2006. The updated assessment is based on new eutrophication targets, an improved eutrophication assessment tool (HEAT 3.0) as well as monitoring data for the period 2007–2011. Based on classifications of eutrophication status in all Baltic Sea sub-basins, we reveal that during the assessment period 2007–2011, the entire open Baltic Sea was affected by eutrophication. This is a different conclusion compared to earlier assessments and studies. Whilst the confidence of the assessment was high or moderate in most basins, there were indications of declining confidence in some assessment units and improved confidence in others. The problems in confidence were mainly related to scarcity of in situ monitoring data on chlorophyll-a and Secchi depth. The potential implications of our results, e.g. the expansion of the eutrophic zone and declining confidence in the classifications of eutrophication status, are discussed in relation to the existing Baltic Sea-wide nutrient management strategy as well as future assessment activities.  相似文献   

A key step in identifying global change impacts on species and ecosystems is to quantify effects of multiple stressors. To date, the science of global change has been dominated by regional field studies, experimental manipulation, meta‐analyses, conceptual models, reviews, and studies focusing on a single stressor or species over broad spatial and temporal scales. Here, we provide one of the first studies for coastal systems examining multiple stressor effects across broad scales, focused on the nursery function of 20 estuaries spanning 1,600 km of coastline, 25 years of monitoring, and seven fish and invertebrate species along the northeast Pacific coast. We hypothesized those species most estuarine dependent and negatively impacted by human activities would have lower presence and abundances in estuaries with greater anthropogenic land cover, pollution, and water flow stress. We found significant negative relationships between juveniles of two of seven species (Chinook salmon and English sole) and estuarine stressors. Chinook salmon were less likely to occur and were less abundant in estuaries with greater pollution stress. They were also less abundant in estuaries with greater flow stress, although this relationship was marginally insignificant. English sole were less abundant in estuaries with greater land cover stress. Together, we provide new empirical evidence that effects of stressors on two fish species culminate in detectable trends along the northeast Pacific coast, elevating the need for protection from pollution, land cover, and flow stressors to their habitats. Lack of response among the other five species could be related to differing resistance to specific stressors, type and precision of the stressor metrics, and limitations in catch data across estuaries and habitats. Acquiring improved measurements of impacts to species will guide future management actions, and help predict how estuarine nursery functions can be optimized given anthropogenic stressors and climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

The local dispersal of polyphagous, mobile insects within agricultural systems impacts pest management. In the mid-Atlantic region of the United States, stink bugs, especially the invasive Halyomorpha halys (Stål 1855), contribute to economic losses across a range of cropping systems. Here, we characterized the density of stink bugs along the field edges of field corn and soybean at different study sites. Specifically, we examined the influence of adjacent managed and natural habitats on the density of stink bugs in corn and soybean fields at different distances along transects from the field edge. We also quantified damage to corn grain, and to soybean pods and seeds, and measured yield in relation to the observed stink bug densities at different distances from field edge. Highest density of stink bugs was limited to the edge of both corn and soybean fields. Fields adjacent to wooded, crop and building habitats harbored higher densities of stink bugs than those adjacent to open habitats. Damage to corn kernels and to soybean pods and seeds increased with stink bug density in plots and was highest at the field edges. Stink bug density was also negatively associated with yield per plant in soybean. The spatial pattern of stink bugs in both corn and soybeans, with significant edge effects, suggests the use of pest management strategies for crop placement in the landscape, as well as spatially targeted pest suppression within fields.  相似文献   

In the face of ongoing atmospheric nutrient loads the employment of management measures to remove nutrients from heathland ecosystems has increased in importance. The present study is the first to analyse whether Calluna vulgaris is a suitable bio-monitor of management-mediated nutrient pools in heathland ecosystems. If Calluna vulgaris proves to be an appropriate indicator, its bio-indicative usage may prove to be a helpful tool for an assessment of management success in heathland ecosystems. In the Lüneburger Heide nature reserve (NW Germany) we analysed the impacts of grazing, mowing, prescribed burning, choppering and sod-cutting on the nutritional status of Calluna vulgaris by measuring nutrient contents (N, P, Ca, Mg, K) of current year's shoots 1 and 5 years after application of management measures. Results were related to management-induced nutrient flows and nutrient pools at the focal heath sites. Our results indicate that the less the physical environment of a heath site was affected by management measures the better the nutrient contents of current year's shoots of Calluna vulgaris mirrored changes in nutrient pools. For low-intensity measures (i.e. grazing, mowing, prescribed burning), shoot nutrient contents were a suitable indicator for changes in nutrient pools, particularly for nutrients with conservative cycles such as P. At grazed and mown sites high output rates of P caused by these measures were well reflected by decreased shoot P content. At burned sites, Calluna vulgaris proved to be a good indicator of changes in nutrient pools of the organic layer, mainly attributable to the deposition of nutrients with ash. In contrast, at sites subjected to high-intensity measures, shoot nutrient contents did not reflect management-mediated shifts in nutrient pools, despite the high nutrient losses caused by choppering and sod-cutting. At these sites, shoot nutrient contents mirrored only the effects of altered mineralisation rates attributable to changes in the physical environment following high-intensity measures. As plant growth and competition in heathlands is considered to be controlled by N or P, shoot N:P ratios are recommended as a tool to indicate whether plant growth tends to be limited by N, by P or by N and P. This, in turn, allows for an assessment of long-term effects of both atmospheric nutrient loads and management-mediated shifts in N and P pools at a focal heath site.  相似文献   

There are several approaches for assessing nutrient enrichment impacts in marine waters including the OSPAR* Comprehensive Procedure, the TRIX* ranking process, the WFD, ASSETS* and EPA NCA*. They differ in definitions and application, but all use key indicators for evaluating eutrophication status. Data from two estuaries in the United Kingdom (UK) were used to test the hypothesis that these five methods would result in the same outcome. The intent is to provide managers with information for selecting an appropriate method, insight about how each method works, how results from different methods compare and a basis for improvement of methods. Results from all approaches indicate that both estuaries required management intervention, but detailed results differed. Methods using more than one biological indicator show that secondary biological impacts were minimal, with the exception of moderate macroalgal problems in the Medway. Comparison of final results was difficult due to differences in: timeframes of data analysis (seasonal versus annual), characteristics included in indicator metrics (concentration, spatial coverage, frequency of occurrence), and methods for combining indicators to determine eutrophication status. This comparison suggests that use of annual data, inclusion frequency of occurrence, spatial coverage and, secondary biological indicators in the index, and a multi-category rating scale results in a more representative assessment.  相似文献   

Heterocapsa triquetra is one of the most common bloom forming dinoflagellates found in estuaries and near shore regions around the world. In order to bloom, H. triquetra optimizes a suite of factors including low grazing pressure, increased nutrient inputs, alternative nutrient sources, and favorable salinity and hydrodynamic conditions, as well as the negative factors of temperature-limited growth, short day lengths, and periods of transient light limitation. The prevailing environmental conditions associated its wintertime blooms are largely the result of atmospheric forcing. Low-pressure systems moved through coastal area at frequent intervals and are accompanied by low air temperatures and rainfall. Runoff following the rainfall events supplies nutrients critical for bloom initiation and development. Heterocapsa triquetra blooms can reach chl a levels >100 mg L−1 and cell densities between 1 to 6×106 L−1. As the blooms develop, nutrient inputs from the river became insufficient to meet growth demand and H. triquetra feeds mixotrophically, reducing competition from co-occurring phytoplankton. Cloud cover associated with the low-pressure systems light limit H. triquetra growth as do low temperatures. More importantly though, low temperatures limit micro and macrozooplankton populations to such an extent that grazing losses are minimal.  相似文献   

Algae have important functional roles in estuarine wetlands. We quantified differences in macroalgal abundance, composition and diversity, and sediment chl a and pheophytin a (pheo a) among three National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) emergent marsh classes in four Oregon estuaries spanning a range of riverine to marine dominance. We also assessed the strength of macroalgal‐vascular plant associations and the degree to which environmental variables correlated with algal community metrics in marsh and woody wetlands. The frequency of occurrence of most macroalgal genera, total benthic macroalgal cover, macroalgal diversity, and sediment chl a content were several times higher in low emergent marsh than in high marsh or palustrine tidal marsh. Conversely, pheo a: chl a ratios were highest in high and palustrine marsh. Attached macroalgae (Fucus and Vaucheria) were strongly associated with plants common at lower tidal elevations such as Sarcocornia perennis and Jaumea carnosa; Ulva (an unattached alga) was not strongly associated with any common low marsh plants. In structural equation models, intertidal elevation was the most influential predictor of macroalgal cover and richness and chl a; light availability and soil salinity played secondary roles. Although common taxa such as Ulva spp. occurred across a broad range of salinities, wetlands with oligohaline soils (salinity < 5) had the lowest macroalgal diversity and lower sediment chl a. These types of baseline data on algal distributions are critical for evaluating the structural and functional impacts of future changes to coastal estuaries including sea‐level rise (SLR), altered salinity dynamics, and habitat modification.  相似文献   

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