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Dalea (ser.Coeruleae) strobilacea from Cajamarca and La Libertad, Peru and D. (ser.Versicolores) daucosma from Nay arit, Mexico are described, compared with kindred, and illustrated.  相似文献   

Two taxa of Lobelia from north–central Mexico are described as new, both being in sect. Lobelia subsect. Leiospermae E. Wimmer, viz. L. henricksonii (in "grex" Rosulatae E. Wimmer) and L. anatina E. Wimmer var. riskindii (in "grex" Sub–spicatae E. Wimmer). These two taxa are confined to the Mexican state of Coahuila in areally restricted mesic habitats above 1400 m alt.  相似文献   

Fieldwork in connection with the project to document the flora of the Mixteca Alta region, northwestern Oaxaca, Mexico, has resulted in the discovery of the following taxa: Verbesina calzadae and Viguiera grammatoglossa var. huajuapana (Heliantheae); Sinclairia manriquei (Liabeae); and Psacalium schillingii (Senecioneae).  相似文献   

Dalea janosensis, a new species from the northwestern periphery of the Mexican state of Chihuahua, is described and illustrated. It belongs to Dalea subgenus Dalea section Kuhnistera series Compactae and is morphologically similar to Dalea searlsiae, from which it differs in having a greater number of leaflets pairs, shorter peduncles, shorter spikes, persistent bracts, and shorter flowers.  相似文献   

Marina victoriae andM. brevis are newly described species from the southern Baja California peninsula, Mexico. The former is a perennial herb locally abundant in the eroded hillsides at the foothills of Sierra de la Victoria, where an oak woodland and a dry tropical forest meet. The latter is an elusive ephemeral inhabiting a narrow strip of land between the mangroves and the desert scrub on an island in the Gulf of California. These two new species belong to the seriesChrysorrhizae, a group native to the Gulf of California basin.  相似文献   

Dalea pseudocorymbosa is described from the western part of the state of Durango, Mexico. It is referred to Dalea subgenus Parosela section Parosela series Psoraleoides. It is morphologically most similar to Dalea tomentosa var. mota but is distinguished from it by characters of the leaf, inflorescence, and flower.
Resumen   Dalea pseudocorymbosa es descrita de la parte oeste del estado de Durango, México. Pertenece al subgénero Parosela sección Parosela serie Psoraleoides. Es morfológicamente muy similar a Dalea tomentosa var. mota pero se distingue de esta por sus caracteres de hoja, inflorescencia y flores.

Two new taxa of Terminalia, T. pedicellata Nanakorn and T. franchetii var. tomentosa Nanakorn are described.  相似文献   

Kumar, V. S. & Sharma, B. D. 1995. Two new taxa of Pogostemon (Lamiaceae) from India. - Nord. J. Bot. 15: 163–166. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
A new species Pogostemon hedgei and a new variety P. speciosus var. filiformis , are described from South India. Both belong to sect. Pogostemon .  相似文献   

Astragalus maniaticus (Fabaceae), a new species endemic to the Mani Peninsula in Peloponnisos, southern Greece, is described and illustrated. Its closest affinities are still uncertain but within Greece, it lacks close allies.Dedicated to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Austrobdella coliumicus n. sp. is described from Coliumo Bay, Chile. It is characterized by a continuous, external coelomic canal (= marginal lacuna), 5 pairs of testisacs, accessory gland cells, a body not distinctly divided into trachelosome and urosome, 2 pairs of dorsal ocelli on the trachelosome, dorsal and ventral segmental ocelli present on the urosome, green overall pigmentation with transverse brown bands, and the absence of conducting tissue. Austrobdella coliumicus is distinguished from other species of Austrobdella by the presence of 2 pairs of ocelli on the trachelosome and a more cylindrical body. It is unusual that this leech was collected from inside the mantle cavity of the razor clam, Ensis macha. Austrobdella losmoliniensis n. sp. is described from the electric ray, Discopyge tschudii, collected at Los Molinos, Chile. It is characterized by a continuous, external coelomic canal; 5 pairs of testisacs; accessory gland cells; a body distinctly divided into trachelosome and urosome; 1 pair of eyes on the oral sucker; overall black pigmentation with unpigmented areas; and the absence of conducting tissue. Austrobdella losmoliniensis can be distinguished from other species of Austrobdella by the combination of 1 pair of eyes on the oral sucker and black pigmentation.  相似文献   

Astragalus mario-sousae is described from the central part of state of Nuevo León, Mexico. It differs fromAstragalus esperanzae by its habit, peduncles, pedicels, and fruits.
Resumen   Astragalus mario-sousae (Fabaceae: Galegeae), a new species from northeastern Mexico. Brittonia 57: 314–319. 2005.—Astragalus mario-sousae es propuesta como especie nueva. Se conoce solo de la porción central del estado mexicano de Nuevo León. Se presentan una descripción e ilustración. Difiere deAstragalus esperanzae por su hábito erecto, pedúnculos, pedicelos y frutos más cortos.

Three new species ofOcotea (O. disjuncta, O. iridescens, andO. rovirosae) from southern Mexico are described and illustrated.Ocotea disjuncta is related to theO. effusa group, whileO. iridescens seems to be related to theO. heydeana group. The relationships ofO. rovirosae are not clear.   相似文献   

Comparative developmental morphology was used to assess structural homology of flowers in Dalea, Marina, and Psorothamnus of the tribe Amorpheae (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae). Dalea, Marina, and some species of Psorothamnus have an unusual petal-stamen synorganization (stemonozone) in which free petals are inserted on a region that is continuous with fused stamen filaments. Developmental studies of these three genera demonstrated similarity during organogenesis. Zonal growth results in several synorganized regions, including the stemonozone of Dalea, Marina, and some Psorothamnus. Psorothamnus species that lack a stemonozone have fused stamens and free petals inserted on the hypanthium, as in most other papilionoid legumes. We concluded that the stemonozone is not strictly homologous to either androecium or receptacle, but that it is the product of a modified androecial developmental program. In the prairie clover daleas, petaloid structures positioned between the stamens have been variously interpreted as petals or as staminodes; we infer that they have an extreme form of the daleoid stemonozone, on which five petals (no staminodes) and five stamens are inserted. Assessing structural homology of these flowers allows us to characterize accurately daleoid morphology for evolutionary studies in the tribe Amorpheae.  相似文献   

Two new species ofRhynchospora from Mexico are described and illustrated. The white-bractedR. oaxacana is clearly a member of subsectionLongibracteatae which is otherwise found only in South America. A key to all the species of that subsection is provided. The thickened achene summit and slightly sunken style base appear to placeR. durangensis in sectionHarveyae.  相似文献   

Houstonia sharpii andH. kingii are described from Mexico. The new combinationH. xestosperma is proposed.  相似文献   

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