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Herbivores induce plants to undergo diverse processes that minimize costs to the plant, such as producing defences to deter herbivory or reallocating limited resources to inaccessible portions of the plant. Yet most plant tissue is consumed by decomposers, not herbivores, and these defensive processes aimed to deter herbivores may alter plant tissue even after detachment from the plant. All consumers value nutrients, but plants also require these nutrients for primary functions and defensive processes. We experimentally simulated herbivory with and without nutrient additions on red alder (Alnus rubra), which supplies the majority of leaf litter for many rivers in western North America. Simulated herbivory induced a defence response with cascading effects: terrestrial herbivores and aquatic decomposers fed less on leaves from stressed trees. This effect was context dependent: leaves from fertilized-only trees decomposed most rapidly while leaves from fertilized trees receiving the herbivory treatment decomposed least, suggesting plants funnelled a nutritionally valuable resource into enhanced defence. One component of the defence response was a decrease in leaf nitrogen leading to elevated carbon : nitrogen. Aquatic decomposers prefer leaves naturally low in C : N and this altered nutrient profile largely explains the lower rate of aquatic decomposition. Furthermore, terrestrial soil decomposers were unaffected by either treatment but did show a preference for local and nitrogen-rich leaves. Our study illustrates the ecological implications of terrestrial herbivory and these findings demonstrate that the effects of selection caused by terrestrial herbivory in one ecosystem can indirectly shape the structure of other ecosystems through ecological fluxes across boundaries.  相似文献   

  • 1 The possibility of interactions between leaf-miners in the genus Eriocrania and Coleophora serratella L. on birch (Betula pendula Ehrh. and B.pubescens Roth.) was studied via: (i) co-occurrence patterns on random samples of leaves; (ii) palatability of Eriocraniidae-mined leaves to C.serratella, in laboratory and field preference tests.
  • 2 In the field, C.serratella and Eriocrania spp. fed on common leaves less frequently than expected by chance. This result is consistent with, and could be explained by, the avoidance of mined leaves shown by C.serratella in most of the feeding trials.
  • 3 Avoidance was not observed at the between-tree level, i.e. the number of leaves mined by each type of insect was unrelated. However, when tree species was taken into account, an inverse distribution was observed: mine abundance was higher for Eriocrania spp. on B.pubescens, whereas for C.serratella it was higher on B.pendula.
  • 4 B.pubescens leaves mined by Eriocrania spp. had consistently higher phenolic contents and were better at precipitating proteins than unmined leaves. These induced chemical changes could explain the reduced preference shown by C.serrate1la for Eriocrania mined leaves.
  • 5 We speculate about the evolution of adult host-plant selection shown by these insects in response to potential larval interactions.

1. Keratella tropica has qualitatively distinct spine‐development responses to kairomones released by the predatory rotifer Asplanchna and the cladoceran interference competitor Daphnia. Asplanchna induces a fourfold lengthening of the right posterior spine (to c.100 μm), a shortening or loss of the left posterior spine and a lengthening of two pairs of anterior spines. Daphnia induces a moderate elongation of both right and left posterior spines. This study tests three hypotheses regarding the sensitivity of these responses to enemy density, and the response priority when both enemies are present. 2. First, since K. tropica and Brachionus calyciflorus have similarly pronounced and effective spine‐development responses to Asplanchna, with no appreciable demographic cost, they should be similarly sensitive to Asplanchna density. This was the case. Both showed an exponential response to increasing Asplanchna density, well described by an asymptotic exponential regression model, and exhibited 50% maximal spine development at statistically similar Asplanchna densities–2.5 and 1.7 μg dry weight L?1 (1.8 and 1.2 individuals L?1), respectively. Strong selection for these Asplanchna‐induced responses clearly has led to a coupling of exuberant and effective morphological defence with an unrivalled sensitivity to predator density. 3. Second, since K. tropica’s response to Daphnia is much less pronounced and effective than its response to Asplanchna, it should be less sensitive to Daphnia density. This hypothesis was supported. Spine development increased linearly with increasing Daphnia density and was 50% maximal at 454 μg dry weight Daphnia L?1, a biomass density 180 times greater than that inducing a comparable response to Asplanchna. 4. Third, since K. tropica’s response to Daphnia does not reduce Asplanchna predation, K. tropica should respond to Asplanchna when both enemies are present at densities sufficient to induce spine development. This was the case. The presence of Daphnia neither reduced nor increased the length of the right posterior spine; it only limited the extent to which the left spine was reduced or lost.  相似文献   

不同龄期幼虫饥饿对美国白蛾Hyphantria cunea(Drury)生长发育和繁殖影响的研究结果表明:美国白蛾低龄(2龄)幼虫短时间的饥饿对其生长发育和繁殖的影响不明显;美国白蛾中龄(4龄)幼虫饥饿2,4,6d使美国白蛾的历期相应增长,存活率、化蛹率、羽化率、产卵量都相应降低,交配率与对照之间没有差异;老熟(6龄)幼虫短时间饥饿(4d)的存活率、羽化率、交配率、产卵量都稍有下降;长时间饥饿(12d)的老熟幼虫有70%左右因饥饿而提前化蛹,提前化蛹的蛹体外没有薄茧的包裹。提前化蛹的美国白蛾的羽化率、交配率均非常低,产卵量很少。  相似文献   

Silicon (Si) is one of the most abundant elements in the earth's crust, although its essentiality in plant growth is not clearly established. However, the importance of Si as an element that is particularly beneficial for plants under a range of abiotic and biotic stresses is now beyond doubt. This paper reviews progress in exploring the benefits at two‐ and three‐trophic levels and the underlying mechanism of Si in enhancing the resistance of host plants to herbivorous insects. Numerous studies have shown an enhanced resistance of plants to insect herbivores including folivores, borers, and phloem and xylem feeders. Silicon may act directly on insect herbivores leading to a reduction in insect performance and plant damage. Various indirect effects may also be caused, for example, by delaying herbivore establishment and thus an increased chance of exposure to natural enemies, adverse weather events or control measures that target exposed insects. A further indirect effect of Si may be to increase tolerance of plants to abiotic stresses, notably water stress, which can in turn lead to a reduction in insect numbers and plant damage. There are two mechanisms by which Si is likely to increase resistance to herbivore feeding. Increased physical resistance (constitutive), based on solid amorphous silica, has long been considered the major mechanism of Si‐mediated defences of plants, although there is recent evidence for induced physical defence. Physical resistance involves reduced digestibility and/or increased hardness and abrasiveness of plant tissues because of silica deposition, mainly as opaline phytoliths, in various tissues, including epidermal silica cells. Further, there is now evidence that soluble Si is involved in induced chemical defences to insect herbivore attack through the enhanced production of defensive enzymes or possibly the enhanced release of plant volatiles. However, only two studies have tested for the effect of Si on an insect herbivore and third trophic level effects on the herbivore's predators and parasitoids. One study showed no effect of Si on natural enemies, but the methods used were not favourable for the detection of semiochemical‐mediated effects. Work recently commenced in Australia is methodologically and conceptually more advanced and an effect of Si on the plants' ability to generate an induced response by acting at the third trophic level was observed. This paper provides the first overview of Si in insect herbivore resistance studies, and highlights novel, recent hypotheses and findings in this area of research. Finally, we make suggestions for future research efforts in the use of Si to enhance plant resistance to insect herbivores.  相似文献   

Synopsis Eight geographically-diverse (33°11N to 39°14N) populations of least brook lamprey varied significantly in density of larvae and mean length of metamorphosing and adult lampreys (101–152 mm). Absolute fecundity (503–5900 eggs) did not change significantly with stage of post-larval development, suggesting little post-metamorphic atresia; egg dry weight increased to stage 6, the penultimate stage of metamorphosis. Absolute fecundity increased with the cubic power of total length. Relative fecundity (250–1124 eggs per gram total body weight) decreased significantly with increasing length within two streams. Relative fecundity, adjusted to a common length, increased with mean length of the population. Conversely, mean egg dry weight (0.09–0.24 mg, stages 6–8) increased with maternal length within three streams, and decreased with length among streams. In populations where spawning occurs at a small body size, females produce comparatively fewer but larger eggs. Large eggs may be required to counter the effects of an unproductive environment and the accompanying reduction in relative fecundity is compensatory. No relationship was evident between latitude, annual thermal units, or density and relative fecundity or egg size. Mean length of a population was also unrelated to these environmental factors.  相似文献   

1. Interactions between below‐ and above‐ground organisms have attracted interest in recent years, but less is known about the effect of root‐feeding nematodes on above‐ground trophic interactions between herbivores and their natural enemies. 2. This study examined whether the presence of the soybean cyst root nematode Heterodera glycines influences the performance of the above‐ground leaf‐chewing tobacco cutworm Spodoptera litura on soybeans, Glycine max, and whether this in turn affects the success of its parasitoid, Meteorus pulchricornis. Using three soybean cultivars that varied in the level of constitutive resistance to the tobacco cutworm, the study determined whether feeding by the nematode altered the developmental and reproductive performances of the caterpillar and its parasitoid. 3. Root feeding by the nematode slowed tobacco cutworm larval development time and reduced adult body weight. Root feeding by the nematode also had a negative effect on the caterpillar's parasitoid, by prolonging development time, decreasing adult body size and reducing fecundity. These effects increased in a linear trend and varied in magnitude depending on levels of soybean constitutive resistance. 4. These findings demonstrate that root feeding by the nematode can prime soybean plants with negative impacts on their herbivore and its parasitoid, and that the impact may vary in magnitude depending on levels of soybean constitutive defence. The results emphasise the need to integrate soybean constitutive and root nematode‐induced defences for a better understanding of below‐ and above‐ground organism interactions, and to allow insights to be gained into the improvement of soybean integrated pest management programmes.  相似文献   

1. Some organisms under variable predator pressure show induced antipredator defences, whose development incurs costs and may be associated with changes to later performance. This may be of especial relevance to animals with complex life histories involving metamorphosis. 2. This study examines the effect of predation environment, experienced both during embryonic and larval stages, on palmate newt (Triturus helveticus) metamorphosis. Newt eggs were raised until hatching with or without exposure to chemical cues from brown trout (Salmo trutta), and larval development was monitored in the presence or absence of the cues. 3. Exposure to predator cues during the embryonic stage resulted in higher growth rates at the larval stage, reduced time to metamorphosis and size at metamorphosis. Metamorphs also had narrower heads and shorter forelimbs than those from predator‐free treatments. In contrast, exposure to predator cues during the larval stage did not affect metamorph characteristics. 4. These results indicate that developing embryos are sensitive to predator chemical cues and that the responses can extend to later stages. Reversion of induced defences when predation risk ceased was not detected. We discuss the possible adaptive significance of these responses.  相似文献   

Ovariole number in insects determines potential fecundity and can be influenced by genes, environmental conditions during development and parental effects. In the present study, three hypotheses are tested for ovariole number determination in the grasshopper Romalea microptera (Beauvois), which exhibits both intra‐ and interpopulation variation in ovariole number. In hypothesis 1, variation in ovariole number is a result of genetic variation. In hypothesis 2, ovariole number is influenced by nutrition during development. In hypothesis 3, ovariole number is influenced by maternal nutritional status. Females from four treatments are compared: low‐food, high‐food, daughters of low‐food, and daughters of high‐food. There is a relationship between parent and offspring ovariole number despite different environments, supporting hypothesis 1. Also, ovariole numbers are slightly, but significantly lower in individuals fed a low‐food diet compared with a high‐food diet, supporting hypothesis 2. Hypothesis 3 is not supported: starved and well‐fed females produce eggs of similar mass, as well as offspring with similar numbers of ovarioles, suggesting that the nutritional status of mothers does not influence offspring mass or offspring ovariole number. The results imply that genetic variation and developmental conditions determine ovariole number in this species but maternal environment does not. These results conflict with previous studies of ovariole determination in grasshoppers and locusts.  相似文献   

A toluene-oxidizing strain ofPseudomonas mendocina KR1 containing toluene-4-mono-oxygenase (TMO) completely degrades TCE with the addition of toluene as a co-substrate in aerobic condition. In order to constructin situ bioremediation system for TCE degradation without any growth-stimulating nutrients or toxic inducers such as toluene, we used the carbon-starvation promoter ofPseudomonas putida MK1 (Kim, Y.et al., J. bacteriol., 1995). Upon entry into the stationary phase due to the deprivation of nutrients, this promoter is strongly induced without further cell growth. The TMO gene cluster (4.5 kb) was spliced downstream of the carbon starvation promoter ofPseudomona putida MK1, already cloned in pUC19. TMO under the carbon starvation promoter was not expressed inE. coli cells either in stationary phase or exponential phase. For TMO expression inPseudomonas strains,tmo and carbon starvation promoter region were recloned into a modified broad-host range vector pMMB67HES which was made from pMMB67HE (8.9 kb) by deletion oftac promoter andlacI q (about 1.5 kb). Indigo was produced by TMO under the carbon starvation promoter in aPseudomonas strain of post-exponential phase on M9 (0.2% glucose and 1mM indole) or LB. 18% of TCE was degraded in 14 hours after entering the stationary phase at the initial concentration of 6.6μ M in liquid phase.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Egg weights decrease over the oviposition period in all of the five satyrid butterflies that have been studied, viz Parage aegeria L., Lasiommata petropolitana F., L.maera L., L.megera L. and Lopingaachine Scop. However, within each species, no correlation was found between variation in egg weight and egg mortality in 30% relative humidity or the ability of newly hatched larvae to survive without food for 1–4 days. 2. Although egg weights of Papilio machaon L. were similar to the highest satyrid egg weights, newly hatched larvae of P.machaon showed significantly higher mortality after 1 day of starvation when compared to all of the satyrid larvae. This indicates that the capability of newly hatched larvae to endure starvation is not necessarily correlated with egg weight, and consequently that this character trait of satyrid larvae has been selected for (i.e. should be regarded as an adaptation). It is noteworthy that this ability of satyrid larvae to endure starvation is coupled with the habit of many satyrid butterflies not to deposit their eggs directly on the larval host plants. 3. In 30% relative humidity, egg mortality of L.achine was 100% and that of P.aegeria 29.2%, whereas that of the three Lasiommata spp. was significantly lower. At 100% relative humidity egg mortality in L.achine dropped to 8%. Since egg weights are higher in L.achine than in the other four satyrids this indicates that egg resistance to desiccation is not necessarily correlated with egg size (as might be expected due to the area to volume ratio which is negatively correlated with egg size). Thus the resistance to desiccation which is found in the three Lasiommata spp. should be regarded as an adaptation to the habit of these three butterflies to deposit their eggs in relatively dry microhabitats. This resistance to desiccation is not found in eggs of the two forest-dwelling satyrids P.aegeria and L.achine which lay their eggs in microhabitats where the relative humidity is high.  相似文献   

1. Predation incurs high fitness costs in aquatic organisms either through direct consumption or through avoidance responses that reduce time for activities such as feeding and reproduction. Hence, avoidance responses of aquatic organisms should vary to match closely the predation threat in their environment.
2. The freshwater gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis occurs in a variety of environments which vary in the presence or absence of predatory fish. We used naïve snails reared from six populations of this species experiencing different predator regimes (three co-occurring with molluscivorous fish and three without) to assess whether populations differed in the type and degree of their avoidance behaviours. Innate behavioural responses to four treatments (control, conspecific alarm cues, fish kairomones and fish kairomones paired with alarm cue) were compared in laboratory trials.
3. The primary anti-predator behaviour of L. stagnalis in response to fish kairomones was to crawl out of the water rather than seek refuge under water. This response was strongest when fish kairomones were paired with alarm cues, and varied depending on population origin; snails reared from populations co-occurring with predatory fish showed a stronger response than those raised from populations not experiencing such predators. In addition, populations co-occurring with predatory fish responded to the fish kairomones presented alone.
4. Our findings suggest that the degree of innate anti-predator behaviour shown by L. stagnalis , in terms of both the level of risk to which it responds and the degree of response, varies depending on the predator regime experienced by field populations. Together with previous work on cue association, this demonstrates that this gastropod is able to match its avoidance behaviour very closely to short and long term predation threats within its habitat.  相似文献   

The influence of host‐plant acceptability on oviposition rate, egg load, internal fat storage and longevity was studied in the small white butterfly, Pieris rapae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Newly emerged females and males were presented with either cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. gemmifera), which is a highly acceptable host for the small white, or wallflower (Cheiranthus cheiri L.), which is much less acceptable for oviposition. Individuals were dissected when 3, 6 and 9‐days‐old. Females kept on cabbage contained fewer mature eggs than those kept on wallflower and there was no change in the load of mature eggs over the time course studied. The number of immature eggs carried did not vary with host plant species, but did fall significantly between days 6 and 9. The body fat content of individuals declined with increasing age, but the decline was slower for individuals kept on the host of low acceptability. Individuals that were allowed to spend their natural lifespan on cabbage showed similar oviposition patterns over time, where the oviposition rate started high and gradually reduced until death. However, considerable differences in oviposition pattern were found in individuals kept on wallflower, varying from that found on cabbage to no oviposition at all. The implications of these findings are discussed in the light of existing oviposition theories. This leads to the conclusion that in one species the premises of existing theories on optimization of oviposition are not mutually exclusive but rather play in concert.  相似文献   

The effect of non-lethal thermal conditions on the diapause response to a simulated threat of fish predation was tested in the freshwater planktonic crustacean Daphnia magna.From an early developmental stage, female Daphnia were either exposed or not exposed to fish kairomones that notified of the threat of fish predation at the benign growth temperatures of 18, 22 or 26 °C. The proportion of females switching from the production of subitaneous to diapausing eggs and their rate of reproduction were recorded.Besides the faster development and more intense reproduction observed at higher temperatures, a smaller proportion of the females formed protective, diapausing eggs when exposed to fish kairomones than was the case in colder conditions. The production of diapausing eggs was not observed when the threat of fish predation was absent. These results indicate an interactive effect of fish kairomones and thermal conditions on diapause induction in D. magna.We interpret these findings in the context of strategies for the maximisation of reproductive success. The production of well protected diapausing eggs (which assures low yet stable gains under diverse thermal conditions) may be a more beneficial life history strategy at lower temperatures, where the chances of survival of active individuals until maturation and successful reproduction are low. Higher temperatures permit faster maturation and more intensive reproduction that may surpass numerical losses of active descendants due to predation, making diapause a less rewarding option.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is central to the persistence of populations and a key element in the evolution of species and ecological interactions, but its mechanistic basis is poorly understood. This article examines the hypothesis that epigenetic variation caused by changes in DNA methylation are related to phenotypic plasticity in a heterophyllous tree producing two contrasting leaf types. The relationship between mammalian browsing and the production of prickly leaves was studied in a population of Ilex aquifolium (Aquifoliaceae). DNA methylation profiles of contiguous prickly and nonprickly leaves on heterophyllous branchlets were compared using a methylation‐sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) method. Browsing and the production of prickly leaves were correlated across trees. Within heterophyllous branchlets, pairs of contiguous prickly and nonprickly leaves differed in genome‐wide DNA methylation. The mean per‐marker probability of methylation declined significantly from nonprickly to prickly leaves. Methylation differences between leaf types did not occur randomly across the genome, but affected predominantly certain specific markers. The results of this study, although correlative in nature, support the emerging three‐way link between herbivory, phenotypic plasticity and epigenetic changes in plants, and also contribute to the crystallization of the consensus that epigenetic variation can complement genetic variation as a source of phenotypic variation in natural plant populations. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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