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C H Hu  C L Tsou 《FEBS letters》1991,290(1-2):87-89
During the regeneration of native ribonuclease A (RNase) from the disulfide scrambled molecule by protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), the substrate forms a covalent intermediate with the enzyme through disulfide linkage(s). This has been shown by the appearance of a band at the molecular weight position expected in SDS-PAGE at the same time as the increase in RNase activity. The new band decreased when the regeneration of RNase activity approached completion and disappeared by treatment of the reaction mixture with excess dithiothreitol.  相似文献   

Bender G  Poyner RR  Reed GH 《Biochemistry》2008,47(43):11360-11366
Rapid-mix freeze-quench (RMFQ) methods and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy have been used to characterize the steady-state radical in the deamination of ethanolamine catalyzed by adenosylcobalamin (AdoCbl)-dependent ethanolamine ammonia-lyase (EAL). EPR spectra of the radical intermediates formed with the substrates, [1-13C]ethanolamine, [2-13C]ethanolamine, and unlabeled ethanolamine were acquired using RMFQ trapping methods from 10 ms to completion of the reaction. Resolved 13C hyperfine splitting in EPR spectra of samples prepared with [1-13C]ethanolamine and the absence of such splitting in spectra of samples prepared with [2-13C]ethanolamine show that the unpaired electron is localized on C1 (the carbinol carbon) of the substrate. The 13C splitting from C1 persists from 10 ms throughout the time course of substrate turnover, and there was no evidence of a detectable amount of a product like radical having unpaired spin on C2. These results correct an earlier assignment for this radical intermediate [Warncke, K., et al. (1999) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 121, 10522-10528]. The EPR signals of the substrate radical intermediate are altered by electron spin coupling to the other paramagnetic species, cob(II)alamin, in the active site. The dipole-dipole and exchange interactions as well as the 1-13C hyperfine splitting tensor were analyzed via spectral simulations. The sign of the isotropic exchange interaction indicates a weak ferromagnetic coupling of the two unpaired electrons. A Co2+-radical distance of 8.7 A was obtained from the magnitude of the dipole-dipole interaction. The orientation of the principal axes of the 13C hyperfine splitting tensor shows that the long axis of the spin-bearing p orbital on C1 of the substrate radical makes an angle of approximately 98 degrees with the unique axis of the d(z2) orbital of Co2+.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectra were obtained of the dithioacyl-enzyme intermediate produced during the papain-catalayzed hydrolysis of methyl thionohippurate. Intense resonance Raman features were observed in (formula; see text) and (formula; see text) stretching regions from the intermediate's (formula; see text) chromophore. These results demonstrate that by using a single atom replacement, i.e. sulfur for oxygen, the catalytically crucial bonds in the ester moiety can be monitored during enzymolysis via the resonance Raman spectrum. The method can be extended to other enzymes whose catalytic mechanisms involve the formation of a thiol-acyl intermediate.  相似文献   

F Vargas  J C Schwartz 《FEBS letters》1987,211(2):234-238
The tyrosylsulfotransferase activities of rat cerebral fractions transferring [35S]sulfate groups from 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-[35S]phosphosulfate to either Boc-cholecystokinin-8 (in non-sulfated form) or the acidic amino acid polymer (Glu, Ala, Tyr)n (6:3:1) were compared. They appear similar regarding subcellular distribution (both being enriched in the microsomal fraction) and inhibition by an excess of the acidic amino acid polymer, NaCl or 2,6-dichloro 4-nitrophenol. These results obtained with artificial substrates suggest that identical (or closely similar) tyrosylsulfotransferases are responsible for sulfation of tyrosine residues of several secretory proteins from various tissues.  相似文献   

A flume was used to estimate the carrying capacity of streambed substrates for juvenile steelhead or rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss seeking refuge from simulated freshets. The simulated freshets had mean water column velocities of c. 1·1 m s?1. The number of O. mykiss finding cover within the interstices of the substrate was documented for different substrate sizes and levels of embeddedness. The availability of suitable refuges determined the carrying capacity of the substrate for O. mykiss. For the size of the O. mykiss tested [mean ± s.d. fork length (LF) = 122 ± 12·6 mm], the number of interstices with depths ≥200 mm measured with a 14·0 mm diameter flexible plastic tube was the best predictor of the number of O. mykiss able to find cover (r2 = 0·75). Oncorhynchus mykiss seeking refuge from freshets may need deeper interstices than those seeking concealment at autumn or winter base flows. The availability of interstices suitable as refuge from high flows may determine autumn and winter carrying capacity.  相似文献   

A substrate analogue, 6-(difluoromethyl)tryptophan, was developed and characterized for mechanistic investigation of tryptophanase. The utility of this derivative was based on its ability to partition between fluoride elimination and carbon-carbon bond scission during tryptophan metabolism. The non-enzymatic hydrolysis to 6-formyltryptophan occurred slowly under neutral conditions with a first-order rate constant of 0.0039 min-1. This process, however, was accelerated by 10(4)-fold upon deprotonation of the indolyl nitrogen (N-1) at high pH. Tryptophanase did not detectably facilitate this hydrolysis reaction, since no protein-dependent conversion of the difluoromethyl group was detected. Instead, the enzyme accepted the fluorinated species as an analogue of tryptophan and catalyzed the corresponding formation of 6-(difluoromethyl)indole, pyruvate, and ammonium ion. Anionic intermediates are therefore not expected to form during the catalytic activation of the indolyl moiety. Instead, aromatic protonation likely promotes the release of indole during enzymatic degradation of tryptophan.  相似文献   

An assay method for ATP sulfurylase is presented which employs Na2(35)SO4 as a substrate and measures the production of labeled adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate and 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate by low-voltage, hanging paper strip electrophoresis. The method is applicable to crude bacterial or mammalian extracts and accurately measures picomole amounts of product(s). Na2(75SeO4 can also be employed as a substrate, if the unstable radioactive product, adenosine 5'-phosphoselenate, is converted to elemental 75Se degrees by inclusion of reduced glutathione in the reaction mixture. The same paper strip electrophoretic technique can then be used to separate 75Se degrees from the radiolabeled substrate. The method also has utility for measuring any direct reduction by crude microbial extracts of radioactive selenate to selenite, independent of ATP sulfurylase.  相似文献   

A simple and accurate method for the detection of Deoxyribonucleases is described. The DNA substrate (3H-labeled) is bound to DNA-binding sites in the "wells" of plastic depression plates either directly of via anti-DNA antibodies. Following incubation with the appropriate enzyme, the radioactivity released from the wells or left bound to the wells is determined. The method is suitable for enzymes which attack native DNA, single stranded DNA and modified DNA (e.g., u.v.-irradiated) as substrates.  相似文献   

Restrictocin is a site-specific endoribonuclease that inactivates ribosomes by cleaving the sarcin/ricin loop (SRL) of 23S-28S rRNA. Here we present a kinetic and thermodynamic analysis of the SRL cleavage reaction based on monitoring the cleavage of RNA oligonucleotides (2-27-mers). Restrictocin binds to a 27-mer SRL model substrate (designated wild-type SRL) via electrostatic interactions to form a nonspecific ground state complex E:S. At pH 6.7, physical steps govern the reaction rate: the wild-type substrate reacts at a partially diffusion-limited rate, and a faster-reacting SRL, containing a 3'-sulfur atom at the scissile phosphate, reacts at a fully diffusion-limited rate (k2/K1/2 = 1.1 x 10(9) M-1 s-1). At pH 7.4, the chemical step apparently limits the SRL cleavage rate. After the nonspecific binding step, restrictocin recognizes the SRL structure, which imparts 4.3 kcal/mol transition state stabilization relative to a single-stranded RNA. The two conserved SRL modules, bulged-G motif and GAGA tetraloop, contribute at least 2.4 and 1.9 kcal/mol, respectively, to the recognition. These findings suggest a model of SRL recognition in which restrictocin contacts the GAGA tetraloop and the bulged guanosine of the bulged-G motif to progress from the nonspecific ground state complex (E:S) to the higher-energy-specific complex (E.S) en route to the chemical transition state. Comparison of restrictocin with other ribonucleases revealed that restrictocin exhibits a 10(3)-10(6)-fold smaller ribonuclease activity against single-stranded RNA than do the restrictocin homologues, non-structure-specific ribonucleases T1 and U2. Together, these findings show how structural features of the SRL substrate facilitate catalysis and provide a mechanism for distinguishing between cognate and noncognate RNA.  相似文献   

On the basis of the crystal structures of papain complexed with the substrate analogue benzyloxycarbonyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-alanine chloromethyl-ketone (Drenth, J., Kalk, K.H., and Swen, H.M. (1976) Biochemistry 15, 3731-3738) and with the inhibitor E-64-c, the binding modes were compared at the atomic level to clarify the functional difference between the substrate and inhibitor. Irrespective of the reverse chemical bonding in the peptide bonds, both the molecules are located at the S subsites of papain with similar interactions. However, the inhibitory activity of E-64-c is characterized by the stereochemical function of a carboxyoxirane ring and the tight binding of the isopentylaminoleucyl side chain to the S subsites.  相似文献   

For the characterization of the substrate binding site optical and EPR measurements with spin labelled substrates on solubilized and pure cytochrome P-450 were performed. Analogously to the unlabelled derivatives spin labelled n-alkylamines and isocyanides with different chain lengths are type II substrates. The Ks-values evaluated from optical (P-450 = 1.98 . 10(-6) M) and ESR (P-450 = 1.98 . 10(-4) M) measurements are very similar indicating no concentration dependences. Contrary to the unlabelled n-alkylamines the spin labelled compounds show an affinity almost independent of the chain lengths. The SL-substrates with a short distance between the functional group and the NO-group bound to P-450 induce pronounced changes of the ligand field of the heme iron and a large broadening of the signal of the immobilized nitroxide indicating intensive interactions between the unpaired electron of the nitroxide group and the paramagnetic heme iron. Elongation of the alkyl chains results in spectra of the Fe3+ complexes with only slight modification and a remained unbroadened signal of the immobilized nitroxide. The binding of the substrate through their functional groups together with a 1:1 stoichiometry of the P-450 SL-IC-complex give evidence for the same binding site in the near vicinity of the heme iron.  相似文献   

1.2,2'-Dipyridyl disulphide (2-Py-S-S-2-Py) and n-propyl 2-pyridyl disulphide (propyl-S-S-2-Py) were used as two-protonic-state reactivity probes to investigate the active centre of papain (EC The existence of a striking rate optimum at pH approx. 4 in the reaction of papain not only with the symmetrical probe but also with the unsymmetrical probe is shown to constitute compelling evidence that the thiolate ion component of the cysteine-25-histidine-159 interactive system of papain possesses appreciable nucleophilic character. It is not a necessary requirement that the probe reagent should engage the imidazolium ion of histidine-159 in hydrogen-bonding for the sulphur atom of the interactive system to display nucleophilic character. The single proton-binding site of propyl-S-S-2-Py cannot simultaneously interrupt the active-centre ion pair and provide for rate enhancement as the pH is lowered towards 4. The possible implication of this for the mechanism of papain-catalysed hydrolysis is discussed. 3. The suspected difference in the active centres of papain and ficin (EC, which could be a lack in ficin of a carboxy group conformationally equivalent to that of aspartic acid-158 of papain is confirmed. The reactivity of the papain thiol group towards both probe reagents is controlled by two ionizations with pKa close to 4 that are positively co-operative. 4. In the reaction of papain with 2-Py-S-S-2-Py. the reactivity appears to be controlled also by an addition ionization with pKa approx. 5. Possible origins of this additional ionization are discussed. K. The spectral and ionization characteristics of propyl-S-S-2-Py are reported. 6. The reagent reacts rapidly with thiol groups at the sulphur atom distal from the pyridyl ring to provide, at pH values below 9, stoicheiometric release of 2-thiopyridone. This property, together with the ability of the reagent markedly to increase its electrophilicity consequent on protonation, suggests alkyl-2-pyridyl disulphides in general as valuable two-protonic-state reactivity probes with exceptional specificity for thiol groups.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-specific protease (USP) structural class represents the largest and most diverse family of deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs). Many USPs assume important biological roles and emerge as potential targets for therapeutic intervention. A clear understanding of USP catalytic mechanism requires a functional evaluation of the proposed key active site residues. Crystallographic data of ubiquitin aldehyde adducts of USP catalytic cores provided structural details on the catalytic triad residues, namely the conserved Cys and His, and a variable putative third residue, and inferred indirect structural roles for two other conserved residues (Asn and Asp), in stabilizing via a bridging water molecule the oxyanion of the tetrahedral intermediate (TI). We have expressed the catalytic domain of USP2 and probed by site-directed mutagenesis the role of these active site residues in the hydrolysis of peptide and isopeptide substrates, including a synthetic K48-linked diubiquitin substrate for which a label-free, mass spectrometry based assay has been developed to monitor cleavage. Hydrolysis of ubiquitin-AMC, a model substrate, was not affected by the mutations. Molecular dynamics simulations of USP2, free and complexed with the TI of a bona fide isopeptide substrate, were carried out. We found that Asn271 is structurally poised to directly stabilize the oxyanion developed in the acylation step, while being structurally supported by the adjacent absolutely conserved Asp575. Mutagenesis data functionally confirmed this structural role independent of the nature (isopeptide vs peptide) of the bond being cleaved. We also found that Asn574, structurally located as the third member of the catalytic triad, does not fulfill this role functionally. A dual supporting role is inferred from double-point mutation and structural data for the absolutely conserved residue Asp575, in oxyanion hole formation, and in maintaining the correct alignment and protonation of His557 for catalytic competency.  相似文献   

The oxygen exchange parameters for the hydrolysis of ATP by the F1-ATPase have been determined over a 140,000-fold range of ATP concentrations and a 5,000-fold range of reaction velocity. The average number of water oxygens incorporated into each Pi product ranges from a limit of about 1.02 at saturating ATP concentrations to a limit of about 3.97 at very low ATP concentrations. The latter value represents 400 reversals of hydrolysis of bound ATP prior to Pi dissociation. In accord with the binding change mechanism, this means that ATP binding at one catalytic site increases the off constant of Pi and ADP from another catalytic site by at least 20,000-fold, equivalent to the use of 6 kcal mol-1 of ATP binding energy to promote product release. The estimated rate of reversal of hydrolysis of F1-ATPase-bound ATP to bound ADP + Pi varies only about 5-fold with ATP concentration. The rate is similar that observed previously for reversal of bound ATP hydrolysis or synthesis with the membrane-bound enzyme and is greater than the rate of net ATP formation during oxidative phosphorylation. This adds to evidence that energy input or membrane components are not required for bound ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

Ribosome distribution in skeletal-muscle myofibres was investigated by immunohistochemistry and microdensitometry by using anti-(60 S ribosomal subunit) antibodies. Administration of the beta-adrenoceptor agonist clenbuterol caused an increase in the staining of the myofibrillar region with this antibody relative to that found in the subsarcolemmal cytoplasm. A similar effect was observed during hypertrophy of the plantaris muscle following severance of the tendon to the gastrocnemius. The results suggest that increased association of ribosomes with the myofibrils occurs during muscle hypertrophy.  相似文献   

The formation of amyloid aggregates is the hallmark of the amyloidogenic diseases. Transthyretin (TTR) is involved in senile systemic amyloidosis (wild-type protein) and familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (point mutants). Through the use of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP), we compare the stability among wild-type (wt) TTR, two disease-associated mutations (V30M and L55P) and a trans-suppressor mutation (T119M). Our data show that the amyloidogenic conformation, easily populated in the disease-associated mutant L55P, can be induced by a cycle of compression-decompression with the wt protein rendering the latter highly amyloidogenic. After decompression, the recovered wt structure has weaker subunit interactions (loosened tetramer, T(4)(*)) and presents a stability similar to L55P, suggesting that HHP induces a defective fold in the wt protein, converting it to an altered conformation already present in the aggressive mutant, L55P. On the other hand, glucose, a chemical chaperone, can mimic the trans-suppression mutation by stabilizing the native state and by decreasing the amyloidogenic potential of the wt TTR at pH 5.0. The sequence of pressure stability observed was: L55P相似文献   

The question of what is the source of fuel for oxidation by muscle during exercise has been addressed. A review of experiments spanning more than 60 years supports the concept that the major energy source for the metabolism of exercise is the oxidation of fats and carbohydrates. The relative contribution of these major substrates to the total body metabolism depends on factors such as the intensity and duration of the exercise, the diet consumed on the days before the exercise, and the state of physical training. With light prolonged exercise there is a progressively greater use of fat until it can contribute up to 80% of the total caloric expenditure. However, the relative contribution of fat to the metabolism is less and that of carbohydrate greater as exercise intensity increases. Consumption of a diet rich in fat and protein produces a shift toward a greater use of fat with a concomitant reduction of both the intensity and duration of effort that can be sustained. Conversely, ingestion of a carbohydrate-rich diet increases the percentage of carbohydrate used and increases endurance. The concentration of glycogen in muscle is reduced by fat-protein diets and elevated by carbohydrate-rich diets. Endurance training results in a shift of the metabolism toward a greater use of fat during the same absolute and relative exercise loads. This produces a glycogen sparing that is associated with improving endurance capacity.  相似文献   

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