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The establishment of cell lines from marine invertebrates has been encountered with obstacles. Contrary to insects and arachnids where the development of a variety of cell lines has become routine, there is no single established cell line from marine invertebrates. This review examines the activity in the field of marine invertebrate cell cultures within the last decade (1988–1998). During this period, attempts (90 peer reviewed studies in addition to many other abstracts, chapters in books, symposia presentations and reports) were limited to a few species within only six phyla (Porifera, Cnidaria, Crustacea, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Urochordata; in addition to freshwater/terrestrial annelids and platyhelminths). These studies which are summarized here, on one hand indicated ubiquitous problems and on the other, unique characterizations to each phylum studied. Only one-third of the studies revealed cultures of 1 month or longer but most of these were long-term cultures found or suspiciously considered to be contaminated by other unicellular eukaryotic organisms, mainly by thraustochytrids. Three unique approaches/obstacles for marine invertebrate cell cultures (source of cell, cryopreservation and eukaryotic contaminants) are further discussed. The overall impact of recent improvements and developed protocols raises the suggestion for testing different, novel routes in the establishment of cell cultures from marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

In this study, 229 DNA sequences of cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene (COI) from 158 marine fishes of Japan were employed to test the efficacy of species identification by DNA barcoding. The average genetic distance was 60-fold higher between species than within species, as Kimura two parameter (K2P) genetic distances averaged 17.6% among congeners and only 0.3% among conspecifics. There were no overlaps between intraspecific and interspecific K2P distances, and all sequences formed species units in the neighbor-joining dendrogram. Hybridization phenomena in two species (Kyphosus vaigiensis and Pterocaesio digramma) were also detected through searches in Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD). DNA barcoding provides a new way for fish identification.  相似文献   

The equation of Vogel et al. (1982) is widely used in fertilization studies of free-spawning marine invertebrates to predict the percentage of viable eggs that will be fertilized at any specified levels of gamete concentration and contact time. Here, the random collision model that underlies the Vogel et al. equation is extended to distinguish between monospermic and polyspermic fertilization, and separate equations for the percentages of monospermic and polyspermic fertilization are obtained. These equations provide an explanation for empirical observations which have shown a decreased percentage of successful egg development at high sperm concentrations. Comparison is made with an earlier heuristic attempt (Styan, 1998) to predict the extent of polyspermic fertilization, and it is found that this earlier method can underestimate the percentage of polyspermic fertilization by up to 10 percent. Moreover, the approach used here retains the flexibility to model changes in sperm concentration due to dispersal mechanisms, and is able to model different mechanisms for the block to polyspermy.  相似文献   

The hemocytes/coelomocytes DNA content in five selected marine invertebrates (sea mouse Aphrodita aculeata, spiny crab Maja crispata, sea star Echinaster sepositus, sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, and tunicate Phallusia mammillata) was investigated by flow cytometry. The cell cycle analyses identified sea mouse coelomocytes as proliferating cells and revealed that spiny crab hemocytes and sea urchin coelomocytes complete their division in the hemolymph and coelom, respectively. The genome sizes of sea mouse and spiny crab are reported for the first time. The diploid DNA content (2C) in sea mouse A. aculeate was 1.24 pg, spiny crab M. crispata 7.76 pg, red starfish E. sepositus 1.52 pg and sea urchin P. lividus 1.08 pg. The mean diploid DNA content in tunicate P. mammillata was 0.11 pg with a high interindividual variability (45%). The presented results provide a useful database for future studies in the field of invertebrate physiology, ecotoxicology, biodiversity, species conservation and phylogeny.  相似文献   

The structure of human mitochondrial DNA variation   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Summary Restriction analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of 3065 humans from 62 geographic samples identified 149 haplotypes and 81 polymorphic sites. These data were used to test several aspects of the evolutionary past of the human species. A dendrogram depicting the genetic relatedness of all haplotypes shows that the native African populations have the greatest diversity and, consistent with evidence from a variety of sources, suggests an African origin for our species. The data also indicate that two individuals drawn, at random from the entire sample will differ at approximately 0.4% of their mtDNA nucleotide sites, which is somewhat higher than previous estimates. Human mtDNA also exhibits more interpopulation heterogeneity (GST=0.351±0.025) than does nuclear DNA (GST=0.12). Moreover, the virtual absence of intermediate levels of linkage disequilibrium between pairs of sites is consistent with the absence of genetic recombination and places constraints on the rate of mutation. Tests of the selective neutrality of mtDNA variation, including the Ewens-Watterson and Tajima tests, indicate a departure in the direction consistent with purifying selection, but this departure is more likely due to the rapid growth of the human population and the geographic heterogeneity of the variation. The lack of a good fit to neutrality poses problems for the estimation of times of coalescence from human mtDNA data.  相似文献   

High oxygen solubility at cold-water temperature is frequently considered to be responsible for an apparently elevated level of antioxidant protection in marine ectotherms from polar environments. However, tissue oxidative stress is in most cases a function of elevated or variable pO2, rather than of an elevated tissue oxygen concentration. This review summarizes current knowledge on pro- and antioxidant processes in marine invertebrates and fish, and relates reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation in polar ectotherms to homeoviscous adaptations of membrane and storage lipids, as well as to tissue hypoxia and re-oxygenation during physiological stress.  相似文献   

6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP), a potent protein kinase inhibitor, drives most cells into an interphasic stage. Experiments were undertaken with oocytes from three marine invertebrate species, i.e., Mytilus edulis, Spisula solidissima, and Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, wherein oocytes were arrested at different phases of meiosis. 6-DMAP induced a continuous DNA synthesis in meiotic cells, whereas it allowed a single round of DNA replication in treated mitotic cells, regardless of species considered. The effects of 6-DMAP were accompanied in all cases by rephosphorylation on tyrosine of the p34cdc2 homolog, the M-phase promoting factor (MPF) catalytic subunit. The fact that 6-DMAP overcomes the inhibitory control of replication during meiosis suggests that this process depends upon protein phosphorylation, while DNA synthesis regulation in mitotic cells relies on 6-DMAP-insensitive events. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的 介绍一种从酵母、无绿藻及丝状真菌中提取DNA以用于PCR反应的方法。方法 所用菌种包括临床分离的未知菌株和保藏菌株共23株:未知酵母菌(5株)、真皮毛孢子菌(1株)、糠秕马拉色菌(1株)、季也蒙念珠菌(5株)、未知丝状真菌(6株)、无绿藻(1株)、烟曲霉(2株)、拟青霉菌(1株)、茎点霉(1株)。用溶细胞酶(lyticase)结合Biospin真菌基因组DNA提取试剂盒提取基因组DNA,A260/A280检测纯度并计算质量浓度,用真菌通用引物ITS1/ITS4扩增真菌核糖体基因(rDNA)内转录间区ITS基因,经PCR扩增检验所提取的DNA质量。结果 成功提取所有23株真菌基因组DNA,其纯度及质量浓度能满足PCR反应的要求。结论 用溶细胞酶结合Biospin真菌基因组DNA提取试剂盒从酵母菌、无绿藻及丝状真菌提取的DNA可用于PCR反应。  相似文献   

 DNA from endomycorrhizal fungi was extracted directly from a weathered soil (alfisol) mixed with sand. Mycorrhizae were established in a greenhouse culture of Glomus clarum with Sudan grass (Sorghum vulgare var. sudanense) host plants. The extraction procedure included enzymatic digestion of cell walls, sodium dodecyl sulfate lysis of cells, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone absorption of organic compounds, and ethanol precipitation of the DNA. DNA in the extracts was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction using primers from the nuclear 17S rRNA sequence that were general to fungi or were specific to endomycorrhizae. Accepted: 17 July 1996  相似文献   

A rapid DNA minipreparation method was developed for rice and other plant species. This method uses an Eppendorf tube and 1-ml pipette tip to grind plant tissues, and requires only one transfer for DNA isolation. In a single day, one person can complete DNA isolation from more than 120 leaf samples. The yields of the DNA samples ranged from 2.3 to 5.2 g from 25–50 mg fresh leaf tissue. DNA samples extracted using this method from rice were completely digested with five restriction enzymes (EcoR I, EcoR V, Hind III, Mse I and Pst I) and were successfully used for AFLP and other PCR applications.  相似文献   

Despite ongoing efforts to protect species and ecosystems in Cuba, habitat degradation, overuse and introduction of alien species have posed serious challenges to native freshwater fish species. In spite of the accumulated knowledge on the systematics of this freshwater ichthyofauna, recent results suggested that we are far from having a complete picture of the Cuban freshwater fish diversity. It is estimated that 40% of freshwater Cuban fish are endemic; however, this number may be even higher. Partial sequences (652 bp) of the mitochondrial gene COI (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) were used to barcode 126 individuals, representing 27 taxonomically recognized species in 17 genera and 10 families. Analysis was based on Kimura 2-parameter genetic distances, and for four genera a character-based analysis (population aggregation analysis) was also used. The mean conspecific, congeneric and confamiliar genetic distances were 0.6%, 9.1% and 20.2% respectively. Molecular species identification was in concordance with current taxonomical classification in 96.4% of cases, and based on the neighbour-joining trees, in all but one instance, members of a given genera clustered within the same clade. Within the genus Gambusia, genetic divergence analysis suggests that there may be at least four cryptic species. In contrast, low genetic divergence and a lack of diagnostic sites suggest that Rivulus insulaepinorum may be conspecific with Rivulus cylindraceus. Distance and character-based analysis were completely concordant, suggesting that they complement species identification. Overall, the results evidenced the usefulness of the DNA barcodes for cataloguing Cuban freshwater fish species and for identifying those groups that deserve further taxonomic attention.  相似文献   

Rapid DNA preparation for the quick screening is highly demanded in diverse research fields. Here, we combined an extraction buffer and heat treatment to generate DNA templates from yeast and filamentous fungal materials for PCR. This method may be widely applicable to diverse fungal species in clinical and basic studies.  相似文献   

More than two third area of our planet is covered by oceans and assessment of marine biodiversity is a challenging task. With the increasing global population, there is a tendency to exploit marine resources for food, energy and other requirements. This puts pressure on the fragile marine environment and necessitates sustainable conservation efforts. Marine species identification using traditional taxonomical methods is often burdened with taxonomic controversies. Here we discuss the comparatively new concept of DNA barcoding and its significance in marine perspective. This molecular technique can be useful in the assessment of cryptic species which is widespread in marine environment and linking the different life cycle stages to the adult which is difficult to accomplish in the marine ecosystem. Other advantages of DNA barcoding include authentication and safety assessment of seafood, wildlife forensics, conservation genetics and detection of invasive alien species (IAS). Global DNA barcoding efforts in the marine habitat include MarBOL, CeDAMar, CMarZ, SHARK-BOL, etc. An overview on DNA barcoding of different marine groups ranging from the microbes to mammals is revealed. In conjugation with newer and faster techniques like high-throughput sequencing, DNA barcoding can serve as an effective modern tool in marine biodiversity assessment and conservation.  相似文献   

In order to avoid the effects of bacterial contamination and the excess of RNA and polysaccharides coming from the cell walls, algal DNA for PCR cycling in RAPD analysis was extracted from protoplasts and purified in a CsCl gradient. Results indicate that RAPD can be efficiently applied to marine algæ and useful to distinguish between different strains or between different species.  相似文献   

一种快速高效提取病原真菌DNA作为PCR模板的方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
真菌rDNA-ITS序列分析适合于较高等级水平的生物群体间的系统分析。真菌DNA的提取采用传统的方法,步骤繁琐,需要较长时间。采用Chelex-100法提取真菌DNA,使用PCR扩增rDNA-ITS序列评价提取核酸的质量。结果显示,该方法具有经济、简便、快速、高效的特点,是一种比较理想的提取真菌基因组DNA作为PCR模板的方法。  相似文献   

Environmental gradients have emerged as important barriers to structuring populations and species distributions. We set out to test whether the strong salinity gradient from the marine North Sea to the brackish Baltic Sea in northern Europe represents an ecological and genetic break, and to identify life history traits that correlate with the strength of this break. We accumulated mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 sequence data, and data on the distribution, salinity tolerance, and life history for 28 species belonging to the Cnidaria, Crustacea, Echinodermata, Mollusca, Polychaeta, and Gastrotricha. We included seven non‐native species covering a broad range of times since introduction, in order to gain insight into the pace of adaptation and differentiation. We calculated measures of genetic diversity and differentiation across the environmental gradient, coalescent times, and migration rates between North and Baltic Sea populations, and analyzed correlations between genetic and life history data. The majority of investigated species is either genetically differentiated and/or adapted to the lower salinity conditions of the Baltic Sea. Species exhibiting population structure have a range of patterns of genetic diversity in comparison with the North Sea, from lower in the Baltic Sea to higher in the Baltic Sea, or equally diverse in North and Baltic Sea. Two of the non‐native species showed signs of genetic differentiation, their times since introduction to the Baltic Sea being about 80 and >700 years, respectively. Our results indicate that the transition from North Sea to Baltic Sea represents a genetic and ecological break: The diversity of genetic patterns points toward independent trajectories in the Baltic compared with the North Sea, and ecological differences with regard to salinity tolerance are common. The North Sea–Baltic Sea region provides a unique setting to study evolutionary adaptation during colonization processes at different stages by jointly considering native and non‐native species.  相似文献   

Fish contamination has been extensively investigated along the Saudi coasts, but studies pertaining to bacterial pathogens are scarce. We conducted qualitative assessment and molecular identification of culture-dependent bacteria in 13 fish species from three coastal sites and a local fish market in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Bacterial counts of gills, skin, gut and muscle were examined on agar plates of Macconkey’s (Mac), Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) and Thiosulfate Citrate Bile Salts (TCBS) culture media. Bacterial counts significantly differed between species, sources and feeding habits of examined fishes. Mugil cephalus exhibited higher counts on TCBS (all body parts), Mac (gills, muscle and gut) and EMB (gills and muscle). Fishes from Area I had higher bacterial loads, coinciding with those in seawater and sediment from the same site, indicating direct association between habitat conditions and the levels of bacterial contamination. By feeding habit, detritivorous fish harbored higher counts than herbivorous and carnivorous species. Bacterial counts of skin were higher in fish from market than field sites, and positively correlated with other body parts indicating the relation of surface bacterial load on the overall quality of fish. Rahnella aquatilis (Enterobacteriaceae) and Photobacterium damselae (Vibrionaceae) were among the dominant species from fish muscle based on 16S rRNA sequencing. These species are known human pathogens capable of causing foodborne illness with severe antibiotic resistance. Opportunistic pathogens, e.g. Hafnia sp. (Enterobacteriaceae) and Pseudomonas stutzeri (Pseudomonadaceae) also occurred in fish muscle. The inclusion of bacterial contamination in future monitoring efforts is thus crucial.  相似文献   

Summary TheDrosophila nasuta group consists of about 12 closely related species distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific region. They are of great interest because of their evolutionary idiosyncrasies including little morphological differentiation, the ability to intercross in the laboratory often producing fertile offspring, and substantial chromosomal evolution. Studies of metric traits, reproductive isolation, and chromosomal and enzyme polymorphisms have failed to resolve the phylogeny of the species. We report the results of a survey of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction patterns of the species. The phylogeny obtained is consistent with other available information and suggests thatD. albomicans may represent the ancestral lineage of the group. The amount of polymorphism in local populations (=1.0% per site) is within the typical range observed in other animals, includingDrosophila. The degree of differentiation between species is, however, low: the origin of the group is tentatively dated about 6–8 million years ago. This study confirms the usefulness of mtDNA restriction patterns for ascertaining the phylogeny of closely related species.  相似文献   

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