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Entrainment to light of circadian activity rhythms in tench (Tinca tinca)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present article analyzes locomotor activity rhythms in Tinca tinca. To that end, three different experiments were conducted on 24 animals (20 g body weight) kept in pairs in 60-liter aquaria fitted with infrared sensors connected to a computer to continuously record fish movements. The first experiment was designed to study the endogenous circadian clock under free-running conditions [ultradian 40:40 min LD pulses and constant dark (DD)] and after shifting the LD cycle. Our results demonstrate that tench has a strictly nocturnal activity pattern, an endogenous rhythm being evident in 45.8% of the fish analyzed. The second experiment was conducted to test the influence of different photoperiods (LD 6:18, 12:12, 18:6, and 22:2) on locomotor activity, the results showing that even under an extremely long photoperiod, tench activity is restricted to dark hours. The third experiment examined the effect of light intensity on locomotor activity rhythms. When fish were exposed to decreasing light intensities (from 300:0 lux to 30:0, 3:0, and 0.3:0 lux) while maintaining a constant photoperiod (LD 12:12), the highest percentage of locomotor activity was in all cases associated with the hours of complete darkness (0 lux). In short, our results clearly show that (a) tench is a species with a strictly nocturnal behavior, and (b) daily activity rhythms gradually entrain after shifting the LD cycle and persist under free-running conditions, pointing to their circadian nature. However, light strongly influences activity rhythms, since (c) the length of the active phase is directly controlled by the photophase, and (d) strictly nocturnal behavior persists even under very dim light conditions (0.3 lux). The above findings deepen our knowledge of tench behavior, which may help to optimize the aquacultural management of this species, for example, by adjusting feeding strategies to their nocturnal behavior.  相似文献   

The effects of vinorelbine (VRL) on the circadian rhythms in body temperature and locomotor activity were investigated in unrestrained B6D2F1 mice implanted with radio-telemetry transmitters. A single intravenous VRL dose (24 or 12 mg/kg) was given at 7 h after light onset (HALO), a time of high VRL toxicity, and resulted in transient suppression of temperature and activity circadian rhythms in mice kept in light-dark (LD) 12h:12h. Such suppression was dose-dependent. It occurred within 1-5 d after VRL dosing. Recovery of both rhythms was partially complete within 5 d following the high dose and within 2 or 3 d after the low dose and was not influenced by suppression of photoperiodic synchronization by housing in continuous darkness. Moreover, VRL induced a dose-dependent relative decrease in amplitude and phase shift of the temperature circadian rhythm. The mesor and amplitude of the activity rhythm were markedly reduced following the VRL administration. The relevance of VRL dosing time was studied in mice housed in LD 12h:12h. Vinorelbine was injected weekly (20 mg/kg/injection) for 3 wk at 6 or 18 HALO. Vinorelbine treatment ablated the rest-activity and temperature rhythms 3-6 d after each dose, with fewer alterations after VRL dosing at 18 HALO compared to 6 HALO, especially for the body temperature rhythm. There was at least partial recovery 1 wk after dosing, suggesting the weekly schedule of drug treatment is acceptable for therapeutic purposes. Our findings demonstrate that VRL can transiently, yet profoundly, alter circadian clock function. Vinorelbine-induced circadian dysfunction may contribute to the toxicokinetics of this and possibly other anticancer drugs.  相似文献   

Captive hagfish,Eptatretus burgeri, were subjected to step transitions from continuous dark (DD) to continuous light (LL) and their locomotor activity patterns recorded. Free-running activity rhythms occurred in both the DD and LL regimes. The timing of the transition influenced the circadian period (τ), the relationship between the period response (δτ, or τ{inLL}–τ{inDD}, change in the circadian period) and the former being represented by a cosine curve δτ became most positive and most negative when hagfish underwent a DD-LL transition shortly before the beginning of the duration of activity (α) and shortly after the end of such, respectively. The phase response (δ-phase, change in the relative timing of the activity phase) was characterized by a delay in the activity phase after the DD-LL transition, although its magnitude bore no relation to the timing of the transition.  相似文献   

Entrainment patterns of the circadian rhythms of body temperature and locomotor activity were compared in 6 squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) exposed to daily illumination cycles with abrupt transitions between light and darkness (LD-rectangular) or with gradual dawn and dusk transitions simulating natural twilights at the equator (LD-twilight). Daytime light intensity was 500 lux, and the total amount of light emitted per day was the same in the two conditions. Mean daytime body temperature levels were stable in LD-rectangular but increased gradually in LD-twilight, reaching peak levels during the dusk twilight. Locomotor activity showed a similar pattern, but with an additional, secondary peak near the end of dawn. Activity duration was about 0.5 h longer in LD-twilight than in LD-rectangular, but the time of activity midpoint was similar in the two conditions. Reentrainment of the body temperature rhythm was faster following an 8-h advance of the LD cycle than following an 8-h delay, but did not differ significantly between the two LD conditions. These results provide no evidence that the inclusion of twilight transitions affected the strength of the LD Zeitgeber, and suggest that the observed differences in the daily patterns reflected direct effects of light intensity on locomotor activity and body temperature rather than an effect of twilights on circadian entrainment mechanisms.Abbreviation LD light-dark  相似文献   

When organisms are maintained under constant conditions of light and temperature, their endogenous circadian rhythms free run, manifesting their intrinsic period. The phases of these free-running rhythms can be shifted by stimuli of light, temperature, and drugs. The change from one free-running steady state to another following a perturbation often involves several transient cycles (cycles of free-running rhythm drifting slowly to catch up with the postperturbation steady state). Although the investigation of oscillator kinetics in circadian rhythms of both insects and mammals has revealed that the circadian pacemaker phase shifts instantaneously, the phenomenon of transient cycles has remained an enigma. We probed the phases of the transient cycles in the locomotor activity rhythm of the field mouse Mus booduga, evoked by a single light pulse (LP), using LPs at critically timed phases. The results of our experiments indicate that the transient cycles generated during transition from one steady state to another steady state do not represent the state of the circadian pacemaker (basic oscillator) controlling the locomotor activity rhythm in Mus booduga. (Chronobiology International, 17(2), 129-136, 2000)  相似文献   

Summary Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus), were exposed to constant light with increasing intensities (20, 60, 350 lux), and wheel running activity was recorded. With increasing light intensity the percentage of hamsters showing a split in their daily activity pattern increased and the free running period was lengthened for both the unsplit and the split state. The fact that the free running period of both states depended on the light intensity together with the observation that the highest incidence of acircadian activity occurred under 350 lux, provoked the idea that the emergence of splitting or acircadian rhythmicity is a direct consequence of the light induced lengthening of the free running period. However, analysis of the data failed to support the idea that emergence of a split or acircadian activity is a threshold phenomenon with respect to the free running period.Due to differences in circadian function some Djungarian hamsters do not exhibit photoinduction following short day exposure. In these individuals splitting also occurred but required exposure to a higher light intensity than in photo-responsive hamsters. This observation is in accordance with the idea that the two phenotypes differ in the interaction of the two component oscillators underlying circadian rhythmicity.Abbreviations LD long day photoperiod - LL constant light - SD short day photoperiod - free running period  相似文献   


The Locomotory activity of the Plains Garter snake was determined under L/D: 12/12 conditions at five constant temperatures and three light intensities during the light period. The snakes were diurnal at low temperatures with nocturnal activity increasing in various amounts at higher temperatures. The different light intensities had relatively small effects on the activity rhythm.

Activity was recorded under four constant light conditions at five constant temperatures and the characteristics of the free‐running rhythm measured. A comparison of the characteristics of the free‐running rhythm to Aschoff's circadian rule indicates that this snake is an exception to this rule.

Increase light intensity decreased total activity under all conditions. Under a L/D: 12/12 cycle the decrease in activity was more pronounced during the dark period than the light period.

It is suggested that crepuscular or nocturnal activity shown by snakes at high temperatures may be an effect the temperature level has on the biological clock and activity controlling mechanisms rather than temperature selection by the snake.  相似文献   

In previous experiments, we found that rats raised in constant light (LL) manifested a more robust circadian rhythm of motor activity in LL and showed longer phase shifts after a light pulse in constant darkness (DD) than those raised under constant darkness. In addition, we observed that the effects produced by constant light differed depending on the time of postnatal development in which it was given. These results suggest that both sensitivity to light and the functioning of the circadian pacemaker of the rat could be affected by the environmental conditions experienced during postembryonic development. Thus, the present experiment aimed to study whether postnatal exposure to light could also affect the circadian system of the mouse. Three groups of mice were formed: One group was raised under constant darkness during lactation (DD group), the second under constant light (LL group), and the third under light-dark cycles (LD group). After lactation, the three groups were submitted first to constant light of high intensity, then to LD cycles, and finally to constant darkness. In the DD stage, a light pulse was given. Finally, mice were submitted to constant light of low intensity. We observed that the circadian rhythm of the DD group was more disturbed under constant light than the rhythm of the LL group, and that, when light intensity increased, the period of the rhythm of the DD group lengthened more than that of the LL group. No significant differences among the groups were found in the phase shift induced by the light pulse. Therefore, it appears that DD mice are more sensitive to light than their LL counterparts. However, at present there is no evidence to affirm that the light environment experienced by the mouse during postnatal development affects the circadian pacemaker. (Chronobiology International, 18(4), 683-696, 2001)  相似文献   

The inhibition of locomotion by light (masking) was investigated in Syrian hamsters. When 1-h pulses of light were presented in the early night, activity was strongly suppressed by irradiances of about 1 lx or greater. Ultradian light-dark cycles were used as another way to study masking. Hamsters were unable to entrain to 3.5:3.5-h light-dark cycles, thus permitting the masking and the entraining effects of light to be distinguished. Light had greater suppressive effects on activity in home cages than on activity in novel running wheels. Moreover, in home cages activity remained very low for about 30 min after lights were turned off. Post-pulse suppression of activity was not simply a consequence of reduced running, as shown by experiments in which running was temporarily prevented by locking the wheels. A phase response curve for masking was obtained by placing hamsters in novel wheels for 3-h periods at various times throughout their circadian cycles, and then superimposing a 30-min light pulse. The suppressive effect of light was maximal around the onset of activity, which normally coincides with dusk in hamsters. This may have adaptive value in limiting foraging to the hours of darkness. Accepted: 8 February 1999  相似文献   

Institutional animal care committees may one day require for the welfare of captive hamsters more floor space and the introduction of tunnels and toys. As hamsters are popular animal subjects in chronobiological research, and as clock phase is usually measured through running wheel activity, it is important to determine what effect cage enrichment might have on daily wheel use. Here the daily number of wheel revolutions, the daily duration of the running activity phase, the phase relationship between lights-off and onset of running activity, and the free-running period of circadian activity rhythms were measured in Syrian hamsters, Mesocricetus auratus, housed in single cages or in multiple cages linked by tunnels and supplied with commercial wooden toys. Free-running periodicity was not affected by cage enrichment. In multiple-cage systems, there were fewer daily revolutions, shorter wheel-running activity phases, and delayed running activity onsets. These effects, however, were small as compared to interindividual and week-to-week variation. They were statistically significant only under a light:dark cycle, not in constant darkness, and only when interindividual variation was eliminated through a paired design or when the number of cages was increased to five (the maximum tested). Daily wheel use is thus affected by cage enrichment, but only slightly.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms are regular oscillations in the value of behavioral and physiological variables of organisms that recur on a daily basis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the extent of non-stationarity of circadian rhythms over several days, to determine how damaging is the violation of the assumption of stationarity in the analysis of circadian rhythms, and to formalize the concept of "rhythm robustness" as an index of oscillatory ("weak") stationarity. Simulated (computer-generated) and experimental data sets (rhythms of body temperature and running-wheel activity in several rodent species) were analysed. Tests of stationarity based on the variance of the daily means and the variance of the daily variances revealed that most experimental data sets are not stationary. Analysis of linear trends indicated that significant trends are rare in experimental data sets. Although the non-stationarity of the experimental data sets reduced the spectral energy of the Enright periodogram used to assess rhythmicity, detection of circadian rhythmicity was not prevented in any of the rhythmic data sets. The results of the various analyses allow the inference that, after high-frequency noise is filtered out, the value of the periodogram's Q(P) statistic reflects the extent of stationarity of the time series. Thus, the "robustness" of a circadian rhythm (i.e. the magnitude of the empirical Q(P) value as compared to the Q(P) value associated with a perfectly rhythmic time series) can serve as an index of the stationarity of the rhythm.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the influence of red light, which naturally occurs during dawn and dusk, on locomotor activity and body temperature rhythms of Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungarus). A single weak red light pulse given 2 h before regular lights on had acute as well as long-term effects persisting for several days following exposure. The hamsters immediately stopped their locomotor activity, accompanied by a drop in body temperature. In the following undisturbed nights (LD 168) the nocturnal activity stopped earlier than usual. This lasting effect of the light pulse was more pronounced than the acute effect. The activity phase compressed gradually during 3 to 5 days after the light pulse was administered while time of activity onset was almost unaffected. It took 6 to 11 days for complete recovery of the original activity phase. The maximal activity compression and the recovery period depended on the duration of the single red light pulse and its intensity. Red light pulses of 15 min duration were about twice effective as 1 min pulses; and the effect of a red light pulse of 130 mW/m2 was about 1.5 times stronger than a 30 mW/m2 red light pulse. The maximal value of activity phase compression reached in this experiment was 2.5+0.2 h with a recovery period of 11.1±0.3 days following a given red light pulse of 90 mW/m2 and 15 min. The morning oscillator seems to be persistently affected. This indicates a very high photosensitivity of the Djungarian hamster's circadian system to red light.Abbreviations T b body temperature - DD constant darkness - LD light:dark cycle - LL constant light - duration of activity phase - CT circadian time - PRC phase response curve - SCN suprachiasmatic nuclei  相似文献   

Daily intravenous injection of 30 nmol/kg DSIP (delta sleep-inducing peptide) in rats under constant illumination produced marked changes of their motor activity as compared to saline controls. Similar marked but distinctly different effects on the circadian pattern of locomotor behavior partially abolished by constant illumination were also obtained after repeated administration of 0.1 nmol/kg DSIP-P (the phosphorylated analogue of DSIP) which enhanced overall motor activity. In both instances the results additionally differed from those reported for a normal 12 hr light:dark cycle. The present results support the hypothesis that DSIP might primarily act by influencing circadian rhythmicity.  相似文献   

Locomotor activity recordings of Syrian hamsters were systematically analyzed to estimate the precision of the overt circadian activity rhythm in constant darkness. Phase variation, i.e., the standard deviation of phase markers around the regression line, varied with the definition of phase. Smallest phase variation was found in the onset of wheel running activity defined by 1h running means of the raw data. Both lower and higher degrees of smoothing lead to decreased precision measured in the overt rhythm. With passive infrared recordings, the midpoint of activity defined by 3h running means was the least variable. This demonstrates that the choice of phase marker should vary between recording methods. Phase variation decreased with increasing activity and was larger in females than in males. By calculating the average cycle variation and serial covariance of consecutive cycles, we estimated the contribution of 'clock' and 'non-clock' related processes to the overt rhythm variability. Variance in precision between phase markers could be shown to be attributable mainly to nonclock processes. Variance in pacemaker cycle length appeared reduced in wheel running activity records compared with passive infrared sensing records, suggesting feedback from running activity onto pacemaker function.  相似文献   

Lithium is one of the most commonly used drugs in the prophylaxis and treatment of bipolar disorder. It is also known to lengthen circadian period in several organisms. Previously, we reported that there was the association between lengthening circadian period by lithium and GSK-3 protein and its enzyme activity in the mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). In this study, we show that lithium affects the circadian oscillator in young and old hamster SCN, in an age-dependent manner. We found that basal levels of phosphorylated GSK-3 (pGSK-3) protein expression in old hamsters are much lower than that in young hamsters. Furthermore, in the old hamsters, lithium did not affect the period of the locomotor activity rhythm or pGSK-3 expression, while changing period and pGSK-3 in the younger animals. These results indicate that the content of pGSK-3 in the SCN has an important role in age-dependent effects of lithium on the circadian oscillator.  相似文献   

Summary Although pinealectomy or blinding resulted in loss of the clarity of the free-running rhythm of locomotor activity and body temperature and reduced the peak level of circulating melatonin rhythms to approximately a half in intact pigeons, neither pinealectomy nor blinding abolished any of these rhythms. However, when pinealectomy and blinding were combined, the rhythms of locomotor activity and body temperature disappeared in prolonged constant dim light, and melatonin concentration was reduced to the minimum level of detection. In order to examine the role of melatonin in the pigeon's circadian system, it was administered either daily or continuously to PX + EX-pigeons in LLdim. Daily administration of melatonin restored circadian rhythms of locomotor activity which entrained to melatonin injections, but continuous administration did not induce any remarkable change of locomotor activity. These results suggest that melatonin synthesized in the pineal body and the eye contributes to circulating melatonin and its rhythmicity is important for the control of circadian rhythms of locomotor activity and body temperature in the pigeon.Abbreviations LD Light-dark - LLdim constant dim light - LLbright constant bright light - PX pinealectomy - EX blinding - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus  相似文献   

Early environmental conditions may affect the development and manifestation of circadian rhythms. This study sought to determine whether the maintenance of rats under different T-cycles during lactation influences the subsequent degree of dissociation of the circadian rhythms of motor activity and core body temperature. Two groups of 22 day-old Wistar rats were kept after weaning under T-cycles of 22 h (T22) or 23 h (T23) for 70 days. Subsequently, they were kept in constant darkness (DD). Half of the animals in each group were born and reared under these experimental conditions, while the other half were reared until weaning under 24 h LD cycles (T24). Rats transferred from T24 to T22 or T23 showed two circadian components in motor activity and temperature, one entrained by light and the other free-running. In T22, there was also desynchronization between temperature and motor activity. Rats submitted to T23 from birth showed higher stability of the 23 h component than rats transferred from T24 to T23 after weaning. However, in comparison to rats born under T24 and subsequently changed to T22, animals submitted to T22 from birth showed shorter values of the period of the non-light-dependent component during T22, more aftereffects when transferred to DD, and a lack of desynchronization between motor activity and temperature. The results suggest that T-cycles in the early environment may modify overt rhythms by altering the internal coupling of the circadian pacemaker.  相似文献   

Somatostatin is synthesized in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), a circadian pacemaker in mammals. To explore the functional significance of somatostatin in the circadian system, we examined rhythms of rat locomotor activity and electrical firing rate of SCN neurons in the brain slice after temporal depletion of somatostatin levels in the SCN. Intraperitoneal administration of cysteamine (200 mg/kg), a somatostatin depletor, significantly reduced somatostatin level in the in vivo SCN 5 min after injection and kept low level as long as 3 to 4 days. This administration, on the other hand, induced significant phase advances of about 51 min in the subsequent free-running rhythm of locomotor activity of the rat. A marked phase advance in the circadian rhythm of firing rate in the SCN was also observed after administration of cysteamine in coronal hypothalamic slices. These persistent phase shifts after administration of a somatostatin depletor may suggest that the change of somatostatin level in the SCN have a feedback influence on the circadian pacemaker.Abbreviations SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus - AVP arginine-vasopressin - VIP vasoactive intestinal polypeptide - CT circadian time - ZT zeitgeber time - i.p. intraperitoneally - 12L:12D 12 h light and 12 h dark - ANOVA analysis of variance  相似文献   

In the nocturnal field mouse Mus booduga, the responsiveness of the circadian system to UV-A light of 2.5 W/m2 and 30 minutes duration is known to be phase dependent. The results of our experiments indicate that the phase shifts evoked by UV-A at the two phases, CT14 (circadian time 14) and CT20 increases nonlinearly with irradiance. (Chronobiology International, 17(6), 777-782, 2000)  相似文献   

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