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Xinyi Zhang  Zimeng Yu  Pingfang Yang 《Phyton》2023,92(6):1665-1679
Sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) is a typical aquatic plant, belonging to basal eudicot plant, which is ideal for genome and genetic evolutionary study. Understanding lotus gene diversity is important for the study of molecular genetics and breeding. In this research, public RNA-seq data and the annotated reference genome were used to identify the genes in lotus. A total of 26,819 consensus and 1,081 novel genes were identified. Meanwhile, a comprehensive analysis of gene alternative splicing events was conducted, and a total of 19,983 “internal” alternative splicing (AS) events and 14,070 “complete” AS events were detected in 5,878 and 5,881 multi-exon expression genes, respectively. Observations made from the AS events show the predominance of intron retention (IR) subtype of AS events representing 33%. IR is followed by alternative acceptor (AltA), alternative donor (AltD) and exon skipping (ES), highlighting the universality of the intron definition model in plants. In addition, functional annotations of the gene with AS indicated its relationship to a number of biological processes such as cellular process and metabolic process, showing the key role for alternative splicing in influencing the growth and development of lotus. The results contribute to a better understanding of the current gene diversity in lotus, and provide an abundant resource for future functional genome analysis in lotus.  相似文献   

可变剪接是生物重要的转录后修饰过程,是转录组和蛋白组多样性的重要来源.可变剪接参与了植物众多生理过程,包括植物昼夜节律、生长发育等,在植物响应生物和非生物胁迫过程中尤为普遍.近年来,可变剪接被认为是植物抵御病原菌侵染的重要调控机制.本文综述了可变剪接在植物免疫各个层面的调控作用,包括调节重要免疫受体、R基因、激素信号路...  相似文献   

细胞通过基因表达调控来应对外界刺激,其中对基因转录起始和pre-mRNA剪接的调控是基因表达调控的重要环节。越来越多的实验显示基因转录和pre-mRNA剪接这两个过程在时空上密切相关。基因转录能调节剪接模式的选择性,反之剪接过程也影响基因转录。近年来研究发现转录辅调节因子在联系转录和剪接过程中扮演着重要角色。转录辅调节因子对基因表达的调控不仅在于影响转录产物的量,还可以调控pre-mRNA的选择性剪接并产生不同的剪接体,从而翻译出具有不同生物学功能的蛋白质。本文主要阐述了基因转录与剪接之间的关系以及它们之间相互作用的机制,有利于更深入理解基因表达调控的过程。  相似文献   

选择性剪接是基因转录后的mRNA通过不同的剪接方式产生多样性成熟转录本的过程,是真核生物细胞中一种重要的转录后调控方式。植物基因也常通过这种断舍离合的方式产生一专多能的转录本,达到调节多种生命活动的目的。相较于动物,植物中该领域的研究起步较晚,但近年来也取得了长足的进步。该文综述了植物基因选择性剪接的生物学意义、剪接方式和机制、研究方法以及在生长发育与环境胁迫适应性调节中的作用,并展望了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

The cylindrical shape of the fission yeast cell is generated by linear polarized growth from its cell ends. Using immunofluorescence and live imaging microscopy, we have investigated the roles of the cell end marker tea1p in generating linear polarized growth. We found that tea1p is primarily transported on plus ends of microtubules from the vicinity of the nucleus to the cell ends, and that its movement near the nucleus is independent of the kinesin tea2p. Deletion analysis identified a coiled-coil domain in tea1p essential for its retention at cell ends, and demonstrated that tea1p exerts different functions dependent on its location. On the tips of microtubules, tea1p prevents the curling of microtubules around the cell ends, whereas it is required for maintaining linear cell growth and for retention of polarity factors such as the Dyrk kinase pom1p, the CLIP170-like tip1p, and tea2p at the cell ends. We propose that tea1p has roles in organizing the microtubule cytoskeleton on the tips of microtubules, and in the retention of factors at the cell ends necessary for the cell to grow in a straight line.  相似文献   

RNA剪接是真核生物基因表达过程中的重要环节,增加了蛋白质的多样性和基因表达的可调节性. 日益增多的研究表明,RNA剪接并不是独立的生物过程.RNA Ⅱ型聚合酶(RNA polymerase-Ⅱ, RNA Pol Ⅱ)、核小体定位和组蛋白修饰等因素都与RNA剪接过程密切相关.阐明RNA Pol Ⅱ、核小体定位和组蛋白修饰等因素在RNA剪接过程中的作用,将为剪接位点的准确识别和剪接调控机制的研究提供新思路.本文综述了RNA Pol Ⅱ、核小体定位和组蛋白修饰等因素对RNA剪接的影响以及它们在RNA剪接过程中的调控作用.  相似文献   

Chronic pressure-overload cardiac hypertrophy is associated with an increased risk of morbidity/mortality, largely due to maladaptive remodeling and dilatation that progresses to dilated cardiomyopathy. Alternative splicing is an important biological mechanism that generates proteomic complexity and diversity. The recent development of next-generation RNA sequencing has improved our understanding of the qualitative signatures associated with alternative splicing in various biological conditions. However, the role of alternative splicing in cardiac hypertrophy is yet unknown. The present study employed RNA-Seq and a bioinformatic approach to detect the RNA splicing regulatory elements involved in alternative splicing during pressure-overload cardiac hypertrophy. We found GC-rich exonic motifs that regulate intron retention in 5′ UTRs and AT-rich exonic motifs that are involved in exclusion of the AT-rich elements that cause mRNA instability in 3′ UTRs. We also identified motifs in the intronic regions involved in exon exclusion and inclusion, which predicted splicing factors that bind to these motifs. We found, through Western blotting, that the expression levels of three splicing factors, ESRP1, PTB and SF2/ASF, were significantly altered during cardiac hypertrophy. Collectively, the present results suggest that chronic pressure-overload hypertrophy is closely associated with distinct alternative splicing due to altered expression of splicing factors.  相似文献   

激肽原基因的选择性剪接与功能研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周丽伟  马飞  李庆伟 《遗传》2006,28(12):1649-1655
激肽原基因在不同物种中有一定的差异, 其编码的蛋白质产物也有所不同。在人类、牛和小鼠中存在的激肽原基因K是一种选择性剪接基因, 其可以编码两种激肽原产物, 而在大鼠中, 除了激肽原基因K之外还有一类激肽原基因T, 其只能编码一种激肽原。激肽原属于半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂超家族中家族3的成员, 是一类具有多个结构域的多功能蛋白, 在人体内多种功能协同作用, 维持着机体的正常生理状态。激肽原的凝血和抗凝血两种相互拮抗的功能既能使破损的血管得到修复, 防止流血不止, 又能抑制血管内血栓的形成。本文将对目前研究较多的人、牛、小鼠和大鼠的激肽原基因的选择性剪接以及激肽原的凝血、抗凝血等多方面的功能做一综述, 为更进一步地阐明激肽原基因的进化机制, 加深对基因选择性剪接机制的了解, 揭示激肽原功能的认识等方面有所启示, 并为调节血管通透性、调节血压和抗肿瘤等新药的开发提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1):455-460
We propose a hypothesis according to which the reactive and reduced species of oxygen could be the intracellular inducers of the stress (or “heat-shock”) response. This hypothesis is based on the following observations on Drosphila cells: -a) the return to normoxia after 24 h anaerobiosis is suficient to induce the synthesis of the ‘heat shock’ proteins without elevation of temperature together with a rapid increase of O2 consumption; -b) hydrogen peroxide introduced in the culture medium induces the early transcrip-tional activation of the ‘heat shock’ genes (maximal after 5 minutes); -c) hydrogen peroxide added to cellular extracts in vitro (thus acting as an intracellular metabolite) activates instantaneously the binding capacity of a ‘heat shock’ factor to a DNA ‘heat shock’ regulatory element. Thus, hydrogen peroxide, and possibly other reactive reduced species ofoxygen, could trigger the onset of the stress (or ‘heat shock’) response.  相似文献   

心脏基因在心肌中的区域化表达是一个非常普遍的现象,通过转基因动物研究心肌中的转录潜能的区域化已取得了重大的进展.房室转录区域化最早是在线状心管形成时开始出现的.之后,在胚胎心脏的各个部分均可以发现转基因区域化表达.对于转基因在心肌中区域化表达的分子机理的研究,现在主要集中在对转基因调控区域的顺式调控元件和反式调控元件的解析,以及在心肌细胞中对于转录很重要的基因或是已被证明会介导位置信息的基因的表达模式和功能的研究上.  相似文献   

Group II introns are large catalytic RNAs (ribozymes) in the bacteria and organelle genomes of several lower eukaryotes. Many critical photosynthesis-related genes in the plant chloroplast genome also contain group II introns, and their splicing is critical for chloroplast biogenesis and photosynthesis processes. The structure of chloroplast group II introns was altered during evolution, resulting in the loss of intron self-splicing. Therefore, the assistance of protein factors was required for their splicing processes. As an increasing number of studies focus on the mechanism of chloroplast intron splicing; many new nuclear-encoded splicing factors that are involved in the chloroplast intron splicing process have been reported. This report reviewed the research progress of the updated splicing factors found to be involved in the splicing of chloroplast group II introns. We discuss the main problems that remain in this research field and suggest future research directions.  相似文献   

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