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How do the behavioural interactions between individuals in an ecological system produce the global population dynamics of that system? We present a stochastic individual-based model of the reproductive cycle of the mite Varroa jacobsoni, a parasite of honeybees. The model has the interesting property in that its population level behaviour is approximated extremely accurately by the exponential logistic equation or Ricker map. We demonstrated how this approximation is obtained mathematically and how the parameters of the exponential logistic equation can be written in terms of the parameters of the individual-based model. Our procedure demonstrates, in at least one case, how study of animal ecology at an individual level can be used to derive global models which predict population change over time.  相似文献   

The interplay between space and evolution is an important issue in population dynamics, that is particularly crucial in the emergence of polymorphism and spatial patterns. Recently, biological studies suggest that invasion and evolution are closely related. Here, we model the interplay between space and evolution starting with an individual-based approach and show the important role of parameter scalings on clustering and invasion. We consider a stochastic discrete model with birth, death, competition, mutation and spatial diffusion, where all the parameters may depend both on the position and on the phenotypic trait of individuals. The spatial motion is driven by a reflected diffusion in a bounded domain. The interaction is modelled as a trait competition between individuals within a given spatial interaction range. First, we give an algorithmic construction of the process. Next, we obtain large population approximations, as weak solutions of nonlinear reaction–diffusion equations. As the spatial interaction range is fixed, the nonlinearity is nonlocal. Then, we make the interaction range decrease to zero and prove the convergence to spatially localized nonlinear reaction–diffusion equations. Finally, a discussion of three concrete examples is proposed, based on simulations of the microscopic individual-based model. These examples illustrate the strong effects of the spatial interaction range on the emergence of spatial and phenotypic diversity (clustering and polymorphism) and on the interplay between invasion and evolution. The simulations focus on the qualitative differences between local and nonlocal interactions.   相似文献   

Spatially explicit individual-based models are widely used in ecology but they are often difficult to treat analytically. Despite their intractability they often exhibit clear temporal and spatial patterning. We demonstrate how a spatially explicit individual-based model of scramble competition with local dispersal can be approximated by a stochastic coupled map lattice. The approximation disentangles the deterministic and stochastic element of local interaction and dispersal. We are thus able to understand the individual-based model through a simplified set of equations. In particular, we demonstrate that demographic noise leads to increased stability in the dynamics of locally dispersing single-species populations. The coupled map lattice approximation has general application to a range of spatially explicit individual-based models. It provides a new alternative to current approximation techniques, such as the method of moments and reaction-diffusion approximation, that captures both stochastic effects and large-scale patterning arising in individual-based models.  相似文献   

The maintenance of sexual reproduction remains one of the major puzzles of evolutionary biology, since, all else being equal, an asexual mutant should have a twofold fitness advantage over the sexual wildtype. Most theories suggest that sex helps either to purge deleterious mutations, or to adapt to changing environments. Both mechanisms have their limitations if they act in isolation because they require either high genomic mutation rates or very virulent pathogens, and it is therefore often thought that they must act together to maintain sex. Typically, however, these theories have in common that they are not based on spatial processes. Here, we show that local dispersal and local competition can explain the maintenance of sexual reproduction as a means of purging deleterious mutations. Using a spatially explicit individual-based model, we find that even with reasonably low genomic mutation rates and large total population sizes, asexual clones cannot invade a sexual population. Our results demonstrate how spatial processes affect mutation accumulation such that it can fully erode the twofold benefit of asexuality faster than an asexual clone can take over a sexual population. Thus, the cost of sex is generally overestimated in models that ignore the effects of space on mutation accumulation.  相似文献   

This work investigates approaches to simplifying individual-based models in which the rate of disturbance depends on local densities. To this purpose, an individual-based model for a benthic population is developed that is both spatial and stochastic. With this model, three possible ways of approximating the dynamics of mean numbers are examined: a mean-field approximation that ignores space completely, a second-order approximation that represents spatial variation in terms of variances and covariances, and a patch-based approximation that retains information about the age structure of the patch population. Results show that space is important and that a temporal model relying on mean disturbance rates provides a poor approximation to the dynamics of mean numbers. It is possible, however, to represent relevant spatial variation with second-order moments, particularly when recruitment rates are low and/or when disturbances are large and weak. Even better approximations are obtained by retaining patch age information.  相似文献   

When pathogen strains differing in virulence compete for hosts, spatial structuring of disease transmission can govern both evolved levels of virulence and patterns in strain coexistence. We develop a spatially detailed model of superinfection, a form of contest competition between pathogen strains; the probability of superinfection depends explicitly on the difference in levels of virulence. We apply methods of adaptive dynamics to address the interplay of spatial dynamics and evolution. The mean-field approximation predicts evolution to criticality; any small increase in virulence capable of dynamical persistence is favored. Both pair approximation and simulation of the detailed model indicate that spatial structure constrains disease virulence. Increased spatial clustering reduces the maximal virulence capable of single-strain persistence and, more importantly, reduces the convergent-stable virulence level under strain competition. The spatially detailed model predicts that increasing the probability of superinfection, for given difference in virulence, increases the likelihood of between-strain coexistence. When strains differing in virulence can coexist ecologically, our results may suggest policies for managing diseases with localized transmission. Comparing equilibrium densities from the pair approximation, we find that introducing a more virulent strain into a host population infected by a less virulent strain can sometimes reduce total host mortality and increase global host density.  相似文献   

Pine wilt disease is caused by the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, which is vectored by the Japanese pine sawyer beetle Monochamus alternatus. Due to their mutualistic relationship, according to which the nematode weakens and makes trees available for beetle reproduction and the beetle in turn carries and transmits the nematode to healthy pine trees, this disease has resulted in severe damage to pine trees in Japan in recent decades. Previous studies have worked on modeling of population dynamics of the vector beetle and the pine tree to explore spatial expansion of the disease using an integro-difference equation with a dispersal kernel that describes beetle mobility over space. In this paper, I revisit these previous models but retaining individuality: by considering mechanistic interactions at the individual level it is shown that the Allee effect, an increasing per-capita growth rate as population abundance increases, can arise in the beetle dynamics because of the necessity for beetles to contact pine trees at least twice to reproduce successfully. The incubation period after which a tree contacted by a first beetle becomes ready for beetle oviposition by later beetles is crucial for the emergence of this Allee effect. It is also shown, however, that the strength of this Allee effect depends strongly on biological mechanistic properties, especially on beetle mobility. Realistic individual-based modeling highlights the importance of how spatial scales are dealt with in mathematical models. The link between mechanistic individual-based modeling and conventional analytical approaches is also discussed.  相似文献   

Spatially structured ecological interactions can shape selection pressures experienced by a population's different phenotypes. We study spatial competition between phenotypes subject to antagonistic pleiotropy between reproductive effort and mortality rate. The constraint we invoke reflects a previous life-history analysis; the implied dependence indicates that although propagation and mortality rates both vary, their ratio is fixed. We develop a stochastic invasion approximation predicting that phenotypes with higher propagation rates will invade an empty environment (no biotic resistance) faster, despite their higher mortality rate. However, once population density approaches demographic equilibrium, phenotypes with lower mortality are favored, despite their lower propagation rate. We conducted a set of pairwise invasion analyses by simulating an individual-based model of preemptive competition. In each case, the phenotype with the lowest mortality rate and (via antagonistic pleiotropy) the lowest propagation rate qualified as evolutionarily stable among strategies simulated. This result, for a fixed propagation to mortality ratio, suggests that a selective response to spatial competition can extend the time scale of the population's dynamics, which in turn decelerates phenotypic evolution.  相似文献   

We derive an alternative expression for a delayed logistic equation, assuming that the rate of change of the population depends on three components: growth, death, and intraspecific competition, with the delay in the growth component. In our formulation, we incorporate the delay in the growth term in a manner consistent with the rate of instantaneous decline in the population given by the model. We provide a complete global analysis, showing that, unlike the dynamics of the classical logistic delay differential equation (DDE) model, no sustained oscillations are possible. Just as for the classical logistic ordinary differential equation (ODE) growth model, all solutions approach a globally asymptotically stable equilibrium. However, unlike both the logistic ODE and DDE growth models, the value of this equilibrium depends on all of the parameters, including the delay, and there is a threshold that determines whether the population survives or dies out. In particular, if the delay is too long, the population dies out. When the population survives, i.e., the attracting equilibrium has a positive value, we explore how this value depends on the parameters. When this value is positive, solutions of our DDE model seem to be well approximated by solutions of the logistic ODE growth model with this carrying capacity and an appropriate choice for the intrinsic growth rate that is independent of the initial conditions.  相似文献   


In this article we consider diffusion processes modeling the dynamics of multiple allelic proportions (with fixed and varying population size). We are interested in the way alleles extinctions and fixations occur. We first prove that for the Wright–Fisher diffusion process with selection, alleles get extinct successively (and not simultaneously), until the fixation of one last allele. Then we introduce a very general model with selection, competition and Mendelian reproduction, derived from the rescaling of a discrete individual-based dynamics. This multi-dimensional diffusion process describes the dynamics of the population size as well as the proportion of each type in the population. We prove first that alleles extinctions occur successively and second that depending on population size dynamics near extinction, fixation can occur either before extinction almost surely, or not. The proofs of these different results rely on stochastic time changes, integrability of one-dimensional diffusion processes paths and multi-dimensional Girsanov’s tranform.


Mark-recapture methods cannot estimate both mortality and dispersal rates of a wild population simultaneously. However, when an artificially cultured population is released into an area, the initial population size and the initial population distribution are usually known. If artificially cultured individuals are released with marks or distinguished from wild individuals or if no wild individual exists in the study area, we can estimate both the mortality and dispersal rates of the artificial population. The numbers of dispersed and dead individuals are estimated from the dispersal rate from the diffusion model and the total decreasing rate estimated from a mark-recapture data. We can estimate both the time-dependent and time-independent dispersal rates from the data. We choose the best fit model that has the smallest value of Akaike's Information Criteria. We also consider ‘concentric circles approximation” of spatial distribution, in which the cumulative and frequency distributions are analytically obtained.  相似文献   

We describe a mathematically exact method for the analysis of spatially structured Markov processes. The method is based on a systematic perturbation expansion around the deterministic, non-spatial mean-field theory, using the theory of distributions to account for space and the underlying stochastic differential equations to account for stochasticity. As an example, we consider a spatial version of the Levins metapopulation model, in which the habitat patches are distributed in the d-dimensional landscape Rd in a random (but possibly correlated) manner. Assuming that the dispersal kernel is characterized by a length scale L, we examine how the behavior of the metapopulation deviates from the mean-field model for a finite but large L. For example, we show that the equilibrium fraction of occupied patches is given by p(0)+c/L(d)+O(L(-3d/2)), where p(0) is the equilibrium state of the Levins model and the constant c depends on p(0), the dispersal kernel, and the structure of the landscape. We show that patch occupancy can be increased or decreased by spatial structure, but is always decreased by stochasticity. Comparison with simulations show that the analytical results are not only asymptotically exact (as L-->infinity), but a good approximation also when L is relatively small.  相似文献   

Models relating to the species-area curve usually assume the existence of species, and are concerned mainly with ecological timescales. We examine an individual-based model of co-evolution on a spatial lattice based on the tangled nature model in which species are emergent structures, and show that reproduction, mutation and dispersion by diffusion, with interaction via genotype space, produces power-law species-area relations as observed in ecological measurements at medium scales. We find that long-lasting co-evolutionary habitats form, allowing high diversity levels in a spatially homogenous system.  相似文献   

This study addresses interspecific competition for a nutrient resource that is stored within individuals in habitats with both temporal and spatial variation. In such environments, population structure is induced by the mixture at any location of individuals with different amounts of stored nutrient, acquired elsewhere in the habitat. Focusing on phytoplankton competing for phosphorus in a partially mixed water column, an individual-based Lagrangian model is used to represent this population structure, and partial differential equations that approximate competitive dynamics are constructed by averaging over this population structure. Although the approximation model overestimates the benefit of resource storage to competitive fitness, both approaches predict that species with high storage capacity are favored by periodic resource pulses that are short lived but large in magnitude. Such storage specialists can competitively exclude or coexist with species that have advantages in maximal nutrient uptake and population growth rates. For very infrequent resource pulses, competitive dynamics become close to neutral. Thus, persistence of diverse species that are differentiated in nutrient storage and uptake capabilities is favored by resource pulses occurring with periods that are many times the average generation time of competitors.  相似文献   

We study the large population limit of the Moran process, under the assumption of weak-selection, and for different scalings. Depending on the particular choice of scalings, we obtain a continuous model that may highlight the genetic-drift (neutral evolution) or natural selection; for one precise scaling, both effects are present. For the scalings that take the genetic-drift into account, the continuous model is given by a singular diffusion equation, together with two conservation laws that are already present at the discrete level. For scalings that take into account only natural selection, we obtain a hyperbolic singular equation that embeds the Replicator Dynamics and satisfies only one conservation law. The derivation is made in two steps: a formal one, where the candidate limit model is obtained, and a rigorous one, where convergence of the probability density is proved. Additional results on the fixation probabilities are also presented.  相似文献   

The processes by which disease spreads in a population of individuals are inherently stochastic. The master equation has proven to be a useful tool for modeling such processes. Unfortunately, solving the master equation analytically is possible only in limited cases (e.g., when the model is linear), and thus numerical procedures or approximation methods must be employed. Available approximation methods, such as the system size expansion method of van Kampen, may fail to provide reliable solutions, whereas current numerical approaches can induce appreciable computational cost. In this paper, we propose a new numerical technique for solving the master equation. Our method is based on a more informative stochastic process than the population process commonly used in the literature. By exploiting the structure of the master equation governing this process, we develop a novel technique for calculating the exact solution of the master equation--up to a desired precision--in certain models of stochastic epidemiology. We demonstrate the potential of our method by solving the master equation associated with the stochastic SIR epidemic model. MATLAB software that implements the methods discussed in this paper is freely available as Supporting Information S1.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of coexistence of two competing species mediated by the presence of a predator. We employ a reaction-diffusion model equation with Lotka-Volterra interaction, and speculate that the possibility of coexistence is,enhanced by differences in the diffusion rates of the prey and their predator. In the limit where the diffusion rate of the prey tends to zero, a new equation is derived and the dynamics of spatial segregation is discussed by means of the interfacial dynamics approach. Also, we show that spatial segregation permits periodic and chaotic dynamics for certain parameter ranges.  相似文献   

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