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The complete nucleotide sequence of the cDNA insert of the clone pXGL25 derived from the larval beta II-globin mRNA of Xenopus laevis has been determined. The sequence of 593 nucleotides represents part of the 5'nontranslated region, the coding region for 146 amino acids and the entire 3'nontranslated region. It diverges from the related larval beta I-sequence by 24.9% in the coding region. Alignment of the 5' and 3'nontranslated regions of the two related larval beta-sequences to maximum matching resulted in 31.2% and 46.7% divergence, respectively. Divergence between the corresponding adult and larval sequences considerably exceeds that of related larval sequences, suggesting that larval genes may have arisen by gene duplication prior to genome duplication. In contrast to mammalian beta-globin mRNAs, replacement and silent base substitutions are equally abundant, thus indicating less functional constraint on the larval Xenopus laevis beta-globin chains. The larval beta I- and beta II-globins diverge by 30.8% and show most variation in the alpha 1/beta 2-chain interaction sites.  相似文献   

cDNA clones complementary to 9 S poly(A)+ RNA from erythroblasts of anemic larvae and adults of Xenopus laevis have been prepared. Clones, containing at least 400 bp of cDNA, have been analyzed by cross-hybridization and restriction mapping. They were found to comprise four unrelated main groups of sequences (two larval and two adult) and each main group contained two related subgroups. Partial sequence analysis and comparison of restriction data to previously published maps allowed the four main groups to be identified as α- or β-globin sequences. The sequence divergence between the subgroups was determined by melting curves of homo- and heteroduplexes. We found that the larval sequences have diverged twice as far as the adult ones. To account for this result, different hypotheses on globin gene evolution are proposed.  相似文献   

The structural gene for glutathione transferase (XlGSTS1-1) in the amphibia Xenopus laevis has been cloned from an embryo library and its nucleotide sequence has been determined. Open reading frame analysis indicated that xlgsts1 gene encodes the smallest protein of sigma class GST so far identified as being composed of only 194 amino acid residues. The recombinant XlGSTS1-1 shows a narrow range of substrate specificity as well as a significantly lower 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene conjugation capacity than that of squid sigma class GST. To compare the structural and functional differences between the squid and amphibian enzymes, several site-specific mutations were introduced in XlGSTS1-1, i.e., Ser100Asn, Phe102Tyr, Trp143Leu, Phe146Leu, and Trp148Cys. The results obtained indicate that Trp143 and Trp148 are more important determinants for the structural stability of XlGSTS1-1 rather than for its substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Summary We have carried out systematic studies to optimize and standardize methodology to isolate and culture the adult rat ventricular cardiac muscle cell. Four hearts were perfused simultaneously with a calcium-free medium containing collagenase. The ventricular tissue was then minced and further digested to liberate individual cells. Approximately 16 million rod-shaped muscle cells were obtained. The plating efficiency has been greatly improved by culturing the cells in a conditioned medium prepared from a rabbit corneal cell line. This medium also contained added fetal bovine serum, essential and nonessential amino acids, vitamins, insulin, transferrin, and 25 trace minerals. The culture flasks were precoated with rat-tail collagen. Fibroblast contamination was virtually eliminated by including cytosine arabinoside in the medium during the first 7 d of culture. After this time the cells could be cultured in the absence of serum in a chemically defined medium composed of MEM, vitamins, nonessential amino acids, and trace minerals. They continued to contract spontaneously and do well in this medium for at least 3 d thereafter. This improved methodology resulted in a reproducible culture system with improved plating efficiency. It provided a new and unique system to study the structure and function of the adult mammalian ventricular cardiac muscle cell. This investigation was supported by Grant HL 25873 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Summary Methods for the isolation and in vitro culture of larval and adultXenopus laevis epidermal cells have been developed. Epidermal cells of stage 52–54 tadpoles and adult epidermal cells were enzymatically dissociated and purified (98%) by Percoll-density centrifugation and unit-gravity sedimentation. Both cell types attached on fibronectin-coated dishes and proliferated for 1 wk when the proper medium was used. There were four significant differences between larval and adult cells: a) Adult cells had a greater buoyant density than larval cells. b) Keratin synthesis patterns were markedly different. c) A combination of medium F12 and Eagle's minimum essential medium was optimal for growth of larval cells whereas MCDB151 medium was optimal for adult cells. d) Adult cells needed fetal bovine serum (>5%) whereas larval cells grew without fetal bovine serum. In contrast to these differences, larval and adult cells had two similar properties: a) Insulin had a potent effect on the growth of both cells, and b) The optimal Ca++ concentration for cell growth was quite low for both cell types; 0,1 mM for larval cells and below 0.05 mM for adult cells. These results suggest that low Ca++ levels are essential for both cornifying (adult) and uncornifying (larval) amphibian keratinocytes. The culture techniques described herein for larval and adult epidermal cells provide a new in vitro model for analyzing development of the epidermis during amphibian metamorphosis. This study was supported by grant (HD 24438) from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequences for identified prolactin (PRL)-releasing peptides (PrRPs) were conserved in mammals (>90%) or teleost fishes (100%), but there were considerable differences between these classes in the sequence (<65%) as well as in the role of PrRP. In species other than fishes and mammals, we have identified frog PrRP. The cDNA encoding Xenopus laevis prepro-PrRP, which can generate putative PrRPs, was cloned and sequenced. Sequences for the coding region showed higher identity with teleost PrRPs than mammalian homologues, but suggested the occurrence of putative PrRPs of 20 and 31 residues as in mammals. The amino acid sequence of PrRP20 was only one residue different from teleost PrRP20, but shared 70% identity with mammalian PrRP20s. In primary cultures of bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) pituitary cells, Xenopus PrRPs increased prolactin concentrations in culture medium to 130–160% of the control, but PrRPs was much less potent than thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) causing a three- to four-fold increase in prolactin concentrations. PrRP mRNA levels in the developing Xenopus brain peak in early prometamorphosis, different from prolactin levels. PrRP may not be a major prolactin-releasing factor (PRF), at least in adult frogs, as in mammals.  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopic analysis of primary cultures derived from larvalXenopus liver has shown that these cells, although they form only two-dimensional aggregates, retain and presumably also develop structural characteristics typical of liver parenchyma cells, such as bile canaliculi with microvilli and epithelial junctional complexes. As judged from structural criteria, primary cultures contain 80–90% hepatocytes. In contrast to the intact tissue, primary cultures showed excessive development of microfilaments, however.Incorporation of labeled amino acids has revealed further that the capacity for protein synthesis is maintained in culture and that synthesis of liverspecific protein albumin is maintained in vitro, even in liver cultures derived from thyrostatic tadpoles. This latter result suggests that initiation of albumin synthesis in the larval liver is probably not dependent upon thyroid hormones but rather reflects the protodifferentiated state of this tissue.  相似文献   

非洲爪蟾血清白蛋白的分离纯化及胰蛋白酶抑制活性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过凝胶过滤层析及两步阴离子交换层析,从非洲爪蟾(Xenopus laevis)的血清中获得了其68kDa的血清白蛋白。与大蹼铃蟾血清白蛋白相似,非洲爪蟾血清白蛋白也具有抑制胰蛋白酶的活性,但其抑制活力相对较低,180nmol/L的非洲爪蟾血清白蛋白能抑制84%的胰蛋白酶活性(30nmol/L)。经表面等离子共振法获得了其与胰蛋白酶的结合动力学常数,解离平衡常数KD=1.44×10-6mol/L。经Western blot分析发现,非洲爪蟾的皮肤中也分布有血清白蛋白。推测两栖类动物血清白蛋白具有的胰蛋白酶抑制活性可能是其抵御天敌捕食的一种防御措施。  相似文献   

Summary Melanophores from tadpoles of Xenopus laevis (Daudin) were isolated by digestion of tail fins with acetyltrypsin and collagenase and maintained in primary culture for 6 weeks up to 3 months. Within 36 to 72 h the melanophores develop one to eight dendritic processes per cell; secondary and tertiary branchings of the processes were frequently observed. The melanophores in primary culture disperse under the influence of -MSH or cyclic AMP; upon rinsing out these substances the cells aggregate. In darkness, about 40 % of the cells disperse their pigment, whereas under illumination the pigment of the melanophores aggregates. To date, attempts to initiate cell division in melanophores have not been successful.  相似文献   

Summary AHG-associated protein (AHG-a.p.), the antigen of the blood-clotting factor VIII complex, is a specific endothelial cell marker. Primary (p-XTH) and established (XTH-2) endothelial cells from the hearts of Xenopus laevis tadpoles were assayed for the presence of this marker by means of immunological cross-reaction (recognition of common antigenic sites) with antiserum against human AHG-a.p. Radial imtnunodiffusion and rocket immunoelectrophoresis proved to be insufficiently sensitive, whereas immunofluorescence and a newly evaluated ELISA technique gave positive results. The very high sensitivity of the ELISA (less than 1/240000 of the AHG-a.p. in 0.1 ml human standard plasma can be detected) and the removal of interfering proteins by gel filtration also revealed the presence of AHG-a.p. in the fetal calf serum used in the culture medium; earlier investigations into this subject by a one-step radioimmunoassay had reported negative results. Specially adapted XTH-2 cells were grown in a proteinand serum-free hydrolysate medium in order to demonstrate the presence of a Xenopus-derived antigen that was immunoreactive with the anti-human AHG-a.p.  相似文献   

Animal cap assay is a useful experimental model for investigating the activity of inducers in amphibian development. This assay has revealed that activin A is a potent mesoderm-inducing factor. However, it has been very difficult to induce highly differentiated tissues such as cartilage in a 3-4 day culture period. It was recently reported that jaw cartilage was induced in vitro in an animal cap that had been cultured for 14 days in Steinberg's solution using the sandwich culture method and activin A. Under these conditions, necrosis was occasionally observed in the explants. In this study, we have achieved long-term animal cap cultures in a nutrient-supplemented culture medium designated RDX. This medium was made by modifying the saline concentration of the RD medium previously developed as a basal medium for the serum-free culture of various kinds of mammalian cells. The explants cultured in RDX grew more vigorously compared with those in Steinberg's solution. RDX medium promoted a wider variety of tissue induction and gene expression in the animal caps than Steinberg's solution, and also increased the frequency of cartilage induction. Therefore, the supplemental nutrients may support and promote the differentiation of cartilage. This long-term culture method using RDX medium is useful for studying the differentiation of tissues or organs such as cartilage in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary The differentiation of muscles in primary cultures of cells fromDrosophila melanogaster embryos was investigated. In early cultures, and in the absence of exogenous ecdysone, two main classes of muscle were found. Comparison, by light and electron microscopy, of one of these classes (the myotube class) with muscles from third instar larvae shows that this class corresponds to the muscles of the body wall of the larva. When - or -ecdysone is added to the cultures, these undergo a number of metamorphic changes. Most of the larval muscles disappear, and two new types of muscle form. Ultrastructural and light microscopic examination of these two types indicates that they correspond to the two classes of skeletal muscle (fibrillar and tubular) found in adult flies.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-homozygous Xenopus laevis were rendered tolerant to semi-allogeneic antigens by grafting skins of adult frogs during larval stages (larvally induced tolerance), and this tolerant state was compared with the tolerance induced in early thymectomized frogs by the grafting of semi-allogeneic nonlymphoid thymuses (thymus-reconstituted tolerance). In contrast to a total inability of thymus-reconstituted frogs both to reject skins and to exhibit a mixed leukocyte reaction (MLR) against the semi-allogeneic donor, larvally induced tolerant frogs showed a strong MLR against leukocytes of the tolerizing skin donor (split tolerance). Breakdown of the tolerant state in thymus-reconstituted frogs were easily accomplished by inoculation with syngeneic splenocytes, but this breakdown was extremely difficult to achieve in frogs with larvally induced tolerance. The injection of splenocytes from larvally induced tolerant frogs into normal frogs significantly suppressed semi-allogeneic graft rejection in the latter group; no suppression was obtained when splenocytes from thymus-reconstituted frogs were used. In addition, in the thymectomized frogs, recovery of allograft rejection capacity against the pertinent semi-allogeneic antigens were suppressed by the injection of splenocytes from larvally induced tolerant frogs, with the degree of suppression depending on the splenocyte dose. These results indicate that the larvally induced tolerant state is maintained by specifically induced suppressor cells affecting the in vivo allograft response but not the MLR.  相似文献   

Under physiological conditions, the laryngeal synapse of male Xenopus laevis exhibits marked facilitation during repetitive nerve stimulation. The male laryngeal synapse is weak and requires facilitation to produce muscle action potentials and ultimately sound. The female laryngeal synapse is strong: muscle contractions are produced to single nerve stimuli. We sought to determine if laryngeal synapses of males and females also differ in their ability to facilitate. To measure facilitation, laryngeal muscle action potentials were suppressed either postsynaptically by bathing the preparation in saline containing curare or presynaptically by bathing the preparation in reduced calcium/elevated magnesium saline. Facilitation of postsynaptic potential amplitude or quantal content in response to paired pulses was measured in male and female larynges: there is no sex difference in paired pulse facilitation. Facilitation in response to trains of stimuli, in curare-blocked preparations, increased and reached plateau values more rapidly in females than in males, although the facilitation between the last and first pulses in the train was the same in the sexes. Thus, the sexually differentiated behavior of this synapse is controlled more by a sex difference in synaptic strength than by a sex difference in the ability to facilitate. Accepted: 14 June 1997  相似文献   

Isolation and culture of adult hepatocytes from liver biopsies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Hepatocytes were isolated from liver biopsies of rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, and humans. The procedure is based on cannulation of large veins in the cut face of the biopsy, followed by collagenase perfusion. Yields averaged 19×106 viable hepatocytes/g liver. Viability averaged 84%, as determined by trypan blue dye exclusion. Cultures were prepared from the isolated hepatocytes and were found to be comparable in morphology andn-demethylase activity to hepatocyte cultures prepared by the in situ perfusion of the liver. The development of this method should facilitate comparative studies of the cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, and metabolism of foreign chemicals in primary hepatocyte cultures. These studies were supported by Grant 5-ROI-ES01597-02 from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and Regional Research Project CA-D*-ETX-3634-RR(NE115). Dog liver biopsies were provided by Dr. W. Spangler at the Laboratory for Energy-Related Health Research. Unused parts of human liver biopsies were provided by Drs. N. Pimstone and B. Ruebner at the Sacramento Medical Center.  相似文献   

Triiodothyronin (T3) is known to induce amphibian metamorphosis but other hormones such as glucocorticoids accelerate T3 action. The increase in plasma concentration of both T3 and glucocorticoids during metamorphic climax is correlated with the transformation of the epidermis from larval type (uncornified) to adult type (cornified). Previously we have shown that T3 induced adult-type 63 Kd keratin gene expression and cornification of the larval epidermis. In this study, we have examined the effects of T3 and hydrocortisone (HC) on the conversion of larval to adult epidermal cells in vitro. When larval epidermal cells were treated with both T3 and HC, they had a synergistic effect on adult-type keratin synthesis (both 63 Kd and 49 Kd keratins) and epidermal cornification. The synergistic effect between T3 and HC required a pretreatment with T3 for 3 days. During this time, addition of HC to cultures containing T3 did not change the amount of 63 Kd keratin mRNA. Thus, HC did not reduce the lag time for epidermal cells to respond to T3. After 4 days of hormone treatment, T3 increased the amount of 63 Kd keratin mRNA 9-fold while T3 and HC induced it 18-fold. When cultures were pretreated with T3 for 3 days, a 1 day treatment with HC was sufficient to obtain the synergistic effect. Thus the induction of 63 Kd keratin gene expression by T3 required a much longer lag (3 days) than the lag required for the synergistic action of T3 and HC (less than 1 day).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Male sterile mutant from somatic cell culture of rice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Using MS medium supplemented with 6% sucrose and hormones, plantlets were regenerated from the expiants of mature seeds and young panicles of IRs and IR54. Out of 157 regenerated plants (R1), three were found to be male sterile (ms): one from IRs and two from IR54, including a fertile and sterile chimaera. In the second generations (R2) of IR24 and IR54, one line from each segregated into male sterile and fertile plants. These ms plants could be divided into two types with pollen failure: pollen free (without pollen) and pollen abortive. IR24 was a semi-restorer for ms-plants of the pollen free type derived from the second generation of IR54 somaclones. The segregation ratio of fertile: sterile in both R2 of line 91 and the F2 of ms-plant/IR24 fitted the formula 15/161/16 quite well, showing that the male-sterile was controlled by two independent nuclear genes. Until now, as we know, male-sterile could be produced by hybridization or mutagenesis: sometimes it could be found in nature by spontaneous mutation. Recently the cytoplasmic male-sterile of tobacco was produced by protoplast fusion. This is the first paper to report male-steriles in regenerated plants and their offspring obtained from somatic cell culture.Some of the tissue culture and plant regeneration work in this study was conducted at IRRI, Manila  相似文献   

The South African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) can regenerate the anterior half of the telencephalon only during larval life, but such regeneration is no longer possible after metamorphosis. In order to gain a better understanding of differences between larvae and adults that are potentially related to regeneration, several experiments were conducted on larvae and froglets after the partial removal of the telencephalon. As a result, it was found that the cells in the brain proliferated actively, even in non-regenerating froglets, just as was observed in regenerating larvae after the partial removal of the telencephalon. Moreover, it was shown that although the structure was usually imperfect, even isolated single cells derived from the frog brain were able to reconstitute the lost portion when the cells were transplanted to the partially truncated telencephalon. It is therefore likely to be critical for massive organ regeneration that ependymal layer cells promptly cover the cerebral lateral ventricles at an initial stage of wound healing, as is the case observed in larvae. However, in froglets, these cells strongly adhere to one another, and they are therefore unable to move to seal off the exposed ventricle, which in turn is likely to render the froglet brain non-regenerative.  相似文献   

Vertebrate gap junctions are constituted of connexin (Cx) proteins. In Xenopus laevis, only seven different Cxs have been described so far. Here, we identify two new Cxs from X. laevis. Cx28.6 displays >60% amino acid identity with human Cx25, Cx29 displays strong homology with mouse Cx26 and Cx30. Cx29 is expressed throughout embryonic development. Cx28.6 mRNA is only transiently found from stage 22 to 26 of development. While no Cx28.6 expression could be detected by whole mount in situ hybridization, expression of Cx29 was found in the developing endoderm, lateral mesoderm, liver anlage, pronephros, and proctodeum. Ectopic expression of Cx28.6 failed to produce functional gap-junctions. In contrast, ectopic expression of full-length Cx29 in HEK293 and COS-7 cells resulted in the formation of gap junction-like structures at the cell-cell interfaces. Ectopic expression of Cx29 in communication deficient N2A cell pairs led to functional electrical coupling.  相似文献   

We have successfully isolated a novel anoctamin (xANO2), Ca2+-activated chloride channel (ANO1, TMEM16A), from Xenopus laevis. The cDNA sequence was determined to belong to the anoctamin family by comparison with the xTMEM16A sequence in a previous report. Full length cDNA synthesis was performed by repeating 5′- and 3′-rapid amplification of cDNA end (RACE). We successfully completed the entire cDNA sequence and transiently named this sequence xANO2. The xANO2 cDNA is 3884 base pair (bp) long and codes 980 amino acid (aa) proteins. According to an aa homology search using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST), xANO2 showed an overall identity of 92% to xTMEM16A (xANO1) independently sub-cloned in our laboratory. A primary sequence of xANO2 revealed typical characteristics of transmembrane proteins. In tissue distribution analysis, the gene products of anoctamins were ubiquitously detected by real-time PCR (RT-PCR). The expression profiles of each anoctamin were different among brain, oocytes, and digestive organs with relatively weak expression. To clarify the anoctamin activity, physiological studies were performed using the whole cell patch-clamp technique with HEK293T cells, enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), and expression vectors carrying anoctamins. Characteristics typical of voltage-dependent chloride currents were detected in cells expressing both xANO2 and xTMEM16A but not with EGFP alone. Sensitive reactions to the anion channel blocker niflumic acid (NFA) were also revealed. Considering these results, xANO2 was regarded as a new TMEM16A belonging to the Xenopus anoctamin family.  相似文献   

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