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DNA sequence of the D-serine deaminase activator gene dsdC.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We have determined the DNA sequence of dsdC, the gene that encodes the D-serine deaminase activator protein of Escherichia coli K-12. The sequence contains a single open reading frame that terminates in a UGA codon. One the basis of the size of the protein, 33 kilodaltons, and the amino acid sequence encoded by the open reading frame, we identified a likely translation initiation codon 731 base pairs upstream of the translation initiation codon for the divergently transcribed D-serine deaminase gene. There is a broad range of codon usage, not surprising in view of the weak expression of the gene. The N-terminal two-thirds of the activator is arginine-lysine rich and quite polar; the remainder is more neutral. The segment of the protein that seems most likely to have potential to form the helix-turn-helix structure characteristic of DNA-regulatory proteins is located near the end of the polar region. The protein contains a region with significant homology to lambda attB.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP is required for optimal synthesis of D-serine deaminase synthesis from dsdO+ templates and for optimal hyperinducible synthesis from low constitutive dsdO templates both in vitro and in vivo. Neither D-serine, cyclic AMP, nor dsdC activator has an effect on expression of a high constitutive dsdO template. The synthesis of the dsdC activator itself in vitro is independent of cyclic AMP. Guanosine tetraphosphate does not have a significant effect on in vitro D-serine deaminase synthesis from dsdO+ or dsdO templates. A previously described class of dsdO mutants showing partial catabolite sensitivity of constitutive D-serine deaminase synthesis proved to be low dsdO types. They all contain a low constitutive dsdC mutation; the two effects are additive with regard to level of constitutivity, but only that portion of synthesis attributable to the dsdC mutation is cyclic AMP dependent.  相似文献   

L Lin  R Bitner    G Edlin 《Journal of virology》1977,21(2):554-559
Lambda lysogens of Escherichia coli reproduce more rapidly than nonlysogens during aerobic growth in glucose-limited chemostats. If the environment is changed to anaerobic growth, the situation is reversed, and the lysogen reproduces more slowly than the nonlysogen. Based on a tetrazolium dye assay, the increased fitness of the lambda lysogen during aerobic growth seems to result from a continued high metabolic rate as glucose becomes limiting, whereas the metabolic rate of the nonlysogen declines. The lambda rex gene is required for the growth advantage of lysogens since lack of rex function causes lambda lysogens to lose their reproductive advantage over nonlysogens.  相似文献   

Summary Transient heat induction of lambda prophage permits the synthesis of integration enzymes which can insert a superinfecting homoimmune phage into the bacterial chromosome. The integration system is stable for 1 h in growing cells.  相似文献   

We purified the dsdC gene product, the specific activator of dsdA (D-serine deaminase) gene expression, to about 25% homogeneity from a strain in which its expression was amplified 100-fold. The purification involved, successively: DNase and high-salt treatment of cell extracts, DNA-cellulose chromatography, and Dyematrex (Amicon Corp.) column chromatography. We identified the protein as a discrete spot on two-dimensional O'Farrell gels after the DNA-cellulose step and quantitated it by densitometry. The active form was found to be a dimer. We estimated that there were eight activator dimers per wild-type cell. The activator is a slightly basic protein, with an experimental Km for its ligand D-serine of about 7 X 10(-6)M. The low concentration of the activator in wild-type cells and its autorepression may explain the previously observed partial dominance of dsdC+ in dsdCc/dsdC+ merodiploids.  相似文献   

Summary A mutant strain of Escherichia coli K 12 is described, which exhibits thermosensitive regulation of D-serine deaminase synthesis. The mutant is distinct in its physiological properties from i TL and i TSS mutants of the lac systems, although it has elements of similarity with both. A model is presented to explain its properties.  相似文献   

Summary Two distinct phases characterized by different levels of immunity that appear in some E. coli strains lysogenic for reduced immunity mutants of bacteriophage lambda are identified as single and tandem double lysogens respectively on the basis of DNA-DNA hybridization experiments and the requirement of the phage xis function for the transition from a single to a double, and of the host recA function for the transition from a double to a single lysogen (in a xis - condition). Rim lysogens with a further increase in immunity, containing some 5 copies of the lambda genome per host genome, have also been observed.It is argued that the different levels of immunity are a direct reflection of the CI gene dosage effect.An unexplained finding is that rim single lysogens yield double lysogens with a frequency of near 1% per generation, whereas cured cells fail to appear even at a frequency 100 times lower.  相似文献   

W K Maas  R Maas    E McFall 《Journal of bacteriology》1995,177(2):459-461
The presence of the locus for D-serine deaminase (dsd) renders bacteria resistant to growth inhibition by D-serine and enables them to grow with D-serine as the sole nitrogen source. The two properties permit stringent selection in genetic crosses and make the D-serine deaminase gene an excellent marker, especially in the construction of strains for which the use of antibiotic resistance genes as selective markers is not allowed.  相似文献   

RNA synthesized in vitro by enzyme-template complexes isolated from λ lysogens at early or late times following induction has been shown by competition-hybridization procedures to resemble messenger RNA transcribed in vivo at the same stage of viral development, and to differ from RNA made in vitro by purified Escherichia coli RNA polymerase. It is demonstrated here that RNA synthesis by such complexes involves elongation of chains which have been started in vivo, rather than initiation of new RNA chains in vitro.  相似文献   

Cells of E. coli that are recA+ and lex+ show a phenomenon of induced radioresistance. A preexposure to ultraviolet light, or ionizing radiation followed by incubation to allow protein synthesis, followed by treatment with rifampin to prevent further induction, renders the cells resistant to further doses of radiation. When this is attempted with lambda lysogens of the same strains, no radioresistance is seen, even though the preexposure is too small to induce lambda itself. If the lysogens are ind-, namely lambda C1857, about the normal radioresistance can be developed by pretreatment. These findings suggest that the lambda repressors can bind to single-strand breaks caused by the inducing agent and can modify the course of induction.  相似文献   

Stable RNA of Escherichia coli was extensively degraded about 40 min after thermal induction of lysogenized lambda cI857 phages at 42 degrees C. When several nuclease-deficient host cells were tested, RNase I activity in the host cells was inferred to be involved in the RNA degradation. Ribosomal structure was detectably altered before the degradation of ribosomal RNA was observed. 30S and 50S subunits began to sediment at 25-28S and 45-58S, respectively, still containing intact RNA. Nonpermissive host cells lysogenized with lambda cI857 susR produced progeny phages in normal burst size after thermal induction and then degraded stable RNA, though they were not lysed. In contrast cells lysogenized with lambda cI857 susS produced ten times more progeny phages under the same condition, but did not degrade stable RNA. These results indicate that the lambda S gene product, which acts as a positive effector of lysis, induced the degradation of stable RNA, presumably by a still uncharacterized effect on the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

Megacins A-216 and A-19213 in Bacillus megaterium are plasmid encoded, as shown by analysis of cured, non-megacinogenic (Meg-) derivatives of strains 216 and ATCC 19213 and by polyethylene glycol-mediated protoplast transformation of Meg- bacteria with plasmid DNA. The results of both techniques implicated a 31-megadalton plasmid, pBM309, in megacin A-216 production and a 29-megadalton plasmid, pBM113, in megacin A-19213 production.  相似文献   

A single-site mutant of Escherichia coli K-12 able to grow in minimal medium in the presence of D-serine at 30 C but not at 42 C was isolated. The mutant forms a D-serine deaminase that is much more sensitive to thermal denaturation in vitro at temperatures above but not below 47 C than that of the wild type. No detectable enzyme is formed by the mutant at 42 C, however, and very little is formed at 37 C. The mutant enzyme is probably more sensitive to intracellular inactivation at high temperatures than the wild-type enzyme. The mutation lies in the dsdA region. The mutant also contains a dsdO mutation, which does not permit hyperinduction of D-serine deaminase synthesis.  相似文献   

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