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Events in the life cycle of migrant birds are generally time‐constrained. Moult, together with breeding and migration, is the most energetically demanding annual cycle stages, but it is the only stage that can be scheduled at different times of the year. However, it is still not fully understood what factors determine this scheduling. We compare the timing of primary feather moult in relation to breeding and migration between two populations of Eurasian golden plover Pluvialis apricaria, the continental population breeding in Scandinavia and in N Russia that migrates to the Netherlands and southern Europe, and the Icelandic population that migrates mainly to Ireland and western UK. Moult was studied at the breeding grounds (N Sweden, N Russia, Iceland) and at stopover and wintering sites (S Sweden, the Netherlands). In both populations, primary moult overlapped with incubation and chick rearing, and females started on average 9 d later than males. Icelandic plovers overlapped moult with incubation to a larger extent and stayed in the breeding grounds until primary moult was completed. In contrast, continental birds only moulted the first 5–7 primaries at the breeding grounds and completed moult in stopover and wintering areas, such as S Sweden and the Netherlands. This overlap, although rare in birds, can be understood from an annual cycle perspective. Icelandic plovers presumably need to initiate moult early in the season to be able to complete it at the breeding grounds. The latter is not possible for continental plovers as their breeding season is much shorter due to a harsher climate. Additionally, for this population, moulting all the primaries at the stopover/wintering site is also not possible as too little time would remain to prepare for cold‐spell movements. We conclude that environmental conditions and migration strategy affect the annual scheduling of primary feather moult in the Eurasian golden plover.  相似文献   

Long-distance migrants have evolved complex strategies for the timing of their annual moult, fattening and migration cycles. These strategies are likely to vary at different stages of a bird's life. Ringing data on 6079 Grey Plovers Pluvialis squatarola , caught on the Wash, England, between 1959 and 1996, were analysed to relate migratory strategies to patterns of primary moult and body mass changes. Adults returning from breeding grounds had a shorter and delayed primary moult (duration 90 days, starting date 19 August) in comparison with over-summering birds (duration 109 days, starting date 5 June). Three categories of migrant adults were identified on the basis of primary moult and body mass: (1) birds which did not moult, but increased body mass and migrated further south; (2) birds which moulted 1–3 inner primaries, suspended moult, increased body mass and migrated; and (3) birds which completed or suspended moult and wintered locally. In birds of the second category, timing of primary moult and body mass increase overlapped. Among wintering birds, 38% were in suspended moult. Ninety-six per cent of birds that suspended moult at the beginning of winter were males and almost all completed moult in spring. Grey Plovers which left Britain in autumn had an average body mass of 280 g, enough to reach southern Morocco without refuelling. Both wintering adults and first-year birds showed a prewinter body mass increase, peaking in December. Adults had a synchronized premigratory body mass increase in May, which suggested a negligible presence of African migrants. The average departure mass for spring migration, estimated at 316 g, would allow birds to fly non-stop to the Siberian breeding grounds in western Taymyr.  相似文献   

Growth is a fundamental life history trait in all organisms and is closely related to individual fitness. In altricial birds, growth of many traits is restricted to the short period between hatching and fledging and strongly depends on the amount of food that parents deliver and the extent of hatching asynchrony. However, empirical studies of energy allocation to growth of different body size traits as a function of hatching asynchrony are scarce. We studied growth and mortality of Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops, a species with a long breeding season and high brood size variance, whose nestlings show pronounced hatching asynchrony, in order to test how hatching asynchrony affects different growth traits in the context of territory quality, season and brood size. The growth of five body traits (body mass, and lengths of tarsus, third primary, bill and longest crest feather) was investigated to understand how it was affected by brood size, hatching date and order, and territory quality. In total, 241 nestlings from 39 nests were measured every 4 days in 2014 in south‐western Switzerland. Brood size, hatching date and hatching order had the strongest influence on growth trajectories, although tarsus growth was only marginally affected by these variables. Nestlings that hatched earlier than their siblings were heavier and had longer third primaries, bills and crest feathers compared with later‐hatched siblings. In territories of high quality, hatching order differences disappeared for body mass growth, but persisted for lengths of third primary, bill and crest feathers. Brood size was inversely associated with third primary, bill and crest feather lengths, but positively associated with body mass. Nestling mortality was higher in later‐hatched nestlings and in broods that were raised in territories of lower quality. Our study shows that in nestlings, energy was allocated differentially between body traits and this allocation interacted with hatching order and territory quality. Rapid mass gain by nestlings was prioritized in order to increase competitive ability. Our results provide support for the brood reduction hypothesis as an explanation of hatching asynchrony in Hoopoes.  相似文献   

From August to December, thousands of Black‐necked Grebes Podiceps nigricollis concentrate during the flightless moult period in salt ponds in the Odiel Marshes, southern Spain, where they feed on the brine shrimp Artemia parthenogenetica. We predicted that because Black‐necked Grebes moulted in a food‐rich, predator‐free environment, there would be no net loss of body mass caused by the use of fat stored to meet energy needs during remigial feather replacement (as is the case for some other diving waterbirds). However, because the food resource disappears in winter, we predicted that grebes moulting later in the season would put on more body mass prior to moult because of the increasing risk of an Artemia population crash before the moult period is completed. Body mass determinations of thousands of birds captured during 2000–2010 showed that grebes in active wing‐moult showed greater mass with date of capture. Early‐moulting grebes were significantly lighter at all stages than late‐moulting birds. Grebes captured with new feathers post‐moult were significantly lighter than those in moult. This is the first study to support the hypothesis that individual waterbirds adopt different strategies in body mass accumulation according to timing of moult: early‐season grebes were able to acquire an excess of energy over expenditure and accumulate fat stores while moulting. Delayed moulters acquired greater fat stores in advance of moult to contribute to energy expenditure for feather replacement and retained extra stores later, most likely as a bet hedge against the increasing probability of failing food supply and higher thermoregulatory demands late in the season. An alternative hypothesis, that mass change is affected by a trophically transmitted cestode using brine shrimps as an intermediate host and Black‐necked Grebes as final host, was not supported by the data.  相似文献   

Growing evidence suggests that structural feather colours honestly reflect individual quality or body condition but, contrary to pigment‐based colours, it is not clear what mechanism links condition to reflectance in structural feather colours. We experimentally accelerated the moult speed of a group of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) by exposing them to a rapidly decreasing photoperiod and compared the spectral characteristics of their structural feather colours with those of control birds. Blue tits were sexually dimorphic on the UV/blue crown and on the white cheek feathers. Moult speed, however, dramatically reduced brightness and the saturation only on the UV/blue crown feathers, whereas structural white on the cheek feathers was basically unaffected by moult speed. Given that the time available for moulting is usually confined to the period between the end of the breeding season and migration or wintering, UV/blue colours, but not structural white, may convey long‐term information about an individual’s performance during the previous breeding season. The trade‐off between fast moulting and structural colour expression may represent a previously unrecognized selective advantage for early‐breeding birds.  相似文献   

Environmental constraints are strong in migratory species that breed in the Arctic. In addition to breeding, Anatidae have to renew all their flight feathers during the short arctic summer. We examine how temporal constraints and climate affect the phenology of flight feather moult in the greater snow goose Chen caerulescens atlantica, a High Arctic nesting species. We used a database of 1412 moulting adult females measured over 15 yr on Bylot Island, Nunavut. Ninth (9th) primary length was used to determine the moult stage and speed of feather growth. We found a positive relationship between median annual hatching and moult initiation dates and the slope did not differ from 1. The interval between hatching and moult initiation was thus rather fixed and geese did not initiate moult earlier when reproductive phenology was delayed. Nonetheless, there was no relationship between median hatching date and the date at which birds regained flight capacity, suggesting that date of end of moult is independent of the reproductive phenology. There was a trend for an increase in the speed of flight feather growth in years with delayed hatching date. This is the most likely mechanism that could explain moult phenology adjustment in this species. Finally, we found a positive relationship between 9th primary length (corrected for inter‐annual variations) and body condition, suggesting a delay in moulting for individuals in poor condition. These results suggest that moult plasticity is primarily governed by variations in feather growth speed. This phenotypic plasticity could be necessary to complete flight feather renewal before the end of the arctic summer, independently of reproductive phenology and spring environmental conditions. Our novel results suggest possible phenological adjustments through moult speed, which was considered constant in geese until now.  相似文献   

Many species of waterfowl undergo a post‐breeding simultaneous flight feather moult (wing moult) which renders them flightless and vulnerable to predation for up to 4 weeks. Here we present an analysis of the correlations between individual time‐budgets and body mass states in 13 captive Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis throughout an entire wing moult. The daily percentage of time spent resting was positively correlated with initial body mass at the start of wing moult. Behaviour of individual birds during wing moult is dependent on initial physiological state, which may in turn be dependent on foraging ability; the storage of energy before the start of wing moult will help birds to reduce exposure to the dangers of predation.  相似文献   

Alistair Dawson 《Ibis》2004,146(3):493-500
In many species of birds there is a close relationship between the end of breeding and the start of moult. Late-breeding birds therefore often start to moult late, but then moult more rapidly. This is an adaptive mechanism mediated by decreasing day lengths that allows late-breeding birds to complete moult in time. This study asked how these birds complete moult of the primary feathers more rapidly, and the consequences of this on the mass of primary feathers. Common Starlings Sturnus vulgaris were induced to moult rapidly in one of two ways. In the first experiment, one group was exposed to artificially decreasing photoperiods from the start of moult, whereas the control group remained on a constant long photoperiod. The second experiment was a more realistic simulation. Two groups were allowed to moult in an outdoor aviary. One group started to moult at the normal time. In the other, the start of moult was delayed by 3 weeks with an implant of testosterone. The duration of moult was significantly reduced in both the group experiencing artificially decreasing photoperiods and the group in which the start of moult was delayed. The faster moult rate was achieved by moulting more feathers concurrently. The rate of increase in length of each of the primary feathers, and their final length, did not differ between groups. The rate at which total new primary feather mass was accumulated was greater in more rapidly moulting birds, but this was insufficient to compensate for the greater numbers of feathers being grown concurrently. Consequently, the rate of increase in mass of individual feathers, and the final feather mass, were less in the rapidly moulting birds. A 3-week delay in the start of moult is not an unrealistic scenario. That this caused a measurable decrease in feather mass suggests that late-breeding birds are indeed likely to suffer a real decrease in the quality of plumage grown during the subsequent moult.  相似文献   

Timing and duration of primary moult in three populations of Purple Sandpipers Calidris maritima were described and discussed in relation to the birds’ need to complete moult before the onset of winter, when resources are required for survival. We predicted that moult would be completed earlier by birds wintering at higher latitudes. The south Norwegian breeding population, which moults and winters along the coast of east Britain (54–57°N) had a mean starting date of 21 July for primary moult (16 July for females and 24 July for males), a mean duration of 61 days, and completed on 20 September. Resident Icelandic (64–65°N) birds had a mean starting date of 22 July for primary moult (17 July for females and 25 July for males), a mean duration of 51 days, and completed on 11 September. Birds moulting in north Norway (70°N) arrived in north Norway in suspended primary moult or without having started moult, and completed it there. They had a mean completion date of 2 November for primary moult (31 October for females and 3 November for males). Starting date and duration could not be estimated because some suspended moult for an undetermined period, but it was thought that they started in late August. It is likely that most originated from Russia. The onset of moult appears to be set by the end of breeding and there is little overlap in these two events. The earlier start of moult by females in all three populations may be because they abandon the males when the chicks hatch, leaving the males to attend the chicks. Although the duration of primary moult followed the expected trend, being fastest in north Norway and slowest in Britain, the onset of moult was so late in north Norway that they had an unexpectedly late completion date, despite their rapid moult. The late completion of primary moult in north Norway suggests that wintering in the far north may not pose the energetic constraints on Purple Sandpipers that had previously been supposed.  相似文献   

Individual variation in the degree of feather wear is potentially a useful marker of individual quality or fitness, but next to nothing is known about causes and fitness consequences of feather wear in birds. We studied the effects of sex, age, year and experimental manipulation of brood size on primary feather wear in Collared Flycatchers Ficedula albicollis , and related variation in degree of feather wear to differences in fitness (viz. recruitment, survival). At the end of the breeding period, females and young birds had more worn flight feathers than males and adult birds, and the sexual difference in the degree of feather wear was particularly pronounced in one of the two study years. Experimental reduction of brood size reduced the degree of primary feather wear, whereas experimental enlargement of brood size did not lead to increased feather wear. In both sexes, there was a clear tendency for very old (>5 years old) birds to have more worn feathers than middle aged birds. The individual differences in the degree of feather wear were not correlated with individual differences in recruitment rate of young, but survival probability to the next breeding season increased with increasing degree of feather wear.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that moult speed affects plumage quality. In many bird species, males and females differ in terms of breeding effort, survival expectation and the relationship between fitness and plumage quality. Consequently, differences in moult strategies between the sexes can be expected. The aim of this study was to assess whether, under simulated time constraints and with no parental investment in the previous breeding season, males and females differed in: a) timing and duration of primary moult, b) growth rates of individual primary feathers, and c) number of concurrently growing feathers. We investigated the effect of time constraints generated by a treatment consisting of two decreasing photoperiods (slow changing photoperiod, SCP=2 min day?1 and fast changing photoperiod, FCP=8 min day?1) on the primary post‐nuptial moult of captive rock sparrows Petronia petronia. Females started to moult on average 14 and 15 days later than males in both experimental groups. Primary moult duration was 10 (FCP) and 24 (SCP) days longer in males than in females, and, within sex, 34 (females) and 48 (males) days longer in SCP birds than in FCP ones. Females renewed a larger number of primaries simultaneously (5.7% in FCP and 12.8% in SCP) and had a higher total daily feather mass grown (9.9% in FCP and 22.4% in SCP), even though daily growth rates of individual primaries did not differ between sexes. As a result, males and females completed their primary moult at the same time within treatment. The observed differences in timing, duration and energy allocation for primary moult between the sexes probably have a genetic basis, as birds did not engage in reproduction during the preceding breeding season.  相似文献   

Here we investigate the change in feather quality during partial post‐juvenile and complete post‐breeding moult in great tit Parus major by measuring the change in the number of fault bars and feather holes on wing and tail feathers. Feathers grown during ontogeny usually are of lower quality than feathers grown following subsequent moults at independence. This is reflected by higher number of fault bars and feather holes on juveniles compared to adults. Fault bars are significantly more common on tail and proximal wing feathers than on the distal remiges, indicating a mechanism of adaptive allocation of stress induced abnormalities during ontogeny into the aerodynamically less important flight feathers. On the contrary, feather holes produced probably by chewing lice have a more uniform distribution on wing and tail feathers, which may reflect the inability of birds to control their distribution, or the weak natural selection imposed by them. The adaptive value of the differential allocation of fault bar between groups of feathers seems to be supported by the significantly higher recapture probability of those juvenile great tits which have fewer fault bars at fledging on the aerodynamically most important primaries, but not on other groups of flight feathers. The selection imposed by feather holes seems to be smaller, since except for the positive association between hatching date, brood size and the number of feather holes at fledging, great tits' survival was not affected by the number of feather holes. During post‐juvenile moult, the intensity of fault bars drops significantly through the replacement of tail feathers and tertials, resulting in disproportional reduction of the total number of fault bars on flight feathers related to the number of feathers replaced. The reduction in the number of fault bars during post‐juvenile moult associated with their adaptive allocation to proximal wing feathers and rectrices may explain the evolution of partial post‐juvenile moult in the great tit, since the quality of flight feathers can be increased significantly at a relatively small cost. Our results may explain the widespread phenomenon of partial post‐juvenile moult of flight feathers among Palearctic passerines. During the next complete post‐breeding moult, the total number of fault bars on flight feathers has remained unchanged, indicating the effectiveness of partial post‐juvenile moult in reducing the number of adaptively allocated fault bars. The number of feather holes has also decreased on groups of feathers replaced during partial post‐juvenile moult, but the reduction is proportional with the number of feathers moulted. In line with this observation, the number of feather holes is further reduced during post‐breeding moult on primaries and secondaries, resulting in an increase in feather quality of adult great tits.  相似文献   

Moult speed constrains the expression of a carotenoid-based sexual ornament   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated the effect of moult speed on the expression of a sexually selected, carotenoid-based feather ornament in the rock sparrow (Petronia petronia). We experimentally accelerated the moult speed of a group of birds by exposing them to a rapidly decreasing photoperiod and compared the area and the spectral characteristics of their ornaments with those of control birds. Birds with accelerated moulting rate showed a smaller yellow patch with lower yellow reflectance compared to their slow-moulting counterparts. Considering that the time available for moulting is usually constrained between the end of the breeding season and migration or wintering, carotenoid feather ornaments, whose expression is mediated by moult speed, may convey long term information about an individual's condition, potentially encompassing the previous breeding season. Furthermore, the observed trade-off between moult speed and ornament expression may represent a previously unrecognized selective advantage for early breeding birds.  相似文献   

Carry-over effects take place when events occurring in one season influence individual performance in a subsequent season. Blood parasites (e.g. Plasmodium and Haemoproteus) have strong negative effects on the body condition of their hosts and could slow the rate of feather growth on the wintering grounds. In turn, these winter moult costs could reduce reproductive success in the following breeding season. In house martins Delichon urbica captured and studied at a breeding site in Europe, we used ptilochronology to measure growth rate of tail feathers moulted on the winter range in Africa, and assessed infection status of blood parasites transmitted on the wintering grounds. We found a negative association between haemosporidian parasite infection status and inferred growth rate of tail feathers. A low feather growth rate and blood parasite infections were related to a delay in laying date in their European breeding quarters. In addition, clutch size and the number of fledglings were negatively related to a delayed laying date and blood parasite infection. These results stress the importance of blood parasites and feather growth rate as potentially mechanisms driving carry-over effects to explain fitness differences in wild populations of migratory birds.  相似文献   

We used banding and resighting records of 391 African Penguins Spheniscus demersus banded as chicks and later resighted during immature moult to explain the roles of date of fledging and age at moult in determining the season of moult and its timing within the season. Breeding was continuous, but immature moult occurred mainly during spring and summer. Age at immature moult extended over 11 months, from 12 to 23 months after hatching. Birds that fledged during summer and early autumn generally moulted during the next moult season (squeezers), whereas birds that fledged in late autumn, winter and spring skipped the next moult season to moult only the following season (skippers). There was a significant relationship between age at moult and moult date, with young birds moulting later in the season than older birds. The age at moult of immature birds appears to be constrained by minimum age, moult seasonality and plumage wear. Birds that fledged over nearly 2 years moult during one season. Counts of moulting immature African Penguins have not been used to estimate year-class strength and post-fledging survival owing to the wide range of ages at immature moult. Our results provide the means of assigning recruits to specific age groups.  相似文献   

Data from 3659 waders of 23 species live-trapped in the years 1971-73 on the Atlantic coast of Morocco during the period of autumn moult and migration are analysed to estimate duration and timing of primary moult. Common Sandpiper was the only species to moult primaries in its first autumn (unless published ageing criteria are incorrect). Several species showed a low incidence of arrested primary moult and a higher incidence was observed in Ringed, Kentish and Grey Plovers. This is discussed in relation to breeding and migration. Similar rates of primary feather replacement relative to specific moult duration were observed in all species for which information was available. Comparisons between species and with published studies showed that variations in rate of moulting between species and between different geographical populations of the same species were largely due to differences in feather growth rate rather than in the numbers of primaries concurrently in growth. Variations in rate between individuals of the same population were achieved, at least in the first part of moult, by differences in feather dropping rate resulting in differences in the numbers of primaries growing concurrently. The timing and duration of moult in different populations and differences between breeding and non-breeding components were closely related to the requirements of other annual cycle activities, notably breeding and migration. Non-breeding birds summering in Morocco had started moult early. Locally breeding birds had an early start to a fairly slow moult which overlapped with breeding and which in some cases passed through an arrested stage. Birds breeding in cold temperate and arctic regions and wintering in Morocco moulted in a short time soon after arrival. In some cases, notably in Ringed Plovers, birds had commenced moulting on the breeding grounds and arrested moult during migration. Most Redshank and possibly Dunlin migrated in active wing moult. The fastest primary moult was achieved by high arctic breeding birds, Curlew Sandpiper and possibly Little Stint, which stopped to moult in Morocco before moving on to wintering areas further south. This situation is contrasted with that of populations of these two and other species wintering in the southern hemisphere where moult occurs over an extended period during the northern winter.  相似文献   

Many birds undergo seasonal changes in plumage coloration by prebreeding moult, abrasion of cryptic feather tips, or both. Seasonal dichromatism is thought to result from optimizing coloration to the conflicting demands of different life-cycle periods, sexual selection for conspicuousness being substantial during the mating season, whereas selection for camouflage and for social signals may act in all seasons. Furthermore, energetic and time demands may constrain the extent of moult, thereby limiting colour change. We investigated the relative importance of several factors in shaping this variation in a songbird clade using phylogenetic comparative methods. We found that prebreeding moult relates most strongly to breeding onset and winter diet, demonstrating that both time and food availability constrain feather replacement. Feather abrasion was best predicted by winter flocking behaviour, and secondarily by open habitats, implying that exposure to predators and the simultaneous need for social signalling may favour the expression of partially obscured ornaments in the non-breeding season. The combined occurrence of prebreeding moult and feather abrasion was associated with the polygynous mating system, suggesting that species under strong sexual selection may employ both strategies of colour change to ensure the full expression of breeding coloration.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 711–721.  相似文献   

Patterns of feather wear in birds captured in spring have traditionally been analysed to describe the extent of winter moult in long‐distance migrants. However, the interpretation of feather wear may be rendered extremely difficult due to long moult periods, by the progress of the season, and by the existence of complex moult patterns. Here, stable isotope analysis is used to determine the origin of the wing feather generations present in Savi's warblers Locustella luscinioides captured in Portugal. Carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen isotope ratios of feathers of known European origin differed significantly from those known to have grown in Africa. A discriminant analysis, in which 91.1% of the cross validated samples were correctly classified, was used to determine the origin of tail and wing feathers collected from birds caught when they returned to the breeding quarters. The interpretation of feather‐wear generally agreed with the stable isotope analysis, but some inconsistencies were identified. The extent of winter moult in Savi's warblers is described and its moult strategy discussed.  相似文献   

I. Newton 《Ibis》1966,108(1):41-67
The distribution of feather tracts and their sequence of moult in the Bullfinch is described. The adult post-nuptial moult, which is complete, lasted 10–12 weeks, and the post-juvenile moult, which is partial, 7–9 weeks. Adult moult began with the shedding of the first (innermost) primary and ended with the replacement of the last. Variations in the rate of moult in the flight feathers were mainly achieved, not by changes in the growth rates of individual feathers, but in the number of feathers growing concurrently. The primaries were shed more slowly, and the onset of body moult delayed, in birds which were still feeding late young. In 1962, the onset of moult in the adults was spread over 11 weeks from thc end of July to the beginning of October, and in the two following years over the six weeks, from the end of July to the beginning of September. The onset of moult was delayed by late breeding, which itself occurred in response to a comparative abundance of food in late summer, markedly in 1962. In all years, the first juveniles to moult started at the end of July, and the last, three weeks after the latest adults. Juveniles moulting late in the season retained more juvenile feathers than those moulting earlier. During moult, adult and juvenile Bullfinches produce feathers equivalent to 40% and 33% respectively of their dry weights. In both, for much of the moult, an average of nearly 40 mgm. of feather material—some 0.6% of their dry-weight–is laid down each day. The remiges of the adult comprise only a seventh of the weight of the entire plumage, and it is suggested that their protracted moult results not so much from their energy requirements, as from the need to maintain efficient flight. Variation in the rate of moult in the remiges was much less pronounced than in the body feathers. Bullfinches were less active during moult than at other times of the year. The weights of both adults and juveniles increased during moult. The food during the moult period is described. In all years, most Bullfinches finished moulting just before food became scarce, even though this occurred at different times in different years. In one year, adults moulting latest in the season probably survived less well than those moulting earlier; the same was apparently true of the juveniles in all years. The timing of moult in the Bullfinch, and the factors initiating it, are discussed in relation to the breeding season and foodsupply near Oxford.  相似文献   

The energetically challenging periods of molting and breeding are usually temporally separated in temperate birds, but can occur simultaneously in tropical birds, a condition known as molt–breeding overlap. Here, we document great variation in the timing and duration of molting and breeding, and in the extent of molt–breeding overlap, among 87 species of understory passerines in central Amazonia. We analyzed molt and breeding from 26 871 birds captured over a 30‐yr period near Manaus, Brazil. Although most species typically bred during the late dry season (about October through January), many thamnophilids apparently bred year‐round, whereas a few other species from a variety of families bred mainly during the wet season (about January through May). Of all breeding birds with an active brood patch, 12.7% were simultaneously molting. Molt–breeding overlap was more frequently observed among suboscines (13.3%), especially thamnophilids (23.0%), than oscines (6.4%). Some families had <5% molt–breeding overlap frequency, including Tyrannidae (4.4%), Tityridae (0.0%), Pipridae (1.5%), Turdidae (0.0%), and Thraupidae (0.0%), indicating that not all tropical species exhibit molt–breeding overlap. Among 31 well‐sampled species (n ≥15 brood patches), variation in molt–breeding overlap frequency was positively correlated with each species’ average duration of flight feather replacement (range 98–301 d). We also measured feather growth rates of individual birds in nine species; in five of these, slower‐growing feathers increased with an individual's probability of having molt–breeding overlap. Among furnariids, molt–breeding overlap occurred either at the beginning or end of the molt cycle, suggesting that physiological mechanisms typically separate molting from breeding. Thamnophilids showed a much different pattern; molt–breeding overlap occurred at any stage of feather replacement, apparently not regulated to be independent of breeding. These results reveal substantial life‐history variation among Amazonian birds. Future work to resolve the physiological regulation of molting and breeding in tropical birds will greatly contribute to understanding these patterns and their relevance to avian diversity.  相似文献   

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