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Summary Three series of near-isogenic wheat lines differing in dwarfing alleles, in the varietal backgrounds of Maris Huntsman, Maris Widgeon and Bersee, and the F2 grain on intravarietal F1 hybrids, produced with a chemical hybridising agent, were examined for grain size and protein content. Individual F2 grains from Rht1/rht, Rht2/rht and Rht3/rht F1 spikes were classified for Rht genotype by assaying embryo half grains in a gibberellic acid seedling response test, while the remaining half was used for protein determination. Mean grain weight and protein percentage were lower in all homozygous isogenic lines and the Rht/rht F1 hybrids than in the respective tall lines, in an allele dose-dependent manner. In all the hybrids, the Rht genotype of individual F2 grains, which segregated within the spikes of F1 plants, had no significant effects on grain weight or protein. Consequently, the pleiotropic effects of the Rht alleles on these yield and quality components must be attributed to their presence in maternal plant tissues rather than in the endosperm or embryo tissues of individual grains.  相似文献   

Summary Differences in levels of resistance toSeptoria tritici blotch were observed in plants with a specific height-reducing gene. When the gene Rht 2 was present either as an isoline or in the progeny, a higher degree of resistance was found. The most susceptible plants were observed in populations carrying the Rht 1 gene. Associations, as determined by phenotypic correlations, were detected betweenSeptoria tritici blotch and tall stature, late heading, and maturity. Plants having short stature, early heading, early maturity, and acceptable levels of resistance were identified in the F2 population whenRht 2 was present. Results of this study indicated that wheat breeders must select the appropriate dwarfing source that may confer resistance and grow large F2 populations, in order to increase the probability of obtaining desired genotypes.  相似文献   

The question of whether or not to partition data for the purposes of inferring phylogenetic hypotheses remains controversial. Opinions have been especially divided since Kluge's (1989, Systematic Zoology 38, 7–25) claim that data partitioning violates the requirement of total evidence (RTE). Unfortunately, advocacy for or against the RTE has not been based on accurate portrayals of the requirement. The RTE is a basic maxim for non-deductive inference, stipulating that evidence must be considered if it has relevance to an inference. Evidence is relevant if it has a positive or negative effect on a given conclusion. In the case of ℈partitioned’ phylogenetic inferences, the RTE is violated, and the basis for rational belief in any conclusion is compromised, unless it is shown that the partitions are evidentially irrelevant to one another. The goal of phylogenetic systematics is to hypothesize past causal conditions to account for observed shared similarities among two or more species. Such inferences are non-deductive, necessitating consideration of the RTE. Some phylogeneticists claim the parsimony criterion as justification for the RTE. There is no relation between the two – parsimony is a relation between a hypothesis and causal question(s). Parsimony does not dictate the content of premises prior to an inference. ℈Taxonomic congruence,’ ℈supertrees,’ and ℈conditional combination’ methods violate the RTE. Taxonomic congruence and supertree methods also fail to achieve the intended goal of phylogenetic inference, such that ℈consensus trees’ and ℈supertrees’ lack an empirical basis. ℈Conditional combination’ is problematic because hypotheses derived from partitioned data cannot be compared – a causal hypothesis inferred to account for a set of effects only has relevance to those effects, not any comparative relevance to other causal hypotheses. A similar problem arises in the comparisons of hypotheses derived from different causal theories.  相似文献   

Wheat production in many wheat-growing regions is vulnerable to stem rust, caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt). Several previous studies showed that most of the durum cultivars adapted to the upper Great Plains in the USA have good resistance to the major Pgt pathotypes, including the Ug99 race group. To identify the stem rust resistance (Sr) genes in the durum cultivar ‘Lebsock’, a tetraploid doubled haploid (DH) population derived from a cross between Lebsock and Triticum turgidum ssp. carthlicum PI 94749 was screened with the Pgt races TTKSK, TRTTF, and TTTTF. The stem rust data and the genotypic data previously developed were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with resistance. We identified one QTL each on chromosome arms 4AL, 6AS, 6AL, and 2BL. Based on marker and race-specification analysis, we postulated that the QTL on 4AL, 6AS, 6AL, and 2BL correspond to Sr7a, Sr8155B1, Sr13, and likely Sr9e, respectively. The results indicated that most of the US durum germplasm adapted to the upper Great Plains likely harbors the four major Sr genes characterized in this study. Among these genes, Sr8155B1 was recently identified and shown to be unique in that it conferred susceptibility to TTKSK but resistance to variant race TTKST. Two, three, and one thermal asymmetric reverse PCR (STARP) markers were developed for Sr7a, Sr8155-B1, and Sr13, respectively. Knowledge of the Sr genes in durum germplasm and the new STARP markers will be useful to pyramid and deploy multiple Sr genes in future durum and wheat cultivars.  相似文献   

The Ediacara biota are an enigmatic group of Neoproterozoic soft-bodied fossils that mark the first major radiation of complex eukaryotic and macroscopic life. These fossils are thought to have been preserved via pyritic “death masks” mediated by seafloor microbial mats, though little about the chemical constraints of this preservational pathway is known, in particular surrounding the role of bioavailable iron in death mask formation and preservational fidelity. In this study, we perform decay experiments on both diploblastic and triploblastic animals under a range of simulated sedimentary iron concentrations, in order to characterize the role of iron in the preservation of Ediacaran organisms. After 28 days of decay, we demonstrate the first convincing “death masks” produced under experimental laboratory conditions composed of iron sulfide and probable oxide veneers. Moreover, our results demonstrate that the abundance of iron in experiments is not the sole control on death mask formation, but also tissue histology and the availability of nucleation sites. This illustrates that Ediacaran preservation via microbial death masks need not be a “perfect storm” of paleoenvironmental porewater and sediment chemistry, but instead can occur under a range of conditions.  相似文献   

??Antonovka?? has long been recognised as a major source of scab (Venturia inaequalis) resistance useful for apple breeding worldwide. Both major gene resistances in the form of the Rvi10 and Rvi17 and quantitative resistance, collectively identified as VA, have been identified in different accessions of ??Antonovka??. Most of the ??Antonovka?? scab resistance used in apple-breeding programmes around the world can be traced back to Schmidt ??Antonovka?? and predominantly its B VIII progenies 33,25 (PI 172623), 34,6 (PI 172633), 33,8 (PI 172612) and 34,5 (PI 172632). Using genetic profile reconstruction, we have identified ??common ??Antonovka?? ?? as the progenitor of the B VIII family, which is consistent with it having been a commercial cultivar in Poland and the single source of scab resistance used by Dr. Martin Schmidt. The major ??Antonovka?? scab resistance genes mapped to date are located either very close to Rvi6, or about 20?C25?cM above it, but their identities need further elucidation. The presence of the 139?bp allele of the CH-Vf1 microsatellite marker known to be associated with Rvi17 (Va1) in most of the ??Antonovka?? germplasm used in breeding suggests that it plays a central role in the resistance. The nature and the genetic relationships of the scab resistance in these accessions as well as a number of apple cultivars derived from ??Antonovka??, such as, ??Freedom??, ??Burgundy?? and ??Angold??, are discussed. The parentage of ??Reglindis?? is unclear, but the cultivar commercialised as ??Reglindis?? was confirmed to be an Rvi6 cultivar.  相似文献   

The development of the emerging field of ‘paleovirology’ allows biologists to reconstruct the evolutionary history of fossil endogenous retroviral sequences integrated within the genome of living organisms and has led to the retrieval of conserved, ancient retroviral genes ‘exapted’ by ancestral hosts to fulfil essential physiological roles, syncytin genes being undoubtedly among the most remarkable examples of such a phenomenon. Indeed, syncytins are ‘new’ genes encoding proteins derived from the envelope protein of endogenous retroviral elements that have been captured and domesticated on multiple occasions and independently in diverse mammalian species, through a process of convergent evolution. Knockout of syncytin genes in mice provided evidence for their absolute requirement for placenta development and embryo survival, via formation by cell–cell fusion of syncytial cell layers at the fetal–maternal interface. These genes of exogenous origin, acquired ‘by chance’ and yet still ‘necessary’ to carry out a basic function in placental mammals, may have been pivotal in the emergence of mammalian ancestors with a placenta from egg-laying animals via the capture of a founding retroviral env gene, subsequently replaced in the diverse mammalian lineages by new env-derived syncytin genes, each providing its host with a positive selective advantage.  相似文献   

The influence of nodal rooting on branching was studied in three evolutionarily and morphologically diverse species of prostrate clonal herbs: Tradescantia fluminensis (a monocotyledonous extreme ‘phalanx’ species), Calystegia silvatica (a dicotyledonous extreme ‘guerrilla’ species) and Trifolium repens (a dicotyledonous intermediate species). In all three, branch development from axillary buds is regulated by a positive signal produced by roots together with inhibitory influences from both pre-existing branches and shoot apical buds (apical dominance). Responses to nodal roots are cumulative and increased root activity leads to more vigorous bud outgrowth. In the absence of nodal roots, a single basal root system is unable to maintain continued extension growth of the shoot. We suggest that as individual nodal roots and stem internodes are both short-lived in these nodally-rooting clonal species, the plants’ investment in them is minimal. Thus, in contrast to perennial species lacking nodal roots, individual root systems in prostrate clonal herbs are small and stems have little secondary thickening and development of long-distance transport tissues. Hence the decline in extension growth of the shoot in the absence of nodal roots could be linked to the weak development of long-distance transport tissues in their relatively thin horizontal stems and to resource sharing between primary stems and lateral branches (as suggested by the greater retardation of primary stem growth in the more profusely branched ‘phalanx’ species (Trifolium and Tradescantia) than in the weakly branched ‘guerrilla’ species, Calystegia). These findings are consistent with the view that the long-term persistence of genotypes of nodally-rooting prostrate species is dependent upon them encountering the moist conditions required to facilitate the continual development of new young nodal root systems.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of wheat ω-gliadin genes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The DNA sequences of two full-length wheat ω-gliadin prolamin genes (ωF20b and ωG3) containing significant 5′ and 3′ flanking DNA sequences are reported. The ωF20b DNA sequence contains an open reading frame encoding a 30,460-Dalton protein, whereas the ωG3 sequence would encode a putative 39,210-Dalton protein except for a stop codon at amino-acid residue position 165. These two ω-gliadin genes are closely related and are of the ARQ-/ARE-variant type as categorized by the derived N-terminal amino-acid sequences and amino-acid compositions. The ω-gliadins were believed be related to the ω-secalins of rye and the C-hordeins of barley, and analyses of these complete ω-gliadin sequences confirm this close relationship. Although the ω-type sequences from all three species are closely related, in this analysis the rye and barley ω-type sequences are the most similar in a pairwise comparison. A comparison of ω-gliadin flanking sequences with respect to that of their orthologs and with respect to wheat gliadin genes suggests the conservation of flanking DNA necessary for gene function. Sequence data for members of all major wheat prolamin families are now available. Received: 24 August 2000 / Accepted: 15 December 2000  相似文献   

Acid polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis (A-PAGE) of ethanol-soluble proteins from the endosperm of bread and durum wheats reveals some bands encoded by genes on the homoeologous group-1 chromosomes with higher mobility than the -gliadins. The isolation of these proteins showed that they were the previously described 25-kDa globulins encoded by genes at the Glo-A1, Glo-B1, and Glo-D1 loci. The variability found among a collection of 51 bread and 81 durum wheats was very low: two allelic variants at Glo-A1 and no variants at Glo-B1 in each of the two species, and two allelic variants at Glo-D1 in bread wheat. Inheritance studies of 25-kDa globulin genes on group-1 chromosomes of bread and durum wheat were carried out on the F2 progeny from four crosses, two in bread wheat and two in durum wheat. The linkage mapping of the 1A 25-kDa globulin genes of bread wheat was done based on four prolamin loci: Glu-A1, Glu-A3, Gli-A1 and Gli -A3. The percentages of recombination and the distances found allowed a re-evaluation of the linkage map of endosperm protein loci on this chromosome. The Glo-A1 locus was found to be located at the distal end of the short arm of 1A chromosome, at a distance of 5.23±1.99 cM from Gli-A1, 6.85±2.22 cM from Glu-A3, 22.64±3.62 cM from Gli-A1, and at a recombination percentage of 49.30±4.40 from Glu-A1. A similar distance between Gli-A1 and Glo-A1 (4.82±1.75 and 6.66±2.26 cM) was found in durum wheat. The distance between Gli-D1 and Glo-D1 on chromosome 1D was 2.86±1.39 cM.  相似文献   

At low concentrations, smoke–water (SW) and smoke-derived karrikinolide (KAR1) are compounds with potential cytokinin and auxin-like activity. Their roles on the growth, photosynthetic pigment and phenolic contents of micropropagated ‘Williams’ bananas were investigated in comparison with meta-topolin (mT). Explants were cultured on modified Murashige and Skoog basal media supplemented with either SW (1:125; 1:250; 1:500; 1:1,000; 1:2,000 dilutions) or KAR1 at four concentrations ranging from 4.8?×?10?22 to 3.3?×?10?12?M. After 42?days, growth parameters were measured while the photosynthetic pigments and phenolic contents were quantified using spectrophotometric methods. Chlorophyll a, b and total carotenoid contents were significantly enhanced by KAR1 (4.8?×?10?22?M) and SW (1:125 and 1:1,000 dilutions). The pigments in KAR1-treated plantlets were approximately two-fold to three-fold higher than those in the control and mT-treated plants, respectively. Total phenolic content was highest with KAR1 at 1.0?×?10?19?M in the leaves and 7.8?×?10?17?M in the roots. Furthermore, KAR1-treated plants at 1.0?×?10?19?M yielded the highest level of total phenolics (leaves) and proanthocyanidins (roots). At 1:500 dilutions, SW stimulated the highest total flavonoid content in the leaves across all the treatments. Combining mT with either SW (1:500) or KAR1 (4.8?×?10?22?M) significantly increased the quantity of secondary metabolites. However, the growth parameters and pigment contents were not improved. Based on the significant role of photosynthetic pigments and phenolic compounds on the defense and survival strategies of plants, current findings will have practical significance for important processes such as acclimatization and survival of micropropagated plants. These results are also demonstrating the potential of SW and KAR1 as an eliciting agent for secondary metabolite production.  相似文献   

The chromosomal locations of genes for resistance to stem rust (Puccinia graminis Pers.: Pers. f. sp. tritici Eriks. & E. Henn.) in the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar ‘Waldron’ (WDR) were determined by monosomic analyses. Wheat lines WDR-B1, -C2, -E4, and -F1,which have single genes for resistance to stem rust derived previously from WDR sel. ‘Little Club’, were crossed onto a complete set of 21 ‘Chinese Spring’ monosomics. The F2 and backcross-F1 (BC1F1) seedlings from each of the 84 crosses were tested for reaction to culture 111-SS2 (CRL-LCBB) of stem rust, and a few selected segregants were analyzed cytologically for chromosome number. The F2 from 2 crosses of WDR-C2, -E4 and -F1 and the BC1F1 from 2 crosses of WDR-F1 were tested also with culture Or11c (CRL-QBCN). Significant deviations from disomic ratios towards monosomic ratios in the F2 and BC1F1 were used to determine which chromosomes carried the genes for resistance. Cytological analyses of certain BC1F1 and susceptible F2 plants were used to help identify the location of the genes for rust resistance. WDR-B1 has a gene, herein designated Sr41, for resistance on chromosome 4D. WDR-C2 has a gene on chromosome 7 A that may be the same as one previously designated SrWld2. WDR-E4 has a gene on chromosome 2A, possibly SrWld1, which is effective against most or all North American stem rust cultures. WDR-F1 has a gene on chromosome 6B that is the same as or similar to Sr11.  相似文献   

Summary A library of wheat genomic DNA HpaII tiny fragments (HTF), sized below 500 bp, has been constructed. Of the clones in the library 80% belong to the single/low-copy category, while 12% of the clones are nuclear repetitive sequences and 8% originate from the chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA. This result shows a substantial enrichment in the single/low-copy sequences of the wheat genome, which contains at least 80% repetitive sequences. Twenty-nine random single/lowcopy clones were analysed further for wheat chromosome location, cross-hybridisation to barley DNA and their association with rare-cutting, C-methylation-sensitive restriction sites. The results show that the HTF clones are associated more frequently than expected with NotI, MluI, NruI and PstI sites in wheat and barley genomic DNA. The 12% repetitive fraction of the clones contain both moderately and highly repetitive sequences, but no tandemly repeated sequences. The level of enrichment for single/low-copy sequences indicates that libraries of this type are a valuable source of probes for RFLP mapping. In addition, the close association of the HTF clones with rare-cutting restriction enzyme sites ensures that HTF clones will have a useful role in the construction of long-range physical maps in wheat.  相似文献   

A survey and analysis is made of all available ω-gliadin DNA sequences including ω-gliadin genes within a large genomic clone, previously reported gene sequences, and ESTs identified from the large wheat EST collection. A contiguous portion of the Gli-B3 locus is shown to contain two apparently active ω-gliadin genes, two pseudogenes, and four fragments of the 3′ portion of ω-gliadin sequences. Comparison of ω-gliadin sequences allows a phylogenetic picture of their relationships and genomes of origin. Results show three groupings of ω-gliadin active gene sequences assigned to each of the three hexaploid wheat genomes, and a fourth group thus far consisting of pseudogenes assigned to the A-genome. Analysis of ω-gliadin ESTs allows reconstruction of two full-length model sequences encoding the AREL- and ARQL-type proteins from the Gli-A3 and Gli-D3 loci, respectively. There is no DNA evidence of multiple active genes from these two loci. In contrast, ESTs allow identification of at least three to four distinct active genes at the Gli-B3 locus of some cultivars. Additional results include more information on the position of cysteines in some ω-gliadin genes and discussion of problems in studying the ω-gliadin gene family. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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